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3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

Quit growing your audience immediately and focus on these 3 things instead.

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Without Relying On Social Media


Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

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132. 2024 LinkedIn Marketing Strategy and Social Media Update

On this episode we’re getting into the nitty gritty of Team TPN’s LinkedIn Marketing Strategy and other social media platforms because there have been….

drum roll….

….some changes brewing in this department.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Get The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and learn:

  • My 3 criteria for if/when to allocate time to social media marketing
  • Best practices for creating viral marketing posts on LinkedIn that are working NOW
  • The big marketing change we’re making at TPNHQ later this year

Links mentioned:


Andrea Nordling 00:00
Hello, my friend, welcome back to the profitable nutritionist Podcast. Today we are talking
about the profitable nutritionist as a brand and our LinkedIn strategy for 2024, which is a little
bit different than last year, which I’m going to be talking all about. And then giving a little
update on the social media state of affairs around here. If you are new here, you may not know
that at the profitable nutritionist, we have not been on social media for a very long time, years,
in fact, and all of the strategies that I teach to my students inside the profitable nutritionist
program apply outside of any social media platform. So it’s all organic marketing strategies.
And that is what I also use in my business. But we’re expanding a little bit around here and
making some changes. So this episode is me explaining some of those strategies. And kind of
getting into the nitty gritty of it. This is actually a continuation of Episode 129, kind of a
component, I guess, of the big picture seven figure content marketing strategy for the
profitable nutritionist business that I explained in that episode. So if you would like more of the
big picture, you can go back to Episode 129. That is linked up in the show notes for this episode
as well. But like I said, Today, I want to get into the nitty gritty of our LinkedIn marketing
strategy around here and other social media platforms, because like I said, there have been
some changes over the last few months in this department here at TPN HQ. Before we get
started, I want to say start the free course, if you have not done so already, you can do it at the
profitable nutritionist.com/free That’s going to get you on the profitable nutritionist email list so
that you are the first to hear all of the big announcements coming to the email subscribers,
including a very big announcement that we have coming in a few weeks about something
brand new, I’ve never done before, that is coming your way in May. And the only way to hear
about it is going to be if you’re getting emails from TPN. So like I said, go to the profitable
nutritionist.com/free. And sign up for the free course if you have not done so already. So that
you don’t miss those important announcements that are coming, I cannot wait I’m just bubbling
over to tell you all about. Okay, back to the business at hand, which is all of the social media,
all of the LinkedIn all of the things 2024 is the year that my business is kind of back on social
media after three years of absolutely zero profiles, zero personal business profiles at all. And
only because we can check three boxes on three very specific criteria that I’m going to explain
in a second. For me, there’s three things that have to happen for this to be possible. But before
I get into that, I want to say I have a little note on this social media or no social media topic,
because I do think that this gets misconstrued sometimes since I talk so openly about why I
don’t want to personally be on social media. I don’t think it’s bad. Sometimes I have students in
my programs that are a little sheepish, like, oh, they don’t want to admit that they’re on social
media, that they’re marketing their for their business, or they’re there personally, I don’t care.
Okay, I don’t think it’s bad to be on social media or market your business there. But I would
encourage you to run those decisions through all three of these filters and see if these three
things are true for you. First of all, if you’re getting leads there, a lead is someone that you can
contact. Okay. So is it great for you to be marketing on social media? Well, I don’t know are you
getting leads there first criteria. Number two, is your call to action, something that’s going to
ultimately get people off of that platform and onto your email list that you own from your
website. And that can’t get taken away from you and can’t get censored. Because really a huge
issue with social media, for health and wellness practitioners of all different varieties is that
censorship is very, very real. And the things that we tend to talk about are highly sensible, and
hot button issues. And you may think that you are talking about things that are completely
within the norm. And little do you know, maybe you link to a website that someone somewhere
has decided is against certain standards that nobody knows about that are ambiguous and
changing by the day. And little do you know that just linking to a website somewhere or
mentioning a topic could ultimately get you shadow banned or censored? And we see this a lot.
So second criteria is, are you getting people those leads off of that platform and onto a
platform that you are in control of like your website, and ultimately your email list so that they
can’t get taken away from you, and you own that database? If that is true, you’re getting leads
there. Your call to action is getting them onto your own email list then number three, is is it not
taking time away from your other massive business actions, aka you’re doing the other big
priorities first, before you get lost in the scroll on social media. I really, really want to offer to
everyone that’s listening to this if you do market your business on social media, that that
should not be the first thing that you do when you get to your desk on Monday morning. That
shouldn’t be the first thing or any morning for that matter. Do the other big stuff first, and let
that be something that you do at the very end the last priority because those platforms are
designed to sell QM to get you lost in the scroll to waste a ton of time. And it feels very
productive. But most of the time isn’t as productive as other things you could be doing. So
those are my three criteria. And for me, these three things are true. So I have a little bit of a
change around here that I’m gonna tell you all about today. Again, here’s a recap, you’re
getting leads there, your call to action is getting them on your own email list from your own
website. And it’s not taking time away from your other massive business priorities. Okay, I did a
recent podcast episode, Episode 128. That’s called nine ways to market your business without
social media. So if you want more of my thoughts on this topic, and how to get more traction in
your business without relying on any external social media platforms, that would be a great one
to listen to. I also have that one linked up in the show notes for you. But this episode, like I said,
is a deeper dive into the change in the social media presence for me personally, and the
profitable nutritionist company, because we can check these three boxes, we’re getting leads,
they’re either coming off that platform and onto our website and email us and is not taking
time away from other business actions or priorities for me or for my team. Now, basically, in the
long term, I will not be on the platform at all. And that is a personal preference for me, because
I just don’t want to spend time lost in the scroll. And there’s definitely a way to do that as a
business owner. So for my business, it will be me not creating any content, basically just
running ads to a lead magnet on my website or to content on my website. Some of that will be
directly lead magnets, some of it will be very high value articles, blog content, some podcast
episodes, some other ways that people find valuable information for me, and then ultimately
get invited to my email list. Okay, so that’s what I am looking at, when I’m talking about social
media. It’s not me creating reels or doing videos or any of that. It’s literally just running ads on
the platform. So any and all interactions that happen on those platforms, and I’m talking
specifically Facebook and Instagram here, those will be managed by someone else on my team,
not by me. So that’s the very simplified version. And I’ll go through and update you on all the
nuances of this strategy in this episode, and how it’s all coming together. So that’s kind of what
we’re talking about. But all that to say, you can start the ripple of people spreading the word on
your behalf, and getting referrals to your business, and leveraging other people’s audiences
and attracting strangers from the Internet. In other ways, all without social media, if that’s what
you want to do, it is your business. I’ve done this very, very successfully for many years. And
I’ve taught a lot of people how to do that. So just know it is your business, you get to structure
it whatever way you want to. And regardless of whether you want to use social media platforms
at all, you should get into the profitable nutritionist program where we’ll work backwards to
create systems and processes to support whatever type of business you want to have and grow
and market and what strategies you want to use. That’s what we do in the program. Okay, so
by the way, you can find out information on the program at the profitable nutritionist.com/join,
where you will see the next enrollment dates in May. And if you’re listening to this in the future,
you’ll always see the next enrollment dates and you’ll be able to join the waitlist there. So
that’s the profitable nutritionist.com/join. Okay, are you ready for a little backstory on how this
has all evolved? From 2015 to 2020, I was actually 2020 slash 2021. I was doing all of the social
media platforms, it was late 2020, early 2021 When I started deleting and deactivating, so kind
of bridged to those two years. But from 2015 When I started my holistic nutrition practice, I was
all the platforms, okay, I was on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, had a LinkedIn profile, random
YouTube videos, all of the things I was doing them. I’ve never been on tic tac, I gotta be honest,
I’ve never been on there. But otherwise, I think I probably have done all of the platforms,
because that’s what I was told to do. That’s what everyone was doing. It was all the strategy
that was everywhere. It was all the social media. So I did that. And it completely burned out. I
hated it. I wasn’t consistent, I didn’t enjoy it made me feel hypocritical. And it just wasn’t
bringing positive into my life to do that. So I decided at the end of 2020 and into early 2021, to
not be on social media personally anymore at all, and to also deactivate all of my business
profiles. So there was no more social media for Andrea Nordling personally, or my business at
all, from February 2021. That’s when that ultimately was all done, like wash the hands, no
social media at all. To July of 2023, there was no social media for me personally or for my
business. And I was doing a lot of other things instead, okay, I was getting a lot of referrals from
my happy clients, something I also teach in the DPN program. I was doing paid email
marketing, so I was running, paid emails to databases that were already serving my target
audiences. I would just love to encourage anyone who may have a potential to do the same
thing that it is a wonderful opportunity to approach professional organizations that have paid
members and are trying to serve their member base to ask if you can support their health. If
you can think of an EBIT, you can profession All organizations that are serving people that you
would like to work with, you should figure out how to do some paid or maybe even free
marketing in their emails and host a workshop or do some sort of outreach to that audience.
Because what I have learned in the last four years of doing this myself, is that professional
organizations that have paying members need to serve them, they need to give value to that
member base. And they’re very, very happy to have contributors to do that. So it’s a great
advertising mechanism. Okay, so I’ve was doing lots of that. In my business. I’ve also done lots
of in person marketing, I have had booths at trade shows and professional conferences, that
kind of thing. I did one most recently at the NA NP, which is the National Association of nutrition
professionals, obviously, that is loaded with potential clients for me. And I think even more
valuable than that it’s loaded with other colleagues and referral sources with the other vendors.
So I think that doing in person events, and in person marketing is highly underrated, for the
fact that you get to connect with so many other potential referral partners with the other
vendors that are there. So that’s a great opportunity. I’ve done lots of that. I’ve also done
private webinars and workshops for nutrition schools, and nutrition classes and cohorts. Again,
these were through referrals through clients that were introducing me to their professors, and
to other colleagues, I mean, parallel business partners, and a lot of that comes through
referrals. So when your clients are getting good results, people talk about it. So funniest thing,
it’s almost like people have been running businesses, way before social media and being
successful with it wouldn’t you know, the old fashioned way still works. So that’s what I was
doing. From February 2021, to July 2023, I was doing all of those things, rinse and repeat,
spreading the word, and it was working really, really well. So my business has grown quite a bit
in that amount of time, it’s been very steady, organic growth. And I’ve been able to build a
team in the background that is supporting this business as it grows, I’ve learned a lot done a lot
of podcasts episodes about that, as well. I’ve learned a lot about running a team and running a
profitable business where you are paying other people to do the things. Ah, and now it is a new
era, because now I have this team that is able to help me with things like social media, and I do
have the bandwidth, I feel like for me and for my team. So when I say we it’s like all of us as an
organization, to approach getting back on some of these social media platforms and running
ads there. Like I said, for me, I have no desire to create any content, I have no desire to do any
engagement there personally. But I really do want to run ads on those platforms. And I know
that I have so many potential clients that have never heard about TPM, they’ve never heard
about this podcast, and it’s time to reach them. So with the team in place, I am ready to do
that. And as of July of last year, July 2023. We started by getting back on LinkedIn. And I did an
entire episode on that episode 98, and the following episode 99, for this strategy on how to do
that, and how to get referral partners and clients on LinkedIn. So if you are at all curious about
LinkedIn, in particular, go back to episodes 98 and 99. Those are also linked up in the show
notes. And you’ll get the full the full strategy on LinkedIn. But that happened in July of 23. And I
had a team that was helping manage that and set that up and was it was not me actively on
LinkedIn. That was messaging people. And that was growing those connections because at that
time, that was not where I wanted to put my attention. In October of 2023, we started doing
LinkedIn ads. And that started with a team in place that was connecting with people. And with
our connections, there’s that started to pick up we were getting a lot more connections, getting
a lot more momentum on LinkedIn. And someone on my team was actively messaging with new
connections daily at this point, the ads were kind of mediocre results. They were profitable. But
just one thing to know about LinkedIn ads is that they tend to be the most expensive social
media ads, if we can call LinkedIn social media. I think some people use it as such other people
use it for professional networking, but they’re expensive. Okay, so we were running LinkedIn
ads, they were profitable. But it’s it’s kind of a big investment there. So but we were doing it in
December 2023. We had a new LinkedIn ads agency that started the other one had been doing
well. But we had just a few communication issues. And we wanted to streamline that a little bit.
They were across the world and we wanted people in the same timezone. So in December
2023, we started with a new LinkedIn ads agency, in addition to my team that was answering
questions and messages. And that was all inside of LinkedIn. So the ads results actually got
worse. With the new LinkedIn ads agency. They are spending just LinkedIn ads are spendy,
which is fine if they’re profitable. But it’s really hard to test out messaging on LinkedIn unless
you have a massive budget, which is what I want to use ads for to test messaging and I’m
gonna talk to you about that strategy in a second. So for LinkedIn ads If I wasn’t able to use it
the way that I wanted to, so we’ll stick a pin in that and go back to it. Then January 2024, which
is of this year, I launched new content from a November photoshoot that I did. And I talked all
about this in Episode 130, about branding photos and new photos that I have for my business.
So you can go back and listen to that episode 130. That’s also linked up in the show notes.
Ultimately, I had a ton of photos to use of my face, which I did not have before. And that’s
really what gets the best results on LinkedIn or any social media platform. So I have a whole
massive folder of hundreds of photos that I can use for or my team can use rather for posting
on LinkedIn. And that is what we started doing in January 2024, I had let my team know, hey, I
want to be the one actually posting and connecting and doing the things doing all the engaging
on LinkedIn, I want to master that platform. Because well, I have multiple reasons. But first of
all, I wanted to figure out how we could increase the conversions of the ads. And I really wanted
to get in there, roll up my sleeves, and figure it out. But also, because I wanted to see what
kind of marketing my people were doing on LinkedIn, and really dial in the messaging. And I’m
doing I’m creating some new content inside my programs around messaging. And so I wanted
to get a firsthand look at what the messaging looked like of my people on LinkedIn. So that was
me, in 2024, January starting of the year, on LinkedIn, which felt so weird, because I have not
spent time on any social media platform for so long. But if you have connected with me on
there, yes, it was really me, it is really me. And it’s mostly post content that is of my face,
because I did this massive photo shoot and have so many photos to use. So that’s really easy.
It’s in the team at work play branding, which I talked about in episode 130 gets that feed all set
up with all the photos to use. And I just go in and edit what I want the captions to be, I’m
usually repurposing something that I’ve already sent in an email somewhere. And we pop that
in and it gets posted. So it’s really actually easy. I put the final eyes on the content before it’s
scheduled. But pretty much things come to me about 85% done. And that’s pretty slick. And
the reason that I think that that is so important is because I’m not spending any time creating
original content. They’re taken from what I’ve already created, which is lots of podcast
episodes, lots of emails, curriculum in my programs, all of that. And most of those photos, like I
said, are just a photo of me, I get a lot of questions about how do you know what to post. So
let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about the LinkedIn strategy. I’m not going to pretend to have any
knowledge of best practices on any social media in general, since I’ve been out of the loop for
years intentionally, like I said, but I have taken some courses recently on LinkedIn, because
when I go in, I go all in. And I wanted to understand how to best connect with my audience and
potential referral partners there, which I think is why LinkedIn is such a goldmine. Because it’s
not just potential clients. It’s also other professionals. So I’ve been a student on it so far this
year. As of right, now, here’s what I’ve learned about posting content on LinkedIn, are you
ready? I’ve learned so much, you guys, I’ve learned so much. Alright, personal profiles get more
traction than company pages. So you want to prioritize your personal profile. It is
counterintuitive, believe me, I wanted to just grow my company page and not my personal
profile. But trust me on this, I’ve tested it both ways. And you get hardly any exposure with
posts on your company page. But the same posts on your personal page goes out to all of your
connections and their connections that may be interested in has such a viral effect compared
to your company page. So just saying you want to prioritize your personal profile, you can build
the company profile as you go, which is what we’re doing here at TPN. And to do that you
manually request your connections to follow your business page. But the reach is very low, like
I said, in comparison to your personal profile. So you really do want to be posting content on
your personal profile. Now, the good news is this, you only post once a day if that and maybe
you only post a few times a week, and that’s fine. But this is not a platform where you want to
post more than once a day, because you will actually cannibalize your previous post if you do
that. So you there’s no pressure to post more than once. In fact, less than 6% of users on
LinkedIn post content. So it’s a very low competition to get your stuff seen from your personal
profile on your connections, home feed, and their connections, home feed. And then the third
connections, home feed, etc. It’s really a great opportunity to repurpose your email
newsletters, or snippets of blog posts or any other copy that you have already created and
build authority in your field. And LinkedIn is really prioritizing keywords. So I’m going to talk
about this in a second. But they are looking at the actual keywords in the copy of your post to
figure out who to show it to. So just take your content that you’re talking about the things that
you talk about with your potential clients, plop it on there. Send it out and watch the magic
happen. I’m serious, it’s, it’s really actually a cool platform because a lot of people aren’t using
it to post content. And I’m sure people that are LinkedIn OGS are very frustrated about this,
because I’m sure that this platform is changing a lot to be much more social media esque than
it used to be. And I bet that’s very frustrating. But for those of us that want to take advantage
of that priority right now, for LinkedIn showing content, put the content out there, because
there just isn’t much competition, not too many content creators on LinkedIn. Okay, so photos
of your face, like I said, perform better than almost anything else on that platform. And
probably any platform really, because we as humans want to see faces. So it’s just a
psychological thing we want to see faces, we are trained, and it is instinctual for us to be
looking at faces, analyzing expressions, connecting with faces. So do selfies if needed, that’s
totally fine, bright colors, in your clothing in your environment, if possible, make it stand out.
That’s what you want to do. Anytime you can do a photo of your face do that do that do that, it
is going to get way more eyeballs, the algorithm is going to like it’s going to send it out to more
people, which ultimately brings those people to your personal profile, which you have set up. If
you’ve listened to Episode 98, which you should definitely go do, then you will have your profile
set up to drive back to your website. So you’re going to have your best free content, linked up
in your featured links. And you can definitely go to my LinkedIn profile to look at how this has
done. And that is basically a little mini website for you. So when people see your posts, and
they aren’t familiar with you, but it gets shown to them because you’re creating content, and it
has your face on it. And they’re interested in what you are saying they will click to your profile
to find out more about you. And then ultimately see the cool stuff that you have on your
website and click to your website. So that is what you want to be doing. The way you do that is
by taking up as much space as you can in the feed. How do you do that you ask? I’m telling
you, I have learned so much in the last few months, it is just making me giggle inside that I’m
even recording this episode right now about anything about social media. Because if you had
asked me six months ago, I would say I would never know any of these nuances. And yet, here I
am. Okay. So to take up as much space in the feed as you can, you want to have a four or five
ratio. So that is a vertical image. That is I mean, the four colon five, four or five ratio, you will
be able to do this in Canva very easily. But it’s a vertical image, it takes up the most space in
the newsfeed on both desktop and mobile. So you get maximum real estate with your bright
photo of your face. And more people will slow down on it and see it and read what you’re
saying. So do that and put something very enticing in the first line have a great hook so that
people have to click the See More to see the rest of your copy in your post that shows the
LinkedIn algorithm and I’m sure any social media algorithm but I just know LinkedIn in
particular, it shows that algorithm that people are interested in then they send it out to more
people. With that being said, you want to be getting the most engagement that you can within
the first hour that you post your post. So you want people clicking on it. You want people liking
it, sharing it. Ideally, that would be amazing. commenting in the first hour, we will talk about
that more in a second. I’m getting ahead of myself, I need to follow my own bullet points. Or
else I’m gonna forget something. My friend, have we connected on LinkedIn. In my opinion,
LinkedIn is the platform for professional networking and getting client referrals hands down. If
you’re already spending time getting the word out about your business over there. I would love
to connect with you. Just search Andrea Nordling and then connect. And I’ll confirm so we can
share our networks. Okay, hashtags is my next bullet point. Hashtags are a thing in LinkedIn,
but they’re kind of going away from what I have been hearing. And LinkedIn is using the
keywords like I said instead in the body of the post more so than hashtags. So if you are using
hashtags, don’t use more than three of them. Or it’s likely to be considered spam and not be
shown to as many people or just don’t even worry about hashtags whatsoever. Okay, so this is
kind of a change that’s recent. Like I said, you want comments, shares and engagement within
the first hour of the posts. And ideally, you don’t want to be the first one commenting on your
own post. So that is also kind of a LinkedIn No, no, if you want this to go viral, anything that
you’re posting to go viral, you don’t want to do that. You want someone else to comment first
and then your liking and responding to the comments and DMing with a personal message if
warranted. If that’s someone that would be a referral partner or a potential client, you want to
get in touch with them privately in a message but you’re doing this and that you’re not going to
post and ghost okay, you’re going to do this I’m sure it is the same with most other social
media platforms. You want to foster that engagement and keep the momentum going as much
as possible. But within reason you don’t want more than half of the comments to be from you.
So you don’t want to be too much of an eager beaver with your commenting and replying
another bit. post comments, just keep it chill, keep it reasonable. And if possible, connect
people to resources on your website. Remember, you want to be using this platform to
ultimately get people to your home, your little digital home, on the interwebs, where they are
going to learn more about you, and they are going to subscribe to your emails, okay, that’s
what you want. LinkedIn pods are a great way to get people engaging in your content within
the first hour. So this is something I have been leveraging. And I have to say it is a game
changer. And it was my understanding. And if you listen to the previous LinkedIn episodes, 98
and 99, it was our understanding that LinkedIn pods were frowned upon. But I have heard from
several sources that LinkedIn actually doesn’t care if you have LinkedIn pods, because it is
getting people clicking over to the platform from external platforms. So they actually are fine
with that. This is what I’m hearing. All I know is that LinkedIn pods are really, really useful. We
have a LinkedIn engagement pod inside the profitable nutritionists program. So if you are in
TPN, go into the lounge, you’ll see it on the left hand side, it says LinkedIn pod, the way that
you use that is you post your link to your new posts that you just posted on your personal
profile into the LinkedIn pod right after you post it. And then everybody that goes in there to
post their post will click to yours and comment on it as well. So if you’re doing this at the same
time of day that most people are, and I would suggest this being between 8am and 10am, on
LinkedIn, because most professionals on the platform are likely logging in in the morning and
during lunch. So you capture the freshest attention and engagement. When you do the morning
timeframe, you’re going to be going into your LinkedIn pod and you’re gonna be posting and so
are your colleagues and other people in the pod are posting theirs as well. So then you’re all
clicking on each other’s and commenting. And that tells the algorithm, oh my gosh, there’s so
many people that are engaging on this post. And it gets sent out quickly to a lot more of your
connections, connections and their connections. And all of the Kevin Bacon’s out there, get to
see all of your stuff. So that’s a couple different tips all at once, posts in the morning, between
8am and 10am is best and get into a LinkedIn engagement pod. Like I said, we have one in the
TPM program. And it is so so useful. Another little tidbit that I will share is that you should be
deleting posts that don’t perform well. Because LinkedIn looks at your last 10 to 15 posts to
judge the relevance. And if you have both like didn’t do too well, maybe you are the first person
that commented maybe you link to directly in the post and it appeared a spammy or maybe
people just weren’t interested, whatever it was, LinkedIn is going to kind of judge that. And you
don’t want that to happen. So you would definitely want to delete anything that was mediocre.
And that’s just kind of you knowing your own benchmark of how many views do you normally
get how many impressions and if you have one that’s quite a bit lower, you want to just delete
that, and you’ll have much greater chance of having a viral spread of your future posts. Now on
to links in the post, this is something I’ve had a lot of people ask me about. And if you’re not on
LinkedIn, you’re probably like, What in the world is even talking about? Believe me, I’m almost
done. But if you are on LinkedIn, this is gonna be very helpful for you, and you’re probably on
the edge of your seat. But with these tips, I’ve paid a lot of money to learn these steps in the
last three months. So let me get through my list. All right, hit or miss if you should put a link
directly in the copy of your post. Some people think it’s detrimental. Other people say it doesn’t
matter. It seems like maybe the LinkedIn algorithm changes and favors one over the other from
time to time. So it’s just it’s unknown, if you should be putting a link directly into your post. Or if
that looks spammy and LinkedIn like now, we don’t really want people leaving this platform,
we’re not going to show that to as many people, I think the best practice and I haven’t been
doing this much, but I’m going to start is to use the visit my website link that appears
underneath your name. So what you have to do to enable the visit my website link is you have
to go into your profile, and you have to go into the edit options. And you have to click a little
box that enables the custom button. And when you enable the custom button, you have a few
different options for what it can say one of them is visit my website, I highly recommend that
you toggle that on. And then every post that you do underneath your name, there will be a little
visit my website button. And what you do is you tell people in the post to click the visit my
website link on this post to get blah, blah, blah, whatever thing that you want to be linking to
that way. And for sure, look on YouTube for a tutorial to do this, if you want to figure out how to
do it. I don’t know if I’m explaining it very well. But the reason for doing that is then you are
kind of covered if there is a point in time where you would be linking to something in the post
and LinkedIn is like Miss we don’t really want to be doing that right now. We want to prioritize
posts where nobody is linking to anything. And if so, you can just say in the copy, visit my
website for the information. Although I will say that I think I’ve had plenty of posts do really well
that I did link directly to a podcast episode or something on my website in the post copy and I
think it did. just fine. That’s I mean, who’s to say that it wouldn’t have done way better? Had I
not done that? I don’t know. Okay. We’re almost done, guys. We’re almost done with the
LinkedIn portion of this. Let’s talk about connecting with other people on LinkedIn. First of all, make it easy, okay, you want to prioritize connecting with other people that are not just getting
followers. This is a little bit confusing, at least it was for me at first. So I want to explain it, you
can connect with someone on LinkedIn, or you can follow them. And sometimes you’ll like
someone’s name will come up and there will be a connect button next to it. And other times it
will say follow. And that is very confusing. Why does it have to be different? I don’t know, I think
it has to do with if that person has creator mode turned on or doesn’t have creator mode
turned on on their profile? I’m not totally sure. Okay, let me back up. First of all, you want to
connect, you don’t want to follow because following is one way that means that you’ll see their
information and anything that they post, but they won’t see yours. Connections are two way, meaning they will see your content and then ultimately, their connections and their
connections connections will also get exposed to your stuff if it’s high quality, and it’s pertinent
to what they might be looking for. And that’s how you capitalize on the viral spread of your
content. So you want to be connecting with people, not just following them. So when you do
find someone that you want to connect with, and they have a follow button next to their name,
instead of the connect button, you just manually click into their profile, click on their name, so
it goes and opens up there full profile, and then you’ll be able to go manually into the More
button, and then click Connect and asked to connect, okay, because you want to connect with
the people make it easy for people to connect with you as well. So have somebody test and
look at your profile and make sure there’s a connect button, not a Follow button, and then
Google or YouTube, how to fix that if you have to adjust the settings. Like I said, I think that this
has to do with creator mode. But creator mode is supposed to be going away right now. So
depending on when you listen to this episode that may or may not be relevant, I would say just
make sure that there’s a connect button next to your name. And if there isn’t, do a little
YouTube on how to fix. Okay, who do you want to connect with? Ideally, you want to connect
with people who may be potential clients of yours, I mean, first and foremost, or referral
partners, because you only get 30,000 Total connections, which is actually a lot in the
beginning, if you don’t have a bunch of connections, I mean, eventually there will be a time
when you don’t have any connections left anymore, and then people follow you instead of
connect with you directly. So in the beginning, I would say just connect with everyone and get
the ball rolling so that your content gets shown to as many connections as possible and as
many of their connections as possible. Even if they aren’t ideal client potential. Yes, you will get
spammed DMS, people will be trying to sell you stuff and get you to sign up for stuff and do
calls with them all the time. Just ignore them, it’s fine. Okay, because inside those spam, DMS,
you’re also going to get other opportunities from real people. And that’s where those referral
partners may be reaching out to you. Podcasts, guest opportunities, come up Coffee Chat
opportunities with referral partners, all of the things again, we had an entire episode Episode
99, for exactly how to do this. So go back and listen to that if you’re interested. But it is so
worth it to be connecting with people, you have 100 Connect requests a week. So go max those
out every single week, it is so worth it. Because once the momentum is going and that snowball
is rolling down the hill, it really does get momentum faster and faster, it builds so quickly, and
you have so many more people seeing your stuff. And we test we test this at TPN. So we have a
unique link on the links that are on my profile. So we can tell on our Google Analytics
dashboard, we can see people that came to the website from that link on LinkedIn versus
somewhere else. And we can see that there’s a considerable amount of traffic. So people are
seeing my stuff. They don’t know who I am, they click to my profile. They’re like what is going
on here, get intrigued, and then click over to the website. And there’s a considerable amount of
traffic there. But really, it’s just from doing exactly what I’m talking about here. Connect with
your 100 people a week, send those requests. And ideally, those would be people that may be
clients for you potential clients or referral partners, and just accept people’s request, get a lot
of connections going and post content that is engaging and relevant to your people. It doesn’t
have to be T G. It doesn’t have to be DIY stuff. In fact, I would say neither of those perform
particularly well. I think it can be motivating. I think it can be inspiring. I think it can be funny. I
think you can tell stories. There’s a way to get people interested in what you talk about without
giving them homework to do. I see a lot of people wanting to give homework, but then
wondering why people aren’t booking a concert with them or aren’t becoming clients because
of that content. And maybe it’s content that’s really interesting to them and is really thought
provoking and they really love it. But if the call to action in that content is to go make a recipe
or is to go read further information. And or go do a DIY activity. Now that person feels like they
have to go do homework before they can work with you. And that’s definitely not what we
want. So just think about that, in your content, think about the kind of content you’d like to
engage with. And create accordingly, you will see from the metrics on how many people are
seeing your posts and how many impressions you’re gonna, you will get a really quick
barometer on if it’s interesting and relevant and intriguing for people or if it’s not. Okay. I think
that that is everything I wanted to say, about LinkedIn. In particular, let me just scan my little
list here. Oh, I know one more thing. This does not have to take up a lot of time. Like I said, I
have been personally the one inside LinkedIn connecting and fielding messages and posting
content, even though the content comes to me pretty much created by my team. But I’ve been
the one that’s doing that for the last three months, it won’t be the case for very much longer.
But the way that I remember to do that is I have a recurring task in my project management
software to go check the messages and go post on LinkedIn, the messages is twice a week
recurring task, like I said, shortly, it will be delegated to someone else on my team, so I only
feel the important messages that only I can answer. And you can very inexpensively outsource
that to someone on Upwork or someone overseas, if you don’t have a VA yet great task to start
with, if that’s something that you don’t want to do at all, super easy for someone else to go sort
through those and just tell you when there’s important ones that you need to go look at. But
yeah, it’s not, it’s not a huge time commitment. It really isn’t. And it’s been very worthwhile, I
think, for me to kind of get back into the game a little bit. And I do feel like social media is a
game. Don’t get Don’t get yourself, I do think that it is a game. I think that we all kind of lose in
that game. But there are moments of winning, so I’m here for it. Anyway, that’s an entirely
different podcast episode with all of my thoughts on that I won’t get too far into it today. Yeah, I
wanted to get into the flow, I wanted to understand it for myself, before I delegated it back to
my team, like I said, because the ads results were really lackluster. And I was seeing posts from
other holistic nutritionist and health coaches in my feed that I know is not getting them results
because of the things I just talked about. And I wanted to be able to better coach on that. And
why that is. So we have added some professional copy coaching inside TPN recently, which is a
direct result of me seeing posts on LinkedIn, in my feed, and knowing that we have to get this
messaging improved, and that there’s work to be done there. So I’m really glad that I have
been back on LinkedIn honestly, for the last few months. Pretty excited to not be doing it.
Again, in the not so distant future, if I’m gonna be honest, but it hasn’t taken away from other
priorities. And it’s been a really good use of my time. So I can clearly check all three boxes that
I gave you at the beginning of the episode. I’m glad I’ve been spending my attention there. And
the big picture strategy is to continue building authority on LinkedIn, because it is also great for
SEO to your website. This is something I talked about in one of those previous LinkedIn
episodes, I think episode 98. But LinkedIn contributes to the authority of your website, because
the LinkedIn algorithm and Google algorithm share data. So Google looks at LinkedIn algorithm
to see what websites are authoritative. And the growth there, like I said, directly results in
people clicking to my website through the call to action featured links on my page and in the
content there. And I don’t know if this is true, but I my spidey sense is that those leads are
probably higher quality than they would be on other social media platforms just because of the
professional networking that is done on LinkedIn. So I can’t prove that I don’t know. But that is
my touch. Like I said, we UTM the links that are on there. And so we can tell that they are
generating a lot of traffic directly to the website. And that is the goal. So those are the reasons
why LinkedIn has been where I wanted to start. I’m very glad that I did. And yeah, if there’s
anything inspiring for you there, I hope that you can use it to better leverage LinkedIn. Like I
said, I do think that it really is a treasure trove of not only clients, but also referral
opportunities. So getting people to click over to your website and join your email list is great.
And then the bigger, even bigger picture is that they also may get retargeted by other ads
platforms. So let’s talk about that. Because we also have been doing some Google Display ads
here at the profitable nutritionist. They are not currently on but we’ve had them on and off a
few different times. We’ve been experimenting with what works best on there. And the way
that we have found we have the best results with Google ads is to have them on when
enrollment to the profitable nutritions program is open for example. So to use those we are
retargeting people that have come to the website but haven’t purchased and during the open
enrollment period. They are seeing Google ads on other websites so they’re seeing something
about the profitable nutritionist enrollment on a totally unaffiliated website. Like Google does,
and I’m sure you’re very familiar with what Google Display ads look like. But that is how we use
it. So really, we’re kind of using these different platforms as a marketing machine. It’s not just
try this, I think of like, spray and pray, we’re not doing a spray and pray, okay, we’re doing
more of a cohesive holistic machine. And they all kind of all like all of the components play
together. And that’s how I like to think about it. So I really do feel like it is kind of a game. But
there’s some method to the madness, though, hopefully, you’re getting some glimpse into what
this could look like for your business. And I do want to say that this is not the place to start, you
certainly do not need to have multiple platforms and multiple retargeting campaigns and your
website and your emails and different I mean, it’s a lot, definitely not the place to start. But you
could take one and run with it. And I think LinkedIn is a great place to start. Okay, what else did
I want to tell you? I think we just need to talk about the social media strategy in general, which
I’m going to keep updating you on here throughout the year at TPN. It might change, including
when we expand to running ads on Facebook and Instagram, like I talked about already,
because those platforms are so inexpensive to run ads on in comparison to other places like
LinkedIn, even Google, depending on what keywords you’re targeting. So on Facebook, and
Instagram, you can test your messaging, you can test landing pages, you can test headlines,
you can test videos and get lots of exposure to new people at scale for so comparatively
inexpensive. I’m very excited to experiment in that department. It’s kind of long overdue, I
don’t know if that’s true, actually add on or off. It’s long overdue, I think it has served me very
well. To grow my business organically without social media for a long time, however, had I
already had those platforms up and running, I would have been testing some new landing
pages and New headlines and new hooks and new ideas with ads a long ago, but we didn’t
have them, it just wasn’t an option. So we did other things. And that has been totally fine. But if
you do have social media platforms, just want to say that that is a really inexpensive way to get
1000s of eyeballs on an idea that you have and see if people click on it, see if they like it, see if
it works. So yeah, that’s what’s going to be happening later this year. And I don’t know exactly
when that’s happening. But you’ll be the first to know here on the podcast, I’ll be talking all
about that strategy. Again, it is not going to be content coming from me. So you’re not going to
see Andrea reels, cannot get to see me, in my messy bun on a Tuesday doing any videos, I
have zero interest in that whatsoever. But I do want to be running ads and doing some testing
there. So that’s what’s coming up. And I think I’ve already said this about a million times. But I
will reiterate that I’m not going to be adding that to the mix, until me personally and my team
have the bandwidth to take it on without detracting from other priorities in the business. And
for the entire year. So far, we have been deep in the trenches of creating the new website,
which is launching next week, I cannot wait for you to see. So that has been the other priority.
For now, we have not been thinking about ads, we’ve not been thinking about getting on
Facebook or Instagram and starting to experiment on those platforms. But the time is probably
quickly coming when we will and I’ll be talking about that. Anyone that’s in the mastermind and
in the TPM program is also going to have a front row seat on that strategy. And I’ll be talking
about it a lot. So yeah, testing messaging ideas. So exciting. You might be seeing some ads for
me on those platforms in the future. But you’re definitely not going to see any content from
me. And no judgement, if you are on social media. By the way, I just really want to circle back
to that because I know that some people like Oh, tiptoe a little bit around conversation with me
in that way. And I have no judgment whatsoever on anyone that’s on social media, or how you
grow your business or spend your personal time. Who cares, I just want to say that for me, I
think my life is a lot better by not going down that rabbit hole because I can go down real deep,
way too long. And not having those apps in my life. I think it’s just better. To be honest, it’s
been a little bit challenging, if I’m going to be totally transparent, to make the decision to run
ads on those platforms again, because I do feel some resistance to supporting them with my ad
dollars. Like I said full transparency, I have kind of had a little self righteous streak where I felt
great about not putting any time attention or money towards those platforms. So I had to weigh
that resistance for quite a while with the knowledge that there are so many people on those
platforms that want to grow their dream wellness businesses, and they just don’t know how,
and I can help them if they know about me. So I have to get over myself. I have to get over
those tendencies to be self righteous and to be so how I can be and find the people. So like I
said, I’ll be updating all of you on this in weekly email broadcasts as the strategy evolves, so I’ll
probably be some podcasts at This is coming about this as well. So make sure you’re
subscribed to the TPN emails. Like I said earlier, you can subscribe by starting the free course
right now at the profitable nutritionist.com/free or join the waitlist for the profitable nutritionist
program at the profitable nutritionist.com/join. The next enrollment is coming up so fast may
16 to the 22nd. The doors will be open for the profitable nutritionist program. Like I said earlier,
we do have also a really big announcement coming via email about the upcoming enrollment.
So make sure you’re getting emails so you hear all about that. So much to catch up on. I feel
like that was just a lot of strategy. All coming your way. Hope you enjoyed it. Next week, you
get to hear all about the brand new website that has been months in the making and all of the
nitty gritty strategy around SEO and getting strangers from the internet to find the new website
and getting them stuck in the new content there and what all of that looks like I have a whole
episode for you all about the behind the scenes of the new website. So you have that to look
forward to next week and I will see you then my friend

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