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3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

Quit growing your audience immediately and focus on these 3 things instead.

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Image of Katie Larson standing against the wall

Top Advice for Transitioning 1:1 Clients into a Group with Katie Larson

Table of Contents

The nutshell

If you only have 38 seconds…

  • Katie was exhausted, stuck, and overworked. She wanted a strategy that would help her efficiently scale while protecting her sanity and time with family. Busy momma of two boys.
  • She felt called to be able to serve many people at one time who are on a similar journey and would benefit from the same information.
  • Her goal is to transition 1:1 clients into abundantly profitable groups. However, she had no idea how to make this happen on the back end. Emails, webinars, outsourcing, SE-Ohh what is that?
  • Partnering with me for coaching and joining the Streamline + Scale Mastermind gave Katie the leak-proof tools, confidence, proven formulas, and plenty of ah-ha moments to make her dream an efficient and profitable reality. For all the details and upcoming dates for The Streamline + Scale Mastermind, visit this page and add yourself to the waitlist.

Katie Larson’s Story

Katie Larson, BCHN, is a palatably profitable and purposeful nutritionist. But those Ps didn’t just organically happen.

Join us on a journey of how she went from being a special needs physical therapist who consistently noticed nutrition was a missing link to her patient’s optimal healing—to starting the crazy successful Larson Family Health, an online holistic nutrition practice.

Long story short: her passion led to a new degree in Holistic Nutrition, hoping to combine her expertise in nutrition and physical therapy for top-tier improvement and healing. However, her company was not on board, so she bravely decided to carve her profitable path.

“I literally could not have done it (without Andrea Nordling and The Profitable Nutritionist® team) because I didn’t know what I didn’t know.”

Katie has followed the proven messaging formulas, used leak-proof systems, replaced fears with outsourcing, and stuck with TPN’s strategies. She went from grinding to growing—on her terms.

Katie’s main goal: Be a time bender. AKA: Serve more people in less time.

Her plan was to group together people who were on a similar journey and would heal just as effectively in a group as in 1:1 coaching. This would free up her time to help the people who needed a more individualized approach—and give her more time and financial freedom.

Wins all around. Because her (major) monetary success is a byproduct of the success of all the people she is helping to get the results they desperately want.

But HOW did she make it all happen? Keep reading…

Katie’s Actual Behind-the-Scenes Story

Katie (and her family) were getting burned out. She was super disorganized and desperately needed breathing room. Grinding, sometimes aimlessly, round the clock was NOT the business she envisioned. Katie knew a change in her business was needed. But she couldn’t find the time, energy, and know-how to make those changes—at least on her own.

She knows health and wellness—empowering her clients to go from feeling awful to amazing is a breeze.

However, just like so many Wellnesspreneurs, stressing about email funnels, streamlining online programs, and then syncing all those scary links into Kajabi was her tornado warning. She knew she needed to call in the experts. Katie was ready to start group coaching but had no idea where, how, or when to even start the process.

Instead of spending days (or even months) being totally overwhelmed, blindly doing things that don’t work, drowning in fears, wasting massive amounts of time and money, and feeling totally stuck—Katie took a shortcut (really a SMART-cut).

Her secret? She partnered with The Profitable Nutritionist® Program and joined the Streamline + Scale Mastermind. Fast-forward: The ROI of a $3.10 investment during a Mastermind retreat quickly paid for the whole program. Spoiler alert: The $3.10 investment was outsourcing a project holding her back.

Personal check-in: can you relate to Katie’s actual story?

The Details

In Katie’s situation, she was already overwhelmed with clients. Therefore, her goal was to help more people using less time and resources—AKA transfer 1:1 meetings to group sessions. This isn’t as easy or straightforward as it sounds.

Here is the cliffs notes version:

Andrea’s Coaching:

  • Test, don’t commit. Launching your business with an online course or program—where you spend loads of time and money creating all the content, making it perfect, and packing it—will be a huge waste of time and money. This is because your content will change, and you have no idea how it will even land. Your better ideas will always come from running through it a few times. Therefore, give yourself the freedom to run it live, test it, and make strategic changes as you go. In short—be agile. In retrospect, Katie notes that in the beginning, “I was basically brain-dumping with no strategy. My group curriculum, plans, and marketing are totally different now.”
  • It’s all about your messaging. Ask your clients this: If you could wave a magic wand, how would you solve this problem? Let them tell you all about their problem, what they’ve tried before, why they aren’t getting the results, and what they wish their results would be. Use that messaging on your sales pages, registration pages, emails, etc. People need to connect with your messaging to purchase your services. You just need to copy and paste real experiences, feelings, and stories from your target audience.
  • Always outsource. It’s this wonderful world that we live in. There are people that just want to do that stuff, the things that make us insane. They just want to do that like their favorite thing.” Time is money. If you can outsource for less than what you could be making in that hour—do it. Always.

Katie’s Big Takeaways

  • Don’t underestimate. Many people get overwhelmed before launching a new course or program because they underestimate the amount of time and attention to the details needed to make things work. They end up cutting themselves short on writing the emails and on doing what they are really good at—connecting with their people and messaging, promoting, and selling. And if that stuff doesn’t get done, then the group doesn’t fill up.

    “Everything I learned from coaching and the Mastermind has compounded on itself, even though I wasn’t aware of what was happening at the time. Even though I was super hesitant to spend the money at first, I’m so glad I did it—one of the best decisions for my business and quality of life.”
  • Outsource your fears and frustrations. The Mastermind taught me how to outsource the scary stuff that held me back. For me, this was figuring out how to use automations, upload things into my email marketing platforms, and create graphics. I’m a holistic nutritionist and physical therapist, after all—not an expert digital marketer and operations maven.

    TPN’s team introduced me to freelancers who could do something I spent 3 hours (and days stressing about) in 15 minutes for a few dollars. Stop wasting your brain power and emotional energy on something you can easily outsource. The first time I outsourced was truly “like an out-of-body experience.”

Want to hear Katie’s story in her own words with even more details? Listen to The Profitable Nutritionist Podcast® Episode #106 for the full story.

There are also 106 (and counting) other episodes filled with profitable practice philosophies—and we do not mean spending hours making awkward Reels.

CLICK HERE to listen or find The Profitable Nutrition® podcast wherever you podcast. The Podcast is all about simple, evergreen marketing and sales strategies and tools…that work over and over again.

Disclaimer: The podcasts on this website are for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not replace professional advice or counseling; we disclaim any liability for actions taken based on its content. Additionally, we may receive compensation through affiliate links at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase using our links.

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I'm Andrea Nordling

Marketing + Sales Expert
I help Holistic Nutritionists and Health Coaches get more clients in the door, more profit in their pockets, and more freedom in their life without relying on social media.

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