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142. Selling With Future Fear

Did you know that 10% of people take action to seek pleasure, while 90% take action to avoid pain? 

More importantly, do you know how to use that little factoid to your advantage in your marketing and on consult calls?

If not, you need to.

Listen and Learn: 

  • How to define what life could look like for your clients without your help (and how to use those specific pain points in your marketing and sales conversations)
  • The importance of creating urgency for them to take action now (and how to do it effectively)
  • The 4 areas of belief holding you back in your business right now (and how to overcome them)

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Get The Profitable Practice free course.

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Hello, my friend, welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. I have been thinking about a topic lately called Future fear. This is this is what I’m now calling it. And this came from a message that I sent at some coaching I gave to a student of mine in the mastermind. So I’m just going to jump right in and I’m going to tell you what the heck future fear means. Why are we talking about it? What does it mean for you, I really don’t have a good lead up here other than just to get into it. So here is the message that I sent to one of my mastermind students in regards to a coaching call that we had had, where she was talking about the fact that her consults rate, the rate of her consults, and then the conversion rate on her consults was also lower than it had been. So both things were going down. We were coaching on that on a call. And then I was talking to talking, I was thinking about her, I was talking about her in my head, I guess to myself, I was thinking about her. And so I messaged her a couple days later, and I told her this. I said, I was thinking about your consults this morning. And I’m wondering if you need to inject some future fear into your marketing, meaning Candida and your current symptoms today are a cry for help. But this whatever this is, enter this here is what’s likely to happen in the future, if you let it keep going. Is that dementia? Is that true? Is that autoimmune diseases mentioned if you by name, if that’s true, etc, etc, I was thinking about you. And I was curious how much future fear you’re addressing on these consults. So that is where future fear was. And then I told her, I am not calling this future fear. And I’m gonna do a podcast about it. So that’s where it came from. And this is a said podcast about this concept. So let’s talk about it. What is future fear? What do I even mean about that? Is this something that you talk about in your marketing, or in your private sales conversations? Or should you, I’m going to make an argument that I think we all should do a better job of this me very much included. So in thinking about this, and then thinking about the call that we had the coaching that we had around this, and then kind of my follow up here with the future fear, I was thinking about a statistic that I have heard, I don’t know where this came from, I don’t know how true this is, let’s just take it all with a grain of salt. But I mean, just knowing human nature, I think that this is probably pretty accurate, you make your decision. But the statistic that I have heard is that 90% of people take action to avoid pain, and 10% of people take action to seek pleasure, I’m going to say that again. 90% do or don’t do something, because they want to avoid pain 10% Do or do something do or don’t do something, because they want to seek pleasure seeking pleasure avoiding pain, I am very, very guilty of thinking about the 10% that take action because they want to seek pleasure, because a lot of the time that is me. And I do think that this can be different depending on the situation, we probably make decisions differently in different areas of our life. But I know for me, a lot of times, I am in the 10% I want the big outcome, I want the big results. I want the pleasure, I want the big stuff like big picture, big, big goals, right. And that’s why I make decisions based off of however, I certainly can see areas of my life where I take action to avoid pain. So I don’t think that this is all or nothing, you’re you’re this kind of person, or you’re that kind of person. Everything is more nuanced than that everything is shades of gray. But it’s useful in this conversation. And in this episode, to be thinking about 90% take action to avoid pain 10% take action to seek pleasure. And if you are the type of person that takes action to seek pleasure, a lot of the time like I am like I think a lot of entrepreneurs are to be honest, you probably are thinking about your future clients and your potential clients as being of that same mind and making decisions the same way. And maybe they do. But maybe they don’t. And if they don’t, and probably a lot of them don’t. We need to be thinking about speaking to the avoiding of pain. as much, if not more than the seeking of pleasure. That was kind of hard for me to get out. Like if I saying that right? I think I said that. Right? We needed to be talking more about avoiding pain. And maybe for some of us less about seeking pleasure. I think that we still need to talk about that a lot. But definitely turn up the volume on the avoiding pain. What the heck do I even mean by that? Well, first of all, you and me. But let’s think about your clients for a minute, you probably assume that people know what happens down the line if they don’t address their current health issues. Right? This is in your mind is very, like obvious. Of course, if you don’t handle this, now, it’s gonna get worse. It’s not going to get better. And it’s gonna get worse in a lot of different ways in narrative, a lot of dominoes that could tip over here. If you don’t address your current health issue. This is what you were likely thinking about your future clients. The problem with that is that they actually don’t know. So let me repeat this. You probably assume that people know what happens if they don’t address their current health issues. But they don’t know these things. They really don’t know. They don’t know what’s coming in the future. If they can tell have you on the path that they’re on? Not specifically? Or if they do, they are in a very, very tiny minority. So let’s just assume that everybody has no idea whatsoever, what is coming in the future, that is going to be true for most of your people. So best news of the day is, it’s your job to tell them how their current situation is a preview of other potential futures. Be very specific when you do this. And of course, I think that this goes without saying, but I’m gonna give a little disclaimer here operate within your scope of practice, absolutely use appropriate language that is a given. I’m assuming that you know how to do that. And you’re not going to start sending out emails saying, if you’re pre diabetic, right, now, you’re gonna get dementia when you’re 70? No, no, no, no, no, I’m gonna assume that you understand how to speak appropriately about these topics. And that you can speak appropriately about these topics, and that you will speak appropriately about these topics, because you have to, you have to paint the picture of what the future looks like, from a place of fear. And that sounds a little bit harsh and a little bit weird. And it’s meant to, I want to get your attention, future fear, are you painting the picture of what the future looks like if they don’t solve these problems if they don’t address their current concerns, because whatever it is, that they want to be working on health wise, right now, is a priority now, but also is a really big priority, given what is going to be coming. If they don’t address it, you know, this, I know this, I don’t even know who you help or what you help them with. But I know that that is true. Because that’s how our bodies work. That is how time works. That is how the compounding effect of life stressors and aging works. So let’s just acknowledge that this is true. There’s there’s probably stuff they need to be fearful about in the future. And they don’t know what those things are. And you’re not doing them any favors by assuming that they can fill in those blanks, they can’t, it’s your job to fill in the blanks. How are you going to fill in the blanks in within your scope of practice within words that are not going to get you in trouble, there’s a way to do that, and you are going to figure out how to do it. And you’re going to do it in a way that a fifth grader would understand. Tall Order. Yeah, kind of a little bit. But this is our job, it’s our job to make sure that our people understand what is at stake. And to do that you have to make it so simple. Like the verbiage that you use has to be so simple, we’re going to talk about that in a second, the way that you talk about it has to be very, very conversational and easy to understand. Because, again, 90% of people make decisions to avoid pain. So they have to know what the pain is, they have to understand what you’re talking about. And a lot of times, health and wellness professionals assume that they’re people, just your people, your future clients, your people, that they have a much greater understanding of their body and of the words and of the terms. And of all the vernacular that we use, that is just such second nature, we have a really, really much greater faith that our people understand those things than they actually do. So what a fifth grader understand the way that you’re talking about this future fear? That’s a really good filter, I want you to keep thinking about that, as we continue this conversation. All right, so 90% of people make decisions to avoid pain, they have to know what the pain is, you cannot assume that they know, they don’t know 100% Don’t know, at all. Now I can imagine you might be a little uncomfortable with this topic, and not wanting to sound pushy in your marketing or your sales conversations. When I’m saying you have to tell them, you have to tell them specific words, you have to make them scared about the future. And it’s all very, very fearful. I’m you intentionally using these words that are kind of charged for a reason, because I want you to be bold about it. And I want you to be direct. And I want you to be thinking what if I was really bold? What if I was really making them scared about the future? How would I do that? What would I say? What would be true? What do they need to know? Okay, yeah, that can make you feel uncomfortable. This is supposed to it’s just a, it’s a little bit of a shocker episode to make you feel a little uncomfortable and think about this in a different way. Because I’m telling you, it is not helping anyone. for you not to be bold. And for you not to be direct about these long term consequences. It is for sure not helping your people, if you’re being less direct and not telling them what their body is telling them right now with their current symptoms. And why it’s urgent for them to listen, it’s not helping them for you not to do that. And it’s for sure not helping you and your business for you to kind of lean back and be a little vague and like oh, I don’t want to really go there and push that button. I just, you know, if you know, you know, that’s not helping you either. Sometimes my students in the profitable nutritionist program will ask on coaching calls, we do live coaching every week and I’m Eleni spot it podcast episodes come from questions that I’m asked on coaching calls, by the way. So just know that these are the types of conversations we’re having all the time that we’re strategizing on and coaching on real time, every week of the program. You should absolutely Be in the program if you aren’t, and 1000s of you that listen to this podcast aren’t in there. What is going on what is happening? Sometimes students in the program will ask how do you create urgency, when there is no urgency? And what they mean by that? And like the kind of the subtext of that question is how do you create an urgency for people to take action now and make a decision now, when there’s no built in deadline, for example, if you take one on one clients, and you have availability, so you can really take them anytime anytime they want to get started, you’re available? There isn’t urgency, right? And so on coaching calls, and when my clients asked me this, that’s what they’re asking how do I make them take action when it isn’t urgent? And the answer is this, it is urgent for your people to get started. Now, it is urgent for them to start getting the results now and avoid the pain that’s coming in the future. Because of the future fear, are you telling them about that? Are you explaining to them why it is urgent because it is it actually is it is urgent for them to address whatever it is that they want to address and to get their dream results that they really want to get. So they can avoid that pain in the future. And so they can get the pleasure now. But if you’re only talking about the pleasure now, or the pleasure in the near future, when they get the results for a lot of people that isn’t as motivating as understanding what the pain is going to be. So we have to talk about both of them. Okay, are you telling them about the future pain, the future fear?

It’s a little bit crazy to be calling it that. But it’s it’s legit, right? This is what we’re talking about? Are you telling them what the future looks like when they do take action now, that’s the good stuff, that’s the Promised Land, right? Like, come on, this is going to be incredible. And you’re painting the picture of what their life is going to be like, and how different it’s going to be when they get the results that they really want to get. That’s the pleasure 10% of us are like, show me that I am running towards it. Let’s go. A lot of people want to, and they and they want to eventually run there. And they might like fast walk towards it, or maybe even slowly jog towards it once they get started. But to get started, they need to know that there’s like a fire right behind them that’s pushing them to get to get going on that journey. That’s what the future fear is. That’s why we have to talk about it. Okay, so 10% of people are initially motivated to run towards pleasure. Do your people know what that pleasure is? We have to talk about it, I’m certainly not discounting that we have to be painting the picture of what life can be like for them when they get the results. What big results? Are they are you talking about that? You know, some of my clients really shy away from this to about talking about the results. If you’re anything like the many, many hundreds of wellness professionals I’ve worked with over the last five years, you might be just like that, you’re assuming that either they know what the results could be. That’s one camp, it’s like, well, they No, no, no, no, they don’t they need you to tell them and tell them early and often what the results could be. Don’t assume that people know anything, okay? It’s not doing you any good, or them any good because they don’t know. So first of all, if you’re assuming that they know what the results could be, they don’t they need you to tell them. And then maybe you’re nervous of talking about the results and telling them what those could be. Because not everybody gets those results. It’s not something you can control. You don’t want to sell them something or over promise. And then they don’t actually get it and they’re going to be mad at you. And they’re going to spread the word that they didn’t get the results. Yes, I have heard all of it, I get it. But that is not in service to your people. When you do this, when you’re thinking I can’t talk about the results, good, bad or otherwise, because of x, whatever x is, you’re not believing in your people. When you do this, okay? You’re not seeing them as the resourceful, capable, motivated geniuses that they are, you’re not believing that they’re gonna get results, you’re not believing that it’s possible for them, you’re not believing that they can do it. That’s not helping them. You’re also not believing in yourself, when you shy away from talking about the big, huge, incredible life changing results that your clients get. Because you’re not trusting yourself that you can get them to that finish line. Why? Why are you not trusting yourself? If that’s coming up for you, if you’re like, oh, that’s me, let’s work on that mindset. Let’s fix that problem. Okay, because you need to be able to talk about the future fear, you need to be able to talk about the big amazing results to confidently so let’s work on that. Maybe you don’t talk about the big results because you’re not believing in your process and that your process will really work. Why is that? Let’s dig into that. Do you need to test it out more? Do you need to tweak it? Is there some evaluating to do hear about how to make it better? Do you need to confer with some other practitioners and figure out what they’re doing? That’s getting their clients better results? Maybe you need to put yourself in a room of people that have those answers already. Let’s dig into that. If you’re not believing in your process, that’s an easy fix. Let’s go. Or lastly, you might not be believing in your business as a whole. Okay, maybe you’re shying away from talking about the future results of your clients because you’ve got one foot out the door kind of figuratively or maybe literally and you’re subconsciously quitting on your business and you don’t want to over promise and sell to people that talk about those results, and then you end up bailing on them. Because you kind of think I’m not really in this for the long haul, or I might not be, oof, that’s a big one. That’s a terrible cycle. Because if you’re half in and half out on your business, you’ll be sabotaging those business efforts, you’re not going to be going all in to, to market and sell to your ideal people. And then of course, they’re not going to be buying, which is going to create a mountain of evidence for your brain that you should quit because your business isn’t going to work. But it’s really not because your business couldn’t work. It’s because of the thought my business might not work. You see what I’m saying? So your business success ultimately comes down to those four areas of belief, belief in yourself, belief in your people, belief in your process, and belief in your business as a whole. I did really touched on this in lots of episodes. But if you want a full, deep dive into this, listen to episode two of the podcast way back in the beginning, it’s called The Four secrets of a profitable nutrition business. If this strikes a chord with you, and you need to really increase your belief in any of those areas, so that you can help more people and make way more money in your business. That’s where you need to go next. But let’s circle back to the future fear again. How are you going to talk about it? I want to get tactical with it. Now, I’ve hopefully sold you on the fact that you need to probably lean into talking about the future fear, and really speak to the 90% of people that are running away from pain. Okay? How are you going to talk about it? Where are you going to talk about it? When are you going to talk about it? I’m gonna challenge you to write this all down. I know, you know, I know. You want to just listen to this podcast, you want to feel inspired, and you want to go make more money and not have to do the things. That’s how I feel when I listening to podcasts for my business, like I want to, I want to just take it all in. Usually I’m exercising or driving or I’m something and I can’t just sit down and write. And I get that. So one way that you can approach this is after you’re done listening to this episode, take 10 minutes to write and brain dump what I’m about the answers to the questions I’m about to ask you, or you can turn on the voice memo on your phone and just brained up. Okay, do you know how to do this voice memo, turn it on. And then you’re just recording yourself brain dump that way. This is a pro tip, I do this all the time, how I do it is I actually send voice texts to myself while I’m out for a walk or while I’m driving, when I’m not able to write, but I’m having ideas, I will push pause on a podcast and I will send myself a voice text. And when I’m super creative. And when I’m out in the world listening to something that’s really inspiring me, that’s what I do so that I don’t lose the thoughts. And then I leave the text to myself on read until I get back to my office or maybe it’s sometimes even the next day. I listen to them. And I make notes of them and I go actually get it on paper and documented the way that I need to but that’s how I approach this if I’m listening on the go, little pro tip for you. Okay, so no excuses for not doing this ready. We’re gonna go and through an answer five questions. This is where we get tactical about talking about your future fear their future fear all the future viewers ready. First of all, what are the big problems or complaints that in your answering this for yourself? So I’m gonna say my, because you’re answering this for you? What are the big problems or complaints that my ideal perfect fit clients have? What are those big problems or complaints? Now make sure you’re thinking about your easiest clients, your best clients, the ones that you want to clone 100 of okay, you want to be bringing in more of those people. So I don’t want you thinking about your hardest clients that you want to repel the ones that don’t get results. The ones that complain, the ones that are confused, the ones that are crossing all of your boundaries, don’t think about them. I want you think about your easiest, best, most resourceful, competent, capable genius clients that do the things. Okay, what are their big problems? What are the complaints that they have? Brainstorm, go. Either push, pause the podcast and write it or push pause on the podcast and you send yourself a voice text, whatever you got to do. But that is the question, what are the big problems or complaints that my ideal perfect clients have? Okay, make a list. And now number two, if they don’t address those big problems or complaints, what could the future look like for them? It’s a really simple question. If they don’t address those things, what could the future look like for that? Now, I’m not asking you to predict what the future will look like for them. You can’t do that. But what could it look like? Be specific, don’t censor yourself nothing is too outrageous here. Just get all of the potentials listed out even the most extreme extremes, and maybe you’ll never talk about some of these things, but let’s get them listed out. Okay, so that’s number two. If they don’t address those big problems or complaints, what could the future look like for them? push pause, answer the question. Number three, what will the future look like for others in their life if they don’t address those big problems or complaints? Let’s get bigger here. Let’s think bigger. Let’s think future fear. What does it look like for their children, their family, their co workers? Are their employees, their parents, etc? What does that future look like for others in their life? If they don’t, don’t object? like it’d be like if they don’t address those big problems or complaints, what does that look like? And it really doesn’t matter how big or how small these problems or complaints are, they’re big for your people. What keeps them up at night? What are they just gonna wave a magic wand and have it be fixed? What would it be? It could be losing the last 10 pounds, it could be cancer, it doesn’t matter for them. In their perspective, there’s something healthwise that they really want to change, or fix or address. What is that? Okay, so what what will the future look like for others in their life, if they don’t address those big problems? or small problems? Or complaints? Or whatever it is for your people? What will that look like? list it all out? Again, don’t censor yourself be specific. Get all of the potentials, even the extreme extremes, get them listed out? Push bias? actually do this. This will change your business when you do it. So actually do it. Then number four, how likely is it that they know this?

Just so simple, but this is gold? How likely is it

that they know all of those things, the most extreme extremes that could happen in the future for them or for others in their life? How likely is it that they know about those things? And how can you educate your people about that in a way that a fifth grader would understand? That’s a big deal. Want you to really brainstorm on this? How likely is it that they know these things? And how can I educate my people about this in a way that fifth grader would understand? And is truly in service of them in their goals? So what do I mean by that? I mean, don’t think about you, okay, when you are thinking about future fear, you’re not thinking, Oh, this is going to be so great. Because they’re going to be so scared about the future, that they’re going to hire me immediately. That’s gross, you don’t want to think like that. I know, you don’t, I don’t want you to either. That’s not what we’re doing. Here. We’re thinking about them. We’re thinking about connecting dots for them that they haven’t connected before. And being really honest about what the future could look like this is in service to your people. Because the truth is, it’s so hard for us to remember what life was like before we knew all of the things that we now take for granted. I mean, really go back there to the beginning to what’s to the way back to the way, way back and think about how much your life has changed in some area, because you now know x and y are connected. X and Y are dots and they’re connected. And you didn’t used to know that they were connected. You didn’t used to know what happens because of this other thing. What are those dots that you now take for granted? And it’s just old hat to you, and you’re just understand it, but that your people don’t know? What do you know now that you can share with them? Know, don’t get in the weeds, or be technical or jargony. When you say this, keep it super simple. So a fifth grader truly would understand what you’re saying. That’s going to require you to be really articulate and specific in the way that you talk about these things. And this really applies to all of your marketing. This isn’t just when you’re talking about results, or future fear. Always, always keep it super simple. So a fifth grader would understand, don’t assume that they know what all of the vernacular is that you use, even in terms of diagnoses, and symptoms and body parts, they don’t know, they really really don’t know how can you make it so basic that a fifth grader would really understand. That means you’re going to have to probably rewrite things several times, you’re probably going to have to massage the way that you have in person conversations a little bit and test out some different ways to explain things. An example that came to mind if we want to be talking about dementia and pre diabetes and keep going with that example is you wouldn’t you wouldn’t cite an article and link to it necessarily and expect them to go read a peer reviewed study. Like you might like you might be really interested in the link between pre diabetes or diabetes and dementia. And you may be tempted to link to that and have them go read it. Your people I’m thinking about specifically if you’re sending in an email newsletter, don’t do that, though, okay. They’re not going to read it, they’re not going to understand it. And it’s just going to be confusing, but you really do want them to understand that there is a link between those two things, right? This is very, very in service to your people to understand the long term effects of not dealing with or not reversing pre diabetes, diabetes, blood sugar dysregulation, insulin resistance, whatever it is you talked about, and however that connects, it is in service of them to understand that those two dots are connected. So you do maybe want to talk about this, but it has to be done in a way that they will understand. So the way that I would approach that is something along the lines of I read an article this week talking about the link between diabetes and dementia. It got me thinking about that Dad Dad told up what got you thinking about in really simple, simple words? Why is this important? How are you going to talk about the future fear in a way that is helping them, and also inspiring them to take action and inspiring them to feel a sense of urgency in solving their problem. That’s ultimately what you want them to do. That’s very, very in service to them. It’s not gross, it’s not salesy. It’s really in service. Okay. So talk about things in a way that a fifth grader would understand, very, very important. And lastly, number five, how is working with you the solution, that’s going to get them the results that they want the results that they want, remember, that’s the 10%, okay, that’s the that’s running towards pleasures running towards the results that they want, that they’re dreaming of, but secretly think isn’t probably possible, or isn’t possible for them. And they’re, they’re skeptical about it, or they just don’t believe in themselves that they can get it. But that 10% is what in a perfect world, the results they really want. And 10% of people are motivated by racing towards that. Tell them how working with you is the solution that’s going to get them those results, and then simultaneously help the 90% of people that are trying to avoid pain, they need to hear about the future fear, they really need to they need to hear about it so they can avoid it. Tell them how working with you is the solution to avoiding that scenario. And that pain. Don’t stop at the five yard line here, gate, we’ve come all the way down the football field, you’re almost there, you’re almost in the endzone, don’t stop at the five yard line when you’ve done such a great job of explaining what’s at stake and why it’s so important that they understand what is happening in their body right now. And how that is an indication of something that could happen in the future and connecting those dots and helping them understand it don’t stop at the far five yard line and expect that they know that you can get them those results and that you can help them avoid that future pain. Okay. I see this so often don’t do it. Don’t assume that they know. They don’t. They don’t know that working with you will help them I hear some of my clients sometimes say this, like, well, you know, I, like had a call with someone that was the perfect ideal client for me. And they asked if I can refer them to another specialist. I was like, Well, that’s because they don’t understand that you can help them. And when I ask clarifying questions about that, did you tell them that you can help them run those labs? Well, no. Did you tell them that your process that you bring your clients through is exactly what they need to address that? Well? No, I mean, I think they knew that no, no, no, no, they most certainly did not know that. So make sure you make it explicitly clear that you can help them avoid whatever it is that you’re talking about in terms of future fear. And that you can help them get the amazing dream results that 10% of people are racing. Okay? Tell them explicitly, tell them often tell them over and over and over, say the words I can help you don’t make it harder than that. I can help you great place to start. And when you answer questions, always answer questions that your people have with how your process is the solution. Okay, if that is the case, and I assume that it is for most of the people you’re gonna talk to about any of these scenarios, you can help them assuming that you can help them of course, if you can’t, you’ll be honest with them about that. But assuming that you can help them tell them how the process that you bring your clients through is the answer to that. Okay, they have questions they want to know, can you help me? Well, your process work for me, because like I said, a lot of people, the majority of people actually are believing Oh, but will it work for me? Am I a special snowflake? Is it his I don’t know, I have this this in this scenario that maybe they don’t know about, they haven’t taken that into consideration. I don’t know if it’ll work for me, you have to explicitly tell people, my process will work for you. I have the solution to this problem. This is what I do all the time. I am an expert in this I work with other clients just like you. These are the results that they have gotten whatever mixture of that is true for you. And like is helpful for you take whatever you just heard, run with it, but just know that you’re answering their questions by telling them Yes, I can help you. And here’s how that doesn’t mean you’re you’re teaching them or you’re giving them DIYs but you’re explaining to them that you have a process for solving this problem. Okay. Pretty easy. Make sure that you’re not stopping at the five yard line. Just don’t do it. Don’t drop the ball. When you’re almost in the endzone because you think that they know they absolutely don’t know. Here are these questions again. Now I’m hoping you’ve been answering these along the way it’s been along the way here but if you haven’t, you can come back to this as well. Here they are.

What are the big problems or complaints that your ideal perfect Clients have. That’s number one. Number two, if they don’t address those big problems or complaints, what could the future look like for them? Be specific, don’t censor yourself get a big list here, what could the future look like for them? Let your brain go insane. Then number three, what will the future look like for others in their life? If they don’t address those big problems or complaints? Number four, how likely is it that they know this? How can you educate your people about it in a way that a fifth grader would understand? And that’s truly in service of them, and helping them and their goals? Don’t think about you think about that? How are you going to talk about it? And then lastly, how is working with you have the solution that’s going to get those results? And how are you talking about that? Okay, that’s all you have to do. There you have it. This is the nitty gritty, boring work that you, as the business owner need to do. So you can speak to your ideal perfect people in a way that they understand that also gets to the core of why their health transformation is so vitally important and really is urgent, because it is, it really, really, really is living a better life. Feeling better in your body, enjoying the small amount of time that we have here is really important and really is urgent. So helping your people understand that and connecting the dots for them, because I promise you they don’t know. They really really don’t know, it’s your job to explain that. This is the work. This is the nitty gritty, boring work that we as business owners get the pleasure of doing. And it feels too simple. And it’s not shiny and sparkly and like a new brand new hack, using technology or something like that. No, it’s the boring work. It’s like really understanding your messaging and understanding your people. And filling in the gaps for them where their human brain is not is defaulting to doubts. That’s how I want to say it, they have a human brain just like you. They’re wanting to believe that it isn’t urgent or that they might not be a candidate to work with you or the process might not work for them. They need to know that all or they need to know very, very specifically, all of the reasons why it is urgent, why they do need to pay attention to this now. And while the process that you bring your clients through is exactly what they need. So don’t shy away from these conversations. Lean in, do the boring work a little bit here and there of writing this stuff out. Seeing it in black and white and using it in your marketing using it in your in person conversations. Just lean in your people need to hear what’s at stake for them. And no one not you certainly not them benefits when you play small and minimize the future fear or the future results that they could get. So with that, go through this exercise. I can’t wait to hear what comes up. Have a wonderful, wonderful week my friend

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