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138. How You REALLY Make Consistent 6 Figures In Your Practice

What does a sustainable and profitable health coaching or nutrition practice look like?

After coaching hundreds of practitioners successfully through starting their business and scaling to multiple six figures, I have a few secrets to share. 

In this episode, get the steps to generate consistent revenue, handle growth challenges, and structure your business for the long run. Enjoy.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Get The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn: 

  • A step-by-step repeatable revenue process for holistic nutritionists and health coaches
  • Tools for overcoming self-doubt, prioritizing time management, and gaining sales skills
  • Strategies for pricing premium offers, generating referrals, and automating processes
  • Insights on transitioning between business stages and scaling problems to solve
  • Guidance on developing unique intellectual property and strategic multi-year planning

Links Mentioned:


Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast, my friend, you’re wondering, I’m answering what it really takes to make consistent six figures in your nutrition or health coaching practice. Let’s get into it. This is such a great conversation. I have now taken over 500 wellness professionals through the process that we’re about to go through from just starting out their business and not having anything done yet nothing, no name, no website, no, haven’t ever had a client don’t know what their process is for sure nothing right, starting out there, and then gone to setting up a big old profitable business that’s positioned and ready to scale to multiple six and seven figures eventually. Do you want to know that process? Yes, nodding your head. Of course, of course, you want to know that process, this is going to be a very tactical breakdown of how to do it broken down stage by stage. This is a process that builds your business really strong and sustainably over time. I know there are a lot of different strategies for building your business, people teach it a bunch of different ways. I’m sure they all work, what I will tell you is that this way, is a way that is going to support your health. And it’s going to support the long term viability of your business, because you are going to be systematically adding on top of what’s already working, stabilizing it, and then adding on top of it and making it work better and make more money. And then we’re going to add and we’re going to stabilize. And then we’re going to add on we’re going to stabilize instead of what I see a lot of people do, which is going zero to 60 having really shaky foundation, things aren’t really working all that well. And they burn out, their body shuts down, they get sick, for whatever reason, life comes up, and everything crumbles. And they have to start over or just abandon their business altogether. I don’t want that for you. I want you to have a profitable business that you can count on to consistently pay your bills every month, and give your family like massive time freedom, financial freedom, all of the reasons, all of the Freedom reasons that we go into business for ourselves in the first place, instead of a really expensive side hustle that sucks all your time and energy but never pays off. That is what I don’t want for you. So let’s be very clear inside the profitable nutritionist program, you get this full step by step process. It’s called the repeatable revenue process, which brings you from brand new starting from scratch, no idea what you’re doing to 100k cash collected in the bank, all of it step by step that is the process you learn in the program. But I’m going to break it down for you right now. And if you’re wondering what the heck happens past 100 Joe worry if that’s where you are right now I’ve got you I’m going to talk about that process as well, because it’s more advanced, it’s nuanced strategy is a little bit different. And that’s what I bring my mastermind clients through, but I’m going to talk about that at the end as well, I won’t leave you hanging, I promise. But for those of you under 100k, right now, let me make this very clear as well. The profitable nutritionist program is open right now for enrollment if you are listening before May 22 2024. So when this episode comes out, it is open for enrollment. If that is you, if you’re under 100k in your business, even if you’re just starting from scratch, have nothing created whatsoever, that’s totally fine, we got you get over to the profitable nutritionist.com/join and enroll so that you can get this process with help. I’m gonna go over it today. But believe me, you want help with implementing it. And with getting coached and getting feedback and getting some tips and shortcuts and all of the goodies from your peers as you go through the process. Okay, inside the program, we guarantee your success, literally, you invest $3,000 in the program, and you either make your money back, or we give it back to you no joke. So it’s literally guaranteed enroll at the profitable nutritionist.com/join If you’re listening before the doors are closing on May 22. Or go to that page and see the dates for the next enrollment period. If you’re listening in the future, so that you can get on the waitlist, we always have the dates of the next enrollment listed on that page. And that is the profitable nutritionist.com/join. Okay, so how do you make a consistent six figure income in your business? And then most importantly, how do you do it in a way that keeps you healthy, and doesn’t burn you out and doesn’t require you to sacrifice every other priority in your life, because that’s really important stuff. I’m so glad that you asked. I got into this field. Just a little backstory here. In 2015. I got into this field because I as a real estate broker for 10 plus years before that point, completely burned out and I ruined my body and got very sick because I was burning the candle at both ends. And I was running a business in a way that was not sustainable for my lifestyle and my body and my body said Either you’re going to let me rest or I’m going to make you rest. And option B was no fun at all. However, I am a faithful woman and I think God had a plan in that because it led me to finding nutritional therapy getting certified as a nutritional therapy practitioner, opening my eyes to how much of my health was within my control how I could feed my family better how I could take better care of my body and And that, of course, opened Pandora’s box and led me to starting my holistic nutrition business in 2015, early 2016, and then practicing for years before I closed that business down because of such demand of people asking, How do I do this? How are you getting clients? Oh my gosh, like, how are you so successful with this, and I just realized to be completely honest that I have a lot more fun talking about business strategy than I do talking about food. So that was a pretty easy transition for me in 2019, I closed the doors on my nutrition practice, and have been full time business coaching for wellness professionals ever since. So there’s the short story if you did not know it, but the reason that’s important context for our conversation today is because I know what it feels like to have your body shut down. When you don’t rest. When you’re burning the candle at both ends, you’re not taking good care of your body and your adrenals are sad and tired. I know exactly what that feels like. And it’s not fun. I don’t want that for you. And though many people would say differently, I do not think that that is required to have a very, very successful business. In fact, I think I’m a pretty good example of a business owner that does not subscribe to that. So you’re still here, you’re still wondering, is this going to work for you with anything I’m about to tell you even pertinent? Well, let me answer that for you as well. So first of all, who does this process work for, that I’m about to talk through. And that is the core curriculum inside the profitable nutritionist program. Well, it works for holistic nutritionist and health coaches that want to get their first clients. So like I’ve said a couple times, if you do not have anything set up in your business, yet, you are in the right place, totally in the right place. This process also works really well for any health and wellness service provider who wants to make more money working with less clients by creating a premium offer. So one of the things that we talk about in the program a lot is structuring your offer what you’re actually selling to your people. That’s what I mean by offer, and how to price it across the board. Most wellness professionals do not price their services at a level where they actually make a profit and can afford to live. That is something that we work on quite a bit inside the repeatable revenue process is just the math work. And if you’re at full capacity, are you even paying yourself enough? Are your bills

covered? Are you profitable, we have specific profit margins that we work within all of that stuff. So if you want to make more money by working with less clients and charge them more, there’s a process for that there’s a process for selling those offers. And all of the things are included in the repeatable revenue process. So that is something we’re going to talk about. This process also works for any holistic health practitioner that wants to consistently fill their one on one spots. So I’ve been talking a lot about one on one clients, you might be curious, does this process work for selling different kinds of offers? The answer is yes. But especially in the beginning of your business, it is the very easiest to sell premium one on one offers. So we’re going to talk about that in a second. But just know that if you want to sell one on once and consistently fill up your one on ones, this process is going to work for you. And also, this process will work for you. If you want to transition out of one on one clients into selling groups, or selling digital programs and scale that way, there is definitely an easy way to do that. And a hard way I’ve done both highly suggest going the easy way, which is building up your demand into a high demand before you start selling group and digital offers. Because what happens for a lot of practitioners is or service providers in general, but we see this in health and wellness service providers is that they have a one on one offer that they’re selling that they have demand for that people want to buy. And then they turn that off and stop selling it and transition fully into a group or a digital offer, like a membership or an online course or something like that. And they haven’t built the demand for that new offer yet. So they don’t make any money, the messaging is off. It doesn’t it doesn’t equate to clients. And then there’s a huge lapse in income. So we don’t want that for you. There’s a process for doing that. And when you follow the repeatable revenue process, what you’re doing is building that strong foundation that I talked about in the beginning, so that when you get to the six figure level, and you’re ready to transition into those scalable offers, you have the demand ready and waiting. And you’ve already done the hard work of building that and figuring out your messaging and figuring out how to sell it. So you can transition into those offers without having a lapse in income. And if that is not where you’re at right now, you don’t need to worry about it. But if you are, if you have tried to sell something like a group, or some sort of a digital program, and it didn’t sell the way that you expected it to, then you know, if you know, you know, there’s definitely a way that we can help you fix that. So you would also want to come into the program and do this process. Okay, so let’s talk about this process. And these stages. What the heck does that even mean? Well, first of all, we have what we call stage one. So in the profitable nutritions program, you’re going to designate your current stage of business and this is with your current offer. So this all makes more sense when you come into the program but I’m going to speak, in the same language that we use inside the program, because then you will understand, we will all be on the same page when you come in if you’re not there already. Alright, so stage one is deciding what the heck does that mean? Well, in stage one, there’s some foundational decisions that need to be made. If your business is brand new, then this is solid gold for you, because you are going to save so much time in knowing exactly what decisions you need to worry about right now, and which ones you don’t need to worry about until later. And that saves a lot of wasted energy, and a lot of wasted research. If your business is a little bit further ahead, you still want to go through stage one and all of the decisions basically that I’m going to lay out for you here, you still want to go through those, because what happens is you basically are going to be auditing your business. Like I said, this episode will still be useful for you even if you’re further along, because you’re going to look at it through the lens of did I do this correctly the first time? Or is this something I need to go back to? And kind of shore up or change around a little bit? Okay, so here are the decisions that we make in stage one? Well, first of all, let me tell you a little bit about a person in stage one, okay. So a person in stage one is overwhelmed and confused a lot of the time because they think that there’s so many things that they need to do. However, this person is also resourceful and focused on moving through and feels very grateful for having small simple steps to follow. So on the one hand, it’s like there’s so much to do. And on the other, they realize, Okay, I just got to chip away at this, how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time, I’m just going to take some small simple steps. And that’s what we do in the program is we break it down into the simplest steps that you need to take. And then there’s of course, some extra options, you want to go a little bit further, you can do this, and we give those scenarios too. But we definitely keep it at the lowest viable task list. That’s not really an eloquent way of saying what I’m trying to say. But hopefully you’re getting my gist here, we try to keep this as simple as possible, because the simpler it is for you, the faster you will execute and go make money and help more people. And also the hopefully the simpler, you’re going to keep all of your processes for your people, because you will see how much better that is for you too. Okay, so a person at this stage in stage one has lots of ideas, very comfortable with researching those ideas, and getting more ideas and lots of learning. Because that is why we are in this field, we love to learn we love the different rabbit holes to dive down and get lost in and business wise, that is problematic. Health wise, that can be great sometimes, to be always learning the new things and the cutting edge stuff and staying on top of your craft. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be doing that. However, that same pattern in stage one is problematic. Because really what it leads to when you’re going down all of the rabbit holes of all of the different business models, you could have all of the different niches, you could be focusing on all of the different offers that you could be selling all of the different platforms, you could be marketing your business on, oh my gosh, should I be collaborating with other practitioners in my area? Should I get in with a chiropractor in my town? Should I be doing this online? Should I be on Facebook? Should I be on tick tock I mean, there’s so many, so many different options. And if you’re really comfortable with that researching and learning and going down all the rabbit holes, it’s going to cost a lot of time and your business, we don’t want that for you. So really, we want to have less options. Not more options. All right. And the way we do that is we just have a few decisions that need to be made. So you’re off to the races. So in stage one, what we do is we decide on your business model and your offer, this is what you’re going to sell plain and simple what you’re going to sell, we go through step by step exactly how you flesh that out for yourself, taking into consideration what lights you up, if you don’t like being on video, we’re not going to do anything that involves video. If you don’t want to be in person with people, we’re not going to set you up for failure by having you be in person with people. So there’s definitely a framework that you work through in the program in this process. But the long and short of it is you’re going to lean into what you already enjoy doing and what is the business that you would enjoy executing and showing up for month after month, year after year. And then we figure out how to make that work for you. So there’s no cookie cutter way to do this. But there are a few guidelines I would say that I offer. So that’s the first thing we’re deciding on what you are going to offer to your people, what are you going to sell to them, then we decide on your initial pricing. And when you are going to reevaluate that pricing. This is very important because what you start selling it for your offer is not what you’re going to sell it for forever as that demand grows. And as your processes improve, and as your delivery is getting more and more sought after. And that’s the increase in your demand, your pricing changes. So we decide on the initial pricing, and then when you’re going to reevaluate that in the future. And what your brain really is going to want to do is revisit this pricing decision every single day or every single week. And we don’t want that, because that is going to suck the life out of you. We don’t want that. If you have had this feeling you know what it is, it’s revisiting the decision every single day or every single week or before every single conversation with a potential client and you think, oh my gosh,

Should I raise the price is the price good. I don’t know. I mean, some people say that it’s too much, they don’t have the money, maybe it’s, maybe they need to go down, maybe I actually need to go up, I am getting pretty busy. And these labs are expensive, and maybe I need to go up and you’re just looping and looping on that, that will suck all of your productivity, okay, you can’t even imagine how much bandwidth it takes for you to be constantly second guessing those decisions. So what we do is we decide on the initial pricing, and then we set a date in the future for when you’re going to reevaluate it, and you’re just not even allowed to think about your pricing until that date in the future. And that takes a lot of just pressure off of you to even be having to think about it, it frees up a lot of brain space, and we move forward. In stage one, it’s all about making the decisions. And moving forward, we also are going to decide on your niche or no niche. This is who you are selling to the niche or no niche debacle. Think of it as a debacle is very pervasive. Okay, it depending on who you are listening to for business advice, you might be hearing a lot about niching. And it’s like you have to have a niche, you have to have a really specific niche, the riches are in the niches, I believe all of those things are true, I think that is sage advice, comma, and it is not helpful in the beginning of your business, when you don’t know what type of niche you want to work in or when you are not sure because you haven’t had enough conversations with real humans, in person or online doesn’t matter. To know who you want to work with. That’s not helpful, it’s not helpful to think that this is a make or break decision that you have to make. So in stage one, what we are actually deciding is not deciding on your niche or deciding if you are going to define a specific niche or not if you’re going to be a general practitioner for the foreseeable future. And then we do the same thing with your pricing that we did, which is set a date in the future to reevaluate if you want to tighten up that niche or not. And that’s if you decide that you’re not going to have a specific niche. But in stage one, really you just need to decide yes or no. Is this something I’m going to get really specific on or am I going to just go work with the people and reevaluate in the future. So that’s what we decide in stage one, then we also decide on some of the really nitty gritty stuff like your business name, your legal pieces that you need to have in place, like LLC, or corporate structure, or the financial, like the stuff, the stuff that you really need to handle. And that makes you want to crawl underneath the covers, we get those decisions made. We do it quickly in stage one, and then we move on. Okay, stage one is great. It’s where you are going to quickly make decisions, you are going to stop ruminating on the decisions, we have a framework for those decisions to be made, the ones I just went through. And that’s it. So all you need to decide to go make money. So great. Now, inside the profitable nutritionist program, as you’re going through this process, I want to be clear, you are watching these modules in video form. So we have a curriculum in video, step by step do this, do this do that. That’s how the repeatable revenue process is delivered. We also have a companion workbook that goes along with the repeatable revenue process that you can have a hard copy of, or fillable digital version. And you just go through each of these decisions and each video and you fill out the workbook as you go. So we make this as easy and simple as possible. Again, stage one is all about making the decisions, you’re going to maybe have some questions about some of these decisions many people do. And what sucks is when you don’t have peers or coaches that you can ask your questions to, and you have to be like looping on it yourself or researching yourself. And then you get down a YouTube rabbit hole. I mean, God Only Knows. That is where we lose a lot of productivity. So what we have inside the profitable nutrition programs, we have our private community, which is called the lounge. And that is where you can ask questions. This is written questions that you are asking from me from our team of support coaches, most importantly, from your peers that are in the program that are out there doing it are further along and having a lot of success. And you ask questions on pricing, what level of support should I offer to my clients? How do you do this? How do you do that? What software do you use? What do you not use? I have some legal questions. I’m in this state or I’m in this country. What does that look like sharing resources, legal contract templates, like all of those things that you wish you could ask someone that’s already done it. That’s what you’re able to do inside the lodge. So just so you know, actually making these decisions, sticking to them. And getting some support along the way, is what’s gonna help you go so much faster. We also talk a lot in stage one about deciding how you’re going to spend your time. Remember, stage one is all about the decisions. So you have a resource inside of the program called Total calendar mastery. This is where you decide to operate as a business owner that really values their own time and not as an employee that Just showing up and just punching the clock and hoping that something good comes of it. No, no, no, we do it differently. So in that framework, it’s called Total calendar mastery, you get a system for what to prioritize what to focus on, and then how to actually get it done without procrastinating. This is a system that I perfected while a massively growing my business in 2020, and 2021. While I was living in an RV, I was adventuring, constantly not working all that much homeschooling two kids full time, and also getting all the business stuff done. I promise, you have never learned a time management system like this, that’s very, very specific to our industry, where truly health and wellness is prioritized. I know if you’re listening to this podcast, that that’s really important to you, your health and your well being is a really high on the list as it should be. So that is all supported in the process that I teach you for how to manage your time, we consistently get feedback in the program, that the total calendar mastery system is worth the entire price of the program. People say this all the time. That is exactly what I needed, I needed to know what I should be spending my time on, and then how to actually get it done. Okay, so that’s stage one, my friend, you make all of the decisions. And once you have made the decisions, you move on to stage two, and we don’t let you move on to say God made your decisions. I mean, I guess I can’t really make you not move on. But it’s highly discouraged that you watch any other videos until you make those decisions, you work through the workbook. And once you do, and there’s only a few decisions to make, which we just went through, then you are in stage two. And in stage two, you’re going to make 1000 bucks, which is so fun, make 1000 bucks, selling life transformation to people that already want your help people that are already searching and hoping that somebody can help them solve their problem and get the kind of results that they want to get. And you’re that person and they pay you have the money to do that. So fun. So at this stage in stage two, you’re feeling excited, you’re feeling purposeful, you’re feeling eager to execute on these decisions that you made in stage one, you’re pretty curious about what’s going to work, like how is this all gonna go? And ultimately, you’re willing to test some things out and experiment. So this is an experimental phase. Phase two, stage two, a lot of people and I just want to be honest about this are also feeling very unsure and very uncertain and very sweaty in stage two, Has something gone wrong. If you’re feeling that way. No, of course not. You’ve never done it before. And we are unsure and uncertain and sweaty.

In those situations, nothing has gone wrong. But what we want to do in stage two is get you your first 1000 bucks in your business bank account. Okay? The resources that we have in place inside the repeatable revenue process and inside the program to do that are going to help you do that. And what we help you do in stage two is figure out how to talk to humans in the world, and tell them that you can help them. And really, that is what is required here, having conversations with actual people, and telling them that you have a business, telling them who you help, and if it’s them that you can help them and how they get in touch with you. And that’s just what it is lots of conversations, and then doing some selling, selling is the best, by the way. Okay, if you have never successfully sold before, or you don’t know how to do it, or it makes you feel really uncomfortable to have sales conversations. That is a okay. It’s just because you haven’t learned this skill yet. And that’s all right. Inside the program, we have an entire bonus training for you. That’s called overcoming objections. And it is a consult intensive workshop how to execute the six steps in a high converting sales call for your premium wellness offer is very, very specific to selling a high ticket offer to your clients on a one on one call. Okay, if you don’t know how to do that, if you’re like, I just cannot even imagine what I would say to somebody, then you are in luck, because we have a whole process and framework that you learn in the overcoming objections consults intensive for exactly how to do that there’s six stages of a high converting sales call, you’ll learn exactly what to say and what not to say in each stage. What questions to ask what not to ask and how to overcome any objection. There’s really only four objections that come up and we talked through all of those, you will be very, very comfortable selling after you go through this process. But of course you’re not in the beginning. So we understand that best news of the day so that you can make a lot of money still being really uncomfortable selling. But as you do a bar and as you get better at it you add some more tools to your tool belt. You’re going to feel comfortable selling because you have the best product you are helping people change their life and they are desperate for that change. This isn’t just a like a something that math maybe I’ll try that. No, no no whatever you are offering to your people they are desperate for it. They are laying awake at night hoping that someone will help them solve this problem, or thinking that they have to endlessly research and DIY and figure it out themselves and you are giving them the opportunity to have somebody that already knows the answers to walk them through it. And they might not even know that that is possible until you say the words I can help you. And you tell them how. So that’s what you’re doing. In stage two, you’re gonna make 1000 bucks, many, many of my students charge more than $2,000 for their offer. So they make way more than that. But ultimately, it’s make 1000 bucks or make your first sale. Okay, that’s what you were doing in stage two. And every single week, inside the program, you have the opportunity to get live coaching, on our live weekly coaching calls, whether when it’s with me, or some of our trained coaches, you also have the opportunity to collaborate with your peers on brainstorm breakout sessions. So these are separate calls that are staggered all throughout the month. And we try to accommodate as many timezones as possible because there are students in the program from all over the world. So we try to make these at various times. But basically, the brainstorm breakout sessions are where you’re going to jump on Zoom, we break you out into rooms of three to five people. And everybody gets to ask the question that they want to ask, like, if you want feedback on your marketing, if you want feedback on your messaging, if you want to talk through any client problems that you’re having, or evaluating a console call, or a launch or anything like that, you’re gonna be able to do that on the brainstorm breakout sessions. And on the live weekly coaching calls, you can bring any mindset roadblocks, any strategy, roadblocks, that are preventing you from moving forward, just anything that’s coming up, we’ll talk through it live. And what you’re going to see is your problems are not unique, first of all, so you think that they are and you think it might not be really relevant to ask the question on a group coaching format, but what you will quickly see is that it is so useful for everybody else, and you as the observer of other people getting coached is also getting immense value, because we don’t know what we don’t know. So you may not even realize that you are struggling with something or have a question about something until you see somebody else ask for coaching on the exact situation and realize holy cow, I didn’t even know that this is something that I needed to look at, or I didn’t even know that this is something that was going to come up in my business in the future, I’m so glad that I now know how to navigate the situation. So that’s what we do on the live coaching calls, I will tell you in stage two, that your brain will protest at this stage, okay, it’s going to say I don’t want to tell people that I have a best, I don’t want to take massive action on all of these decisions I just made in stage one. I don’t want to I don’t want to do it. Like I thought I wanted to do it. But it’s really scary. I would rather keep planning and researching and learning. And I would rather keep tinkering on my website. I would rather keep setting up back end systems, even though I don’t have any clients using these systems right now, for example. So when that happens, and nothing has gone wrong, if and when it does, you have to get coached up, you have to raise your hand on a coaching call or post in the lounge inside the program and get coached. So that we can get you to move through that really quickly. Because it inevitably happens, your brain is going to not want to do the uncomfortable things. But you know what growing a business is uncomfortable a lot of the time, and it’s so worth it, especially because then you will have these tools and these coaching tools that we help you work through, you will have those to use with your clients when they are stuck. And they feel like it’s too hard. And they don’t want to take massive action on their plan that they made with you. Everything that you learn in the program is highly applicable to your clients. And we teach you how to use these coaching tools with them as well. So that’s what’s happening. In stage two, you’re gonna make 1000 bucks, you’re gonna learn to love sales, even if you have never thought of yourself as a salesperson before best news of the day is that it’s not a personality trait that you’re either born with, or you’re not born with. That’s really not how that goes. It’s just a skill that you need to learn. So if you’ve never felt comfortable with sales before, we’re going to teach you that skill, you’re going to learn it in the consults intensive and put it to work skill you’ll have for the rest of your life. My friend, have we connected on LinkedIn, in my opinion that LinkedIn is the platform for professional networking and getting client referrals hands down. If you’re already spending time getting the word out about your business over there. I would love to connect with you. Just search Andrea Nordling and then connect and I’ll confirm so we can share our networks. I’m going to read a couple little snippets just because it’s so fun. Here are some testimonials basically here’s some testimonials from the console intensive in particular, Marcy, who is a student of the program said I finished going through the console intensive course and I signed with the first client that I use this method with on a console love that. Kelly said I signed a new client using the console process. This is the first time I did it and I was a sweaty mess but it still worked. I’m so excited to do more and keep building these skills. Yes, I love that so much. Dakota said I signed my first client I have two more getting back to me and I have to console calls in the next week. Literally all of this is due to TPN too. Taking imperfect action has been huge. Giving people easy access to book a a consult with me has been so nice and it’s so exciting when a new one pops up the konsult bonus course was fire literally would not have known how to even approach a consult. So that was huge. So grateful for this program. Okay, I could go on and on. But I wanted to read a few of those just to really hammer home the point that if you don’t feel comfortable selling in your business, we’re going to move past that real quick. We’re gonna get you comfortable selling, because the best feeling in the whole world is selling to someone that really wants to buy from you. That’s practically throwing their credit card at you saying yes, please help me. This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. I, I need you, let’s go. best feeling ever. Alright, so what happens after that? After you make your first 1000 bucks, then you’re out of stage two? Where do you go from there? Well, you go to stage three. And that is where you’re going to make $10,000. So in stage two, you made 1000, then you’re into stage three, until you make 10,000. In stage three, some very curious things happen in your brain. Very, very interesting. First of all, a person in stage three is feeling persistent, and focus. I mean, something is working, you made some money selling your EZ yes offer. And I should clarify that as I talk about the stages here that we measure in the profitable, nutritious program. This isn’t to say it’s your first 1000 bucks you’ve ever made in your business. But if it is a new offer that you’re selling, and for a lot of people, they do change their offer, what they’re actually supporting clients with. And your offer, by the way is the combination of support and have assets and could be lab testing and coaching calls. It could be recorded modules could be all sorts of different ways that people support their clients, but all of that bundled up together as their offer. And since a lot of people change that to make it more valuable and more sellable in stage one when they’re making those decisions. We say that is your easiest offer easy yes means it’s an easy yes for you to sell you love selling it because you know it’s going to get them great results. And it’s an easy yes. For them to say yes to that easy. Yes offer is what we are measuring these dollar amounts off of. So you make $1,000 Selling your easy as offer. And then you’re into stage three. And in stage three, you are probably feeling a little bit unsure. You’re doing it anyway. But you’re wondering, was that a fluke? That worked? But can I do it again? Is it going to keep happening? Okay, you’re trusting the process. Hopefully you’re inside the program, you’re leveraging your peers, the hive, we

call it the hive, Gump to the hive, get the hive mind. And you’re asking for help from your colleagues. You’re getting coached when you need to. But really, at this stage, your brain is wondering, is this a fluke? Okay, just want to be totally honest, it’s like did did that actually work? Was it actually that simple? Oh, my goodness, specially if you have been thinking it’s going to be way harder for a long time, there will be some cognitive dissonance there where your brain has to catch up and realize, oh, this actually can be this simple. So what do we do in stage three? Well, you’re going to get better at selling and you’re going to get better at repeating what you had success with, and not overcomplicating things, because what your brain is going to want to do when you’re thinking, I think that that might have just been a fluke, then your brain is going to say, yes, it totally was a fluke. And we need to make this hard again, because our brains are really predictable that way. And what you will be very tempted to do is to add in a lot of complex tasks, software’s automations, all sorts of things that make your business hard again, because if your brain thinks this has to be hard, it will make it hard for you. So guess what we know that that’s going to happen. So in the repeatable revenue process, we have an entire framework for how you coach yourself through that and how you get coached through that. So then you can also use those tools with your clients. Because remember, they’re going to have the exact same problem, because they also have human brains. So your clients are going to have success with you. And their brain is going to freak out and say, was that a fluke? Could it be this simple? Oh, my goodness, am I the type of person that can actually do this? And their brain will say, No, it has to be hard, we have to, we have to make it harder. And you because you have gone through this process for yourself and with your business are going to have the tools to then deploy with them and bring them through to the other side, because the other side is where you get to stage four. And I’m going to talk about that in a second. But stage four is where you’ve made at least $10,000. And you’re well on your way to repeating that and making your first six figures but let’s just finish up first with what is happening in stage three. So your brain is pretty sure it’s a fluke is trying to make things harder than it needs to be. And to support you through that inside the profitable nutritionist program. We are going to get you on coaching calls. We’re going to get you on brainstorm breakout sessions, we are going to coach you up in the lounge and that’s with written coaching where you can ask for help on anything that’s coming up at anytime written coaching and we’re in there every single day answering questions. You’re also going to lean into the private member podcast in stage three. What the heck is up private member podcast you ask? Well, I am so glad to tell you that the private member podcast is a collection of all of the past coaching calls that we have had in the program over the last three and a half years, all in a private podcast feed. So when you join the program, you get the private feed that you can sync up to your apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. And that’s where you can listen to past coaching calls while you’re driving while you’re working out, cooking, etc. And you’re going to just be constantly reinforcing your brain that it’s okay, nothing has gone wrong, this is totally normal, you are going to hear other people whose businesses are much further along than yours get coached and you’re going to realize, Oh, you’re having the same thoughts that I’m having. And it’s okay. Nothing has gone wrong, you’re also going to get your exact questions answered. Remember, I said before on the live coaching calls, when you’re watching other people get coached, you realize what you don’t know, because we don’t know what we don’t know until it’s brought to our attention. So by syncing up to the private member podcast, having high quality coaching for your exact business model in your ears all the time, you’re going to move through stage three, so much faster. And stage three is where you’re thinking, Oh, my gosh, it might be a fluke, I have to make this hard. Again, remember, we don’t need to make it harder, we’re going to just keep doing what worked in stage to do it a little bit better, and do more of it and move through. This is how you rewire and change your brain, as you think new thoughts and you get coached. Okay. So also, in this stage, a lot of students in the program are thinking, Ah, I do want to get my website either created for the first time if you don’t have one yet, or I want to get it polished up. And I want to have a like a one hub where I can send people to and I know that they can get on my email list, I know that they can get information about what I’m doing. And I kind of want to prioritize this website. If that is you, you have what we call the website in a weekend, which is another bonus training that you have in the program for exactly how to set up a high converting health and wellness website that only needs four or five pages tell you exactly what those pages are, what to put on those pages, where to put the buttons, where to put the pictures, let’s go and you create that in just a few hours with the templates works with any website platform that you currently use? Do you need to have a website? No, are you probably going to want to have one at some point? Yes, therefore, that is a bonus that you can access at any time, I just want to let you know that it exists. But it is not part of the core curriculum of the repeatable revenue process. Because you don’t actually have to have a website, we have lots of students in the program that are wildly successful, and they don’t have a website at all. So don’t don’t think that that is a must do. But it is a bonus. And it is a resource that you have for when you want to deploy having a really professional website that converts people into clients 24/7 while you’re sleeping, which is kind of the best. So I find in stage three, that’s typically when people start looking at that. Okay, so now, stage three, you’ve realized it’s not it doesn’t have to be a fluke, you can keep going, it’s okay, you get your brain on board, you are constantly evaluating what’s working in your marketing and in your selling. And with delivering to your clients, your client fulfillment is a huge part of what you’re focusing in on on stage three, because you have clients that you’re working with now. And you have to figure out how can I make this simpler and better for them? Where are they getting stuck? How can I make this a better experience for them? So we’re constantly evaluating all of those things, and tweaking and making them a little bit better? And then repeating. So if you’re wondering, what is the process here, like, ultimately, we are making decisions or taking very imperfect action on those decisions, and then we’re evaluating what’s working, and what isn’t, and what we should be doing differently in the future. And that’s all we’re doing here, over and over and over in these stages, but with different strategies and different actions that are being taken in each one. So it’s super simple. Okay, stage three, you’ve made $10,000. Now you’re moving on to stage four. And once again, in stage four, some really interesting things happen in your brain. What I mean by that, is that once again, the thoughts of it’s a fluke, this might still kind of be there. But now you’ve made $10,000, you’re you’re cruising, people are talking about what you’re doing. You have referrals flooding in by this point, okay? Your brain is going to say this isn’t sustainable, because now it’s working. And now instead of thinking it’s a fluke, we’re going to have to make it hard again, mentally by thinking oh my gosh, I can’t do this. This is unsustainable, like, oh my gosh, I can’t do it. I think I think I just need to call it quits. And sadly, this is where so many wellness practitioners throw in the towel, because they think I just like this business model isn’t sustainable. And it is, and it can be, especially if you’re following the process that I teach, and you know that these thoughts are going to be coming. They are nothing has gone wrong. Your brain is just feeling uncomfortable because you are at a new level of success and a new level of productivity. So we have to account for that. We have to give yourself a little bit of compassion here and a little bit of grace and we need to work with it. not work against it. Remember, we are building a business here that is sustainable for the long term. So what that means at this stage, you’ve made 10k, you’re probably have made more than that. And stage four is a big range, okay? It’s make you’ve made at least $10,000, up to your first $100,000 Selling your ECS offer. So that’s a big range. And in this range, you are going to be implementing some key systems, you are going to be automating things you are going to be maybe hiring people to help you some contractors to help with the stuff that you’re not very good at. That could be tech stuff, that could be even client support stuff, who knows we have a whole bonus resource, actually a few different bonus resources for when you should look at hiring help. And some of those are going to, well, here, I’m just gonna break it down, we have a bonus course called Easy outsourcing, which is how to hire inexpensive tech experts overseas to help you with your tech stuff. And I show you exactly how to do that. What does that job posting look like? What is the script for hiring? How does that work? What websites do you use, get it out at us. So we have that framework for when you are ready for it. We also have something called the biz Rolodex. And the biz Rolodex is my exact contractors and agencies and things that I have used in my business that I can confidently recommend to you. So if that is useful, you can go in, you can get my exact Podcast Producer, my bookkeeper that specializes in online coaching businesses, you can get the contact information for the attorneys that we use to draft our legal stuff on our website and contracts and that kind of stuff. And all of that is also compiled and a list for you. So if you don’t want to go hire your own people, you just want to look at mine, or get suggestions there you can post in the lounge. And you can ask for recommendations, members are constantly sharing resources. And like oh my gosh, I hired this person for this, they were so good and sharing those recommendations and stuff in the launch tool. So you have lots of resources in place to support you in stage four, where you’re starting to realize that you need some systems, you need some organization, probably at a deeper level and probably some support. Luckily, we know how to do this. Okay, we

know how to do this. It’s okay, nothing has gone wrong. So if you’re listening to this right now, and you’re in stage four, and you’re having thoughts like this is an unsustainable business model, oh, my gosh, I can’t be working with one on one clients, or I can’t be working with groups and having them have this level of access to me, I can’t sustain it, I can’t grow. Yes, you can. There’s a method to the madness, we just need to start systematizing things. And that’s what we’re doing in stage four. But what your brain is going to want to do is burn it all down, it’s going to say we have to start over, we have to start an online course, or we have to do something totally different where nobody can ever talk to us again. That’s basically what your brain is going to say. We’re going to resist the urge to do that. And instead, we’re going to build in systems and processes, we’re gonna keep making money and keep helping the people probably raise your prices considerably here so that you are getting more revenue coming in and working with a few less clients. And then we are going to be strategically figuring out when are you going to add in those digital offers or scalable offers or change to a group format? There’s many different options, but what is that going to look like? And how are we going to do that really intentionally over a period of time, instead of out of panic, okay? Basically, that’s what I want you to know, stage four can feel like panic sometimes. And we don’t want that to happen. So that’s why we know what’s going to happen. We’re not caught off guard by that at all. And we plan accordingly. And when you are following a process, and you’re inside a program getting support like you do inside the profitable nutritionist, you will be so reassured that nothing has gone wrong. When you do have those panic thoughts, I promise. It is key, really having people around you that know what you’re going through that are doing this crazy business thing with you they get it there, maybe a few steps ahead and can offer some advice. That is everything is so lonely, sitting in your own house, in your own home office, at your own computer and trying to figure everything out yourself. And then second, guessing all the decisions that you’ve made is terrible. I don’t want that for anyone. So know that this whole episode is me selling you blatantly uncoming into the profitable nutritionist program, because we are going to help you through all of that. And I know that you’re going to have so much more success when you’re surrounded by people who get you and that can help you. So here’s what we’re doing. In stage four, we’re going to work with the referrals that are coming in, we are going to systematize the marketing that has been working for you and stop doing all of the things that are wasting your time. So we have to do some evaluation here, we have to figure out where is the success coming from? How can we double down on that and stop wasting time on other stuff. And then keep going to make your process better with your clients. We’re going to automate some of that we’re going to systematize some of that we’re going to figure out how to make that even better with less of you and more of some other systems that we can put in place. And all of that’s happening in stage four. So basically, we’re doing the same thing that you’ve been doing to get success up to this point, but we’re going to do it better, and we’re going to make it easier. And then we’re just going to rinse and repeat. A lot of people at this stage feel like their business is unsustainable because they don’t have enough Have reps in to have the processes dialed in. And really, it’s just a matter of keep going push through a little bit longer. You’re just in the messy middle at this stage, but you’ve got to just push through a little bit more, keep evaluating, and make those processes more streamlined, so that you can remove yourself from a lot of the stuff that’s wasting your time and makes it feel unsustainable. Okay. So we bring on systems and team members to streamline marketing and sales and back end admin stuff and tech things that drain your lifeforce and client fulfillment, all of those things. What we don’t do in stage four is we don’t change what’s working. Like I said, we make it better. We don’t burn it all down. No, no, that’s not the way we set up systems and automations for long term scalability and focus on compounding consistency. I have another podcast about that, that I will link up in the show notes for this episode. But what’s compounding consistency, do more and do it better, don’t start doing something new. That’s, that’s not what compounding consistency is. And compounding consistency also feels really boring. It’s doing the boring things that are working over and over again, instead of the shiny, fun, new sparkly squirrel things, if you know, you know, all right, so in stage four, we are supporting you inside the program with lots of coaching. Like I’ve said many times in stage four, your brain is screaming at you to go back and start over make different decisions, because you’re in the messy middle. But you just have to see it through and resist that urge, which is so much easier. When you’re getting coached up, you’re managing your mind, it’s just like when your clients plateau, or they have a detox reaction in their health journey, you need to prepare them that that’s going to happen at some point or that that could happen at some point and nothing has gone wrong. Stage four is like the detox reaction. Your business, but I am here to support you just like you’re there to support your clients. Nothing has gone wrong, it actually means things are going right. Okay, so you get to 100k. You’ve made six figures, holy cow, congratulations, by the way, let’s have a huge party. Then what happens? Wow, I’m so glad you asked at this point, you have a lot of demand built up. Okay. When I say a lot of demand built up, I mean, people want to work with you. People are talking about you. They’re asking you, How do I get started with you? What’s the process? Do you have a waitlist, people, the buzz is happening? Okay, there’s a lot of buzz. You’re also looking ahead at the future of your company and your business. And you’re feeling like holy cow. This actually is a company and a business. Oh my gosh, this isn’t just a hobby. We’re doing this over here. So that requires you as the visionary of your company and your business to be looking ahead making a plan and confidently making some new decisions and executing on them. Because ultimately, you are the leader here. Best news of the day, you are the leader. I know some people listening to this are like no, I don’t want to be. But you are. And that’s awesome. I mean, it’s the it’s the best news ever. You’re the leader of your clients, you’re the leader of a future team, should you choose to have people come and support you in your business? That’s great. I would add you’re probably a leader to other people in your life that are watching you from afar and thinking, oh my gosh, she’s actually doing it. How cool is that? So in stage five, which is after you’ve made 100k, you have probably started or in process with creating repeatable processes, and some really distinct intellectual property that you deliver to your clients. What the heck does that mean? Well repeatable processes could be processes with your clients could also be processes with your marketing, with your sales, with your client onboarding, with your bookkeeping, and financials and revenue reporting, that kind of stuff. This is all sorts of things that in the beginning, you do one off, but at this stage, we want those to be automated, and we want them to be systematized. So those repeatable processes are either in process or if they’re not, we need to work together. And we need that to be happening. And then you’re systematically creating intellectual property, which is your unique way that you explain things, your frameworks, your processes, your IP, I mean, there’s just no other way to say this is your IP, you have this, okay? If you made 100k. In your business, you have this, you may not think of it as your own. And you may maybe haven’t even categorized it as that but you have it which is really exciting. Because that is your stuff. That is your secret sauce, that is going to take your business to multiple six figures and beyond, which is super fun. Referrals are consistent. Those are coming in your profitability at this point we want to see between 50 and 80%, which is very exciting, because that’s a that’s a great business. We have a great business model, my friend. Let’s be very clear. We have very, very high margins in our type of business. A service business in general has really high margins, but especially for most of us that work online or at least partially online. That’s even higher. It’s crazy that we just live in the best time. Let’s be very grateful. That’s amazing. So profitability at 50 80% And then you’re consistently paying yourself a salary each month. Now, it doesn’t need to be, you don’t actually need to call it a salary. But basically you have a certain amount of money that you take home from your business bank account to your personal bank account, every single month is consistent, you can count on it. And you’re very happy with that number.

All right? How cool is this? I love it. I love talking about how our businesses can feel the rest of our lives. I think that there’s a lot of conversation about living and dying your business. And as I said at the beginning of this episode, I don’t think that that’s necessary. I don’t think that that’s healthy. I think if you’re listening to this podcast, you probably don’t think so either. So I would offer that the way I have grown my business to a very, very healthy amount. And what I suggest to my students, and they have done the same is to have a lot of whitespace on the calendar. At this stage, especially in the beginning, it’s a little bit harder, when you’re scrappy, you’re just you’re trying all the things you’re figuring out what’s working, it might be a little bit harder to have as much white space on your calendar as you want to. But when you’re making six figures in your practice, you have to prioritize rest, you have to prioritize the space for your brain as the visionary of your company to plan ahead and to do big thinking and have ideas and just have planning sessions with yourself if nothing else, but you have to have that whitespace on the calendar, you are also asking at this stage, who not how a great book, by the way. It’s a great book, who not how so the question that you probably are asking and answering up to about 100k is how am I going to do this? How am I going to do this? How am I going to do this after 100k? And certainly before if you would like but for sure after 100k, you get to a point where you’re needing to ask who’s going to do this not how am I going to do this? But who is going to do this? And that’s a really fun question to answer. So we do that in stage five. We’re also always preaching and I will say this always, always always constraint equals cash, okay? constraining your focus is going to make you more money constraining where you are putting your attention is going to always bring in more for your business, and will be better for your clients. So this goes back to what I talked about in stage four, which was focusing and leveraging compounding consistency, doing this things that are working and do more of them, and then do them better and resisting the urge to do the new things. Well, we take that really to the next level in stage five and think constraint equals cash constraint equals to cash, if you have to put that on a post it and put it on your computer screen do that it will serve you very, very well. And when we are looking at what to constrain our focus on you might be wondering how the heck do you know what that even is. And in stage five, we are deploying a three year plan. So the three year plan and the way I teach it, and the way I teach it in the mastermind, is to look ahead at where you want your business to be three years from now. And then we work backwards on what needs to happen in year two year one and this year to make that outcome inevitable. But having that longer time that we’re planning ahead for does some amazing things in your brain. And what it really allows you to do is constraint on the things that are actually going to matter three years from now constrain your focus on those things. Instead of going to strike while the iron is hot, I got a strike while the iron is hot, oh my gosh, I should do this, I should do that. And instead of thinking of your business as what am I doing this month, you’re thinking what am I doing this year? What am I doing next year and the next year, and you will make much much higher level decisions, better decisions for you, for your clients and for the whole sustainability of your business when you think about it that way. So that is what is happening in stage five and everything that you create in the TPM program up to the point where you’re at stage five supports the scaling of your business, I think I’ve said that, but I just want to repeat. So at that point you’ve created the massive demand referrals are coming in, it’s working, your messaging is working, your sales are converting, there’s still areas to optimize all of that to convert better and to sell better, and to have more referrals coming in, and all of the things of course, but you have that strong foundation that you need to build off of. Now in the mastermind, that is where we build on that foundation with systems and processes and people and a plan, the three year plan that includes a lot of people to make and execute processes and systems for you. So also just know that you don’t have to figure all this out yourself either. There is a separate framework aside from the one that I just showed you the where we do that together too. And that’s in the mastermind. But the reason that the profitable nutrition is program is a prerequisite for acceptance into the mastermind. And maybe you didn’t know that but it is, is because you scale your problems when you scale your business. So if someone’s making over 50k, you’re in their business, but they have multiple offers at multiple price points and there’s no rhyme or reason or systems or processes at all and they’re not managing their mind at all the income is going to be really inconsistent. So if all of the things are inconsistent the income is going to be inconsistent and that is going to be what you end up scaling with is inconsistency feast or famine weed Don’t want that. So any problem that you have in your business is just going to get bigger, the bigger your business gets, it gets messier and even more inconsistent. So if someone that wants to come into the mastermind hasn’t gone through the TPN program already, I have them purchase that and go through the program prior to starting the mastermind, so that you can get those things cleared up and get that strong foundation all solidified first. So just wanted to say that if you are thinking that you want to get into the next round of the mastermind for more intimate help, and one on one support with scaling up your business, to that multiple six figure level, you absolutely should get on the waitlist for the mastermind, do that. But you also should join the profitable nutritionist program right now, if you’re not in there, so that you can get started on that right away. And then you’ll get access to me, the other TPN support coaches on coaching calls all of that good stuff, so that you can be working through and making sure that that foundation is really strong before you start scaling. Have we covered all the bases? That was a lot. But there you have it. That’s what it really takes to make consistent six figures in your nutrition or health coaching business stage by stage. How do I know this? I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people do it. First, you have to make some well thought out decisions, only a few of them, but you have to make them then you need to consistently and imperfectly execute on those decisions. While you develop a few new skills, like how to effectively market your business. Have conversations with humans on planet Earth. How do you do that? How do you sell? And then how do you create processes. I talked a lot in this episode about your processes that could be a nebulous, very confusing concept for you. If you don’t know how to create processes, well, we’ll teach you how to do that too. That’s a skill you need to know. And then lastly, you evaluate what is working in all of those areas. And you do more of that, instead of what your brain is going to try to convince you of which is that you should scrap all of that. And let’s go research something new to do. Because it’s familiar to be learning and researching. And it’s not so comfortable or familiar for a lot of us to be throwing spaghetti at the wall and imperfectly executing, but that’s what it takes. So new level new devil, these patterns are going to show up each time you level up in your business, they present a little bit differently. As you can probably see, as we talk through those stages kind of the same, same problems needing to make decisions and then imperfectly take action on them and evaluate as you go. It’s the same pattern. But different. It shows up a little bit differently manifests a little bit differently at each level, which is why having a process to follow and a guide with a lot of experience ahead of you is so crucial, shameless plug here for the TPM program. If you’re getting that intuitive hit that you want a guide yep, I can do that guide for you. If you want your business to be simpler, more fun, just plain old want to stop feeling so lonely. Like you’re figuring everything out for yourself and that it’s slowing you down. You’re probably right. So stop what you’re doing right now. Join us in the profitable nutritionist program, you can do that at the profitable nutritionist.com/join. Remember, enrollment is open until May 22 at midnight central time and there are very flexible payment plans available. So get all of that information at the profitable nutritionist.com/join We have all of the payment options linked up there. Your success is literally guaranteed you make your investment back or we give it back to you. If you are listening after the enrollment closes on May 22. No worries, visit that same page for the dates of the next enrollment and then get on the waitlist so that you don’t miss it. We would love to support you and help you inside again that page is the profitable nutritionist.com/join And I can’t wait to see you inside my friend.

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