Free Course

Get the Profitable Practice Free Course

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media.

FREE Challenge

SummerTIME Challenge May 13th - 17th

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 2x your business revenue this summer working just 5-10 hours each week.


Join The Profitable Nutritionist® Program
May 16th - May 22nd


Enrollment for The Profitable Nutritionist Program closes TONIGHT

Woman standing behind a desk next to a computer screen displaying a wellness quiz advertisement.

Want the secret recipe for more clients and cash in your biz without sacrificing your health or sanity?

Take the FREE 60 second quiz to discover your unique Wellness-Preneur Type
so we can send over your personalized action plan.


3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

Quit growing your audience immediately and focus on these 3 things instead.


Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.


Andrea Nordling Episode 142 thumbnail

142. Selling With Future Fear

Andrea Nordling Episode 141 thumbnail

141. Embracing The Messy Middle


What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your business to keep going through the mental drama?


How do I prioritize between selling and client delivery if work hours are minimal?

Podcast Square Featured Image - Andrea Nordling

137. Money Making “Side Bennies” of Joining The Profitable Nutritionist Program with Lindsay Little and Michele Stamn

AndreaPost18 (1)

135. 3 Reasons You’re Behind (And How to Finally Get Ahead)

Sara Fisk

134. People Pleasing In Your Business with Sara Fisk


Imposter Syndrome And Overcoming Shyness

Three women smiling and looking at a laptop in a room full of books. two are dressed in bright pink and teal, and the other in black.

Keeping Your Business Intentionally Small

A woman in a yellow blazer sits on a couch working on a laptop, looking intently to her left with a thoughtful expression.

Lots Of Website Traffic But No Leads

A smiling woman in a green jacket offering broccoli to the camera in a grocery store.

127. 5 Traits of Highly Successful Holistic Nutritionists

A woman with curly hair and a floral top smiling gently at the camera against a light background.

126. 6 Mindset Mistakes And How To Fix Them with Jille Dunsmore

Get the profitable practice free course

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media.

Start The Free Course Now

Woman standing behind a desk next to a computer screen displaying a wellness quiz advertisement.

Reveal your Wellness-preneuer Type

Start with the 60 second quiz to reveal your unique Wellness-preneuer Type and receive a personalized action plan for getting more clients and cash without sacrificing your health or sanity.


3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

In the free class you will:


3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

In the free class you will: