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3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

Quit growing your audience immediately and focus on these 3 things instead.


Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.


Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.

147. Self-Liquidating Ads: “Selling Like A Dude” Part 2

In this episode we’re talking about ads you run FOR FREE.

That’s right: Paid ads that immediately bring in more money than they cost you to run, which makes them free.

Or, in the digital marketing world, what’s known as a self-liquidating offer funnel.

This Part 2 episode is the tactical “how to actually do it” based on an experiment I did in 2020 that I’m bringing back for 2024…

And there’s a real gem at the end you won’t want to miss if you want to create a self liquidating offer funnel for your business this year, too.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn: 

  • The Theory from 2020 when I initially debuted this “free” ads strategy
  • The Initial Experiment
  • The Shocking Results
  • How I’m repeating it this year (and how you could, too)


Links Mentioned:


Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast my friend. My name is Andrea Nordling. I am the host and founder of the profitable nutritionist where I teach, you guessed it nutritionists how to create a big old business without posting on social media. So you may be very confused about why I’m doing an episode about ads on social media. Well, stay tuned, you’re gonna hear all about it. Today, we are talking about ads that you run for free. In particular, that’s right, ads that immediately bring in more money than they cost you to run which makes them free. Or in the digital marketing world, what is known as a self liquidating Offer Funnel, big words, big words. Alright, this part two, I have to just give the disclaimer and give a little context here is the tactical How do you do it the how, based on an experiment that I did in 2020, and I’m bringing back for 2024, there is a big gym nugget at the end that you’re not gonna want to miss if you want to create a self liquidating Offer Funnel for your business this year, too. But if you haven’t listened to part one yet, from last week, you gotta go back and listen to that one first. So that you have the full strategy, the full context of what I’m sharing today, especially in terms of what I mean by selling like a dude. Before I start, let me say this, you’re probably listening to this episode, because you’re either running ads right now for your business or you would like to be. And I think that that’s a great idea, especially because of how quickly you’re going to get data on what works and what doesn’t work in terms of your messaging, and your offer, and some other things that you want to test really quickly by spending a few bucks on ads. But you don’t have to run ads ever if you don’t want to. So let me be clear, you probably clicked on this episode, because it interests you, or you are already running ads. But if it doesn’t interest you, or if you don’t want to run ads, you don’t have to ever do that to make money as a nutritionist or a health coach, online. Business is not a specific recipe. Like you have to follow it a cup of this of stir of that it’s not like that there’s no right or wrong. This is just one way to market your business. But I’ve also made millions of dollars without running any social media ads whatsoever. So don’t get in your head either way that you have to or you shouldn’t or there’s no right or wrong way. None of that is true. Don’t even do it. All right. But since you are listening to this episode, I’m assuming that running paid ads for your marketing your wellness business is on your radar right now. So we’re going to dive into it. Let’s go. Are you ready? We’re going to start with the theory.

Speaker 1 2:16
The heck are we? This sounds so scientific, doesn’t it? It kinda does.

Andrea Nordling 2:22
It is kind of supposed to. But first of all, keep an open mind and question what you think it takes to be successful in your business. Keep a very, very open mind as I bring you through this tactical how to today. And just a little fair warning, we’re gonna go deep, we’re going to talk dollars, we’re going to talk numbers here, you definitely want to get a little bit caffeinated this episode, and listen all the way through to the end, where we’re going to talk about how to apply this framework as soon as possible to your business, even if you’re in the very beginning stages of growing your business right now. All right back to reimagining what marketing and promoting your biz could even mean, let’s be open minded about it. Now, for me, this has come after 20 plus years of being an entrepreneur in three different industries. And I’m not gonna go into my entire business timeline. But just know that I’ve done this for a long time, most recently as an online coach since 2015. And business success for me means selling like a dude. What Why did you keep saying that? I know, I know, we’re gonna unpack that statement more in a minute, don’t lose your mind quite yet, just stick with me. But for you business success might mean something completely differently. So just keep an open mind. Anyway, as we dive down this rabbit hole together of redefining sales and marketing strategy, we have four things we’re going to discuss here. First of all, the theory from 2020. When I initially debuted this strategy, we’re gonna talk about the experiment, part two, part three, the results. And then part four, and I think probably the most important is how I’m repeating it this year, and how you could be too. So what I’m sharing here is important because it will completely contradict pretty much everything that the experts big air quotes on experts here, tell us to do to grow an online business. And I personally just really like to be polarizing and rebellious like that. Because remember, I don’t think it’s a recipe that you have to follow with a cup of this. And as teaspoon of that, I just don’t, I don’t think the business is that way. And I never have actually, so let’s rewind a few years. And I’m gonna give you some more baseline context, when I started my online nutrition business in 2015 into 2016, things were very different than they are right now, in a lot of ways, the Internet was less noisy, a little bit less noisy. Of course, at that time, everyone was saying it’s so noisy and yet, but it was considerably less noisy than it is now inboxes were not so full. And the concept of giving someone a free piece of content, or what we usually will call a lead magnet or a freebie or an opt in something like that, to introduce them to your work was still relatively innovative. I mean, if we’re gonna be honest, it was still working pretty well. People weren’t completely numb to that, like they are now to a certain extent. It works like a dream. Okay, so I had a lot of success with publishing blog posts, and then those blog posts had content upgrades. What is a content upgrade? Well, it was a lead magnet that complicate added the blog content. So somebody was reading very specific content on my blog that they came to from Pinterest or from organic search results on Google or somebody sent them to it. And so they came to this blog post. And then I was giving them an opportunity to join my email list with a freebie and opt in a lead magnet, I’m gonna go with lead magnet for the rest of this episode. So just know that those are all interchangeable words, but they would have a lead magnet, which got them onto my email list. And that lead magnet was very specific to the content that they were already there for on that blog post. Okay, I got a lot of email subscribers that way, again, in 2015 2016 2017. That was pretty simple to do. And it was still kind of novel, less so now. But it still works. I want to be very clear, that still works. But people are pretty savvy to it, algorithms have changed email service providers and email platforms like Gmail, and Yahoo, and all of the big ones have a lot more filtering in place now. So it’s just a little bit different. But just know the concept does still work. Okay, people subscribe to get valuable content in emails, that is still a thing. But back in the day, back in the day, beating 2015 2016, from my perspective, it was still pretty novel. So let’s just say that I was in the right place at the right time when I debuted this, and it may not be quite as easy right now. But it’s still easier than it’s going to be tomorrow. And it’s still easier right now than it’s gonna be next year and the next year. So when’s the best time to build a tree 20 years ago, or today, you guys know, whatever that phrases insert here, it is way harder to capture and maintain someone’s attention online these days than it used to be. But again, it’s going to be way harder a year from now. So this is just as the way that it is people understand how this works. Now they get a freebie, it’s going to result in you or our business, emailing them afterwards to sell something people understand it. And that is totally fine. By the way, it’s just not exactly a surprise anymore, that fewer and fewer people open every single email, eagerly awaiting the next installment. So as a result, fewer and fewer sales may happen if you aren’t really intentional with your email strategy. So that’s why you’re here, though. You’re listening to this episode, because you do want to be intentional about your online marketing and sales strategy. All right. So it was a long time coming for me in my business, which I started online coaching business in 2015. By the time I started running ads in 2020, it had been a long time coming, okay, five years of tinkering with my online business having success on a smaller scale. And at that point, my husband and I had decided to sell our dream house on 10 acres and travel the country in an RV while homeschooling our elementary kids in 2020. So needless to say, this was a real turning point year for a lot of things in my life, not least of all my business. And my business had to change, which meant completely eliminating all the unnecessary tasks that didn’t light me up. They weren’t bringing in money in my business. And were wasting a lot of time. Because I had an our family had committed to spending a whole lot of time together going on an epic adventure. And that did not involve mom spending eight hours a day in front of her computer, I was exhausted with the prevailing marketing strategies that we just need to produce free content, more free content, more free content, do more videos, do more stories, data to build rapport and trust and like factor, so that maybe just maybe we can sell something someday. And that was and still is a lot of the marketing strategies and kind of the narrative about marketing your business online, got to have more content, cut out more content, got to have more, it feels so raspy, it feels so needy, it feels so desperate, I don’t like it today, and I didn’t like it in 2020

I just wanted to like take a shower after even thinking about that. So in 2020 I said I gotta reimagine this, we have to do it all differently. But basically, it is like all of the experts big air quotes on experts again have basically been saying for years and years now we need to make people like us. And they need to know everything about us we have to be we have to be everywhere on all the platforms producing free content all the time for them, so that we deserve to be paid for expertise at some point. Like they have to like us, they have to have a deep relationship with us virtually somehow. Why? Oh, gross. I’m looking at free Facebook groups here with a side eye okay. This is the thing that comes to mind for me in just top of mind always with this strategy is you got to have a free Facebook group, you got to be engaging in a free Facebook group and give people so much value and you got to be constantly on top of their newsfeed so that they someday may give you the honor of some attention and maybe buy from you so there’s just something about that is so raspy and so gross. Please don’t do that. Please, please, please repeat after me. I will not create a free Facebook group and tell myself that is a good use of my time or expertise. Just please tell me you’re not going to do that. As an aside kind of getting back to the selling like a dude mentality. How many dudes do you know running free of Facebook groups and killing it in their business? I know most people that are going to listen to this episode are women. How do I know that because most people I work with are women. Most people in health and wellness by and large are women. And when we think of our industry and we think of what works we’re told We got to be giving it all away, give everything of ourselves away, maybe people will like us enough to buy something later. It’s just not the only way. It’s not the only way to be thinking about this. So back to that, like how many dudes you know, they’re just killing it online with a free Facebook group zero. That is how many I know I’m sure some exists. But zero is the number that I can think of. We’re going to pull on this thread in a minute. Back to the content myth, though, I already knew in 2020 that the content hamster wheel and being on it and running on it all the time was not going to work for me. Because I was feeling at that point, like no social media was the name of the game. For me. I already had an inkling that that was the direction my business was headed. And little did I know that by the end of that year, I was going to be deactivating all of my social media, personal and professional. But I digress. Alright, so instead of being on social media all the time, I already had been selling my online courses and memberships for years using automated email funnels, that was already the mode of sales in my business, those email funnels were still working. But I had this theory getting back to this part one here on the theory that they were more complicated, and they took longer to get the sale than the market actually wanted. So what I was thinking was, hmm, I think that this just might be more complicated than it needs to be. I think that there are people here who just want to buy from me, and they just want me to help them solve their problem. And I’m making it too hard for them. Because I’m trying to build this know, like trust factor for such a long extended period of time before I tell them how they can just purchase. Like I think we could just get to the point here. This is where things are going to likely get a little bit polarizing. Alright. I told a business peer of mine that I respected quite a bit, she was making a lot more money than me to be honest. I told her what I was going to do. This is the experiment that I’m going to talk about in a second. I told her about this experiment. And she told me with a totally straight face. She said, Oh, that only works for men. She was dead serious. By the way. She’s like that only works for men, which took me aback in a big way. I was like, wait, what? It was such a ridiculous comment. I almost laughed when she said it, honestly. But then I realized she was totally right, but just not for the reason that she thought. Because as we know, the health and wellness space is pretty female dominated, like already said, and us ladies tend to have some issues when it comes to selling life changing products and services. Here are some of the very well defined patterns I might add, that I see play out with my mostly female clients that keep them playing small, first of all, fear of judgment. Second of all, fear of failure, failure, and third of all fear of success. Now, sure, all three of these come dressed up in different outfits, like look a little bit different. But the real beliefs are the same. If I charge people for my services, they’re going to think who am I to charge that. So I should just do it for free. Some version of that that’s a fear of judgment. Or if I put myself out there and no one buys, everyone’s gonna think I’m a failure. So I better go get XYZ certification first instead, and then I’m going to be ready. Procrastination, fear of failure, right. Or if I make this business, my full time gig, I’m never going to have any time for my family, it’s going to get too stressful, it’s going to take over my life. So I better not actually do this. Now that’s a fear of success. Do you see how awful this is? Our very best, most fantastic feminine traits to connect with people to help them to nurture them, to teach them to inspire them to heal them. All of those are effectively working against our bank accounts, when we’re believing any of these things. And the popular online marketing wisdom tells us we need to connect more with strangers on the internet, and with people that know us, and we need to give them more stuff for free. And then we need to woo them even more with our value for months and years. Because that’s the name of the game. And then if we’ve done a good job, quote, unquote, good job, and we’ve made them like us, we might be worthy of getting paid. At some point. You can see how this cycle plays out, right? We’re selling like dudes very different. It looks like this fine strangers on the internet who are already trying to solve the problem that you’re an expert at solving. Step two, tell them how you can help them solve that problem. Step three, immediately tell them how to pay you money for that help. Step four. If they don’t want to invest, you find other people who do and then you focus on those people. The end, step five, the end. I know that I’m really, really simplifying that, but it’s a slightly different energy and intention. Could you say, sarcasm here on the slightly? Yes, it’s totally different. Now I can practically hear your brain screaming. What about the people that are ready to invest yet? That you’re going to need some nurturing? Yes, yes, yes, yes, we’re gonna get to those people too. And I might be talking out of both sides of my mouth right now. Because I do talk a lot about giving value ahead of time and being valuable for your people and being in it for the long game. And all of that is still true, but two things can be true at the same time. And the thing I’m talking about today, that is definitely true as people use that other advice and strategy against themselves and never actually tell people how they can help them. So you’re here, you’re clicked on in an episode about running ads, you obviously want to do that. I’m going to just tell you that here’s a great way to do it. You find strangers on the internet that are already trying to solve a problem that you are an expert at solving. And then you tell them very succinctly how you can help them solve it, and you tell them how to pay you to do it.

And some of them are going to want the help. So you help those people and you focus on that group of people. and had can be how simple it really is. Okay, first, I think we need to circle back for a minute and revisit this little conundrum that US female entrepreneurs are in and all the men that are listening to this episode, just take it all with a grain of salt and all the women who don’t have this problem and are listening to this episode, take it with a grain of salt. Okay, big Himalayan sighs grain of salt, here it is for you. But the internet, it’s like some of this will apply to you too. Like, we can see shades of grey everywhere in the middle as always. Okay, so that’s my disclaimer. So the internet in the world is a big place, my friend. It is incredible time to be an entrepreneur with this little thing called the internet, it is still so new compared to what it will be even just a few years from now. So can you even imagine I just want us to pinch ourselves. And I want us to get some perspective here. Can you even imagine telling your great grandmother that you can do you have your own business? First of all, because she probably can’t even imagine that or couldn’t if you could talk to her enough. You have your own business. And you can reach any pocket of people, any niche, any specific pocket of people, no matter how tiny and specific it is or where they are in the world. Pretty much simply in just a few hours, like you could just reach them and you can help them it is insane. The possibilities that we have for specializing and for serving our ideal clients right now. In 2024. These have never existed before. It’s really so cool. So can it be overwhelming? Yes. Can it also just be a moment for us to be really grateful that we even have the opportunity? I think we should. All right. Bottom line is the internet is full of potential clients who want to pay us money and are currently searching online for our help. Okay, so I want you to think about this your ideal clients right now, your perfect, perfect, easiest, most ideal clients, they are searching right now on their phone or on their little keyboard, and they’re typing in their search terms for the problems that they have. They want the help solving the problems, they’re trying to solve the problems. Think about that right now. They’re right there, they already want the help. Now you just need to be the person that they find. That helps them great. Many women overcomplicate this and sabotage the process of selling to their people. So let’s stop making it so complicated. take a page out of the dudes book in selling like a dude. And remember, in part one, I really went into what that means and we kind of make it fun. So if this is confusing you why I keep saying that goal isn’t a part one. But anyway, we’re gonna stop overcomplicating it, we’re going to take a page out of their book, all the bros are going to take the page out of their book, we’re going to impact way more people, we’re going to make more money have way more fun and freedom in our lives as a result. Is that a deal? Yes, it is. You’re nodding your head right now. So keep an open mind. Let’s talk about the experiment part two. So what was the experiment? Well, in May of 2020, I decided to test my theory that I was really overcomplicated my sales process otherwise known as my sales funnel, I’m gonna use those words interchangeably to at that point, which was over four years ago can’t even believe that I was successfully selling my digital products. On my website with automated emails, those emails dripped out over weeks, and over months, they were automated sequences. And they did make sales. But I had a hunch that I could see even better results if I just made people an offer to buy right away before the emails even started dripping out. So two different strategies targeting kind of different people, people that are ready right now. And then I already had a strategy in place with automated emails for people that needed more time or needed more information. All right. So specifically, I had this theory that I wanted to charge for my freebie for my lead magnet instead of giving it away for free. I can practically hear you gasping for air as you read that. I know how dare I the nerve, some kind of monster. So instead of only deploying the tried and true sales funnel that I had at this point that looked like this. Step one, create oodles of free content to organically attract traffic to my website, posted all over social media to engage with people, wow them with all of the free value all of the time. And then step two, give them a lead magnet in exchange for their email address. And then step three send emails of more free content more Wow, always our we value value value to woo and impress them even further. So they keep opening the emails. And step four, eventually make an offer for paid services and hope like hell, a few people would purchase instead of that one, which is one way and should be a way that you think of I wanted to try something else. I’m not saying that way was wrong. Remember, it’s not wrong. It just was. Until this point, the only way I thought that there was so that’s why I keep saying that’s just not the only way there are multiple ways and you can do multiple things at one time as well. So I wanted to add on a new way, which was to run paid ads to cold traffic. That means strangers on the internet that did not know me at all, had never heard of me before. And then I wanted to tell them how my lead magnet PDF could solve their problem and I was doing that in the copy in the ad. And then I wanted to send them to a checkout page to purchase that PDF instead of giving it away for free gasp What and then I wanted to further engage and connect with them via email after they had purchased the PDF because then purchasing the PDF then subscribe sent to my email list. So I wanted to continue engaging and connecting with them, after they had established themselves as an action taker that was wanting to put money into solving their problem by purchasing the freebie that was no longer free. And then in those emails, I was inviting them to come on a journey with me into my other paid programs if it was a good fit for them. So this was just a different way of finding the right people, giving them an offer to take action right away and pay me so then they could self select and identify as an action taker that’s willing to pay money to solve their problem, which is a really big part of this. And then they were going to continue getting my nurturing my value my emails, and we would continue to establish the trust factor over time, and they would have an invitation to come into my other paid program if it was a good fit for them. So you see what’s going on here. If the experiment worked, I was going to be able to use the proceeds of this $10. PDF, to pay for the ads, making them basically free, as opposed to spending lots of cash money on ads to build my list without knowing if those were people that were going to convert into sales, which is what many people do online. And I still do some of that too. But this is different, this was a very, very different strategy. And because ad costs are continually going up, they’re higher now than they were in 2020. And they’re going to be higher next year than they are now. They always will. It just gets riskier and riskier, to put out money for ads without having a way to know if you’re going to recoup that money right away. Okay, so remember what I told you spark this realization. In part one, I told my colleague that I was going to create some ad campaigns that linked directly to a checkout page, instead of giving an opt in and a lead magnet for free. And then all the emails, I was like, I’m just going to run ads to a checkout page, and sell my PDF for 10 bucks when I told her that she’s like, Oh, that only works for men. Fascinating, fascinating. Because when she told me this, she said it as if it was just a fact. And she was just reporting the news to me. Okay, so me, I’m an Enneagram eight, my friend. I was like, okay, challenge accepted, if going to go hard on this, but seriously, what like, why would anyone choose to believe this story that men can effectively close a sale by marketing to strangers on the internet, but women need to earn the attention of their audience and build trust and rapport first, like, why would anybody choose to believe that? I just cannot? I just cannot. Okay, so there’s multiple strategies here, I am not really interested in getting into a whole, like a whole gender stereotyping and conditioning and societal discussion there. Because my thoughts on that might even really contradict what it’s saying here. So we’re not gonna go there. But the point is, does it help to create raving fans and long term customers when we build trust and rapport with them over time? Yes, of course, that is a given. I’m not saying a board that strategy at all. But is it a prerequisite to do that first before making offers or telling people how they can hire you right now? No, it sure isn’t. And running paid ads is a really fast way to do that. All right. So one thing that people think a lot of times is that you shouldn’t start paying for ads until you’ve grown your email list, and you’ve made sales organically first, or you’ve gotten to a certain level of success in your business before you start running for ads. A lot of people say this, again, I call bullshit on that there is no one way to do it, your business is not a recipe where you have to follow these steps. Exactly, or the cake is not going to turn out. It’s just not like that. This is like a just we’re cooking, we’re not baking, okay, this is like a pinch of this a Dasha that, oh, we put in too much salt, we’re gonna have to figure out how to fix that. Now. That’s what your business actually is. So just know that as a whole, we are going with the bro marketing and selling like dude analogy here, because there’s a lot of wisdom to glean. And I say that because the bros that are marketing online running ads, and dritten filling up their funnels, they don’t feel like they need to earn the opportunity to invest money in their business, either. Okay, they don’t feel like that. Nor do they feel like their time is worthless. So I’m gonna say that again, because that’s what the core belief here is right? The bros, they don’t feel like they need to earn the opportunity to invest money in their business. They don’t need to like claw and scrape and get to a certain level first, before they can push the easy button. They don’t feel like that, nor do they feel like their time is worthless. Oh, that’s what that belief is, right is if you feel that way, or if you believe that, that you have to get to a certain level of success versus because your time isn’t worth anything. And you should just spend your time grinding out your marketing effort with months and in some cases, years of effort instead of spending money on leads by running ads because we can spend time or we could spend money. Why do so many wellness printers, largely women because that’s the bulk of that demographic tend to feel like spending their time is less expensive than spending their money. Again, this is a facepalm moment. All right, that is not telling like a dude. And I have been so guilty of falling into the same trap. So don’t think for one minute that I’m not talking to myself here too. I have DIY myself to death and stop myself from making money many, many, many times. So this is a reminder to myself as much as to anyone. Okay, but let’s get back on track with the experiment of 2020 And then how we’re replicating Get here in 2024. Basically, I decided to get way more serious about running ads instead of what I had done to that point, which is sporadically trying them with no metrics to track at basically wasting money, because I wasn’t tracking things. And then this time, I wanted to do it differently. I wanted to make sure that these were self liquidating, which means that I wanted to know that if I was going to give Mark Zuckerberg $1, I was going to get at least $1 back sidebar, when I had run ads in the past, it was always with the goal of getting email subscribers, I had not been diligent about tracking what happened with those subscribers did they turn into paying customers or not? So my ads, and my inconsistency up to that point was my own fault. And layered with I was optimizing for the wrong things. I was getting email subscribers, I thought the ads were working. But Were those the right email subscribers were those people that were actually going to spend money and invest in solving the problem I wanted to help them solve? Maybe not, because that’s not what I was optimizing for in those previous app. But this time I was going for immediate results. It felt great to have a plan, I had some defined metrics, when the form of money returned, that I was going to use to measure the success of this experiment. So I allocated $1,000 For the experiment, which means I was willing to invest $1,000, in the name of generating data that was going to help me figure out how to sell to strangers on the internet, who had never heard of me before. It was an experiment, I had an experimental learning budget of $1,000. Turns out, I was way off on that dollar figure, which you’re gonna hear about in a second. But here’s what I was committed to tracking and what it was going to tell me first of all, how many people engaged with my ad. And by engaged in meant they watched a video, they commented on something or they clicked a link in the ad, this is going to tell me if my messaging was resonating with people. And then number two, the other thing I was committed to tracking was how many people saw the offer versus how many purchased it. So saw the offer means they got to the checkout page. So a lot of people click the link to the checkout page from the ad. But they didn’t buy the $10 PDF that was on the checkout page, that would tell me the messaging was on point from the ad, something there was resonating. But the offer wasn’t compelling, or it wasn’t communicating the value of the offering that wasn’t compelling. So those are two things that I was tracking. Why do I tell you this, because I want you to see the power of validation that paid traffic can give for your business. Again, I think this can be simplified as a masculine feminine thing, if we want to go with broad strokes here, and I’m all about it in this situation, I am aware that I’m making huge generalizations here, go with it, go with it, you can handle it. First of all masculine, broad strokes, broad strokes, masculine is I’m gonna throw money at this thing and figure out if it’s valuable for people, that’s a very masculine selling mindset, there’s very little or no attachment to the outcome, it’s very experimental, it’s going to throw some money at this and figure out if it’s valuable for people, if they want it, the feminine version of that a lot of times is I’m going to spend a lot of time on this. And I’m going to see if people think I’m valuable. That’s what I’m going to learn from this, I’m just spent a lot of time on this. And then depending on what people do or don’t do, that’s going to tell me if they think I’m valuable. It’s insanely personal, there’s a lot of attachment to the outcome, and worthiness is all intertwined in it. And it’s very, very different. Like I said, broad strokes. But these stereotypes and these broad strokes apply for a reason, okay, I’m generalizing. But you can see the truth of it. When you’re selling like a dude, you’re letting the data drive your decisions. And you can get a lot of data by spending a few bucks on ads and testing out your messaging, testing out your website, copy, testing out your sales, copy testing out your offer, you can get a lot of data here. Alright, so getting a lot of eyeballs spending some some dollars to get paid traffic and so that you can get some numbers to analyze that can tell you in just a few days, if what you’re doing is working or not. And it can really help you pinpoint what part of it isn’t working. If it isn’t working. Again, I feel like I have to come about this just from many different angles and repeat the same thing over and over again, because you might be in the same boat as a lot of my clients when they first come into the profitable nutritionist program. And they absolutely agonized over some of these decisions in their businesses specifically choosing a niche. You would think the future of the entire species hinges on choosing the right niche. I hear it all the time. Like I just don’t know if people in that niche will pay for my offer. I just don’t know if there’s enough people in that niche. I don’t know if it’s the right niche. I don’t know if it’s like the it’s the biggest deal. And so I would say if you’re really worried about that in particular or any decision in your business, how about ponying up 50 bucks to run some ads this week and find out because we can isolate pretty quickly if your lack of sales is a niche problem, or if it’s an offer problem, or if it’s a messaging problem, which it likely is just based on the data that we now would have coming from that traffic right. Pro tip. Like I said, it’s usually a messaging problem that needs to get tweaked a little bit quick changing your niche. By the way, you don’t even need a bit niche to make a lot of money in your business or to run ads for that matter. Listen to episode seven choosing the most profitable niche for your business. For more info on that, go back re listen to episode seven if niche drama is happening for you. But anyway, you To get those insights quickly, we have to start thinking and selling like a dude, my friend. That’s why I’m recording this super lengthy and meandering episode here. And why keep going back to that? Am I saying that you have to start running ads to have a successful business? No. Like I’ve said, I’ve done it both ways. I have many hundreds of clients that have done it without running ads. So you don’t have to pay for ads. Although it would be very curious about why you wouldn’t if you’re still listening to this episode at this point, and you’re thinking, I’m not going to run any ads. What is holding you back? Is it the belief that you’re not ready? If so, ask yourself what a guy would do to get ready. It’s kind of an interesting question. I know that there’s a whole gender stereotype theme is getting a little bit tired, but it does bring up some mindset stuff. Am I right? I can’t remember what marketing podcasts this came from. So I don’t know where to give credit to. But it’s a quote that has stuck with me for years. When you want some rice for dinner? Do you plan to field or do you go to the store? Let me say that again, when you want some rice for dinner? Do you plant a field of rice for dinner? Or do you go to the store and just buy the race? The context of this quote was that organically building your email list, and your client base to sell to is like planting a field versus running paid ads to build your email list, which is like going to the store. But I’m a rebel. So I say do both. Buy rice for today’s food prep, meaning like get some data, run some ads, while your crop is growing in the field. We’re not putting all of our eggs in any one basket, let’s make sure that the crop is growing in the field too. Okay. So that’s what the experiment entailed charging for my PDF freebie, instead of giving it away for free, figuring out how to run a somewhat decent Facebook and Instagram ad to sell that PDF to strangers on the internet, and then validating and tweaking my messaging and my offer based on the data collected from the $1,000 experiment that’s $1,000 spent running ads, to, to those to those initial ads. And then maybe if I got lucky enough to make money off the experiment, it would offset the ad costs. That’s what was happening here. So are you wondering how it went? I admit, I was pretty surprised myself. So surprised, in fact that I documented all of these numbers, which is why it was so easy for me to go back and pull the numbers from four years ago to record this episode for you. Because even at the time, I was like, huh, this is substantial. Alright, it is really fun to look back at these numbers and see what happened because I had no idea what I was doing. And I want to really emphasize that as we’re doing our look back here, I had no idea what I was doing. I was figuring it all out. As I went, there were a lot of YouTube videos involved. Okay, and I still got results. So in the last four years, not only has my business changed quite a bit, so has my mindset and my marketing and my selling philosophies. Not to mention, I have worked with 500 Plus clients in the profitable nutritionist program. Since then, I have seen what works and what doesn’t work in our industry since 2020. Even okay, I’ve seen my clients take a leap like this and just start trying out some ads and then being shocked at how great the results are. Boom. So let’s start talking about numbers. Remember, these were a result of my first attempt at self liquidating offer funnels in 2020, I had no idea what I was doing. So if you’re brand new to anything like this, but you have an open mind, you kind of want to sell like a dude, you’re kind of intrigued here, you’re like, let’s go, this could be an option for you. Here’s what happened when I started running these ads. And remember, this was to sell my 28 page ultimate membership startup guide PDF for $10. At this point, I was specifically helping health and wellness professionals to create memberships for their businesses. Again, my philosophies have changed quite a bit. Because I’ve seen how this was really the hard way for people to grow their businesses. Although I had had success with it there, there’s a much better way, which is what I teach in the profitable nutritionist program. But in 2020, I was definitely teaching people about memberships. So this 28 Page ultimate membership startup guide made a lot of sense as something to charge for. Okay. It was originally going to be a free lead magnet on my website. But that’s what I decided to test is like, Could I just sell this, alright, you might also be thinking that it would be much more sustainable to be running ads when you try them if you could see them paying off in real time. That’s also what I was thinking, like, literally, the PDF sales that I made from these ads went into a PayPal account. Again, I wouldn’t do this the same way. But at the time, they were going directly into PayPal, and then I was using PayPal funds to fund the ads as well. So it was it was seriously just like the same account was funding itself. I wasn’t even paying out of pocket in that sense. Again, I wouldn’t recommend that anymore. I would recommend the American Express gold business card where you get 4x points on your ad spend just saying

I’m giving no financial advice but that is what I do now it’s different okay, but anyway, at that point, it was they were literally funding themselves out of the same account. Okay, so the first 90 days of this brand new ad campaign consisted of two different ads one video ad and one graphic image ad was a picture of me holding up a piece of paper with words on it. It was nothing fancy. It took less than an hour to get a video recorded on my iPhone. I uploaded it into the Facebook ads platform which is now called meta meta is Facebook and Instagram just store all clear. And then I wrote the copy for the text for the ad itself. Very, very be minus Some work here, my friend, I was very new, I didn’t really know what I was doing. But I did it. And I got it published and I started getting some data, which is 90% of the battle right there is just getting it out there getting the first version up and running. And that’s really true with anything. Keep in mind that each time someone purchased this Ultimate Startup Guide, they were also added to my email list. And then they started getting automated emails from me for at that time, it was the profitable practice free course email series, which introduced them to my products to my services to my philosophies. So yes, they were purchasing a PDF, which was very helpful for them. On the last page of the PDF, they were introduced to my paid offer that was helpful for both of us. And they were now on my email list and getting emails from me win win win all the way around. But just so you are clear on what this looked like on the back end, that’s what it looked like. So I started this campaign by spending $14.66 per day, and then I gradually increase the daily budget based on what was working. Okay, what was actually converting because I was testing some different audiences, I was testing some different versions of that with who it was getting delivered to. Luckily for us in 2024, this is much, much easier. The Facebook and Instagram algorithm is so much better than it used to be, you pretty much don’t need to find audiences for your ads anymore, you can just let Facebook do that. And they know the people to go find on your behalf. So this is much easier than it even it was then. But even though it was harder than I figured out how to do it. And I turned off the ads that weren’t working. And I increased the budget on the ones that were and over the course of 90 days. Here’s how it all shook out. 284 buyers bought the checklist. No, not the checklist, The Ultimate Guide, it was a guide, PDF 284 people added themselves to my email list as saying I’m a buyer, I have paid you $10 for this thing. I had $4,104 in total ad spends or for round numbers here. 284 buyers $4,000 In total ad spend. And I made 8229 in revenue from those two ads. I had two people that refunded. So minus $20. All right, I know at this super annoying to get numbers like this in audio format. So I’m gonna say it again, round numbers, 284 buyers, people that bought the ultimate guide $4,100 in ad spend, but I made $8,200. So let’s talk about what that means. If 284 strangers on the internet bought a $10. PDF, shouldn’t that equal 2800 in revenue? Yes, it should except I layered on another experiment into this and I offered an order bump and a One Click Upsell to that PDF guide. This is a little more advanced, but you can handle it. I know you can. So come on ride with me. This is the snowball effect selling like a dude is all about leveraging the snowball effect in my opinion. So inside most checkout pages these days, it is super simple to set up what’s called an order bump, and or a one click upsell. This increases the order value at checkout. Don’t get caught up on the tech details yet. Just trust me it’s super easy to do if you ever wanted to do this and take your sales to the next level. And here’s how it worked. And I had never experimented with these features before. And honestly I haven’t since but I will in 2024 Because I’m bringing back this playbook. Remember, my thought process on setting up my checkout page was this if a stranger from the internet who had never heard of me before clicked through to the checkout page to get their ultimate membership startup guide for $10. They were probably interested in setting up a profitable membership site and streamlining their business systems. That’s pretty logical, right? So I set up an order bump inside the checkout process that sold a little mini course that I had called Take charge with Trello. And it was $37 to add that to their cart. So they could just check a little checkbox that said, Yes, I want to add this like do you want fries with that type of a thing, add the little checkbox, and then it would be added to their cart very, very easy, just one little checkbox. And they had a little blurb in there about what that mini course was for, for getting organized with their business. And some people took us up on it. Okay, so enough of them wanted to streamline and organize their business digitally. And so they added that little $37 Order bump perfect. So after successfully checking out with the $10 guide and the optional order bump, which was $37 the purchasers then were taken to a page with a video that had me explaining how my full program called membership magic at the time. I don’t sell that anymore, but at the time that was the offer how membership magic worked as a program and it made them a one time offer to get that course at a discounted rate. Remember, this was totally optional, they had already purchased their guide which was on their way to their inbox already. This is also noteworthy I would not offer a discount again. That was four years ago. This is now I have learned so much about sales psychology. I would not repeat that and I would not offer a discounted offer again. But I did at the time I did. So looking at these numbers it worked. You may choose to you may not. That’s totally up to you. This was the experiment for those who opted in to take For the one time offer that they found just what there was the only place they were ever going to see it was on this page that they got to after checking out. It’s called a one click upsell, because they can add that offer with one click by clicking a button, and they don’t have to enter their credit card number. Again, it’s just going to automatically add to the order that they had already done. And it’s very seamless and easy for them to add. Okay, so that’s what you need to know here about the One Click Upsell, and the one time offer that on that page got a significantly discounted offer to join the full membership magic program. Why do I tell you these details? Because when you are selling like a dude, you want to think about how you can make it even easier for people to pay you for your solution to their problem, it gets no easier than adding a few more options to add on a checkout. If you ever want to try this for yourself. This is totally frictionless. It’s seriously like, do you want fries with that? And it’s just saying there’s some other ways that could maybe help you? Do you want them? Here you go, you’re not adding any decisions prior to the payment that could deter your customer from finishing their purchase. Instead, those little extras are offered afterwards. This is selling like a dude, very unapologetically, I might add, I just want you to consider what it could be like for you to make it so easy for people to pay you for your expertise, my friend. That is why I keep circling back to this main concept here. If you don’t have a digital product for sale, don’t you worry one bit though, there’s different ways you can structure this, you could have a one on one console order bump that they could add on at checkout, depending on how your business is set up. Or you could have a video on the One Click Upsell page or the let’s just call it the thank you page that they get redirected to after their checkout, which sells them on booking a one on one console, whether that’s paid or free. That’s your choice. If your console calendar is not totally full right now, I would recommend not paying for the console. But that would be a great place for there to be a video of you explaining how the next step is working in concert with you, you obviously have people at this point that want to solve a problem, you have the solution to the problem, let’s tell them what the next step is. And having you help solve it, you’ve taken this first step, and that’s going to be great. But here’s how I’m really going to help you is by us working together on that, let’s get on a consult. Here’s what you’re going to get on the console, you’re going to walk away from this concept with life changing information. And here’s what you need to do next, click the button below to book it. Okay, the point is, you’re telling them right away how to get the solution that you offer. So let’s not make it a hide and seek scavenger hunt through weeks and months of emails or combing through your website to get to that point where they figure out how they work with you know, let’s just make it simple and easy to get some data on how compelling the offer is. Because remember, our experiment here is to get some data. So getting data quickly, we’re going to realize a lot of things, we’re going to be able to see some metrics and some solid numbers on how many people get the thing that they got, and then go to a page where they see a video of you selling the next thing or selling them on a console. And using the term selling as like in air quotes, whether you’re charging for it or not doesn’t matter. But selling them on the next step, which might be booking in concert with you might be something else. How many people take you up on that offer, if the if there’s a real breakdown in the system there. And you can see a lot of people see that page, but very few of them actually take you up on the offer. That’s where we need to look at the offer. How compelling is that? What’s the messaging that needs to get changed around it? Is it what people want? Is it not what people want? Do they not understand the offer? What’s happening there? That’s where we would be getting data and we would know what problem to fix? Do you see how this is gonna be so useful. So if 100 People bought your $7, or $10 checklist or guide or whatever, and then saw your video selling them on booking a console, but only one out of 100 people did that. That’s good data. It’s not compelling. Whatever you’re saying on that page is not working something in the offer or the messaging isn’t working. That’s where you would go to work iterating, for example, versus just hoping and praying that people see your console booking page on your website. But you don’t know how many people actually see it, you’re not looking at data from your website to see how many people actually are even seeing that page, you’re not calculating the conversion rate. You’re not evaluating any numbers. And you really don’t know you just know you’re not getting as many consults as you want. But you don’t know why. And you don’t know what numbers to look at. And you’re not looking at the numbers. I’m telling you, that’s the hard way. That’s how you spend months and years spinning your wheels doing the same things are trying things but never knowing what is actually working, what isn’t working, it’s a whole lot more profitable to make decisions on actual data, my friend, you can sell your one on one packages. You can sell group coaching programs, live events, workshops, you could even grow your network marketing business or physical product sales with this same process. Okay, I just want you to think outside the box and get creative on a small component of your process, or something that you do that you already have created. That could be sales worthy. If you’re thinking of how you could do a self liquidating offer for yourself right now, ultimately, think of what you already have that you could sell a little chunk of it a little, a little piece of what you already do that you could pull out and sell for. This would ultimately lead to the thing that you really want them to do which is booking consult, buying your full program and rolling in a group program whatever it is how Wherever people hire you for your premium offer, it would be leading them in that direction. But it would be a first step or a starter step to get them there. Some of my clients do. We were just actually talking about this on a call this week about self liquidating offer funnels and brainstorming ideas. And one of them was like, Oh, my gosh, I have this really great hour long video, like I did a whole workshop to stop overeating sugar. And I could totally sell that. And it’s like, yes, the strangers on the internet would love to spend $10 For that, they would love it. And then they would love to tell you that they are pre qualified to come on a console and book you for your

purposes. That sounds like an excellent, excellent idea. Just one example. Okay, so back to the snowball effect. And what happened in this experiment, I keep getting off track 284 people purchased the PDF guide for $10 that equaled 2800 and sales, directly coming in from the $4,000 ad spend without taking in to consideration any order bump or one click upsells. But those little gems were substantial. So even if I hadn’t done that, let’s just say I hadn’t done any of the upsells or order bumps. That means I would have actually spent the difference between 2800 and change and 4100 and change, I would have been paying $1,200 out of pocket for those 284 leads if I didn’t have the order bumps up. So the question is, would I be willing to go in the hole $1,200.62 $1,264.23 To be exact, to get 284 new email subscribers, and honestly, back then I’m not sure I would have because I wasn’t as confident in my conversion numbers as I am now. But after having four more years under my belt, I know my numbers, I know at what percentage people convert into my paid program After subscribing to my email list and getting valuable emails from me over time. I have a lot more data on that. But I remember that feeling four years ago of being really uncertain about spending that kind of money on ads. So I get it, if you’re thinking this those same thoughts, I had those same thoughts, I get it. It’s not nothing. $1,200 is not nothing. And that’s why I wanted to record this podcast, offering an alternative solution that not many people talk about, which is running ads to something paid right off the bat and figuring out how you could recoup that ad spend and essentially be running your ads for free. Because there’s definitely a way to do that the dudes do it all the time, just saying. But nowadays, my risk tolerance is much higher, yours might be too. So maybe you’re fine spending a decent chunk on ads up front because you know you’re going to sell them something more expensive in the future. That’s certainly an option. I’m not trying to say that that isn’t a strategy. It definitely is. But if your risk tolerance is lower, and if you’re getting a little antsy about that, this is another way to do it, Andrea and 2020 wanted to get immediate results and just sell like a dude. So I added that order bump for $37. And I added the One Click Upsell for the full membership magic course bundle, which I was giving at a 50% discount. That was a 997 course that I was giving them a one time offer of 497. For again, I wouldn’t do it that way just for a lot of different reasons I’ve talked about in a million other podcasts. But the point is I did it then. And that is why the $4,100 in ad spend directly resulted in $8,229 in revenue instead of 2800, which would have been 284 People times $10. But it was more than that it was $8,000 because of the order bump, and the one time offer that they got on the thank you page and the number of people that took me up on those. Okay, so $4,100 in ad spend directly resulted in $8,200 in revenue. It blew my mind when I looked at these numbers the first time put in $1 to the ads machine get $2 back. Yes, please. But that is not all said and best infomercial voice because in addition to the $8,200 that I had, I also had 284 people added to my email list that had already shown me that they were buyers, they had shown me that they were willing to spend money to solve the problem that they had, they were willing to spend some actual doll hairs there. And I think that that’s the biggest takeaway here. The interwebs are noisy, they’re getting noisy, or they are they have been noisy, but they’re steadily getting noisier. And it’s harder and harder to capture and maintain the attention of our dream clients online. Because there’s just so many distractions, there’s so much free stuff available around every virtual corner, they’re seeing ads, and they’re being bombarded with more emails and more stuff. It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work. I don’t mean to say that. But doesn’t it seem like it might be a good idea to filter for the buyers before they even get on your email list filter for the people that are already saying, yep, yep, I want to spend money on solving this problem. And then beyond that, wouldn’t it stand to reason that those buyers will be much more likely to actually consume the juicy content that you’re putting out there if they’ve paid for it? Because when you pay you pay attention, I think that that is a truth that we should always remember, which is why selling like a dude is so fun. So keep in mind those 200 ad for buyers that added to my email list throughout this experiment probably generated significantly more revenue in my business over time. And then what I’m reporting to you right now, but I didn’t have a mechanism for tracking it over the last four years and I didn’t want to get too in the weeds to try to figure out exactly how many of those people did purchase from me in the future for sure some of them did. But the bottom line is, it’s a strategy you might consider to think about a self liquidating offer, and an ADS funnel, or your wheel spinning right now and all the different ways you could be doing an experiment like this for yourself and your business, what it would look like and what you could potentially be running ads and selling for you. Like I said, it might be selling a low priced PDF, it might be an ebook that you already have created, it might be a free course, like a little mini free course using ADS with a one time offer after purchase that gives them the option to then book a one on one session with you to go deeper with your process or book a consult. There’s so many variations of what this could look like. But at the same time that you’re experimenting with it, you’re getting a lot of data to evaluate. And then you have a lot of metrics that are going to tell you what things could be improved so that it could work even better. And then you could take those insights, and you could apply them to all other parts of your business. And all of it works better. All the while you’re growing your email list with buyers who want your expertise at the very same time. And that’s a really well qualified leads on your email list. So now that we are running Facebook and Instagram ads over here, again, at TPN, which is a new development in the last month, as I’m recording this episode, we have some big plans. Oh, and I guess I should say that I said this in part one. So for sure, go back and listen to part one. But we stopped running ads at the end of 2020, right after this experiment ended because Facebook shut down my ads that I got very self righteous and angry about it and deleted all social media for almost four years. So that’s the short story I went into more detail in the part one episode, you can listen to that. But bottom line is, we are now running Facebook and Instagram ads again over here at the profitable nutritionist very newly. And I have some big plans for selling like, dude, the remainder of this year and beyond. Because I just know how well this strategy works. And it works well for me. But it really works well for people that have never heard of me before and then get to quickly get a win for me and get to identify themselves as a buyer come in and say yes, I want to help and I can see who those people are, and help them even better. Like I said, again, go back to part one, where I shared more behind the scenes on how I marketed the business since shutting down ads. Because there was a long stretch there where no paid advertising was happening on any social media platform, we were doing a lot of other things to market the business and grow it and make millions of dollars. So go back to part one where I talked about that if you’re wondering why specifically, we quit this strategy and what we did in between. But the bottom line is I now have ads running currently to a webinar funnel that sells the profitable nutritionist program. And we are currently tweaking that funnel to sell to enough people each week that it pays for the ad spend to get the registrants to the webinar. So that’s one thing that I’m working on right now, and is not quite breaking even yet, but it’s only been a few weeks. So I’m not, but that’s just part of it, it’s not going to work perfectly the first time. If it did, that would be great. But I have no expectation that anything ever will. But in addition to that there are several other self liquidating offer funnels that I’m considering publishing over the next few months, where I’m going to be selling a mini course, or a video training from either the profitable nutritionist program or from inside the mastermind where I’m teaching something very specific, and then I’ll be charging for access to that training or for that mini course. And the checkout page will have some sort of order bump on it because that works very, very well. The order bump will nicely complement whatever the paid thing is, again, it’s kind of like a Do you want fries with that. So whatever it is that they’re initially paying for the paid order bump would be like taking it to the next level or making it easier to get done for you maybe swipe files, maybe copy templates, something like that, that goes with whatever it is that they’re already interested in and buying. And then those action takers that invest a few bucks in solving the problem that they have are likely really good candidates to want to invest in one of my premium programs, either the profitable nutritionist program, if their business is under $50,000 A year or in the mastermind, if they’re making more than $50,000 a year. So we will probably give some sort of a skip the line opportunity for them to enroll immediately into one of those two programs or apply. I haven’t decided all of the details of how that’s going to work yet. Because I have hired an ads and funnel expert that is going to actually build those out and test them for me it’s not going to be me doing it. We have a whole system for this. And there’s going to be a lot of testing and a lot of iteration to get them out. Which brings me to the true confession time. I need to be honest with you. I almost didn’t record this episode, because I am so not an ADS expert I have I just had a lot of thoughts about even breaking down this strategy and even doing this episode. Because I just keep thinking there’s so many experts who can teach this way better than me. And that is the truth. But really though, thinking that I needed to be an expert is what kept me from cracking the code on running paid ads before 2020 Because remember, I was running an online business from 2015 to 2020. Before I really cracked the code on ads, and I cracked the code. I mean did one thing that worked.

Unknown Speaker 54:55
That’s what I mean by crack the code, but it

Andrea Nordling 54:58
kept me from bringing those ads So back into our business until recently, it kept it just has held me back a lot, and it might be holding you back as well. So I want to call that out. If I’m being honest, my hesitancy in talking about running paid ads for the last several years has probably been a huge disservice, really. So I’m gonna apologize for that too. Because I have seen how simple, cheap and effective a few good ads could be for my clients, which is a game changer. I’ve experienced it in my business. I’ve seen it with my clients as well. So ultimately, I decided I had to put it all on the table. Anyway, we have to talk about this, I have to share how we’re changing things on the back end here and just talk about, I guess, candidly, everything I’ve learned so far, and what I am looking forward to experimenting with more this year, because I truly didn’t have to be an expert. And I still had great results. And my clients aren’t experts on running ads, and a lot of them have great results too. So I want to show you how to do the same thing. If you are now thinking okay, this is easy for you to say, because you’ve now hired an expert ads agency with a team of like 10 people to do your ads. I can’t do that. You are right. I did did. And that decision for me to hire them is going to work in your favor as well because Elliot Botterill, who is said ads expert is going to teach you how to do it too. In the streamline and scale mastermind this fall, Elliott is teaching an eight week funnel and ads building series when Elliott is the head of the agency and owner of the agency who’s personally doing my ask just to give context there if you missed that part. But inside the mastermind this fall, Elliot is teaching an eight week funnel and ads building series where he is going to teach you the whole process start to finish, including finish finishes and toward finish, start to finish. He’s going to teach everything including all of the tech build out the email follow ups, the SMS text follow ups that go with these ad funnels, a very high converting landing page how to write copy that is going to get strangers people that don’t know anything about you are totally cold to you. How do they convert into paid or free email subscribers, and then how to talk about your offer to cold audiences specifically, so they can turn hot, quicker, all of it, he’s going through it over the course of eight weeks, when you see the agenda of each week of what’s going on, you will die. And everyone in the mastermind gets the entire training free of charge. I am so stinking excited about this. And so grateful that Elliott said yes to hosting it because I hear from my clients all the time that the biggest constraint in their business is leads. And not only do they want more leads and more better qualified leads, but also they want an automated system for those leads coming in so that they aren’t having to spend so much time on their marketing long term. And especially in the mastermind, where these are clients of mine that are making usually six figures, or multiple six figures, but they are trying to remove themselves from the day to day as much as possible. That’s what we’re doing when we’re streamlining and scaling in the mastermind. They’re really looking at creating those automated systems. And so this is how we are doing that Elliott is taking us through every one of the mastermind through eight weeks, there might be a few bonus weeks, but at least eight weeks of exactly how to create this machine for yourself doing a self liquidating funnel or a free Offer Funnel. And the best part is that he’s going to give away all of the AI prompts and the secret tools that his team uses, which are mind blowing, so that you can quickly get your funnel up and running by having ai do most of the work. I think that this is really the part of this training that sets it apart from anything else that you could get, because it really is the shortcut. And I know the implementation of it, writing the ad copy, figuring out the ad creative. And just the scripts, if you’re going to do video ads, what to actually say in those scripts, all of that is what turns your brain to mush and for most of us makes us not run the ads. So all of that is getting simplified with very, very specific tools and software’s and some AI prompts that make most of that done for you or done very quickly. And just for context to hire Elliot and his team, you need to be generating seven figures in your business with a proven offer. And it costs over $12,000 A month plus your ad spent on top of that to get your funnel all built out and hooked up using these tools and to optimize it. So he’s sharing all of that, which is a very, very premium, I would know because I’m a client of his including the AI prompts and the insider tips over the course of the eight sessions. So the value of this live training series is worth the price of the entire mastermind bar none just for access to Elliott’s process and the templates that he is sharing very openly in the eight week series. And how does that apply to you? Well, here’s your call to action. If you haven’t made at least $50,000 in your business. I want you to consider what selling like a dude could look like in your business over the next few months and just start okay YouTube is your friend. Get some tutorials. Just start imperfectly start take the self liquidating Offer Funnel framework. That was a mouthful, by the way that I shared on this episode and just put it out there. Get some data so you can evaluate and tweak remember, you can’t steer a parked car Are you gotta be moving forward to know how to steer things. So do that, get some data, that’s if you haven’t made $50,000 In the last year in your business. But if you have made at least $50,000 in your wellness business and you want to throw gas on the fire, you want to really light things up by creating a lead generating machine in your business that just runs on autopilot. 24/7 growing your email list full of pre qualified buyers, I might add, then you have to apply for the next round of the streamline and scale mastermind enrollment is going to be open August 8 to the 16th. So when your application is accepted, your spot will be secure. In the September start of the mastermind group. We are starting this next round in September. And all the details about the mastermind including the button to get yourself on the waitlist so that you don’t miss any important emails regarding the enrollment coming up are waiting for you at the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind. So if this is you, you’ve made over $50,000 in your business in the last 12 months, and you want to grow it much bigger. And with Streamlined systems and processes, especially for lead generation, you have to be in the September round. Remember, enrollment opens August 8 to the 16th. Not only will you be amidst a group of really successful and innovative nutrition and wellness professionals, when you are part of the mastermind, you are also going to have a front row seat live for Elliott’s eight weeks step by step funnel and ads building training series totally for free. And he’s going to help you with your ads funnels. All right. The mastermind is an exclusive intimate coaching container with lots of access to me and my team, including one on ones quarterly with me that we do together. It is unlike anything else that is offered in our industry. So if your business is at the six or multiple six figure level, you’re ready to streamline and scale with more systems, more processes less of you, then you’re in the right place, you gotta apply for the mastermind when enrollment opens up in August. So get yourself on the waitlist at the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind. And if you aren’t making 50k a year yet in your business, you should be coming into the profitable nutritionist program and you should be running some ads. Maybe I’m actually going to retract that you should for sure be coming into the profitable nutritionist program. But you might be wanting to run ads. Remember, I have to I have to go back to my core tenet of this entire episode, which is there isn’t one right way. So I’m not gonna say you should saying you should consider let’s explore it a little bit, shall we and get you to that $50,000 threshold so that you then qualify for the mastermind and that’s when things get really really fun. All right, so go run some ads, my friend and have a wonderful week.

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I'm Andrea Nordling

Marketing + Sales Expert
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