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3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

Quit growing your audience immediately and focus on these 3 things instead.


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Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.


Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.

144. Are Your Marketing Emails Getting Delivered?

If your email open or click rates have gone down and you’re not sure why, it could be because your emails aren’t getting to the main inboxes of your subscribers.

And no amount of tweaking your copy is going to fix it.

So how can you make sure your marketing emails are getting delivered to your email subscribers?

Specifically, should you do a double opt-in for all forms?

(Don’t know what that means? Good thing you’re here.)

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn: 

  • How to test your email deliverability
  • Best practices for getting to the main inbox instead of promotions folders
  • What’s working NOW as email algorithms are changing rapidly


Links Mentioned:


Andrea Nordling 0:00
My friend Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. My name is Andrea Nordling. I’m the founder of the profitable nutritionist if we have not met yet, and I’m coming to you this week with a shorty episode, because it is Fourth of July week here in the US. And you may be celebrating with yours just like I am with mine. So I figured this was a good week to do a little bit shorter episode than usual. This episode is all about answering a question I get asked quite a bit, especially recently, which I’m going to explain. And that is, how do I make sure that people are getting my emails? It’s one question coupled with, do I have to do a double opt in? Now if you don’t know what that means? I’m going to explain that as well in this episode, but first of all, why are we talking about this? Well, we’re talking about it right now. And I’m talking about it with my clients quite a bit in the mastermind. And in the profitable nutritionist program. And I’m talking about it with my colleagues and peers in other rooms that I am part of, because email marketing has changed a lot, especially recently, in fact, all tech platforms and all tech tools and systems and just automations ways of doing things. Tech systems in general have changed a lot. This is an industry that has, industry maybe isn’t the right word. But this is a realm that is changing a lot is being quickly disrupted by AI in a lot of ways, and is moving very quickly. So staying on top of what is working still what could be working better, what tools are at our disposal to make things work better, it’s really important. And these are things that I am spending a lot of time for myself, for my own business figuring out, but not for lack of trying, we are doing lots of different things around here. And I’m gonna tell you all about it, because again, things are changing very, very quickly. And I get asked specifically about double opt ins quite a bit how to know if your emails are getting delivered, because people know that I rely very, very heavily on email marketing and email selling in my business. So if you do not know this about my business, or about the profitable nutritionist, I have not been on social media for years, we are very recently back on social media just solely with the intention of running ads on those platforms. And the reason for that is because of the changes with email deliverability and with emails in general. And just having that extra way to reach people and to market to people, which I wanted to be able to do again on Instagram and Facebook specifically. So we do have profiles on there. But there’s no content there. That’s not some I don’t even have those apps. I’m not on there. We’re just running ads on those platforms. But until now, and this has been since early 2021. So for three years, a little over three years, there has been no social media happening in my business. And I have been exclusively marketing and connecting with my future clients, potential clients audience through email. And I still believe that email is the best place to put your time and attention over other platforms that you don’t own that you

don’t control that you don’t have any say in whether or not you can reach your people on those platforms. I’m checking social media specifically. But also it’s good to know the best practices for having stacking the deck in your favor. I guess I’m gonna say that with email as well, because that is changing too. So all that to say, I’m going to dive into that a little bit today and answer those questions. How do I make sure people are seeing my emails and that they’re getting delivered? And should I do a double opt in? We’re going to talk about that. But I just want to tell you that this is kind of a ongoing conversation. And so I’ll probably keep doing episodes about this. We’re doing a lot of testing here at TPN HQ for all of these things because like I said, I have relied solely on email as a way to connect with my people for years and years. And I still think that that’s a great method. I love my reasons for that. But also, the percentage of people that are actually seeing the emails has changed, the people clicking on the emails has changed. And so we have to be curious about why that is and how to adjust a little bit as well. So with that being said, like I already alluded to, we are doing some retargeting ads, you can do those on Google. By the way, you can do those on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. And basically by retargeting, I mean you are showing ads to people who have already engaged with you in some way or been to your website. And that’s another way to stay in front of people if they aren’t necessarily seeing your emails. So just know that you can do that both on Google or on Facebook and Instagram. We also have experimented with running ads on LinkedIn in the last year. Actually, in the last little Yeah, a little over six months. I was gonna say six months, but it’s been a little bit longer than that. I don’t know. However, if retargeting is possible on LinkedIn from your website, and in fact, I don’t think that it is. There’s also been a lot of changes with privacy and with how websites are able to collect data from people that are browsing those websites, which I think is a really good thing. Because I’m a real big fan of internet privacy and about anything that is moving in that direction. Although it isn’t great. So just know that none of the data is perfect. None of the ways are perfect to reach ever Nobody. And so that’s why it’s a good idea to have multiple different marketing platforms. And for the final time, I will say this most probably not for the final that was to say for the final time probably isn’t. I do think that email is the best way, and is certainly my still my primary platform and still my primary marketing tool because I own to that email list, that is my email list, I have people’s email addresses, they have voluntarily raised their hand and said, I want help with solving this problem. And here’s my email address, and I have that database. Whereas on other platforms, whether I’m running ads there, or for people that are on social media, creating content, if you are not able to reach more people, because that platform shuts you down, you don’t have that platform anymore, or you are posting content and nobody is seeing it because you also aren’t privy to the reach and to who’s actually seeing any of the content there. That is like operating blind. And I don’t like that either. So that is why I prioritize email. That’s my little soapbox moment for email. But like I said, this is a conversation that a lot of entrepreneur peers are having and that a lot of my clients in the mastermind and in the TPM program are also discussing because things have shifted in some way, email deliverability is a little bit different things are a little bit different. So let’s talk about it. This is something that we have been dealing with here at TPN. Since last fall, fall 2023. And I did a very long episode number one a wait, if you want to go back to that in October 2024. It’s called evaluating and troubleshooting a failed launch. Again, that’s episode 108. And in that episode, I talked through how we had migrated email sending platforms. So our email service provider had changed from one platform to another, we were having a lot of issues with people not getting our emails and telling us I don’t get your emails anymore what’s going on. Even though from our point of view, through sending the emails, it looked like they were getting delivered, and it looked like everything was working as as it should, like they were getting delivered. They were getting opened, but people were repeatedly telling us that they weren’t getting those. So it turned out that they weren’t getting a lot of people weren’t but enough people were that it was a little bit of a false flag. It’s like, yeah, it is working. But then a lot of people weren’t. So we ended up switching email platforms again, which is not for the faint of heart. So I talked all about that in Episode 108, you can go back and listen to that if you are thinking of migrating email service platforms, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do that. All of that you will find in episode one away. But needless to say, this has been really top of mind since September of 2023. Because that’s when we realized we were having some email sending issues. And that just got really muddy and really murky for a few months as we figured out the new platform, and were the email sending again, in that same timeframe. I feel like things kind of started industry wide to shift a little bit as far as emails. So now in retrospect, as we’re looking back as a team, and we’re evaluating what’s been working, well, what hasn’t been and what we want to do differently moving forward, we realize it was kind of just this really weird time when we had our own tech stuff going on. But also maybe just as a whole, that the industry was just shifting a little bit there and like the standard for how things are working. And when I say how things are working, I mean, when you send an email to your list, is it getting to your list? Is it getting delivered to them? Or is it going straight into a promotions folder or a junk folder, and they’re never seeing it, because that’s the really frustrating part about email marketing is we don’t actually know how many people are seeing the emails, it used to be much less sophisticated of a system than it clearly is now where you would send the emails, it would go to the inbox, and that was that? Well, now we have a lot of junk filtering, we have a lot of spam filtering, we have a lot of promotions folders, we have even the sophistication per user of Gmail, for example, knows, like how recent that user set up their account. And if it was really recent, they don’t know the opening habits of that user. So they may not be showing emails the same way that it would to somebody that’s had their Gmail address for 10 years, for example. And Gmail knows what kind of emails they like to get in their main inbox. And we’ll be showing those versus what once they want to just filter through to the promotions folder. So all of this has changed a lot and is getting much more personalized. And there’s clearly a lot of automations going on within even personal inboxes. So navigating that and trying to figure out how do we comply with that? How do we adjust a little bit and email marketing and make sure that our audience can still get valuable content from our emails and still see the emails like how do we do that? And it is an ongoing discussion here with me and my team and like I said with a lot of my peers and my clients do so ultimately, we have had a lot more instruction, education, knowledge building, skill set, mastering in email, marketing and email deliverability than I ever wanted to have since September of last year, but honestly, I’m so glad that that happened. It has sucked really, truly it has but because of that experience, I have been paying way more attention to this and so I can share what I’ve learned. So you hopefully don’t have to go through The setbacks yourself. And that’s the whole purpose of this episode today is sharing what we have learned, so that you can use this for your best practices as well. And like I said, I really am glad that it has happened, it is going to serve all of us very well that this has happened in my business, because we are paying so much attention to email deliverability. Now, down to every single new subscriber that comes in someone on my team is clicking into their contact card and is looking at every single email, are they getting it? Are they opening it? Is it a privacy open, meaning, like Apple Mail, opens it in the background, but it did. So it looks to us like it was an open but really that person didn’t open it is it manual is it one of the privacy opens like we’re looking at every single email subscriber and figuring out what’s happening with them on their journey, because we’re trying to figure out some of these patterns and what the best practices are. So just know that everything I’m about to tell you has come from some pretty rigorous testing, and it’s still a work in progress. But this is a conversation we’re having often around here. First of all, like I said, you could be sending emails to your list, and they aren’t getting in their inboxes. So that’s part of the frustration here. And this is the first thing I want to talk about, you’re sending emails from your email service provider, whether that is MailChimp or ConvertKit, or Kajabi, or Active Campaign, or flow desk you’re sending from yours to your email subscribers, and you’re trusting when you hit publish, or you hit send, that it’s going to end up in the inboxes of the people that raised their hand and said, I want to get your emails. And it used to be that way. And we wish it was still that way. But a lot of times that isn’t what’s happening. And you as the business owner will be thinking then my messaging is off. They don’t they’re the right people, these aren’t qualified leads, they don’t actually want my help. This is the wrong niche. It’s too expensive. They don’t want to work with me. People just want to get a shot. They just want a pill. They don’t want my help all of these things. How do I know this because I hear it from my clients. That’s where your brain will go to it will go to my messaging is off, this is all off. The economy is terrible. People don’t want to spend money, it’ll go to it. Whatever biases you already have, your brain is going to tell you yep, that’s the reason my emails aren’t working anymore. Nobody’s listening to these, nobody’s clicking. And that’s what’s happening. But in reality, it could be that those emails are not getting to their inbox. So we have to do some testing, we have to figure that out. One way that you can help stack the deck in your favor in getting them into the correct inbox and not going into promotions folder not going straight into a junk folder is to pay particular attention to your subject lines.

If you are sending a subject line that is considered spammy or could be spammy, like having dollar signs in the subject line saying the word free in a subject line, pay attention to things like that. I’m sure there’s many, many other things. But these are some things to just be aware of if it could be construed as spam. Don’t have that in your subject line don’t have that in the first few sentences of your email either, because that’s likely what’s getting scanned, and like some algorithm somewhere is deciding Is this a spam message? Is this a promotion? Or should it go in the main inbox, so stack the deck in your favor, by not having spammy or even remotely could be construed as spam, subject lines, we are also testing if this is true for having countdown timers and emails for having images and emails for having image banners in the emails. All of these things make our emails look prettier, but are they contributing to being looked at as a salesy promotional email, and then it goes into promotions folder, and nobody ever sees it. So these are things I’m testing, I can’t tell you for sure if that is true, but my hunch is that the more plain the email is, the better. So if you have been paying attention at all to the emails that we’re sending from TPN, you may notice that sometimes they have an image. And sometimes they have a countdown timer. And a lot of times they don’t and that’s why because we are testing all of these things internally as well. Another thing to look at with your email deliverability is making sure that your decam settings, that’s D is in dog ca M, it’s decam. I don’t know what it stands for. I don’t want to know what it stands for. But it’s a very technical setting within your email sending in basically in the back end of your email service provider that you send through that is hooked to your domain for your website that needs to have correct settings. And these changed in February. So look for like I honestly just google this, like decam settings February 2024, or something like that Gmail specifically, I think was the one that said that they weren’t going to say no, I’m just like, I need to fact check myself somebody I think it might have been Google did something with decam settings and said that they won’t be delivering the emails. I think it was something like that. Anyway, it was a big change. And so that also shifted the email sending atmosphere a little bit, just Google it, how to make sure your decam settings are correct. Okay, that’s the tech side of all of it. And then lastly, a little bit tech wise, is you might be on a block list and again, I talked about that a lot in Episode 108 in October 2024, with our failed launch, where I was talking about how we realized that we had been put on an email blacklist, because our account was associated with another IP address of a different account that was sending through the same shared IP address to our email service center, our email service provider, and that was why we changed providers Long story short, that was not a good situation. It was not because of anything that we had said or that I had said in our emails, it was because we just were in the wrong place at the wrong time was someone that was spamming emails, and our IP sending was through the same IP because that’s how it works at email service providers, you get you get bundled up with other businesses. And so we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But we ended up being on blacklist for several big email companies like I don’t think that Microsoft, any Microsoft, so that’s outlook, Hotmail cash, I don’t think that iCloud was delivering our emails, either. There were a few big ones that had us on a blacklist, and that really stuck to so Google that is, well, how do you find out if you’re on an email blacklist blacklist blacklist, I think that either one would probably give you the websites that you need to run your domain through or your your sending domain at least. And then it will tell you if you’re on any of those lists, which would give you an indication about the health of your email marketing, just as a whole good thing to kind of look at now and again. Okay, so I’ve given you a little bit of doom and gloom, like there’s black lists, things that we need to figure out, we’re gonna put those by the way, in the show notes of this episode, we will have the tools that we use that were helpful for us to figure out what the spam rating was of our sending domain and check to see if we were on any block lists or black lists. So we’ll put those in the show notes. But that is something to look at. Now. I’ve given you some tech stuff there with the decam settings and with the blacklist, what the heck do you do about it? Well, I’m going to give you a few best practices. All right. So here’s the strategy around how to figure this out. It is a little bit tedious, but it is worth it. Believe me, okay, set up some accounts to monitor your email sending. I was just talking about this with a weight loss coach that is a friend of mine, she had her worst launch ever in four years ever. And she was like, Oh my gosh, I don’t know what’s going on. Like, how could this be my business is pretty well established. I know what works and like this isn’t working, none, like launch was terrible. And she realized after the fact, like weeks after the fact that literally none of her emails were delivered to her list. Absolutely none of them. So my suggestion to her was to do what my team and I have done and like I said, is a little bit tedious, but have a system in place for monitoring, Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft and iCloud. So that means having a Gmail address, or your husband having a Gmail address, or your best friend, or your mom or somebody having one that is subscribed to your email, so you can see if they are getting them in their main inbox. Same with Yahoo. Same with Microsoft. So again, that’s outlook Hotmail, etc. Any Microsoft owned email provider, I think providers the word we want to use there, and iCloud, those are the biggies Do you want to know if they’re getting delivered to those mailboxes, okay, and having just dummy accounts, or somebody else’s accounts or your accounts, really, really helpful there. Again, it’s not a perfect system, because even within Gmail, for example, one Gmail subscriber may get the email in their main inbox, and another it may go to promotions just because of their habits. And because it’s very personalized, but it’ll at least give you an idea. Okay, so set up some accounts to monitor it’s tedious, do it anyway. And then also, I would say, what my team and I are doing is looking individually at those subscribers as they come in, and there’s quite a few every day, but we’re looking at those, and we’re trying to figure out what the patterns are. And if people are seeing anything, for example, we are newly running ads on Facebook, and Instagram. And we have to, we’re experimenting with a couple of different formats of ads, one of them are lead ads that go to our website, so to a registration page where people have to go enter in their email address, do a double opt in, which we’re gonna talk about in a second, and actually go to their inbox, confirm their email address there to get the link to the thing, the free thing that they want from the ad, okay, we’re doing that kind of an ad. And we are also experimenting with Facebook and Instagram, native lead ads, which is a little box that just pops up, it auto populates with their name and their email address. It’s super easy to submit. And so the user experience is much better for people there because it’s really easy. They don’t need to go to another website and wait for the other website to load. They just get to boop, boop, boop, click Yes, I want this thing. A little box pops up. It has all their stuff submit. And that’s a beautiful thing, right? Well wrong. Because what we’re finding is that every single person that does that type of an ad doesn’t click an email from us. And we have like over 100 of those in the last week or so that we’re looking at one by one and seeing that those they clearly do not see that Email, they never get the email, it’s going into a junk folder, they’re never seeing it. Because it is statistically very, very unlikely that nobody out of 100 would be clicking on those ads, or it’s maybe one or two people, it gets so small that clearly there’s something tech wise that’s going on there, versus the ads that are much more expensive, that are sending people to a registration page, which is more cumbersome, and they have to wait for the page to load. And they have to click the button, and they have to use their thumbs to put in their name and their email address. And they have to want it right. And then they have to go to their inbox. And they have to confirm their subscription. That’s what the double opt in is, before they get the thing, a high, high amount of those people are actually doing the thing, which means they then see our emails after that. So it’s really been interesting. I just I know so many clients, and I know so many of my peers that have been saying in the last six months, nine months, oh my gosh, my ads aren’t working there, I’m not getting quality leads there. None of those leads convert to clients like it just don’t think that they’re quality. And what I’m seeing just by being really nitty gritty in there, looking one by one by one is that I don’t think that’s the problem. I think the problem is that we assume that the tech is all working, that the emails get deployed, and people see them. And I don’t think we can take that for granted. So just really be looking at it, measure it, get your hands dirty, it might get into your email service provider, and look, are people actually clicking, I’m gonna get to this in a second. But I want to say prioritize clicking over opening, I know, we love to look at open rates of our emails, and see that that’s at 60% 70% Oh my gosh, that’s such a high open rate. I’m

so amazing. But those numbers are grossly inflated because of the privacy opens, just because the way that the open rates are reported, they are probably really inaccurate, if what I’m seeing and getting in the nitty gritty and looking underneath the hood of our email, opt ins it that’s just wildly inaccurate. And I would rely on looking at click rates instead. And really being curious about how to increase increase click rates instead of open rates, but we’re gonna get to that in a second. So okay, third best practice, have some systems for keeping your list warm and active. What the heck does that mean? Warm means they’re getting emails from you, like you’re sending the emails, and they’re seeing the emails that’s warm, active means they’re doing something with those emails. So that could be actually opening the emails, clicking something in the emails, or replying to the emails. Now the faster you get them opening and clicking or replying, the more likely they will be to keep seeing your emails in their main inbox. Because remember, this is getting to be very personalized. The powers that be the big tech algorithms that are watching people’s email habits know if they are interested in the emails by whether or not they’re opening it and clicking something. So we want to get them doing that right away. So that those emails have a much higher likelihood of actually going to their main inbox from that point forward. And we want to keep them doing that. So how do we do it? Well, first of all, double opt in 100% of the time, do a double opt in. If you don’t know what that means. It means that people do not get actually added to your email list for you to send emails to them until they confirm in their inbox that they entered in in the form wherever on your website, wherever they put in their email address into the form. They have to go to their inbox, they get an email from you that says do you want to confirm this? You’ve done it 100 times you know what I’m talking about? They say yes, they click Remember clicking is very good. We like clicking. So they click the link that says yes, I confirm that brings them to another page of your list, you get to decide what page that is, if it’s to the thing of the free thing, if it’s to a message that says Okay, great. Here’s your next step. Whatever it is, they’re clicking something that’s confirming their double opt in, meaning they do want they do consent to get emails from you. And I think more importantly, they’re showing all of the algorithms Yes, I want to get these emails, look at me, I just clicked okay. So double opt in super, super, super important. Some gurus will say don’t do a double opt in, because less people will be on your list, let and that’s true. A lot of people will follow a lot. I don’t know if a lot is true. But there will be a significant number of people that fall through the cracks that don’t confirm their email subscription and they won’t be sent emails from your email service provider if they don’t confirm it. That is true. My argument to that. And what I’m seeing really very clearly is that people a lot of people are not going to get those emails anyway. In fact, I would say the majority of people are not going to get those emails anyway. If they don’t double opt in. So double opt in. Yes, yes, yes. 1,000%. Yes. Make sure you’re doing a double opt in because what good is a list of people that never see your emails anyway, that’s not good at all. So if you’re not doing that, go turn on, double opt in and get a good confirmation email. And then that leads us to our next best practice, which is no dead ends. So after people confirm in their email, they click yes I confirm to get emails from you. Then you decide where that link goes to that they just clicked on. Don’t have it be a dead end. Okay, make it go somewhere good and have the thing that they click go to another thing and then have that go to another thing, if at all possible, just no dead ends, think of the user experience here. And think of them not knowing you or not knowing what it is that you have to offer, wow, them give them a lot of value and make it very, very clear what they need to do next. So for us, we have emails that go to a web page with a video, for example, or a button to download something, but they is happening on a web page. So I know this will kind of boggle the mind if you’re used to just giving them the thing. Like, how do I explain this, okay, if you’re not used to delivering a freebie of any sort, whether this is a checklist, or a meal plan, or a video series, or anything, any free thing that people are opting in for that to get on your email list, if you’re used to just sending them right to that thing, after they give you the email address, so they put in their name, they put in their email address, they hit submit, and then it just sends them to the thing, we don’t want to do that we want to send them to a page that says, okay, great, go check your email, it’s waiting for you in your email, when you confirm your subscription, and they go do that. And they click and then That click is going to bring them to a web page that has whatever it is they want. If it’s a button to download something, if it’s a video to watch, if it’s next steps, we do some that are podcast playlists, we have all sorts of different paths that people go on. But well, we just want to make sure there’s no dead ends, they have something else to do or pointing them to more resources on the website. Or if you have consults or your call to action, you want to make sure that it’s very clear for people that want to book a concert with you how they do that, that might be where you direct them to to a video that explains your process, how to book a consult, whatever it is just no dead ends, and also deliver the thing in an email, they have to click something in the email to go get the thing, whatever the thing is, click something we love clicks, all the clicks, okay? Always will just always clicking, always clicking. And so that’s how to keep that list active having them do something. But remember keeping it warm is also important. That means people seeing your emails, so stay consistent with your emails, and consistently send them and then on the backside of that track the click rates over open rates, look at click rates. And if you see a sharp decline from what your baseline is, we have to get curious about why that is maybe go back and look at some of the black lists. And that kind of stuff I mentioned earlier. I know I just gave you a ton of kind of technical stuff. But that was it for today. Little little continuation of our email deliverability conversation specifically answering the question, should you do double opt ins? And how do you know if your marketing emails are actually getting delivered? The good news is I have one concrete answer, which is yes, do a double opt in. And then that other answer is that one is a little more nebulous, because it depends. It depends on people, it depends on the person, it depends on the email service provider, it depends on what your subject lines look like. It depends on if they’re clicking things early. And often. It just depends. But there are some best practices here. And there are clearly some patterns that we can see. So I just wanted to share those with you. So that once again, you can stack the deck in your favor that your emails will actually be seen by your people, they subscribe to them for a reason. They want your help. They want to know your philosophies, they want to know about your process, they want your emails, so we want them to actually see them. So to do that, like I said, subscribe with various accounts, have some dummy accounts, or have some people in your back pocket that are subscribed that you can make sure are getting the emails on various different platforms. Make sure you have that double opt in setup, of course, for people that submit any form to get on your email list. And I would say go a step further than that and have your first few emails, encourage them to click some more hit reply engage with you in some way. That’s really, really important because again, that’s going to tell their their email service provider that they value your emails. And it’s going to say show these in the main inbox as much as possible, which we totally want. Obviously, the tech world changes quickly. This is a topic I’ll keep talking about. Because I believe so deeply that you have to have a direct line of communication with your people, as a business owner, you have to an email is the best way to do that. So we got to stay on top of it. We have to we have to keep doing it. SMS texting is something that we are also layering on top of our emails, which is super effective. And that is not for the faint of heart because you have to do quite a bit of legwork to get approved to do SMS marketing. But that is you know, another thing that we are bringing on board have not done before, or have but it’s been pretty sporadic. But that’s definitely going to be part of our best practice moving forward as well, just to continue to remind people that there’s an email waiting for them, and that the good thing that they want is waiting in their email. But this is a conversation we’ll keep having and I will tell you what is happening with all of these things here at TPN HQ as well. Inside the streamline and scale mastermind, which is my Higher Level Mastermind we are always dissecting the metrics and the data around traffic and conversions. So this is a conversation that is always happening in various different forms inside that container. If It is something you want to be a part of join the waitlist for the mastermind right now hands down, that is the room that you need to be in for timely discussions like this about what’s working right now I’m very, very transparent with that group about what we are trying what are our processes? How are we tracking it? What is the data look like. And again, that’s a higher level discussion. That’s for business owners that are making at least 50k a year in their wellness business and are on their way to scaling to at least six if not multiple, six figures in the next 12 months. So if that is you, you have to be in the mastermind. These are the types of discussions we’re having all the time you join the waitlist for the mastermind at the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind And once you are on the waitlist, you will get all of the details about the upcoming mastermind enrollment that is coming up in August. And we will be sending all of those details via email. So make sure you’re getting the emails in your main inbox. Very meta right? Again, you could sign up for the mastermind waitlist at the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind And that is it for today for this another installment of our email deliverability conversation to be continued Next time. All right, my friend have a wonderful week and Happy Happy Fourth of July. If you’re in the US like I am

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