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109. Would You Get Your Money’s Worth In A Paid Mastermind?

Big revelation on this episode, my friend.

You’re going to hear about the ONE thing I did in my business in late 2020 that has resulted in making over a million dollars and working literally half the time I used to….

Because I want that for you, too.

Most wellness business owners think time and money freedom it is SO FAR AWAY in the future because they’re used to being scrappy and wearing all the hats.

There comes a point, usually around the $50k-100k a year level, when you realize that scrappy “I’ll figure it out and do everything” mentality is actually NOT going to continue serving you for the long term.

And then you need to unlearn some of those skills and learn new ones for scaling to consistent six and multiple six figures, and as I’m finding out, into seven figures a year.

One way to do that is in a paid mastermind group, but in all honesty, you might not be a candidate for that.


Andrea Nordling 0:00
Oh my gosh, it’s a good one big revelation today, my friend Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. So hop in right into it, let’s go, I want to tell you about the one thing that I did in my business in late 2020. That has resulted in me now making over a million dollars and working literally half of the time that I used to, because I want that for you too. I know I’m throwing around some numbers here. And I’m going to be throwing out some more of them and some timelines. And the purpose of that is to give you some context. And just hopefully, some inspiration, I want to be really transparent in this episode about what has worked well, and what hasn’t. Because it’s not always perfect. And it’s not always linear. And it’s not always amazing. But there are trends, and there are specific tipping points that I’m going to point out because I can see them so clearly, in retrospect, and I want to make sure that you have some of these some awareness on some of these tipping points for yourself as well. Because I think for most wellness business owners, and I know this was definitely true for me, we think that it is so far away in the future, that we’ll get to a point where we’re making the money that we want to and not working dawn till dusk and not stressing, am I going to get a client? Am I going to get to clients? Am I going to be able to pay the bills this month? Am I going to be able to pay my personal finances this month? It seems like it’s so far away. And it really isn’t, it certainly doesn’t have to be, and things can go really quickly. So before I get into that, I want to just call it the elephant in the room, it probably sounds like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth when I say that, because on the one hand, I do believe that, especially in the beginning of your business, when you’re getting things off the ground, you need to get scrappy, and you might be working dawn till dusk, and you might be thinking about your business all the time, you have to get clients, you have to test out some of your processes, and nail your messaging. And you have to figure out how to talk to people without sounding like a weirdo. And you have to figure out how to explain what you do, and how to address people’s problems and the solution that you offer. And you need to get more comfortable promoting your business. And you need to figure out where are the gaps in the information? Where are people not understanding what I do and who I can help. Where are the gaps, that’s what you’re doing in the beginning, and you’re generating data, and you’re getting experience. And you’re figuring out what’s working and what isn’t working. And at that point, you just need to try things like you just your goal is to just try and figure out what is working and what isn’t. So you can do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. And then over time, you just keep doing more and more and more of what works, it works even better and better and better. And then you find yourself at a point usually around when you’re making I would say 50 to 100k a year, when you realize that that scrappy, I’ll figure it out. And I’m just going to do everything it takes mentality is actually not going to continue serving you for the long term. So when I say I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth, I just want to be clear, I’m not but there is a progression here. At that point, when you’re figuring out Oh, okay, this scrappiness and this I’m gonna do it all, desire and willingness is great. And it’s great for getting to the point where you have a lot of data and you’re figuring out what is working, what isn’t working. But then you need to unlearn some of those skills, and you need to learn some new ones, so that you can scale to consistent six, multiple, six figures a year. And as I’m finding out and having a lot of fun with these days into that seven figure a year business model. So that’s what we’re gonna talk about today. This is such a fun topic, but it is advanced. And I just want to be really honest, like I always do when I’m talking about more advanced stuff. If your business isn’t making, say 50 to 100k a year right now, at least don’t take this advice, okay, don’t listen to what I’m saying here, don’t try to apply this to a business that’s at a lower level than that that’s more foundational, more beginning stages, because it’s not going to be useful for you. You don’t have enough data yet at that point. But if you are at the level in your business, where you’re at the tipping point where you’re needing to figure out what you’re going to do long term, instead of just working longer hours, because that’s not the goal. And that’s actually not possible. There gets to be a point where there isn’t more hours of your day and of your week that you are willing to spend on your business and you need to figure out different strategies. If that is the point that you’re at right now, my friend, then this is for you. Everything we’re about to talk about is for you. So sorry, time. Let’s go back in the fall of 2020. And I think I’ve told this story before, but I’m going to reiterate it in case you have not heard. I was well, I was going to tell you I was on a drive in Rapid City, South Dakota, but you would wonder why was she in Rapid City, South Dakota. So maybe a little bit further context is helpful here. In 2020. My husband and I could see the writing on the wall that the kids were not going to be going back to school as normal and that life as we knew it in the state that we lived in of Minnesota was not going to be the was not going to be fun. It was not going to be free and it was not going to be Normal. So we it will just leave it at that. So we sold our house, and we took out an RV. And we well it was a fifth wheel. So pulling it with our truck and we hit the road to explore and make a fun adventure out of what was proving to be a challenging year for a lot of us, we decided to make it fun and hit the road. So we were in the Black Hills of South Dakota at this point, this is fall of 2020. And I was on a drive coming through the Black Hills, I was all alone, I had gone into town in Rapid City to do some shopping and do actually meet with another friend of mine. That’s a wellness business owner. And I was driving back to the place that we were staying where my husband had the RV kids were there. And I was listening to a podcast from a business coach that I had been following. For quite a while listening to her podcast, getting her emails was implementing strategies that she thought that were really helpful to me. And I knew that she had a paid mastermind, I also had never considered joining it. Like that fall. It was on my Oh, someday, when I’m ready for it. That’s what I’ll do. Like radar. Okay, it was way in the future. We’re in the future. But for some reason, on this drive, the podcast episode I was listening to was talking about some of the students results in the mastermind and some of the things that they were doing in the mastermind, some of the concepts she was teaching. And I realized, oh my gosh, this is like I need to do this. Now. This is something I need, I can keep doing what I’ve been doing for years, which has gotten me to a good level of success. In my business, I can keep doing that myself. And I can keep trying to figure out what to do and how to do it and taking online courses and watching YouTube videos and listening to free podcasts. And I can’t keep doing all of those things. Or Holy cow, I could buy my way in two groups of people that already know the things that I want to know. And I could just learn it way faster. And I could make money way faster, I could help more people way faster, I could streamline my time, way faster, I could figure out how to hire a team and outsource some of this stuff. Because I’ll be consistently bringing in the money that I want to be making. I could do that way faster. There are people that know how to do this. And I could buy my way into those rooms in a paid mastermind. And it was a huge lightbulb moment. For me. I remember this drive. It was beautiful in the fall in the mountains. I was alone, which hadn’t happened very often since I started traveling, it was just one of those blissful moments that you remember in your life. pedelec you know how they say when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. It felt like that except in a beautiful fall scene.

Just great. So I realized holy cow, no, I need to do this right now I need to be in this master right now I need to apply. And I need to get into the next round. And I need to pony up a big investment here. And I need to do it. Because I had been up to this point. So tunnel vision focused on figuring everything out myself, and researching and learning and implementing and doing and doing and doing and all of the things. I had not even thought up until that moment to question if there was another way, right then it felt so future was like well, someday I’ll do that someday I’ll invest in a high level mastermind. Someday I will get it out it out fill in the blanks. But there I was having this light bulb moment and realizing oh my gosh, I’m going to invest $25,000 In this mastermind was a six month mastermind $25,000 investment. My business made just for context, about $150,000 Total in 2020. So this was fall 2020. That was approaching 20% of my total revenue for the year. Okay, it was very substantial this investment was, but I was willing to do it because I realized how much upside there was and how much more money I believed I would make on the back end. After soaking up the processes from that coach and being in the room and getting insights from the peers in the mastermind. I just had this this moment of clarity where I realized oh my gosh, that is what I need to do. I can keep incrementally increasing my income and increasing the amount of people I work with and I can incrementally slowly keep inching up there or I can make a big investment. I can make it go fast. So I did it. The first round of that mastermind started in January of 2021. And I applied in late 2020. got accepted, made my $25,000 payment holy cow that was quite the day. I also remember where I was the day I submitted that payment. And I felt like this is the start of a new era for my business. I committed at that point. Even before the mastermind started in January I committed at the end of 2020 when I made that investment that I was going to be a star student of it. I feel like I am going to change some things I’ve been doing that I don’t love anymore. Some decisions I’ve made that I think I’ve outgrown, and I’m going to be really open to being coached and to doing things a different way. So I did it. First round of that mastermind started in January. May 2021. And during the like kickoff event for that round, I fully immersed in the process that that coach was teaching. And I completely changed my offer and my business from selling a bunch of different things. And I did have a bunch of online courses, membership programs, I had a lot of stuff for sale previously to one program, which is now the profitable nutritionist program. So I decided to streamline those other courses and programs into this one premium program, I committed to selling only this one thing, until I made at least $250,000 in a 12 month period, which was my goal for that year for 2021. I want to just say, in January of 2021, coming off of my highest revenue year up to that point, which was about 150,000. And so completely starting over with a new offer, and a new structure of the program, and a new business model where I wasn’t going to be selling a bunch of different things I was going to be selling this one thing, it felt like 250k for that year was lofty. Let me just tell you, it felt lofty, but I’m like, No, this is what I’m gonna do. And I’m not going to revisit this decision until I’ve made 250 In a year selling this one offer. Okay, so that was a decision done, dusted, committed, let’s go. Now the rest of 2021 was spent learning how to sell through some well planned launches, I completely changed my business model from Evergreen, meaning people could enroll in my stuff all the time to open and close selling through launches, and there were dedicated enrollment periods. We’ll talk more about that. And I started using some much more intentional marketing efforts that year, it was a big shift in my business. And for people that have been following me for a long time and have been through this, this journey with me, they would know that things really changed. It was up level, the way I was speaking, the way I was teaching the way I was coaching, the way I was presenting all of the information that I had to share was different than it had been before. And I really credit making this significant investment in that mastermind. To me being willing to do that if something shifted to me. And I was like I’m doing it. I’m going big, I’m getting bolder, and I’m going to stick with these decisions, I’m going to follow this process. So that’s what I did. 2021 was a big year, created the profitable, nutritious program created the TPN podcast in October of 2021. So fall of 2021, after four months of methodically planning for the podcast, not rushing it, making it super, I want to say super polished it didn’t feel polished at the time. But methodical I think is the word for it, I was putting a lot of time and thought into the preparation of it until launching it I wasn’t rushing it I was I had certain benchmarks of income that I wanted to be making in the business before I introduced the podcast because I didn’t want to divert my focus there. I’ve talked a lot about that in previous episodes about podcasting in particular. So you can go search those if you’d like to. But anyway, the podcast was birthed in October of 2021. And I felt so calm about that launch, it was a huge project, it was a huge undertaking, and has been a huge commitment to producing a long form piece of content every single week, in the name of the podcast for two years now. And knowing this is what I’m gonna do, I’m committing to it, I’m not going to miss a week, I’m not going to have fast this, this is what I am committing to. So that was great. That was a huge win. I think this is just the confidence of knowing I’m committed to this, and I’m going to show up and I’m going to execute 100% That was something that was different than it had been in my business previously, I think if I’m going to be completely honest, previous to that, when I made decisions in my business, like I’m going to launch it this new course or I’m going to launch this membership. It was with one foot already out the door, like I had an exit strategy in case it didn’t work. I’m gonna try this. But if it doesn’t go, well, then I’m going to do X instead. And I was I just was unwilling to do that anymore. I think so in 2021. That was a big shift for me. I was committed to executing to making it work and to getting the results and then deciding what I was going to do. From there. I’m going to keep doing it. And we’re going to tweak a little bit. How is this going but it wasn’t an option to quit or to not do it or to scrap it and make a different decision. That was a huge, huge up level for me. So yeah, big year. 2021 was a big year, and I was having so much success in my business and I was feeling so much ease even though I was doing a lot of hard things. I felt a lot of ease because I felt like I had a really solid plan that I was executing on. It was a plan that I had made that I loved. I loved my reasons for it. I loved where my business was going. I could see what I was creating and how I was going to be building on that in the future. And there was a sense of calm around that that made it feel easeful to do these new things to start launching in a new way and to launch the podcast. asked in all of the things I was doing didn’t feel like such a heavy lift because I just had a plan. I was executing the plan. And the plan that I had made had come from the mastermind that I had invested in. So part of the process I learned at the mastermind, and one of the things we did at the beginning of that six month container was to set the plan that had been amazing for me. So of course, after six months of mastermind, I renewed in it again for another 25k. And I just want to say that was a huge investment. I mean, it was huge. It’s, it’s, that’s a lot. That’s a lot of Ching. But I was happy to do it. Because I was having great success. And I it was a no brainer. To me, it was like I’m making this big investment, but it’s coming back to me in spades. And I was seeing that, because I ended the year of 2021 at $274,000 that I made in my business. Now my goal had been 250 for the year. So I exceeded my goal. But it had felt so lofty the beginning of the year. So I was so freaking proud of myself that I did it. And I really didn’t feel like I was grinding and hustling, and burning myself out and tormenting myself in the process. So I knew that the success and the shift in me and then ultimately, my business had come from the accountability of making that big investment into one specific process, one peer group, and not deviating from it. I made that solid plan. And then I just relentlessly executed the plan. I didn’t launch new offers, I didn’t create new offers. I didn’t do 10 different marketing campaigns or anything outside of the emails and eventually the podcast that was my plan to market the program. That’s it followed my plan, what an unbelievably different business model that was from what I had been doing before, which was a whole lot of everything.

So in 2022, I started in January with another round of that same mastermind, where I was happy to make that $25,000 payment. Again, I just think that that’s amazing. Because it was substantial, but I just want to say, it wasn’t painful. For me, I was excited about it. I felt like this is incredible. I am getting so much more than I’m giving for this investment. And I’m transforming not only myself, but my business. Every time I renew into this container. So great. I knew. I mean, I could see literally that I was 10 axing that investment that wasn’t hypothetical, I could see the numbers that every time I did it, every time I renewed, I was getting better and better results. Not only that, but by this time I had attended to in person live events for the mastermind. And I had met some really great friends that I could now get coaching from I could compare strategy with and I trusted their input because they understood, they got it they they get it like they understand my business model. They understand what I’m creating, and I trusted their input. Now, this was very unexpected for me. I told you that I invested in the mastermind, because I wanted that peer group. But really, if I’m going to be honest, I kind of like didn’t was like that would be great to have. But I didn’t really think that there would be people that I would trust, their input and their coaching and their help in my business. I just I really didn’t. I thought that that would be great. That sounds awesome. But really, I thought I’m kind of a lone wolf, I do things different. I’m a special snowflake. I’m a unicorn people don’t get it, you know, all of those sets. So I wanted the context. I did. But I didn’t really think I would get friendships, I didn’t really think that I would be collaborating with people that I wanted to be surrounded with, like a lot. I didn’t I don’t know how to explain it. But hopefully that I’m conveying this in some way that makes sense. It just was unexpected to me. And because it was unexpected, and yet so pivotal that all of a sudden, I had this trusted peer network that I really could lean on when I had a lunch that wasn’t going well when I had a client issue that came up that he didn’t know how to handle when my brain was really like having a lot of drama about decisions that I had made. And I was tempted to pivot something or whatever. I had people that I could lean on that I really trusted. And that was insane. To me. It was like oh my gosh, this is what’s been missing. I kind of knew I wanted this, but I didn’t actually think I would really get it now I am. This is incredible. And I knew at that point, I really wanted to create a mastermind experience like that for my people. It was so transformative for my business, but also for me from a personal development standpoint. So I wanted to facilitate that same container for my students. So with that being said in early 2022. by invitation only, I kind of secretly reached out to a select group of students in the profitable nutritionist program that I knew would be good candidates for this new mastermind group that I was creating. And I made them an irresistible offer to join the beta launch of the mastermind so I have about 10 people that I invited, four people took me up on that offer. And that is when the streamline and scale mastermind was born. So I knew at this point what I wanted to teach them. In the mastermind, I knew what had been particularly instrumental for me in my business. That was a lot of the planning that I had done a lot of the streamlining, obviously, it’s called streamline and scale mastermind, because those were the two things that I had really gotten from my mastermind experience. And I knew I knew exactly what it was that I wanted to teach them. I knew the goals that they had for their businesses with these people, because I had already worked with them. I knew how I could help them get to those goals faster, so we got to work. Then, in the fall of 2022, I publicly launched applications for the mastermind. And that kicked off for the first time with my first in person retreat that I’ve ever hosted. It was at a beautiful lake property in northern Minnesota. I’m from Minnesota. By this point, my family and I were back amongst our village in Minnesota, we did a couple of years of a lot of travel, and we had a lot of adventures. And now we are at this internal kind of, like best of both worlds, just to let you know where we’re at right now, best of both worlds where we do have our home base, and we’re still traveling a lot. So kids are back in public school. Now we homeschooled for a couple years now they’re back in public school. And that has been great. Actually, they love public school. But we How do I say, we don’t hesitate to take them out of school and go on long trips and adventures either. So there’s like closing the loop on where we’re at. That’s present, Dave. But at this point, we were back in Minnesota in let’s see fall of 2022. So a year ago seems like a whole lot longer. But this was just a year ago. And that’s where I did the first retreat for the first public round of the mastermind. The next live event that we did was in Cancun, Mexico, that was in April of 2023. And because that was such a great venue, it was requested from returning members that we go back to the same place again, this January, January 2024, to kick off the January to July of 2024 groups. So that’s exactly what we’re doing. So now we’re, we’re caught up to speed, you know, kind of the origin story of the mastermind, it is a six month mastermind like I had experienced because that was so transformational for me to have. And I’m gonna tell you a few components of it that I loved and why I brought that into this mastermind container that I created. So I loved having a six month reset every, like twice a year having that six month reset to reevaluate my goals, reevaluate my plan, and like just truly reset. It was a business retreat, basically, for me, because the coach that was facilitating that mastermind that I was in, was doing live events to kick off each round. So every six months, there was a live event. I really loved the live events, and it’s just shocked the heck out of me that I did. Because I consider myself to be surprisingly introverted. Actually, I would describe myself as kind of a lone wolf in a I don’t want this to sound terrible. I’m just going to tell you what comes to mind in like, I’m too cool kind of way. Not like I really think I’m too cool for the group. But I just tend to think, like, oh, I’ll just do it on my own. And I kind of default to that, I’m just going to do it on my own mentality. So which can come off as being too cool. It’s not that I actually think that but that that kind of is my default. So I was very surprised at how much I loved the in person mastermind events that I was a participant in because of the connections I met the friends that I met the interesting business owners I met the perspective the coaching, like all of the things that happened there that are the intangibles, I didn’t expect it all felt like such an amazing bonus. But I now realize like that is the value of the mastermind. It’s to me, I thought I was signing up for a mastermind so I could learn the process from my coach, and that that was how she was delivering it. So it’s like, okay, this is what we do. But I realized that it was the actual the peer masterminding this, the missing piece that I was just like soaking up and getting so much value from so I loved those in person events. And I wanted to facilitate that for my people. I will say that in person events are hard. That is my thought. I’m sticking with it. They are hard. They’re hard to plan. They’re hard to execute. They’re really hard to. They’re hard to do when your audience demographic is really picky. foodies. Okay, let me just say, I’ve learned a lot about event planning and food planning and all of that over the course of the last year. It’s been so interesting. I just love it. Okay, so why do I tell you this story? Why am I even going into it? First of all, because if you’re new to my world, you wouldn’t know the context for what I’m about to explain, which is the process that I have been following. To grow my coaching business. I want to tell you where I got the process from, I want to tell you how it all came about. So you understand that and then I want to tell you about what has actually been happening. So inside my coaching In business, we’ve gone from that first year, which I would say is like the version two of my business, maybe even version three at this point. But 2021 was 274,000 in revenue. And in 2022, my goal was 500,000, we ended at 522,000. So again, exceeded the goal by relentlessly executing one plan. And this year will be roughly a million dollars when we get to the final numbers at the end of December, seven figure business now, amazing, but not that long ago, I was at that tipping point of six figures, and making okay money, but like really actually feeling quite exhausted and nervous because it didn’t feel secure. There were great months followed by very low income months, I was stressing, and I was hustling all the time, it didn’t feel consistent, didn’t feel like I could count on that income. And honestly, because of the overhead in running the business, which compared to a lot of business models, is very insignificant and an online business. But it’s I mean, it’s still is a factor. So when I was, you know, at the end of the month, done paying the bills felt like Like, is there any money left here, I

don’t feel like there’s that much left. So if you are at that point, as well, I get it, I understand. I was exhausted, and I was nervous, it didn’t feel secure. But now that income feels very reliable. And I am able to spend my work time doing the things I really love to do, which is coaching, and creating, honestly, that’s the business model that I want you to get to as soon as possible for yourself as well, where you are doing what you really love to do. And for you, it might not be coaching and creating might be different skill set. But truly, that is possible very quickly to get to a business where you are only doing the things that you love to do. So it felt like we needed to start there with how the heck did we even get into this topic, so that I could tell you about the rest of the things I want to say, which is the process that I have actually followed. Okay, so more context here, I feel like people in our industry think that they need a really big audience, and they need more visibility, so that they can get more clients. And to try to do that. A lot of times they tried to be a social media influencer, or an online marketing guru, or an SEO expert, and have a lot of different offers at a lot of different price points. How do I know this because I did all of those things. And it created a business model that was stressful, that felt inconsistent, it felt insecure, like I said, so a lot of people think that the solution here, if they’re working with one on one clients, in particular, when they get to that tipping point is to phase out those one on one clients so that they can free up their time. Okay, that is not usually the best thing to do. But this is what our brains want to do. It’s like, let’s create a low priced membership or a cheap offer. That’s a no brainer for people, let’s introduce something else. Let’s make the website more professional, let’s rank for SEO, even though we aren’t really like we don’t really convert the people that come to our website right now. And we don’t have those conversions optimized. And we don’t know really where people are coming from. But let’s definitely rank for SEO and spend time and money figuring that out. A lot of people want to hire a social media manager that they can’t afford or just invest in systems that they really don’t understand at this point. Because it’s like, I just gotta get more people in the audience, I gotta get more eyeballs, I gotta get bigger, I gotta get more visibility, but the overwhelm actually gets worse. Again, I should know, because I did all of these things. And I have coached hundreds and hundreds of people doing all of these things. Here’s what actually happens, when we’re thinking that that is what we need to do with the low price offers with the phasing of the one on one clients as quickly as possible. And with getting more visibility at all costs. First of all, people start saying yes to everything. Okay, saying yes to every opportunity, everything that potential clients would say that they would want it was a yes, yes, yes, I’ll create that. I’ll do that. I’ll add more time, I’ll do this event, even if it didn’t seem like a great idea. It’s like yes, yes, yes. That is a very stressful situation. We will come back to that. Another thing that happens is people introduce a group or a digital offer that they don’t know how to sell yet, and they just go cold turkey on the one on one clients, and think I’m going to do this cheaper thing. It’ll be a no brainer. People have told me that they wanted I’m sure it’s the thing to do. And they completely stole their income because they’ve cut off the one on one income that was working. And they’ve gone all in on this new thing that is unproven, that they don’t know how to sell yet. They don’t know the messaging around it. It’s not a vetted offer. And things get really hairy at that point. I also see people doing just a lot of offers, okay, I was for sure. guilty of this. I had a lot of offers, like I said pre fall of 2020 when I decided I wasn’t going to do this to myself anymore. I had a membership. I had several different online courses with different funnels going to them. I had no oh my gosh, that there were several of them. So there was like multiple courses and there was a membership. There was a coaching program. There was a lot happening way too many offers. And the reason that I was doing them is because I had had success individually with all of them. Like I had had a little success here with this one a little success with that one, and I was attached to what I had already created. I don’t know if I’m saying that right. actly. But what’s coming up for me of why I did that? And I think a lot of people do it, like I’ve already made it, it’s already there. So I may as well keep going, like they’re attached to the intellectual property attached to the thing that they already made. I know, for me, that was definitely true. I was like, well, it’s already there. I mean, why wouldn’t I keep doing the thing, without realizing that keeping doing all of the things was actually keeping me from having big success with one thing. So that makes sense. With over 100 episodes of the profitable nutritionist podcast at this point, my team asked if we could create a podcast and roadmap quick guide to the most popular episodes, which I thought was a fabulous idea. They’re so smart, we ended up categorizing 30 ish of the top episodes into a few different lists and categories. So you can easily find the most useful content for exactly where you’re at in your business right now, to get the podcast roadmap download, just go to the profitable nutritionist.com/roadmap One word, you’re more than welcome to binge all of the episodes, of course. But if you’d like the shortcut guide, this roadmap is going to be gold for navigating to the exact episodes that you need right now. Again, download the PDF at the profitable nutritionist.com/roadmap. Alright, so in this type of business, where you’re saying yes to everything, and you’re doing all of the things, and you’re trying to kind of do what was working to get you to this point, but then also kind of trying to do new things as well, like half pregnant here, there’s too many moving parts, there’s a lot of busy work, there’s a lot of indecision, it’s very stressful. Ultimately, people’s businesses at this point is pretty scattered, there aren’t a lot of systems in place, it is chaotic. And when things feel chaotic in your business, you don’t want to grow. Because there’s no more time, there’s no more time for you to be fixing everything for you to be overseeing and proofing everything and reviewing every single client’s everything and answering all of the emails and setting up all of the appointments and scheduling all of the emails and any website pages when there’s no systems in place, and you’re doing all of it, you can’t do more of all of it, because you don’t have any more time. It’s very, very frustrating. So that’s when things feel stuck. And that’s when people think, oh, my gosh, I have to have a completely different business model, I have to have a completely different offer. And that can be that can be a good idea long term. But the execution of how to phase from one to the other is that there’s a right way and a wrong way, a way that’s gonna make it easier in a way that’s going to make it harder for sure. So when you’re working constantly, but the money isn’t consistent, and you don’t know where it’s going every month, and you’re reinventing the wheel constantly, and you’re not creating systems that you can grow into, but you’re just putting out fires all the time. That is chaos does not good. And a bigger audience is not going to fix that chaos problem. So getting back to the point where a lot of people think like more visibility and bigger audience is the thing. It’s not to say that that would be a bad idea long term. But it’s not in the short term going to fix a planning and strategy problem, by any means. Because the actual problems here are not having a long term plan to filter all of your decisions through, okay, there’s not a formula there, there’s not a long term plan, it’s just living month to month trying to get all of the lowest hanging fruit every single month, that is stressful. Also, a problem here is not having an accurate business model to follow. Okay, our business as online health and wellness professionals are different than businesses that sell products, physical products, or have a brick and mortar store. And so if you’re following someone that is talking about marketing for a different business model, or sales for a different business model, or structuring a different business model, that can be great for those business models, but ours are different. Okay? We can’t as health and wellness practitioners, depending on what you talk about, you can’t always run ads, just carte blanche, like, they’re not going to get approved, depending on what you talk about. You a lot of times are not going to be able to market the same way on social media that other business types can because likely you talk about concepts that are sensible, or are a little outside the norm, and then the narrative and all of the things that we know, are so fun. We are highly regulated and censored. So there are different considerations to make with marketing in general. And a lot of times, a big thing that my students come to is they are like I can’t just hire a general virtual assistant to help with fulfilling to my clients either they needed, like they need qualified practitioners that know how to go through the labs and they need to understand what they’re looking at and be trained in my method to know what the heck they’re doing. And for me to trust them to help out with clients. Like that’s a much, much different business model than other online businesses that don’t have that same delicate marketing and client fulfillment. Right.

So another problem that is actually happening is having multiple businesses and when I say multiple businesses, here’s what I mean. Every offer in your business is its own business. This was one of the key concepts that I was introduced to from my coach in the mastermind that I talked about at the beginning of the episode. She said, and this just like stuck with me, and I will never not know this. She said, every offer in your business is a different business. How many businesses do you have? And I realized I wanted to run one business. And up until that point, I had been running many businesses. Why is that because every offer is going to be solving a different problem with a different solution, a different process, and probably serving a different ideal client. So the price point and the way that it’s delivered and who you’re talking to, and the messaging around it, and all of those things are going to be different for different offers. And you have a learning curve, for sure to figuring out how to sell and how to deliver in each of those offers, it does not happen overnight, there is a lot of trial and error, you got to be evaluating the right data, and getting the right support and systems and processes to execute for each offer. It is just does not make sense. It does not sound for most people to be trying to do that with more than one offer at a time. So keeping it simple with one offer, meaning you have one business is definitely the way to go. I have learned this, I now teach this to my students, and they have much better success as a result. So really what I think the biggest problem is for most health and wellness business owners that get to that tipping point where things are working, but they don’t want it to keep working this way forever, because it’s taking a lot of them. And they would like to lighten the load on themselves a little bit while making more money. Which is of course the goal is that they don’t know how to create demand and sell any offer. Okay, kind of getting back to that last point I made where every offer in your business is a separate business because you have to learn how to sell it you have to learn how to deliver it you have to learn who you are talking to and who’s the best fit for there’s a lot of data that needs to be collected. A lot of that data is creating demand, like how do you do that? How does your marketing creates so much demand that you can sell anything? Because you can get the right people, the perfect storm of the right person with the right offer and sell it on autopilot like to infinity? How do you do that that’s called creating demand. And having that skill means that you can then go on to sell any offer in your business. And that’s when you can add more offers confidently because you know that you know the formula for creating demand. That’s amazing. That is a profitable business for sure. But like I said, these are not beginner concepts in the beginning, up to like 50,000 100,000 a year you let people pay you, you get the experience, you get the data, and you be focused, be intentional, but don’t limit your opportunities. This is what we talk about a lot in the profitable nutritionist program, okay, it’s like, don’t limit yourself, let it all happen, get the data, get the data, work with the people test your processes, test your messaging, test it all, do it all. Do it, well have a plan, but get the data, right. Scaling is different scaling means more money and more impact without more of you. Okay, it requires an advanced strategy. And that strategy is different for health and wellness business owners because we have unique considerations. Okay, I deeply understand these unique considerations. Because I have had a holistic nutrition practice myself, and I have worked with so many practitioners at this point with varying different specialties. I can just confidently tell you that growing an Etsy shop is a lot different than growing an online health and wellness practice where you are highly specified, and probably highly censored. So why do we bring up the Etsy shop because people come to me saying, This is what so and so is saying I need to do to grow my online business. And I’m just going to tell you growing an online business is different than growing our kind of online business, okay, the actual actual solution here is following a different process for our exact business model and making strategic decisions once and then committing to the execution of them. Okay, remember, I told you I saw such considerable growth in my business, when I constrain my focus to just executing my plan. Instead of revisiting the plan and making a new plan and revisiting the plan and making a new plan? execute the plan, capital T, capital P the plan. And then finally surround yourself with like minded, ambitious people and pay to be in a profitable Network. Have you ever heard people talk about Ivy League schools? Like I hear people talking about this all the time? Maybe it’s just the podcast I listened to maybe it’s I don’t know, I don’t know why I hear this all the time. But I hear this reference a lot where people say the reason that you pay to go to those schools is because of who you meet there and the connections that you get. It’s not because the curriculum is actually better. It’s not for any reason other than the networking. It’s like a paid mastermind. I see the value in that I understand that concept because I have now seen my own business benefit as a result of paying to be in rooms with people who are also paying to be in the room with like minded people. They want to network, they want to collaborate they want to learn from each other Share, share resources and those resources are really high value because the people get you, I don’t think that you can find that same level and same quality of connections for free. If you can, I mean, I just don’t really know how I think the shortcut is to pay to be in those rooms. That has been my experience. Another profitable strategy that I have followed has been, and I’ve said this in multiple different ways, but I’ll just be really, like really succinct here is to follow one process. Okay. When I talk about the joining the mastermind that I joined, I wasn’t following one process I was paying so much money, based, like on my thoughts at the time is like, this is so much money. I’m going to maximize it by being a star student. And following this one process. I’m not going to pay all of this money to be in this mastermind, and then go rogue and try to do it my way. I’m just going to follow one process. Oh, my gosh, how simple is that? How much stress did that take? off of my life? Amazing. Absolutely. Amazing. Transformative is an understatement. As I’ve already told you, that was a huge tipping point in my business. Okay, so the process that I have been applying in six months cycles ever since early 2021, when I learned it, and I’ve now tweaked to this to the more times I’ve gone through, and I’ve kind of tweaked it for myself. But the cycle that I follow every six months, and which I also teach in my mastermind to my students, is to revisit your money and your planning. Okay, this is huge. You don’t just do this one time, you don’t just make the plan one time, every six months, you revisit the plan, but you need to know where your money is going, where you want it to be going and planning for profit and planning for growth, allocating the money that you’re going to be spending before the bills come due. That’s for taxes, that’s for hiring contractors, hiring help, exactly what you’re paying yourself all of that, so that every six months gets revisited, if not quarterly. I also revisit my strategic offer and the timing of releasing new offers streamlining an offer, I’m always looking at my offer with a fresh set of eyes. Is there a way I can improve this? Is there a way that I could deliver this offer better to my people? Is there something that needs to get tweaked, always revisiting that every six months looking at the offer? Or in my case, I have two now. So the mastermind and the profitable nutrition program, I’m looking at both of those offers every six months through the lens of how can I make this better? What can be improved here? What can be streamlined? How do we get clients results? Faster? Easier? What can this look like? Okay, always revisiting the offer. And then also looking at advanced marketing, meaning the messaging and for me the launches, what does this look like every six months? We’re revisiting what’s working? What could work better? What are we going to do differently next time. And so that is a huge component, pay the marketing, the messaging and the launches. So when I say people don’t need more visibility, they don’t need more leads, they don’t need more eyeballs. I’m not saying forever that you don’t need more people you do. But it’s not the place to start. You got to have this the systems and the processes in the background first, before that is where to look. So I definitely do on a six month cycle, if not quarterly, revisit the marketing, the messaging, and launches. And then I’m also kind of like what I talked about with the offer, looking at the client experience, and I look at this through the lens of how are we going to be generating more demand for these offers? By increasing the client experience getting them results faster, more consistently, easier? Like what components? Can we build on what’s working really well? What could be better? And how are we generating demand for future launches and for future enrollments by focusing on those clients that we have right now. So that’s the process, the money and the back end planning, systems, hiring, profit planning, all of that, looking at your offer strategically, advanced marketing, and messaging, and then the client experience. And it’s just a rinse and repeat just four things on a six month cycle, revisiting the same process and tweaking the action items on a six month, continuing calendar. So simple, but simple scales. And I will say that your problems also scale as your business grows. So you have to ruthlessly, ruthlessly, ruthlessly simplify,

because that problems that you have the pain points, the things that aren’t working that well, the lack of systems or systems that are broken, are going to multiply. As your business gets bigger, and as you bring on more clients and you have more visibility, all of those things that aren’t working are going to become bigger, bigger, bigger problems, okay, so we have to be strategic about this, we have to be looking ahead and creating a business that you can grow into. So when you do this when you’re following this process, here’s what you have to look forward to. You are going to master the selling of one offer at a time, okay, one at a time. But with that being said, you are going to now know how to create demand for any offer, which is how you grow a consistent business and we are going to figure out what your long term offer strategy is so that you can transition to that seamlessly without having a huge dip in your income and a huge amount of stress, you are going to learn how to build a lean and profitable team. low overhead, high output, and how to measure your team, I’m going to get a little like to get a little in the weeds here. But we’re going to you’re going to learn how to measure the KPIs, which is key performance indicators of your team to make sure that they are paying for themselves. So process for this, I know people are really nervous about hiring in their business, because it seems like a big cost. And the way I teach hiring and the what I want you to look forward to is every strategic hire that you make in your business, which in the beginning will be contractors, not actual employees, those are investments, meaning they are going to pay back more than what they cost for you to hire. Okay? Yes, there’s a way to do that. I also want you to look forward to having a very high healthy percentage of profitability in your business. Having an online health and wellness business is incredibly profitable, our profit margins are absolutely insane, if you follow the process that I teach, and if you plan accordingly, which means that you are taking 30 to 40% of your gross income home as your personal income. Okay, so I want to repeat that 30 to 40%, of what you’re making as a whole in your business is coming straight into your personal accounts, your business is paying the taxes separately. So that is net income to you 30 to 40%, this is the percentages that I teach that work really well. I also want you to know that when you are following this process that I teach, and I hope that you will, you are going to be growing with systems and with hires, and not with more of your hours, there is just not more of you. We know this, it is very silly to think that there is so we don’t do that, okay, we plan for you to be working less. And you’re doing less means we need to simplify the processes. And we need to have other people doing the things that are not your favorite so that you have a business model in the future, hopefully very near future where you truly are doing the things that are your favorite, the things that when you look at your calendar on a Monday morning, you’re like, Yes, this is what I get to do this week, not dread, and thinking, how am I going to get it all done. And I don’t even love doing these things. That is not the business model that is going to keep you excited for the long term. Okay, to recap, it’s been a journey. But there was one thing that I invested in, in late 2020, which was the paid mastermind that I joined, that has really been pivotal for me in my business changing. And I hear repeatedly over and over again from my students in the mastermind, that I created the streamline to scale mastermind, that they feel the same way they feel like oh my gosh, this is the missing thing that I didn’t know that I needed that I totally needed. It’s the process and it is the pure masterminding it is the connections that are made. It is the in person events and getting out of your office and getting out of your current routine, and immersing in high quality coaching. And also in all the side conversations and the dinners and the 1am pool dips, they’ll

know what I’m talking about. But those unexpected things that you will do have been the huge needle movers. And I think that that’s so exciting to hear, because that was definitely my experience as well. So you want to leverage that peer effect intentionally is what I’m trying to say you want to repeat and master one process. You want to prioritize profit for sure. And we have an entire process for doing that. And leverage that peer effect very intentionally don’t think that it’s like, oh, yeah, you know, that’s good for some people. No, no, this is what you’re paying for in a mastermind is the peer effect. It’s going to be transformative, it’s going to be amazing in the most unexpected ways, just like it has been for me. So if you are curious about the streamline and scale mastermind, let me tell you about it. First of all, every round of the six month mastermind has been a little bit different. And that hasn’t been because I’ve been very hard. I want to say this, I’ve been very intentional about looking at what is working the best and doubling down on that. And making it as simple as possible. So I have been testing different things. We have people that have been in the mastermind every single round so far, and they’re seeing it change and get better and better and upgraded every time. And their feedback is like oh my gosh, this is exactly what I needed. Great. That’s the point because we are paying attention at what is working and what to do more of. So I’m going to tell you for the January to July 2024 Round of the mastermind, exactly what is included? Well actually, there’s some secrets that I have that I’m not going to tell about publicly, but I’m going to tell you a lot of things about this route. And also if you’re listening to this in the future, and we’re past the enrollment for the January group, you may have a little bit different details for whatever round you’re looking at. So all of the details for the mastermind can always be found on the details page, which is the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind So you’ll always get the updated dates for the next application period. What where the live event is gonna be the dates for that all of that will always be on that page. But I’m going to tell you what it is going to look like for the January to July 2024 round. First of all, the applications for this round will open on. Let’s see, by the time you get this episode, they will be open, I’m recording it in the future, or before the enrollment opens. But the enrollment period for this round is October 30 to November 8, so that is the application window. Then we go through all of the applicants, we curate the best group based on the answers to people’s questions. This is a small intimate group that gets a lot of access to me and to my team, as you’re about to hear. So we are pretty thoughtful about the group as a whole. So application process, then you get your acceptance on January on January, on November 9, those letters go out, and you accept make payment, and then book your travel for the January event. So the January event this year, is let’s see at the Moon Palace in Cancun, and the actual live event dates are Tuesday through Thursday, and it is January 23 24th and 25th. in Cancun, many people come early and stay late because of said appear effect that we have been talking about. And they want more time to do some content creation and to apply and implement what they’ve learned during the mastermind live event. But also just to soak up those poolside conversations and late night dinners, and 1am Pull sessions and all of that with their people. Okay, there’s so much to be shared peer to peer. So inside the container, like I said, we have this live event, okay, that is January 23 24th. And 25th. For this round to just three days of coaching, new content and peer collaboration in person is the way to do this. Like it’s 100% the most critical thing to be in person. And I know that sometimes people have pre existing conflicts, they can’t move it, they can’t be there live. So I do want to say if even if you can’t make the live event in person for this round, I would still apply for the mastermind. It’s not a make or break, but do prioritize being there in person, if you can, you’ll get so much incredible value out of being with your people and getting coached in person. That just cannot be It can’t be replicated online to the best of our ability we try but it just really can’t be so tried to be there in person that is the first component of the mastermind is the live event. Then post live event, we have six months of coaching every single week. So we have different coaching assets and different coaching types throughout the mastermind, but it is every single week. On Wednesdays, you have a combination of me coaching, you have my team that comes in and coaches and we do separate calls for the systems and processes. So my Director of Operations comes in and she teaches, like, you know, people have questions on our systems that we use and what our processes look like, what our templates look like how we organize information, and manage contractors, and just all of the things she brings anybody who wants to know through those workflows, and you can actually have your team attend those calls. So if you do have an online business manager, or virtual assistant or an assistant or some sort of a team that’s working on your behalf, they can attend those calls and get trained by my team, which is highly valuable, obviously. So that is one component of the mastermind. We tested that last round. And it was a great success. People really, really loved having that support on the actual tactics, the nitty gritty, the how do you do this stuff, let’s just show you, are you looking for hiring in a specific role? Well, here you can have our swipe files on this is our job description that we sent out. And this is how we do it. There’s a lot of sharing of resources that way, I’m very transparent. So it’s my team. So not only our current students giving those types of resources and sharing amongst themselves, but also my team is facilitating that. And we’re happy to help with anything on the systems and processes side as well. So some of those coaching calls are with my team systems and processes. And again, you can have your team attend those calls. We also have I mean, I think this goes without saying but a lot of the weekly live coaching calls are from me, where I am teaching a concept, I am going over an evaluation of something we’ve been doing in my business and teaching about how we’re learning from it, how we’re evaluating the data that we gleaned, launch evaluations, all that kind of thing. We also have expert and pure lead deep dive training sessions. So these are very specific skills that are being taught either by me by a student in the room that already has this process down and dialed and comes and teaches it to the group or an external expert that I work with or that I know personally that I’m bringing in to teach a specific skill. So this can look like SEO audits for your website SEO best practices, email deliverability is one that we did recently where I brought in the guy that has been helping us with our email migration and troubleshooting our recent email deliverability She was and he brought everybody behind the scenes on different websites where you can go to to find out how your emails are delivering if you’re on blocklists, like very specific tactical stuff that gets taught on those calls. So weekly live coaching with me systems and processes with my team, and those can be attended by your team as well. And then expert and pure lead deep dive trainings, those are the type of coaching experiences that you can expect over the six months of the mastermind. We also have dedicated copy, review and copy coaching. So we have a professional copy coach, that is on on site, I was gonna say on staff, but she’s contractor she’s not really on my staff, but she is available to review your copy. So if this is website, copy, if it is launch, copy, email copy, you are able to actually submit that for professional review, she does an entire video going through, talks you through what she would change and how she would change it and gives you that video back. So that is incredibly valuable to have a professional copywriter that is very, very skilled in sales, copywriting in particular, that is going to review your stuff, huge value add to have that inside the group. Again, that’s another thing that we debuted last round based on people’s feedback to me that said it would be really helpful to have someone looking at my copy. Okay, great we can do that we have and people have absolutely loved it. So you have the live event, you have the weekly live coaching, copy, review and copy coaching. We also have the entire streamline and scale process that is recorded and inside of recorded modules for you. So you can revisit that process and pick out wherever you are needing to spend the biggest amount of time focusing for the quarter, you’re able to watch videos from me follow the process that you learn at the beginning of the mastermind and watch those videos as many times as you need to, we have another training library, in addition to the four part advanced streamlined scale process. That’s the modules I just talked about. We have a separate training library, that is those static trainings, I just talked about funnels, ads, email, deliverability, high quality testimonials, all of those extra deep dive trainings that we have recorded for you in a training library. And that is not only for the round of the mastermind that you are in, that is past training deep dives as well, that we have recorded and put into that training library for you. And then of course, you get all of the replays and recordings from each week’s live coaching calls. So if you cannot make that week live, you can always do the recording. Okay, now, I have to tell you about one of the two big upgrades we have for this round of the mastermind, I am so excited about I can’t even one of them is gonna be a secret, I’m not telling the other one I am telling and it is so juicy. This is the data dashboard, custom,

I don’t even know I mean, I don’t even know I want to be able to tell you, but I don’t know how to say this, or you’re listening. And you can a picture’s worth 1000 words on this. But we are having our team, my team is creating custom data dashboards, which is aggregate data from a few different sources, mostly Google Analytics, which is now called G four. And a few different places where we have these dashboards that collect the data and streamline it into a very user friendly format where you can actually log into the dashboard and look at your data in a pretty way that you understand. Don’t feel like I’m explaining this very well. But I’m going to tell you a little story. Last quarter in my business, we had a launch that did not go well. I talked about that on last week’s podcast. And I referenced on that podcast that we had a lot of data to be drawing on to know what was going wrong, and how to fix it during that lunch. And of course, what we’re going to do different for the next lunch to not have that same experience. And what I am talking about when I say we had data to pull from is these dashboards. So we have spent a lot of time at HQ over here over the last quarter, creating these custom dashboards and bringing in very important information such as exactly what links in what emails are driving traffic to the sales page during a launch, what keywords are we ranking for SEO wise? What is bringing people to the website? What links are they coming from? What other sites are they coming from? What are they doing when they get to the website? Where are they clicking to to get them eventually to a sales page and then on a waitlist or to purchase an offer? What chain of events is happening for people to become leads on our email list? Like how are people subscribing? How are they finding the way to do that? Where are they coming from? So website traffic is a huge one. Email clicks and not just clicks like oh, they clicked in the email but what part of the email did they click in and what email did they click during a launch? In particular, we’re looking at that to figure out what to repeat for next time and what didn’t work that well for next time during a launch. We are also looking at sales like conversion of entire funnels meaning registration page to a thank you page to email lists to what emails they’re clicking to, then getting to the sales page, how many are getting to the checkout page, what percentage are purchasing a payment plan versus a pay in full, so much data, which is super exciting, because we can then make great decisions from that data. And I have seen how valuable this has been in streamlining the decisions that we’re making here internally. And so I said to my team, oh, my gosh, I really want to figure out how we can create these dashboards for everyone in the mastermind as well. And they were like, I don’t know how we can do that. That’s gonna be very expensive. To be very custom, it’s gonna be hard. And, but I think we can figure out a way and I said, I think we have to, to find out a way because I want to be able to coach them based on this data, and I want it at our fingertips. And not that this is revolutionary data, just so you know, you have this if you have g4 correctly, installed on your website, and on any other platforms that you’re using, like LeadPages, or any other landing page software, whatever you wherever people are, finding you online, wherever that is social media as well, you have this data, but it’s hard to find, it’s hard to decipher. And it’s hard to know exactly where to find that data to make it meaningful and easy to understand. So the reason that these custom dashboards are really valuable is because we actually are able to look at someone’s business model and their funnels and where like, where people are purchasing the client journey from I don’t know you at all to I’m gonna pay you all the money. There’s definitely a funnel there, there’s a journey. And we’re able to look at that and curate a place this custom dashboard where you can see that information and make really good decisions on what isn’t working based on the data not based on guessing and hypotheses. And as a coach where I am coaching, very high touch in the mastermind, I know everybody’s business model very well. I know their funnels very well, I’m reading their websites, I’m in their funnels, I mean, this is very high touch. And for me to actually see that data in real time and be able to coach on on the data versus the what we think might be the problem is a game changer. So I’m super excited for this round of the of the mastermind, I don’t know that we’ll do this again, I have to be totally honest, I really have a lot of questions, which it’s going to cost to fulfill this promise. But for this round of the mastermind, we are creating custom dashboards for every single person in the January to July group, you will then have those dashboards to use with you and your team. For infinity. I mean, you’ll have the dashboards that your assets are yours to use. But during our time together in the mastermind, we are going to be really dissecting the data in there together and making very high quality decisions for your business. Based on that data, which I am so excited about. This is such a dorky thing. It seems so unsexy to be talking about custom dashboards. And yet, I’m more excited about this than anything I’ve ever sold before ever. So boring. Is the is the new, super sexy, let’s just say that. Okay. All that to say, this offer probably will change in the future, exactly what is happening for each round of the mastermind will probably be a little bit different. Like I said, there’s another big new thing that we are doing this round that I’m not talking about, it’s going to be a surprise for everyone that joins in the January round. And that may or may not continue into the future as well. So you may or may not ever hear about that on the podcast, I don’t know. But that’s kind of the fun of a mastermind container is it is very liquid, it is very moldable it’s very member or participant driven. So what is working, we’re gonna keep doing what is not working as well, we’re not going to do anymore. It’s very simple. It’s very straightforward. Like we do what works, we make it easier for you, we want you to get better and better and better results and have better and better and better connections. And so it’s kind of a playground inside the mastermind. And I’m really excited about it. So like I said, I have a few extra surprises in store for the January group that they’d have no idea about. So if you’re going to be joining us in Cancun in January because you are applying for the mastermind this round, you will have to wait to hear the reveal on that. Now, like I said before, applications for the upcoming round January to July of 2024 are open right now for this January group if you’re listening in real time, because they close on November 8, but you have to apply by then to be considered for a spot in the room. And if you haven’t made at least $50,000 in your business yet, you technically do not qualify for the mastermind mastermind is if you have made $50,000 or more in your business. And truth be told this room is actually full of multiple six figure business owners that are scaling and streamlining and growing their team and growing quickly to seven figures. So if you haven’t quite made that 50k in your business, but you’re close and you’re growing fast, I want to say yes to the letter of the law. You don’t qualify but I would apply anyway. And here’s why. I think that there are conditions when acceptance At that level makes sense. And it might be offered to you on a best fit basis. If you’re a candidate that makes sense based on a few different things in the application. And I would know that when I read the application, so if you are close to 50k in your business, and you’re growing fast, and you’re having that intuitive hit, like, Ah, I think I need to be there apply, you submit your application at the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind. Again, that is the details page that you can join the waitlist, if the application window is not open, if the application window is open, you’ll be able to submit your application through a button on that page. So if you’re listening to this episode, in the future, after the application window is closed, you’re gonna visit that same page to get on the waitlist, like I said, and get all of the dates for the next round. Okay, again, one more time, that’s the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind. Okay, that was a lot. That was quite the storytime, my friend, I hope it was helpful for you to hear kind of the origin story of the mastermind. And to get some context on how a group of that type has come to be and what it is like to be part of a paid mastermind container, I want to be as transparent as possible about that it has been, I think, for me, the the single biggest needle mover in my business, for sure. But also I believe that the reason for that is because for me, the transformation is in the transaction. And when I took that leap in 2020, for my business, and I made that big transaction, that big investment, I unlocked something in myself, that was always there, but it’s almost indescribable. It allowed me to dream bigger, for sure. And really go for the type of business that I wanted for myself. And I believe that you can do that too. When you surround yourself with the right people that can help you because they get it they get what you’re doing. They get where you’re going. They know the process you’re following because they’re doing it too, so much as possible. So I just want to leave you with that inspiration and have a wonderful wonderful week my friend

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