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53. Why Your No Brainer Offer Doesn’t Sell

Have you ever created a “no brainer” inexpensive offer for your people so you could make some quick cash?

Be honest.

And did it totally flop?

I bet it did.

And in this episode I’m going to tell you exactly WHY that offer didn’t sell like you planned, so you can fix the problem and confidently sell out any offer you make in the future.

Let’s dive in.


Happy, Happy Happy October my podcast for Rand October what is happening, it’s officially the anniversary month of this podcast, podcasts gonna be a year old this October. So it is top of mind for me right now I’m thinking all things podcast and excitement about a year of podcasting and where the podcast is going very excited about that. So without further ado, here’s the deal, I’m not going to beat around the bush. When I say I’m thinking about all things podcasting, that means I’m evaluating the systems and processes that are in place behind the scenes here for creating and publishing these episodes every week for you. And one big hole in the process, I have to admit has been for me to talk about the importance of reviews. So although I don’t mention this very often, I’m going to make a request that if you’re listening to this right now that you rate and review the show, if possible, if you’re not driving, having good reviews is what signals the all important, irritating algorithms, that this is valuable content that people need to see, and that they should show it to more people. So it means that with more reviews and more ratings, this show will get shown to more struggling health and wellness practitioners as a result, and more people will be able to plug into this content and will be able to grow a better business. So if you are able, please just take a second and submit a rating and review, it really does make a huge difference. And note to self, I should talk about that more often. So thank you in advance. All right now today’s episode is really fun, because I’m bringing a topic that was brought to a recent coaching call inside the profitable nutritionist program. Now as you may or may not know, we coach live every single week in the program. And students can come on live to be coached on their mindset or strategy issues, anything that’s coming up in their business, or they can submit coaching in advance if they can’t make it to the call life. So these calls, as you can imagine, are solid gold as far as strategy and mindset and exactly how to overcome any issues that are coming up in your business. And it’s particularly helpful to be on the call with the intention to learn something from the coaching someone else’s getting. Because even if you are not the person that is asking the question, most of the time, you are still going to get a lot of very applicable coaching for yourself, if you come with that intention that there’s something I can use here, how can I use it, you’re open to it. I know this to be true, a because I get coached without getting coached all the time. And be because I see the chat every single week on these coaching calls going absolutely crazy with people saying oh my gosh, this is exactly what I’ve been thinking. I didn’t realize it. Oh my gosh, this is a problem I’m having to I did not even know that this was what was happening. Oh my gosh, I’ve had the same thought, oh my gosh, I’ve done the same thing. Oh my gosh, I had no idea that that’s why I was getting this result. So this was an example of one of those topics that as soon as this question was asked, and it’s been asked several different times in different ways, but I made a mental note, oh my gosh, I’m gonna record a podcast episode on this because I know how pervasive this particular issue is. And so when my student asked to be coached on it, I was like, boom, we’re doing a podcast episode solely on this topic, because I know that it’ll help so many people, lest you be in the same boat as this student listen up close. Here’s the coaching that she asked for. Well, I’ll tell you what, she asked for coaching. Let me tell you what I really coach her on so little backstory on this student, she has an offer for $1,500 to work with her for three months. Okay, so that is her simple offer her easy, yes, offer that she sells to anyone that wants to work with her $1,500 for three months, she has a package, she has a process that she brings her clients through, she has worked with many clients. This is it. So imagine my surprise, but not really my surprise, when she came to the coaching call and said, Okay, I created and offered a paid workshop for $50. And then I also created a slightly different six week class for $75. And neither one of them sold. So I need help on figuring out what went wrong so I can sell these. That’s the coaching that she wanted. Remember, her made offers $1,500 For three months to work with her. And she has signed many clients in that package. So her question was, how do I get these other two offers to sell? And my answer was, hold on, move backwards. Why do you have new offers? That’s really the question here. Why are there any new offers? Why is there a paid workshop for $50? Why is there a six week class for $75? What’s going on here? Tell me what it is. So I’ve just was curious because there’s no right, there’s no wrong I certainly have suggestions and we’re gonna get into that and not having extra offers and only selling one thing and I’m gonna tell you exactly why that is. But ultimately, she’s the CEO of her business. You’re the CEO of your business. I’m just curious about what the choice was made from. So I’m like, Okay, why

the new offers Hold on, go back. Tell me why. And she had a lot of different reasons. I’m gonna shorten it up here. Basically, she was having other practitioners that wanted to promote some of her stuff to their audiences. And she wanted to give them an easy road. And this is this is her exact quote, I want to give them an easy road in. Okay, so this is a version of I want to make it a no brainer for them. And I’m going to give you that exact verbiage, because I hear that a lot from a lot of people. And you might have that thought, too, I want to make it a no brainer, I want to give them an easy road in Have you had a similar thought like this when your original offer wasn’t selling the way that you wanted it to, meaning you had the intention to sell one thing. And then your mind deviated when it didn’t go the way you wanted to try to change the decision on the offer. And try to make it a quote unquote, no brainer or to give them an easy road in or to change the price or to change the structure and the terms and the duration. And the any any elements there of your offer. Have you done this yourself, you had an intention of what you were going to sell. And then when it didn’t work out the way you wanted to you change the decision on the offer instead of doubling down and figuring out how to sell the original offer. are you nodding your head right now? Yes, I have done this, guess what, I have done it too. And then I’ve also not done it. And it works way better not to do it. So we’ll get to that part. But I can tell you right now from coaching, literally hundreds and hundreds of people and doing this work continually myself that it is a way better use of your energy and your brainpower to figure out how to sell your premium offer. The one that you intended to sell that penciled out in your business, you had a plan, you knew exactly what you’re going to do you know how many clients you needed, get really good at selling that, instead of trying to sell multiple inexpensive things. Again, I’m going to explain why in a minute. With the caveat that you do you, okay, you can do all you can do it any way you want to. But it really, really know firsthand from my own business and from coaching a lot of people on this, that it is going to be a much simpler Road, much more enjoyable Road, to constrain your focus and get really good at selling the thing that you want to sell, instead of trying to learn how to sell multiple inexpensive things while deluding yourself that you’re trying to give people an easy road in. Because what you’re actually trying to do there is you’re trying to not have to figure out why your other offer isn’t selling. Okay, so the whole coaching here around this. And her question was, why isn’t it selling I want to get it to sell? And I’m like, Well, why are we selling something else? She actually has sold her package many times for $1,500. But she was having the thought error that these other people that wanted to promote something for her needed something easier and easy wrote into their people like they couldn’t possibly tell their people that she works with clients for three months for $1,500. So she needed to create something else for them to talk about that was, quote unquote, an easy road in have you had this thought yourself? Have you thought I can’t do it this way with these people. I can’t say this to that group. I can’t tell them upfront. My price, I can’t put my pricing on my website, I have to talk to them first, like any versions of this? Are you having any of those for yourself? Or you’re making manuals and rules that people need to follow and certain scenarios where something can work and can’t work? And are you deciding in advance that you need to complicate things for people because you don’t believe that they’re resourceful enough to take you up on your original offer. Any version of that could be coming up for you in lots of different ways. I’m just curious if it is on why. Because my coaching of what I gave my students and what I will offer to you is how are you already giving them an easy road in because our brains want to tell us more options are better, more is better, I need more content, I need more options, I need more easy roads, I need more cheap things for them to get value for me and then hire me for it. We have all these scenarios more and more more I need more and more is going to be better, the more is not better, better is better. Morris is not better, better is better. This is what I really, really, really

want you to know and what I know to be true in my business and from coaching a lot of people, right, so the coaching I gave her is how are you already giving them an easy road in. Now in her scenario, she has a podcast, she has an email list. She has a lot of in person connections and a collective that she is part of where people are sharing her expertise. And the collective actually was kind of part of this coaching. So I have to give the backstory here that in the collective with the people that she has a pretty specific specialty and the other people in the collective wanted to refer her out to their clients, but they wanted her to do it a certain way they wanted. Their suggestion was if you had something that was inexpensive that we could talk about to our audiences, we would do that, which was the birth of this paid workshop for $50 and a six week class for $75. So in an effort to create what seemed to be something that would be in demand, she was kind of remaking her decisions. She wanted to give an easy road in instead of figuring out how to explain the easy road in that she already had, which was a lot of really valuable content and in credible offer for her clients, and doubling down on that and saying this is the easy road, and I’ve already created the easy road. Remember more is not better, better is better. And it’s totally understandable. She wanted to meet the demand from the other people who said that they were going to refer people to her. And in this situation, and when she asked for coaching, she said, I feel like I’m taking a lot of imperfect action, I’m just doing the things, but I’m also making my life harder than it needs to be. And we know that this is true, because it didn’t sell. So if you have done something similar, and you’ve diverted your focus to try and make a quick buck, which we all do, I would say pretty much across the board at some point in our business, it’s okay. All right, when funds get low, and emotions get high, we do things that maybe are not the soundest decisions, and it’s okay. That’s why we have coaching. That’s why you’re listening to this podcast. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s okay. But just ask yourself and be really honest, why did I do that? Why did I go back on that decision? Why did I want to pivot here? What was I hoping to gain? What was I hoping to avoid? That’s another great question. And then, do I want to keep doing it? Do I like my reasons for why did that? Do I want to keep doing it? And maybe you do. Maybe it’s actually working? Okay, it’s totally possible. I highly doubt it. And here’s why. The reason that those inexpensive offers didn’t sell the $50 workshop and the $75 workshop are ultimately because of her thoughts about them. And if you have an offer, that on paper seems like it should be selling like it should be a no brainer, but it’s not selling is because of your thoughts. There’s also a few other considerations, I’m gonna get into that too. But ultimately, it’s because of your thoughts, her thoughts, my thoughts, all of our thoughts about our offer, and about our clients, and about the effectiveness of what we’re teaching them and the process we’re bringing them through. So if you have thoughts like this should be a no brainer at this price, I want you to be onto yourself, this is a huge red flag, it should be a no brainer at this price should be a no brainer for them. Ding, ding, ding, the alarm bells should be ringing. Think about this very critically, what’s happening here, if you’re having that thought, is that you are letting yourself off the hook and being very lazy in your selling. I’m gonna say the hard thing here, you’re being really lazy. You’re not using your genius brain and problem solving, to figure out how to do some really impactful selling, that’s going to be very valuable, and going to be life changing for your people. Because you think that price is the only determining factor here and that the low price is going to sell for you don’t do this, don’t do this, your offer will not sell if you think it’s a no brainer. At this price, I don’t even have to sell them or I shouldn’t have to sell them. Sometimes this can be laced with a little bit of entitlement of like, I shouldn’t even have to sell them on this when they see the price, they should know if they need it or not. And then we can use this concept of easiest clients and hardest clients against ourselves. If we think I don’t even have to sell them, the price should be a no brainer for them. Know that this is a red flag, it is not going to end well for you or for them. If that’s where you’re defaulting to because price is never the reason why people buy or don’t buy. Never, never the reason it’s not useful for you, as a business owner to think the opposite, that it is not useful to want you to never think that price is the reason and always in service of your clients for you to sell them at a very high level. Okay,

another reason why these two discounted offers didn’t sell is because ultimately she didn’t really want to do them. Okay. And we kind of uncovered this in the coaching and I just want to offer this to you to have you know, in your heart of hearts, I don’t really want to do this thing. I just feel like I should. A lot of times people will do this when they think I need to strike while the iron is hot. If you have this thought I need to strike while the iron is hot, no abort, wait, step back, evaluate another red flag, hold on, hold on, tell your self is telling you I don’t really want to do this and doing something because you need to strike while the iron is hot is usually not a good reason to make a decision in your business. Now, that’s not to say that you won’t strike while the iron is hot, and get really great results. And you’ll sell to your people and you will change their lives by giving them an opportunity to invest in transformation with you and sell them. But if the only reason that you are doing the selling and that you’re making the offer is because there’s urgency inside that you have to do it right now or it’s going to go away then that’s not going to usually turn out very good for you or for them because there’s going to be a lot of pressure there’s going to be a lot of scarcity and lack and there’s going to be a lot of I want to say this you’re basically going to have the expectation to them that it’s about to dry up they’re going to feel that and it’s it’s just going to start the relationship off on a leg that you don’t really want it to I would offer so if you’re having that thought I don’t really want to do this but I have to strike while the iron is hot. Really, really get clear with yourself that you made decisions initially. In this case for my student she initially made decision to sell a three month package for $1,500. Because she did want to do that she did want to deliver that offer, she knew that that was the best offer for her people. That is what she wanted to sell. It wasn’t in the best service to her business as a whole for the here and now and for the future. And she loved her reasons for it. So ultimately doing these other inexpensive offers, was something she felt like she had to do to maximize the demand that she perceived to be there. And she needed to strike while the iron was hot, but she didn’t really want to do it. So Surprise, surprise, people could feel that and they didn’t want to do it. So it didn’t sell. Right. Again, why didn’t it sell well her that she didn’t really want it to sell, she didn’t really want to do it. Have you had this experience yourself? Be really honest. Another reason that I proposed to her that inexpensive offers didn’t sell was that she was ultimately relying on others to sell it for her. So in this scenario, she had this collective there were other people that said, if we had an easy road in, we would offer that to our people seemed like a good idea at the time to create that easy road. And even though she didn’t really want to do it, she didn’t really want to deliver a workshop and a six week, a six week series that was not congruent with her three month offer. And the package that she was already selling, she didn’t really want to do that. But she thought she should, because other people were going to sell it for her. And I will tell you, in my experience, sometimes that works out. But the vast majority of the time, people are not going to sell for you, they are not actually going to be invested in selling at the quality and the frequency that is needed to really truly do impactful selling to their people, to your people to anyone’s people. Because it takes a lot of refining and tweaking, and attention to detail. To sell something well, let’s just be very clear, we vastly underestimate the amount of time and attention that is required to get really good at selling something, don’t expect that others are going to do that for you. They are selling something in their business, I’m sure, of course, there will be exceptions to this. But by and large, the people that have really good intentions of selling your stuff are not going to do it at the level that is needed to really sell your stuff. Okay, so if you’re relying on other people to sell for you, and it’s not working out that great, that’s why it’s just human nature, they have their own things that they need to sell, or that they need to be focusing on not yours, probably. And best news of the day is that you only have your stuff to sell. So you get to get really good at marketing and selling to your easiest, best, most ideal, perfect clients and delivering for them and no one else is going to sell for you. So when you learn how to do this, and you focus on doing this, and you master all of the concepts of organic sales in your business, but also master the self concept of I can sell I love selling selling is my superpower, it is in service to my people that I sell to them often. And well borrow any of those thoughts. By the way, those are all thoughts that I have that served me very well and have me showing up to give value to you all of the time. Because I do truly believe that that is in your best interest in mind, then no with that, like leverage that as oh my gosh, no one else is going to sell for me, I get to do this myself. And I’m the best at it. So that’s the best news of the day.

All right, so circling back, again, why it didn’t sell, she was relying on others to sell it for her. And that just typically doesn’t work. Let’s be very honest. Another thought she was having. And you may have a thought about this as well, especially when funds get low, and emotions get high, is every month I’m losing money. Okay, this was a thought that came up. So I want to address this, because in the coaching that I gave her, we had to talk about this that as well. So she was trying to salvage this relationship in this group that she was in this networking group by making it sell something for her because she liked to be in the group. She liked to be amongst the people, she liked the opportunity. But she had a story that it wasn’t penciling out because she wasn’t necessarily getting income from this group. So the coaching that I gave her and what I would offer to YouTube, if you ever have this thought, like I’m losing money doing this, or I’m wasting time, and I shouldn’t be doing it, but it’s something you actually enjoy. And you want to keep doing it. First of all, I just have to say there are things that you might be doing in your business that are costing you money and time that you don’t want to keep doing. And that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about something that you really love that you want to keep doing even if it isn’t penciling out. And that’s what the situation was for her. This is she really liked this group. She really liked the other practitioners that she was connecting with that she was collaborating with. And she was telling yourself a story that the only way she could keep doing that was if it was making money for her. So I offered her that maybe there’s a lot of things she’s getting from this group that have nothing to do with making money yet or that haven’t actually brought in money yet, but that is still a value. So my coaching for her was to create a list of all of the things that she gets from participating in the group that are valuable, maybe even if on paper. It’s not monetary yet and I would give that to you too. You can have valuable activities and assets in your business that aren’t necessarily monetarily assets or are valuable. And you also could have things that don’t seem like they’re monetarily valuable today, but they will be in the future. And a lot of times things are working in the background, we just don’t see it yet. So I offer that to maybe sometimes you need to broaden your idea of what’s working and draw out the timeline a little bit. So if that is something that’s helpful for you take it and run with it. Now, here are the other considerations, I told her for why her offer possibly wasn’t selling, and I’m talking about these two less expensive offers. First of all, there was the one time workshop for $50. Then there was a six week series, like ongoing for six weeks for $75. And then there’s her actual offer that she sells. Like I said, that’s a three month package for $1,500. Now, as I say this and lay it out to you again, are you a little confused, are you like really trying to think about this, and you’re squinting up your eyes a little bit, you’re like, Okay, carry the one here. And you’re calculating, because that’s what I was doing. And I told her another reason why this probably didn’t sell is just straight up, your audience was confused about what they should do, because you’ve been selling them on your three month package for so long. And they’ve been anticipating when they were going to call you and set up a time to commit to the three month package and work with you. And all of a sudden there are variables that have been thrown into the equation that they didn’t anticipate. And there’s more decisions that they need to make. And they weren’t even considering anything other than hiring you for your three month package. But now it’s like, whoa, whoa, hold on, there’s a $50 something something and there’s a 75 What are those about an as human nature as a consumer and a client? Do we have to put ourselves in the shoes of our people and realize that when we do this to them, when we’ve been selling the one thing and all of a sudden we come out of left field with something new, it gives them pause, because they feel like they need to research that decision is just what we think it is, is that if they don’t jump on the inexpensive offer, then they don’t really want to work with us. But really what’s happening is we’ve introduced a variable that they now feel like they have to put time and attention into figuring out because they don’t know what they should do first. So what’s actually happening behind the scenes here, especially for her people, is now they’re confused about what they should do. Should they just do something this one time workshop? Is that what they want? Is that the same as the long term offer? Is

there something in the middle there is that what that six weeks is I don’t know, I should go look at the pages. Okay, so now what they do, and what we all do is we’re like, oh, look at this tomorrow, or I’m going to keep this email as unread. And I’ll come back to it later. Or we open up tabs on our browser with three different information pages on the website, we’re like, I’m gonna go back to that and figure it out. Because we have the best of intentions, we want to solve the problem, we want to work with this person, you can think of probably many people that you follow or that you get emails from or that you intend on working with at some point, you just aren’t mentally there yet to make the decision. And if they keep introducing more options to you, you feel like okay, you’re my person, I’m going to work with you. But I just don’t know which of these things I should do first, so I need to put time into researching it. And when we make people make more decisions, it just takes longer. And I would say a lot of the time, they never make the decision because it feels overwhelming to research it and so they never hire you, or they never work with you at all. So a lot of times and this is what I told my student is that you just straight up are probably confusing your people. And there is a dissonance here on this super inexpensive offer for six weeks to work with you, which is half of your three month package that’s really out of positioning and out of alignment with your other offer that’s $1,500. For three months, it may have been a head scratcher for your people who have been gearing up to work with you, and are really like setting their finances up and setting their time up and getting themselves to the point where they’re ready to push the button and say, yep, I need this. I’m ready. Because now all of a sudden, you’ve introduced this very inexpensive offer for six weeks, and they’re scratching their head, like what’s going on here? Maybe I need that. Do you see what I’m saying? Can you see how there’s confusion on the client end when we give so many variables? So those are two reasons for why these less expensive offers maybe didn’t sell? Who knows? I’m not there. I’m not a fly on the wall. But it’s something that I think it should be considered. Are we just confusing our people, I would offer that a lot of times if you’re introducing another offer other than the one that you’ve have been selling that we’re just confusing people. And I think and I will say this just for everyone, always as a good reminder, we underestimate how long it takes to master selling an offer any offer, no matter what it is. We just simply underestimate how much time and energy it takes to get really good at doing that. years. I mean, I would say years. And that’s not to say that you won’t have results and you won’t sell anything for years. But I’m saying to get really good at understanding the problems that your people have and the solution that you offer and how to talk about that with them. So they understand the problems that they think they have are often different than the problems they actually have. But you do have the solution and here’s how we know that and here are the results that they get when they work with you. These Are all the conversations that you’re having in your marketing, whether it’s in person conversations, or copy on your website, copy and emails written copy anywhere, or the conversations that are happening on your behalf between people that understand what you do, and then referring you to someone else have these conversations, all of this marketing that happens is a work in progress. Okay, it takes a while, it takes a while to understand how to talk about things in a way that really lands with your easiest clients. And for that to compound and continually be coming back to you in the form of new clients over and over and over again, it just takes a while. It’s not to say that it’s hard or that it is complicated, we just tend to underestimate how long it’s going to take us to really master selling an offer. And when we do, then we realize, oh, I can do this over and over again with lots of different offers. But we also realized that maybe it’s a good idea to not do that all at the same time. So my

suggestion is to learn how to really sell your premium offer, that’s going to make you the most money that is in the best service to your clients and to the long term success of your business, learn how to sell that get really good at selling that and marketing it and starting conversations about it and answering questions about it and overcoming people’s objections to getting started with it. Learn all about how to do that with one offer, instead of introducing a bunch of variables because not only do you dilute your focus and, and just totally, like diminish your own bandwidth there because now you’re selling multiple things. And there’s different things that you need to say, and not say, to sell different offers. So now you’re introducing a lot of variables for yourself. And it can get confusing for you, obviously, but really gets confusing for your people. So all that to say I think it’s a really good idea to sell just one thing. But I want to go back to another part of the coaching call that I had with the student I know I’m kind of jumping around here. But it really was such a great topic to talk about. Like I said, I just knew we needed to do a whole podcast on it. Because this happens so often, where we have the best laid plans, we make the decisions that we go out and take imperfect action to execute them. And they don’t turn out the way we wanted. So in the evaluation process, and you know, this is what I teach, decision, action, evaluate. And then we go back and take more action based on the evaluation not to go back and remake the decision. So in that process, when this happens, we think oh my gosh, it’s not working, I need to do something else I need to prices for sure, the reason it didn’t work. So I need to lower the price. And this is why I really want to always remind you decide, take imperfect action, evaluate. And then we go back to more imperfect action and evaluate not the decision, say this over and over and over again. Because it’s the lazy way to do it. And it’s the long way to do it. Now the shortcut is to know, nope, I made these decisions, I love my reasons. And I’m going to figure out how to execute them. When I figure it out, I’m going to take my brain to the place where I figure out how to sell this not try to create something different that I think will be easier to sell, because it’s never going to be easier to sell, especially if it’s cheaper. Please hear me when I say this, it is way easier to sell expensive things than it is to sell cheap things. So just do yourself a favor and get good at selling the expensive. It’s gonna be better for your clients anyway, it’s for sure going to be the best for your business. And you’re going to be so good at marketing and sales when you master this. So all that to say my student asked me, How do I know if it’s imperfect action or if I’m diverting my energy, because she said I feel like and I was telling myself that by trying this workshop and trying this series, that what I was doing was taking a lot of imperfect action. And I was just throwing some ideas out there. And then I could evaluate if they worked or not. So how do you know the difference between going back on my decision and taking imperfect action? It is a great, great question. And here’s what I told her and I’ll offer this for you to a few little like guidelines for yourself is be really honest, is whatever action you’re taking, or whatever you’re doing, is it costing you sales or momentum elsewhere in your business. Be very honest. Is this costing you somewhere? Now secondary to that? Or maybe I don’t want to say this, like building off of that question is, is it a net negative result? Even if it does work? So first thing is like, is me even trying to make this work? Going to be costing me sales or momentum elsewhere? So that would be a loss. That would be a net negative result? If I’m trying it, okay, are you meaning if I’m trying to sell this thing, am I actually going to be losing sales on selling something else? I would say a lot of times it’s as secondary to that building off of it, is it in that negative result, even if it does work? So be very honest with yourself and this is where my student came to in terms of when we really talked through doing this workshop and doing the six weeks other series that she was selling? Even if a lot of people do buy this? Is it a net negative result in terms of fulfilment, so is executing on this thing that you sold? Even if it was successful? Is it actually going to be a net negative result? Are you making enough money to make it worth your time? Are you getting enough experience in January Getting enough data to make it worth your time, their time. And the last time that you weren’t getting really good at selling the thing you want to be selling? Let’s be very clear, little, like bumper to that, again, is just ask yourself and be honest, you know the answer to these questions you don’t need anyone else to tell you, you know, the answers, is it in service to your long term goals of your business. A lot of times we get very especially this happens when funds are getting low and emotions are getting high, we get very, very desperate and grasp be about doing something right now to make money or doing something right now to get clients are doing something right now to get a certain result, even if it is totally contrary to what we want the long term of our business. So I always want to just pull back and I encourage my students to do this pull back, take a moment take a pause and say is this in service to my long term goals? is me trying to solve this short term problem actually going to create more problems later on? And

is there a different way that I could be thinking about this? So just a little little guidelines here to know, is this imperfect action that is helpful to me? Or is this a diversion of my energy? And am I trying to remake my decision? Is it costing you sales and momentum elsewhere? Is it a net negative result? Even if it does work? Be very honest with yourself about that? Is it in service to your long term goals? And then finally, are you willing to take the amount of money that you’re hoping to make when you sell this, whatever that is, in value of learning and inexperience? Whether you physically make that money or not? Let me say that, again, I’m gonna give you an example. If you want to make $5,000 by selling a cheap thing, or anything, maybe an expensive thing, whatever it is, it’s a different offer than what you initially were intending to be selling. And you’re really making that decision, you have a goal in mind, I’m sure of how much money you want to make, are you willing to take $5,000, whatever amount that is in value that you’re hoping to make, in the term of actual money that’s created or in learning, and data and experience? Either way? The way that you do this, is by evaluating and so that’s where we came to, at the end of the coaching with my student, is, I just asked her Did you get as much in value to us in the future as you thought you were going to make? She said, Absolutely. Because I could see that what I was doing is trying to strike while the iron is hot on some sales that I thought I could be making by doing something I didn’t actually want to do that is totally not in alignment with the long term goals of my business and in selling my three month package and growing that and raising the price on that and working with more people long term. Because I’m confusing them. And I’m trying to deliver something I don’t even want. So when we really looked at it said, Okay, how much money were you hoping to make on that? She told me she didn’t make that in sales. But did she make that amount of money in value? In an experience when she evaluated the entire situation that she can take moving forward? Answer was absolutely. So all that to say is that sometimes you will make decisions that you don’t love, and you can still get value from them anyway, you can still get a ton of money from them in the form of mistakes you won’t make again later did learning either way. So it’s never a loss. It’s never that you did something wrong, it’s never that you need to beat yourself up over something like that, because you can learn from it. And you can take the value either way, and you can save yourself a lot of time and headache in the future, you can also make a lot more money in the future based off of the data that you generate. So I would say imperfect action all the way. Even if sometimes you find that you have diverted off the path that you’ve set for yourself, and you need to bring yourself back in, just evaluate it and take the good with the bad, take the learning and apply it to the future. But all that to say, I really do suggest that you sell one offer.

You’re the boss and you can experiment all you want. Believe me I have experimented with selling so many different things. I have sold a $10,000 mastermind I have sold a $19 a month membership and literally everything in between. And what I will tell you is it takes just as much effort, energy bandwidth, refining, tweaking, coaching, all of it to sell the $19 a month membership as it does to sell a $10,000 mastermind. So my suggestion to you is to use the time and bandwidth and energy and to refine your marketing and selling and your self concept around being awesome at that by the way for the things that are going to get your business further ahead faster, which are usually the things that are going to help your clients the best as well. So it’s a win win situation. And if you’ve listened to this podcast for any length of time, you know how I feel about that. The higher that you set the expectation for yourself, the higher the expectations your clients will have for themselves and they will rise to the occasion. So it is a beautiful, beautiful cycle of results. See, when you sell to them at a high level, and then they show up at eye level, so good. And don’t be disillusioned that if it doesn’t work right away, it being anything that you’re trying in your business that it won’t work. Again, we tend to really underestimate the amount of time and energy and focus that it takes to get really good at something. So don’t look at other colleagues or someone whose business is way further ahead than yours is at killing it on a launch or on selling a program or filling up a group or something that you’ve never done before. Because really behind the scenes, it didn’t go perfectly the first time, I can just about guarantee that it rarely does the first time we have to rinse and repeat a ton rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, evaluate, and tweak and repeat for the next time. Again, this is why I think that rinsing and repeating is better spent on your premium offer on something really inexpensive, but you’re the boss, you can make whatever decisions you want. And then I just encourage you to be honest with yourself, evaluate them and decide if you want to keep on doing that thing, we think it’s going to be easier to sell cheap things, it is the opposite. When you can wrap your mind around that and go all in on your more expensive premium offer, and then sell it with confidence and certainty, you are going to be working with the most motivated and resourceful and committed and happy clients. And that is what I want for you because they will refer you to everyone that they know. And that’s the best feeling. So I think that this is probably apparent, but I will say that knowing exactly how to structure your premium offer and how to price it. And of course how to sell it like a boss is what we do inside the profitable nutritionist program. So this is the work that you need to be doing. Because you are sick of diverting your own focus and attention by trying to sell cheap things that aren’t selling. Or if your expensive thing isn’t selling, then you need to join us in the program. Selling is the part of having a health and wellness business, in my opinion that no one prepares you for, it’s the best part. Okay, but nobody talks about it. It’s like this elephant in the room that if you get really good at knowing all of the health stuff that the selling you won’t need to do, or it’ll take care of itself. It’s just not true, nobody’s going to sell for you, you get to be in charge of that part of your business, which is great. Because when you master the skill of marketing and selling really effectively like a boss for yourself, that is a skill that no one can take away from you, you have it forever, you will be able to transfer it to selling any offer at any price point for the rest of your career. And that is freedom. Honestly, that is freedom as an entrepreneur is knowing the demand is already there. People want the help that I have to give them and I know exactly how to sell them exactly what they need. Isn’t that just a great feeling to know I got this forever, I know how to sell forever.

Let me tell you, it is the best feeling because your clients get the best results and you get the best results as well. And you get to just design a business where you are delivering the exact offers that you want to kind of full circle here on the coaching that from my client, who was creating offers on things she didn’t even want to be doing in her business. She didn’t want to be doing one off workshops, and she didn’t want to be doing a six week discounted series of of teaching. She didn’t want to do that she wants to work with people, one on one for three months, give them amazing results and have them continue to renew with her and send all their friends. That’s what she wants to do. So she gets to create the business she wants. So good. All right. So this work on properly structuring your offer, marketing it to the right people without sounding like a total weirdo, confidently selling it. It’s exactly what you learned in the program. And of course, you’ll be on live coaching calls just like this one I’m talking about today, where questions get asked answered. And you will get the benefit of listening to other people’s questions being asked and answered that you didn’t even know that you had before, which is so good. We talk about all of these nuanced scenarios and situations every single week. And when you join the program, doors aren’t open right now if you’re listening live, but they will be in the next few months. When you join the program, you’ll have access to the entire archived vault of past coaching calls, as well. So you can get coached up on topics by listening to people get their questions answered, just like this. Then, like I said, you might not have even known you have those questions yet, which saves you so much time and headache to learn from others that have gone before you. That is why this program is in a league of its own as far as business resources and it’s why our students get such incredible results. And of course, that’s why we can confidently offer a money back guarantee with no time limit or expiration, knowing that you will get results too. So like I said, the doors aren’t even open right now. But they do open a few times each year. So if you need to see when the next dates are going to be open. If you’re listening to this live it is December 1 through the eighth if you’re listening to this in the future, you can go to build a profitable practice.com forward slash join to see the dates of the next enrollment and join the waitlist so that you know exactly when that’s going to be alright so my friend, as a recap, if you are creating a no brainer offer, and it doesn’t sell, you’re not alone. We all do this at some point, I feel like I can pretty much say all I know, I certainly have done this, I have created things that I thought were gonna sell like crazy, because it was such a no brainer and nobody bought. And I’ve seen my clients do the same thing. If you’ve done it, you’re in good company, but you don’t have to keep doing it. And the reason that it didn’t sell was because of your thoughts and your expectations. Okay, you probably were just not selling very well, because you thought the price was going to sell for you, you thought it was going to be a no brainer. And so you were not truly figuring out how your people needed to hear the information from you and how they needed to be sold for them to make a solid decision. You likely were confusing them in some way. And you probably just underestimated how long it takes to figure out how to market and sell and offer. All of that put together as a perfect storm for something not selling, it doesn’t mean that you’ll never sell it doesn’t mean you’re bad at selling it doesn’t mean your people don’t want to buy from you, it doesn’t mean that they’re not motivated to solve their problem doesn’t mean any of that. It just means that there are a few things that need to be tweaked, so that you can sell better and sell a better offer. That’s it. And again, that’s what we do in the program. So I want to leave you to your thoughts about no brainer offers and how a no brainer offer is actually a terrible idea. I’m just getting only a cheap, no brainer offer that you think you don’t need to sell. That’s a terrible idea. Because we always need to sell. It is in our best interest and our clients best interest for us to sell to them very well in a way that creates possibility for them and anticipation and excitement and motivation and ultimately big transformation. So sell hard and do it. Well. Have a wonderful wonderful week my friend

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