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131. What To Put In A Welcome Email Nurture Sequence

I just got back from teaching an in-depth workshop on FUNNELS, and let me tell you it’s one of my favorite topics.

So much so that I wanted to teach you my very favorite funnel: The Welcome Email Nurture Sequence aka “The Free Course Funnel”

Funnels don’t have to be complicated.

In fact, the simpler the better.

If you’re getting clients right now you already have a funnel and may not even realize it.

When you deploy the strategies in this episode for exactly what to say in a nurture sequence and how to say it, you can automate that funnel and make it even better.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Get The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and learn:

  • The 9 components of a nurture sequence that gets you clients on autopilot
  • How to write your email nurture sequence without getting overwhelmed
  • How to tack on a nurture sequence to your existing freebie OR start from scratch

Links mentioned in this episode:


Andrea Nordling 00:00
Hello, my friend, welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast, I cannot wait to chat with
you about welcome email sequences today, your nurture sequence that someone gets when
they subscribe to your emails cannot wait, I love this topic, I just actually got back from Miami,
where I was teaching an in person workshop on four different types of funnels. And this is the
main one that I talked about. And I’m in the middle of a website renovation right now for the
profitable nutritionist. So this is fresh in my mind. In fact, I decided to keep my free course lead
magnet, which is what I call my welcome email nurture sequence in my business, we’ll talk
about that strategy in a second, I decided to keep that as the main freebie on the entire site for
now when the new website launches, and that was a detour from what I thought I was going to
do. So actually, I thought I was going to debut a new quiz that we have put together. But I
decided to keep the free course for now, which is the name of the welcome email nurture
sequence that you get when you subscribe to my emails. And if you haven’t done that, by the
way, you absolutely should at the profitable nutritionist.com/free. And then you can see what
I’m talking about. But this free course has served my business very, very, very well for the last
three plus years. It is a sequence of emails, okay, it is a free course I position it as a free
course. But it is a sequence of emails, and it is basically a welcome email nurture sequence. So
everything I am going to explain today and how you create a really great email nurture
sequence for your business can be found inside that free course when you sign up for the free
course you’ll see that it is the nurture sequence. So I use those two terms interchangeably, the
free course and the welcome sequence, because in my business, they are interchangeable, but
for yours, they may not be. And that’s what we talked about in Miami. So for three days, I had
some of my clients from the profitable nutritionist program, and some from the mastermind
that were they’re really putting pen to paper on creating or tweaking or optimizing their funnels
in their business. And when I say funnels, I just mean the systematic path that people follow
that you bring them down as they get to know you and how you can help them pay. So that’s
what I mean by funnel. I know a lot of people use the term funnel, specifically talking about
ads, running ads to some sort of a free thing. And then converting people into clients or
customers after that free thing. I don’t think that the ads have to be part of the funnel. I know
that’s typically how a lot of marketers use that as assuming that you’re running ads. And you
certainly can be but the funnels that we were talking about were four types, the free course
slash welcome sequence, which I’m gonna bring you through today, a book a consult funnel,
basically, the sequence of events that happens when someone introduces you to the way to
work with you is by booking a consult, and what does that look like? So the console funnel, a
webinar funnel, and a quiz funnel. So those were the four types of funnels that I was teaching
on and teaching strategy on and how to best practices in Miami. And this came at a very good
time, because I’ve had a lot of questions recently about welcome sequences and email nurture
sequences, and what should I have in place? Now I’m getting a lot more interest in my
business, I’m getting a lot more people that are clicking to my website, and they feel that I
need to have a way to nurture them. How do I do that? It’s a great question. And you should,
you absolutely should, it doesn’t need to be the first thing that you implement into your online
marketing strategy. But I really feel quite strongly that it is a great use of time and energy to
put together a nurture sequence when you have people that are paying attention. Because
what happens is people are watching a lot of things to do a lot of people, they’re getting a lot of
emails, they’re they’re getting a lot of messaging, as we all are in the current 2024 world. And
we know this to be true, it’s just more and more and more flooded and inundated with
marketing messages all the time. So same thing for your people, nothing different going on
with them, we want to make sure that you are part of the mix. So if people are paying attention
to you, and if they find their way to your website, or if they find their way to any interaction
with you really, you want to have a way to put them into a nurture sequence or we’re going to
call it a funnel. Okay, so into your nurture funnel, you’re welcome sequence funnel and the crux
of what you’re going to be putting in this welcome sequence is what people need to know about
the best clients that you work with. And if they are one of them, and what the next steps are.
That’s basically what we’re going to be answering for them in a systematic way, which is so
great. And by the way, don’t get perfectionistic about this. Don’t feel like there is one recipe
you need to follow. And I’m going to give you some examples right now, but don’t feel like this
is the only way to do it. And this is definitely a situation where imperfect action is required, and
something is better than nothing. So I’m gonna give some suggestions about how many emails
you may want, you may want I have, I’m gonna give suggestions about the things that you may
want to talk about in those emails, and season it to taste with what you have and what you
have the capacity to create right now, what the last thing that I want you to do is have a
welcome email nurture sequence on your to do list for two months, three months, four months,
six months and have it never get published and never get done. Because you want it to be
perfect, or you want it to be longer, or you just don’t have time to create nine or 10 or 12
emails, that’s fine, then let’s do three. Okay, so everything I’m about to say, and I reiterated
this in Miami so many times as well. Just try, just get something out there something put
together, get it published. And then we’re going to see how it works. And you are going to take
people people’s eyeballs, have them subscribe to it, hopefully. And if they’re not subscribing,
then maybe we’re going to need to change the messaging around what you’re calling your
welcome sequence or your freebie or how people get that, and I’ll talk about that in a second.
But we’re going to look at how many people are sending up. And then how many people are
opening the emails, and how many people are taking your next step from those emails. For a
lot of my clients that is booking a console, how many people are doing that, and we’re just
going to measure and we’re just going to very, very neutrally look at that data and those data
points. And we’re gonna see what’s working and what may not be working, and then address
any issues from there. But first, we have to get people’s eyeballs looking at the things we have
to get people going through it and get some data. So that’s what I want you to do, if you don’t
have a welcome email nurture sequence yet, just going to get one put together based on what
I’m about to tell you. And you’re going to get some data, okay. And then we can always,
always, always revise and we can tweak it and we can add to it later. Perfect. Okay, so that’s a
deal, imperfectly, we’re just gonna go through this. Alright, so your email, welcome sequence is
a fabulous opportunity for your people to get to know you. And I think even more importantly,
to get to know themselves a little bit, because you’re going to be telling them some things that
you know about them. And they’re going to be a little surprised and delighted at how much you
know about them. And that is going to help build a lot of trust. So they also are going to find
out from the sequence of emails, how they can work with you, that’s very, very important.
There is no right or wrong length, for how long your email sequence should be. There’s no right
or wrong format. There’s no right or wrong order for how, like how and when these emails
should go, there’s just no right or wrong. What, okay, I have to keep saying this, it is yours to
play with. And it’s probably going to change over time you’re going to get this data, you’re
going to look at it after maybe 100 200 people have gone through, and then you are going to
maybe add to it, subtract from it, tweak it a little bit. That’s wonderful. Okay, as your business
changes, as your voice changes, as the way you support your people changes, this nurture
sequence may change, but we just have to start somewhere, right. So take everything I’m
about to tell you, and then make it into your own weird version. That’s kind of a prerequisite of
this strategy is just making your own weird version. And knowing that it is going to be your own
weird version, everything in your business is a little bit weird in some way. And we need to lean
into that. Alright, so first of all, in your big picture strategy of your welcome sequence, you
want your people to know things, and you want to tell them what you are going to be telling
them and what you’re going to be educating them on. So here’s the format for doing that. First
of all, you tell them what you’re going to tell them. Second of all, you tell them and then third,
you tell them what you told them. It’s so simple, it’s so stupid, but it is so, so valuable to know
this cadence, okay, this is the core of a welcome sequence. And really all communication with
your people keep it so simple, keep it so repetitive, it has to be repetitive, people have to see
the same information over and over and over again. So here’s what it is, again, I’m going to I’m
going to be repetitive and follow my own advice here. First of all, tell them what you’re going to
tell them, then tell them and then tell them what you told them. That’s what your welcome
sequence is going to do. This is your catch all nurturing funnel, okay, it’s going to educate and
warm up everyone that’s in your orbit that finds you and gets on your emails, and it’s going to
tell them the things that you want them to know. So first of all, assume that they don’t know
anything at all, nothing. They’ve never seen anything of yours before. They’re brand new, have
no idea what you do, or how you do it. And it is the job of this welcome sequence to educate
them on how it works to work with you how you work, what you do and how you do it. Like I
said earlier, I have done this in a free course style format. So I took my welcome sequence of
emails, and I called it a free course. And then I said register for the free course. So simple. I
know people get very confused about this. They’re like Okay, so you have the free course. And
then after the free course, they get your welcome sequence and I’m like no, no, the free course
is the welcome sequence I just call my welcome sequence of free course. And the reason I did
that is because I wanted the freedom to change those emails around at will but still have the
same call to action. So you’ll notice I have always and always do say sign up for the free
course, internally, the free course emails have changed a little bit over the years. But you don’t
know that from the outside, your people don’t know that from the outside. So I may tweak them
a little bit, I may improve them, I may add to them. But it’s always just the free course, I love
the simplicity of that my brain loves the simplicity of that. So if that works for you, and if you
can see how that would fit into your strategy, take it and run with it, that’s great. But a lot of
my clients already have some sort of a lead magnet or a freebie that is working for them that
people want on their website. So maybe that is a meal plan. Or it could be a series of recipes,
or it could be a guide or something like that, that people already want. So if that is the case,
and I really do want to ask you Do people already want this? If you already have a freebie on
your website, do people want it? Is it getting subscribers, let’s first look through that funnel,
because if not, you may want to change it. But if it is, then you can use the subscriptions to
people getting that freebie to then let them know what is going to be coming in your welcome
sequence after they get it. Okay, so what the last thing that we want to have happen is
somebody is interested, they’re on your website, or they see you talking about this free
resource that you have, they go get it, they subscribe to it, you send it to their email, and they
never hear from you again. That’s not what we want. Or they hear from you when you send
email broadcasts. But they were never told what was going to be coming in those email
broadcasts or when to expect them or that they should be opening them. So then they’re a
little confused and disjointed. Remember, people are getting so many marketing messages,
they’re getting so many emails, they’re getting so many people reaching out to them, we have
to be very repetitive. And we have to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them and
then tell them a shot, right? So we need to do this a lot in our emails, I think I said that wrong.
Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you told them.
Because that’s what you’re doing in these emails. If you already have a freebie, that’s great, I
want you to tweak the email that comes from that freebie a little bit to then tell them what
you’re going to tell them coming up in the emails that are coming their way, then tell them in
those emails. And then in the emails themselves, keep recapping what you’ve told them. That’s
the tell them what you told them. Okay, so for me, it’s just a free course. And that is the emails,
you don’t have to do it that way. But that has worked really well for me. So like I said, if you can
see how Ooh, that might simplify things, take it run with it, it has worked so so well have made
so much money with the free course. Because it systematically introduces people to the
following topics, which I’m going to explain, you may be wondering, what the heck do you put
in a free course? And what do you put in the emails? Well, that’s totally up to you. So many
different things you could do to get your own weirdness out there and your own unique
philosophies and your processes out into the world and tell people about it. For me, I did a
launch in March of 2021, to sell the profitable nutritionist program for the first time. And I did it
with a webinar where I introduced Debbie and Courtney, these are personas of my two different
types of clients. One of them is DIY, Debbie. Now if you’ve taken the free course, you know
Debbie, and you know coordinate, but if you haven’t, of course, you’re gonna go sign up for it.
So you can meet Debbie and coordinate. But I’ll give a little overview of w coordinate Debbie is
DIY, Debbie. And she’s doing all of the things that she’s doing all of the research, and she’s
trying so hard to do all of the things. She’s chasing all of the shiny objects and trying to do it all
herself. Courtney, that’d be confident. Courtney, on the other hand, went through a certification
with Debbie and they know each other, but they have very, very different businesses, because
confident Courtney has taken a different path. And then I talk all about what Courtney has done
that is different than what Debbie has done and what the experiences of both of them are as
business owners. It’s just a fun way that I teach my philosophies and I teach some of my
resources and give some exercises and part of my process in the free course. Okay, so that’s
where it came from. It was a launch where I did a webinar about Debbie and Courtney, that was
very well received, people loved it. And they just the psychology about that, by the way, I will
kind of take you on the journey of the thought process that people really like to leave me not
like to but would prefer to identify with a persona and the attributes of that persona rather than
take them on themselves. So for example, Debbie makes things a lot harder than they have to
she is endlessly researching. She has a hard time taking action and making decisions and
sticking to her decisions because she feels very unsure on if she’s making the right decision. So
she’s like, Oh, I got to do more research first before I can do the next thing. And that’s a very
common Debbie feeling. So rather than saying, I am unsure or I’m overwhelmed, a lot of my
people have found it to be much more I don’t know if it’s us, I don’t think useful is really the
word but they’ve they’ve had an easier time saying I’m being a Debbie right now. I’m being a W
right now. Oh my gosh, I could totally see how I’m being a Debbie about this. And that is just
like, psychologically something that is easier to do. So just throwing that out there if it would
work for you to do different personas and talk about different type types of clients in that way, I
think that it’s definitely a fun and more lighthearted way to talk about serious considerations.
So that was the launch. That happened in early 2021. The wn and coordinate personas were
well received. So the emails that I used in that launch, I repurposed and turned into what is now
the free course and what has been the free course. And that’s a welcome sequence. Okay, so
test your welcome sequence as live broadcast emails, first hot tip, I really, really highly suggest
that when you are going to be creating this welcome sequence, you are dripping it out live first.
And you’re testing what resonates with your people, what they want to read about what subject
lines are working. And that also takes the pressure off of having to create all of these emails in
advance, just do them one or two a week and drip them out live. Okay. So this free course that
I currently use has evolved over the years, new content has been added, as I have had emails
that really clearly struck a nerve, and I got a lot of response from my group. Okay, that has to
go right in the welcome sequence. And I’ll add to it. Alright, with that being said, another
consideration on your welcome sequence is that you should have the content be evergreen. What do I mean by evergreen content, I mean that you want this welcome sequence to be
relevant. For years after publishing it. This is not a situation where you want to have an
automated sequence of emails that you have to constantly be changing. So you’re not going to
go back and edit these emails very often. All right, I’m going to suggest that you put in your
project management system or in your Google Calendar, that every three months or so you
should go back and look at the open rates. And you should look at how many people are
subscribing and how many people are continuing to open up and clicking in the emails, we
definitely want to look at the data. But you don’t want to set yourself up for failure thinking that
these are going to be emails that you are constantly editing, if they need to be edited, like for
something timely, you would not be talking about a promotion that’s coming up next week in
these emails, for example, or next month even. Because you’re just really not going to be
editing them that often you’re going to be busy making money and serving your clients. So we
want to set you up for success by having the content in your free course or in your welcome
email nurture sequence to be evergreen. And don’t link to anything in those emails. It’s not
going to be relevant a year or two from now, just think simple. Okay, Link to simple web pages,
like your work with me page or somewhere that you know, the page will always be updated,
even if the welcome sequence isn’t Does that make sense? I think that that should be making
sense. Linked to simple web pages that you know, you’re always going to be on top of have
calls to action that can change but the pages and the links stay the same. All right, that is very,
very, very important. And then secondly, I want you to outline these emails before you start
writing them. I see a lot of people getting overwhelmed about an email nurture sequence,
because they think there’s so many possibilities, I could be writing about so many different
things, there’s so many things they need to know. And to kind of shut down. And really, if
you’re just outlining it first and knowing I’m going to have these different emails, something
about these different emails, that types of which I’m going to tell you in a second, you can
easily go back and schedule them to drip out one or two a week for the next month or two
months. And know that you have plenty of time on your calendar to do that. So don’t get
overwhelmed. Outlining first and having a plan is going to be the key to making sure that they
all get published and that this gets actually created. Don’t ever sit down to write multiple
emails and just be staring at a blank cursor, that is not going to end well. It’s a terrible, terrible
idea. First, just make the outline. And don’t do these on the same day. Don’t be outlining and
expecting to write on the same day your brain will be very overwhelmed. That’s not it, you just
want to outline the first time you sit down. So you’re gonna have the purpose of each email,
how it foreshadows future emails, this is all about the open loops you want to have. Our brains
hate having open loops, we want things to be closed, we want to have resolution to any
questions that were wondering. So a great way to have people opening your emails is to open a
loop on something that’s coming in a future email, give them some intrigue on that, and then
not close the loop. These are things that are just a little tricks, but they are going to
significantly increase the open rate of your emails, and people being excited about reading
them. So to do that, you need to know what emails are coming up, you kind of need to have an
outline here of when you’re going to introduce this thing and how you’re building tension
beforehand. There’s a method to the madness. And I’m telling you, you need an outline to do
that rough outline of the content of each email, and what you’re going to be foreshadowing
that’s coming up. So when I do this, I and I’ve done several different sequences like this, I do
this for lunches as well. But I lay out each email in my project management software that I use,
or even good old fashioned post it notes or something like that. So I can move them around and
have a visual of how everything connects. I think that that is very, very helpful. Now let’s talk
about the actual emails. I know this is the part you’ve been waiting for. What am I saying in
these emails? If you’re stuck right now and you’re thinking I don’t know what I would say that
I’m going to give you some suggestion and some kind of a framework that you can work
through. Before I even launch into this, I want to say 20 times to you that you don’t need to do
it this way. And you don’t need to include every email that I’m going to give you right here right
now, don’t feel overwhelmed, I’m gonna give you nine different types of emails. And if you want
to just follow this framework and have one of each, that will serve you very well. If you have a
different idea about how you want to structure your email nurture sequence, then just take this
with a grain of salt and do your thing. Okay, okay. But I know from teaching this several times,
and working with groups of people on creating their welcome sequences, that people really like
to have a framework. So that’s how I’m gonna give you let’s take a minute and talk about
podcasts. Here’s how they work, you subscribe, and then every Tuesday rain or shine, you’re
going to get a brand new episode in your feed for free from me, that’s going to help you make
more money in less time and impact more people’s lives. It’s incredible that we just have the
best jobs by the way. We sure do. And because we don’t run any ads on this show, the one
thing I would ask from you in exchange for all the value that you’re getting here is to take 60
seconds after you subscribe and leave a review. When you rate their podcasts and leave a
review. It tells apple and Spotify and all the other podcast platforms that this is quality content.
And then those algorithms share it with way more people who also want to impact more
people’s lives. See what I’m saying? Leaving that quick review might just change everything for
someone else and their business, we’ve made it really easy. If you don’t know how to leave a
review in your podcast app, just go to the profitable nutritionist.com/review, where you’ll get a
magic link to leave that review in whatever podcast platform you use. Again, if you don’t know
how to do the review, go to the profitable nutritionist.com/review. And we’ll show you exactly
how thank you so much for taking the time, it really really does mean the world. Here are the
nine categories of emails. First of all, you should have an email that establishes a timeline and
your offer. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the first email but it should be included.
Remember, we are assuming that whoever is reading these emails has never heard of you
before, they have no idea what you do, they have no idea how you do it, and how you work
with clients. So we need to make sure that everybody that gets this email sequence knows that
information. I know so many of you listening to this podcast, have people that are chomping at
the bit ready to work with you. And they just don’t know how and you think that they do know
how and they truly just don’t know how. So let’s make sure that everybody that comes into
your orbit gets this tantalizing sequence of emails, because we name it something great. And
we tell them to anticipate the emails, and they’re very sold on the fact that they’re going to go
look in their inbox and get the emails and open them. Because we’ve gone through the tell
them what you’re gonna tell them. See, you’ve told them why they want these emails, and then
you tell them in the emails. And at the end, we’re going to recap, tell them what you told them.
So you’ve already told them what you’re going to tell them and they’re very excited about it.
Now you need to deliver the goods and the goods are how do you work with clients? How often
do you take new clients? This is basically a condensed email version of your work with me page
or your sales page. All right? Should people in a perfect world have clicked around on your
website and already read this information? Of course, that would be so great. In the real world,
though, they’re coming in from all different places, and probably mostly have not looked at
your website and read this information. So we’re going to give it to them being very repetitive
on purpose, we’re going to give it to them in email. All right. This is how to work with me.
Basically, if you are in a launch and doing an email like this, you are telling them the timeline of
the offer. So you’ll see this when I am opening doors for enrollment in either the mastermind or
the profitable nutritionist program. There are certain dates that those programs are open for
enrollment. I’m always reiterating what that is giving the timeline letting people know assuming
that they’ve never seen any of the previous emails, they haven’t been to the website, they
don’t listen to this podcast. And they have no idea what the timeline is. I’m always reiterating
that in every email. And there’s a way to do that in your welcome sequence so that you are
educating people on how they can work with you and how that works. Even if it is as simple as
book a consult with me, I take clients one on one all the time, if that’s what your offer is, your
people don’t know that. Okay, you need to tell them how this works. Second type of email is a
structure email. Now this is where you are explaining the nuts and bolts of your program, how
its laid out, and why it guarantees success for your people. Again, they have no idea how this
works, when they work with you. They don’t know. So there is an opportunity here for you to
educate all of your people that are kind of paying attention to you and getting your emails in a
systematic way about how you guarantee success with your people. As I’m saying this, I
imagine that many of you listening are thinking but I can’t guarantee success with my people. I
can’t I don’t know if they’re going to do the work. I don’t know if everyone’s going to get results.
But I want you to really challenge your brain on this and figure out how your program which is
the process that you bring your people through or how does that actually guarantee success?
This is where you are thinking kind of on a macro level about how you support your people,
whether that’s through one on one, whether that is in a group setting digital combination
hybrid of both, however, that looks, if it’s through lab testing, or you have different modality,
how does it guarantee success for your people really challenge your brain on this, even if you
never say the word guarantee to them, I want you to think of it that way. And explain it to them
as such. Okay, so that’s the structure. This is the nuts and bolts of working with you. We tend to
think that people understand how this works. They don’t diverge. Sure, good tell you. They
don’t know what it’s like, but they won’t ask questions, either. So it’s very curious. But, um, I
mean, I guess we as a consumer, can, it’s maybe not that curious, we can think about ourselves
in this situation, too. And think, well, yeah, when I’m confused about something, I maybe won’t
ask a question, because I just assume I should know. Or that it’s obvious somewhere else. And
I’ll kind of make a mental note to myself. Oh, yeah, I gotta go research this mark. Gotta look
into it’s a Marcus and it is confusing. And I probably won’t, I probably won’t go dig into it more,
and I probably won’t get my questions answered. So a much better scenario would be if
someone was systematically telling me the answers to those questions that I may have, as if I
do have them. Because we know a lot of people do. So the structure email, very important.
Thirdly, you have your philosophies, this is an email, then you might, well, there’s crossover
here. So you may be talking about your philosophies in several emails, you may be talking
about the structure of your program in several emails, just giving you a framework of making
sure that you’re covering these bases, okay. So your philosophy, emails are about your ideas
and your beliefs that you teach to your people, or that you share with your people or that your
process supports with your people. So this is where you’re getting a little bold with how you’re
different, and how your way of working with clients is probably much different than what
they’ve seen before. Yeah, get a little bold here. These are your philosophies. What you want to
be doing here is turning on the right people and turning off the wrong ones. Don’t ever be
afraid of turning off people that you don’t want to work with or that are never going to buy from
you anyway, it is in service to those people to set them free so they can go find someone else.
Okay, so this is your opportunity to do that with explaining your philosophies, you may have
several philosophy emails, but make sure that you have at least one all right. Fourth, is your
process. This is different than the structure of your program, the nuts and bolts, the process is
detailing the stages or the milestones, or the different phases that you bring your clients
through whatever that looks like for you, you want to talk about the actual process of working
with you from start to finish. And you want to be very specifically talking about some of the
very tangible milestones that your clients get as they work with you. So that the people that
are reading this email are putting themselves in that position. And they’re thinking, Oh, that’s
what that would feel like, once we get to stage two, that’s what it’s gonna feel like for me, oh, my goodness, this is how it’s gonna feel like when we’re done. Again, we think people know,
they don’t know. So when you talk about your process, talk about it as if they’ve never seen
this before. They have no idea what you do, or how you do it. And you’re educating them for
the first time on what that process actually looks like. This may feel very repetitive, you may
feel like what this is already on my website, great. Copy and paste it from your website and
make it into an email that’s engaging, okay? being repetitive is the name of the game,
something has not gone wrong. If you’re being repetitive, you’re doing it right. That’s for sure.
The next type of email you want to do is a results email, you have to tell people what the
results are that they could experience when they work with you. Again, we think that they
know, they don’t know and they want to hear what is possible. So for me in emails that I’m
talking about results, I’m talking about monetary results for my people, they want to know they
can actually get consistent predictable income that they can count on every month. But I have
to tell them that I have to show examples of my other students that are doing that I have to
reassure them that that is what we do here. Talk about the results. Don’t assume that they
know talking about the results. There are also skill set results that I talked about some very
specific ones like getting better at writing copy, like generating a lot of demand without social
media marketing for my people. That’s very important. Having clients reaching out to them
instead of them feeling like they’re hunting down the clients. Those are specific skill sets. Also
time results, we all need to be talking about time results. How is their life going to be so much
different when you have saved them time? Because they are working with you? How does that
look? Why is it different than what they’re doing right now where they’re wasting a lot of time.
For every button that is listening to this podcast, it is true that your people are wasting a lot of
time. Tell them tell them how it’s going to look different and what the result is going to be. It’s
very, very different when they work with you. And then feeling results. How are they going to
be feeling differently Instead of feeling overwhelmed, my people feel calm. Instead of feeling
confused, they feel confident. And I tell them that okay, but we have to be very specific. So
what are those results that you can very, very clearly tell people about in your emails. And
again, these might kind of bleed over you might have might talk about your process and results
in the same email. But make sure you are talking about results. Don’t shy away from that. All
right. Also talking about objections, specific objections that people have, like Now’s not a great
time, I’m going to wait until I’ve done XYZ thing first. Or I don’t think I’m ready. Or I think that
I’m too far gone. A lot of people that are going to be reading your emails think I’m just I’m a
real lemon. People have said this to me before. I know I’ve said it on the podcast, but it’s like,
oh, I’m a total lemon, I don’t think you can help me, tell people, if you can help the lemons, tell
them that, right. This is an objection that people will definitely have, that they’re a special
snowflake, your process isn’t gonna work for them, they are too far gone, whatever that is, talk
about it, have emails about that in your welcome sequence. Also talk about the impact, that
doing the work with you is going to have the bigger picture. So what their life is going to look
like when they do this work. This is kind of foreshadowing those results again, but with a
specific emphasis on the ripple effect for other people in their life, how many other people it
impacts that they do this work and handle their health or get the results that they want to get
whatever that looks like for what you’re facilitating, thinking bigger numbers more possibility,
tell them this paint that picture. So powerful. And then of course, anytime you can talk about a
specific problem that they have, and a specific solution that you are offering to solve that
problem, you got to mix it in, don’t think that they know, they don’t know, they want to hear
the specific problems that your clients have, and the specific solution that you offer. I’m not
saying you solve that problem in these emails, we can’t do that that’s not even possible. You’re
not giving them recipes, you’re not giving them DIYs you’re explaining these are the problems
that my clients come to me with. And when they work with me, this is how we solve it together.
Okay, you have the solution, not a DIY solution. So in all that, you could create a heck of a
welcome sequence that is going to teach people how to work with you. How do they know if
they’re ready to work with you? What does that look like? What’s the experience of working
with you? Oh, my gosh, what are the problems that people that work with you are even solving
and then they can see themselves in that think I have that problem? Oh, my gosh, I’m not too
far gone. This is amazing. So good. So just to recap, we have establishing the timeline and the
offer, which is how do you work with clients? Tell them how it works, how often you take new
clients, and what that process even looks like. Tell them the structure of working with you, the
nuts and the bolts? What is that? What are your philosophies? What is your process that you
bring your clients through. And if you don’t think you have a process, you totally do, you just
need to write an email about it, which is going to force you to get really specific on what that
process is because you absolutely do have a process. And maybe you’ve never described it
before, this will be an excellent opportunity for you to do that. You want to talk about the
results that they get very specific results, monetary results, skill set results, time results and
feeling results. And you want to talk about their objections, the specific objections that people
have to working with you don’t think that we should just not call attention to these, they’re
already thinking these things. So you absolutely want to call attention to it. And you need to
solve for the objections and overcome them in these emails, then we want to talk about the big
picture impact and the ripple effect, and specific problems and specific your specific solution.
Anytime that you can. That’s a lot. Okay, I imagine you listening to this and thinking, whew,
that is a lot. And it can be but it doesn’t have to be. So I’m going to bring you back to my
suggestion at the beginning, which was take a few pluck a few of those that either you’ve
already written, or you could quickly do an outline those, get them going. And then you can add
to this overtime, right? You’re welcome sequence is an automated sequence. So people will get
this when you set up the automation, saying when someone does this thing, they get this
sequence of emails, so you get to decide when they get it and make sure that everything is set
up in your tech software, of course, that they’re actually getting it. But it is very simple in any
email service provider to add emails to the end of a sequence. So the way this works tech wise,
is you decide what the automation is when people fill out this form, they also get added to this
automated sequence. That’s your welcome sequence. And then people will start getting it. And
as you add emails on to the end of the sequence, people that are starting to come through will
start getting those emails and so on and so forth. So it’s very simple to add to and you don’t
have to have all of this created in advance. Just make sure you have an outline, and you kind of
know where it’s headed. I think that will serve you that’s a that’s a very good strategy. Okay.
Thomas, you’re going to tell him tell them, tell them what you told them. This is like all roads
lead to Rome here, I kind of think of this as the mama bear sequence. Your welcome sequence
is like the mama bear that’s nurturing. Just come here, I’m going to make sure that you have all
the answers to all the questions. it nurtures all of them, it teaches them to look in their email to
hear from you conditions, people to be looking there, for great valuable information from you.
And if they’re also going to be getting broadcast emails from you every week, if you do a
newsletter every week, or if you have a podcast, and you’re publishing emails about that, or
whatever that could look like blog posts, whatever, you want to tell people to look for those,
and you’re conditioning them to also look for those other emails to tell them what you’re going
to tell them. Right, so good. We think that this has to be hard, it really doesn’t have to be hard.
The free course welcome sequence I’ve been sending for years. And it does an excellent,
excellent job of letting people know how I work with clients, and what they need to do next,
which is ultimately what you want to do. I know that there may be some questions, and there
certainly were in Miami. So I want to talk about this too, about getting the emails delivered in
your welcome email nurture sequence. And unfortunately, I know more about this than I want
to, because we’ve had a lot of tech issues in my business in the last six months, which I’ve
talked about on many podcast episodes. So I know a lot about this. And I want to give you some
suggestions for good email sending practices, so that these emails of yours in your welcome
sequence actually get to your people’s inbox and don’t end up in their junk folder. First of all,
when you start sending to your people, you want them to have to do something in the first
email that you send to them. So you want them to have to go click something, there’s a lot of
questions around should you do a double opt in or not. And if you’re not familiar with what a
double opt in, is, it means somebody subscribes to your emails, and then they’re not actually
subscribed until they go into their inbox, and they find the email and click a link that says I
confirm I want the subscription. And you may be tempted not to do that. But I’m telling you do
that. Okay, because you’ll get less people that fully subscribed, a lot of people will fall through
the cracks, maybe not a lot, that’s a thought that I had a proportion of people that subscribe
and fill out the initial form will not go click the link in their email, and they won’t actually get
emails from you in the future. And that will frustrate you. It could frustrate you. But I promise
the people that do finish, the double opt in, do go find the email, click the Confirm subscription
in their email, are going to be so much more likely to engage in your emails. And I think that
that’s for two reasons. First of all, because they must really want your emails if they went and
they double opted in. So there’s that filter. But also, because by going into that first email and
clicking a link, it is telling their email service provider, whether that’s Gmail or Yahoo, or
Outlook or whatever, they must actually want these emails. And it’s much more likely to get
delivered into their main inbox in the future when you send them an email versus going into
junk or promotions. So you always want people to have to click something in the first email, I
have a lot of clients that have their tech currently set up so that someone opts in to something
free on their website. And they fill out the form. And then the next page that they go to the
confirmation page has the free thing for them to download. So instead of going into their email,
they’re just getting the thing on the page, not a great strategy, because you have no idea if the
people ever open up that email from you. And if they don’t, there’s a great chance that every
subsequent email that you send to them is going to go into their junk folder. And they they
forget about it. And like we’ve said, so many times on this episode, people are busy, right, they
are not going to realize that they’re missing the communication from you just because there’s
so much communication coming our way at all times. So a better practice for this would be
have somebody download something from your website, they have to opt in, and then they go
to a thank you page with you telling them remember, tell them what you’re gonna tell them,
tell them what you told them. So on that page, you’re telling them go to your inbox, it is right
now waiting for you to download in an email subject line data that you tell them exactly what to
look for, they have to go to the email and click the thing in there to download or to go to a page
where they can then download or watch a video or whatever it is okay, so much better for the
health of your email list. And for the likelihood of them ever seeing any emails from you in the
future. This is so frustrating because if people aren’t engaging with your emails, you’re not
going to know if it’s because they aren’t interested or they’re actually not seeing them because
they’re going straight to their junk folder. This has been a huge part of the problem that we
have had in the last six months was getting data that our emails were getting delivered, but
they weren’t getting into the main inboxes. So I’m telling you just set yourself up for success.
The very beginning and also part of the problem with that was that we had gone from a double
opt in to not using a double opt in I didn’t realize that that had happened when we migrated
email service providers, and that there was a different company that did that that didn’t set it
up with a double opt in. And that really affected our deliverability. So don’t do that. For sure,
don’t do that. Okay, a great idea, kind of nother ninja tip here would be to have a video on the
thank you page that somebody goes to Okay, so they’re going to have something in their inbox
waiting for them. When they subscribe that they have to go click, hopefully that is going to
bring them to a page with a video on your website. Okay, like a video that has you Hi, hey,
welcome. Here, I’m going to teach you something mind blowing, like absolutely blow you away
with something really juicy in three to five minutes, and then have a call to action at the end of
that video to do the next thing you want them to do. If that’s book a consult with you, if that is
clicked to another page on your website, or go find out more information with some more in
depth content. If you have a blog or something or listen to your podcast, whatever that is, do
that. in video form, people really connect via video. And that is something that you can
continually link to, from your emails to get people clicking out of those emails to go somewhere
else. Just pull ninja tip here, if you’re like, what, where are they going to click to I don’t know
what I haven’t clicked, you could go to a video that sells them on the next step. That way you
are showing their email service providers that be all of the G mails in the world that your
people want what you’re sending, because they’re clicking on it, okay, that increases your
sending reputation a lot, it will really serve your business. Well, I have had a lot of success with
doing video like that in my emails, kind of mixing in video into my text emails here and there.
And when I do that, I do a subject line that has brackets that says video, and then has the
subject and in the body copy of the email very little words and usually just a thumbnail of the
video with a play symbol over it. So people know oh my gosh, I have to click here to play
because we’re familiar with what those thumbnails look like. That gets high clicks. So I’m just
saying, if you can see a vision here of how you could use that, use this strategy in some of your
welcome sequence emails, especially initially, when you’re trying to establish that sending
reputation and get people clicking with the knowledge that of course, that’s going to result in a
lot higher likelihood that they’ll keep getting your emails in their main inbox. And each time you
do that, you’re telling them just a one thing that they need to do in each step. So don’t
completely overwhelm people with tons of call to action. Ideally, you’re gonna have one next
thing they need to do that you’re telling them to do in each email. And then with that being
said, rules are meant to be broken. And sometimes I do multiple calls to action. So play with it,
have fun with it, and that this doesn’t just go for your welcome email nurture sequence, this is
all of your marketing, really make it your own. Be bold, put your personality into it. Just
ultimately be interesting. Don’t be boring. Okay. People are way too inundated with emails and
social media posts and all of the things all the YouTube ads and all of it that are boring to be
paying attention to boring, so just don’t be that. Don’t just don’t, don’t do that. Be interesting.
Be interested and be interesting. I’m always telling my kids this be interested and be
interesting, Mom, I know. But I think that it bears repeating has people questions. That’s what I
mean by be interested, talk to people have a conversation. And then also be interesting when
people ask you questions, life hack they love when I give life hacks by the way, all the moms
listening to this know how much our children love the life hack. dripping with sarcasm. Okay,
let’s land this plane. The most recent statistic I’ve heard is that people need 40 touchpoints and
around seven hours with you before they buy with me before they buy with all of us before they
buy. I don’t know what constitutes a touchpoint. And I don’t know how we’re defining spending
time then the whole context of what that statistic actually means. But it’s thought provoking. If
nothing else, I do know that whatever the numbers actually are, it means we need to be
regularly communicating with our people. We need to be answering the questions they don’t
even know they have yet. That’s our job. And an automated email welcome sequence, in my
opinion, is the simplest and most effective way to do that. So don’t be shy. When it comes to
giving your people their marching orders. Tell them the next best step for them to take, which
is hopefully going to be for a paid or a free thing of yours. Tell them early and often and
communicate with them a lot. You’ve got this my friend. So go get your welcome sequence
published and start collecting data on those clicks. And just have fun with it. All right, I’ll see
you back here next week.

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