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37. The Best-Kept Secret to Achieving Big Results

I have a big announcement today, my fraaaaaaand!

It’s been a long time coming.

I’ve been thinking about, and dreaming about, and planning for this thing for over a year and a half. And I finally get to tell you about it.

But first, I wanted to share the best kept secret to achieving big results in any area of your life … and especially your business.

This ONE secret I’ve learned over the last 2.5 years has completely flipped my business around and has my trajectory of growth at a hockey stick level these days compared to very slowly growing for the first few years.

Want to hear what it is? I can’t wait to share.


Andrea Nordling 0:00
It’s June, like halfway through June. How is this even possible? I don’t know. I think it’s so annoying when people talk about the weather. But I’m totally doing it right now. Because it feels like this is the first time I’ve recorded a podcast, where it’s sunny outside the window. It’s green. It’s lovely. And I have to mention it, because it just has my mood. So joyful. I’m feeling so joyful. Right now. I’m feeling so inspired. I’m feeling so ready to talk to you about two very important things today. First of all, I have a very big announcement coming today, a my friend, big announcement, it has been a very long time coming. So excited to tell you about it. I’ve actually been thinking about this thing that I’m going to be announcing I’ve been thinking about it, and dreaming about it, and planning for it for over a year and a half, closer to two years. Truth be told, and I finally get to tell you about it today. So look forward to that. It’s kind of a cliffhanger. But first, here’s why it’s a cliffhanger because first we are going to be talking about I’m going to be sharing with you what’s in my opinion, the best kept secret to achieving big results in any area of your life. And especially your business, the best kept secret to achieving big results in your business. We’re talking about it today. Based on my totally scientific, like my experimentation and my non scientific and being sarcastic I can’t even think of the word I want to say my very non scientific process where I have tested this on myself and had good results. And then I tested it on my clients and they had good results. So I’m going to tell you conclusively that this is it, it is the one secret. And you should listen to everything that I have to say, only. I’m just kidding, take it with a grain of salt. But seriously, I do want to talk about this one secret that I have learned over the last two and a half years, it’s completely flipped my business around. And we’ll talk about that a little bit. I know I’ve talked a lot recently about the evolution of my business, first my holistic nutrition practice, which then morphed into business coaching, and what that has looked like so you can look back at some past episodes where I talk about that whole journey. I’m going to dive into it a little bit further today. Because I can see very, very clearly that there was this turning point where things really flipped for me. And now my business, which was slowly growing for years and was immune to standing on its own two feet it was doing okay, but has now transformed into this thing that is on a trajectory of growth, like at a hockey stick level these days, compared to how we were trucking along, but kind of a hot mess for a while that has happened at one very pivotal point, I’m going to tell you exactly what happened at that moment, and how things changed for me. But first, even though I’ve talked about this ad nauseam, I’m going to give you in case you’re a new listener, I’m going to give you a little recap on my business before it became what I now think of as my dream business. Because now I have the business that I envisioned years ago, where I was thinking about the life where I would be not tied down to a certain location, I would be able to work the hours that I wanted to work, I would be able to coach with my dream clients, I would be able to have people getting really, really good results and having fantastic testimonials and feedback. And I would just have that overwhelming feeling that it’s working. But yet I wasn’t working all the time. It’s working, but I don’t necessarily have to be working. That was my dream business. And now I have that. And I’m so excited to tell you all about it. But I first have to pay some homage to the fact that it wasn’t always like this. I used to work so many hours, I never unplugged. I was constantly on the search and taking and signing up for more trainings, more courses, more workshops, learning more things, more more more things, reading more books, more podcasts, I had at this time 2015 1617 1819 There were many years of this, I must say in different flavors of it. But all kinds of the same thing. I had a bunch of offers in my business, I was trying a bunch of different things. Nothing wrong with that it got me to where I am today. But I had a lot of different price points. I was selling cheap things. I was selling expensive things I was selling things that were open all the time I was selling things that you could only buy. During certain lunch periods. I there was a lot going on. I was doing in person things I was doing online things I was doing in person marketing, I was doing online marketing, there was a lot happening. I was doing all of the things. It was hard. Hard, not because the things I was doing were particularly hard. But because I was being so hard on myself, my expectations are making it hard. And my expectation is that everything should be going faster. I should be doing better. I should be learning these things faster. I guess like faster is the word that keeps coming up. It should be going faster, I should be doing it faster.

Andrea Nordling 4:40
My clients should be going faster. This should be working faster. All of the faster. Lots of hurry, lots of hustle. It was hard. It was hard having those thoughts all the time. I’m feeling like I was behind all the time. The one thing I wasn’t giving myself my due, which was that there was a lot of things that were working. And I actually was doing really well in comparison to a lot of my colleagues in The holistic nutrition field, my business was doing really great. It just wasn’t living up to these huge goals that I had set, or what I was expecting that the outcome should be by this time. And basically, based on how much time I was putting in, if I’m going to be totally honest with you was like, if I’m working this hard, my business should be producing this much. These are my expectations. I have to take a breath. And just think about how exhausting that was. I’m so glad it’s not like that anymore. In around 2020. Sometimes when my dad talks really country, and I’m living with my dad right now. I pick up on some of the things he says we like, long about 2020. And I almost just said that too long about 2020. I started doing less actions, and I started doing more thought work. What the heck does that mean? So I started focusing, I was introduced to coaching, I was introduced to that work. And it’s like this light bulb switched in my mind. From oh my gosh, what if I didn’t have to do more things and do more actions. And I actually just needed to think more intentional thoughts. And I needed to figure out what was going on in my brain? What if I took that attention from doing all the things and put it towards what is going on in my brain and sorting that out? And what if that was actually what I needed to be doing right now. It was a hypothesis, I tested the hypothesis. And it worked. worked really, really well. So I’m going to tell you, along about 2020. I went all freaking in on coaching, and on mindset work. This is the time and I’ve talked a lot about this, but I’ll give you another little overview. This is the time where I learned about the model. The model is a self coaching tool that is taught by the Life Coach School, which I certified graduate of shout out to the Life Coach School podcast with Brooke Castillo, which is how I found out about this tool. Along about 2020. I might add, I started listening to this podcast, and shout out to her Brooks amazing. She was teaching me on her podcast every day when we were going on long walks together a little does she know she was teaching me about how to look in my brain for the answers. Instead of looking for what I could be doing, and doing and doing and doing more it was what could I be thinking differently to get a different result? Not what do I need to be doing differently? What could I be thinking differently. And I’m so grateful that I was introduced to this because I mean, it wasn’t like I was living under a rock I had seen the secret for goodness sake, I knew about the law of attraction I knew about manifesting. I knew about mindset, I’m doing air quotes, as I say that I knew about these things as concepts that really didn’t land for me. And I’ve talked about that before, too. I have a whole podcast on it. But all that to say it didn’t feel like it made sense to me. I couldn’t understand if it was working. And it was like this vague, nebulous thing that I couldn’t really put my finger on. It just felt hard was like what is mindset mindset felt like this fufu thing that I was never going to really understand something about the way that my thoughts were summed up into this formula called the model, which is our thoughts, create our feelings, our feelings, inspire our actions, and those actions are going to lead to the results we get in our life. For better or for worse, whatever results we’re getting right now are coming initially from our thoughts, our thoughts create our results, through this cycle of thoughts to feelings to actions to results. So in the way that that was posed, it was like a light bulb switch, like I said, and it just made sense to me, like, oh, my gosh, I get it, I get it. I’m so grateful that I got it and that I was exposed to this other way of thinking, because it really showed me where the holes were in my thinking, and how I was getting the results that I was getting at that time in my business. Now of course, I also started applying this to other things in my life, I started applying it to the results I was getting in my parenting, in my marriage, in my health in my other relationships in my life. It’s not solely a business tool. However, this is a business podcast. And I have found that this is such a fun place to play with the model. So of course, that’s what we’re gonna talk about today. But just know that you can apply everything we’re talking about here to any area of your life where you’re getting a result that you don’t like you’d like to change needs to go first to your thoughts you need to understand which is what we’re gonna talk about how to figure out the thoughts that you’re thinking that are creating those results, and then work backwards to figure out what do you need to be thinking differently to create a different result. So simple now as I say it,

Andrea Nordling 9:23
but long about 2020 It was life changing to me at the time, it was like it was said in the right way that I needed to hear it at the exact right time and everything just clicked for me that might be happening for you too. So I just will keep repeating it our thoughts, create our results, our thoughts, create our results, we can’t gloss over this. Your thoughts, create your results. You change your thoughts, you’re gonna change your results. What? What is this? This seems too simple. could it actually be one more time now? Our thoughts create our results. Yes, it can be that simple. Are offers not create a results, not more clients, not our websites, not the right payment plan or no payment plan. That’s not what creates our results. It’s not figuring out the perfect process to bring our clients through. It’s not an online course that people buy while you sleep. Ask me how I know this. It’s not having the perfect funnel, no, none of those things create your results. It’s your thoughts. It’s my thoughts. It’s all of our thoughts creating all of our results. Sometimes it’s hard to see what our thoughts are. So that’s what I really want to shine some light on the distinction between what is real in this world. And what is just a sentence in our brain that we’ve thought so many times on repeat that it seems real, the distinction between those two things is very important. And that’s where coaching comes in. A great coach shows you your brain and shows you your thoughts, which many times in fact, I would say most of the time, we don’t realize our thoughts. We think that there are truths. We think that there are facts. We think that these sentences that we’ve thought over and over and over again, are facts that they are true, and we don’t question them. A great coach shows you these thoughts of yours in questions, I’m with you. A great coach shows you where you’re believing a thought of your own, when in actuality there are other ways that you could think about it that might be more useful for you. A great coach shows you how your thoughts are creating your current results in black and white. And here’s the deal, a really great coach shows you what thoughts you could think instead to get the results that you really want. And that’s why I love coaching. So, so much. It’s what really changed. For me, this is the spoiler of the big secret. It’s coaching my friend, on every podcast episode that you listen to whether it’s me telling you how to coach yourself, giving you ideas about how to do that, or sharing some of my genius coach friends with you and picking their brains about their genius ideas for coaching. The message is always the same, your thoughts, create your results. And we’re just always on a quest to uncover those default thoughts that we think are facts, but they really aren’t. And we could be thinking something else. So the goal here is to find the thoughts that you’re already thinking and see if they’re giving you the results that you want. You’re on board. I hope so. Because that’s what I did in 2020. I went all in on coaching to grow my business, I was figuring out this thing called the model, I was figuring out this thing called mindset that until then felt like such a buzzword. It was like mindset mindset mindset. I don’t know what that is. Let me get back to the strategy here. What was that about Facebook ads, I want to know about that.

Andrea Nordling 12:41
That’s what my brain sounded like, pre 2020. Where I learned all about all mindset is just a collection of thoughts. Your mindset is just a whole bunch of thoughts that you think that’s your mindset. It’s not this elusive cloud thing that just disappears. Now it’s just a collection of thoughts that you think Okay, so let’s figure out what those are. Remember, this is what I did in 2020, when things really changed when it was like my business, it was doing fine. Remember my business at this point, it was already created. It was chugging along at about 70,000 a year. But I was burning myself out incredibly bad to make that money. This was not passive income, by any stretch of the imagination. Not even a little bit. Although I had that vision, I was like, Wouldn’t it just be great if this stuff sold for these courses, and this membership, and all of this just sold? While I was sleeping at night, that would be passive income, um, no, nothing of the sort. I was really, really hustling to make that money. But then I found coaching that changed everything like 180 degree switch, because I got some really insightful coaching. Along with I want to say this, too. It wasn’t like I had the best coach ever. That showed me my brain on January 5 2020. And I remember the date and everything changed. It really wasn’t like that. It was like the year of 2020. I just became very aware of my thoughts. I started questioning if they were true or not. I had some really good coaching and some good insight about minding my own brain. Like here’s what I want to say about the coaching I got it was questioning thoughts that I believed that were true about my business, and I’m going to share what some of those are in a second. And then it was somebody being a good coach, like a really good coach that just gently pointed me in the direction of the insight that was already in my own brain and minding my own genius regarding the kind of business and life that I wanted to have. AKA the results I really wanted to have, which was not the hustle the grind that I had created up to that point. And the way that I needed to navigate through that force of confusion was from coaching. I needed someone else to show me my brain and to help me navigate through this why I believe so so strongly in coaching and in really targeted high level coaching as the fast track not saying I wouldn’t have still gotten the results that I have now. At some point, but I know that it went so much faster, it’s been so much easier. And I’ve had so much more fun along the way, by being exposed to new ways of thinking that are not default. To me. We all have this right? We all have things that we believe are true. And we don’t even question that. For a lot of my clients, it sounds like businesses hard getting clients is hard, I need to have a bigger audience that was a big one for me for a long time, I could see my thoughts because of really good coaching, I could suddenly see. And some of this was coaching from an actual coach that was helping me see my thoughts. But most of this, I’m gonna say most of this actually, was through my own self coaching. And when I say self coaching, I mean me with five minutes and a pen and paper. And you know this from listening to the podcast, I give you exercises all the time, I’m like, get out a pen and paper, answer this question, write it down, see what comes up. That’s what self coaching is, okay? It’s taking the sentences in your brain, these default thoughts that we think putting them down on paper, and just looking at them, these thoughts that are already there, we’re already thinking them, so there’s no reason to hide from it. We put them on paper, and we look at them and go, Hmm, no wonder my business is hard. If my thought that I continually am thinking about it, is that business is hard. Clients are hard. I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough people around me. There aren’t enough people in my town that want this. Nobody knows I’m in business, right? These are all the thoughts I hear a lot from a lot of my clients, guess what? They’re just thoughts. They’re not true. They’re not facts. They’re just thoughts. So now that we can see that they’re there, we pull them out, we see if they’re getting the result that we want, spoiler are usually not. And then we change the little thoughts by really getting granular about what result we do want and what thought is going to be useful to get there. That’s what coaching does. So I could see this at this point. In 2020, when I was suddenly getting very clear and seeing my thoughts. For me, it was a lot of it’s not enough, they need more. So that was showing up. Like what I’m giving people isn’t enough, I’m not giving them enough value. I’m not teaching them enough. They need me to teach them more, they need me to go learn more. So I can answer every single question they’ve ever thought of having.

Andrea Nordling 17:07
They need more from me, they need more, I’ve got to create more content, got to create more free content, got to change what I’m giving my clients, my thought process was like I need to change what I’m doing. It’s not good enough, I need to change it, I need to update it I need to pivot was always wanting to change things. I also had a lot of thoughts, such as I’m gonna be totally honest, these were my unchecked thoughts at the time, which I now have changed, these are gonna seem like Did you really think that because you don’t talk about that at all now. And here’s why. Because I realized it was not getting me the result that I wanted. And I realized to get the result they wanted, I had to think different thoughts, which is what I talk about now. And so you’re gonna hear some of these new and improved that. But back in the day, which wasn’t even that long ago. And how fun is that? But long about 2020 It was when I have a bigger audience, this will be easier, I should create another course and launch that I should change this and redo it. I should update. So and so I should update my website, it was all of these thoughts that I was thinking all the time basically, was an undercurrent of, it’s not enough, they need more, I need more. It’s not enough. They need more, I need more. I need a bigger audience, I need more information. They need more information. For me. It’s not enough. It was just a loop of similar thoughts like that all the time. With good coaching, and some good self coaching. I realized, oh, wow, these are totally optional. I don’t have to be thinking these thoughts. And they’re not getting me the results that I want. So maybe I should examine that a little bit. I could see these thought loops very clearly I could see the results they were producing, which was always me rushing to the next idea. Here’s the results. I was getting thinking those thoughts, I was always rushing to the next thing. Instead of honing in on one thing, and really mastering it, and getting better at it and iterating and tweaking and repeating what was working and getting better and better and better at this one thing. I was just rushing to the next idea and starting over rushing to the next thing starting over I was like halfway done executing one thing. And I already had decided it wasn’t working well enough or fast enough. So I kind of scrapped it and jumped on to the next thing. You might know what I’m talking about. These are like the frantic actions that we take from the thought it’s not enough, I need to do more, they need more I need more just like so panicky. Well of course, the actions that I was taking from those thoughts. Were having me doing panicky things, I was half assing, a lot of stuff and I was always jumping to the next thing. Instead of getting really good and mastering one thing. I could see how my thoughts about perpetually growing my audience was also taking away value from my audience that was already there and was already wanting my help. And so I talked about this all the time, because I could see I was doing that I could see that I had this thought I need more people I need more people. And from that thought what was I doing? I was always thinking about the people who hadn’t found me yet and how I was going to go find them instead of nurturing and serving and giving value to the ones that were already there that had already raised their hand and said I want help from you. I’m here. Once some level I kind of abandoned them because it was already thinking about growing the audience with people that I didn’t know yet. Can you see how this might be showing up for you to remember, our thoughts create our results. The result was me never feeling like I had a big enough audience and never really nurturing the audience that was there fully and like really loving on them and helping them and serving them and getting so good at articulating their problem, and delivering the solution to them and helping them get to their ultimate results. Every time. I wasn’t doing that, because I was so busy hopping to the next thing, the next thing, the next thing, from this place of thinking I needed more, I needed more people, I needed more information, all of that coaching seriously changed the game. For me. This is turning into a PSA for coaching, which is totally my intention. By the way, that is not an accident. Here’s what I did with the information. When I realized what these default thought patterns were for me, and that they weren’t getting me the results that I wanted, I was able to completely simplify my business. So for me, that meant selling only one thing. And you know what happened? I’m more than doubled my business in one year. And then I more than doubled it the next year. And then more than double it the next year. This year. My goal is 500k with fun and ease. I’m gonna tell you right now I’m on track to surpass that by early fall, not because I learned a secret strategy, though not because I have a secret hack that I’m not telling you about. It’s because of exactly what I’m telling you about in this episode. It’s because of getting coached on my thoughts, looking at my thoughts, self coaching on my thoughts, being aware of my thoughts, creating my results, and nothing else, where I’m not getting the results I want. I don’t think to myself, What do I need to do differently? I think to myself, What do I need to think differently? That is a massive, massive shift. Let’s just go back to numbers for a second. How fun is our industry and our career path? My friend?

Andrea Nordling 21:47
Can we just take a minute and think about that? Owning your own health coaching business or any coaching business? It’s like winning the lottery. It’s like having a winning lottery ticket in your hand actually, what other career is it completely reasonable to just double your income every year, like, oh, conservatively, we’re just going to double this year, if not even more. That’s crazy. It’s bananas. I love the craziness of it. I think about my friends and their corporate jobs. And many of them are at the mercy of sales bonuses, and three to 5% Cost of Living salary bumps that kind of increase. Meanwhile, I’m thinking about doubling and tripling last year’s income while working smarter, and getting better and better at my craft. Not working harder or not working longer hours, it’s going the opposite direction. Like how did that shift happen? What? Oh, my gosh, it’s coaching you guys, I’m telling you it’s coaching. In 2020. That was not that long ago, a little over two years ago, this really switched for me, I can just pinpoint nearly exactly when it happened when I was like holy cow. It seriously is my thoughts creating my results, my stop selling all the different courses. And the offers that I had before of which there were many pared it down to one offer, which is the profitable nutritions program, this one offer this one thing, and I committed to only selling and delivering this one thing for at least a year and a half. One thing before that. I had had lots of offers at different price points, all sorts of different things, but nope, pounded into one thing, one offer. And I sold that for at least a year and a half. That was what I committed to myself. At that point. When I made that decision, I could see that my scattered thoughts had led me to create so many different offers and so many different courses and different programs. Before I got coached on those thoughts. And before I realized oh my gosh, those are not facts. Those are just thoughts in my brain. And I was done with thinking those thoughts that were getting me the results I wanted anymore. I didn’t want the scattered hot mess business where I was always creating new stuff and starting over. Now for me when I say I had a hot mess business that might be different definition for different people. I know some people are super disorganized in their business. Some people have a lot of moving parts and like no processes. That’s not what I mean by hot mess for me. Although that might resonate for you. For me in my heart messiness was where I was always in creation mode. And feeling like I always had to create something new, create something new, create something new, and I was always starting over. That was the scattered hot messiness. For me, it was actually a very organized hot mess. But just a really Huxley burned out always needing to do more and more and more was that kind of a thing. So when I focused only on selling one thing, and selling it a few times a year, do a few launches a year. And then in between those launches over delivering to my clients in the program when I wasn’t selling, they focus on doing that. I really poured my brainpower into the program and into what I was teaching in the program and coaching inside the program and making it the best business resource in our industry. Hands down. And I can say that with such confidence now because it’s the feedback I’ve gotten from so many of my students that have taken other courses and other business development programs before and they all say the same thing. They Say this is different. And the reason they say the program is different is because of the coaching. Although I would also say another reason it’s different is because my time and attention is so focused inside the program, because I’m not so scattered, trying to create more programs and more courses and more offers and more things. It’s very focused. And I know that my clients can feel the difference of that. They tell it to me all the time. In fact, when I was in San Diego, in April, I have talked about this on the podcast as well. I went to the National Association of nutrition professionals and ANP, to their annual conference, and I had a booth at the conference where I was handing out business resources about my podcast and about my free course and about my program. And I was connecting with a lot of other colleagues there at the conference, it was so much fun. But what I really was so excited about, and I know I’ve talked about this as well, I’m kind of a broken record at this point was I got to meet many of my students in my program that I had never met in person before. Because I have an online program. There are people all over the world in the program. But I got to meet do we have five, five of them, were at this conference. And so we got to meet in person, it was so fun. And we kept kind of congregating at my booth. So I was

Andrea Nordling 26:07
able to eavesdrop a little bit, like sometimes covertly, sometimes just blatantly on my students talking about my program with other people that were coming up to the booth, and were asking questions about it. Of course, I was very proud. And I was very grateful for them. Being such wonderful ambassadors to the program. That was fantastic. But one thing that really surprised me, although it shouldn’t have was how they kept talking about the coaching in the program and how they were selling the coaching. So people, as you can imagine, would come up to the booth. And they would ask about, you know, what are these resources? What do you teach? What kind of strategy do you teach? And inevitably, the conversation when I would hear my students talking to prospective students about it? They were like, well, yeah, you learn all of that strategy. But let me tell you about the coaching. Have you ever had a life coach? Have you ever seen good life coaching, and they would go into the coaching as the most important aspect of the program, which now as I say this, it shouldn’t really surprise me because our clients will always reflect our beliefs. And my belief is coaching is so transformative for everyone’s business, you need coaching so that you can sort out your default thoughts in your brain that are getting you the results that you have today can sort those out, from what you could be thinking and new thoughts that could be getting you the new result that you really want in any area of your life. I believe that so deeply, so no surprise, so to my clients, right? I don’t know why I don’t know why that would surprise me since I talk about it all the time. But it was a great example of our clients, always being a mirror for our beliefs. So you know, I said, I committed to selling this one thing, the profitable nutritionist program is the one thing that I’ve committed to selling for actually, it’s been more than a year and a half. But we’ll say for a year and a half. I’m so glad I did that. It has been so transformative for my business and for my clients. And the program has grown by leaps and bounds because of that dedication. And that focus, the delivery that people are getting inside the results of the students inside it’s blowing my mind in the best way. But when I closed all my other courses and offers, and I committed to just selling that one program, I knew that there was one other offer I was going to eventually create and then I was going to eventually sell. And I finally get to tell you about it. So big announcement for today. So I want to introduce you to the streamline and scale mastermind. The mastermind is a six month coaching intensive. It is an intimate group or I am teaching Advanced Business Strategy with a focus on coaching. So over the next month, you’re going to be hearing all about the upcoming October class of the mastermind, which kicks off at a three day live event it to be together live. It’s a three day live event of immersive coaching and strategic planning make all of the big decisions for your business for the next six months, followed by six months of continued coaching and support as you implement the plan that you put together at the live event. The basic structure of the mastermind three day live event, followed by six months of implementation and detailed coaching. Now if your ears are perked up right now, about this whole coaching thing that we’ve been talking about, for the last half an hour, you need to pay attention applications for the mastermind open on August 3, and you can join the waitlist at Build a Profitable practice.com/mastermind-waitlist. If that was a mouthful for you. You’re driving a get write it down. Don’t worry, it’s linked up in the show notes for this episode. Here’s the really crazy thing about high level mindset and business coaching. You don’t have to be the one getting the coaching to benefit from the coaching, which is just mind blowing to me, but I want to tie this into everything else I’ve talked about this episode, which is that truly the secret that I have discovered, many of my clients have discovered so I’m going to just tell you it’s a fact this is the best kept secret to achieving big results in your business is coaching and it’s having that awareness that your thoughts create your results but you do not have Have To Be the one, sharing your thoughts to have the realization about what thoughts you’re having. Here’s what I mean by that you can be watching someone else get coached, which is why I am such a believer in group coaching, and not necessarily solely relying on one on one coaching, I don’t think that you have to have a one on one coach to have amazing results from a coaching relationship. group coaching is amazing for this, because you can watch someone else getting coached on something that you did not even realize was a thought that you’re having or something that you should be questioning. An example of this is almost every single week, when we coach inside the profitable nutritionist program, we will have people on the call that raise their hand to get coached. So I bring them on, I coach them live in front of the group. And then the chat goes wild with other attendees that are there that are not on the hot seat, but they’re like,

Andrea Nordling 30:47
oh my gosh, this is exactly what’s happening for me. Oh my gosh, I had no idea. I was thinking that same thing. Oh my gosh, that’s exactly what’s happening with my clients. Now I understand why they’re saying that to me. Now. I understand why they’re having that objection. Now I understand why they’re having that hang up inside my program, whatever it is, the chat goes wild. Because we realize, Oh, my goodness, this is happening for me too. And I’ve never even thought to question the thought. It’s very meta. And group coaching will shine a light and expose these default thinking patterns that you have when you watch someone else ask a question that you’ve never even thought to question before. So that makes sense. If it does, so we do live coaching group style, every single week inside the profitable nutritionist program to it is different than in the mastermind. The mastermind is a smaller group, it is a coaching intensive, it’s very, very heavy on the coaching. And we really, really go deep it is an advanced level. So if you are like I need all of this coaching, I need all of it, you need to be joining the mastermind, the waitlist is at Build a Profitable practice.com/mastermind/waitlist. But if you have not joined the profitable nutritionist program, and you’re like, What is this mindset coaching? What is this all about? I think I need some of this, let me tell ya, you need to get into that program. At the end of the month, the enrollment is going to be open from June 28 to the 30th. And let me just say you can join the profitable nutritionist program this month at the end of June and make your money back to apply for the mastermind in August. I think that that’s the best case scenario. And then you get all of the coaching. So my friend, this whole episode has kind of turned into an ode to mindset coaching. I’m not sorry about it. But I have to wrap up with my final thoughts, which is to remind you that your clients need to know that their thoughts create their results, too. So all of this growth that you have in your brain and your awareness, you also need to facilitate that for your clients because they are going to get so much better results from having this awareness to and who better to teach them some of these tips and strategies then you that’s why you’re here. It’s no accident that you’re here listening to this today. Whether you learn coaching strategies from me inside my program, or if you learn them from someone else, like Brooke at The Life Coach School, whatever it is, start now. Start for yourself. Start immersing in some of these ideas and practicing them on your clients and just watch what happens. I’m telling you, they’re going to have incredible breakthroughs for themselves. It starts with you like really though, who better to blaze the path for your people than you. You’re hearing this today for a reason. I truly believe that. So have a wonderful, wonderful week coach

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