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73. Sending Too Many Emails

In today’s episode of The Profitable Nutritionist, Andrea is going deep into email marketing.

Specifically, the line between not sending enough and sending too many emails.

Andrea is going to give you a spoiler right out of the gate here and tell you that it’s 99.9% guaranteed you’re NOT sending too many emails.

We’ll get to that.

You’re going to get 2 priceless tips for email marketing in today’s episode that will make you more money immediately.

Andrea loves teaching amazing, talented practitioners just like you how to sell with email because it is THE BEST business model on the planet.

Are you ready to make more money in your business through email marketing?

Let’s do it.


Andrea Nordling 0:00
Happy best time of the year. My friend. As I’m recording this, we are two weeks out from the Fourth of July, which is one of my favorite days of the year here in the United States, you should know this about me, I am fanatical about the Fourth of July. I am so proud of this amazing country we live in, I celebrate the Fourth heart. So we’re already busy over here planning the parade, the weekend at the lake, what’s going on the smoker that we’re going to be bringing to big family potluck, all of that stuff. I’m so excited about it. But as you’re listening to this, the fourth just happened because I’m recording a couple of weeks in advance. So you might be a little sunburned and exhausted from the great holiday weekend and are ready to get back to work, which is exactly what we are doing today with a meaty topic that I could talk about for hours, I won’t but email marketing, my read, we are talking e mail marketing today. Specifically, we are going to talk about the line between not sending enough emails and sending too many emails. I’m going to give you a little spoiler right now right out of the gate. So you don’t have to listen to this whole episode to know where I stand on this, I’m gonna tell you it’s about 99.9% guaranteed that you are not sending too many emails. Even though your brain probably tells you the exact opposite. We’re gonna get to that. Here’s what’s in store for you on this episode today, two tips, priceless tips priceless, because they are going to make you so much money in your business for email marketing. That’s what we’re talking, as you can tell, probably from the tone of my voice and my excitement level as I talk about this topic. I love teaching amazing, talented, purposeful practitioners just like you how to sell with email because it is the best business model on the planet. Can you even believe it? Because sometimes I have to pinch myself that we get to do the things that we love and sell to people on the internet like this, this internet thing exists where we can reach 1000s and millions and bajillions of people it feels like that anyway, do you can tell where my mind is at. It’s like there’s an infinite number of people that we can reach on the internet, and then sell to them through email. And we can help the people that are our people, they find us they come to us, they trust us, we serve the heck out of them give them amazing results. And we do all of this on this thing called the internet. It boggles my mind. I love it so much. And email is a key component of that, at least the way I teach business online. It’s the critical component of it. Because as you know, I am not so big on social media That’s putting it mildly. I don’t run ads, I only sell my program and my mastermind through email. So naturally, a lot of people that come to me for business mentorship, also want to sell through email, which is a great idea, by the way.

Andrea Nordling 2:44
So in my business, the only way that my students find out about working with me is if they’re receiving my emails, this podcast is a recent exception. But I have to tell you, I made a deal with myself that I would not launch this podcast, even though I knew it was coming. And I knew I would eventually have a podcast, I did not launch the podcast until my email marketing was converting at an absurd percentage, which we’re going to get to here in a bit. So for me, it was really important that I didn’t introduce another variable to my marketing that was going to take my time and attention away from my email skills until I was making at least $250,000 A year solely through emails. And then when I did introduce the podcast, I intentionally made sure that all roads lead to Rome, and that I’m using this podcast to further grow my email list. By sending listeners. As you know, if you’re a longtime listener to the show, I send listeners to my free course, which subscribes them to my emails. The point of me telling you this is so that you can see the thought process behind when and how this podcast was created. Because it was very intentional. And it was not on a whim by any means. I don’t want you to get too hung up on the 250k number. That number is totally arbitrary. By the way, it could have picked any revenue amount. But at the time when I was mapping out my three year plan, and deciding when and how my business marketing and the structure of my business was going to work and what direction we were heading. That’s the number that made sense for where I was at and when it would make sense to introduce podcast. Here’s what I want to say about that. As an aside, if you don’t have a three year plan for your practice, that’s your guideposts you’re like I want to say your Lighthouse I know that that’s an imperfect beacon. All funds intended to use for like for a visual because we’re trying to stay away from lighthouses they show you not to crash into the rocks. I know that but I always think of the lighthouse as being like the thing that you’re looking towards. So I’m going to use it. If you don’t have a three to five year plan as a lighthouse that you are using to guide your immediate decisions in your business. We need to change that the three to five year plan is a key component that my students create when we start in the mastermind, which you are going to be hearing a lot about over the next few weeks as the application period for the mastermind gets closer and closer. But I think the three year plan is a key component to that because of the clarity that we get together students together in the mastermind with my guidance on what the plan is for the next three to five years of your business. And that is why the immediate decisions that get made result in so much momentum and so much money quickly, because when you are looking out to the future, it is much easier to make the best decisions for your business immediately.

Andrea Nordling 5:22
I hope that makes sense. So if you want to be on the waitlist for the mastermind, so that you can apply for the October class, when the applications open in early August, sign up at the waitlist page, it is WWW dot build a profitable practice.com/mastermind-waitlist That will also be linked up in the show notes. But I wanted to do a little shout out there to the mastermind where we work on a three year plan because as I talked about that, if you do not have anything like that in your mind, and you’re like what does that even mean? How do I do that, that sounds like a really long ways away to be thinking you’re right, and it’s gonna make you a lot of money. So we’re going to do that. In the mastermind. We also take copywriting and very advanced, nuanced business strategy to the next level in the mastermind, we do it together, it’s an amazing container. If you are at the level where you are already making money in your practice, we would love to have you apply. So as you can imagine, email marketing is a big component of the strategy that we talked about in the mastermind. It’s also a big component of what I teach in the profitable nutritionist program. Even for beginners, as you’re just getting your practice off the ground. copywriting is really important, not because it’s the only way that you will get clients, but because I want you to have a business that you will grow into and that you will scale. And no matter how you’re getting your clients in the beginning, and for a lot of my students in the program in the profitable nutritionist foundational program, a lot of those clients in the beginning are coming from word of mouth or coming from referrals. And that is perfect. It’s exactly as it should be just because and I have to say this because I see a lot of my students kind of use it against themselves where they discount the effectiveness of word of mouth organic growth, especially in the beginning of their practice. And the way that they do that is they’re like, Oh, well, I’m getting clients, but they’re just from referrals, as if that’s not the absolute best way to be getting clients. So first of all, leverage whatever way those clients are coming to you. And like take it to the moon. It’s amazing, especially referrals because that means the people believe in you, they’re getting results and they’re talking about it, you’re doing something right, that’s fantastic. But as you grow your business and you get to the point where you are scaling it, you are going to be leveraging copywriting, copywriting, on your website, copywriting in emails, copywriting, in ads, or on social media, if that’s a component of your business. So it’s really important to start at the beginning. And what I recommend with all of my students is to start writing those emails. In the beginning, when there’s hardly anyone even watching. That’s when you get your feet wet. That’s when you start to learn your style of email writing. And you just start to grow that muscle. It’s like when you’re working out beginning and you’re starting to run for the first time after I’m done recording this podcast, I’m about to go for a run. And I’m thinking about all of the different times in my life. I’ve been a runner for a long time since middle school, I’ve been a runner, there have been lots of ons and offs for me, having babies and getting busy and my business getting busy with other life things where I’ve quit running, and then I come back to it months or sometimes years later. And I’m acutely aware when I’m restarting running, and I haven’t done it for a long time of how ridiculous I must look while I’m doing it. Like I even have dreams about this sometimes. And in my dreams where I’m must be these dreams come up when I’m frustrated about something or I feel like something’s not coming together, I will honestly like often have dreams, where I’m trying to run in a race. And my limbs are like not working in coordination, and I can’t run correctly. So I must be very aware of my tendency to do this. Anyway, when I’m starting to run and I haven’t run in a long time, I feel like things just aren’t really working. I feel like it must look ridiculous, really uncoordinated. Like it seems laborious, and my body does not know exactly what it’s doing. And it’s a struggle. Same thing with writing emails, or probably anything new that we do ever. But I think in particular, with emails start in the beginning, when it’s creaky. It doesn’t feel coordinated. It’s really a chore. It’s

Andrea Nordling 9:18
like, am I saying the right thing? Is this what people need to hear? Do it early. This is a skill that is going to pay dividends for the rest of your career. Honestly, also, I’m kind of going like circular on this whole topic, but I want to just make this point. Any type of copywriting practice that you give yourself is going to be really useful. So any copy that you’re writing is going to get more compelling, more clear, and more concise, the more that you do it, but I really love the format of email marketing for practicing this because I believe to the tips of my toes that having an email list that you own, that is yours that is a database of your people that you have a record of is crucial for the long term health of your business, as opposed to slowly growing a following on a social media platform that you can’t control that could just be wiped out and gone overnight from you. So always encouraging you to start that email list and start writing emails to the people on that list. So that you get better and better at copywriting. And you are growing that database of people that you can communicate with, no matter what algorithms change in the future, you know what I’m talking about. So you have the email list, you’re writing the emails, you’re committed to building the list. Now it’s time to think about writing emails that people on that list actually want to open, and actually want to read. This is a very important consideration as well, for the health of your business, it’s even more important long term, that the people who are opening and reading those emails are also taking the next step of hiring you or buying your thing, whatever that is, again, do you know how you do this? Well, you get to the calls to action that people are actually taking action on, you write a whole bunch of emails, some of them are going to be incredible. Many of them or I would say maybe most of them in the beginning will not be you will not hear any replies, people will not click the thing that’s inevitable, it’s just part of it. But if you’re working towards a business, where email marketing is going to be a main sales channel for you, and I highly recommend it that you are moving in that direction. You’ve got to send a whole lot of emails and hone that skill. Let’s talk about it. How many emails do we send? What do we say in the emails, I did a launch for the profitable nutritionist program in May, that was all done via email, like all of my promotions are. And I sent 45 emails during the three weeks of the promotion. Okay, there was a big five day free training. And so there were emails, lots of emails promoting that training. Then during the five days of the training, there were emails going out where the videos for the training, were being delivered, reminders to go watch the training videos, more emails, more emails, than there was a week of sales emails, while enrollment in the program was open. 45 emails, there may have actually been a few more than 45. But we’re gonna go with 45 emails in three weeks, to a lot of emails. It’s wonderful. I love it. Some people don’t love it. Some people on my email list hate it. they email me and they tell me that I send too many emails. And then it’s overwhelming. Like a lot of people tell me this, many people unsubscribe. Also, I never respond to those emails. When people say that I’m sending too many. It’s overwhelming. I ignore them. Many people unsubscribe from my email list during a promotion like this, where I’m sending a lot of emails, neither one of those things is a problem. I want to offer this to you. Neither of those is a problem that you need to solve. Because what is also happening is that people are opening those emails. So while some people are complaining because it’s too many, some people are unsubscribing. That’s fine. They are adults, they can do both of those things. Because what else is happening behind the scenes there is that a lot of other adults capable grown up humans that decided they want these emails are opening the emails. They’re reading them. They are responding that something clicked for them. I’m also getting emails from these people that are like, Oh my gosh, I never thought of it this way. Thank you for sending this, oh my gosh, this changed my life. I’m also getting those emails. These people that are opening the emails and loving them are forwarding them on to others who need the help, too. How incredible is that? Now I’m sure that many people delete half of the emails I send without reading them human nature, it’s totally fine. But what I am thinking about and obsessing about are the other half, that are opening the emails, they’re reading them, they’re applying the concepts inside to their business. They’re making a bigger income and a way bigger impact than before they got those emails. Those are the people I’m thinking about when I send 45 emails in three weeks. I used to think about this quite differently. So I can very, very clearly remember the thought process that you might be having if you’re afraid to over email because I used to have the same thought process. I remember it clearly. I used to be afraid to over email. I used to be afraid. In my social media days, I was afraid to overpriced. I was afraid to oversell in general, just over anything over promote be over salesy. I was afraid to take up too much space. Or I guess in the digital world. I was afraid to demand too much attention.

Andrea Nordling 14:20
I guess. I was selfish. What? How? Yes, it was selfish because I was thinking about me. And what people on the other end of the screen, or the webinar, or the sales call or the inbox, were thinking about me when they heard from me, that was the only thing I was thinking about what are they going to think about me? If I oversell to them. And when I was afraid of their judgement, I wasn’t thinking about them at all, or their results or how I was really good at things that I could help them with. Now, I wasn’t thinking about any of that. And that sucks. That’s not what we want to be focusing on. As a business owner. We don’t want to be thinking about us. We want to be thinking about our people. And when we tamp down our own genius because we don’t want to take up more space or demand enough attention or play bigger. Not only do we suffer, our business goals suffer, of course, but most of all the people that want our help, they have to keep waiting. Those people suffer. So I asked you, as we’re thinking about this, how is it showing up in your business? How are you playing small, or staying within an invisible box of what’s acceptable, quote, unquote, I’m over here err, quoting acceptable when it comes to promoting your business, or telling people that you can help them? It’s really a great exercise to put a number on it. So is 45 emails, for example? Is that too many? And if so, then take it down. What about 35? Is 35? Too many emails? Okay, what about 19? Emails? What does your brain say about that? Is that okay? And if it is, what about 20? Is that too much? Is that so? Okay, about 21? See what I’m doing here, trying to quantify what’s comfortable, make your brain actually tell you what is the threshold of too much and, and what isn’t? I bet that you’re going to find it has a really hard time actually telling you what the rules are. Mine definitely does. We have this innate, feeling like something is too much. But then when we try to figure out okay, but what isn’t too much, then it gets a little murky. Our brains are like, I don’t know, you don’t really define it? Well, of course not. Because there is no definition. So my brain has to say it has the same thoughts has a hard time, but really putting a fine point on what is acceptable and what isn’t. Because guess what, we just get to decide. So I politely tell these thoughts, these uncertain thoughts of mine to buckle up in the backseat, and stop trying to make decisions and steer the car. I say that’s it, we’re sending 45 emails. And the capable grown up adult people that are receiving these emails for free, by the way can either decide to read them, they can delete them, or they can unsubscribe totally fine. They can they can decide what’s right for them and do any of those things. That gives me so much freedom. So I offer that to you to just let people make their own decisions. Don’t try to hyper control the outcome. You know, if you’re trying to do this, if you think that there’s a certain amount of emails that are going to prevent people from unsubscribing, or there’s a certain amount of emails and a perfect frequency of weekly, bi weekly, twice weekly, whatever it is for you, where you think that there’s this certain threshold that is acceptable and others that aren’t, you will know this, right? Nope, nope, nope, no, don’t do that. Don’t try to hyper manage people’s expectations of how often they hear from you and get the perfect amount. There isn’t a perfect amount anyway. And people are grownups, they can unsubscribe, everybody knows how to do that. It’s not a problem when they do when you release that temptation to be super controlling about how people receive your marketing. And you just let them think whatever they want about you, which is uncomfortable in the beginning, but very worthwhile. I might add. When you do that, then you are going to be brought back to thinking about the people that are opening the emails that love the emails that are being helped by your emails that are anxiously awaiting for them. I hear this all of the time I hear people that hit reply, and they say oh my gosh, I wait for your emails, when they pop when they pop up in my inbox. I savor them, like I can’t wait to read them. That’s fantastic news as a marketer, right? Because 40 to 60% of my subscribers are opening my emails. And you might be one of them. If so, I’m thinking about you all the time. It’s you that I’m thinking of, I’m writing to you, I’m problem solving for you. I’m recording podcast episodes like this for you. And I’m the coach for you. Because I’m thinking about your problems. I’m not so concerned about the people that decide it’s too much, they’re not ready for it, the timing isn’t great, for whatever reason, they unsubscribe, that’s totally fine. It’s not a problem. And I offer that for you too. Which brings us to the second component of email marketing or any copywriting for that matter. But I do hope that it’s emails for you. I

Andrea Nordling 19:02
gotta say, when I talk about copywriting, my I’m thinking emails in particular. And I’m hoping that you do too, because email marketing is the best way to grow your business. And this component is what to say in these emails or any copywriting but mostly your emails, what do you actually say in there so that your best clients take action and do the thing that you are asking them to do? Whatever the call to action is in your emails? How do you do that? Well, so glad you asked. It addition to delivering your marketing message often, like we just talked about sending more emails, you have to deliver your message very clearly and without fear. I recently started calling this North Korea marketing in my brain. It came out on a coaching call inside the profitable nutritionist program and I was trying to articulate what I wanted to say. And in my brain it was just like North Korea marketing. And so so they started calling it this is what I think of it If I were to offer it to you here, let me tell you, North Korea marketing does not come naturally to most people. It is a skill that you need to very consciously practice. And like I just told you five minutes ago, I’m going to suggest that you start consciously practicing it right now, no matter how big your email list is, no matter how many people are watching, start right now, and get better and better. Don’t wait until you have, what I see a lot of people want to do is they want to wait till they have a bigger email list and then prioritize figuring out how to write great copy. Now, start this right now in the beginning when less people are watching, because as you grow, you are going to be converting even more of those people into clients, you’re also going to have more people sharing your content, and it’ll Snowball from here. So you want to start right now, make some amazing emails using North Korea copy. When you develop the skill, watch out, your revenue is going to skyrocket. Until then, until you get into this conscious practice of editing your emails and any copy that you write. With North Korea marketing in mind, you are probably going to be doing the polar opposite, which is what we naturally do. And I call it wishy washy marketing. Okay? So the opposite of North Korea marketing, wishy washy marketing is when you think that you are explaining the next step that you want your future clients to take with you. You think you’re being clear, but to them, this is what it sounds like. If you kinda sorta want to maybe try this thing, maybe if you kind of made me want to, then maybe you should reach out to me. But I’m not going to really tell you how to do that easily. Because I don’t want to be pushy. So I’m just going to kind of expect that you know how this works, you’ll figure it out. You’ll go to my website, and you’ll click around and figure it out. Because I don’t want you to think I’m too salesy, okay, bye. That’s wishy washy marketing. wishy washy marketing does not bring in the clients that you want to work with. And I’m not saying it won’t bring in any clients. Because it does this is the best part about growing your business is you still make money and work with clients, even when you don’t have this all figured out yet. But I’m going to offer to you that if you’re lucky, and you’re bringing in clients with wishy washy marketing, that it’s going to probably be bringing in clients that surprise, surprise, are wishy washy, and they’re unsure of what they want to do. And they’re unsure of their goals. And they’re unsure if they’re really in or if they’re out. So if you have people, this is what might look like if you have people kind of sort of reaching out to you. But then they flake on actually booking a console, or they want to work with you. And then they ghost your emails after they reach out one time and you follow up with them. Or they seem like they’re really into working with you. And then they politely tell you the time isn’t right. But there’ll be in touch later. Get it they’re like they’re in but they’re out there in their out. So that’s what’s happening for you and what’s showing up. It’s probably because you’re not assertive and clear and confident in your marketing message and in your calls to action. Easy problems to fix. So I suggest implementing some North Korea marketing. That’s how we fix it. North Korea marketing is way more than you probably feel comfortable with. North Korea marketing does not ask permission doesn’t ask for forgiveness either. For sure, it doesn’t ask for permission, it presumes that you already have their attention, and they’re just waiting to hear their marching orders on what to do next. I’m gonna repeat that in case you missed it. North Korea marketing does not ask permission, it presumes that you already have their attention and they’re just waiting to hear their marching orders on what to do next. It’s very clear and concise. It is not wishy washy. It’s an assumptive. Close, you want this thing that I have, here’s what you do next to get it. And here’s what you have to look forward to afterwards, it’s going to be amazing. That’s North Korea marketing. It’s to the point. And it’s unapologetic about the intent, which is for them to make a decision and get started now.

Andrea Nordling 23:54
Okay, that’s what North Korea marketing is. It’s to the point and it’s unapologetic about the intent. You’re not trying to kind of backwards in a weird way. Maybe have them work with you like on accident. No, you’re telling them you do want to work with me, and here’s why it’s gonna change your life. It’s very unapologetic. It’s very clear. Here are two marketing truths that I want you to know. And always remember, write them down, tattoo them on your arm, maybe one on the left arm one on the right arm. Number one, what you feel like is too aggressive is probably just write if you think it’s too aggressive. It’s probably just right, in terms of the content of your messaging, and what you feel like is way too much is probably just barely enough. Let’s say that again. What you feel like is too much, it’s probably just barely enough. Now your style and personal delivery might be different than mine. But the same fundamentals apply. You need to pour it on thicker and more frequently for your people to really internalize your message and to take action with you Pour it on the neck, specially in your emails. Now you’re going to practice the skill. I’m hopeful of North Korea marketing and make it your own. And you’re going to find your exact version that feels really powerful and magnetic to you. And you’ll know if it’s working because it has your dream clients banging down your door ready to get started. And your North Korea marketing doesn’t have to be drill sergeant ask like minus, that’s my personal style. And if we are friends in real life, you know that that’s just how I am very direct. And to the point, yours might be different, you might have the most gentle, loving, kind, North Korea marketing style in the world. But your delivery is very clear, it’s confident and often, it’s not confusing, okay, your sound might be different, that’s totally fine, your voice might be different. The way that you articulate your points might be different, but the concepts are the same. It’s clear, it’s confident, it’s fearless, and you’re delivering that message often. Don’t be confused about this. And also, the more emails that you send, the easier it will become to do this. Even just a few years ago, I was thinking about this in preparation of this episode. Even just a few years ago, I labored over what to say in my emails, it was a chore, I was really nervous about sending too many of them. And this is my friend, after five years of sending marketing emails, I still was having a lot of drama about this, I was nervous about sending too many about having them be too long, or not long enough, or too robotic or too personal, like all of the drama around what I was sending in my emails and how often I was sending them. But I just made myself keep doing it. And after sending hundreds of 1000s I mean, maybe I don’t even know I can’t even grasp the scope of this. But so many emails, hundreds of 1000s of 1000s of 1000s of words via email, and making close to a million dollars from those emails in the last few years alone. By the way, I can tell you this, send emails, send more than you think you should. And shout your message louder in those emails than you think you should I have the word should mentally in quotation marks on both of those statements, send more than you think you should and shout your message louder in those emails than you think you should. People will unsubscribe to those emails, in droves. Probably. Nothing has gone wrong when this happens. Because here’s what also will be happening, way more people are going to be paying attention to you. And they’re going to be hiring you may repeat this, people are going to unsubscribe in droves to your emails, the better you get at your marketing, the more people are going to be turned off from it, which is the best news ever. Because that means more people are also turned on from it. It’s not a problem when people are turned off, because people conversely are also really turned on, which means they are paying attention. They are opening your emails, they are internalizing everything you’re saying and they’re hiring you. Now when you work with me in either my program or in the mastermind, you will focus heavily on copywriting and you will get so damn good at it. Because of the impact it’s going to have long term on your business, I really focus on copywriting a lot, because I want you to look forward to this skill that you’re able to leverage for the rest of your career. It’s not a one off tactic, it’s not a little hack to get a few clients. This is a skill that pays back dividends, millions and millions of dollars for the rest of your career. So we talk about it a lot. We think about it a lot. In either my program or the mastermind, we coach on it a lot, we review copy a lot, something that we go into a lot of detail on because I believe it is so important. I believe that spending the time and effort and energy and bandwidth on perfecting your copy and getting really good at selling via Copy. It’s like the best use of your time, it’s going to make you think about your processes and your clients and the way that you serve them, it’s gonna make you think about that

Andrea Nordling 28:48
on a different level. When you are taking that process that you work on, for example, with your clients, and you are thinking really deeply about how to explain it and copy that is clear and concise and compelling. You are going to unlock this part of your brain that is so creative. And that is like untapped genius that you maybe have not seen until you try to explain a concept in really good copy form. It like makes you think about the things that you’re doing on a different level. And it usually results in even better, more simplified, more impactful processes for your clients, better sales processes, all of the things in your business basically are going to be improved by you taking the attention that is required to really think about how to explain the things that you do and the results that your clients get in copy. So God you’re going to see just like a bomb exploded in the best way and glitter flew all over your business. And it’s like shining and glimmering in every nook and cranny. That’s what I think happens. This the visual that I have in my mind when you get better and better at writing copy everything gets better. And so all that to say, focus on copy in the profitable nutritionist program, which is the foundational program where I teach a lot of this. And then in the mastermind, which is the more advanced room, we really take a group approach to copywriting, we review each other’s copy, you get more sets of eyes on what you’re writing. And really what happens here is you avoid the long learning curve of figuring out your version of North Korea copy, we do it together, the mastermind is like having a boardroom for your business. It’s a small intimate group of very high achieving holistic nutritionists and health coaches that are doing the exact business that you’re doing. And we leverage that collective genius and experience in the room to mastermind together. Okay, this is a very, very high level, bro, we kick off the six month intensive at a three day live event in October, where you will create your three to five year plan and make all of the big decisions on what you’re focusing on for your business over the six month mastermind, we make all of those decisions together at the live event. And then for the following six months, we meet weekly to coach on the implementation of your plan, and troubleshoot all of the unexpected things that come up in the execution of it. All right, it’s a very, very intensive, profitable room to be in. So if you have always thought that it would be great to have a group of other highly successful peers that you could bounce ideas off of, for example, the mastermind is going to be for you. This is not a beginner room, I want to be clear on that the beginner room is the profitable nutritionist program. But if you are at a more advanced level, and you’ve always thought it would just be so great to be surrounded by other people at that level that you could bounce ideas off of. It’s exactly what you get in the mastermind. The application process alone will change the way you think about your business. So good. So those applications for the October class open up on August 2. And if part of you has just perked up a little bit even thinking about this, that is an intuitive nudge that you need to be on the waitlist for the mastermind, my friend. Join that at WWW dot build a profitable practice.com/mastermind-waitlist. Okay, that’s also linked up in the show notes if you need it. Now go write some North Korea copy for goodness sake and send some emails. Those are your marching orders for the day. Next week, we’re gonna dive into the wonderful world of business finances and accounting. As you can imagine, I’m going to take these dull subjects that we tend to want to hide from as long as possible, and I’m going to offer you a different way to approach both of them, which you will love and will make you a lot of money. So look forward to that. Have a wonderful, wonderful week.

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Marketing + Sales Expert
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