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70. Selling Yourself On Your Premium Offer with Kelli Arbogast

Today I’m welcoming my student Kelli Arbogast to share with you the incredible transformation she’s made over the last year and a half of her business in regards to one central component: Her Offers.

In fact, Kelli has more than quadrupled the price of her offer since she started in The Mastermind in October, and she has lots of tips to share about how she got her brain on board.

You’re going to hear her experience with different formats for running consults, how she got scrappy and got her first 20 clients, and how she has since refined her entire marketing and sales system to streamline her efforts and scale to six figures and beyond.


Where You Can Find Kelli:

Website:  http://www.kelliarbogast.com/
IG: @Kelli.a.wellness


Andrea Nordling 00:00
Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast but brand. Today you get to hear from one
of my students Kelly Arbogast about her whirlwind first year of business as a nutritional therapy
practitioner. Kelly openly shares on this episode how she’s created her offers when she was just
starting out what they changed to why they changed what she sold in the beginning that she
quickly changed and why, and then how she sold herself on her new premium offer, so she
could then successfully sell it to her clients during the three day mastermind live event in
October, let me tell you, it was wild to watch her price increase and her offer change quickly in
real time, over those three days when we were together, which she shares all about in this
interview. And of course what happened afterwards. So if you are feeling any uncertainty about
your pricing or your offer in your business right now, this episode is going to be so helpful for
you. And at the end, I completely blanked on having Kelly give her contact information. So let
me give it to you now, Kelly works with women who have or suspect they may have chronic
digestive issues like Candida or parasites, bloating, constipation, skin rashes, all of the usual
suspects. Persistent Candida though is her specialty. So her website is her first and last name.
Kelly, Arbogast ke ll IARBOGAS t.com. And her Instagram is Kelly ke ll i dot A dot wellness, both
of which are linked up in the show notes. So as you listen to this episode, if you’re thinking of
anyone that you know, that is struggling with Candida, and you want to send them her way, it
is all linked up in the show notes. Okay, now let’s get to it. So, Kelly, thank you so much for
coming on today to talk about your offers and about selling yourself on your offer. And
whatever else we end up talking about that I don’t even know what that’s going to be yet. But
it’s going to be very, very useful for people listening. So do you want to tell them a little bit
about you? Of course,
Kelli Arbogast 01:51
yes. So, my name is Kelly Arbogast, I am a nutritional therapy practitioner. And I specialize in
gut health and digestive dysfunction. And yeah, I live in a small town, in mountainous called
Navajo southern Colorado. And I have just launched my business recently, within the last year
or so. And it’s been a whirlwind. And it’s really, and I’m super stoked about it. And it’s just been
one good learning for the other. So I’m really happy to be here today.
Andrea Nordling 02:22
So I didn’t know Kelly that it had only been like in the last year that your business had started. Maybe I didn’t know that. And I forgot that. Can you tell us about how you got to be a
nutritional therapy practitioner and like What the I guess the last year has brought forth? I
didn’t realize it was that recent. So
Kelli Arbogast 02:39
I actually looked this up last night was like she’s gonna ask how long I’ve been doing this for
until it was graduated from certification November, the end of November 2021. So it’s been
about 13 months, probably 14 times just comes out that I’ve been doing this. Yeah, that’s
Andrea Nordling 02:57
incredible. What were you doing before.
Kelli Arbogast 02:59
So before that, I was actually working in the local physical therapy clinic as the office manager
and running the business there. And I had gotten into that because I thought that I wanted to
either go to medical school, or I wanted to become a physical therapist and go to PT school. So
I had started as an intern there, and have kind of worked my way up, I learned the business.
And once I learned the business, I learned that that wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do with the
rest of my life. So during the pandemic, went back to school, kind of listen to my inner person, my thoughts of like, I always love to nutrition, those are super fascinated with the human body,
but new, maybe medical school wasn’t for me, maybe physical therapy school for me, but there
was something else out there that I could kind of take and make my own. So I jumped into an
NTP program with NTA. And just kind of went for it and thought I was running a business. I
graduated and so far, so good. So yeah,
Andrea Nordling 03:58
I would say so far, so good. Okay, so you didn’t know that was gonna be my next question is did
you know it was going to be a business for you when you got certified? Sounds like you did?
Kelli Arbogast 04:07
I think, yeah, that was my intention of I really was curious to learn this information that I had
already gone through my own sort of nutritional journey over the past 10 years of feeling my
gut and working with other practitioners. So when I had found the most recent practitioner that
I had been working, I felt really inspired to go and learn all of the things and then turn it into a
business. So I think that was my intention coming out of that was to turn it into a business.
Andrea Nordling 04:32
Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay, so you graduate in November 2021. Did you take paying clients before
you graduated? Or did you wait until after you were certified?
Kelli Arbogast 04:40
I waited until I was certified. So now they actually tell you like you can take as many practice
clients as you want while you’re in the program, but you’re not really supposed to charge for
your service with wire anything in the program. So that’s what I do on as many people as I
could when I was in the program. And then the day that I graduated, I started urging people
there responses are over, it’s time to get me through my time. So
Andrea Nordling 05:03
good. Okay, so I don’t like something I really wanted to talk about. And like I said, we’ll see
what else comes of the conversation. I’m sure it’d be very fruitful. But I really wanted to talk
about you selling yourself on your offer, especially at the mastermind live event in October,
because that your offer changed a lot just during those three days, which I’m sure we’ll talk
about. But I feel like we need to know the baseline like, how did you start day one, you got
certified, you started charging? What was your offer? And what were you like, what were you
delivering? What were you charging? And how did you make that decision? I think a lot of
people have indecision on not knowing what their offer should be right off the bat when they’ve
never done it before. So how did you decide?
Kelli Arbogast 05:41
Totally. So I kind of based it on the experience that I have had previously, like I mentioned, I
had my own gut health journey. And I had worked with somebody, probably 10 years before
this. And she charged for one off visits charged for her time. So that’s what I started doing.
Because that’s what I was most familiar with. I very quickly found that that wasn’t super in
service to my clients of like doing a one off visit or a 30 minute visit and giving them a little bit
of information and then sending them on their way, didn’t really help cultivate this whole
lifestyle change that we were trying to get them to experience. So I did that a little bit started
charging, like $5 an hour, and then $70 an hour. And I would just tell people, you pay for what
we use, like if it’s 15 minutes, if it’s an hour and a half, like we’ll just build that way. And then I
quickly realized there’s a lot of work that I was doing outside of the appointments that I was
having with people that there were many hours of analysis and information gathering and
research. And it wasn’t really like factored into that very much. Yeah, looking at my own, like,
Okay, well, this is how much money I’m going to need to make an order to support myself
financially and make this a viable business, then I’m going to be have to see this many clients
in a day. Doesn’t sound super fun to me. And I really want to serve these people and help them
get the results that they’re looking for. Like how else can I structure this. So I pretty quickly
moved from one off visits into sort of a package style offer. And that, I think was a good move, I
think started with a three month package, and a six month package, which I later changed. But
I started with, I think I was charging seven $50 For my three month package. And then we
would meet, I kind of went back and forth between once a week versus once every other week.
So at one point, I had like multiple clients that were all different price points and all different
numbers of meetings per week. And it got very complicated very quickly. But I wanted to like,
like you talked about getting the data, right, I wanted to have the information and test out all
these different things. So I could make a decision on what would be best. Yeah, so I did jump
around a little bit. I think by the time I found you, I was ready to move to $1,500 for a three
month package. And I just needed someone to tell me that that was okay. And then I was like,
oh, that’s more than okay, I can with this. Like I could make this work. For me, this could be
enjoyable, this can be creative. So I think that’s where I was, when I joined the profitable
nutritionist program was ready to move to a $1,500 price point and felt pretty good about that.
But then we got to the mastermind, it kind of I had done my second certification. So I had just
come out of this art and science of the gastrointestinal healing sort of thing that I did. And I had
access to this functional testing that I thought would be really helpful. So when we got to the
mastermind, I had sort of already been realizing three months maybe wasn’t going to be the
best offer for my clients if I wanted to incorporate all of the testing and all of the things. And so
there while we were talking about it, it was like this is the perfect opportunity. I’m just gonna
redo my entire offer whatever thing. So that’s what I did just there with all of the support of
everyone and all the energy that was there was like this is perfect. I’m so ready to do this. So
went for send incorporating all of the testing all of the resources that I had created a six month
program and slapped a big old price tag on it for $6,000. So
Andrea Nordling 09:19
yeah, it was so fun. Okay, so here’s what I have to say about Kelly, for those of you that won’t
know this yet. She is very decisive. She basically she just like executes. She’s like, Okay, this is
what’s happening. And she gets to work and takes lots and lots of action. So that is what you
did. It was so fun on day. I don’t know if it was day one or two of the three day live event at the
mastermind in October. I think it was day two, we were really diving into offers and like
auditing the different components of everyone’s offers, and the exact delivery to the clients the
client experience. We were like really getting in there and I could see the wheels were turning
for you but I didn’t know exactly what it was until I think the end of day two. And you’re like I
think that I’m making a lot of changes here. I was like, Okay, look what’s going on, you’re like,
No, I need to charge more, I’m gonna charge more. This is a bigger opera, which was so cool,
because then By day three, you were really selling yourself on it. And it was becoming more
clear. And it was just, it was like, so fun to watch over the course of just three days, you’re like,
Oh, this is it. And then I remember you saying that you felt like when you got home, you were
gonna need to be coaching yourself on the price a lot. So talk about that
Kelli Arbogast 10:25
you got coming. I was like, I feel so good about this right now in this special space with all of
these wonderful people who are supporting me. But as soon as I go home, I’m gonna feel
differently. And yeah, that’s exactly what happened. I came home and was, oh, goodness, what
have I done? But then I’m able to recover? You know, I use some of the tools that I’ve learned
from you of doing the model and looking at my thoughts and reverse engineering. Okay, well,
what do I need to be thinking in order for this to work in order to feel good about this? So I did,
it was like, every morning before I said, I would do my belief creation. And then every night
before going to bed, I’d be like, Okay, we’re doing some more of this. Like we’re really selling
ourselves. We have to feel good about this. Yeah. The point where I’m like, yeah, absolutely.
Like people would be crazy to not sign up for this. The value is there. It’s worth more than
$6,000. I feel really good about it. So yeah, I had to sell myself first before I could like, say
those words out loud to somebody else. Yeah,
Andrea Nordling 11:18
I feel I mean, that’s true for all of us. And so whoever is listening to this episode, if you’ve never
heard me talk about this before, just know you have to sell yourself first on your offer before
you can really effectively sell it to someone else. Because if you are not sold on the value being
10 times more than what you’re charging, and it being a no brainer. And just being the best
decision for your people, then they’re not going to feel that either. So we have to sell ourselves
first. We have to be so sold. And Kelly, you did this so beautifully. So I remember can I say like I
think it took like a month Do you think it took like a month? I feel like that first month after the
mastermind. You were so a little shaky on it and then switch flipped and you’re like, Nope, I feel
so good
Kelli Arbogast 11:55
about my offer. It was not overnight. It took some work, but it did. Totally.
Andrea Nordling 12:00
Yeah. And now you’re like at this is just a no brainer. People, they have to pay $6,000 and work
with me. And we have to heal their guts. And it’s just like a no brainer. Of course they want to
do this. Yeah. So then what happens is, of course, they want to buy it.
Kelli Arbogast 12:15
Like, leaving money on the table today was really helpful. Because, you know, like, all these
people want to help you I want to help you like I’ll make you this just happens just felt like we
can trade and that for me, I was like, Okay, you have to walk away. Like if you’re going to make
this reality. You can keep discounting things for people, even though you want to help them.
Like you really have to like draw a line in the sand. That was huge for me. Oh,
Andrea Nordling 12:37
that’s so good. Okay, yeah, that is one of the concepts that we talked about in the mastermind
is being willing to leave money on the table, and strategically leaving money on the table on
purpose, instead of scrambling for every penny. Okay, let’s talk more about that. So how do
you feel like in your journey up until that point, or, you know, it’s only been a year? But how,
like, how were you not leaving money on the table? How are you not willing to leave money on
the table before?
Kelli Arbogast 13:00
Well, before I think part of it was I really wanted as much experience as I could like, as many
clients under my belt as I could. And so anytime somebody was interested in working with me,
whatever they offered me, I did a lot of trades. People were doing my QuickBooks for me. And I
was giving them nutritional therapy consultations. And people were I had like a hairstylist I was
trading with she was giving me like information on curly hair. And I was doing all of the trades.
And I had friends that I would be like, I’ll give you a different family to tell you the homie
hookup I’ll do this, I’ll do that. And so I had to be like, Okay, I have one price. And now that I’ve
stepped up to all of these things, I have one price I have one offer, I’m not going to, you know,
custom build my program for the client that I’m working with. But I’m not going to build
multiple different types of programs and offerings anymore. I just have my one. So that to me,
is leaving money on the table of setting that boundary, which I’ve learned this year is a really
big part of doing business for yourself is setting boundaries. But yes. Like, this is what I offer.
I’m simplifying. I’m streamlining. This is what I’m gonna do for you. Yeah,
Andrea Nordling 14:05
it’s so good. Okay, so I love that you say that, that you strategically just were getting as much
data as you could in the beginning. Because I think that there’s such a difference between
feeling like I have to offer discounts, and I have to do trades. And I have to do this because it’s
the only way that people will ever work with me, this is much different energy than I just want
as much experience as I can. And I’m just going to get it in any way that I can because it’s
going to serve my business in the long term. And those are two very different things. So
obviously, you are in the second camp, which is I’m just going to work like I’m just getting in
there and get my hands dirty. I’m going to figure out what problems people have and what I
can solve for them. And it’s all going to work out. And of course it has totally
Kelli Arbogast 14:43
and I think I shared that with you that over this last like six or eight months. It’s felt very huskily
like it’s felt very much. We talked about throwing all the spaghetti while right. I’m that person.
I’m like everything I could think of to try to get my name in front of people and talk to different
people in LA Know what I’m doing to him sort of thing as many clients as I can get in, I felt very
hastily and now I’m ready to Okay, slow down, or I’m already doing this, but I’m slowing down.
I’m streamlining. I’m focusing on my emails which we have discussed, right. Streamline scale
whole things. So yeah, it’s been quite a journey over the last 1213 months for me. Yeah.
Andrea Nordling 15:22
And that which really isn’t that long, it probably feels like it when you think of all of the different
evolutions that your business has gone through. And you as a person has gone through, as you
learn, like how to be a business owner, we changes people too. So that probably feels like it’s
learn, like how to be a business owner, we changes people too. So that probably feels like it’s
been a long time. But really isn’t that long. So cool.
Kelli Arbogast 15:37
To remind myself of that, like, I’m one of those people that I don’t always look back and look at
all the things that I’ve done, but recently with, like beer and everything, I have been like, oh,
it’s only been 13 months, and I have done a lot over the past 13 months, and I’ve accomplished
a lot. And I’ve learned a lot and yeah,
Andrea Nordling 15:55
yeah, absolutely. I remember at the mastermind, we were talking about like different organic
marketing strategies. And you were like, Oh, I just had this flyer that I put up that worked really
well. Do you want to talk about that at all, it was so good. And it’s like nothing, too out of the
ordinary. But I feel like we forget that the simple stuff does work. And we get so reliant. I’m
totally guilty of this. I’m getting so reliant on technology and remembering that just the good
old fashioned, like the good old fashioned stuff works just as well.
Kelli Arbogast 16:25
Yeah, totally. I was like blown away at how well that actually worked. I did not expect that to be
like a good referral source for me. But it was I made up super simple flyer, I used Canva. It just
like stuck a picture of my face on it and put a couple of words on it about what I do. And I
printed it in color and plastered it all around this tiny downtown. And I got so many clients from
it. And it worked out really well. I printed off a bunch of flyers, it was like a single sheet of
paper, I put them in my car. And anytime I would see a bulletin board around town, I would just
fly around the bulletin. And then when people started asking for consults, I would ask them, I’d
be like, how did you find me? And people would be like, Oh, I saw your flyer at this day spa. Or
like, Oh, I saw your flyer at this coffee shop. Like I saw your flyer over here. Turned out to be
like one of my best referral sources right getting things off the ground right off the bat. So
Andrea Nordling 17:15
so good. Yeah, yeah. So well, and then I’m guessing you got very quickly got a lot of experience
doing consults. Yeah. Because we’ve had so many people reaching out, do you want to talk a
little bit about that about? I’m kind of putting you on the spot there. I didn’t say we were
contacted with that. But I’m just curious about how that has gone for you. If you’ve never been
in a service based business before. Having console calls with people can be daunting. So how
did that go for you?
Kelli Arbogast 17:39
It was daunting. Yeah, my first couple, I would be like, Okay, I need to take the whole morning
off and prepare myself for this console call and talk about like doing like the power pose, I
would like stand in front of like, do like the power pose. And like, I got this, I got this, you can
get in my voice, how I feel about what I’m doing. You know, I’m a very like, person, because I
got to feel good about this. And I would, I would like schedule a little 15 minute call. And at
first, they would go for like 30 minutes, and people would go off directions. And I had to learn
how to sort of like rein it in. And really what we were talking about. But yeah, they went really
well, I would sort of start off. I think at the beginning, I started off wanting to talk about myself
and tell them all the things that I had and all the alcohol and accolades I had and how well I
could help them. But then I really quickly learned that it was about them and letting them do
the talking. So getting on a call with somebody and saying hi, nice to meet you and building
like a little bit of rapport and then being like what’s going on with you like what made you reach
out and just let them chat for like 15 minutes, and then oh, great. Yeah, I totally understand I
can help you with that. And it’s that so? Oh, so good. Yeah. Yep. So
Andrea Nordling 18:50
good. Yep, just the good old, I can help you.
Kelli Arbogast 18:56
sort of thing of like having to do the research, having to do the thing, having the data to
evaluate and look back on it and be like, okay, that worked really well or that very well. And
that really helped me like, honed in my technique and my process. And now that feels like
when I get somebody on the call. I’m like, okay, no worries we just have. So
Andrea Nordling 19:14
yeah, when you raise your price, I’m very curious. I don’t know how you’re gonna answer this.
But I’m curious to hear when you raise your price, because now you’ve done that several
different times. Do you feel like you had to do a different type of consult or like you had to re
learn how to do consults again at that new price, or Has it just been the same format and your
gun? That’s
Kelli Arbogast 19:33
so funny, because I remember we talked about this a little bit in the mastermind and the
meetings that we’ve been having of like, my brain decided I had to change the way I was doing
my consults. But then it turns out, I didn’t need to change the way I was doing my consults I
needed to keep them the same because that was working. Yeah. Had like this little freakout
moment of like, oh, I have to change my console and I have to over explain all of the things
that I’m giving to them so they know that the value is there because $6,000 is a big number
sort of thing. And then when I kind of went back and did that evaluation of like, well, these were
working really well for assigning, like almost every single console I had when I was doing it this
way. And then I went back and did that with my new price point, and it started working again.
Like, be complicated enough to be scary. Just
Andrea Nordling 20:21
work. So yeah, I couldn’t remember if that had been your experience or not. But I know it is for
so many people, where they just feel like, okay, this is it’s different. Now it’s a higher price
point, I’ve really got to like, make sure that I sell this so hard that they understand the value,
and kind of changed the format of the selling that was working, thinking it needs to be
different. So yeah, exactly what you said, I just didn’t I can’t remember if that was your
experience or not. But
Kelli Arbogast 20:44
it was me. I learned that one too. Yeah, yeah. And
Andrea Nordling 20:48
then if you hadn’t learned that, and if you hadn’t had a group of people that you could ask
those questions to this is just, you know, kind of, like shout out to having coaching and having
for you, it’s a mastermind or a program or somewhere where you can ask people that have
done this before, had you not had that you would do what most people do in that time, which is
like, see, the price is too high? Price doesn’t work? I can’t you know, and you would think it was
a price problem, which is where our brain naturally goes to, instead of realizing, oh, no, I just
quit doing the thing that was working. And I’m complicated things. And that’s actually what I
need to sell for here and not change
Kelli Arbogast 21:21
the price. Yeah, absolutely. I think it was immensely helpful to have other people see what I
was doing, because it’s so much easier to see what somebody else is doing and know how to
help them than it is, yourself and how to help yourself. So yeah, it’s been very, very helpful
having that group of people in the mastermind to reflect those things back to me, and just
gentle reminders of what I’m doing is already working. So I don’t need to fix it.
Andrea Nordling 21:44
Yeah. Yeah. And you certainly do not suffer from not taking enough action. Like that is not
something that is the problem for you. So you probably don’t need to add more steps and more
things to your to do list for
Kelli Arbogast 21:56
sure. I have all the to do list in the world all the To Do lists, and you execute them well.
Andrea Nordling 22:05
Okay, so I want to find out what you may tell someone that was just starting out their business
Okay, so I want to find out what you may tell someone that was just starting out their business
or just like realizing that their business is too complicated and is going in a direction that they
don’t like, or it’s unsustainable, like working with one off appointments like you were in the
beginning, anything like that? What would you tell them? Like? What would what advice would
you give that you wish you had had earlier?
Kelli Arbogast 22:26
Oh, that’s a good question. Probably just remembering that like, this is your business, this is
your creation, you can make it whatever you want to make it don’t have to feel like there’s a
ceiling, to what you can charge or there’s a box that you have to put your business into, like
you can really create and make anything that you want out of this. Oh, that’s
Andrea Nordling 22:48
so true. That’s such a good reminder. So how is your business now and what you’re creating
different than what you thought you had to create?
Kelli Arbogast 22:56
That’s a really good question, too. So when I was working at the PT clinic, the way that we had
things structured, because we accepted insurance, and because of the way insurance
reimbursement rates were is that we were sort of chugging like, sort of turning patients
through, like, I kind of feel bad saying that, but that’s sort of like what our medical system has
turned into have, in order to make it viable, you’d have to have, like, 15 to 20 patients on your
schedule in a day and has to be like every 30 minutes, people are coming in, and you’re cycling
through people. And so I kind of thought that that’s what I was gonna have to create, I was
gonna have to build up and have this huge client load, and have people back to back Monday
through Friday, nine to five, like completely swamped, and then like doing paperwork in the
evenings and doing the research on the weekends and all this stuff. Like I kind of thought that’s
where I was going to be headed. And that’s what like a successful business was gonna look like,
I’m really glad that that is not where I’m headed. Not business looks like. So I’m really grateful
for that. But that’s kind of what I thought I was stepping into, like, maybe I had a little bit more
freedom. And that was kind of like the trajectory. Okay.
Andrea Nordling 24:02
So good that we don’t have that type of a business model. So where is your business going? Do
you want to talk at all about what you are creating now and like what you’re looking forward to
and what you’re focusing on? When in the mastermind? We do what’s called a three year plan.
So I know that you’ve planned out three years, and then two years, and then one year, so for
this year, I mean, end three years, anything you want to answer, but like where are you
headed? I know you have a vision.
Kelli Arbogast 24:26
Yeah, totally. So for this year, I’m just working on getting really solid working with my clients
and my new offering of my $6,000 package for my six month program. I could talk to you about
my revenue goals, if that would be 2020 $350,000 in revenue with my program with my one off
me, yeah, you know, I’m really good about it. That’s amazing. And that will I mean, that just
looks like onboarding, like honestly, I have two clients a month and that will get me to my goal.
And that’s, you know, As opposed to like 15 clients a day like That’s why me onboard two
clients a month, and then my schedule will slowly fill up and not even be that full by the time
it’s completely full like, feels like a very relaxed, manageable situation where I can still have
enough brain space to really tailor that program to that client and help them get the value out
of my offer. Yeah, feels really good to me of me not being overworked to my client getting the
time and attention and resources that they deserve. And they’re asking for. Yeah, so I hope
that answers your question. But for this year, that’s what I’m on point for my goal is to take on
25 clients this year and reached a new goal the following year, and looking at more like
$300,000 in revenue in the third year, I’m looking at potentially increasing pricing and doing
500,000 Is my revenue.
Andrea Nordling 25:48
It’s so fun. Like, it’s just so fun. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So part of the process in the
mastermind. And what we work on when we look at the three year plan is figuring out what we
need to be doing now to grow into that in a manageable in like a sustainable way. And I mean,
that’s called the streamline and scale mastermind, like how do you streamline your processes
now so that you can scale your offer? When are you introducing a new offer, if you’re working
with one on ones right now, like, that’s what all of that looks like. So part of the consideration
is, what types of processes and automations on the back end need to be implemented, if
there’s anything that isn’t working? You know, there’s like the whole client facing side of the
business and your marketing and your selling and your delivery. But in your processes and in
your organization, if things are a hot mess, then that will also stall the growth of your business.
So I’m curious, is there anything that you have uncovered in your processes or in your, like your
current setup in this the way in the back end, behind the scenes that your business functions,
that is something that you know, is going to change as you grow or something that you’re
going to be tweaking as time goes on? Yeah,
Kelli Arbogast 26:55
totally. So I have come to this realization, shared a lot about working in advance and like, in
advance, we’re not trying to write emails the night of so for me, I racing this email journey, I am
starting to plan things ahead. So I have like a scheduler where I can plan all my emails, write
them all down, and then have them go out automatically. And I think that’s huge for me of
planning things in advance having everything ready ahead of time. And then I’m not hustling
and sort of frantically trying to put things together. So I think that will continue. And I don’t
even know if I answered your question earlier. But I am also envisioning like a group offering
like a group program in the future. So I have my premium one on ones. And moving into once I
have enough of these under my belt was my comprehensive gut healing protocol that I’m doing
moving into a group program and having maybe a hybrid of some live coaching with them, and
then some modules that they can work through. But that’s also part of the streamline and scale
process. So I’m going to be doing that. But my sort of back end stuff of having everything
planned in advance, having things set to go automatically. And then streamlining and
simplifying that because I am on social media, I am on Facebook, I am on Instagram, I do have
my emails going out. And then I’m doing like these meet and greets with local practitioners
right now to keep coming in. But the whole idea is to build that sort of momentum. And once I
have enough people that are past clients that can tell their friends and their family and get on
my email list, I’m hoping to address focus on the emails and really get off of social media and
get away from having to go show up in all the doctor’s offices around town or all the
chiropractors offices around town and flyers, you know, the flyers were great. Were super
helpful, getting, but I don’t foresee myself like driving around town for a couple hours every
week posting flyers on bulletin boards for the rest of my future, you know, so do all of the
things right now gather information, figure out what’s really working, which looking more and
more like email marketing is what’s going to be long term working. And so simplifying, and just
focusing on the one thing, and then simplifying with the clients and focusing on getting my
group program off the ground as
Andrea Nordling 29:07
well. Yeah, so good. Okay, there’s so many things I wanted to say from what you just said. First
of all, here’s my sales pitch for email marketing for anyone who is not totally sold on why
emails are the best. And yes, I’m sure you can do this with other mediums. But obviously talk
about emails, the best thing ever happens when you need to put out an email and you don’t
have one written and you just go back to like one from last year. Scrub it and give it a quick
edit, and send it out which if anyone’s been on my email list for an extended period of time,
you have experienced many and probably didn’t even notice. I mean, maybe sometimes but I
think for the most part, like it’s just good to have that Bank of content that you can pull from
whenever you need to. So I’m a big fan of all of the emails, email repurposing, email, testing all
All of the email so you guys know, I love my emails. But another thing that you said, Gosh, what
was it? I should have actually taken notes? I was going to ask about, oh, no, I was gonna
comment on what you said about your group program. So do you know when you’re in your
three year plan, you’re introducing your group.
Kelli Arbogast 30:16
You don’t I don’t, that was kind of, I sort of have it in the back of my head, like year three, I
don’t have it really down on paper. But that’s sort of thinking of taking the next two years to
simplify, like streamline everything, really get everything dialed in, for my clients in that
program, but also on the back end for myself, I’m sort of thinking like two years would be a
good time to sort of implement a group program and then continue with my one on ones is,
Andrea Nordling 30:46
I think that’s such a good plan. The reason I ask is because I think so many people are in such a
hurry. And I know, I certainly was in the beginning of my business, to get a scalable offer, like,
oh my gosh, I’m ever gonna make half a million dollars, I have to have that offer figured out
right now. And I think that’s the beauty of the three year plan, as well as looking out into the
future and realizing I have so much time. And if I spend my time now really nailing my
messaging and really delivering to my clients and figuring out what the best experience is for
them getting very good testimonials and case studies and building the demand. So people are
referring everyone they know to me, and I just have way more demand than I can even fill.
That’s when I can launch a group program. And it’ll be so much easier for me because I’ll know
exactly what to create. And it’ll basically fill itself. And I have no problem getting to that goal.
And then to your point, I guess you make $150,000 a year while I’m figuring that out, like what
so good.
Kelli Arbogast 31:46
I love that. And that kind of takes me back to like when I first started, I wanted to tell you this
story. When we first graduated from our NTP program, I had sort of the study group of girls of
women, we were meeting studying material, and then we continued to meet once a week and
sort of have our own not really a mastermind, but our little just like networking, like how’s your
business going? Are you in business yet? Like what’s going on? And so at the very beginning
conversation of like, well, now we’re out of the program, technically, we’re allowed money,
right? Like, we’re allowed to charge people. And so many of us were like, like, I have the
experience, ask for money. Like, I don’t feel like I can charge people for me services. And I love
what you say, Well, no, you get paid to experiment and to learn, and you can you can start
charging money immediately. And you’re getting to learn how to do this and hone your skills
and help your clients. And that’s exactly what it was. It was like, we’re all doing our research. We’re all doing the thing, but let’s get paid to do it. So this is viable for us to live this way. Yeah,
I love that. But yes, we get paid to do the research and to learn how to do this, and how to sort
of show up for our clients in a better way.
Andrea Nordling 32:49
I think it’s so valuable to talk about that a little bit. Because I think I know, I definitely had this
thought in the beginning of my business. And I’ve coached hundreds of people that maybe
more than hundreds of people that have had the same thought, which is that people further
along in their business that have a process that they bring their clients through, or they have a
program put together like a six month program like you have or have, you know, any, like any
progression that they bring their clients through, or whatever that is, they look at it and think
oh my gosh, they know something I don’t know, they have this process figured out. And the
reality is they didn’t have a process figured out, they just guessed. They took their best worst
guess in the beginning that they hadn’t tested yet. And they looked at what other people were
doing, or whatever their teachers had taught them in their certification, and made their best
guess and just started and then changed as needed as they got to experience and I think that
that’s just not talked about enough. So I’m glad that we can talk about that a little bit. Like if
you feel that you don’t have a process and you don’t have a program and you don’t know what
exactly you’re gonna do with your clients. Nobody else did either believe.
Kelli Arbogast 33:52
No idea, and here I am. I’ve got it. I don’t have it all figured out. But I’ve got something to show
for it at least right. And yeah, that’s what it’s just jumping in headfirst. And like, I’m gonna
figure it out as I go. And nobody has complained and haven’t had I think I had one client that
was like, Oh, well, that didn’t go the way I thought it was going to, but she also was like, an
unhappy customer. Like, they’ve all been happy. And it’s been this whole, like, I’m gonna figure
out, I’m gonna show up and we’re gonna get best results for you. That’s what it is. You just
have to go for it. Yeah,
Andrea Nordling 34:22
yeah, you don’t have to have faith in your process. You have to have faith in yourself that
you’re gonna figure it out. You have to have faith that if this doesn’t work out, and we’ll figure
out something that will, and I’m going to keep showing up for my clients, and I’m going to keep
supporting them, and they can count on me not to give up on them. That’s what you need to
have the faith in and the process itself will totally figure itself out.
Kelli Arbogast 34:40
Totally be the type of person that will figure it out. Yeah, that’s the holy.
Andrea Nordling 34:45
Okay. Was there anything else today that you want to talk about that we didn’t get to?
Kelli Arbogast 34:49
I don’t think so. I think that was it. I’m just so stoked to be on your podcast and I’m so grateful
for the things that you universe because I wouldn’t be where I am today. For you program, the
profitable, nutritious program and the mastermind meet so much, Andrea, I really appreciate.
Andrea Nordling 35:06
Oh my gosh, well, thank you so much for those kind words, I receive that. And I’m so glad that
you’re here today to talk about your journey a little bit. I just think that there’s so much value in
listening to the ups and downs and like just the changes that people can make in their
business. And that is doesn’t always feel like you know what you’re doing when you’re doing it.
And then in retrospect, you can be like, I totally know what I was doing. Look at me, look at me
go. That’s called being an entrepreneur. That’s what it’s all about. And just normalizing that and
talking about how that’s gone for you and how you’ve sold yourself on your offer. And now
selling it to other people and delivering that like I just think it’s so inspiring. I know so many
people are going to love listening to this episode. So thank you for sharing with us.
Kelli Arbogast 35:48
Of course and thank you so much for asking me on. It was a great time.

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