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1. Selling With Your Unique Coaching Philosophy

We’re going to explore your unique coaching philosophy today so you can immediately up-level your marketing. Today. That’s priority number one.

When you get more clear on your personal coaching philosophy and what you stand for, and then why it matters to your clients, you will be able to talk about your business in a completely new way that’s like a dog whistle only your dream clients can hear, and they come running with their credit card in hand.

Consistently making more money in your practice with less stress, less hustle, and less overwhelm is absolutely possible for you, my friend. Let’s do it, together.


Welcome, my friend, this episode is so meta, which I’m going to explain in a minute. And it makes me all excited to even be here recording this for you right now, when I was laying out the first 10 to 15 episodes of the podcast, and exactly like what order everything was going to go in, I knew I wanted to start by teaching the foundational concepts that are going to help everyone who hears it to make more money and simplify their business in the process, obviously knew that’s what I was going to do. So that’s what you can expect for the first 10 to 15 episodes, the foundations, were laying all the groundwork and I’ll be explaining some of the core concepts that are going to help you become more profitable in your practice right away. Now, some of those are very specific and tangible concepts. But others like today are more of a zoomed out perspective, that’s going to be looking at your unique business and where you’re going by really examining your style, your process and ultimately, your unique clients. So that you get your brain really clear on where you’re going, again, what you’re aiming for here and who you’re going to be working with. That’s what we’re doing today. So in other words, we’re going to explore your unique coaching philosophy today. So you can immediately uplevel your marketing, and have an idea about where you’re headed today. Right away. That’s priority number one,

when you get more clear on your personal coaching philosophy, and what you stand for, and why it matters to your clients, you’re going to be able to talk about your business in a completely new way, is going to be like you’re blowing a dog whistle that only your dream clients can hear. And then they come running. Sound good. I kind of thought so. So first, let me tell you a little about my unique coaching philosophy. So you can see how this works. And we’ll tie it all together. So this is the why behind my processes and the why behind everything I teach. So everything you hear on this podcast and in my emails or in my paid program, it’s all run through this filter of my personal philosophy. First of all, I do not teach anything about marketing on social media, because my personal coaching philosophy is that social media is a ticking time bomb, especially in our industry. So stick around here for a minute. And you will know that I am anti social media for all kinds of reasons, which I’m very outspoken about. Because if someone finds me, and they really want help for growing their social media audience or becoming an influencer, I am not their coach. So I need them to know that. Obviously, I want to be transparent about it. And you will want to also be transparent about some of your philosophies too, for the same reason. This is why I want you to start putting pen to paper today on what your unique coaching philosophy is, when you finish this episode, you’re going to actually create your own. Alright, number two for me, another one of my personal coaching philosophies is that simple is always best when it comes to everything in your business. Always Simple, Simple, Simple. When in doubt, how can I simplify this, you take one look at my website, and you’re going to see exactly what I mean by simple, my friend. In fact, many of my clients have called me the queen of simplicity, which is the highest level compliment in my book, I love that. Third, in my personal coaching philosophy is that clients are everywhere waiting, right now. It’s just my job to make it easy for them to find me, which is the most fun. There’s no shortage of clients. For me, there’s no shortage of clients for you. This is a philosophy that I hope you adopt for yourself. Because when you run your marketing, and your sales strategy through this filter of knowing that there are so many clients and they’re waiting for you right now, it really does simplify a lot of things. Okay, number four on my personal list of coaching philosophies is that personal development and mindset are always the answer is always the key. Because quote, unquote, mindset, which is kind of fuzzy and ambiguous and thrown around a lot. But mindset in my definition is how we approach problem solving, in our business and in our life. That’s it mindset is how we approach problem solving. I teach a lot of strategies for thinking about solutions instead of problems. And for being resourceful instead of confused, and for how to develop confidence to market and sell and how to approach money conversations in a new way, and how to be very consistent with time management practices, so you make more money in less time and your business. All of these are mindset concepts, because changing the way we think about problems in general makes everything that we do way easier and more fun, and simpler, really. So it seems like the opposite is true. And I understand that many of my clients start out thinking that they want to have a step by step roadmap to making money as a holistic health practitioner, so it just goes smoother, and then happens faster for them. They want to know what to do. Like just give me the steps Give me the checklist, tell me what to do. And then here’s what happens. They try to do all of the things and spread themselves way too thin. Or try to copy someone else’s style or someone else’s method verbatim. Meaning taking all the courses copying all the engagement strategies using all the scripts. You know what I’m talking about. But it doesn’t work, because they haven’t learned how to think about their business and how to approach problems when they come up in a strategic way, or for their clients, or learning how to problem solve. As a business owner, they haven’t learned how to think differently. They just learned what to do. And that doesn’t work. You end up feeling inauthentic and like your business is too hard. Because it’s high stakes right at that point, like if something doesn’t work, if something on that step by step checklist doesn’t give the intended results. And now what now we don’t know where to go from here, it means that you just aren’t cut out as a business owner, for example, a lot of people end up thinking this No, no, no, no, it just means that you’ve only been taught what to do instead of how to think that’s just not the answer, my friend. If your success is because of someone else’s process, or someone else’s ideas that isn’t repeatable. So first and foremost, don’t abdicate your success, or your failure to someone else’s method or process, including mine, question everything. My goal with this podcast in its entirety, but certainly in this episode, is to introduce you to a different way to think which is going to help you do the same thing for your clients. As you get better and better at defining and articulating your unique philosophies, they’ll get better results as well. So here is what you need to do, you need to understand the mindset of a profitable nutritionist, and that the developing this mindset is like developing skills that are going to change your brain, and ultimately, your entire self concept. As a business owner. These aren’t personality traits that you either have, or you don’t have, these are skills, this is a way of thinking that you get better at over time. Here are a few of the traits or like the self concept standards of a profitable nutritionist. First of all, you can’t do it wrong. Whatever it is, whatever you’re doing in your business, you can’t do it wrong. Now I told you that this was a pretty meta episode for me, because I’ve been thinking about the creation of this podcast, and how I’m approaching it in a really fun way. And I wanted to use that as an example. So knowing I can’t do it wrong. And for my students who also know they can’t do it wrong, it takes the pressure off of most things in your business, you just realize, make a decision, take imperfect action to execute it. And then you’ll evaluate if that was a good decision or something that you want to tweak later

afterwards, right? This is just, this is just very low stress, we’re just collecting data, you can’t do it wrong. Now I know that there are a lot of different podcast episodes that I could record for these first few episodes. And at first, my brain really wanted to make this more complicated. And it wanted there to be the perfect first episodes that was going to get the biggest bang for your listening buck as a new podcast listener and it became very all or nothing in my brain. Like there’s a right way to do this. And I have to figure out the right way or else we’re just failing. But no, no, no, no, I practice what I preach. So I did some very quick mindset exercises around this and realize, of course, I can’t do it wrong. Any episode I create is going to be just fine. It’s going to be fun. We’ll use data to inform decisions about future episodes, but we just have to start somewhere, right? So no, this you can’t do it wrong. There are all different ways to build your business. Some people do their business online, some people only do their business in person. Some people use social media, some people don’t some people work with one on one clients. Others only sell online courses or memberships or groups. There is no right and wrong way to grow your practice, just know that you can’t do it wrong. All right. The second philosophy or standard of a profitable nutritionist is knowing that clarity comes from action. Again, I’m going to use this podcast creation as an example, clarity comes from action means that you will never know what to do until you do it. You’ll never know what you’ll never know what’s going to work, you’ll never know exactly how the pieces are going to fall into place until you’ve tried a bunch of things and you’ve done them. And then you realize what worked. But the only way you ever get there is by taking imperfect action. I happen to know that by creating these first podcast episodes, I’m doing something I’m taking action. And that will breed the clarity for future episodes about what I want to teach in a certain way differently, and how I want this all to flow. But I have to do something first, right. So I love using this podcast as an example because it’s real time. I’m just here teaching things that I think are important for you so you can make money. And in the future, I might adjust the way that I teach it but I’m here I’m taking imperfect action every single day. The third standard or self concept of a profitable nutritionist is knowing that value creates more value. So when in doubt, just create value for your clients, for your potential clients for the world, even if it’s just for one person. Remember, you can’t steer a parked car. You have to be doing something you have to be moving in a direction. You have to be creating value in some way to get the next steps to get the clarity of what to do more of what to tweak in the future, you have to try something our brains really, really want us to be able to figure everything out in advance, and then execute. But it doesn’t work that way. Because what we do is we just introduce more variables into the equation, and we never take the action. So just know that creating value, when in doubt, is always going to be the best course of action. If you don’t know what to do right now, today, you think about how can I create value for just one person? What could I do that would be really valuable to help someone, and that will get you moving and get you taking imperfect action in some direction that will breed the clarity of what to do more of this podcast, again, very clear example is it’s just imperfect action. It’s like creating value, you are going to create your unique coaching philosophy today at the end of this episode, and that is going to be so valuable for you and your clients. So even if it’s not taught in the exact way that I might want to do it in the future, or, you know, if I’ve second guessed the way that I’m communicating this, it’s okay, it’s creating value. And that’s always going to be the best line of thinking right, the best next course of action create value. Last but not least, actually, we have two more, but I’m going to go, we’re going to kind of split these up the next one, the next concept and basically identity skill. No, I’m not saying identity identity implies that this is something you’re either born with, or you’re not. And that’s not the case. The next skill that a profitable nutritionist adopts and really understand is the skill of being resourceful instead of being confused. And so every time our brain goes to a place of confusion, we reframe it, and we redirect it to figure it out mentality. Again, we’re using this podcast as an example, I am not confused about creating this podcast whatsoever. Even though I have not created a podcast for a really long time, I had a podcast for a few minutes in 2015. That was a very long time ago, the software and platforms were very different. All of it was different. And now I’m doing it all over again. But I’m not confused, because I have the mindset of someone who is resourceful, and always figures it out. And when I remind myself of that, I always figure it out, right? Same thing for you. As a profitable nutritionist, you are going to choose very consciously to develop the skill of being resourceful instead of being confused. We don’t want to be spinning in confusion and overwhelm and indulging our brains in these emotions of thinking that we are helpless and can’t figure it out. Because you always can. If you’re listening to this podcast right now, you are being resourceful, my friend. And now let’s go back and go full circle on the fact that my personal coaching philosophy is that mindset is always the key. Now I just brought you through the mindset of a profitable practitioner, which is a way of approaching problem solving, in your business and in your life confidently, right. So I teach all of these skills about how to become resourceful, over confused, for example, or how to become someone who knows that they always figure it out or that they can’t do it wrong. I teach all of these skills because it is my personal coaching philosophy, that that mindset and learning those skills is more important than any other one off strategy that you can learn. And you, my friend are going to create the same experience for your clients by understanding your unique coaching philosophy and why it’s so crucial, because ultimately your clients are always going to be a mirror of how well you adopt these mindsets and these new skills in your business. If you are constantly confused, instead of resourceful, you will have clients that are confused instead of resourceful. Guaranteed. Our clients are always a mirror for what we need to work on in our business. Your clients will mirror it right back to you. If you struggle to make decisions and stick with them and your business because you’re afraid that you’re doing it wrong. You will have clients or no clients because they struggle to make decisions as well. If making decisions and sticking to it is hard for you, it’s going to be really hard for your clients. If you think that running a business is hard, you will 100% have clients that think getting results in their health is hard. They will literally say it back to you verbatim. They’ll say this is really hard. And you’ll go Oh, this is so interesting. They’re mirroring back to me the exact thoughts that I have about my business. Now if you are constantly telling yourself that you don’t have enough time for your business, guess what? You’re going to have clients who tell you they don’t have enough time for their health every single time. If you think you should DIY everything in your business, instead of investing in professional coaching or resources. For example, you will have clients who tell you that they want to DIY their health journey instead of investing with you. This will not be a mystery at all. If it’s your mindset, they will mirror it right back to you. Do you see how this works? Your clients or prospective clients will always be a mirror for whatever mindset you need to work on yourself. Which is just the best it like I said it won’t be a mystery you’ll know exactly what you need to work on. And the reason for that is because of the way you talk about your business or don’t talk about it because sometimes you may be tempted to avoid conversations. But the way that you are messaging is going to be what attracts people who talk to you about your business, if you’re putting it out there in the universe, that your business is kind of a jabi, a job hobby, instead of a real business, you’re going to attract people who treat your business like it isn’t really a business because of the way that you are talking about it or not talking about it. So this isn’t even necessarily law of attraction business, it’s actually how you are conveying the value that you give or don’t give, and then people will just mirror it back to you. So your call to action for today is to start putting together a list intentionally, of what your unique coaching philosophy is, we want to get very clear on what it is that you want to be conveying to the world and how you want them to see your business, and what kind of clients you want to be drawing into you. So that those are the people that are coming. And so you are developing this skill of learning how to message and market your business, very intentionally, the way we’re going to do that is by creating your unique coaching philosophy. So you’ve heard about mine, I’ve gone through, and I’ve explained some of the traits that most of my successful clients have. And the way that I approach business, which is a little bit different than other people. The reason I did that is so you can kind of see how this works. The reason that I get to work with my dreamiest clients is because I’m pretty clear on what my unique philosophy is. Now your best, most dreamy clients will come to you because of your unique philosophy, it doesn’t mean that you have to be different than everybody else in the industry. But I bet that you are in some ways, and so you just need to be clear about that. Because like the best kind of magic ever, your clients that are the best clients for you that are just drawn to you like with that dog whistle that only they can hear are going to get massive results, they’re going to get great results with you. And then they’re going to send you referrals like crazy with even more best fit clients for you. This is the magic. This is how all of your results compound.

And this list that you’re going to create your unique philosophies is a living and breathing document that you might change over time, but that you’re going to be able to get really clear on why they’re coming to you because you’re writing it down. Like I said, it might change over time, that’s totally normal. the more confident you get with this, the more specific and confident your philosophies, and your marketing is going to get as well. So for example, I used to be known as a business coach that didn’t post much on social media. As I didn’t post much on social media, I don’t like being on social media, I feel like it’s an entirely like it’s a cancer to society. If I’m going to be totally honest, I don’t like to spend my time on social media. So it wasn’t a way that I marketed my business because I just didn’t like it. People knew that right? They’re like, I don’t get it. How do you get clients when you’re never on Instagram. And I thought, well, that’s kind of interesting. So I was known as a business coach that didn’t use it much. But now, I am known for publicly deleting all of my personal and business social media profiles, and I talk about it all the time. Because over time, I have allowed myself to get more and more clear on my unique coaching philosophy, just like you’re going to do as well. So this list may evolve as your business evolves, that’s totally normal. And you don’t need to be different just for the sake of being different. But as you approach this exercise, you might realize that there are some things that you believe and things that you teach, and things that you practice in your life that are a little bit different than other people or what other people are seeing in the marketplace. So just lean into that, right? This is what is going to be the dog whistle. So

get really curious about what that might be for you. Now to do that, you can ask some questions, like some thought provoking questions as you make your list. First, what makes my approach different than what my clients have tried before? I think this is a really, really interesting question. Just try that on, sit down with a paper and pencil at the end of this episode. And I will also have these in the show notes. So if you need these prompts, again, look in the show notes. But here’s the questions. What makes my approach different than what my clients have tried before, just start writing it down making a list brainstorming? Another question would be why does this philosophy matter to my client or my prospective client? Look at it from their point of view, this is a really interesting exercise. When you put yourself in the client’s position. Why does this unique philosophy of yours matter to them? And then kind of an extension of that is what will be different for them. And for you when they adopt this philosophy as well. I think that these questions really take your brain on an interesting journey where you can get much more clear about why people want to hire you, and also who may not be the best fit to hire you. Because this is another thing about our human brains. My friend, they really like to make decisions based on the people that would be the worst clients in the first place. It’s the most maddening thing but we all do it right. We think about the people that have the most objections that have the most health problems that are going to be the hardest clients. And then those are the people that we think of When we do our marketing or, or when we think about selling our services, we think about those worst fit clients, instead of intentionally thinking about the best clients, the ones that are going to get the best results and send the best referrals, that’s where you want to be thinking about, because your unique coaching philosophy is going to bring in those best clients. Where you might get a little bit tripped up, though, as you go through this exercise is by thinking about these philosophies as specific tools or tactics that you teach, or that you use, don’t do that. So for example, prioritizing your email list and email marketing is not one of my unique coaching philosophies. Now. I love email. And we’ll talk all about selling with email plenty on this podcast. But it’s not a philosophy, it’s not a way of problem solving. You know, I know that plenty of people have hugely successful businesses without using their email list, and you might be one of them. So email is a tactic, not a way of thinking. So it’s not one of my unique philosophies, really challenge your brain to get specific on your way of teaching your way of problem solving your way of addressing people’s health issues as being your philosophy. It’s not necessarily specific tools or tactics, like you might use lab testing. And you might have specific tests that you think are really useful. Those are tools or tactics that you use with your clients. But you don’t need to have that specific tool, be a philosophy, maybe your philosophy is that I use lab testing to support my clients with data, something like that, that may be a philosophy, but not necessarily the exact tools. Hopefully that makes sense. The reason this is an important distinction is because strategies and tactics change over time. But ways of approaching challenges and problems can be applied to every part of your life and your business. So it’s not that you either are or aren’t resourceful. Remember, you’ll learn it, I will teach you how, then you will teach your clients How do you see how this works, everything that you’re going to learn on this podcast is going to be applicable for you to teach your clients as well, because we aren’t teaching only strategies and tactics. We’re teaching a way of problem solving and a way of approaching goals in your life. So be coachable, be open minded, you’re here listening to this podcast still for a reason. So obviously, you are pretty open to adopting this mindset and helping your business and your clients along the way, which I’m so excited about. So let’s recap the questions and the prompts that you’re going to do a writing exercise around so that you can create your unique coaching philosophy. Here they are, again, what makes my approach different than what my clients have tried before? Very thought provoking. Number two, why does this philosophy matter to my client? And then number three, what will be different for them? And for me, when they adopt this philosophy? How can you see that when you get clear on this, you like have your entire website copy written for you already, when you get really clear on and why and why and what else and you have like a whole page of interest, interesting, compelling philosophies written out here, you aren’t going to know how to sell your services to your best clients, you like a writing copy right now without even knowing it. So let’s wrap it up for this episode, my friend, when you are open to getting better and better at implementing the mindset, the problem solving strategies of a profitable practitioner, you are literally changing your brain. The neural pathways are changing as you think about problems differently, which is incredible. Because ultimately, what got you to this point isn’t going to get you to the next place, right? They are what got you here isn’t gonna get you there there is going to require some new skills, and for sure, a new way of thinking and problem solving. And that’s so fun. When you get clear on your unique coaching philosophies might be the first time you’ve ever looked at it this way, which is so exciting. You will attract the very best clients and you’re going to know exactly what to say to them in your marketing and in your sales conversations. Because everything is going to be filtered through your unique coaching philosophies. Run everything through there. And here’s what it’s going to create you will be consistently making more money in your practice with less stress and less hustle and less overwhelm because you will be working with the very best clients who are sending you all the referrals. That is what you want my friend I promise. So make your list already. Get it all down on paper and challenge yourself to do it today. not putting it off till tomorrow. Keep it simple. All right. Oh, so fun episode one,

Check. Check it off the list. We’re keeping it simple around here by starting off with some imperfect teaching on your unique coaching philosophy. I love it. Now in the next few episodes, we are going to get a little bit more specific on three steps for making more money in your practice and some more very granular strategies and and some of it will be like this like a little more 30,000 foot view mindset coming your way. So I’ll leave you to make your list right now of your coach. philosophies and when you are done with that, I’ll meet you in the next episode.

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