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114. Pros and Cons Of Creating A Passive Income Nutrition Program with Stephanie Killen

From private chef to corporate beer salesperson, then nutritional therapy practitioner….within a year.

In today’s episode I’m joined by The Profitable Nutritionist® student Stephanie Killen to hear all about her whirlwind business saga and the evolution of her nutrition practice from in-person to virtual, including how and why she incorporated lab testing into her practice.

Stephanie shares so much on this episode, including:

  • 4 BIG things she wished she had known when first starting out
  • How to know if a passive digital product or high touch 1:1’s are the best offer for your business
  • What to look for in a business coaching program (this one might surprise you)
  • The easy online tool she’s maximized to bring in 90% of her clients
  • And more!



Andrea Nordling 0:00
Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast my friend. Today I am joined by Stephanie killin who is a student in the profitable nutritionist program. And we are talking about? Well, it’s a very juicy conversation, we’re talking about her business journey, we’re talking about the reality of her business as an almost six figure practitioner, versus what she thought it was going to be like perception versus reality is kind of one of the topics that we pulled on the thread of. And we also explored based on that based on like spoiler, she thought she was going to have a passive course and program that she was going to sell to a very specific niche, which has changed from what she originally envisioned. So we talked about that. And I think that it is a great conversation, because it is looking at, like where you are right now, your best ideas, your best guess of what your business is going to be in the future, making decisions from that place, and just getting started. And just taking imperfect action, doing the things and figuring out what you actually like to do what you don’t like to do, Stephanie was super candid about the marketing methods that she has used, including social media, no social media, some other scrappy things, I won’t spoiler all of them, she goes into great detail about what has worked for her getting clients in her business, some of them may surprise you. And so we had a great conversation about it. And just I think the freedom of listening to someone else’s story. And hearing what has worked, what hasn’t worked, what has been a surprise versus the vision that they thought that they were creating, there was a lot about her brick and mortar practice, that turned out not to be what she envisioned living in California in 2020, during the pandemic, when there was no availability to have a brick and mortar in person practice and what has changed, too, and how it looks now and how she has navigated those changes. So we have learned a lot from Stephanie, in this conversation, I can’t wait to bring it to you. We talked a lot about the profitable nutritionist program and the components of the program that have been really helpful for her and who she thinks is a good candidate for that program. So I want to just give a little PSA here that if you’re listening to this episode, in real time, the doors to the program open December 7 to the 14th 2023. For the final time this year, I have a very, very special announcement, something totally new that we are doing for this enrollment period that you’ve never seen before. So you have to be getting my emails to hear all about that and to be front seat at the unveiling on December 7. So all that to say you get the details for the program, everything that’s included, the money back guarantee all of the things at the profitable nutritionist.com/join J o i n. Again, if you’re listening in real time, December 7 to the 14th, the doors will be open for you to enroll, I have lots of exciting things to tell you about inside the program, and for what’s coming up in January. So the profitable nutritionist.com/join is where all of that information is. And if you’re listening to this episode in the future, you can always get the dates of the next enrollment period on that same page. So go to that same details page, and you’ll see when the next time is that enrollment will be open. Alright, without further ado, let’s take it away Stephanie. Stephanie, welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for just chatting today. I don’t even know what we’re gonna cover. But I know it’s going to be very useful for everyone listening. So welcome.

Unknown Speaker 3:24
Thank you. I’m

Andrea Nordling 3:25
excited to be here. This would be so fun. So I always start these episodes the same way with I think just some background and kind of your story. How did you like a while what do you do and how did you get to this point? What is kind of your, your journey up to today? Give us the backstory. It’s always helpful. Yes,

Speaker 1 3:43
so I am a functional nutritional therapy practitioner. I do specialize in women’s health. So mostly gut health, digestive issues and hormone balance. Up until this point, it’s been a journey. After college, I just I went to college, I got my bachelor’s in communication. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. And I was like, Well, what am I passionate about? And I was like food, like I’m obsessed with food. So

Andrea Nordling 4:15
I put me around here that

Speaker 1 4:19
so I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna go to culinary school. So I decided to go to culinary school. And I did that for a couple years and during school, I had really enjoyed kind of just the properties of food and like, basically like food is medicine. I just thought that that was like a really cool concept. And I had grown up at that point, I believe I had already seen a, a holistic nutritionist of my own and one of my mom’s friends was a nurse and she had you know taken up the holistic nutrition kind of pathway for her Self. And so I had experienced that from her. Because when I all throughout my, my life, I’ve been kind of plagued by acne. And so my dermatologist put me on an antibiotic for a really, really long time, really, really long time and just destroyed my gut. And so I went to her and she was like, Okay, you need to get off and like, kind of helped me restore my gut. And I just thought that was like, the coolest thing ever. And, you know, she was kind of more of like a local, you know, person. And I didn’t really make the connection as far as, like, how you make a career out of that. So, you know, while I was in culinary school, I was like, Oh, the food is medicine thing is just so cool. And I really just kind of felt like being a registered dietitian was the only route to go at that point. Like, the whole, even like, the holistic nutritionist movement was like, not a thing yet, do you know, and one of my cousin’s was a registered dietician. And she just kind of told me like, she was in the hospital all the time. And you know, and I was like, that’s not really the vibe I want. So you know, I finished culinary school, and went to go be a private, I worked in some kitchens, but then I decided to be a private chef, and have my own business. And so while I was doing that, I was also I got a part time job selling beer, basically, for Anheuser Busch.

Andrea Nordling 6:31
I just love it. I have a tangled web we weave, it’s so great.

Speaker 1 6:35
So I’m like cooking. And then there’s like beer. And I had at some point, I had a decision to decide either to go full time up in the Central Coast with the beer job, or I go full time private chef down in Beverly Hills. And I was like, I’ve never really had nights or weekends or benefits or anything. So I decided to take the beer job in the Central Coast. And it was a wonderful, wonderful job. But I felt like I wasn’t, I’m the kind of person that is just like, I need passion. And I need something I’m, you know, I’m not fulfilling my potential here. And I was just like, Okay, I need, I just had this calling. And I kept seeing that, like that family friend throughout, you know, different health issues. And I was like, I want to, I want to program like that. And so that’s when I found the nutritional therapy Association. And they did the functional testing, because I grew up with like, yours,

Andrea Nordling 7:32
this give me an idea of like, well, how long ago was this? So

Speaker 1 7:35
this was in 2019, is when I found the program. Yeah. And so I was like, Okay, this is so cool, seems super aligned with what I’m looking for. And so we I, you know, enrolled in NTA. And I, that was back when they were doing the functional testing, and so became an F and TP. And like, August, I had graduated August 2019. And so I like, opened my practice, I was in this cute little Wellness Center, and had had my office for a couple months. And then pandemic hits. I was like, No, I was like, you know, kind of starting with like, the more old school marketing things like, like meeting people in the community trying to team up with people in the community. And then that just kind of like killed that, you know, killed that momentum, because it was like, you no longer can see people or do things in person, you know? And so it was like, Okay, well, it doesn’t make sense to keep my office space. So I went virtual. And I was like, okay, and I did virtual, ever since I’m still virtual. And so yeah, that’s kind of what I’ve been doing. And then I went, and I know how much you want me to kind of fill you in literally up until this point, but we want. And so I probably, I would say in 2020 and 2020. I realized with my practice that I was only getting so far with my clients with just the food piece. And I was like, I would really love to run labs for people.

Andrea Nordling 9:16
Yeah, I thought that this is so common. So let’s talk about it. Yes.

Speaker 1 9:21
So I was like, Okay, I want to be able to dig deeper and help people further. So I went and I got a further education from restorative wellness solutions. And I did their levels one, two, and three. And really building that into my practice just opened a lot more doors. I just felt like I could help people on like a different level. And during this time, it was like after I graduated, I pretty pretty quickly enrolled. I was like I knew I need some kind of like coaching on how to run my business. So I had enrolled in The digital nomad with Amy with Amy. Yes. And so, uh, you know, that kind of gave me some basics to go off of. But I didn’t really, I think it was, I think it was really more like social media focused and all of that. And so you know, I did that for a little bit, but I wasn’t really like, I felt like I needed more, like more one on one more of that. And so I guess now we’re in 2020 Still rolling and get into 2021 still taking RW s s classes. And so I was working full time at maybe your job as a sales rep. And then oh, great. Everything about this, I

Andrea Nordling 10:42
just love it so much. Just like, I’m a chef, I have this great job. I also am building my holistic wellness practice on the side over here, whatever you want, guys, I’ve got it for

Speaker 1 10:58
me, so I was like, Okay, I’m in 2021. I was like, I feel like I need a coach. And that’s kind of when like, the social media thing was just like, so boom, it and like Instagram was where it’s at, like posting reels every day like, and I was like, Okay, I need I need somebody to help me like navigate this. So I found a coach, and signed up and made a really big investment. And she was all about that. That was like creating a group program, selling that social media 24/7 This is how we roll. And so I enrolled very quickly there after I realized her and I did not vibe. And I was like, Oh no, okay, not great. Probably should have done more research into the person, you know, who’s going to coach me, which is why I love your podcast, by the way, because it allows people to get to know you, you know, and maybe I should have followed her on social media for longer, you know, but I’m like, Okay, so I’m like, even though we don’t them and I love her, I’m gonna at least try to learn from her, you know, and attitude.

Andrea Nordling 12:11
By the way, you don’t have to, you know, love someone personally to get like, you can always find jobs or you can always get what you pay for. So I love that attitude. Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1 12:21
We and she had really good content, like she definitely delivered like what she was going to deliver. I was just really personally, having like this disconnect the whole time. It just like wasn’t aligning with what I wanted to do. I niched, she was basically like, You got to niche down even further from women’s health. And so because you got to create like a program, right? And so I’m like, Okay, well, my struggle when I got off birth control at age 30, like my body went berserk, basically, like my hormones, my skin. And it was a really big struggle. And so like, that launched me even further into this kind of work and be able to do labs on myself. So I’m like, Okay, I’m going to create a group program to help women rebalance their bodies after coming off of hormonal birth control. And so I, you know, I created this whole beautiful program, you know, I was so excited about it. And I realized that this was like, my new identity like this is I’m only this I’m only the person that helps women, you know, balance their hormones and bodies that were coming up with hormonal birth control. And I wasn’t ready for that yet. I was still like, learning. Okay, yeah. And I’m, like, I just graduated with like, all this lab experience, like, I want to work one on one, like, I don’t want to give that up. And I felt like I needed to give that up in order to put all my eggs and resources and energy into this basket of group program. With this was super nice, you know? And I was like, oh, you know, it was just like, not not, you know, jiving at that time in that says, why I really love your advice. When you say like, do take your time, do your one on ones, you know, like, get really comfortable with what you like what you want, you know what you’re good at, like, get your message down and make a certain amount of money. And then and then like, create your group program, you know,

Andrea Nordling 14:29
it gives you like, when you take the pressure off, then you can really just decide to play with it and go, Okay, each client, I’m just going to serve them so well. And I’m going to learn so much about my own process, and maybe what I want to do in the future and the kind of clients I want to work with, and in the meantime, they’re getting great results. And you’re just it’s just like more of an experiment. Instead of I have to find the formula. I have to find the formula, which just is so much pressure. It is

Speaker 1 14:53
and I just that’s kind of like how I felt the whole time just like pressure like pressure to scale pressure. Uh, and then like the selling aspect of it was literally like, and I get it, maybe it works for some people but like is like the social media constant. So it’s like, if you’re not doing you’re not doing enough unless you’re doing you know, a real every single day and then there was like a real and a post for a while, like every day and you need to be on stories and you need to be in all the Facebook groups on and and be talking to people striking up conversations trying to get them into a personal DM then trying to get them on a discovery call, and then trying to book them. And it was just like all consuming all day every day. It was like, No, I can’t I don’t there’s got to be another way, you know. But it was so hard for me because I made such a big investment. It was really hard to like, let that go. But you learned

Andrea Nordling 15:51
so much from that investment. I mean, maybe the big takeaway of that investment is just you learned what you what you don’t love. Yeah, that was what you paid for that right?

Speaker 1 16:00
Yes, yeah. So I’m like, Okay, I need to just kind of focus on my one on ones. And kind of just went back to that, and stop offering my group program. And that was another thing with the group program. The whole time. I just kept thinking, you know, anytime somebody signed up, I’m like, I can get you better results, one on one, like,

Andrea Nordling 16:20
Oh, yeah. And then from that energy, how can you possibly sell the program? When you’re, you know, when you’re thinking those thoughts? Yeah. And then

Speaker 1 16:30
just like, Okay, we gotta go back to one online. So I did that for a while, and really loved that. And I had a couple different programs, but I had a gut health and Oh, hormone balancing, and that just a nutrition program. And then probably, I would say that the beginning of last year, so 22, I was like, I would love I need some kind of support. Again, you know, like, I this coach isn’t working out, but I don’t I haven’t lost my faith in coaching, you know? And I’m like, I would love that kind of support. And I asked in one of the, you know, practitioner, Facebook groups, like, does anybody recommend a business coach, basically, and your name was mentioned, I’d remembered your name by following stuff with Amy. And I know, like you had collaborated, and I remember listening to your, like, podcast together episode. And I was like, But Isn’t she like, memberships? You know, and. And so and then I found and then, so I kind of reached out to the people who had mentioned you, and I was like, Oh, hey, you know, like, got some insider information, like, how are you enjoying the program, and you know, blah, blah, blah. And they all have great things to say about you. And and then some others were just like, I just joined, we’ll see, you know, and so but then I found your podcast, and I was able to start listening to you. And you had a march opening up? I think it was like this year, yeah, of 2023. And so I was like, Okay, I love that there’s no emphasis on social media, like, but there’s also no like stigma against it. Like, if we want to do it, go for it.

Andrea Nordling 18:16
And then is I think, can we just pause here for a second, I want anyone who doesn’t know that to just know, there’s nothing wrong with social media, I just think I’m gonna like, do my little shtick here, I just don’t put all your eggs in that basket for a couple reasons. First of all, you don’t own the audience, you don’t have control over who sees your stuff, who doesn’t see your stuff. And your platform could just get disabled, literally overnight, which happens to a lot of practitioners, because of the things that we talked about. And you could just innocently link to a website that that social media platform says is misinformation. And they could stop showing all of your posts to anyone forever, and you have no idea that that’s happening. And you’re and you’re doing your real every day and your posts and your stories, and nobody’s seeing them. Like there’s just so many different things, you can’t control it. So for that reason, don’t have it be your only means of marketing, I think that there are other ways that you can apply your time to platforms that you do own, like your email list and your website that can be an end just like organic, natural conversations with real humans in the world, which is a huge return on your investment. So that and also kind of what Stephanie was saying, I think like we could probably riff on this a little bit later. But there is a real hypocrisy, I think a lot of us feel with the need to be on all the time on your computer all the time on your phone all the time, connecting, engaging, following up sending the DMS got to be more present, gotta get a bigger audience got to be more visible, that is at odds with what a lot of us talk to our clients about what the way that we want to live the way that like what we would like our kids to be seeing from us. And so that that feels like a problem. I mean, it just really is it’s like a it’s a crossroads. And I think that that’s kind of what you were saying like a lot of times it’s something that just doesn’t feel right, because that’s not how a lot of us want to live forever and it’s Yeah, anyway, we can talk about that too. But nothing wrong with social media, you can come in any of my programs, and we can work with the social media strategy that you already have going. But I’m just going to strongly encourage you to not rely on that. Again, if it doesn’t feel good for you, you don’t need it at all, you get to decide no big deal. Okay, that’s my

Speaker 1 20:19
all agreed with that is okay. So I loved that. And I was like, okay, but it was like, hard for me. Because I’m like, well, then, like, what do you what, like, what is taught them? You know, like, what? It isn’t just like, posting up fliers around and like, going and talking to people? And I’m like, do I need a coach for that? And I was like, well, am I doing those things? No, like, I should, you know, like, having that support, getting ideas. You know, I’m like, I think, and this is what I need, you know, so I took the leap, and I joined. And, you know, it’s been really great. So, so far, you know, and I’ve just really enjoyed a couple, you know, like, the mindset aspect of it. I feel like with my personality, like, I’m a go getter like, so sometimes I don’t feel like I always need like the mindset work. But, you know, I’ve dedicated like, listening to the mindset work as part of, you know, being part of the program. And I’m like, really does like, kind of make a difference it does.

Andrea Nordling 21:27
What was built for our clients, too. So that’s what I think the best part about are all, like slowing down just enough to think about how am I thinking about this? And then how would my clients be thinking in this same situation, because everything that we deal with in growing our businesses is us as humans working towards a goal, just like our clients are working towards a goal with their health, it’s, they’re always going to come up with the same thoughts and the same mindset issues or struggles or hidden little pitfalls. So yes,

Speaker 1 21:53
and that really helped with that. And I never really, I knew it, but I didn’t really, like put the two together on I’m always looking for like, action steps, like, what can I do? What can I do? You know, like, cuz I’m, like, ready to go? Do you know? And but I realized a lot of the mindset work influences what you do, you know, and how you do it. So it was like, Okay, I really, really love that. And then you gave me the confidence to raise my prices. And, and actually, I went down from three programs to two, I’m not the one yet. It’s kind of like, the the second program is kind of based, you know, it’s what the first program offers, but then extra labs and stuff. So I feel like it’s still like one offer ish, you know? So yeah, but then once I raised my prices, I was able to kind of buy a Yeah, so I was able to, like, make more money than I had last year, which was really amazing. And I had forgot that I had leaped out of my full time job at the end of 2021. So I was gonna ask about that. Perfect. Yeah. And I’ve just made the leap. And that was when I was in the other program. And there was just feeling so like, I just needed to do it. And but yeah, so that’s where I’m at, at this point. And I’m, I have surpassed my last year’s goal. You know, last year is income, which was really great. And, you know, I put forth a really big goal of 100k this year, and I haven’t hit it. I don’t think I’m gonna hit it. But that’s okay. Because I’m still, you know, though. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 23:41
Yeah. Okay. So it’s definitely let’s talk about your like changing your offer, raising your prices. And what that looked like in more detail, because I think this is something that a lot of people are really curious about. I know, I would have been really curious about this. Like, I want to know, specifics. What did you change? And how did you know what to change? So you had three offers? How did you know what you wanted to cut out? First of all, let’s, let’s just start there. See where the conversation goes? Yeah,

Speaker 1 24:06
I realized I had, you know, the nutrition program, the gut health and the hormones. And I was like, Okay, I think the nutrition programs like really good foundational base level stuff, and it was only an eight week program at that point, we program and then

Andrea Nordling 24:23
one on one, or this is recorded one on one,

Speaker 1 24:27
one on one. And so I was like, okay, I can then maybe I’ll just offer one more comprehensive program. And I decide on what labs basically, that they’re going to need, whether it’s hormone stuff, whether it’s gut stuff, and that’s going to be I think I put that I think I started at like three months with that. And I was like, okay, you know, so they started with that and it did didn’t grow. And as I went through the program, I was like, okay, eight weeks is really short. Like, I bet I could extend that, you know, because you’re like, how do you get more value, you give more value, you know, and then also be able to kind of raise your prices. And so I raised my prices. I’ve raised my prices a couple of times. And, yeah, I like it was like, Okay, this is gonna be my three month program, and then the other one is going to be four months long. And I stuck with that. And I like, you know, just eked my prices up, like incrementally. And then like, when I got comfortable with that, I was like, Okay, I do feel like another month on the other program would be really good. So I’m going to do this 12 week program and a 20 week program, basically, three months and five months. And that’s kind of where I’ve settled at. I was like, oh, you know, a lot of people are doing six month programs, maybe I should do six month programs. But I’m like, I don’t think that’s gonna, I don’t think it’s necessary for me, you know, so I kind of settled there. And then I got, I kept tweaking my prices. And like, you know, it’s so hard. And, and wanting to know, I like him. You also taught this, like, it’s just kind of like it your final, you don’t have to have a final number, you know, like, you can start with this number. See how that feels. You know, it’s this is not like, you have to get it perfect. Like right off the bat.

Andrea Nordling 26:29
always second guess it anyway, so just go.

Speaker 1 26:34
And then oh, but you know, other people are charging this, you know, and the even like listening to the podcast, and other people talk like and other practitioners talking, I love that you kind of actually bring up the money details, because it does help us me. I was like, oh, okay, you know, maybe I can charge a lot. So I incrementally went up. And now I am like, at a place where I think it’s, it’s fair, it’s good. And that’s where I’m perfect. Okay.

Andrea Nordling 27:05
My friend? Have we connected on LinkedIn? In my opinion, LinkedIn is the platform for professional networking and getting client referrals, hands down. If you’re already spending time getting the word out about your business over there. I would love to connect with you. Just search Andrea Nordling and then connect. And I’ll confirm so we can share our networks. So you took one of the offers off the table, the other two are just different durations of your one on one package. So and 12 weeks? Perfect. So do your clients like? I think it’s really fun to talk about the client journey? And what is effectively your sales funnel? So how do people onboard with you? Do they do like they find out about you they get on your email list, they book a call with you like what does this all look like? And specifically, I want to know does? Do they know that there are different options? Or do you present one option to them based on their criteria?

Speaker 1 27:57
Good question. Like 98% of my clients come from Google searches, like literally that is the nutritionist near me. And then they get to my website, which

Andrea Nordling 28:13
by the way, it let’s just produce pro tip here, if you’re getting a ton of Google search results, and they’re coming up from that, like putting some money into Google ads would probably be really great for you.

Speaker 1 28:24
I’ve thought about that, too. Yeah, really early in my career, my my, my business. I just had like, literally like everybody just write me reviews. And so just I think that that really helps really. And so having that Google presence and all those reviews and so once are on my website, you get the book a call, like book, a complimentary 20 minute call with me. And then we have our conversation. And then I do present what my options are. But I used to lose Oh, funny, like the the journey of how to present your, you know, your stuff on sales calls. But and I just did it again the other day, but I’m just like, when I present both programs, it’s like information overload for people. And they’re like, Well, I mean, like, like, the longer program sounds great. But like, do I really need that? And should I start with so it just for vide like more questions in their head, and confuses them, but and so I try my darndest after the sales call to choose a program for them. Like this is what you should do. Yes. And sometimes that’s really clear, and sometimes it’s not. And so that’s where I get like, oh shoot, I don’t know and so maybe offering bowls would let them choose. Not good. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 29:58
Not clear to you. It’s

Speaker 1 29:58
for sure not Good. Yes. And I’m like, I don’t know that they don’t know. You know? And so now I’m just like that was that actually happened again last week. So I’m like, Okay, it’s like, we just gotta choose a program and go for it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Because your confidence

Andrea Nordling 30:17
in that and you’re like this is the plan is a great plan. It’s, it’s, we’ve got all of the failsafes built in, if it’s not working, I’ll tweak what will adjust. Don’t worry, I got you like your energy coming from that place makes people feel so relieved that they don’t have to decipher what their best option is.

Speaker 1 30:35
Yes, and I know, part of that is because I’m not again, super niched, you know, so it does create more variables on, you know, helping people. And I’m like, well, everybody could use the 12 week program, it’s whether or not you’re a good fit for the longer program. And some people just aren’t there, like, you know, mentally yet. So, having to try to make that determination on the phone is hard, but I’m practicing and getting better.

Andrea Nordling 31:04
So I’m curious, I’m gonna kind of put you on the spot with this. But I’m just curious, has the console intensive that we have inside the program? Has that been helpful for you in figuring out how to run your Salesforce?

Speaker 1 31:15
I did listen to it. Yes, it was very helpful. I would have, I would have loved to see like a almost like a example. At the end would be super cool. Because I was like, Okay, now I have all these pieces to focus on. But I want to kind of see how they put together. And I noticed my biggest struggle on a sales call. It’s I think it’s just being the type a, like, factor of and brain is pulling out that emotional piece on the Discovery call. I feel awkward. And every time I tried to go there, I sound awkward. So I’m just like, I decided to like not do it. But yes, I was like, and you know, that was emphasized in there too. Like getting to the psychology of like, why? Like, why are you doing this? How is this affecting your life? You know, what would your life be like if these were resolved? Like that all sounds great until I tried to do it on the call. Okay, so But yes, it is helpful, big time.

Andrea Nordling 32:22
I love hear this. Okay, that’s a great idea this way, ask questions like that, just because I’m like, Ooh, that’s a great idea. We should do some recorded consults. Okay, you gave me a great idea there. That is so fun. So what I’m talking about is inside the TPM program, we have actually it’s inside the mastermind, too. If you’re a client of mine, you’re gonna get this it’s a overcoming objections consol intensive, how to run a high converting premium offer a sales call. And so that’s such a good idea to like, see it in action. It’s a six part process, like the six components of consult, but putting it in action. Okay, that gave me a great idea. Absolutely love it. Oh, my gosh, I’m taking notes. And I have, like, have so much to say, let’s talk about your Google review strategy. This is going to be a juicy nugget for people listening. So let’s not, let’s not just gloss over that. You got Google reviews in the beginning, and probably continuously How and why did you do that?

Speaker 1 33:15
You know, it was kind of just like, it was like, literally the first thing I did, I like I made my website. And I was like, well, people need to be able to find me, right. So you know, just kind of setup my Google presence. And, and Yelp. And so I was like, Okay, well, I need reviews. And so when I was seeing, you know, friends as my clients in the beginning, and you know, family members are like, leave me a review, you know, and that would be awesome. It would really help. And they were like, Okay. And then I, you know, once I started seeing clients, it was like, hey, you know, like, it could really help my small business. And I was more almost guilt driven at that point. Yeah, because I just felt like that’s kind of what everybody was using not really Google. And, but then I realized, oh, Yelp would hide my reviews. And like, if that Yelp user wasn’t a avid Yelper, like if they just they hadn’t yelped, ever, or if they hadn’t helped in like, a long time, they would hide my review. You know, um, so I was like, Oh, that’s a bummer. And then you had to like, for the user, you had to create like a Yelp profile, like all this stuff. And it was just more and I was like, Oh, the Google ones so easy, literally, like everybody has

Andrea Nordling 34:44
a Google profile. Like Like it or not, we all do. Most of us probably don’t like, Yeah, but we do like we’re in we’re in so most of it. Yeah. So

Speaker 1 34:53
I just then I started to kind of like more attention on the Google and then they allow you I just, you know, this year figured out. Here’s an actual like, link, because I’m like, I would ask clients and I’m like, all you have to do is there’s no link, like when you have to like literally Google like sound body nutrition, there’s just my my name. And then at my profile has to come up. And then you have to click like leave review. And I’m like, There’s got to be like a way. And then someone told me there’s a direct link, like, you can find that. It’s like, Oh, perfect. And now I can just give people links in my email. So that’s so much easier.

Andrea Nordling 35:30
That’s perfect. I think that people have the best of intentions. I know this about myself as a client and a consumer. If I have a great experience, I’m so happy to write a review. But I’m probably not going to remember to do that on my own. And it is not it does not offend me at all. If someone’s like, Hey, would you mind leaving me a review? I’m like, oh, gosh, how did I not think of doing that? Yes, I would love to do that for you. So I would just say for everyone who struggles with asking for reviews, or asking for testimonials, don’t hesitate to ask the person just needs a reminder. They just forget, they like best of intentions. But the the little helpful reminder. It’s good. It’s appreciated, someone has a good experience, you probably want to talk about it. So don’t ever hesitate to do that. So good. Google My Business and like setting up that local, local searchability for your website, and for your business is so huge.

Speaker 1 36:23
I find a lot of people that I talk to like they don’t really focus on that piece. And I’m like, oh, you should do that, you know,

Andrea Nordling 36:28
very low hanging fruit very, very low hanging fruit. So cool. Okay, so people are actually finding you through nutritionist near me, not necessarily this specific women’s health topics you’re talking about?

Speaker 1 36:41
Yeah, no, whenever I get my Google Analytics was always like nutritionist. So it’s so interesting, because I do so much more than just food. And yet, I would say 50% of my clients are coming to me with these chronic issues with digestive and hormone stuff. And not just like, I want to eat better or lose weight, you know? Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 37:05
I mean, it’s, I would imagine, I don’t have any data behind this. And we should always be looking at data. But my assumption is that people that are Googling for a nutritionist are probably women, by and large, probably looking for that and have a lot of the symptoms that you’d be helping with. So that’s probably likely. Okay, that’s so great. Google reviews, everybody gets your Google review. Just do it. I have zero Google reviews, by the way. So this is as much for me as I have lots of different kinds of other reviews, but not on Google. Okay, so good note to note to myself, What else has really worked for you in your business as far as people finding out about you, or any low hanging fruit marketing items? Let’s go there for a little

Speaker 1 37:53
bit. Um, I, I had tried the flyer thing before, um, and didn’t bring in any people. And then I tried it again. More recently, and that’s brought in a few clients, a few clients and discovery calls, which is an mostly from coffee shop. So

Andrea Nordling 38:17
wild Okay, So Steph is she’s talking about, you know, people inside the program are always talking about what’s working for them. What, like, what are you doing, and people often will be like, it’s so basic, but I just did some flyers and hung them up. And like, that bag can really work. So I love that. All right, yes. And,

Speaker 1 38:34
you know, what I noticed is, they don’t stay up forever. So you have to, like literally be on it. And like it, just because you put one up, like last week doesn’t mean it’s gonna be there anymore. Put it up again. And I’ve seen like people put their, their cards, you know, on the bulletin boards and stuff like that. But that has been nothing. For me. It’s literally the flyer, like you have to have like your eight by 11. Like, that’s what catches people’s attention. And not every place like allows you to put up something that big. But the ones that do like that’s what’s caught people’s attention. So

Andrea Nordling 39:12
great. So what do you put on there? So

Speaker 1 39:16
I just put, you know, Women’s Health nutritionist and then I put a few things I specializes in digestive health, hormone balancing, creating a better relationship with food, and then I put my little QR code on there. And that way people can scan for to book a call with me and then I put up my website and put out a picture. And then that’s that’s about it. That

Andrea Nordling 39:41
is it is so basic, but it’s the lowest hanging fruit so good. So that has resulted in leads and discovery calls love that. And I think that people by and large probably would prefer to work with someone local if they could, even if they’re working virtually with someone local. Yeah, like why Not I’ve won. Yeah.

Speaker 1 40:01
And, you know, so that’s been great. And then just, you know, probably last year, like, I know you were talking big on like referrals. And I was like, Oh, nobody really, like all my clients say that they refer me to their friends. And so they you know, but nobody ever comes my way. But then actually, I’ve had a few this last year come from referrals. So it was like, Cool. If maybe it’s just, it’s starting.

Andrea Nordling 40:28
That’s so great. I mean, what do you attribute that to? Do you think that you are asking for referrals? Or you’re, like talking about your program in a way that’s reminding people to refer? Do you think they’re like your processes tightening up? They’re getting better results? So they’re just naturally referring, what do you think? I think

Speaker 1 40:43
they’re just getting good results. So they’re naturally referring and in sharing their experience with people, and maybe people aren’t aware that this type of help is out there. So that’s been cool, you know?

Andrea Nordling 41:01
Yeah. Okay. Well, I want to close the loop on your pricing increase before I asked you the next question I’m curious about so let’s just like, let’s, let’s just go there, you said you are at a price right now you feel company with? Yeah. When do you think you’re gonna stay there? Do you see as your business grows, that you will over time increase that offer again? Or will you transition to a different type of offer? Do you think no, right or wrong? I’m just curious where your head’s at. Yeah,

Speaker 1 41:26
I would love, love to raise my prices again. But I don’t feel confident that that’s a good idea. Um, you know, I kind of don’t want it to be so inaccessible to people. And right now, it’s already like, an investment for people. So now I kind of feel like I’ve might have topped out on what I can really charge and maybe I’m wrong, and they’ll probably get, okay, yeah. Coaching on this, you know, and now I kind of feel like we’ll shoot, I might have to create another offer of some kind, or ditch these and put my eggs in one basket or do something else. Yeah. I mean, that’s where I’m at right now. I don’t know, I

Andrea Nordling 42:13
asked that question. Because that’s so common at right around the 100k level where you’re at right now, that’s very, very common to be like, Oh, I’m at a crossroads. Like I need to figure out what I’m going to do is it going to be a different offer, or what I would say, for anybody listening, and we coach on this in the mastermind all the time, I think that there’s a hybrid option there where you can start to systematize and create a group functionality or hire people to help you do some of the more higher touch aspects of your one on one work to scale and get more clients at the same price that you’re at, if you feel like this is the sweet spot. So there is always the option to increase the price. And I think we could definitely coach on that and get there’s like I don’t think topped out is really something you need to worry about. Because if your clients are getting really good results, they’ll continue to pay for that. But depending on what you want to do, when you grow up what you want your business to be like as it continues to grow, there is that option for Okay, bringing in support systematizing you’re not doing every single aspect of everything with those clients. So you can bring out more clients at the level that you’re comfortable with and serve them even better. Yeah, I

Speaker 1 43:18
feel like I’m at that, that point where it’s like, it’s not about raising your prices, it’s about attracting more people. And that’s, that’s where that’s the hardest part. It’s the been the hardest part this whole time is finding enough people. So um, like if I, if I was able to get, you know, a couple more clients per month, like that would definitely, you know, get me to that 100k Mark, I just haven’t been able to kind of break through that three to four clients per month. Like, yeah, so I’m just like, how do I talk more?

Andrea Nordling 43:55
That’s so good. So identifying the constraint, like the area where we call this the five pockets of profit, when you’re looking at the five pockets of profit? Is it in leads in acquisition? Is it in nurturing, and follow up with people that you could use like that as a constraint to your business you could use some attention towards? Is it the actual sales and conversion? Is it in fulfilling the offer and the client delivery aspect of it? Or is it in long term client value and like retentions, and upsells, and that kind of stuff. So those are the five levels of profit. I talked about this a lot. Actually just did a podcast episode on that. So if anyone wants to go listen, they can go to podcast episode about that, which Stephanie doesn’t know about because it hasn’t released yet, but I recorded it reasonably. By the time you listen to this without that one will be published. So anyway, when we’re looking at those five pockets of profit in those five it’s like just a different way to call like, what what area of your funnel could use some attention and knowing that knowing that the data is so helpful, because for you right now, like it’s literally just leads, you just need more people. So yeah, think about running some Google ads. and how to get more leads. Like if that’s just your sole focus, everything else in your business stays the same. You’re already getting referrals. So obviously your client delivery is working. That’s great for right now I’m sure that that will need more attention. And we can pour into that again later. And we always do go back and reassess. But for right now, like that’s working, sales are coming in, you’re getting, you know, people are converting on consoles, we could look at that portion of it, too, but it sounds like probably just lead some follow up. Yeah, that’s, that’s my biggest i least, I guess. Yeah. And then just just knowing that it’s so helpful, so you know, where to allocate your focus. And just okay, this is what we’re doing right now, for the next quarter. It’s all about leads, how are we getting more leads? How are we running ads? are we partnering with people? Are we doing events? Like what does that even look like? There’s so many different things to do more fliers. Basic things, those still work, we could do more. But just yeah, just having that data and making the decisions based on Okay, where do I really like? Where am I going to get the biggest bang for my focus buck here? That’s really good to know. But I would say like without knowing anything, but just knowing a little bit, if you’re already getting a lot of traction from Google organic search results, I would think of Google ads for sure. Okay.

Speaker 1 46:10
Yeah, I’ve looked into it. And I think Kelly has been really helpful on that friend. And I’m always just, like, worried of all the spam, you know, like all the scammers and stuff, like I’ve gotten a couple and I’m like, where are you who’s coming from, you know, like, this is so rare, like, you’ve literally will sit here on a call with me and like, go through it, and you’re just a scammer. So I’m like, but I think it’s just part of the part of it. Like for every one scammer, you might get like, 10 it really actually interested people. So yeah. And you’ll be you’ll get really, really good

Andrea Nordling 46:44
at sales calls. You’re just gonna, you’re gonna just talk about those emotional components like, No, it’s not even going to be a problem, you’re gonna feel fine about it, because you just get so much practice.

Unknown Speaker 46:57
Yeah, yeah, true. So good. Okay,

Andrea Nordling 47:00
so my next question I want to ask is, what did you think your business was gonna look like? versus what is the reality of what it looks like? I think this is really helpful for people, especially that are just starting out, like, what is the perception versus reality?

Speaker 1 47:14
I think that morphed, I think I thought I was going, when I first started, I thought I was going to be like, a practitioner in an office, like, I really, and I was going to be seeing people one on one, I thought I would be doing more muscle testing, in my practice, like putting my hands on people. And when the pandemic hit that totally shifted. So then in the virtual world, which I really do enjoy, I realized I could to help more people, you know, elsewhere as well, not just locally. But then I, you know, it was kind of like that craze of like, like you you were in it to have like let’s build a program that’s going to create passive income. And, and so it was like,

Andrea Nordling 48:00
I thought that was a thing.

Speaker 1 48:05
So I thought like, okay, like, I’ll see you one on one clients still. But like, I’ll have all these passive programs like that people are just by like, and so and then I was like, No, she doesn’t really work either.

Andrea Nordling 48:21
Now, about marketing and selling programs on the internet, nothing passive about it, everything that you like, every hour of your week that you’re not spending actually coaching your clients, you are spending, marketing and selling and troubleshooting that so it’s just a it’s just a different business model, but for sure, not passive as we know. Yeah,

Speaker 1 48:42
yeah, very good way to put that. So like, and so now, now, where it’s at right now is just really just simplified. It’s just, you know, virtual one on one consultations with you no room to grow in the future. Totally.

Andrea Nordling 48:59
I love that I love the flexibility of the kind of business just the perfect storm of the kind of business that we have. And the time in history that we’re at right now. It’s just possible, like so many things are possible. And I find that very exciting. If there’s certain aspects of the technology that are terrifying to me, that’s a different podcast, but right now let’s just be excited about it. And like we have a lot of people a lot of opportunity. We kind of we also have the coolest jobs ever we get to help people change their lives. How fun is that?

Speaker 1 49:31
It’s amazing. myself every day that I can do this full time and you know, sustainable living and it’s it’s like it’s literally like a dream come true. So it’s it’s amazing. It is

Andrea Nordling 49:44
I mean, you can always go sell beer. Oh. So many options if ever need to exercise them. I love it. All right. What would you tell someone that is just starting out in their business? Just to kind of wrap up like what, what words of wisdom would you impart that you wish you knew, in 2019, when you were starting out,

Speaker 1 50:07
I think, I think one right off the bat, invest in coaching, I absolutely think that’s a really important, because that’s not really taught in our programs, in just having that direction. And that support is everything. So investing in some kind of coach program, absolutely. Also, taking that time to do one on ones, and get really comfortable with that, and you know, your solid processes down, just take time to build your practice, and layers, don’t feel like you need to be, you know, keeping up with the Joneses. And, you know, like, you need to be already, you know, letter M, when you’re like, a, you know, it’s like, you know, take your time, you know, go at your comfort level and don’t necessarily compare yourself to, you know, some of those heavy hitters, really successful people, because they’ve had time with their journey, too.

Andrea Nordling 51:07
Yeah, it did never happens overnight, that’s for sure. I think that that’s so good. I also love the building your business in layers, that’s, that’s just like really resonated. And I immediately thought of your clients and my clients and everyone’s clients that are building like their health. And it’s always in layers. And if you are really, I’m not saying you in particular, but like anyone listening, if you are really in a rush, you will attract people that are really in a rush, if you will consistently have clients that are like, but it’s not going fast enough. It’s like what I need to be further along. I should and that’s just a reflection of your thoughts, too. So always the awareness, I love it.

Speaker 1 51:44
Yes. And then other than that, I think, getting clear, and being really honest with yourself about what you’re willing, realistically to do for marketing, if that’s social media, if that’s, you know, going and meeting people in person, like, what do you actually enjoy doing, and then, you know, going that route, because I never, I never enjoyed the social media stuff. And I really was on that for a long time, like, you know, trying to make that work. And I much prefer like meeting people in person and going to events and, and all that type of stuff. And I know the pandemic was a little bit of a swing on that. But now, yeah, just kind of get clear about what you’re actually really willing to do.

Andrea Nordling 52:26
Yeah, yeah, I think there’s just so much opportunity in our everyday life, to let people know what we do. And then they can go spread the word, I was thinking of that. Actually, I was gonna circle back to it earlier, when you said that you found out about me by posting in a social media group, and people told you about me, I’m not on social media that does not getting talked about on social media, for better or for worse, so long as I’m staying in my lane and making sure my clients are getting really good results, and that I feel great. And in integrity with what I’m teaching and how I’m showing up, other people will still be talking about it. And the same is true for all of our businesses there are like, we just need to make sure people know what we’re doing, and how to find this. And they will go talk, but they just probably don’t know, if you’re not getting a lot of referrals with people probably just don’t know what you do. Yes. Can Be Easy. Let’s let it be easy. Let’s build our business in layers and let it be easy.

Speaker 1 53:19
That’s my take away. That’s one phrase that you’ve said that actually pops in my head all the time. What if it was easy? What would it be like if it was easier? That look?

Andrea Nordling 53:35
So helpful. Okay, so how do people find you online? Where, where? Where do we send them? Who are your ideal clients? Because I mean, we’re all about the referrals over here. So who would should people send to you? And where do they where do they go? Yeah, you

Speaker 1 53:49
can find me at sound body nutrition.com. And I’m really focused on women’s health in general, like I said, mostly digestive gut health and hormone balancing, and that in that realm, but yeah, I work with anybody who’s, you know, basically, above 18. And and below 80. For the most part. That’s kind of it’s a it’s a huge area of women. But, you know, we need that kind of support all throughout life. Yeah, yeah.

Andrea Nordling 54:26
And we all know people in that demographic. So yes, all the referrals, okay, this was so useful, especially just talking about, like, what it really looks like underneath the hood as you’re growing your business. And I really appreciate you kind of bringing us on the journey of this is decisions you have made and the decisions you’re making now and the ones that you’re thinking about coming up in the future and kind of how you’re approaching that. I just think like really being honest about okay, here’s what’s coming up for me, here’s what I need to be thinking about next. Those are good conversations. So thank you

Unknown Speaker 54:57
for having me.

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