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December 5th - 11th


Enrollment for The Profitable Nutritionist Program closes TONIGHT

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167. Price Increases + TPN Program Upgrades

Cha-cha-cha-changes 🎶

(Sing it with me….)

In this episode of The Profitable Nutritionist® Podcast, I’m talking you through some recent changes and exciting updates to the TPN Program

So you can use these powerful decision making frameworks for your business, too.

Thinking you need to increase your prices, for example?

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • What the 90 Day Quickstart is and how to know if you need it
  • Why we replaced lifetime program access with a focused 12-month annual membership
  • Exactly what to analyze on your to-do list if your business growth is stalled
  • What’s coming in 2025 (industry-wide and here at TPN) that you should be aware of

Don’t delay on pushing play.

This episode is going to help you plan for any price increases you might be considering as well as get an idea on what to expect in the market in 2025.

Let’s GO.


Links Mentioned:


Andrea Nordling
Hello my friend. Welcome back to the Profitable Nutritionist Podcast. It has been a minute since I’ve recorded an episode like this for you and it is long overdue because we have had some big upgrades inside the Profitable Nutritionist program that you need to know about. So if you are a current student in the program already, you probably already know about what we have cooking going on in there and what is new. But the why, the quote unquote why and the strategy behind it might be of interest to you. So go ahead and keep listening to this episode. Now, if you are not a current student in tpn, you’ve got to change that right now. I couldn’t be more emphatic about it.

Andrea Nordling
You gotta get into the program because as this episode is being released, you have, if you’re listening in real time, you have a tiny sliver of opportunity to get yourself enrolled in the program at the most insane low monthly rate that you will ever see. Because we are currently offering a December only 12 month payment plan open only until midnight on December 11th. So go to the profitable nutritionist.comjoin to snag that special payment plan so you can not only get the most flexible payment terms that we’ll be offering for the next year at any point, but you will also score your spot in January’s epic 3K plus in 30 Days challenge that only happens inside the program. And I say 3k plus because this is a revenue challenge where you set your goal how much money you want to make in 30 days.

Andrea Nordling
For some people that’s 3k, others it is 30k. You decide. But my suggestion is to make the goal at least your investment in the TPN program so that you can make that investment back in your first month and give yourself some breathing room right away in 2025 to make it your most profitable year in business by a landslide. Now for the rest of this episode, I’m going to explain exactly how you create that result inside the program over the next 12 months. But remember, all of the program details, including that special 12 month payment plan link that you can only get if you are listening to this before December 11th at midnight central time are always published at theprofitablenutritionist.com join on the join page.

Andrea Nordling
Now if you’re listening to this episode in the future, after enrollment has closed in December, no big deal, go to that same page theprofitablenutritionist.com join and you will always get the dates of the next enrollment period published on that page so you know when you can next join and you can get yourself on the waitlist so that you don’t miss that next enrollment opportunity. Okay, so big updates have happened in TPN over the last few months and some more big updates are coming in early 2025 which has prompted this episode. Now, I specifically wanted to bring you behind the scenes on some of these changes so you can understand the thought process and the strategy behind them, lest you are facing similar decisions in your business or will be at some point soon.

Andrea Nordling
So the first two changes that you may notice are regarding the length of access and the program investment. So let’s talk about those two things first. Now for context, the profitable nutritionist program first debuted as a program called you’d next 1k in early 2021 and as a huge upgrade. That program was to the membership program that I was running previous to that from 2019 until 2021. I gotta get my dates right here. And that program was called the Profitable Practice Inner Circle. So the Profitable Practice Inner circle started in 2019, turn got major overhaul and upgraded and turned into your next one K in early 2021. And then as we trademarked the Profitable Nutritionist, your next one K became the Profitable Nutritionist. Same curriculum, new branding, same program. Okay, so that’s the timeline. Depending on how much of an OG you are.

Andrea Nordling
Maybe one or both of those names are ringing a bell with you, I don’t know. But the reason I wanted to give you that timeline is to remind you that the current TPN program offer and all the components and the huge level of support that I’m about to talk through did not happen overnight. The first version of this program in 2019 was very simple. It was a 12 month annual membership and it was very successful. So successful in fact that it grew into what became your next 1k in early 2021 and changed from annual membership to a $3,000 one time investment for lifetime access to the program. Now, although I got coached many times to increase the price over the last three to four years, I have not done it. And my reason for that, right or wrong, was this.

Andrea Nordling
I wanted to massively over deliver for my clients in the program. What was first year, next 1k and then now the profitable nutritionist program as we know it today. I knew that at $3,000 for lifetime access to the process that I teach in the program as well as the high touch support components that we offer, it was such an over deliver that it blew away any other holistic business program offered in the industry. And I loved my reasons for that. So even though literally everyone was telling me that I had to raise the price, I didn’t do it.

Andrea Nordling
And for some context here, I have been advised by three separate, totally unrelated, separate coaches and business consultants in the last year to at least triple the price of the program to $12,000 or more, or to change the delivery of the program and make it a three month access for the current investment of $3,000 because it is so robust and because the return on investment that students get in the program definitely supports at least. And so I took this coaching and I took those perspectives. And by the way, these are from people with way more experience than me, whose expertise I value greatly. These are not just randoms. These are people I paid a lot of money to get this type of advice and coaching from. And I took it and I sat with it. And I recommend that you do the same.

Andrea Nordling
I don’t make any big decisions in my business rashly. I want to make them from a place of analyzing data, not from feelings and emotions. That is something that I teach in the TPN program and in the Mastermind and on this podcast and anywhere else that you hear from me. I’m going to always remind you to look at data and not feelings to make big decisions in your business. So I took my own advice. You’d be happy to know that I actually do that. I sat with it for six months and during that time, my team and I went hunting for data from our students in the TPN program that we had not been previously collecting.

Andrea Nordling
And I wanted to know specifically how much money they made after applying the repeatable revenue process that they learned in the program and how fast did they do it. I also wanted to know much more specifically where they were getting stuck in the process, if at all, so we could really get to work on improving the TPN program offer and reimagining the next upgraded version of it. So step one is get some data. And let me tell you, this was not a fast process. Getting data collection points and sending surveys and analyzing a whole bunch of metrics and responses and making sense of them is not my forte. I cannot overstate this. I hate it so much. I hate details like this. I hate it. I am a big picture visionary kind of gal. Big picture. Okay.

Andrea Nordling
I do not want to get into the nitty gritty details. I don’t want to look at survey results. I don’t want to look at spreadsheets. Lord, get me out. Ew. Ew. Ew. But that’s what this took okay. Sometimes we gotta pull up the big girl panties. We gotta do the things we don’t want to do. This was one of those times. So we did it anyway. And here’s a lesson for you too. Surround yourself with other people who have strengths in areas that you don’t have. My right hand woman over here at team TPN is Raven. She’s our director of operations and she is a detail person. I have to have detail people in my life. My husband is also a detail person so that they can help me where I am weak. This is an area where I am weak.

Andrea Nordling
I don’t like attending to the details, the minutia. I wish you could just see my face right now. I hate it so much. So Greg, my husband and Raven, as the director of operations here at tpn, are strong in this area and their job descriptions. In life, as far as I can see, it is to be a cleanup crew following behind me while I leave big messes. They’re constantly cleaning up and organizing the catastrophes that I make. Okay, maybe not. But actually, maybe I say that in the most appreciative way because I need those people in my life. And maybe you do too. Or maybe it’s the other way around for you. Maybe you are the detail person and you need the visionary, big picture person in your life. Just, you know, kind of an aside. Got to fill in the gaps here.

Andrea Nordling
You don’t want to have a clone of you in your business. That’s not going to be helpful. Okay, so to make a long story short here, after many months of collecting and analyzing data that we previously were not collecting. So this was a big upgrade, systems and processes wise, just to be clear. Yay for that upgrading things. Because now we are continuously collecting that data. By the way, after getting it and after looking at it, I made two big conclusions. It was very clear. Lifetime access to the program was actually not in the best interest of the students in the program. And I’m going to tell you why in a second.

Andrea Nordling
And I wanted to also upgrade the program with more one one support and accountability, especially in the first three stages of the process, which is where the highest number of people tended to get stuck or stalled for too long. Again, yay for data driven decisions. We can see from the data that we have been analyzing here behind the scenes at TPN that money loves speed. This is a quote that I’ve heard many times before from many different people, but it couldn’t be more true. And it’s the data we’re looking at just really substantiates this. Money loves speed. When we can support you to get going as fast as possible and see results in your bank account quickly, you continue that momentum and you make a lot more money over the long term. So that’s what I mean by money love speed.

Andrea Nordling
That support and the coaching that I had received months earlier about shortening the program to three months access, because having lifetime access actually demotivated many people from taking action quickly. That really sank in when I was looking at the data because they weren’t getting momentum right away, which is really interesting. Okay, it totally was supported with data that we could see on our end that the lifetime access wasn’t actually helpful because the most successful students at TPN got in, they got results within their first 30 days. Boom. So the job of the program is to support that, to get in and get results in the first 30 days.

Andrea Nordling
And then over the course of the first year in the program, those most successful students we could clearly see from the numbers were cruising through each stage and they were investing in more advanced trainings from us like the Mastermind or like our Advanced Digital Marketing Funnel Mini Mind or Deep Dive In Person retreats, which I offer a few times a year. And those are only offered to students in tpn. That’s another reason to get into the program. By the way. There’s a lot of stuff that you can choose to participate in that you don’t even hear about on this podcast. So anyway, that really solidified the decision to change the lifetime access from lifetime to a 12 month access with an option to pay for continued access for a low monthly fee after those initial 12 months, the money back guarantee remains the same.

Andrea Nordling
You make your investment in the program back within those first 12 months or we give your money back. Pretty simple. And on top of that, when you opt into something like the Digital Marketing Funnel Mini Mind that we do, or the Mastermind, you get continued access to TPN for free. So your continued access is part of kind of a complimentary access with those other more advanced offers. So that’s the strategy and the why behind the change from lifetime access, which the program has been up until this point to the 12 months access, which is what you get when you invest in the program.

Andrea Nordling
Now, it is way more conducive to higher student success for us to incentivize getting in and immersing in the process and taking advantage of all of the support in the program right away instead of, I’ll get to it in a month or two when things slow down a bit, which doesn’t really happen. But that is kind of the mentality. When you have lifetime access, there isn’t as much urgency to get in and to maximize the resources, which is a problem because then when life does happen go, it stretches on, it goes too far.

Andrea Nordling
People don’t actually come in and they don’t take advantage of all of the support and all of the assets they have in the program because the urgency wasn’t there initially and they didn’t have that momentum right away and they didn’t have the immediate gratification of seeing, oh my gosh, my business bank account has money in it, has more money in it and more money in it, which is what we definitely want. So by the way, when life does happen in your 12 months of access to the program, it is no big deal. You can pay a low monthly fee for continued access in the program after those initial 12 months. We certainly don’t kick you out at the one year mark when you’re in the zone and your practice is booming. It’s more profitable than ever. Where we’re not like, well, bye, see ya.

Andrea Nordling
No, of course not. But by that point the data has shown us you are probably building out your digital marketing funnel with ads in either the Mastermind or the marketing mini mind where we teach you how to do that or you are upgrading to one of those programs and then you’re going to get the continued access in TPN anyway. So for most people, the 12 months versus lifetime access isn’t going to be a huge change for the long term. It’s really going to be a change in the mentality of getting in and getting started right away and then you get that momentum because money loves speed and you have more success over the long term.

Andrea Nordling
So as you can imagine, while we are sorting through this data and making these decisions and marinating in what does the next version of the TPN program look like? This is about six months ago when that decision was made and we decided, okay, lifetime access is not actually conducive to the best results for the program. We are going to change that to 12 months access. We really had to then get to work redesigning the TPN member portal and the infrastructure of how the entire program is delivered. So we could better facilitate faster activation of new students in their first 30 to 90 days. There’s a lot that we needed to add to that and the systems and processes to support it on the back end.

Andrea Nordling
Yeah, so we had more decisions to make you make one decision and it’s like the domino that knocks over a whole bunch more decisions that need to be made. So we asked ourselves, how can we do this? How can we best do this in the program? So to answer that question, we debuted a beta program last fall called the 90 day quick start. And this is a high touch and high accountability sub program basically inside of tpn. And it is just for brand new students in the beginning stages of their business. So we do have students coming into the program that have a well established business, but they want more clients, they want more consistency, they want more systems and processes, they want better time management and they just want to upgrade their business to be more consistent and profitable.

Andrea Nordling
You’re more than welcome, but the 90 day quick start would not be for you. Now, if you come into the program and you are brand new, starting from scratch, you have a whole to do list of things you think you need to do to grow your business and you’re overwhelmed with where to start, then the 90 day quick start is for you. Because in the Quick Start we have dedicated small group coaching sessions and breakout sessions and implementation sessions with our coaching staff and with me going through week by week the setup of your business all the way to making your first $10,000. And we do that in the first 90 days. So the beta version of the 90 day quick start has been a huge success. Like I said, we just debuted that this fall.

Andrea Nordling
So we are definitely seeing that is something we’re going to be incorporating into the 12 month program. Along with having more support coaches and even more one one access to coaches, we have some new stuff coming out to facilitate that. We have an all new curriculum coming out in early 2025 and a brand new infrastructure and member portal to bring all of these components together. So some of those things are already available in the program and we have beta tested them. The rest is continuing to roll out over the next few months. We have been busy behind the scenes over here upgrading the student experience even more. And the reason we do that, and the reason I hope that you do the same in your business is to ensure the success of every single person that joins the profitable nutritionist program.

Andrea Nordling
That is the goal. Okay. Ensure success. Now with those upgrades over the last few years and all of the added support and personnel that we’re bringing on to further enhance the experience, program investment did have to increase slightly as you can imagine. Now I love that the TPN program is such a massive over deliver. I do so although I have been advised to at least triple the price of the program because it is so robust and the return on investment is so high. And honestly maybe that’s something that we will do in the future, who knows. But right now we’ve just made a very moderate price increase of about 500.

Andrea Nordling
And to make it even easier to get started, we are offering the juicy 12 month payment plan which is available right now instead of the usual three month payment plan when you get started in December. So if you’re listening to this in real time, you get yourself over to the profitablenutritionist.com join and grab that payment plan. Okay, so at this point you might be new word. What exactly does the program entail? What’s included? So let’s get into the specifics there. I cannot assume that you know all of the things that await you inside the program. So let’s get into it. The TPN program is a proprietary system for growing a six figure holistic nutrition or health coaching practice through organic marketing and referral. Referrals. Even if you’re starting from scratch. Okay.

Andrea Nordling
When you join tpn, you get access to a completely different business process than you’ve ever heard of before. Because this one does not just focus on your results in your business. No, no. We do this different. In the TPN program we are all about helping you make a full time dream income from your wellness business while ensuring that your clients get the massively transformational results that they came for. Period. Okay. You do not want a business that feels icky because people aren’t getting results. I don’t want a business that feels like that. You don’t want a business that feels like that. So we just make sure that doesn’t happen. We ensure that your people get great results and that you over deliver to them.

Andrea Nordling
And I teach you how to do that step by step inside the program, which is what sets this system and this way of building your business far apart from anything else that is offered in our industry. And I practice what I preach. I ensure that you get great results in your business using some very specific coaching tools that you can’t find anywhere else by the way. And then I teach you how to use those same tools with your clients as part of your signature process as well. It is very meta. This is some inception Russian doll stuff that we do here, which you’re going to love because it’s actually very simple.

Andrea Nordling
A great example of this is my client Natalie who applied these exact tools in less than two days just by watching the first Few videos inside the modules in the program and she made $7,000 in her first two days in the program. She has since made well over half a million dollars in counting since then. You can listen to some previous podcasts where she shares exactly what that has been like. But all that to say, this is not complicated. Okay, we have a very tried and true process. It’s called the repeatable revenue process. And here’s how it’s broken down. It is delivered.

Andrea Nordling
The process is delivered with video lessons and a companion workbook that you literally follow along with and you build out your offer, your pricing, your marketing and sales strategy, your client delivery process, exactly what you are going to be bringing your clients through, making sure that they get results. You go through the videos and you build all of this out in the companion workbook. As you watch the video step by step, no stone left unturned, no wondering, what do I need to do next? Oh my gosh, what should I be doing? No, no. Everything is broken down into step by step stages so you know exactly what order to do things in. You’re never second guessing yourself.

Andrea Nordling
The key, in my opinion, to a sustainable business for the long term is setting a really strong foundation and building on top of that with what’s already working, not reinventing the wheel every six months, burning everything down and starting from scratch. Believe me, I have done that. And it is a fast way to be frustrated and not profitable as your business could be. So to do this, you watch the step by step video trainings and you complete the workbook as you go through the videos. When I say this program is simple to follow and implement, I am not kidding. You get the workbook in fillable digital form so you can start working through that as soon as you join the first module today.

Andrea Nordling
And then you can order a hard copy of the deluxe workbook that is shipped right to your door anywhere in the world for a small fee. If you are a paper and pen kind of person like me and you want to work on your business outside or away from your office somewhere else, we’ve got you. You can have the printed hard copy version of the workbook. Okay. Like I said, you just open up the workbook. It walks you through the entire repeatable revenue process, including how you teach these proprietary tools to your clients. Remember, this is a business program for holistic nutritionists, created by a holistic nutritionist that knows what your clients need, everything you learned in the program. I teach you how to apply to your client process too, so they get better results and they send more referrals your way.

Andrea Nordling
You are not getting this anywhere else. So let’s dig into the repeatable revenue process stage by stage. Stage one is where you make all of the big decisions that sets your business up for success to six figures and well beyond. In stage one, you will decide on your niche or not having a niche. We make that decision very quickly and then we move on. You decide on your Easy yes offer that your clients can’t resist by following what we call the Easy yes offer formula. If you don’t know what to include in your offer right now, if you don’t know what to charge, if you don’t know what you should be offering, how long it should be, oh, don’t you worry. We have a formula for deciding that. We walk you through it step by step.

Andrea Nordling
Right away, when you join the program, you will also decide in stage one what your pricing and your sales strategy is. Following the formula that you learn, you will decide how to deliver big results to your clients, which means auditing your client process. If you have an existing business following what I call the Necessities framework, okay, we get really down and dirty on what do you need to be doing with your clients to ensure that they get the big results that they came for and you feel super confident about the process that you’re bringing them through. Yes, we tackle that right away in the program. And lastly, in stage one, you decide your work hours and you learn how to properly implement time boundaries, my friend.

Andrea Nordling
You will be amazing at managing your time after completing stage one, especially because you’re going to be taking a lot off of your to do list. Now, if you’re brand new in your business, this is going to save you years of trial and error. It is why you see students in the program signing their first clients in big clumps of 2, 3, 4 at a time, all at once, because they are following this process. And the other side of the coin is if your business isn’t brand new, but right now it is a hot mess, the money isn’t coming in consistently, then rest assured, going through this stage as an audit of how you can clean up some of these processes in your business is going to also be cold for you.

Andrea Nordling
So you might think at any point during this podcast episode that the time isn’t right. Right now you can’t get started because you don’t have enough time. Like it’s going to better in a few months and right now is super busy. It’s not ideal. You’re finishing up a certification program Right now, you’re finishing up something else. Holidays are busy. Whatever it is, just know that thinking is a big mistake that’s going to hold you back because your time is not what brings success as a business owner. You don’t get paid by the hour as a business owner. That is employee hourly rate type of thinking. And it carries over from other areas of our life. But in this program, we changed that.

Andrea Nordling
And you learn how to strategize and operate as a business owner, which means that you are going to ruthlessly eliminate most items from your to do list and you are going to focus on just a few key tasks each week that actually make you money. And I teach you exactly how to do this in the stage one module. But in case you don’t know this already, I followed this exact same process to grow my business to over half a million dollars a year while traveling with my family full time and living most in an rv. And I remind you of that. And I say that because if you’ve hung out in an RV for any length of time, you know that it is not real appealing to sit in there all day on a laptop. And I certainly wasn’t doing that either.

Andrea Nordling
So hear me when I say that following this process, you are going to take a lot of things off of your to do list and you are going to save so much time, which is exactly why you need this process even more. If you’re really busy right now. My client, Lindsay, said it best. She said, I’ve been doubling down on my time management and have really tried hard to eliminate things that I do not need to be doing. I’ve honed in on my work hours and I feel much more productive and happy while I’m working. So I can shut it off when I’m not working. Yes, yes, yes. This is CEO time management thinking, which Lindsay learned how to do by going through this process.

Andrea Nordling
And if you had asked her a few months ago, she would have told you there was no way she could be working less. She’s just like you. But she put the process to work and now her business is thriving and she’s so much more relaxed when she isn’t working. What would your family think if you could shut off your brain when you weren’t working? Would they just be blown away by that? Yes, yes, yes, they would. And it would be awesome. Okay, so then in stage two, you are going to go sell your irresistible offer that we created in Stage one, and you’re going to make at least a thousand dollars. Now, here you learn how to do that using some battle tested organic marketing methods that do not have anything to do with social media.

Andrea Nordling
They are not going to be irrelevant on any platforms a month from now. Okay? No, no, no nothing. No outdated tactics or hacks or anything like that. Instead, what you’re going to learn in stage two is how to talk to real humans in person and online, by the way, and how to make them an offer that they can’t say no to without sounding like a weirdo. It’s really quite simple. You will be successful with this simple, doable marketing and selling process that you learn in stage two, even if you haven’t felt comfortable selling in the past. Now, the way that you learn selling in this process is going to have your ideal clients reaching out to you, asking how they can get started and how they can pay you, rather than you doing anything salesy or inauthentic whatsoever.

Andrea Nordling
So if you’re already putting yourself out there, but you just haven’t figured out what marketing efforts are actually going to get you, the consistent clients and the revenue that you’re looking for, I want you to pay attention. I have got you. This process gives you the actionable steps on what you can be doing on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to grow your business very sustainably without burning yourself out. That is the important part here. Okay? Your health is a number one priority. We are not going to sacrifice that for the sake of your business. The program is set up for weekly wins. You will feel the momentum immediately, which is great because like I said before, money loves speed. Alright?

Andrea Nordling
In stage three, you will learn how to tweak and repeat what worked in stage two and you build on top of it to do it even better and more efficiently and at a greater scale. And you’re going to make at least $10,000. Now, some really interesting things happen in your brain at this stage. This is where most people self sabotage their business. I will be really honest about that. But after taking hundreds and hundreds of people through this process, we know how to avoid that sabotage in this stage. But candidly, about the 10 to 20 thousand dollars a year range is where most people close their business and they call it quits. But when you are following the repeatable revenue process, there is no danger of that happening to you because we know exactly why it happens and we know how to avoid it.

Andrea Nordling
So just know this. If you’ve made around $20,000 in your business, I would say 10 to 20 ish, and it is a stressful, disorganized mess and it is causing you to question if you can even make it work long term, that is. You need this process, my friend. My client here was stuck for months in Stage three spinning her wheels prior to joining the program. And here’s what she said right after joining and implementing the Stage three strategies. She said, I signed on two clients this month, the most I have in months. I watched the Stage three videos in the TPN process and I’m applying the problem solution and results strategy into my copy for emails and posts, et cetera. And it is working. I’m seeing a surge in discovery calls from my email list. Six calls in the last two weeks.

Andrea Nordling
I’m excited to keep the momentum on. Okay, are you getting this? Yes. Yes you are. When you’ve moved into stage four, that means you’ve made at least $10,000. So you’re getting momentum. You have grown those sales and marketing skills. This is where we start to prepare your business and your offer to scale using this amazing little tool called the Internet. Don’t know if you’ve heard about it’s kind of glorious. And you don’t have to figure out how to do any of this on your own by the way, by buying other programs or other courses or investing in other resources to learn marketing funnels or any of that. It is all laid out for you in order in video form in Stage four and you only need to follow along filling in your workbook as you go.

Andrea Nordling
Oh, how I wish I had videos in a workbook when I was buying all of the courses and trying to piece together myself everything and figure out when to create a digital offer, how do I launch it, how and when do I increase my prices? All of those decisions. Oh my gosh. It was very taxing and I didn’t do a great job of figuring it out. By the way, it took me three years to make 100k in my practice, which I could have done within one year had I been following this process. But you don’t need to figure any of that out yourself by the way. You have the proven repeatable revenue process to follow that is super specific to the holistic health and wellness business type that you have. This is not blanket Internet marketing stuff, okay?

Andrea Nordling
This is very targeted and very specific just for our type of business. Now after working through Stage four, you are happily hanging out in Stage five, which is six figures, my friend. Now the best part of this is you will not have spent three plus years of trial and error getting there like I had to. After applying this process. Instead, you will be able to make decisions without second guessing them or getting stuck. You’re going to be able to confidently sell your offer to your dream clients without feeling salesy or icky having any of those conversations. You are going to grow your business sustainably without burning yourself out, which I have done twice and I don’t recommend. And you are not going to sacrifice your own health along the way.

Andrea Nordling
You are then going to pour gasoline on the fire so fun with fancy online marketing strategies. Later, after you’ve tested out all of your processes, you know they’re working and you have the strong foundation and profits in your business already. Okay? So you’re going to get full access to the full four stage repeatable revenue process and the companion workbook when you join the TPN program. And that is going to teach you step by step how to implement everything that we talked about so far are but the cool thing is you are going to also save a whole lot of money on things that you now don’t have to invest in. You don’t have to invest in more marketing courses and programs. It’s all included for you inside tpn.

Andrea Nordling
You don’t have to invest in other workshops or other deep dive programs or conferences to get CEUs. We are accredited for 30 continuing education credits through NAMP, 10 through the nutritional Therapy association and we will submit to your organization as well. If you have a different organization that you need continuing education credits with, you are not going to have to invest in a one one business coach. More about that in a second. You are not going to lose money profit sharing with a chiropractor or other specialist, which is what a lot of health and wellness professionals think that they need to do to get started in their business. They think they’re going to need to give a lot of their profits away in the beginning by having an arrangement for profit sharing with some sort of other practitioner that’s going to give them leads.

Andrea Nordling
You are not going to have to do that. You are also not going to lose money on advanced certifications. In fact, those are going to be free for you in the future. Now a note on this. I love me some advanced certifications. I want to know all of the lab testing. I want to know all of the ways that we can serve your clients. However, I want your business to pay for those. Okay? So I want you to make a lot of money in your company so that when you want to take those advanced certifications, your company is footing the bill and it is not coming out of your Pocket. Bottom line with the profitable nutritionist program is it should never cost you money. It should always be free for you.

Andrea Nordling
Because not only are you making way more money, but you’re also saving on so many other investments that you no longer have to make for your business. And I just a little note on that, by the way, your success is guaranteed. I know I’ve said this, but I want to reiterate. You make your investment back for what you pay to be in the program or we send it back to you, plain and simple. And I’m going touch on that more in a second. But I want to be very clear first about who this process works for. First of all, the repeatable revenue process is perfect for holistic nutritionists and health coaches who want to get their first clients. It is also perfect for any health and wellness service provider who wants to make more money working with less clients by creating a premium offer.

Andrea Nordling
So we have chiropractors, EFT specialists, we have sleep coaches, acupuncturists, naturopaths, herbalists, physical therapists, body workers, Pilates instructors, you name it. If you’re a health and wellness service provider and you sell products or services directly to clients, this process will work for you. Okay? This process also works great for any holistic health practitioner that wants to consistently fill their one one spots. Now that is, whether you’re just starting out or you already have an established practice, this process is going to help you grow your demand and consistently fill up your client roster. Like my client Dana who said after joining the program, I just booked my third client in the last month which I am so excited about after a long dry spell of no new clients for almost six months. So if you’re in a dry spell, you can turn that around fast.

Andrea Nordling
Just like Dana did. By the way, this process, the repeatable revenue process that you learn in the TPM program, is also great for any health and wellness professional that wants to transition from one one client clients into groups or digital programs and scale that way. There is a right way and a wrong way. I’ve done the wrong way and I will teach you the right way to introduce those lower priced offers into your business without crashing and burning you. Learn how to do that in stage four. So the first thing you’re going to get when you join the TPN program today is the step by step repeatable revenue process modules valued at 39 96. Everything you need to grow your business to over six figures in annual revenue, by the way, is included in the repeatable Revenue process modules.

Andrea Nordling
So $3900 is a very conservative. But in addition to the full four stage process, you also get some other cool things. First of all, you get a community of experts at your fingertips. Now to be able to answer your questions in real time, we have created a really juicy community space called the Lounge. This is where you can ask for help on any part of the repeatable revenue process that you’re stuck on. This is where you can get your marketing reviewed. It’s where you can share resources, it’s where you can give and get client referrals with your colleagues. All of that happens 247 inside the lounge.

Andrea Nordling
And the reason I called it the Lounge is because I wanted the space to be like the best part of any business conference or live event, which is the after hours networking and the business collabs that happen in the hotel lounge. Let’s be honest, you know, where you just grab a cup of coffee, glass of wine, whatever suits you, and you sit down on the big couches and you just jam on business strategy with your peers. That is what the Lounge is. In virtual style. The Lounge is full of collaborations and you can request help from me and the TPN coaching team inside the Lounge as well. Well, like Robert who asked how others have successfully used the Knack or other nutrition assessments as a lead magnet so he could get strategies from that from others who have already successfully done it.

Andrea Nordling
Or Stephanie who was getting a whole list of do’s and don’ts of running a booth at a wellness fair from others that successfully got clients from their booths and told her exactly what to display and how to do it. Or Lindsay sharing how she was able to advertise her nutrition services at a local marathon wellness expo, which was super cool, which she never thought of doing before but was actually an amazing opportunity. Those are just a few of the first posts that I screenshotted when I popped in there to give you some examples of the conversation going on in the lounge. Bottom line is this. You want to be surrounded by successful people and you want to learn from them. Get out of the free Facebook groups where everyone is complaining about how hard their business is. That is a guaranteed ticket to nowhere.

Andrea Nordling
We don’t do that. Okay? We don’t do that here in the Lounge. And I certainly hope that you are not spending your time in garbage Facebook groups that aren’t helping you make more money in your business either. My client Sadie posted in the Lounge after getting some mindset coaching on her pricing that she also applied to mindset coaching for her clients. By the way, she said this. I want to thank you for gems like this. I’m a huge believer and fan of coaching, but I did not think that I would get much from it in this format because I’ve never experienced it the way that you do it now. I think it’s the most valuable part of this program. I appreciate your replies and powerful questions.

Andrea Nordling
The way you’re doing it here is such a teach a man to fish approach and it’s really giving me great long term tools to use when I bump into similar problems. Problems. Yes, yes, exactly. Thank you Sadie. I want you to steal all of my best stuff. Remember everything you learned in the program. We also show you how to use for coaching your clients so they get better results and they rave about you and send endless referrals your way. So to recap, when you join the TPN program this month, right now you get immediate access to the step by step repeatable revenue process modules and you get access to the lounge. I want you to answer this question.

Andrea Nordling
How much is it worth to have a community that’s not on Facebook, by the way, where you can get coaching and strategy when you need it and you’re surrounded by successful colleagues to refer business to and to get referrals from? Basically priceless, right? Yes. Yes it is. Total program value here is 59 93. But let’s do some real talk for a second. I could go on and don’t worry, I will about how others like you have very successfully applied this process. But does that mean that you will do it? The answer to that is probably not. I know that’s probably not what you thought I was going to say. But let’s be honest, when it comes to this, I know you better than you know yourself.

Andrea Nordling
Because if we parted ways right now and you left this podcast, turned it off, and you just took everything I’ve ever shared with you in this podcast about setting up your profitable business foundations, about selling and serving your clients at a higher level, about not wasting your time on 80% of what you’re currently doing in your business and instead focusing on your clients, getting way better results and all of the other tips and strategies you’ve gotten here. Would you do it if we left right now, you never heard from me again, Would you go do all of those things? Probably not, because knowing the information isn’t enough. Now if it was, your clients could read a book on health or nutrition, or they could ask a question in ChatGPT and get some information and just be instantly transformed. Doesn’t work that way though, right?

Andrea Nordling
No, of course not. The key to really making progress and seeing the big results is implementing the information. It’s not having the information, it’s implementing the information. The invitation, I was going to say, but I suppose that applies too, right? Having a guide that has gone before you and can help you to anticipate the hurdles that are coming up, the roadblocks up ahead shows you how to get around them. That is the best way to guarantee implementing the information. It’s not just about having the information. I know that you know this, but we have to really drill that down. So this year I opened up my calendar for the first time ever to be a guide, anticipating some of those hurdles for a few one one clients which I offered for $36,000 and it requires a 12 month commitment.

Andrea Nordling
And honestly, I would love to make you an offer today for one of those one one spots on this episode, but they’re all filled up. You actually can’t pay me $36,000 for one one coaching right now anyway. But the good news is that this you don’t have to have a one one business coach. You don’t have to hire me or anyone else because you have live coaching with me and our team of expert coaches inside the TPN program every single week. Now here’s how coaching works in TPN. Every Monday at 1pm Central Time we do a live group coaching session where you can come on live to a zoom webinar room with your camera off and you can choose to raise your hand for coaching where I will bring you on the screen and we coach on whatever it is that you need.

Andrea Nordling
Or you can keep your camera off and apply the coaching questions that other people ask to yourself independently. It is totally up to you. And on the live weekly coaching sessions you can do a few different things. You can ask strategy questions on anything you’re feeling unsure about or stuck with something you need another set of eyes on or get some feedback on. You can get feedback on your marketing, on your sales, or on your client processes. We love to talk about all of those things. You can also connect with colleagues in the chat for referrals and other collaborations. There’s a lot of that going on every single week on the live calls.

Andrea Nordling
And perhaps most importantly, you will learn the art of how to run successful group coaching calls for your business sometimes day by participating in these really high level coaching calls that our group calls. So again the calls are Mondays at 1pm Central Time and we do additional breakout room calls and workshops at varying times and dates throughout the month as well to accommodate as many time zones as possible. Because we do have students all over the world, this live coaching component is by far the most valuable component of the program. And I know that firsthand because coaching changed my business forever. Investing in professional coaching is one of the things that I can so clearly see in hindsight, completely changed the trajectory of my business like night and day difference.

Andrea Nordling
It’s so clear to me that in November 2020 when I made the biggest investment in coaching and in my business that I had ever made before, which was a $25,000 six month group coaching program, it changed everything in my business. And the reason I wanted to invest in this program is because I wanted professional business coaching chain. It was a huge leap of faith. I did not have an extra $25,000 just sitting in my bank account and no other use for it, believe me. But instead of getting more information, which is what I have been doing up to this point, I wanted help implementing the information quickly without second guessing myself. So when I talk about this in a class that I teach, I show the actual Invoice for the $25,000 balance.

Andrea Nordling
And just seeing that every time I get a little bit emotional because I am so grateful for past me in 2020, that made that leap of faith and that made that investment because coaching changed everything in my business. Before I made that very priceless investment, I did not realize the mindset blocks that were keeping me stuck for years in my holistic nutrition business. But once I got targeted coaching on my exact limiting beliefs about time and money in particular, I was able to change them and move so much faster, even though I was actually working less in my business. Coaching is priceless now. There is so much value in every single coaching call, even if you aren’t the one asking for coaching. Because our problems really aren’t that unique. We think that they are, but they aren’t.

Andrea Nordling
Which is really why coaching is such an incredible tool and an incredible resource. Now, truthfully, you don’t even know what you don’t know until you see someone else ask the question and get coached on it. This is how our brains work. We don’t even know to ask the question until we see someone else ask the question and we start questioning it. Say that five times fast. So for that reason, listening to someone else get coached is oftentimes way more valuable than asking the questions yourself. And I don’t want you to miss out on that Gold. So when you join the TPN program, you also get the fully transcribed searchable coaching replay vault. And inside that vault you have access to every single coaching call that we’ve ever had in the program.

Andrea Nordling
So you get hundreds of hours of laser targeted business coaching on the exact business type that you have, the exact types of questions that you have, and you get that included in the program when you join. And here’s what I want to tell you about the replay vault. It is searchable video. Okay? So that means that you type in your topic of choice into the search bar in the vault and it is going to queue up every past call where we’ve coached on that topic to the exact point in the video where that topic is discussed. This was a very big tech upgrade that we made in the TPN program so that you have searchable video with all of your questions able to be answered at your fingertips, day or night. Boom. So huge. Here’s what Nicole said about the coaching call replay videos.

Andrea Nordling
She said the group coaching has been so helpful. Even though I’ve never shown up yet to a live session, when I have downtime, I tune in and get great coaching on things that I hadn’t even thought of yet. It has enhanced my confidence in myself, my services and my clients. This is exactly what you need to succeed, to believe in yourself and to just take imperfect action. Yes, yes, yes. I love this so much. Bottom line is you will get coached without even getting coached. When you tune into the replays in the replay vault. Are you getting this? All aspects are covered for you. So to recap, when you join the profitable nutritionist program, you are going to get 12 months access to the step by step repeatable revenue process modules. Again conservatively valued at 39.96.

Andrea Nordling
You also get access to the lounge where you then have that community of successful peers to connect with and collaborate with and to get live coaching from me and the profitable nutritionist support coach team. And because I never want you to miss out on getting your questions answered and getting coached as you implement the process. You also get access to coming on live and asking questions on the weekly coaching calls. Okay, every single week we do live coaching calls. So this is very conservatively valued at $36,000 which is the investment to hire me for one one coaching. Although all of my one one coaching spots are currently filled for the next year. So you can’t even do that. The only way to get one one coaching with me is on these weekly calls.

Andrea Nordling
In addition to the Live coaching calls, you get immediate access to the entire coaching replay vault, completely searchable, so you can get all of your questions answered day or night. So the total program value is $42,990. Big number, right? Yes. Yes it is. That’s why so many people have been telling me that I need to increase the price drastically of the program. But I don’t want to increase the price drastically of the program. And I don’t want to charge you $42,990 to join the program.

Andrea Nordling
But if I did charge you $42,990 for the TPN program, and all it did was teach you exactly how to consistently bring in at least four new clients a month into your practice without relying on social media, which you could then repeat every year for the rest of your career and make a very healthy six figure practice from it. And I show you the math of how to do that. Would it be worth it to you? That’s the question, right? If all this program did was helped you to create and sell an irresistible offer for your people that they couldn’t say no to buying from you, regardless of what the economy was doing, would it be worth $42,990 to have that skill to know how to sell any product or service you want from here on out? Yeah, of course. Right.

Andrea Nordling
Now, if all this program did was teach you how to manage your time and your to do list so you were only working the exact hours you wanted be while being twice as productive, would it be worth $42,990 to buy back that time and never be working late on a Sunday night preparing for a client session on Monday ever again? Yes, your family says yes. Yes, it would be worth it. So let me break down some of that conservative math. Okay? Assuming that you never increase your rates over the course of a year and your clients never renew with you after their initial package that they buy, which of course would never happen, but we’re going to be very conservative here. Four clients a month is a maximum of 48 clients per year.

Andrea Nordling
Now, many of those people are going to renew and they’re going to be working with you longer than the initial package that they buy from you. So this math is a little bit skewed. But like I said, we’re going to be very conservative here. Okay? 48 times 2400, which is the low end of what my clients charge on average to their clients in the program. $2,400 times 48 is 115. Now disclaimer here. My lawyer would be sweating bullets if I didn’t make the disclaimer. I am not making any income claims. I’m not guaranteeing income returns for you, although these are real numbers and many program students actually make more than this. But the question is, would you pay $42,990 to know how to make $115,000 a year, at least every year for the rest of your career? Yeah.

Andrea Nordling
Yes, of course you would, because math, not even a question. So I had a few different choices here when deciding how to price the TPN program. And option A is to make it as cheap as possible and try to sell as many as I could, which doesn’t really incentivize me to stack on the value for you. I want you to pay attention to this. It’s very meta considering that. I want you to think about this for your clients as well and for how you price your offer as well. I can’t support my clients at the level I want to if I don’t have resources in my business and neither can you. So I chose option B, which is to make this program more valuable for you.

Andrea Nordling
And that means in exchange for a little higher investment, I can devote more resources to help guarantee your success from this point forward. I know you are getting this, but I just really want this to be super clear for you to see how it also applies to your business. When you’re thinking through your pricing and you’re thinking the amount of value and over delivery that you are promising to your clients, do you have the resources in your business to be able to fulfill on it? I know for all of the things that we have coming up in tpn, we had to raise the price a little bit to be able to pay for those things, to give more support to you to ensure your results. And I know that you’re going to have to do the same for your clients.

Andrea Nordling
So I want you to be thinking about that. Okay, now back to over delivering, because I believe it massively over delivering to my clients, like I hope you do for yours. You are not paying $42,990 for the program, although it would be worth every penny if you were. I believe that to the tips of my toes and I have the data to support it. But instead you are getting access to every single thing I shared with you today for an investment of just 39.96. Now you have some payment plans available to join the program. You have the three payments of 1332, which depending on when you listen to this episode is probably the payment plan option that you have.

Andrea Nordling
If you’re listening after December 11th or you have 12 payments of 333, which is that total investment of 39.96 when you join the program by midnight Central time on December 11th. Okay, you also have a prepay option where you can prepay for your 12 months of access with one payment of 34.97. So depending on when you listen to this, you have two different payment options, three payments or 12 payments to equal the 39.96 or you can prepay in full for the year for 34. And to do that you go to the profitablenutritionist.com join okay, now here’s the deal. Business coaching thousands of holistic professionals by this point has taught me a lot as you can imagine, such as our human brains process information differently from person to person.

Andrea Nordling
So while one person in the program may excel by watching the videos, another by writing by hand in the hard copy of the workbook, some of us me definitely included here are audio processors and we process information audio based. I don’t know. That didn’t really come out right, but I think you know what I mean. So for that reason, as part of the profitable nutritionist offer, when you join the program, you also get the bonus private member podcast. Okay, you get access to a completely different podcast feed than this one that you’re currently listening to that is private for TPN members only. And in this private bonus podcast, which gets updated every single week with the new call replays that we’ve done in the program, you also get exclusive content from me that you can’t get anywhere else.

Andrea Nordling
So when you join the program, you’re going to get a unique link to this podcast feed special just for private members in the TPN program. And you can subscribe to it in Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you listen to podcast right now and sync up immediately to all of the past coaching calls while you drive the new content, while you work out, make dinner, whatever. You can really be cementing in the content in the program and the coaching job anywhere that you are. Okay, I’m a huge podcast lover. You clearly are too, because you’re listening to this podcast. I love the flexibility of being able to learn and to really marinate in a topic that I’m interested in while I do other things in my life. I bet you are the same.

Andrea Nordling
Okay, now let’s switch gears for a minute and get kind of tactical. Something that my clients have asked me about a lot is how I get so much done in such a short amount of time. And the truth is this. I did not always operate my business efficiently at all. I had to go through 15 plus years of being a very disorganized, inefficient business owner to get to the point where I’m at now where I get at least twice as much done in half the time. And I never feel behind, I never feel stressed that tasks are falling through the cracks, which is the most relieving feeling ever by the way.

Andrea Nordling
But you are not going to have to go through 15 plus years of that because I am giving away my entire system, including my exact calendar templates as a free bonus when you join the profitable nutritionist program. Okay, so when you follow this very specialized format that you get for free as a bonus when you join the program called Total Calendar Mastery, you are going to get this very special way of prioritizing and scheduling your essential business tasks that actually make you money, by the way. And you are going to eliminate 80% of your to do list right off the bat. That’s the first thing we do in the Total Calendar Mastery system by using the templates that I’m going to give you, which frees up a huge amount of time that you can then use for the non work priorities in your life.

Andrea Nordling
I know you probably thought I was going to say we’re going to free up a bunch of time so you can work more, but actually we want to life more. So just know that you are going to free up a ton of time when you implement the Total Calendar Mastery bonus which you get for free when you join the program. Here’s what Brianne said about the Total Calendar Mastery system. She said, I want to let you know how thankful I am for your time management training. Something that seems so simple but has drastically impacted my productivity. I feel like I now have a hold on my business instead of feeling like I’m running around in circles. I read that and I was like yes. It is about being organized and intentional, not winging it week after week. I want that for you too.

Andrea Nordling
I also got this amazing LinkedIn comment from the husband of one of my clients who said that the Total Calendar Mastery System has changed their home for the better and that they both have way more energy and time because they both have implemented it. I love that so much. Okay, so here’s the truth. Time management and organization is a skill that you can easily learn even if you right now do not feel like you are A master of time management or very organized. I am going to teach you how to do both of those things in the total Calendar Mastery bonus, which you get for free when you join the TPN program. And guess what? There’s another skill you can easily learn. It’s called selling. Did you know that? Did you know that selling is a skill you can learn?

Andrea Nordling
It isn’t a personality type that you’re just born with. Like, I have blue eyes and I can sell? No, it’s not like that. It is a learnable skill, especially selling on a consult call or discovery call. Now, if you’ve never done this before, you are not going to be good at it in the beginning and that is totally okay because you can easily learn how to be good at it. Full disclosure, I am not the one to teach you how to be good at it because I am not an expert at one one sales calls, nor would I ever claim to be. But I do know someone who is. In fact, this person has closed over a million dollars in sales of her max premium coaching offer on consult calls using a very simple specific sales process.

Andrea Nordling
So about a year ago, when my clients needed help nailing their one one sales call process, I reached out to her and I asked if she could teach her secrets. Lucky for us, she said yes. So I hired her to teach you how. She has made over a million dollars selling her offer on one consulting calls. Now here’s a little insider baseball for you. I paid her $5,000 to teach her exact process for selling her super premium coaching offer with a 70 to 80% close rate on one consults. Okay, I said, teach us this process. She agreed. I paid her. So you may be wondering, was it worth the investment to get those secrets? I’m going to read you some of the comments that came in immediately afterwards and then you be the judge. Here’s what Marcy said.

Andrea Nordling
She said, I finished going through the consult intensive course and I signed the first client I used this method with on a consult. Kaylee said, I signed a new client using the consult process. This is the first time I did it and I was a sweaty mess, but it still worked. I’m so excited to do more and keep building these skills. Same with Dakota. She said, I signed my first client, I have two more getting back to me and I have two consult calls in the next week. Literally all of this is due to tpn. Taking imperfect action has been huge. Giving people easy access to booking a consult with me has been so nice it’s so exciting when a new one pops up. The consult bonus course was fire. Literally would not even have known how to approach a consult.

Andrea Nordling
So that was huge. I’m so grateful for tpn, which is so great to hear. So you are getting this. All right. Selling is a skill. You can learn it in the consult bonus, which is free for you as a bonus when you join the profitable nutritionist program. Yes or yes? Yes. The answer is yes. Now, right now you might be thinking, okay, Andrea, I do want more of my ideal clients booking consults with me. But how do they even do that? Where are these consults coming from? Well, here’s one possible way. They book on your website. Now, when I say website, you might then immediately have the thought, okay, no, I don’t have a website yet, or no, my website is not giving me any discovery calls. Okay, totally fine. Either way, I’ve got you. The truth is this.

Andrea Nordling
You do not need a website to make a lot of money in your wellness business. You really don’t. I have all so many examples of students of mine in the TPN program just like you that make a lot of money without even having one. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to want a website because if it does make things a lot easier, especially when you want strangers from the Internet to start finding their way to your website and paying you, which is the best, by the way. So I created a template and a tutorial on exactly how to whip up a really professional and high converting wellness website in just a few hours. This is called the Website in a Weekend.

Andrea Nordling
It is a free bonus when you go to theprofitablenutritionist.com join right now before December 11th at midnight and you join the TPN program. Okay? So inside this juicy, ultra juicy bonus resource, I give you a very detailed checklist with the exact four to five pages that your wellness website needs to have. I tell you what to put on those pages, I tell you exactly how to lay them out, where to put the buttons, what to say, where so that they actually convert to money for you. Okay? And these build templates will work on any website platform. So you can have your website up and running in a few hours or change around your current website. It will be so effortless for you. We have recently updated this with AI templates.

Andrea Nordling
So we give you the full rundown of exactly what you need on your website, how you need to structure the pages, the why, the strategy behind it, and then we have some really Ninja specific prompts that you can enter into ChatGPT that is going to generate the copy to put on those pages for you literally could not be easier. That is why it’s called Website. In a weekend, you’re going to have this website that is beautiful, that you’re really proud of, but most of all, which actually converts to clients for you up and running in just a few hours. Now, I know, as I say that every time I talk about this, people tell me, oh my gosh, I hate tech stuff. You think it’s going to be a few hours, but I hate technology. It takes me forever. It is my nemesis.

Andrea Nordling
Okay, so what if that is you? What if messing around on your website is a huge waste of time for you and takes way too long? It’s a great question. In that case, you definitely want to just hire someone to do that instead. Now, this goes for all the tech stuff in your business, by the way, especially when your business is growing through stages three and four and you’re working with a lot of clients, you don’t have a lot of free time to be doing the tech stuff anyway. That’s when we really start talking about some of the things that you can outsource to experts surprisingly inexpensively, by the way, especially tech stuff.

Andrea Nordling
So I had a lot of questions about this and as a result, I documented my entire hiring process with my job posting scripts and exactly where I go to find really amazing experts for unbelievably low rates, especially doing tech stuff, by the way. And I put it into a copy paste, training with the swipe files, my exact hiring scripts, like I said. And you get access to all of that in the free bonus, which is called easy outsourcing. Okay? It’s the exact scripts that I use, the exact process that I use to hire experts very inexpensively to do tech stuff in my business. So if the thought of creating your website or figuring out some of the tech tools that you know could be really helpful for automating things in your business, if that has you stressed, it’s not a problem.

Andrea Nordling
You’re going to use the scripts and the resources in this bonus course that you get totally for free when you join the TPM program. And you are going to start outsourcing right away, by the way. Can you see how no stone is left unturned here? You have everything that you need as your business grows. I’m going to teach you how and when to hire experts really inexpensively to take a whole lot of tasks off of your plate. Like I just told You. But one thing we’re not going to take off of your plate is copywriting. You do not want to hire a copywriter. You do not want to outsource your marketing or copywriting because it is extremely expensive. For one thing. To hire someone that’s good really does break the bank and most of the time they’re not good.

Andrea Nordling
So you’re going to pay for someone that gives you really mediocre meh copy that doesn’t work anyway. Like my kids say mid. It’d be really mid whatever you get back. It’s just mid laugh at myself trying to say the words that they say anywhere way Hiring copywriters, huge waste of time for most people. So I do not want you to do that. But don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you hanging when it comes to writing really good marketing copy for your business. Because I think that selling in copy is a really important skill. In fact, I think selling in emails is the best. Selling on consult calls is one tool in your toolbox and you’re going to learn how to do that in the consult intensive course. But what about through written copy, right?

Andrea Nordling
People always want to know my secret for not being on social media and just giving value and just selling to my people through email. Now you may or may not know that about my business, but that is how mine is structured. I have been a student of copywriting since 2016. I’ve devoured every single resource I could get my hands on. I’ve written over a thousand emails to my small but highly engaged email list, which is a lot of email writing by the way. And it’s been worth it because that skill has brought in well over $2 million, actually well over $2 million in the last few years alone. With no consultation calls, no social media posts, no gimmicks, just super strategic email copy.

Andrea Nordling
And I want to teach you how to do that because although it is not a crucial component for making money in your practice and you don’t have to write any compelling sales copy ever if you don’t want to. I have lots of examples of students that are really successful without doing any email marketing or copywriting whatsoever. I do think that you will want to. So I created this comprehensive resource on the do’s and don’ts of writing really great marketing and sales copy so that you can convert your email subscribers into paying clients on autopilot, which is super important. And it is called creating better clients content and copy. That is the name of this. And you get this free bonus which is A very robust resource when you join the profitable nutritionist program. Now, here’s the deal.

Andrea Nordling
Like I said, I had to go through almost seven years of online business courses and books and conferences and podcasts and copywriting practice, trial and error while learning how to grow my online business and getting to the point where I could effectively connect with my people and sell to them through copy. Okay, that was a lot of learning. But you get the condensed version, you get the highlight reel of what actually works, which is an entire process including all of my testimonial generating scripts, all of my survey email copy, detailed how to videos for writing really good sales and marketing copy, how to get good testimonials, and how to repurpose and use those testimonials in your business. All of it is included in this very comprehensive copywriting bonus course.

Andrea Nordling
But let’s be honest, things have changed a lot in the last 12 months with how far ChatGPT and AI has come. So we have now updated this bonus with some all new Super Ninja AI prompts that you can use for all areas of your content and your marketing, email, social media posts, anywhere on your website, wherever you have written copy, you are going to use the AI bonus prompts to generate that copy for you even faster. Now, when I say that we have these super cool chat GPT AI prompts, you probably either cringe or think, meh, I already use that. Like, no, I don’t. I don’t want the robots doing anything in my business. Get away. I totally get that by the way. Or you’re thinking, nah, I already used ChatGPT to write my copy and I already know how to do it.

Andrea Nordling
Now I’m going to challenge you that if you are not getting consistent clients booking with you from your website or from your emails or wherever you are producing this ChatGPT copy, that it is not working for you. Okay, maybe it is. You’re listening to this and you’re like, no, it’s working great, wonderful. But you would definitely be the minority. I see so many health and wellness professionals that are using AI generated copy and they are producing it, they are sending it out, they’re getting it done, but it is not getting them any results. And I know why that is. I also know how to fix it in 60 minutes or less by showing you how to use our very exclusive holistic practitioner marketing content prompt library.

Andrea Nordling
We have put together a very comprehensive library of prompts to use that you are not going to get anywhere else. This is very specific to our type of business Honestly, this is all new. Okay, so I’m going to just tell you in case you have missed some of the recent podcast episodes where I’ve talked about this more. I have a lot of thoughts about AI. They’re not all good ones. Most of them are not good. We don’t need to get into that right now because how I feel about it at the end of the day is kind of irrelevant that it is a topic for another day that we could get into over coffee someday if we meet in person.

Andrea Nordling
But what is important for today’s purposes right now is that you understand how life changing this AI content bonus will be for your business because we’re not getting out of a AI. Okay, my. My thoughts are this. If you can’t get out of it, get into it. And it’s not going anywhere. So we may as well use it to the best of our ability, make it work for us. Which is exactly what I show you how to do in the AI content bonus. Okay. In 60 minutes together, I show you step by step with copy and paste prompts. And if you and I say the word prompt, assuming that you know that’s what you paste into ChatGPT. But if you are a total newbie like I was a few months ago, even very recently, you wouldn’t know what a prompt is.

Andrea Nordling
So just know that it is a copy. It’s a document with prompts, paragraphs, let’s call them paragraphs, that you will copy and paste into ChatGPT that will ask it to do certain things. And those prompts will then prompt the AI robots to spit out some very specific copy for you. And if you’ve never done this before, you could not probably appreciate the fact that sometimes it is really bad copy and it is not usable, meaning it is not going to get you any results. We do not want that for you. So I teach you how to use very specific prompts that are going to give you high quality results. And in those high quality results, we’re going to do some very specific things. We are going to create all of your website sales page copy.

Andrea Nordling
You are going to draft 12 months of valuable emails for your email subscribers. And those emails are going to result in more consults booked in at least four clients a month. That is the goal. I show you exactly how to do that. And we send very specific types of emails, by the way. And the prompts I give you are going to generate those exact emails. And if you are on social media, you are going to generate at least three months of social Media posts that have a call to action that results in your ideal clients getting off of social media and onto your email list so that they get your 12 months of valuable emails. By the way, we’re going to do all of Those things in 60 minutes together. 12 months of emails, sales page done.

Andrea Nordling
Three months of social media posts if you want, in less than an hour. It’s really quite insane how cool this technology is and how much it can help us in our businesses. So instead of you sending 1000 plus trial and error emails like I’ve done to figure out how to market and sell with your copy, you get the exact strips, the exact how to, the swipe files, along with the full AI marketing workshop that’s going to give you our super proprietary just for this industry came out of my brain. So you’re not getting them anywhere else. Prompts for how to use AI to write your marketing and sales copy that actually converts. Again, you are not getting this anywhere else.

Andrea Nordling
This AI prompt content library is easily worth the entire price of the program because it is going to free up hundreds of hours a year. Literally hundreds of hours a year that you are otherwise going to waste on trial and error messaging in your business. Huge sigh of relief. Here’s what Toni said recently after one of these AI workshops. She said, andrea, this AI part has been gold. The fact that it’s free has freaking blown my mind. People would pay big bucks for this stuff. Brilliant, brilliant. I loved that. And yes, people would pay big bucks for it. I certainly could charge big bucks for this resource all on its own. Maybe someday I will. To be honest, I’m not sure.

Andrea Nordling
But I know for sure that you are getting it 100% for free today when you go to the profitablenutritionist.com join and join the program before the enrollment closes on December 11th. Now, I’m aware as I say that many people listening to this episode will listen after that enrollment closes. You will get the best terms and the best bonuses that we are offering at any given point. When you go to that same page. TheProfitableNutritionist.com join and sign up for the waitlist so you can get in at the next enrollment. All right, so let’s land this plane here. Where did these resources come from? There’s a lot of things included in the program that I have told you about so far. Where do they come from?

Andrea Nordling
Well, they came from my students asking questions and requesting help for years and years when I could see that people were stuck somewhere or they were really curious about a certain strategy for why I was doing something in my business. I created a framework or a template and taught it to them. So can you see how you will be doing the same thing for your clients over time as you build out resources for them and you make the processes better and simpler and you develop frameworks and cheat codes for them too? Yes, of course you will. This is years in the making. I just want to really reassure you. Years in the making. You don’t need to go from 0 to 60 to have a program like this and to have success with your clients. I really want you to hear that.

Andrea Nordling
Okay, so a great example of how we have added things over the years is what I talked about earlier, but I haven’t really embellished on and that is the 3K plus in 30 days challenge. We do this live inside the program periodically. It is now one of the most highly anticipated events of the year. So just know that when you join the TPN program here in December, you get to participate in the upcoming challenge live in January. Completely free. There is no additional charge to take part in the Live 5 challenge. Here’s some of the results that people have gotten in the challenge. Amy said, I set my goal for 3270. I’ve currently made 3780. I love the specificity of those numbers. Amy posted that about halfway through the 30 day challenge. She completely crushed her goal by the end of the month.

Andrea Nordling
Michelle said, I’m excited to share that. Yes, as of yesterday I’ve met my 5k goal for this month. How awesome is that? And then Chelsea said, I posted earlier this week about how I made my 3k and 30 day goal on my 25th day in TPN. I was pretty elated to have already made my investment back so fast, especially because my husband had some serious doubts. I love that part, she said. Well, on Friday another client booked with me. She didn’t even book a discovery call. So I made 50% more than my original investment back in my first month in the program. She posted this after last year’s last January’s 3K in 30 days challenge. So awesome. And all that to say there will definitely be more resources and support added to the program in the future. Future.

Andrea Nordling
We have quite a few things brewing that I’m going to keep a lid on for now. I have told you a lot about what is upcoming in the program, especially in Q1 of 2025, but I do have some surprises as well. So just know that it just keeps getting better and better more keeps getting added not to overwhelm you, but to help support you and make it simpler and easier and more convenient. And you are going to do the same thing for your clients too. Okay? That’s all of this is very meta what I am showing you an example of for your business you are also going to be creating for your clients. Now I know I’ve talked fast, I’ve shared a lot of strategy and then also a lot of specifics on the program in this episode.

Andrea Nordling
So before I let you go and before I leave you to have to go rewind and listen to this, I’m going to give you a recap on exactly what you get when you join the profitable nutritionist program. Okay? And none of these components are sold separately. You can’t get them independently. They all work together as part of the program as a whole. Okay? So you get the four stage repeatable revenue process modules. You get access to the lounge which is the private community. You get live coaching and Q and A sessions every single week. And you get the Coaching Replay vault where you can search past calls for answers to any of your nuanced questions that you have day or night for a very conservative program value of $42,990.

Andrea Nordling
And in addition to those core program components, when you grab the offer to join us in the program before December 11th, whether you take the 12 month payment plan the prepay for the year in full, you decide. But when you get into the program in December, you also get access to these free bonuses. You get the private members only podcast feed. You get the total calendar Mastery system with all of my plug and play calendar templates. You get the $5,000 consults that convert sales call training with the million dollar objection busting scripts. You get the website in a weekend simple DIY website build template. You get the easy outsourcing expert hiring tutorial with my exact job posting scripts where you can outsource any tech tasks in your business very inexpensively.

Andrea Nordling
And you get the complete ChatGPT AI prompt library so you can create a year of marketing assets in less than an hour that no one will ever know you didn’t write by yourself by the way. And you’ll be grandfathered in with 12 months access to all of it including all of the future program upgrades and workshops including the 3k plus in 30 days challenge in January and everything that is upcoming over the next 12 months for a total program value of $55,871. Now as you know, you are not paying $55,000 for the program. Although it would be worth every single penny if you did. Because you are going to be creating your six figure nutrition practice with the step by step process that you learned in the program.

Andrea Nordling
And we’re going to be doing it together, side by side, helping you every step of the way. So to get started, go to the profitable nutritionist.com join. You are going to choose your payment plan. Whether it is 12 payments of 333 which equals 39.96 or you can prepay in full for the year for 34. 97 with just one payment of 34.97. Either way, there is absolutely zero risk to you when you join the program. Ultimately, here’s how I feel. If I can’t help you make money, then I don’t deserve yours. Which is why the TPN program is and always has been backed by a risk free money back guarantee. You follow the process, you fill out the workbook and if you don’t make your money back in the next 12 months, I’ll give it back to you.

Andrea Nordling
Now to be clear, we don’t think it will take you 12 months to make your money back. It might only take you 12 hours or 12 days. But to make sure that you’re comfortable going at whatever speed feels best you, the risk free money back guarantee is for a whole year. So here’s the fine print of the money back guarantee. There is no refund for buyer’s remorse. So if you aren’t going to come to the program with the full intention of doing and executing and implementing, please don’t come in. Now at any point, if you are stuck on some part of the repeatable revenue process, we are going to get you coached up on it, okay? We’re going to roll up our sleeves and we’re going to figure out what’s going on and fix it together.

Andrea Nordling
So as part of the refund policy, just want to make sure that you know this. You have to have requested help prior to getting your money back. And the reason for this policy is twofold. So let’s talk through it again. I wanted this episode to give you a lot of the behind the scenes. Why? For different changes and different aspects of the offer. So let’s talk about the conditional guarantee. Here’s the reason. Twofold. First of all, I’m very protective of the energy of the group in the TPN program. It is full of action takers that figure things out and that is by design. If we had a bunch of people in there that were just kicking the tires and they had no intention of actually using the process to grow their business. It would really dilute the energy of the group.

Andrea Nordling
I don’t want that. Secondly, I am not interested in giving your $3,000 investment back. What I am interested in is making sure that you know how to make that $3,000 back over and over again so you have that skill that you can use for the rest of your career. And for that reason, I don’t make it easy for you to quit on yourself. That’s what makes this program different than any other course or online program that you’ve ever invested in before. And that’s why you will get much different results than you’ve ever gotten before. So just know this, if the process doesn’t work for you, I will happily refund your investment and send you on your way. But we are going to dig in together and we’re going to try to fix it for you first. Yes, that is way more work for me.

Andrea Nordling
It also creates a higher level experience for the entire program. So I am more than willing to do that. So there you have it. All of the incredible upgrades that you get access to inside the profitable nutritionist program, including even more support and accountability in the 90 day quick start and the 3k in 30 days challenge kicking off in January to ensure your success. Can you imagine if you signed up to get an MBA at a college and that university offered you a money back guarantee that you would recoup your investment in the MBA program in the next 12 months or your money back? I was thinking about that this morning. I was like, huh, Wouldn’t that be a concept if college gave you a money back guaranteed? Wouldn’t we be a little more excited about sending our kids on that journey?

Andrea Nordling
Okay, I’ve said too much. So that is what you’re getting here anyway. It’s an invitation to join the most innovative and successful nutrition and wellness professionals in the industry and apply the proven repeatable revenue process over the course of 12 months together instead of trial and error and frustration and trying to figure it out on your own. And you get a money back guarantee. So the time has never been better. Like I’ve said many times before, I’ll say it one more time. If you are listening to this episode before December 11th at midnight Central time, get a new browser window open right now, immediately and go to the profitable nutritionist.com join. You can jump into the program right now with the special 12 month pain, 12 months 12 month payment plan option. It almost came out 12 month pain option. But that’s not true.

Andrea Nordling
12 month payment plan option and you can get started for just $333. Now if you’re listening, after the December enrollment has closed, no worries for you. Go to that same page and get on the waitlist so you don’t miss the next enrollment. Now as I record this, I am just so excited for all of the surprises we have come in 2025. I’m going to leave it at that for now and be a little bit mysterious. You’ll just have to be inside the program for the next big reveal on those. Okay. Have a wonderful week, my friend. I cannot wait to coach you inside tpn. Bye.

Disclaimer: The podcasts on this website are for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not replace professional advice or counseling; we disclaim any liability for actions taken based on its content. Additionally, we may receive compensation through affiliate links at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase using our links.

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Marketing + Sales Expert
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