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165. My Real Feelings About AI

In this episode of The Profitable Nutritionist® Podcast, we’re talking about how AI is changing health and wellness businesses—both good and bad.

I also share my honest feelings about AI.

(They might surprise you.)

One thing’s for certain, though…this technology is not going away.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • How to stand out when your colleagues are using AI the wrong way.
  • How to protect your clients from trusting AI for health advice.
  • 3 Tips for using AI to save time in your business without sacrificing your integrity.

Technology is changing fast, and it’s not just about keeping up….

It’s about staying ahead.


Links Mentioned:


Andrea Nordling – 00:00
Welcome back to the Profitable Nutritionist podcast where you’re getting
tips, tricks and strategies to make way more money and help way more
people in your holistic nutrition or health coaching practice. That’s why
you’re here, right? Well, you’re in the right spot. My name is Andrea
Nordling. I’m the founder of the Profitable Nutritionist as well as a
nutritional therapy practitioner myself. So I know the struggles that we
have with growing a business firsthand. Specifically, I understand what
it’s like to really want the financial and time freedom that comes from
having your own business and not wanting it to overtake your entire life
or burn you out, or to sacrifice your health and sanity along the way in
pursuit of that dream. I totally get it. I am right there with you.
Andrea Nordling – 00:38
And that brings us to our topic today, which is AI and technology and
laptops and phones and screen time and lack of community and real
human connection. It is all a factor in that true health equation that you
and I both hold so dear. So, like I said, I get it. I get it. I wanted to start
today by telling you about my real feelings regarding AI. And then I’m
going to surprise you with a twist. Okay? So are you ready? I hate it so
much. So much visceral reaction, full body hate AI. And I’m also
spending a lot of time and energy teaching my clients how to use it.
Contradictory, perhaps, but aren’t most things that actually matter? Like
there’s all the gray area. Nothing is just so black and white, right?
There’s nuance to any issue.
Andrea Nordling – 01:23
Things just aren’t as they seem sometimes. And that is definitely the
case here. So maybe that’s fresh on my mind because we just finished
up the most divisive election in my lifetime here in the United States. So
maybe I’m getting a little political for a second. I don’t know. But here’s
what I do know. We can feel so strongly about something one way or
another, and there’s still room for two things to be true at the same time
for me and AI. I gotta tell you, I hate it. I hate where it’s going. I hate the
really huge number of jobs it’s eliminating from creative talented people.
I hate that we are very close to a world where we truly can’t tell the
difference between what’s real and what is. AI generated video, for
Andrea Nordling – 01:57
I hate what I’m hearing from super smart military minds about what AI
means for the security of our country and how the rapid rate that it’s
improving and predicting human behavior has the potential to be the
actual end of our species. If we want to go there, where we just sit
around and eat garbage with our little VR headsets on and we can’t
procreate and the robots are running the world, My mind goes there. It
really does. It does. I have serious reservations and fears about AI. I wish
it wasn’t a thing, but it is. This is where two things are true at the same
time. It is true, and I am not here to argue with reality. So my honest
stance on AI right now in November 2024, and maybe I’ll change my
mind at some point, I don’t know.
Andrea Nordling – 02:36
But my stance right now is this. If you can’t get out of it, get into it. And
honestly, that’s been a life model of mine for a few years and it’s serving
me. Willy. Really, really well. Willy. Well, on many fronts. So if you can’t
get out of it, get into it. Maybe that also pertains to election aftermath.
Depending on how you feel about the election here in the United States.
For those of you that are in the United States, if you can’t get out of it,
get into it. If your candidate didn’t win the election, refoc focus on
getting into it with the reality. That is okay. That’s about as political as I
am going to get back to AI.
Andrea Nordling – 03:07
If you have strong reservations about AI and about the future of
technology and the future of the human race and all of the things like I
do, stick with me. Because we can’t get out of it. So we’re going to get
into it. It’s a good thing you’re listening to this episode today and here’s
why. This is really important for a couple reasons, maybe, that you
haven’t thought of yet. First and foremost, your colleagues are using AI
in their marketing and their sales processes. And that presents a very
unique opportunity for you because they are using it very poorly and it’s
actually hurting their businesses. We’re going to get into that in a
second. But secondly, your clients, both current clients and future
clients, are using AI to help solve their health problems.
Andrea Nordling – 03:43
And that is also presenting a very unique opportunity for you because
they are also doing it very poorly and it’s confusing them and it’s leading
them to get further and further from the results that they truly want.
We’re going to talk about that as well. And then to kind of close the loop
on both of those. Well, maybe open the loop even further, ignoring both
of those truths that your colleagues are using AI and your clients Both
current and future are using AI. Ignoring that and keeping your head in
the sand, both for your business and your clients results is foolish. It is.
And I can say that because I have been foolish about this. I have wanted
to keep my head in the sand. I’ve done it for way too long. But AI isn’t
going away.
Andrea Nordling – 04:19
Your future clients typing in meal plan requests into ChatGPT isn’t going
away. So let’s not pretend that it is. I’m going to go back to our new
favorite statement of the day. If we can’t get out of it, we’re going to get
into it. Okay, so let’s get into it. Now, I’m going to give some
suggestions, but on a big picture level here, that means you have to talk
about this in your marketing and with your clients. So let’s start there.
This is something we’re going to get into it. Ready? You coming with me?
We’re getting into it. You have to talk about it. That’s where we’re going
to start. I want you to assume that your easiest, most ideal, most perfect
clients are using ChatGPT to answer their questions and give them
resources, right?
Andrea Nordling – 04:55
Now, of course, it’s possible that they aren’t, but I don’t think that’s
helpful. Because just like in 1998 when not everybody was using the
Internet, they will be. Okay, so maybe not everybody is using AI yet, but
they will be. It’s not going away. So let’s not be naive about this. Okay?
Assume that they are your ideal clients. The perfect, ideal, most
amazing, easiest clients of yours that you want 100 of tomorrow. You
want to clone them and just have them. Let’s not even talk about
cloning. You want to have more of these clients immediate. Those people
are using ChatGPT to answer their questions and give them resources.
Okay, let’s just assume that is true. Now, how is that a problem for
them? I want you to actually make a list and answer that question. This
is not hypothetical.
Andrea Nordling – 05:38
How is it a problem that your clients, current clients and future clients
are right now using ChatGPT or AI as a tool to give them answers to their
health questions and to guide them in their health journey? How is that a
problem? I guarantee that is a problem for them. But I want you to know
that’s a problem for them. I want you to reassure your brain that is a
problem and it’s something that is worth talking about. And I want you to
be specific about why that is. So you’re going to do a little exercise here
and you’re going to make a list with paper and pen or on your computer,
but not just in your head. Actually do this. Something very magical
happens when you put pen to paper or you see it in black and white.
Andrea Nordling – 06:15
And it’s not just thoughts looping in your head. Make a list of why it is a
problem for them that they are using ChatGPT to solve their health
problems. Your list might look something like this. It’s problematic when
people seek medical advice from ChatGPT or any AI tool because,
number one, lack of personalization. Health conditions often require
tailored solutions that take into account an individual’s medical history,
lifestyle and unique factors. ChatGPT doesn’t have the capacity to
consider these nuances. Can you tell that I got this list from ChatGPT? I
did. I did. In fact, bear with me. Number two, the potential for
misinformation. Don’t love that word, but that’s what ChatGPT gave me.
While AI can provide general health information, it may not always be up
to date or completely accurate. There’s a risk that the guidance offered
could be misinterpreted or even harmful.
Andrea Nordling – 07:04
Okay. Number three, no clinical judgment. AI cannot replicate the clinical
judgment of a trained healthcare professional who can recognize
subtleties and complications that aren’t captured in a text conversation.
How true is that? Number four, delayed professional care. People might
rely on AI responses instead of seeking timely medical care from a
qualified person professional leading to worsened conditions or missed
diagnoses. Number five, ethical concerns. Providing health related
advice comes with ethical responsibilities such as considering potential
harm and ensuring informed consent, which AI cannot fully address. For
serious or ongoing health issues, it’s always best to consult with a
healthcare professional who can provide a safe, effective and
personalized approach. So, yes, I got that list from ChatGPT. I asked how
is it problematic that people are asking ChatGPT to solve their health
problems? And that’s what I got.
Andrea Nordling – 07:50
Now, it’s not exactly the way I would say it, okay, but it’s pretty close.
The gist is there, the sentiment is there. Now, I would add that ChatGPT
and any AI platform is biased, Very biased. And for those of you that
haven’t used this tool or don’t know a lot about it, you should know that
the responses you get from the robots are extremely biased, not
necessarily accurate. And for our industry, with holistic health and
wellness, it’s not going to give a comprehensive answer to any questions
that your clients are asking, especially if they are hoping for answer that
is not within the. You know what I’m saying? I mean, how much do I miss
if it’s not within the community guidelines? You know where I’m going
Andrea Nordling – 08:30
Rather, it’s going to give biased and surface level recommendations,
which you can kind of tell from the text that I just read you. That’s by its
own omission. Okay? But the problem is your people don’t know that,
okay? Your clients that are asking ChatGPT to tell them what to eat and
when to eat it and how to solve all their problems, they don’t know that
it isn’t the perfect answer. They don’t. And they might guess that, and
they might on some level know that they should be skeptical. But
humans are lazy, or humans are. We seek the path of least resistance.
That’s a nicer way to say that. And they may not do a ton of due
diligence. Okay? So just assume your people don’t know that. They’re.
They’re not looking at this with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Andrea Nordling – 09:10
So you need to talk about it. Okay? You need to talk about why this is
problematic. You need to talk about ways that it might be helpful to use
ChatGPT or AI for answering some questions or for getting some
resources and how it’s really detrimental. You need to know a little bit
about this platform and you need to know how your people may or may
not be using it, because if they aren’t yet, they will be very soon. So let’s
just assume that they are. And you need to be able to talk to them about
it. This has to be part of your marketing. It has to be part of your sales
process. It has to be part of what you are talking about. Because
ignoring it, not good. Not good. They’re thinking about it anyway. They’re
doing it anyway.
Andrea Nordling – 09:43
So you need to talk about it. Which leads me to kind of a different
tangent, but I think it’s. It’s important to talk about here, and that’s that
information is not sacred anymore, okay? The days of information being
kept behind a paywall are gone. Anybody can get the answer to any
question and get any information. A from a ChatGPT query, B, from a
YouTube video, C, from Google. I mean, just information is no longer. You
don’t have to search that hard for it anymore, right? We have these
supercomputers in our pocket. We can get the information. Your clients
can ask AI or type a search into YouTube, get all the information they
could ever hope for, which is problematic in and of itself because they
get too much information.
Andrea Nordling – 10:24
In fact, there’s too much to sift through and to make sense of, which
leads to huge confusion and overwhelm. And that is where you come in.
Your job is to sift through that information on their behalf and to provide
a customized, personal, tailored solution to their problems where they
don’t need to do any of that information gathering. Your job is to ensure
that they implement the right information that’s necessary for them,
which you’re going to help them discern. Your job is to be a trusted co
detective with them so that they aren’t letting a robot make their health
decisions. But if you aren’t actively talking about that on repeat over and
over again, you need to be, okay? You need to be talking about how you
can help decipher this information on a much higher level.
Andrea Nordling – 11:05
And they don’t need to be doing Google searches and watching YouTube
videos and typing in ChatGPT because you already have a process for
this. You already have a way that is way more customized to their body
and their life. And it’s going to answer the questions in a much more
nuanced and comprehensive way that they don’t even know how to do.
Of course they don’t know how to do. They’re not trained like you are.
They are not the expert like you are, and that is why they hire you, okay?
But that is your role. It’s not to give the information. The information is
there. It’s out there. No information is a secret. You are not being hired
because you have the information that is not real anymore. Okay?
There’s too much information.
Andrea Nordling – 11:41
You are being hired because you are sifting through the information on
their behalf and you’re giving them a process so they don’t have to find
all of the information. Okay? You are the guide. You are the human voice
of reason in a world of robots. You are the accountability and
implementation department. Boom. That is you. But you can assume
that your easiest clients know this, okay? You can’t even your best
people don’t assume that they know why it’s so problematic to get
strategy from a robot or a stranger on YouTube that doesn’t know them,
doesn’t know their situation, doesn’t have any context. You have to talk
about this in your marketing. You cannot assume that they know. They
don’t know. And I bet as you’re listening to this, you’re realizing, oh,
yeah, I haven’t talked about that in a while. Repetition, repetition.
Andrea Nordling – 12:26
You have to talk about this early and often in your Day to day
conversations with real humans in the world, on your website, in your
social media posts, if you’re on social media, in your email broadcasts, in
your one one sales conversations, everywhere. It’s the basic stuff like
this that we just assume, oh well, everybody knows that. I don’t need to
talk about that. Everybody knows it. They’re sick of hearing about that.
They already know. Well, first of all, they don’t know. Second of all, they
forgot that you said it. And third of all, they actually haven’t heard it
from you just are sick of saying it. And so you assume Everybody’s heard
it 10 times and they actually haven’t. So back to the basics. You gotta
tell people the things you have to tell them.
Andrea Nordling – 13:03
Why it is problematic to get strategy from a stranger on YouTube or a
robot on ChatGPT that doesn’t know them and doesn’t know their body.
Okay? That’s why I had you make this list in the beginning, which is how
is it problematic that people are doing that? Remind your brain that
people are doing it and that it is problematic. So you have those talking
points queued up. Okay? You can also do this with stories, by the way.
Make up a hypothetical or a real example of a person who asked Chat
GPT for something and got really bonkers advice. Okay, like you can
have. You could do this. Do you do this yourself? And then you could talk
about how that would be really detrimental if the person followed it
because of XYZ results that they would get.
Andrea Nordling – 13:40
Make up an example, have a real example. Do a little, like I’m saying
here, like do a little mock experiment, you know what I’m saying? Tell
them. Just don’t assume that they know this is my point here. Tell stories,
give examples of. If you ask ChatGPT X, it would tell you why and then
you would get way further away from the results that you want. Because
here’s the problem with the advice it just gave you. I know I’m not saying
this very eloquently, but I hope that you can grasp my point here. Give
stories. Give little mock examples and tell them that they need to be
working with a practitioner like you that isn’t a robot and is actually
looking at their individual body. Fill in the details with what makes sense
for your business.
Andrea Nordling – 14:18
But you have to close the loop on it in your stories and in your marketing
by telling them. And this is why this is a problem. Yes, this is a tool we
can use sometimes that is helpful and also it can be really problematic.
And here’s why? Here’s why. You work with someone like me instead and
make sure that they know that. Because you will assume your brain will
be like, yeah, they know if they wanted to hire me, they know how to get
in touch with me. They know how to get to my website and book a call.
They know how. Dah, dah, dah. You have all of these thoughts and the
truth is, they don’t know. They need to be reminded. Make it easy and
tell them we should work together.
Andrea Nordling – 14:50
Schedule a free call with me and I’ll learn more about your exact
situation and we’ll give you some tips that’ll really help. Like, tell them
what to do next and tell them why it’s going to be helpful for them. Okay.
And you can do this with stories, you can do this with examples, but
make it really tangible. Bottom line is this. Use examples. Use stories to
drive the point home. Because people can imagine themselves in a
situation when you provide an actual situation for. And this goes for all of
your marketing, by the way. Like, people will be so much more engaged
and attentive when they can visualize themselves as the person in the
story. But you have to craft a story and you have to make it interesting
for people to be engaged and to be interested.
Andrea Nordling – 15:26
So that was a little bit of a long tangent. Was it though? I don’t know.
This feels important. So talk about AI with your clients, the current
clients, future clients in your marketing, because like I said before, they
are or they will be using it or YouTube or whatever to help solve their
health problems. And that is a really unique opportunity for you to
educate them on how your process and your offer is actually so much
better and maybe even can be used in conjunction, but. But not as a
substitute, because it is. That is true. I 1000% know that to the tips of
my toes. You are listening to this podcast right now. That is the truth.
There’s there. It just is. Okay, Your process is better. It’s going to help
them get such better results. I have zero doubt about that.
Andrea Nordling – 16:07
Which brings us to the first reason that I wanted to do this episode,
which is your colleagues are using AI in their marketing and their sales
processes, and they’re using it very poorly and it’s actually hurting their
businesses. And I don’t want you to be one of these victims. So let’s talk
about that quick story time. See, look at how we use stories. Look how
meta this is. We’re having an inception moment. Earlier this year, I
decided to spend a few months actively connecting with Nutrition and
wellness professionals that are my ideal Future clients on LinkedIn. Now
previous to that I hadn’t been on any social media and to be honest, I
don’t really consider LinkedIn social media. I think that I use it as a
search engine myself. I’m not certainly not going there to be entertained
in a newsfeed.
Andrea Nordling – 16:46
So I would argue it’s not social media, but I think that many other people
would say that it is. So let’s just call it social media for the sake of this I
guess right now. But I had been on any social media for three plus years
at this point. It’s now going on four years. But earlier this year I decided I
am going to intentionally get in the LinkedIn news feed and figure out
how people are marketing. See a little bit, not figure it out but because I
do see a lot of my clients marketing. I look at their websites, they look at
their emails. But I wanted to get into this short snippets on social media
like post wise, if people were posting on the feed, what were they
Andrea Nordling – 17:21
And remember, this comes after three plus years of no personal or
professional social media for me whatsoever. I couldn’t be more out of
touch about what rocks the algorithm. I have no idea. There is zero
scrolling for me, no news feeds for me, literally none of it. But I very
intentionally got into LinkedIn in the newsfeed there so that I could get
some marketing data and I’ve talked a lot about that. So if you’re curious
about anything LinkedIn related, I would encourage you to go search any
of the LinkedIn episodes, previous episodes, because I’ve talked a lot
about this strategy. Anyway, I wanted to see examples of my people
marketing on that platform in particular. And here’s what I found. Some
people do this well, but most do not. Okay? And I. And when I say do not,
I mean, whoa, it’s scary.
Andrea Nordling – 18:06
Now for those that do not do this well, which I’m clicking around and
really dissecting as I’m doing this little experiment earlier this year,
here’s what I’m finding. The copy is often very obviously AI generated. It
sounds like a robot wrote it’s very vague and it’s uninteresting. It also
overuses words that you wouldn’t actually say like unlock, discover and
insights and unveil and things like that, which is a dead giveaway by the
way. Now worst of all, the copy that clearly is AI generated doesn’t
compel someone to take the next step because of all of these things, it’s
just meh. It’s. My kids would say, oh, that’s so mid. And it is. It’s like the
most mid copy ever. Which isn’t going to compel someone to do
Andrea Nordling – 18:49
They’re going to scroll right by, they’re going to read it, they’re going to
get bored, they’re going to lose their train of thought halfway through. It
didn’t grip them at all, didn’t speak to the actual problems that they
think they have. It’s a meh. And then they keep going. Now, for me, this
is a problem we’re solving because I can see it so clearly as I’m watching
my ideal clients marketing in the LinkedIn newsfeed, and I’m like, oh my
gosh, you’re spending time on this, you’re doing it, you’re taking action
and you’re doing it and it’s getting you, I’m sure, no results. When I look
at this copy, I am positive that no results are coming from it. And that’s
why, I mean, to be honest, that’s why I’m getting into it with AI this year.
You can’t get out of it.
Andrea Nordling – 19:27
Get into it. That’s why I’m going to continue to do so. Because when I
see passionate, articulate, talented practitioners that just want to help
people, and that is what I see when I’m looking in my newsfeed on
LinkedIn, which I’m not actually looking at anymore, but when I did, I see
people that want to help people, but those people don’t know that they
need the help that practitioner is offering. They don’t understand how to
get the help. They’re unsure if the help is actually for them. They doubt if
that help will even actually help them get the results that they want
because the copy isn’t compelling and it doesn’t answer those questions.
It’s. It’s very robot Y and it’s very mid. So as a result, those practitioners
don’t help many people. And that is the tragedy here. Okay?
Andrea Nordling – 20:05
They could be helping a lot of people who desperately want the help, by
the way, but they don’t get the help. They’re Googling at midnight and
watching YouTube videos and relying on ChatGPT robots to tell them
what to do because they don’t know what else to do. And that’s not okay.
I was reminded of this week on a coaching call in the profitable
nutritionist program. One of my clients came on and before she asked for
coaching, she had a very specific question. She wanted to get answered.
But before she asked that question, she said, hey, I just want to tell a win
for this week. Like, I have a huge win. I have a friend with PCOS who I’ve
seen on social media and just through the grapevine I know has really
been struggling.
Andrea Nordling – 20:41
And I’ve thought of reaching out to her for months because I really knew
I could help her. But I overthought it and I didn’t want to reach out to her
and I didn’t want to be salesy and so I didn’t for a really long time, even
though I’ve been thinking about it. And then this week I saw her talking
about how much she’s struggling and I just was like, forget it. I’m going
to just reach out to her. So I sent her a message and I just told her that I
could help her. And I didn’t overthink it and I didn’t say any qualifications
about like, I hope you’re not mad or I hope it’s okay that I’m saying this.
She’s like, nope, I just went for it because I know I can help her. And she
instantly got a response from this person.
Andrea Nordling – 21:17
The response was, oh, my goodness. My doctor told me to find a
nutritionist and I haven’t done it because I didn’t know how, but my
doctor literally told me to find someone like you, and I had no idea how
to find someone like you. Okay. What an incredible story. And there are
so many versions of that I hear all the time, but this is. This one’s fresh
in my mind. So I don’t you that story because this client of mine was
using bad ChatGPT marketing copy and that’s why her friend didn’t know
what she did. That’s not the point of the story. I have no idea what her
marketing looks or sounds like, but I can tell you that there’s something
to be learned here.
Andrea Nordling – 21:48
Because I’ve seen so many LinkedIn posts, websites, marketing, emails
from health and wellness professionals that is coming straight from
ChatGPT and it’s falling flat. It is worthless. It’s not connecting at all,
which means that it’s not serving that business owner or the people that
they could be helping. Because the truth is this. There are so many
people that know that they need the kind of help that you offer. They
don’t know what to call it. They don’t know how to search for it. They
don’t know how to find the person. It feels really hard and so they just
quit. And it’s like, oh, my gosh, next week. Next week I’ll do that. Oh,
okay. Yes, I know I need to. I just. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, and then today
I’m just gonna lay on the couch because that sounds so hard.
Andrea Nordling – 22:26
You know exactly what I’m talking about. And honestly, that’s what’s
happening with so many people. It’s why so many people quit their
businesses as well, because they keep doing the things. They keep put
the messaging out, and it isn’t connecting, and the people don’t
understand what they do, and they’re not hiring them. And those
practitioners feel so frustrated. They feel like there are people all around
me, I could be helping, and they don’t want my help. And the truth is,
they don’t know what kind of help you have. They don’t know that you
could help them. Now, this is a positive and a negative. Okay, I’ll be just
really blunt. This is why the herd is thinning rapidly. Okay? A lot of people
are quitting their businesses. It’s gotten a lot more competitive, which is
a great thing. Okay? It’s a great thing.
Andrea Nordling – 23:05
The reason it’s getting more competitive is, in my opinion, because
consumers are getting a lot more discerning. They’re asking a lot of
questions. They expect to have pretty solid marketing. Okay? They’re
getting inundated with marketing at every. And when I say marketing,
it’s just like message of constantly on their phones, on their computer,
on tv, on streaming apps. The cut to instead of commercials, it goes to
ad breaks. I mean, it’s just an endless barrage of ads and marketing
everywhere, always, all the time. People are getting a lot more choosy.
We just have to. And I think that’s a good thing. I think that’s a huge
opportunity for those of us that are going to rise to the occasion.
Andrea Nordling – 23:44
And you’re still listening to this episode, so I know that is you to do it
better and to really figure out, okay, what haven’t I said yet or how have
I not said this yet that they need to hear? So maybe that is you. By the
way, if your marketing isn’t landing and you’re frustrated and you don’t
know how to fix it, stay tuned because I have a very special offer coming
your way in a few minutes. Now, if this isn’t you, and your marketing is
working like gangbusters. Congratulations, by the way. You’re in the top
5% and you’re helping all the people and they’re not confused, and
you’re saving them from months and years.
Andrea Nordling – 24:12
Of wasted DIY trying to sift through hundreds of hours of information, or
getting a referral after referral to specialists that can’t really help them
and chasing that whole tale, it’s just awful. But if that isn’t happening to
you, wonderful. Now maybe you’re in the middle though, okay? Maybe
your marketing is kind of working, but not consistently. Maybe you’re
dabbling with ChatGPT and it’s kind of okay after you edit it enough. And
there’s sometimes it works and sometimes you’re like, this is awful, but
you’re spending way too much time second guessing if it’s the
messaging that needs work or if it’s at the right people aren’t seeing it.
That’s the marketer’s biggest unknown. By the way, is this messaging
not working or is this messaging not for the people whose eyeballs are
seeing it?
Andrea Nordling – 24:51
So I want to tell you how we’re solving for this here at the Profitable
Nutritionist, by the way. Now remember, if you can’t get out of it, get into
it. So over the last 5ish months, I’ve been investing in really high level
trainings and one one coaching on how to leverage AI and ChatGPT in
particular for marketing and sales assets that actually convert. I told you,
if you can’t get out of it, get into it. I’m a big believer in that and I’ve
realized I can’t get out of it. So I’m going to get into it. And I’m doing that
for your sake as much as my own, by the way, because this really bad AI
copy cannot, it cannot continue, just cannot. So we are going to be
creating AI copy that doesn’t sound like AI marketing whatsoever. That’s
the workaround here.
Andrea Nordling – 25:33
It’s not to not use it’s to make sure that it doesn’t sound like a robot
wrote your copy. So what I say, by the way, that I’ve invested over the
last few months, I mean that I’ve spent almost $40,000 and a lot of time
and energy on this. So the reason I’ve done that and the reason I even
give you that number is just so that you can see that I’m going to put my
money where my mouth is on this. Okay? I’ve done it so that I can create
a better way for you to use AI in your business.
Andrea Nordling – 25:58
And of course I’m doing it as well, but I’m doing it so that I can teach it to
all of my clients that need the help with this There is such a huge
opportunity for us right now as business owners to use these incredible
tools. And I know I’ve been really down on this technology maybe thus
far in this episode. But let’s acknowledge the fact that ChatGPT, AI and
some of the automations that we have available at our fingertips right
now that weren’t even usable at the way that they are now a year ago
for didn’t hardly even existed two years ago. But they’re changing so fast
and there’s such incredible tools and opportunity for us as business
owners to be able to use, to streamline and create really efficient
processes now.
Andrea Nordling – 26:39
Previously, things that took 10, 20, 30 hours a week to do manually can
be done in an hour, which is incredible. So not only do I want you to use
these tools because it is going to set your business ahead to use them
well when your colleagues aren’t. It is also going to save you a ton of
time. Okay. And a ton of effort. And that’s important too. So efficiency is
the name of my game. I’m here for it. So I’ve been teaching some AI
marketing workshops to my clients. The feedback has been insane. We
have emails pouring in thanking us for taking something that seems so
daunting and breaking it down into step by step processes that are
doable and repeatable, but most of all that are getting results.
Andrea Nordling – 27:18
Because none of this matters, by the way, if you don’t get more clients
and if you don’t save way more time and get to help more people. Like,
why would we do anything in our business if it’s not going to do one of
those three things? So that’s what we’ve been doing around here. A little
bit behind the scenes, a little bit in some beta tests, a little bit in some
secret workshops I’ve been doing. And I’ve also been undertaking a huge
project behind the scenes to upgrade and revamp most of the content
inside the profitable nutritionist program to include AI shortcut
resources, starting with what I consider to be the biggest bang for your
buck as far as time and energy, and that is with your sales process.
Andrea Nordling – 27:55
So if you are in the profitable nutritionist or the mastermind, you’re
getting all this new content as it rolls out over the coming months. So
little sales pitch here, actually, big sales pitch. There’s nothing little
about it. Get into the profitable Nutritionist Program on December 5th
when the final enrollment for this year opens up, if you aren’t in the
program already because you get all of this stuff in real Time as it rolls
out, you get to come to the secret workshops. You get to do all of the
secret little things. I’m, I’m over here. Like you can’t see me. So it is less
effective, but I’m like a little evil genius kind of Dr. Evil with my fingers,
with my fingertips right now. Okay. So speaking of, so do that on
December 5th.
Andrea Nordling – 28:35
And then speaking of December 5th, something else is going on that day
as well. Other than you joining the profitable nutritionist program. You
should probably be on the waitlist, by the way.
Theprofitablenutritionist.com join another thing happening on December
5th though. I am teaching a brand new workshop on how to completely
upgrade your website sales process with ChatGPT. The name of the
workshop is AI powered sales page Accelerator and the tagline for it,
which I think is important for you to understand, what we’re going to be
doing is to stop losing clients and build a sales page that books consults
with ease using ChatGPT.
Andrea Nordling – 29:07
So during this live workshop on December 5th, first of its kind, brand
spanking new, I am going to show you exactly how to create and publish
a work with me page or a sales page, whatever you want to call it, that
drives your idea clients to take action instead of clicking away to other
pages on your website or closing the browser and disappearing. Okay.
What we want is for them to actually take the next step. When they get
to your website and they’re browsing around, we want them to actually
do the thing. So what I’m going to show you on this workshop is going to
work for your existing website, by the way, to revamp your work with me
page or your sales page.
Andrea Nordling – 29:40
And I am also going to show you how to create the sales page or book a
consult page to use even if you don’t have a website yet. What I know
cannot wait to show you. So to sign up for this workshop, you’re going to
go to theprofitablenutritionist.com sales page, one word and sign up. The
cost of the workshop is just $27. By the way, we are charging for this
workshop. It is so juicy. And I have been told that we are. We should be
charging a lot more, but I feel good about $27 to get your sales page up
and running. So imagine if you could sit down and follow a few guided
prompts even if you’ve never used ChatGPT before, because we have
many newbies who have never used it before.
Andrea Nordling – 30:25
And you followed these prompts, you copied them, pasted them in, put
them in. And in under an hour you had a high converting sales page
published and ready to go. You weren’t second guessing it. You didn’t
have endless rewrites, endless revisions, endless editing. You weren’t
constantly moving everything around trying to figure out how do I make
this look prettier? No, you just had a page that captures your true value
of your expertise and your offer and it works around the clock, bringing
the right people straight to you, eager to book a call or to buy your
products or services. Either one. That is what we are doing in this live
workshop. So again, it is December 5th. You are going to get started by
saving your spot@theprofitablenutritionist.com sales page.
Andrea Nordling – 31:08
One word and I promise it is going to blow your mind to go through step
by step with me in one hour’s time and create a high converting work
with me page or sales page using the prompts I’m going to give you in
this workshop, which you’ve never seen anywhere else before because
they largely came from my brain. So your first step is to go secure your
spot in the workshop at theprofitablenutritionist.com sales page and
then you’re just going to come on December 5th and follow along with
the extensive workbook that you’re going to get that goes along with the
workshop. And on the live training I’m going to show you and we’re
going to build it together in real time.
Andrea Nordling – 31:45
You’re going to have your sales page done in under an hour and walk
away with a fully published page that attracts and books your ideal
clients with no guesswork, no stress, and actually works. And perhaps
best of all, doesn’t sound like a robot. It doesn’t. You’re going to have AI
Copy that doesn’t sound like AI copy. Now, there’s a reason I’m hosting
the sales page workshop on December 5, you might guess, which is the
same day that enrollment opens for the profitable nutritionist program.
And that is because there are some big surprises coming for new
members that join the program in December. And I’m going to be
revealing those at the end of the workshop as well. So like I said, get
your spot saved. Go to the profitablenutritionist.com sales page and sign
up right now.
Andrea Nordling – 32:24
If you’re listening to this episode in the future, after December 5th and
after the live workshop, by the way, it might still be possible to purchase
the workshop recording. So go to that page and check. I honestly don’t
know if we’ll offer it after December 5th or not, but you could check if
you’re listening in the future. Okay, so there you have it, my friend. My
honest feelings about AI and how I hope you are approaching it in your
business and with your clients as well. If you can’t get out of it, get into
it. Your colleagues are using AI in their marketing and in their sales
processes, and that presents a really unique opportunity for you because
the majority of them are using it very poorly. And this is your opportunity
to stand out.
Andrea Nordling – 33:01
It’s actually hurting their businesses, which means you have to zig when
they are zagging, and that’s the most fun. Now, secondly, your clients,
and I think that this is really the important point here, are using AI to
help solve their health problems. And if they aren’t today, they’re going
to be very soon. So that also presents a really unique opportunity for you
because just like your colleagues, they’re also doing it poorly and it’s
confusing them and it’s leading them further from the results that they
truly want. And you’re going to save them from that. Because the truth
is, for all of us, AI is not going away. And your future clients typing in
meal plan requests into ChatGPT isn’t going away. So we can’t pretend
that it is.
Andrea Nordling – 33:36
Instead, I just want to help you strategically use it in a way better way so
that this incredible tool can actually help you and can actually help your
clients instead of repel them. So the way we’re doing that is we’re
starting with step one, the brand new AI sales page workshop on
December 5th, because I know that is going to be the quickest win for
you, see results and an uptick in actual clients. So that’s where we’re
starting and then continuing with all the upgraded content and tools
inside the TPN program as well. So you are definitely going to want to
enroll in December if you haven’t already, so that you get access to all of
those tools and resources as they roll out over the coming months. Okay,
Have a wonderful week, my friend, and I’ll see you back here next

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Marketing + Sales Expert
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