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52. My Controversial Secret for Long-Term Business Success

I have had the pleasure of working with and learning from over 1000 different health and wellness practitioners in the last few years.

I have surveyed them. I have had lengthy conversations with them. I have taught them. I have created resources for them. I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours coaching them.

But Most of all, I WAS THEM.

Of all of the insights I’ve gleaned from working with so many amazing colleagues, and from my own experiences in growing my holistic nutrition and online coaching practices…

… there is ONE THING every business owner on the planet, including you, needs to do so you can make a way bigger impact and income immediately.

It’s very controversial.

Let’s dive in.


It’s episode 52. How is that even possible? I don’t know. So exciting, though, I have a lot to share today, that has me in the frame of mind when I’m thinking about 52 podcast episodes, which is a year of podcasting this month, if so much to share in podcasting. So we’re gonna do some episodes coming up on that, where we’re going to talk a lot about podcasting in particular, and what I have learned over the last year. And that’s actually not what we’re talking about today. That’s just a little teaser. But first, a little life update in case you’re interested, my kids are back in school for the first time. In two and a half years, we have been homeschooling since the world shut down for this little thing called a dive and get to talk about it. Anyway, we have been homeschooling our kids, we’ve been traveling a ton, we’ve been having lots of adventures, and they have been requesting to come back to school this year, which we have done. I have a lot of thoughts about it doesn’t matter. They are in school right now it is very quiet here. That’s what I’m trying to say. I forgot over the course of the last two and a half years just how quiet it is. When everyone goes to school and is not asking me any questions, what is happening, I’m adjusting to the new routine. It is all welcome adjustment at this point. And I don’t know how long this will go on for who knows what the future holds. But for right now, there is a new routine in my life where it is very, very quiet. And you may think depending on how much you know about me and about my workload, I very intentionally work part time. And that is because I have a tendency to want to be I put this in huge quotes productive all the time, productive, productive productive is definitely a thought pattern of mine gotta be productive, got to be more productive, gotta be hyper productive. If we have a spare minute, for God’s sake, let’s not be unproductive, let’s cram it full of more things to be productive. Can you see this is a very well traveled path in my mind. So knowing that about myself, and being deep in the work of creating the life and business that I want for myself, I know that that means not overworking. So I very intentionally work part time. And right now I have a lot more than part time that is free that I could be working, getting ahead with work doing more work being more quote unquote, productive. I’m putting that in quotes, because I know that it is actually the most productive for me to rest and have planned a social time and not work time. So what I’m trying to say is, My abs are very sore, my booty is very sore, because I have been doing lots of things other than working very intentionally so that I don’t overwork and I don’t bite onto myself with that pattern. So I’ve been doing other things like actually working out diligently something that I have been less consistent with as of late, and I’m sore. And that’s a plus. Because that means that I’m doing things other than working. And that is kind of hard. And it’s kind of painful. And if that resonates with you, I am right there with you in the trenches of learning how to be more productive by planning, rest and planning things that past you may have thought was unproductive, doing lots of reading, doing lots of just fun stuff that is actually more productive. Because it is, well first of all, I guess this is a tangent I didn’t know I was gonna go on. But here we go. It is forcing me to not forcing me that seems like it’s not enjoyable, it is actually very enjoyable. I am having the opportunity. It’s how I want to say this, to actually enjoy my time and the freedom that I’ve created in my life with my business. And with a lot of decisions that my husband and I have made about our life, I’m actually enjoying it. Instead of waiting for some magical day in the future when I get to enjoy it. I’m just really taking the opportunity to enjoy it day by day, week by week, hour by hour. And my booty is sore. So that has to be a good thing. Alright, enough about me clients week wrapped up earlier this month along with enrollment for the profitable nutritionist program, which I have to say is the best time of year. For me it is my favorite favorite time when we are opening the doors welcoming new students teaching a lot. And then the doors close. Enrollment is only open a few times a year for the program. And the reason for that is that when the doors close the attention for my brain focuses full on to delivering to students in the program and further improving their experience coaching them creating resources for them full immersion on delivery over delivery, I must say. So if you didn’t join this round, get your ducks in a row and be ready when the doors open back up in December. If you’re listening to this in real time. If you are not listening to this in real time, you gotta be on my email list so that you’re first in line and know when the doors are reopening. Before we jump into our topic today, which I have a lot to say about that’s shocking to you, right? I’m opinionated and have thoughts on something.

I could obviously I get before we do that. I want to ask a favor. And I don’t do this very often. I’m certain They should be, but I don’t. So I’m taking the opportunity today, will you please do me a favor and take 30 seconds and rate the podcast and leave a review. Having reviews is really what helps us beat the algorithm and get these episodes in front of more health and wellness practitioners that need help growing their businesses, so we can help more people. And this is how we do it. It’s all based on reviews. So the more good ratings and personal reviews that we have, the more that the podcast platforms assume that this is relevant content and put it in front of more people. So that’s all I ask in exchange for the free content that you get here every week, just please take a second rate the show and leave a review. It would mean the world to me truly helped so much. So I should do that more often. Ask, ask and you shall receive give a rating and review, I would be so grateful. Alright, so jumping into today with a topic that I emailed a few weeks ago to my email, list it but I wanted to go into a little bit more detail on three things that we’re going to dive into the biggest mental problem that health and wellness business owners have that they don’t even realize that they have. We’re talking a lot about it today, because you probably have it too. Then secondly, we’re going to of course talk about the very simple solution to this problem that most people don’t even know that they have. And thirdly, the life changing results that you’re going to get when you solve this problem. Now is this format familiar to you, if you’re a student of mine in the profitable nutritionist program, or if you just participated in clients week, it should be very familiar. We’re talking about a problem talking about a solution and the results you get when you solve the problem. This is exactly how you provide value to your clients and your prospective clients. Do you learn all about it in clients week. And if you missed clients, we get your booty into the program next time the doors open. And you’ll learn exactly how to do this. But it’s a very, very predictable, useful framework of how to teach your clients which is why I just wanted to highlight to you it’s very meta problem solution results, I do the exact same thing in my business that I teach you how to do to here’s why I can talk so confidently about the topic I’m going to teach to you today this topic of uncertainty and embracing uncertainty in your business. This is the big problem. The reason I’m an expert in this is twofold. First of all I’ve had the pleasure of working with and learning from over 1000 different health and wellness practitioners. In the last few years. I have surveyed them, I have had lengthy conversations with these people I have taught them, I have created resources for them. I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours coaching them. But secondly, and maybe most importantly, I was them. I really, really understand this because I have personal experience here to draw from in addition to all of the work that I have spent helping other people solve this problem, I’ve done this work myself, I continue to do it every single day. By the way, you don’t just arrive at a place where you have no more discomfort or uncertainty in your business and all the work is done. And you can just sit back and relax. Because there’s no more work to do. That does not happen. We think it happens. Our brains certainly tell us that happens if we get all of this stuff done, we’ll get to a place where there’s nothing else to do. And we can just sit back and relax. Not true false as business owner, let’s just call that out right now. There will always be more work to do. There will always be more things to improve. There will always be more work to be done internally that never ends, okay. Of all of the insights that I have gleaned from working with so many amazing colleagues and my students. And from my own experience, like I said in growing my holistic nutrition practice and my online coaching practice, there is this one thing we’re talking about today that I’ve found that every business owner on the planet, including you including me, past president future needs to hear and be reminded of it is like I said the biggest mental problem that business owners I would say globally struggle with but especially health and wellness business owners, and don’t even realize and that is fearing uncertainty. Now most people feel uncertainty about what they’re doing, or what they’re hoping to do. And then they freeze. You can see this in business all of the time especially let’s just keep it really specific here. Think about health and wellness business owners I work specifically as you know, with holistic nutritionist and health coaches of every variety. And I see this all the time. If you look around at your colleagues and at yourself you probably see it to feeling uncertainty about something macro micro doesn’t matter. And then instantly freezing staying stuck and frozen in place while trying to figure out how to solve this uncertainty how to make the uncertainty go away. Uncertainty is a problem we’re uncertain we have must stop freeze, abort all action until further notice Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong.

The solution here is not to make the uncertainty go away. It is to leverage the uncertainty. The way I say this in the email that I sent what you may remember if you are on my email list and you should be is to make uncertainty. Your bitch. I said it. I did. I said it. I won’t say it again. I’ll bleep myself out lest you are list They get in the car with kiddos or something like that. But I want to give you the shock value of like really thinking about this. So let me say it again, you need to dominate uncertainty, okay? You need to make it your be. Get comfortable with feeling uncertain as a business owner is part of the deal. You cannot avoid uncertainty, if you’re going to run a successful business that you’re proud of, you absolutely cannot avoid it, feeling uncertain about yourself, your expertise, your clients, your future clients, your offer your pricing your client processes, or just general uncertainty about the future of your business is not a problem. In fact, it’s part of the deal. Feeling uncertainty means that you are doing it right. When you feel uncertain about any of those things, it means you’re doing it right. It’s like a signpost, that you pass on the path of business success, you’re walking on the path, and you look to your left or your right, and you see the sign that says uncertainty. And you’re like, Oh, I just passed by uncertainty, again, must still be going the right way. This is exactly where I knew I needed to be. Because you’re always going to feel uncertain when you’re doing things that you haven’t done before. And as a business owner, that’s gonna be all the time you’re growing. You are trailblazing for yourself. It’s new. So uncertainty is part of the deal. I’m reminded of a famous saying from the SEAL teams, you’ve probably heard it, the only easy day was yesterday. I think that that really applies to the only easy day was yesterday. So you’re gonna feel uncertain every day, you just you don’t have to like it. But you need to accept that as part of the deal. You just have to accept that feeling uncertain about yourself or about your business as a whole or about your offer in some way or about your clients. feeling uncertain is just part of the deal. Stop resisting it. Instead, use that feeling of uncertainty to your advantage as a sign that you’re learning how to do something worthwhile. When you’re playing small, you don’t feel uncertain. When you’re playing big, you’re going to be feeling uncertain, it’s totally part of the deal. You can’t out plan it, you can’t out research it, you can’t learn it, you can’t out script it or outsmart uncertainty in your business, it’s going to be there, you’re just gonna feel it. Sometimes that’s not a reason to panic, it’s not a problem to fix. It just is it means that you’re doing it right. So I like to think about this as what actually happens and doesn’t happen. When I’m feeling uncertain. In my business. It really this would apply to anything in our life. But I’m thinking specifically about my business. So I’m going to tell you, what I have seen in myself and what I’ve seen with my clients, which we coach on quite a bit on coaching calls in the program. So I see this a lot. And I felt it myself. So I certainly understand feeling uncertain. Okay, uncertainty comes up, which is a feeling in the body, in the instant thought is I don’t like feeling this way, this is a problem you don’t like. And then the secondary feeling that comes up is resistant, being resistant to feeling uncertain. And when we’re feeling resistant to anything. Our default reaction to that is to try to make the uncertainty go away. And the way that we do that is by over planning, overworking, over researching, over calculating, and telling you, you know for sure that

you are deep into trying to figure your way out of uncertainty. If you’re calculating something and doing the math on something over and over again, I’m over here nodding my head thinking about sales, thinking about sales numbers, monthly numbers, any calculations where you’re redoing the math over and over again, you’re for sure. Avoiding uncertainty and thinking that you can over calculate your way out of it. Another thing that happens when we’re feeling resistant to uncertainty is we just avoid any situations we’re uncertain about. So for a lot of people in the health and wellness industry, that means totally avoiding talking about their business, totally avoiding sales conversations with potential clients, because they’re uncertain about how those conversations are going to go. Basically trying to be certain about all of the things thinking if I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen here, I cannot proceed forward must be certain before I proceed forward. But here’s the truth, you’re never going to be certain until you’ve already done it. And so this cycle of overwhelm is just perpetuated with more uncertainty. When we do this when we try to over plan over research over script over calculate over anything to avoid that uncertain feeling or just frozen in place perpetuated except we’ve added more overwhelm on top of it, and we’re resisting it even more and more overwhelm leads to more uncertainty, and it just compounds. Now this is why people quit on their businesses and on their dream lifestyle and on the immense impact that they want to have on their clients lives. This is why they quit on it, or waste years spinning their wheels before they figure it out. It’s because they think it’s a problem when They feel uncertain. It’s not a problem. In fact, it’s a guaranteed part of the deal. So I don’t want you to waste any time thinking that this uncertainty is a problem, I want you to leverage it, I want you to make it your be, okay. The solution to the whole cycle of overwhelm and wasted energy is just taking 60 seconds to name the emotion that you’re feeling. In this case, it’s uncertainty, acknowledge it, thank your brain and your body for trying to keep you safe. By bringing this emotion up, and then close your eyes and feel it. It’s not natural to do this process. Okay, so we’ve talked about the problem, I want to just really break this down for you talked about the problem, the problem, and I will be okay, let me say this in a different way. So that you can emulate this and think about this in terms of serving your clients. There’s the problem that people have, and then there’s the problem that they think that they have. And for us, as holistic health and wellness practitioners generally, there are two different things, the clients that are the problems that our clients think that they have are not the actual problems that we know that they have. So we get to educate them on the difference between the two. Now, that’s what I’m doing here by telling you that feeling uncertainty and feeling uncertain, and like you don’t know how things are gonna work, and you’re not prepared enough, and you need to research more, that is the problem you think you have. Now the problem you actually have. And what I’m introducing to you here is that the problem is just that you think that that’s a problem, but it’s actually not. Okay, so that’s what we’ve done here. Now, I’m going to get into the solution, which is feeling the feeling of uncertainty and your body, thinking your brain for the genius that it is, which is trying to keep you safe, and trying to keep you in the familiar, so that you don’t subject yourself to any unnecessary risk and die. That’s what our brains do, which is what is trying to do when it says, Oh, my gosh, uncertainty is happening, stop and freeze. It’s just what your brain is doing. It’s just what we’ve trained it to do what evolution has made possible. In our body, there’s this trained response. And that’s just how I was trained to do so you think it Thank you, Brian, thank you body for trying to keep me safe. I got this. And then close your eyes and feel uncertainty. This is not a hard solution. But most of us will not do it. I know I have really really worked on this because I want to gloss over this actually feeling the emotion part. But it is where the magic happens. So here’s what you do. You ask yourself, What does this emotion feel like in my body? Now you can use this for any emotion that you are that is coming up for you that’s keeping you stuck or keeping you getting overwhelmed or getting results that you don’t want to get in your business or your life. Specifically, we’re going to talk about uncertainty, obviously right now. So closing your eyes and feeling uncertainty. And asking what does it feel like in my body right now? Is the answer to this question. So you, you close your eyes, feel it feel the uncertainty, figure it out, get familiar with it, what does it feel like? Now for me, this did not come naturally, I had to really work on figuring out what my body felt like, I certainly have a lot of practice at avoiding emotions in my body.

If you’re like me, you know what I’m talking about. This was borderline painful for me to slow down enough to try to connect my mind and my body together and figure out what this emotion felt like or any emotion. But the work is really worth it, I promise. So for me, and yours may be a very different experience. But for me uncertainty, it feels like I get very fluttery eyeballs behind my eyelids my eyes get fluttering. And my hands feel twitchy, like they want to do something but they don’t know what it is. A lot of times it’s they want to eat chips, by the way. That is as I laugh, but I’m serious. That’s like a solution that my brain offers a lot of times is we should probably eat some chips now so that these hands know what to do. I can feel that I can feel these twitchy hands, and they feel like I have a hot feeling in my chest like a hot yellow feeling in my chest. If I really slow down and close my eyes and think about what does uncertainty feel like in my body. That’s what it feels like to me. When I notice when I feel a lot of uncertainty, that that’s as bad as it gets. Okay, my hands are twitchy, my chest gets kind of hot. I just want to pause there, really pause there, you’re gonna have an experience in your body of what this motion feels like this uncertainty, or judgment or fear, or whatever it is. Let’s stick with uncertainty for now. Close your eyes, figure out what that is, unless you’re driving or something. But this is the work figure out what it feels like in your body. And then you realize, oh my gosh, that’s the worst that it gets. I’m having an emotion in my body. Why the hell do we go to such lengths to avoid that feeling? It is no big deal at all. When you really slow down or really feel the feeling in your body. It’s no big deal. If an alien landed in my office right now, while I was feeling uncertain and asked me to explain it to them, and they had no idea what I was talking about. That’s what I would say I would say well, this thing happens and my hands get twitchy and my If My chest feels kind of hot and a little yellow, that alien would look at me with total confusion, I’m guessing and would say and so what. And I wouldn’t have a great answer for that alien, because that’s as bad as it gets, I have a feeling in my body. This is what you’re going to find for yourself as well, after naming that feeling, taking inventory of how it actually feels physically, when you feel that feeling, here’s one more thing that you can do to calm down your brain, just say the words, I’m feeling, in this case, uncertain. And it’s not a problem. Breathe in, breathe out. And I like to envision when I breathe out, that I’m just breathing out that emotion, releasing the chemicals in my body, that are circulating that are feeling that emotion that’s making my hands a little twitchy, that’s making my chest feel a little hot and a little yellow. And I just breathe it out. And it’s not a problem. Do this as often as you need to, I think you will find once you actually process this, breathe out the chemicals that are circulating in your body, and we just release it, you realize that was no big deal. Just feel it feel uncertain, don’t try to avoid it. And like I said, use it as your be, use it like an indicator light and leverage it as a sign that it’s telling you you’re doing something worthwhile. That’s what it means to make uncertainty, your bait, use it, dominate it, leverage it, love it, embrace it, because being willing to feel that emotion of uncertainty in your body and keep taking action anyway, is ultimately what separates successful practitioners from unsuccessful ones. And that’s what you have to look forward to when you embrace uncertainty, or any emotion that’s uncomfortable at first, when you just go into it, you’re like, Okay, we’re feeling this, here we go, it’s part of the deal, you’re going to enjoy your business so much more. Because you’re not going to be avoiding any uncomfortable emotions, you’re just going to feel them, you’re gonna have more success in less time. And you won’t be frozen in fear and indecision, you’re just going to go for it. And your clients are going to feel that energy of yours, and it will give them permission to just go for it, even when they’re feeling uncertain. Remember, your clients are always a mirror for your beliefs. That means anyone that’s paying attention to what you’re talking about whether they’ve hired you yet or not. If uncertainty is a problem for you, it’s sure as hell going to be a problem for them, because they’re going to reflect your beliefs right back to you. And you’re going to spend all of your time and attention with those people trying to make them certain and cheerlead them and trying to make them certain of your expertise and their capabilities and that the process works and all you’re going to try to make them certain all the time, instead of just allowing the uncertainty of growth and change. Are you with me? Uncertainty is your superpower. It’s your B from now on.

It’s like a green light that you’re on the right road. It’s like going through the stoplight. It’s green. Green means go keep going. Uncertainty, deadhead, that’s exactly where we’re headed. You can feel uncertain that clients are going to come to you, you’d be very uncertain about that, that any clients are coming. But you can keep holding the space for them and telling people very imperfectly taking the imperfect action of telling people that you can help them anyway. Even when you’re uncertain, you can feel uncertain that those clients are going to get results that they want. But keep showing up for them at your highest level and believing in what’s possible for them anyway, even when you’re uncertain. You can feel uncertain about how to manage your time and your personal life and balance all of the things as your business grows and gets bigger, and just keep going anyway, even when you’re uncertain about how that’s all going to work. And you can feel uncertain about how to best manage your business finances, and how to pay taxes and where to allocate funds. And you can be very uncertain about all of those systems, and just keep making money anyway and figuring it out. Even when you’re uncertain that you’re doing it right. Here’s the big one, you can feel uncertain about how to use technology can feel very uncertain about that. And many of my clients do even uber successful ones. And you can figure it out anyway. You can keep growing, you can keep testing, you can keep learning, and moving forward, even when you’re super uncertain about technology, and it feels very uncomfortable and uncertain for you. You can feel uncertain about how to best answer questions that come up on console calls with potential clients, you can feel very uncertain about running those types of calls, you can feel very uncertain about how to best address sales objections, you can feel very uncertain about all of it about the best way to structure them and the best follow up and you can be very uncertain about if you should put your price on your website or if you should wait until they’re on the call with you. You feel very uncertain about all of that. And you can still fill up your calendar with those calls anyway. Even when you’re uncertain about how to do it, and what it’s going to look like and what you’re going to say and what they’re gonna say How you’re going to answer the question. You see, you can be very uncertain about all of those things and still book those calls, and still do all of the things to get on those calls anyway. And when you’re willing to feel uncertainty in your body, for me, it’s kind of twitchy hands and something in my chest for you, it might be different. But whatever that is, if you’re willing to feel those vibrations in your body, and just accept that it’s not a problem, you will relax. Truly, you won’t avoid conversations with people that could really use your help. You’ll just have them be like, Okay, I’m a little uncertain here. But I’m going, you’re going to stop trying to find all of the answers and research every single symptom and health condition to death. The only reason that we do that is because we think that it’s very problematic to be uncertain about what to tell someone, when they ask the question that we don’t know the answer to, you’ll stop doing that. Because it’s okay to be uncertain. You’ll stop using social media or a load of laundry, or cleaning the toilets or going grocery shopping to distract yourself from the next item on your to do list for your business. If it’s out of your comfort zone, when you’re just willing to be uncertain. It’s not a problem. You’re going to publish your imperfect website, and you’re going to quit tweaking it every week, you’re going to send follow up emails to those potential clients that reached out to you that you’ve been avoiding, because of some thing, some excuse that was making you feel uncertain, you’re going to quit avoiding that, you’re just going to do it, you’re just going to send the emails, you’re going to just follow up, you’re going to just take imperfect action, even when you’re uncertain in your business. And you don’t know how it’s going to work. Or you don’t know if the plan that you have in place is going to work out course you don’t, you’re never going to know until it’s done and it worked. And you can look back on it and go that was the right thing to do. Remember, the only easy day was yesterday.

And when you are okay being uncertain, and you just make it your be you like this is what I am using to my advantage. Uncertainty is my superpower when you do that, remember, the most magical thing happens because you are willing to feel uncertain. Say it with me now, your clients and your future clients are going to feel this shift in you and they’re going to be willing to be uncertain too, they will see that uncertainty isn’t a problem. It will give them permission to start even when they’re uncertain about how it’s all going to work. Or if they can actually get the results that they want. Or if they can blank, whatever the excuses that makes them feel uncertain. No matter what that is, they’re going to see a new that uncertainty isn’t a problem, they’re going to mirror that right back to you. And in fact, I would pose that they will probably experience your willingness to feel uncertain, as you actually being certain, which is kind of a mind bender, right? Is it the same thing it might be? I’m not really sure. But I think that being certain, is actually maybe the same as being willing to feel uncertain, and they’re gonna feel that from you. So they’re going to just think you are certain, and they’re going to want some of that certainty for themselves, too. They want the secret to taking action, even when they’re uncertain. They want to know how you do that. Even if you aren’t overtly saying that this is what you’re doing, they can feel that they can see it. And you have the secret is to just stop resisting the uncertainty and move forward anyway, it’s not a problem to feel uncertain when you’re doing something you’ve never done before. And achieving new goals that you’ve never dared pursue before. For you or for them in when you know this for you, you will of course talk about their goals and their uncertainty, and not knowing exactly how things are going to work, you will talk about that in a way to them that inspires them to go for it anyway. Because that’s just what you believe. And then they’ll believe it too. So when you’re willing to feel uncertain and go for it, so will your people. And that’s ultimately what we’re doing here we’re helping more people by helping ourselves. And being a model for that. It’s the missing step for creating the most impactful and trustworthy client practitioner relationship, in my opinion. Nobody talks about it, but you can do it, you can be uncertain in your business and teach your clients how to be uncertain, and that it’s not a problem. So let’s recap. First of all, feeling uncertainty about anything in your business is not a problem at all, it means that you’re growing, and you’re doing it right. And all you need to do really is to leverage that uncertainty and make it your be use it use it to your advantage. And when you do this, your business is going to grow faster, with more ease. You’re going to keep things simpler, and you’re going to enjoy it much, much more. You’re not going to be constantly trying to avoid situations that are going to make you feel uncertain. You’re just going to enjoy your business. Your clients are going to ultimately reap all the benefits of this work that you’re doing because you’re going to be a better practitioner. You’re going to be creating better resources for them and you’re going to be modeling for them how to be uncertain and take massive imperfect action anyway. Sound good? Okay. Have a wonderful wonderful week my friend

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