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166. MVP No Niche, No Problem with Chelsea Duffy

Her husband DID NOT want her to invest in (yet another) program to grow her nutritional therapy business…

…but she did.

And she made her investment back plus an extra $1500 within a week.

(Such a satisfying “I told you so.”)

Today you get to hear the inside scoop on The Profitable Nutritionist® Program student Chelsea’s business evolution from ADD and scattered to profitable and JOYFUL while working less hours and actually enjoying time with her kids at home.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • How she has mastered time management and overcome overwhelm in her business
  • The marketing messaging that has resulted in a huge influx of her most ideal, easiest clients
  • Why she LOVES not having a niche and has no plans to change that
  • Choosing not to use social media


Links Mentioned:

  • Connect with Chelsea: Website
  • Follow and Connect with Andrea on LinkedIn
  • Like what you hear? Leave a review on your favorite listening platform


Andrea Nordling

Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. This episode for today is going to blow your mind if your partner or spouse does not want you to invest in yet another program to grow your nutrition business.

Andrea Nordling
Why do I say that? Well, because this conversation that you are about to get behind the scenes access to is a conversation I had with Chelsea Duffy, who is a student in the profitable nutritionist program who invested in the program against the wishes of her husband, who said, Please don’t buy another program to grow your business. They’re not working. And she did invest. And as a result, she went from feeling like she was talking to no one, like no one was interested in working with her, to then making $4,500 in just one week, which was such a satisfying I told you, so that she and I had a lot of fun dissecting in this episode. So today, like I said, you are going to hear the inside scoop on Chelsea’s evolution of her business from what she called really add really scattered to profitable and joyful, and she did this while working way less hours and actually enjoying the summer time with her kids at home. So here’s what we really dove into in the episode, how she mastered time management and overcame overwhelm in her business, first and foremost, and that’s really what took her from that place of add overwhelm, not getting anything done, not getting any clients, to the place where she could actually have her biggest revenue month ever in the summertime with her kids at home. And previous to that, she had just abandoned her business every single summer when her kids were home at school. So huge shift there in her time management, and she explains exactly what she changed and not what that looks like. She also really deep dives into the exact messaging that has resulted in a huge influx of her most ideal, easiest clients. And what might surprise you about this is that she does not have a niche, and she loves not having a niche. She has no plans to narrow down her niche anytime soon. So if you have any niche drama in your brain, you’re going to love her perspective on not having a niche in her business and why she chooses not to use social media. So that’s just a few of the things that we cover in the episode. She also gives you so many more nuggets, including, I’ll give you one more little teaser her change in the process that she actually brings her clients through. So we talk a lot about what that looked like in the beginning with her first few clients, and what it looks like now, after she has really honed in those processes and over delivers for those clients, and again, she’s done all of this and grown a successful practice in a very short amount of time without being on social media. So if any of that lands with you, resonates with you and you want more of that. You are going to find this episode so incredibly impactful and motivating and full of gems. Okay, inside the profitable nutritionist program, we give you the framework for doing all of these things that Chelsea does. In fact, we give you a pretty hefty sales pitch episode for why you want to have the step by step process that Chelsea has been following. So if you’re listening to this episode and you’re thinking, what is this program that they speak of, how do I get into this program? What is the deal? Well, here’s the deal. We open up enrollment in the profitable nutritionist program quarterly, and the doors are open this December 2024. From December 5 until the 11th, at midnight. So if you’re listening to this in real time, when the episode drops, you have from the fifth, December 5, Thursday, December 5 until Wednesday, December 11, at midnight to get into the program, choose your payment plan and start totally transforming your business. We would love to help you do that. And so you choose that payment plan, get all the details at theprofitablenutritionist.com/join. Now if you are listening to this episode in the future, and that enrollment date from December 5 to the 11th, 2024 has already passed. You can always get all of the details on the next enrollment period, including the next dates that we will be open at that same page theprofitableutritionist.com/join.

Andrea Nordling
And that is also linked up in the show notes of this episode if you need it. So here’s the deal. If you’re listening to this in real time in december 2024 you need to get into the program, because we are doing the bigger than ever, 30 day 3k challenge in January. And Chelsea is also going to tell you all about this challenge in this episode. So when you hear about it, just know that when you join the program this December, you get to participate in that challenge live in January as well. Okay, so I’ve teed up enough of these little teasers you know that this is going to be a really, really juicy episode you’ll probably listen to several times. So without further ado, I’m gonna switch this over to Chelsea. Enjoy

Andrea Nordling
Chelsea. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here today. Thank you for having me. I’m so excited. I know we’re just going to jump in and I’m going to ask you just a few questions, and we’re going to see where this episode goes. But I know just from our back and forth setting getting this episode kind of set up, and what we’re going to talk about, I know this is going to be so juicy and so helpful for people listening. So I truly am so appreciative. Can you tell us a little bit about your, like, the timeline of your business and your kind of your business evolution story?

Chelsea Duffy
Sure. Yeah. So in 2016 is when I actually started a traditional foods blog. And so I thought that that was just what I was going to do. But then I wanted a little bit more kind of authority to talk about nutrition stuff. So I did NTA and became a functional nutritional therapy practitioner. So I graduated from there in 2018. And then just I’ve worked in the kind of fits and starts I guess since then, you know, just try to do all the things and then getting overwhelmed with that and then just literally abandoning my business. I’ve abandoned it every single summer when the kids were at school. I abandoned it during the whole lockdown because I homeschool the kids and then I abandoned it again to do more continuing ed so yeah.

Andrea Nordling
I’ve heard this many many times before. So let’s Okay, let’s just start there. But as far as abandoning your business He goes and why would be very curious about during lockdowns in particular but also in the summer? What do you mean by that? Like, what were you abandoning?

Chelsea Duffy
So I would just literally stop everything. So I would just continue. You know, if I had clients, I would, of course, continue taking care of them. But other than that I wasn’t doing anything for getting clients. And I’m not even sure how I got the original class because I really wasn’t talking about my business at all. I was totally trying to be download, you know, oh, that’s

Andrea Nordling
so interesting. But I know a lot of people feel like that. Why do you think you wanted to be on the download?

Chelsea Duffy
I don’t know. I think it’s the whole imposter syndrome. Right? It’s like, you know, I went to school, and now I know a lot. But do I know a lot? You know?

Andrea Nordling
Yeah. Yeah. I think a lot of people relate to that. I sure do. Okay, so you fits in starts 2019 Got your, you know, actually certified as a functional nutritional therapy practitioner, and then had some clients, but kind of intermittent, depending on the season.

Chealsea Duffy
Yeah, absolutely.

Andrea Nordling
So when did this change? Because obviously, you’re on the podcast, because this did change at some point. So bring us up to speed. How since locked down what has been happened? Okay, so

Chelsea Duffy
I went back to school for homeopathy. And I got out of there in 2022. So in fall 2022, I was like, Okay, I’m going to make it go with this business. But I didn’t really feel like I knew where to put my energy. I was just trying a bunch of different things. And I still wasn’t talking about my business. And then in January of this year, my good good friend, Lisa, lovely, who I went through the NTA program with, she started sending me your podcast episodes. I just firstly wasn’t even listening. So I felt like I was so busy, right? But then I was like, I can do this while I’m on my walks. And so I would listen on my walks, and I just was absolutely loving it. And then she’s like, I’m gonna go into the program. And so I was like, oh, you know, I’m gonna go into the program too. And then when I talked to my husband about it, he was like, No, you’re not spending any money on courses? Because I’ve done so much continuing it since NTA. Yeah, I was shocked. And I was so disappointed because I knew in my heart that this was very different, but he didn’t see it as different, right. And so I even went,

Andrea Nordling

this would have been about March 2023. Right? Yeah. March, it was March

Chelsea Duffy

2020. Exactly. I when I wanted to enroll, and he was like, No, you can’t do that. Because I mean, I hadn’t been making any money in my business. So I would have to take it from our personal finances. Right. And so I had coffee with Lisa and a couple of our other NTA girlfriends, and I was really, really disappointed about it. And she was like, you know, Andrea has a podcast where on unsupportive spouses and so on the ride home from that coffee date. I listened to that podcast, it was exactly what I needed to hear at the time. I think it was Priyanka, you were talking? I don’t know. That was Shavon. Shavon. Okay. So it was actually perfect, because I was so you know, I was so upset like that he didn’t understand. And then when I was like, Oh, if I look at this, from his perspective, yeah, this has been going on he counts my business starting in 2016. I count is starting in 2019. Because Oh, yeah. And so he’s just seeing all the money spent, you know, on the blog, and all the all the continuing ed. And, you know, the last little bit was this, you know, business course I wanted to take. And so that really helped me come at it come at it from a different angle. Realize that I needed to sell him on it. And so I really started working about, you know, compiling the evidence, almost doing a UPC for him, right.

Andrea Nordling Yeah. The UPC is a tool that we use in the program. So we’re like lingo speak here. But basically creating evidence for what you want to be believing. Yes, is yeah, that it’s going to work. I just want to interject, because I looked this up while we while you were talking, the handling on supportive spouses episode with Shavon that she’s talking about is episode 21. For anyone that wants to go back and listen to that. Yeah, that

Chelsea Duffy
is a gem. I mean, yeah, really helpful. So I basically compiled all my evidence, and then I sold them on it again, and I was able to get the Go ahead. So on May 18, is when you opened up again, for enrollment, I was there that I’m in Pacific time, so I probably wasn’t the first person who signed up, but I was probably right in that. I was right there. And in the meantime, between that you kind of end up March to May 10. Time I did all the free trainings that I could find of yours. And I listened to every podcast episode and so I had really, really good momentum coming into the program, but I knew that the actual act of spending the money on the program, I knew that that was actually important for me, and I knew that was going to be transformative. And I really do think that that changed the game right when I just sent that money in, you know, okay, and I love that. Yeah, and I and it also changed how I feel about doing calm still took my clients because why would I rob them of that like momentum of their transformation because I before would just shy away from doing consults. And I would just post my price and just hope somebody came. Oh, that’s so good.

Chelsea Duffy
So it’s just reframed a lot for me. And so we did the 3k in 30 day challenge. And so I made my money back within just like in literally one week, I made the 3k back, and then just that like another day after that I made another 1500. So I’ve already made 50% more than my initial investment, which made my husband a believer, right.

Andrea Nordling
So good. So Chelsea posted this inside the Lounge, which is our private community and said the program, and she said, You guys, it’s just like, This is what’s been happening. I feel so great. And then I love the line where you said plus it feels so good to be right. laughing I said yes. That to myself. Yes. And I feel so good.

Chelsea Duffy
Yeah, I had to savor that a little bit, right.

Andrea Nordling
Okay, so what had like, let’s unpack this a little bit. You have gone from serial course buyer and certification getter and getting all the information feeling the imposter syndrome, to now putting steps in motion. Momentum is obviously high for you right now for getting clients and for booking consults all of that. What is actually contributing to that for you? What do you think is what do you think that you’ve done that has changed that trajectory for you specifically?

Chelsea Duffy
I think it’s a really, it sounds so simple, but it’s because you know, whereas you encourage us to talk about what we do. And so I just have started talking, you know, I’m out at the baseball game, watching my son plays, talking, telling people what I do, you know, but I never did that before. I always just, I really downplayed it or brushed it off or change the subject. Yeah. So I just that is like the biggest change and then actually doing the calendaring. Because my biggest problem or hurdle has always been time. I’ve always felt just this push pull because of my, you know, family. I’ve got elementary aged kids. And so it was just, you know, how much time am I dedicating to them? How much time am I dedicating to the business? And so learning how to do the calendaring is just like it blew my mind I, I get so much done, and in so much shorter time that I don’t feel overwhelmed by it.

Andrea Nordling
That’s so fantastic. I want to talk more about that. Because I know that time and money are the biggest objections that people have to investing in my program to investing in fixing their health problems to any investment ever. It’s always a version of time or money, that’s going to be a problem. So Well, let’s talk about this time for sure you have learned the method that I teach for calendaring and for time management as in basically what I teach is how to, I don’t even know how to concisely say this, but how to proactively lay out your work week and your work month by first prioritizing the rest of your life, instead of trying to cram way too much work into your weeks and then being disappointed at the end when it feels like nothing has happened. Because in reality, you tried to cram way too much in so we kind of work it from the opposite angle. And then on Fridays, you give yourself an opportunity to evaluate what works well, we call it Friday our done, which is where you go back through and you kind of take inventory of all of the things that you did get done to collect that evidence in your brain for oh my gosh, look at what we did. And look at how far like how much progress we’ve made, how much progress our clients have made. And then you tee up your next week for similar success. So just giving everyone kind of a baseline of what that looks like, I would love to know, what has been some of the changes you’ve seen in the way that you spend your time that has been helpful for you?

Chelsea Duffy
Well, I guess one of the biggest changes, just kind of like a mental shift in realizing how much I do get done, I used to just have like a running to do it straight. And I would just kind of stare at it and choose something at random and then you know, you know, may or may not finish it or not, you know, just kind of do a little bit of this, a little bit of that. But when you actually have it on the calendar in front of you, then you say this is what I’m doing. And this time and you just get it done. And oftentimes you get it done faster than you thought you were going to and then you have free time, you know, where you can either do something else or take a break or, and so it’s a big, like mental shift when I when I do Friday hour done and I see everything I’ve accomplished in the time my children were at school, I’m just amazed at I’m just you know, interested in so encouraged by what I can get done. It’s I don’t know. It’s just really exciting. For sure.

Andrea Nordling
Oh, I totally know. And especially as entrepreneurs, we don’t give ourselves that gift of being done very often unless we’re really deliberate about it. We’re always trying to cram more in we’re always saying we’re behind. There’s more to do. We gotta get this done so that we can move on to the next thing and when you’re when you do that over progress You’d have time and you never give yourself the satisfaction of completion and turning off the work and enjoying the rest of your life. At some point, your brain says, I’m not going to keep working anymore, you’re never gonna be. And then we procrastinate. And we do the thing where we have the long to do list, and we pick the easiest things off of it. But don’t get in there with the things that are more complicated are probably bigger priorities. Because at some level, you’re resentful of yourself like, well, I know if I do that, you’re just gonna give me something else to do. So I don’t even want to start.

Chelsea Duffy
Yes, I know. Yeah. And then in my case, I would just abandon my business, I would just blame it on my kids and abandon my business, you know? Yeah,

Andrea Nordling
yeah. But not anymore. No, not anymore. Yeah. It’s very shocking, late, that results in more clients. awareness thing, and I bet that you’re teaching the same strategies to your clients, if I had to guess,

Chelsea Duffy
oh, yes, I love how it better everything is. And oh, and something is so funny is that when I was unable to sell my husband on me joining this program, I actually had a conversation with the girl who does my hair, and she’s done my hair for years. And we actually had this conversation about what I do, because I had never elaborated on what I do. And she was like, oh, I want to come work with you. And then guess what? She couldn’t sell her husband on it. So it was just so funny that I mirrored that she totally mirrored me, right? She was in the exact same space. And I was like, wow, that is just exactly what Andrea says is happening.

Andrea Nordling
What will always happen? It’s so it’s just so fascinating, we will always attract people that have the same beliefs that we have, which is why you go err of those is just, it’s just an interesting experiment to kind of watch how the world works, isn’t it?

Chelsea Duffy
Yeah, it absolutely is. And just know, the clients that I have now are my perfect, perfect clients. I mean, they paid my premium price, and they do all the things I asked them to do. They’re not the people I had, you know, two years ago and was frustrated with and I mean, so they mirror me now, right, that new space that I’m in, and it’s just, it’s just a joy, you know, oh, my

Andrea Nordling
gosh, it’s so exciting. What kind of clients do you work with?

Chelsea Duffy
So I work with anybody, so I don’t have a niche, but almost everyone who comes to me has food sensitivities. So that’s a big, that’s a big one I deal with.

Andrea Nordling
I love that. Okay, I think a lot of people are going to be really interested in the fact that you don’t have a niche, because that is a very common decision that can result in anxiety for a long, long, long time. So I love that you don’t have a niche. I think that that’s fantastic. Tell us about that. Well,

Chelsea Duffy
so in the bit in the beginning, I did kind of do like, because I did all the restorative wellness programs, you know, so I did do you know, gut health and hormones kind of that was more my niche. But now I just talk to whoever about whatever, because I really can help them with whatever issue they have. I don’t want to limit it. Right? I definitely help women. It’s always women. And you know, whether they’re mothers or not, and sometimes I help their children too, but I don’t know, I think it feels pretty freeing to not have a nation just, you know, help anybody, right? Why limit?

Andrea Nordling
Yeah, no, I think that that’s fantastic. I know a lot of people that don’t have a niche at some point get to get to. And I don’t think that this is a foregone conclusion by any means. But I do hear a lot of people that say, oh, my gosh, but it’s the things that people come to me with are so incredibly diverse. And it takes me so long to dive into these topics when they’re always new to me. Do you feel like you have a problem with that? Or is it mental?

Chelsea Duffy
Because it all comes down anyway, to the basics and the foundations? Right? And when you get those all sorted, and being a homeopath, I have an extra tool, I feel like homeopathy is almost like magic. And I just feel like there isn’t really anything that we can’t improve, you know.

Andrea Nordling
So I love that you have no drama about this whatsoever. I just love it. I would offer to anybody listening, that feels like they have to figure out their niche. And then they loop on what that is. And then they’re like, No, I’m not going to have an edge. But then they also have drama about that. But it’s totally optional. And you just decide that it’s easy either way, right? Yeah. Absolutely. Oh my gosh, it’s so fun. Do you see yourself changing that at any point in the future? No, I

Chelsea Duffy
don’t think so. I I love loving who’s finding me right now. And yeah, I’m just I’m just loving that just calling the perfect clients client weeks was was really helpful for that, by the way in the in the marketing too. Yeah, I just feel like whoever is supposed to find me is finding me right now.

Andrea Nordling
Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about that. So in client’s week, which she’s referring to as a free training that I offered in March, so that’s when you wanted to join and then didn’t in March, but you joined the next enrollment period of May. So in clients, we talk about the actual words that you say and how do you speak to people’s problems and the solution that you offer and the results that they ultimately get when they work to you work to work with you. So you’re actually formulating your marketing message. What are your most ideal, easiest clients are looking for? So I think not, I think I 100% know that a lot of people interpret their easiest clients as being a niche. So this kind of ties into what we were talking about. So I think a lot of people listen to that training or go through that training. And or it’s also part of my program. So if you’re inside the profitable nutritionist, and you totally shouldn’t be, by the way, then you will learn the same method. But people go through that and think that their easiest client means whatever very specific niche they should be working in. And then if they don’t have an established niche, then it seems very confusing, and it doesn’t need to, because what I’m hearing you say, and what I am loving hearing you say is that your easiest client is a personality trait of the people that you’re working with not a set of symptoms that they have, can you tell us a little bit about, like what your easiest clients are? Like? Yeah,

Chelsea Duffy
my easiest clients, they are resourceful. So they figure it out? Like, they don’t have every single question for they definitely have questions. And of course, I’m there to support them. But they’re, they’re really self reliant other ways. In fact, most of them already come, they already know all the nutrition stuff, they’ve already tried everything, they’ve they’ve eliminated this, they’ve eliminated that they’ve had all these tests. And so they really are, you know, very good at figuring things out. And they just need me to guide them. So they’re just so easy to work with. And they do everything, you know, they don’t, it’s not like you have your check in and they’re like, Oh, well, I didn’t actually start those remedies are, oh, I didn’t actually love my food, or, you know, they really just do. They do all the things and they’re not worried about the price. They’re just, they just accept it, and they are happy to pay it and happy to be working with me. It’s, it’s wonderful.

Andrea Nordling
That is wonderful. How do you think you’re speaking to them initially, that is inspiring that sort of attitude?

Chelsea Duffy
I think it’s because I used to when I would write blog posts and my marketing emails, I would talk to people, as if they like, didn’t know something. And when I did client speak, I realized no, I that’s not who I want. I want the people who do know things, but they just need a little bit of reminding, or they need a little bit more information. You know, so it really changed who I was talking to. And I just think that just made all the difference in who’s attracted to me.

Andrea Nordling
Mm hmm. Oh, that’s so good. Okay, so what kind of marketing do you do? Do you send emails, like, tell us a little bit about what that looks like? On a practical week to week basis? Yeah, sure.

Chelsea Duffy
So well, I’ve learned a lot because my email, emailing was just fits and starts for years. And even with the blog, you know, I would just email three new posts a week, and then I wouldn’t email for another two months, you know? Now I send emails out every Tuesday, and there are almost all these days homeopathy related, like, kind of in condition, like what to do for motion sickness, right, what to do for food poisoning, this sort sort of thing. Just to kind of educate about what they can do for themselves at home, but I was then in my email talking about what I do, and that I can help. Right. So that was something I never did before. You know, I never did that.

Andrea Nordling
Okay, so before you were just giving the information, and that was that, yeah, there wasn’t

Chelsea Duffy
even a place to like, click and say, work with me, or you know what I mean, it was just, I would just like, give him some recipes and some, you know, health tips. And then that was it. I don’t I don’t know. It’s funny. It seems silly now. But

Andrea Nordling
what do you think you were thinking at that time that made you not have a clear call to action for them?

Chelsea Duffy
I think it was kind of confused, because I had started as a, you know, as a traditional foods blog. And so it was mostly recipes and these sorts of things. And then when I shifted into being a practitioner, I just didn’t shift that messaging. I just, like, kind of just stuck with it thinking, well, that’s why they came to me. So I don’t know, I guess I’m gonna give them what they came for.

Andrea Nordling
Yeah, well, that kind of actually, that makes sense. That kind of ties into what you said before, assuming that people didn’t know things already. Yeah, versus talking to people who already know things or who already of course, they’re here for the food, but they also want me to help them feel better. You know, it’s kind of a natural, like a natural progression there. I love that. Yeah. Okay. I have a question about your client processes that you that you bring them through. So this is another thing I’m just going through mentally, I’m ticking through things that people have problems with. And I’m just asking you if you have had these problems. So if anyone’s wondering where these questions are coming from, I’m just thinking of the most common questions that I get, and we’re just ticking through. So a lot of people have considerable indecision and anxiety around bringing clients through a process when they especially when they first started out and maybe are working with their first clients. Or they’re like working within a new modality like for you bringing in homeopathy. In addition to the nutritional therapy might have been part of that? I don’t know. So I’m curious. But for a lot of people, they think, oh my gosh, I don’t know what my process is yet, or I’m using a process for my certification program I got, but I don’t really know if it works for sure. And having a lot of anxiety around the practical application of how fast do I go? What do we do on week one versus week? Five? How do we like what do we do better at it? So I know a lot of people have issues about that. I’m curious, did you have a process to bring your clients through in the beginning? Or did you just kind of create that, as you’ve gone through with your first few clients,

Chelsea Duffy
it has evolved a lot, but it just evolved as I worked. You know, in the beginning, I took a lot of free plants, like when I did the restorative wellness trainings, I took three clients that I friends and family, just to try and make sure I knew what my process was I did the I did their process. And then, you know, kind of brought them through all that. And then adding homeopathy, I also took a bunch of free, you know, I helped friends and family for free. And that really just solidified how I was going to bring it all together. I don’t think you can kind of decide on your process until you’ve been working on it. You know, you because you tweak it along the way, as you’re evaluating like, you know, what is working? What isn’t working? How Wait, maybe we need to wait to six weeks to see each other again, or you know, yeah. So yeah, it

Andrea Nordling
was definitely like your clients. That’s it. That kind of brings us to another question, how often are you meeting with your clients? And what does your offer look like? Right now, I know that that can change, but what is it?

Chelsea Duffy
So I meet with my clients every four to six weeks. So I, you know, the onboarding is kind of intensive. With homeopathy, we do a whole health history timeline of their whole life. So that takes a bit to go through, right. And then so my initial consults pretty long, you know, about an hour and a half or so. And then I go through all that information with them. And then I go and build their protocol away from them. And then I come back with them with every all the remedies that they’re going to take and any lifestyle changes and things that I want them to do. And if they have questions, we can pop back on a zoom, but usually we just do that part on through email, and then they need to be on the remedies for about four weeks before we shift them. So that’s kind of a natural timeline for us to meet again. Okay. So about about four to six weeks, the extra two weeks is if they they spent a while waiting for remedies to arrive, because sometimes they have to come from the UK. So yeah, so then we just go every four to six weeks, and call it a six month package. But there’s essentially six major visits in that package. And then you know, unlimited email support. Okay.

Andrea Nordling
And is that working? Well? Yeah,

Chelsea Duffy
that works really well. Yeah,

Andrea Nordling
yeah, I love this so much. I just love listening to the different variations of how people structure their offers, because there truly is no right or wrong. And I know a lot of people listening to this will be thinking, I just want to know, how is it three months is the best? Or is it six months? Or is it nine months? And you don’t know you don’t know? And there is no best you get to just test out your best hypothesis and evaluate it as you go and change when you need to. Absolutely no big deal at all. Okay, this is so fun. So what would you tell yourself, when you were just starting out that you wish you knew now as you’re looking back, like what are would you what would you tell someone else that’s just starting out in their nutrition business or health coaching business?

Chelsea Duffy
Well, right away, I would tell them that business coaching is really important, just knowing the business side. And I mean, you’ve never had that training before. So why would you just assume you’ve been you’d be successful, right? I mean, I floundered around about it. For years, because I didn’t know, we had no business training in our program. So I would just tell them to make that a priority. As they’re feeling out their process in the in, you know, just take that imperfect action, just get the clients and then you’ll learn along the way, and they won’t even realize that you’re learning along the way. Right. And you’ll get there. And then yeah, but focus on the business side to from the beginning. And then you can think of how much more momentum I would have had had I started right off with business training. So

Andrea Nordling
yeah, I feel like that’s such a good reminder that of course, you’re not supposed to know how to do this if you’ve never done it before. Right. But we just don’t give ourselves that Grace at all.

Chelsea Duffy
Yeah, yeah. Like if you’ve never run a business, how would you know how to run a business, but you just think, Oh, well, you know, I’ll do it. I’ll figure it out. I’ve always been a DIY er. And so that’s why I think it was so important for me to actually just like hand over the money and say, I am going to learn this. I’m going to get the help I need, you know, to stop the DIY.

Andrea Nordling
I totally agree. I think having a process and having a guide and a community with you is super important. But even if that wasn’t a factor, and of course it is and it’s so useful, but even if that wasn’t a factor and just truly paying the money. Like if the transformation comes from the transaction and just swiping the credit card makes you show up differently and like helps you uplevel your self concept as a business owner and do the thing. Thanks. I think that there’s I mean, I think that that can just be it sometimes. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. So good. Okay. You also said taking imperfect action, because the people that you are starting to that you’re serving in the beginning, they have no idea that you’re still learning along the way. They truly don’t. rewinder. Let’s talk about that a little bit.

Chelsea Duffy
Yeah, they have no idea. Right. And I mean, it’s, it is more comfortable when you’re helping friends and family who do know, you’re just, you know, learning, but that’s why I thought I wanted to help a lot of people for free, but just to have that confidence, because now I know I can help anybody with whatever condition they have. Yeah, with your clients, as you’re refining your process, they don’t know that you’re, you know, not just shifting especially for them, you know?

Andrea Nordling
Exactly, exactly. And I love working with one on one clients in the beginning, especially for that reason, because you are working so closely with them. And you are figuring out your process. They are they they are like helping you test out the test pilot version of what you’re doing. But to them, they feel like oh my gosh, this is so bespoke. This is so customized to me. It’s so personalized, this is exactly what I need, which is a wonderful customer experience. Yes, yes. Absolutely. Oh, my gosh, so good. What else would you want to say? I mean, is there anything else we didn’t cover that you were like, Oh, I really want to make sure I talked about this when we’re when we’re recording because I wonder if we’ve covered everything.

Chelsea Duffy
I think it’s setting goals. So I never ever had set any goals. The 3k in 30 days was the third the first goal that I had had and it it aligned Of course, with I wanted to make my investment back as soon as possible just to show my husband that I could write. So the whole setting goals is just it was a new thought I had never thought about how much I even should be trying to bring in or I don’t know it was it’s funny, it’s just women now that I set the goals, it just makes so much sense. And I even had a bit of a I think you call it on purpose once like my brain had a bit of a tantrum. When I made my you know, within a week, I made the got two clients who made the 3k back and I was like, wow. And then just a few days later, another client booked without even a console and I was my brain literally kind of flipped out. Yeah, I had to do some thought work about like, what the, for some reason, the exceeding my goal, just like being me kind of my brain go what how is this? happening? You know? And then oh, no, how can I repeat it? And oh, no, you know, I’m gonna be behind if I don’t, you know, do it again next month. But then I did the thought work and got to a good space about it. And I can’t be behind next month, because I’m way ahead.

Andrea Nordling
So true. Okay, so that challenge that Chelsea is talking about is something that we do inside the program twice a year. And we’re currently recording this in June when we are doing the 3k in 30 days challenge. And so the program costs $3,000. And as we have discussed, our clients will mirror our beliefs and our thoughts 10 times out of 10 all the time, people will be thinking what you were thinking. So I created the challenge, knowing that if if my people coming into the program are willing to pay $3,000 to meet their goals, then it just stands to reason that the people that they are talking to, would be willing to pay $3,000 to make their goals. So it’s like you make your money back. Of course, that’s a great goal. But also if you’re willing to pay $3,000, so are the people that are coming to you. So let’s figure out how to do that on repeat as fast as possible. And that is really fun. Because it is thought exercises for five to 10 minutes every morning for a month. And it’s not more complicated than that you seriously just take the thoughts in your brain, you write them down, and you look at them and go, Oh, this is fascinating. And basically, from what you uncover in your own brain, you will make your money back faster. And you will get a lot of insights about what your clients are thinking based on what you’re thinking as well. So it’s it’s kind of a fun exercise in that way. But it isn’t. I mean, it isn’t a huge time intensive process, nothing like that. It’s really just looking and mining for the goal that’s already in your brain. So I love that you made your money back, you made your $3,000 back, then you made more and part of the challenge is what do you do when you exceed your goal? Because like you said, your brain had a little bit of a tantrum thinking and I might be putting words in your mouth, but it sounds like you’re saying okay, but now like I kind of tapped into next month’s money. Yes. Like it all came too fast. And what if, what if this was a fluke, and I can’t repeat it, and now I’m going to be letting myself down next month and a lot of drama around that. Yeah, yeah.

Chelsea Duffy
Because I thought, you know, in my mind, I was kind of calculating the the leads floating out there, right. And I was thinking maybe that one would come in in July. And then she came in right away. I’m like, Oh my gosh. But then the other two other leads that I didn’t even know about. They were just referrals that so I don’t know who’s out there referring me right now. So I can’t, you know, talk myself out of the fact that July could be just as good or better than June. So

Andrea Nordling
yeah, absolutely. But it’s so predictable that our brains freak out about that. Really normalize that for everybody else, when you are successful and immediate. Instead of celebrating, you immediately go into panic of, well, I can’t repeat it. It’s not sustainable. It was a fluke, that’s totally normal to, and we have tools for that. Because guess what your clients are going to mirror you. And they’re going to think the exact same thing when they start meeting their health goals. And if you don’t have the tools to manage your own brain around that, you’re first you’re not going to have the tools to support them, when they freak out and think this isn’t sustainable. This was a fluke. It can’t be this easy. And all of those thoughts. Yes, absolutely. So all of the clients are coming, obviously, and people are out there referring you, obviously. And July is going to be even bigger than June, obviously. Yeah. What are you working on? Like, tell us what this looks like for you now?

Chelsea Duffy
Well, I so you know, before, when I was kind of running around, just add in my business, I had also started a course for practitioners. And while I was doing your faultless and all your podcasts and doing the free trainings, I got inspired to it. This had been in my mind. And so I ran a beta test of the course. And then I just got it all finished up and put it in Kajabi. And now it’s all ready to go. So that’s another possible stream of income that could help out with July and all the months after that. Yeah. And then and then just continuing with my, you know, Tuesday, email marketing to my perfect clients, telling people what the heck I do. Yeah, and just helping people through the summer this summer I have because of course, the kids are home. So initially, I was freaking out about that. But I just got my calendar all set so that I can do early morning appointments. And you know, some of my clients are in the east coast in central time anyway. So that works for them. And then then I can just have the rest of the day to take my kids out on adventures while there’s nice weather, you know? Yeah,

Andrea Nordling
yeah, I was. I did want to circle back to that before we wrap up on Okay, so time management has been huge. In the past, you have abandoned your business in the summer when kids are home. So I was going to ask now, what does that look like that’s different this year. But I love that you are, you know, be really practical about what you can fit into your weeks when your kids are home, you are not just grinding away 24/7 And you know, abandoning the family time that we worked so hard to preserve. I think that that’s why so many of us want to have our own businesses so we can have the free time. And somewhere along the way, we forget that we need to have the free time.

Chelsea Duffy
I know right? Yes, exactly. So we need both. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling
So how exciting that the biggest growth of your business is happening in the summer when you previously thought it was absolutely impossible. You are proving that it is inevitable.

Chelsea Duffy
Yes. It’s very exciting.

Andrea Nordling
Yeah, so good. Okay, so Chelsea, where do people find you tell them where you are on the internet and where they come and stalk you.

Chelsea Duffy
So my business name is reclaiming vitality, and it’s reclaiming vitality.com.

Andrea Nordling
Okay, Reclaiming my talent. Gee, are you on any social media?

Chelsea Duffy
I the only one I do is Pinterest. I’m technically on Facebook, but I don’t post there anything. I’m just there because of all the practitioner forums. So

Andrea Nordling
gotcha. Oh, that’s something we didn’t dive into is no social media. We better take a couple minutes and talk about that. Have you been off of social media? Or is that recent?

Chelsea Duffy
So in the beginning, of course, I thought I had to do it. And I had just hated doing it. You know, and particularly, I hated Instagram. Anytime I’d make a blog post, I would post it on Facebook, but over the years, you know, their algorithm was changed. So nobody even sees it. I have a page there. I never even post I never even deal with it. And that was one of the things that really drew me to you is that you do it without social media and Pinterest. I kept because I actually do have a decent following over there. Probably because I started as a, you know, food blog, and then I did enjoy actually utilizing it myself too. So I do schedule pins there. And I like that on my site. I get a pretty good amount coming from there.

Andrea Nordling
So exciting. Have you ever run ads on Pinterest?

Chelsea Duffy
I’ve never run an ad there. Yeah. Okay.

Andrea Nordling
I love hearing all of the ways that the clients, I mean, clients are everywhere for all of us. So I just love hearing all of the different ways that they kind of find their way into your web and get you know, through the twists and turns and all of it, they make their way to the middle. That’s so good. And so then they come to your website, obviously get on your email list. And then you email them and change their life and they work with you and then go spread the word to all of their friends and family and their network that you have no idea who that even is and the legs just coming in. Yeah, exactly. Beautiful thing. Wonderful. Okay, so reclaiming vitality.com Is there anywhere else people need to find you or is that it?

Chelsea Duffy
Well, so my course is called accessing intuition and guidance. We’re practitioners and that’s actually on Kajabi. But it’s kind of a long URL, I guess.

Andrea Nordling
I have to go to reclaiming vitality, that calm and contact you there for that. Okay. Wonderful. Chelsea, thank you so much for coming and chatting with us today and just sharing some of your experience. I know this is going to be such a useful, helpful, inspiring episode for other people to listen to just about how things can be simpler and easier than we think they can be. I think you’ve given such good evidence of that.

Chelsea Duffy
I’m very good. I hope it does. Thank you.

Andrea Nordling
Thank you so much.

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