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64. Making Your Irresistible Offer

What if you think you’re making an irresistible offer to your people but really it’s terrible?

Or what if they aren’t even hearing your offer?

OR what if you’re terrified of making the offer because you secretly think you can’t get them results?

Well, this episode is the antidote to all of that.

I recently had two EPIC offer situations come up in my life that you will learn a lot from for your business, and I’m sharing both in detail in this episode as they relate to making better offers in your business.

The first story starts with an unattractive Chanel bag and the second one involves a proper Englishman.

Can’t wait to share.


Andrea Nordling 0:00
Hello, my friend, we’re talking about making offers today the heck does that even mean? Oh, we’re gonna dive into it. But first, I need to give you a little life update. Well, it’s not really a life update. But as I’m recording this, I’m getting ready to head out of town. So I’m recording this in advance when you get this, I will have already come back. And so maybe I will have emailed you and told you all about it. I don’t know. But I’m leaving tomorrow for a Joe Dispenza week long, advanced meditation retreat. I don’t really know what to expect. But everyone that I tell this to seems to know someone that has gone and it completely changed their life, and they had a fantastic experience and rave reviews. So I don’t know, history tells me that if I announced that you you might know someone and you might oh my gosh, I’ve heard about that, too. So tell me a reply to one of my emails and told me all about who you know, that has been to a Joe Dispenza live event. I’m very excited. So I’m getting these podcasts, these podcasts you’re listening to now are getting bashed in advance, because I am going to be totally unplugged hanging out in Cancun at this retreat. And I have to tell you that although I’m very excited to be going to this retreat, I’m also a little bit tired of travel, because I traveled a few weeks ago to Phoenix to go to another conference, another live event. And that’s what I’m actually gonna be talking to you about on this episode. So it all ties in. Right now I’m feeling like I just unpacked the suitcase, and I’m just packing it back up again. And when I made the plans to be doing all of this travel, it seemed like there was enough space in between. But what I didn’t really account for was also traveling out of town for Thanksgiving, and just all of it. My kids are like you’re leaving again. And I’m thinking I’m leaving again. But I am I am leaving again. It’s going to be great. Okay, let’s get back to this event that I was at a few weeks ago where the stories I’m going to tell you happened. Because I have some stories for today. I was at an event called Life Coach live through the Life Coach School. And if you are not aware of this, I am a certified life coach through the Life Coach School. My mentor is Brooke Castillo. So also shout out to Brooke she has an amazing podcast called The Life Coach School podcast. If you’re interested in all things mindset, you got to go subscribe to The Life Coach School podcast, it’ll change your life. So at Life Coach live, there were a lot of us that our Life Coach School certified coaches that were at the event. But there were also people that listen to the podcast, or that are in her self coaching scholars membership program. So there were people there that aren’t certified coaches yet, people that just wanted to learn how to coach themselves. They wanted to get coached by Brook, they wanted to find a coach, they were there for whatever reason. So I was going because I just don’t tempt me with a good time. I’m ready to get on an airplane and go do fun things with my friends. And I had a lot of friends that were going to this event other coach friends. And so I didn’t have very high expectations about the event. And to be honest, I didn’t even really know what it was. But I heard people were going and I was like, Yep, that sounds good. I’ll go I mean, if Brooks putting on an event is probably going to be great. I’m done. So I didn’t really know what we were doing. Turns out quite a bit of the three day event was spent talking about making offers, which was delightful to me because I think about making offers a lot I think about teaching making offers a lot I coach on making offers a lot. And I do podcasts on making offers a lot and I make offers a lot. So it was right up my alley. I thought this was a fantastic topic. And we’ve been talking about this recently in the mastermind, we’ve been coaching a lot on offers. And a question that gets brought up even in advanced businesses is like what is an offer? Like what even happens? What does that mean? Do I have a good offer? How do I make an offer? Do I need to tweak my offer, talking about all of this to talk about this a lot in the profitable nutritionist program about setting up your initial offers and how to price them and how to structure them and what to include all of that. And then in the mastermind, we really dial in to exactly what you’re delivering and how you’re marketing and selling the offer. And we get even more detailed, I guess we take it to the next level in the mastermind and we do it together. So fun. So what I’m trying to say is I talk about offers a lot I think about offers a lot. And at this live event in Phoenix a few weeks ago, I had the two most profound experiences when it came to offers. And I’m going to tell you about both of them because in different ways they blew my mind. The first thing that happened was I think this was on the first day, Brooke was on stage and she had two Chanel boxes next to her on a table and they just sat there for a few hours and nobody talks about them. Nobody mentioned that Chanel boxes. Keep in mind there’s like 1500 people in this room. There were a bunch of people on virtual that I think a few 1000 People virtual and there are 1500 of us live. And the way that the event was structured was there was a VIP section in the front you could pay more for a VIP ticket and then there was the general seating and this will be important later for the next story. I tell you with a VIP ticket you had a table and you had a little bit more space. The general admission tickets had regular just seats with no table to write on. And then with the VIP ticket would there was also a VIP lounge. So adjacent to this big conference room there was a lounge that had like coffee and food UHD and big couches and it was a more VIP experience. Obviously, this will come into play later. So I had a VIP ticket. So I was right in the front row, which was awesome. It’s fantastic to be so close to the front. So when this happened, I was right there literally in the front row. And what happened is, we’re talking about making offers, and Brooke grabbed one of the Chanel boxes. And she said, Do you guys see this? Or like, yeah, we know what that is. And she tells a story about how her stylist sent her this purse, and she thought it was just like the most fabulous bag. And so she takes it out. And I’m not really into fancy purses. So it didn’t really do anything. For me. It was kind of a red and white patent leather, something something if you were into purses, like this would probably be an amazing bag. If you were into Chanel, it probably would be even more incredible. I was like, that doesn’t really do it for me. But apparently this is a big deal. This person is a big deal. Like limited edition, there’s only a few of them that it added up. So she talks about this purse, she really talks it up about how rare it is, and like how expensive it is and how people fight over this person. All the things about this person, which in retrospect, you know, she’s like creating the offer. And then she said, Who wants this purse for $10. And she just sat down, and the room was silent. Nobody says anything. Everyone’s looking around. Like, Is she serious? What’s going on with what did she say? $10. And it was wild. Nobody moved. Nobody talked. It was completely quiet. And so my friend was sitting next to me. And she and I whisper to each other. I’m like, Are you going to run up there and go get the person? She’s like, No, I don’t want that. I don’t want the verse either. But we both knew she was dead serious that she was going to sell this purse for $10 to the person that came up and gave her $10 or made an offer. So she’s just sitting there and nobody’s moving. And we were in the very front row. So we could have hopped up and jumped up there and done it. Neither of us did. No one next to us did. Like everyone’s just like, What is she doing? What did she say about $10? It was just wild what was going on? And then finally, a few people I think there was two or three, like went up to the front. And the first person that went up there had a $10 bill in her hand. And she’s like, are you serious? And Brookes like, Yeah, I mean, I said you could have this purse for $10. And so she handed her $20 Bill, and Brooke handed her this beautiful Chanel bag if you’re into that kind of thing. Ladies, like you’re serious, just like yes, yes. There you go. Congratulations. It’s a beautiful bag. And there were a few people behind her that were like, Oh my gosh, if I had just moved a little bit faster, I could have had one of them didn’t have any money. But she was like, but would you have taken Venmo? And Brooke was like yeah, of course, you would have just had to make me an offer, I would have taken anything just so you know, I would have taken and I owe you I would have taken a trade, I would have taken Venmo you could pay out me cash. It always works. We could have come to terms you could have worked for me for a day. Yeah, I would have taken your offer. But it took a really long time like an absurdly long time for anyone to go up there and actually do the transaction. So I tell you this first part of this first story, because it was incredible to watch. And I had heard of this before, I just was not the first person that’s done this, I knew what was happening. And I still didn’t go get this bag, I was in the very front row, I knew the gig, I knew I could just grab some money, that I had cash in my purse, and I knew I could go get this bag. And I didn’t go to it, which was kind of bananas when I thought about this afterwards. And as it was happening, I seriously was having the thought, oh my gosh, I’m going to do a podcast

Andrea Nordling 8:33
about this, it was like an out of body experience. Because I did not want to be the first person to run up there. I was like, oh, what’s gonna happen if I get up there? And then she’s like, No, I was just kidding. And then I’m gonna be so embarrassed. And there were all these thoughts, all these reasons why I didn’t go get this bag. Also, because I was like, I don’t really like that bag. But I knew it was like a $10,000 bag. And I thought I could sell that thing on eBay. So I should have wanted the bag. Bottom line is, it was a very irresistible offer. Okay, it really was, even if I wasn’t going to use the bag, it made sense to get the bag I was right in the front row could have gotten the bag and I didn’t do it. And most people didn’t do it. We were all looking at each other. Like who’s going to be the one that’s going to do this not going to be me this very polite, Midwestern girl. Never be me. One of my friends. I was sitting next to actually two of my friends. I was sitting next to her from Wisconsin. I’m from Minnesota, we have all bonded on the fact that we’re we’re such these nice, polite girls from the Midwest, we would never run up there and loudly make an offer for a Chanel bag. And we just there was so much we laughed about it later. But it didn’t happen. I didn’t do it. It was just weird. Okay, so then we talked about over delivery in your offer and how you make the offer. And the offer is such a no brainer that somebody wants the offer. So they take you up on the offer and then the offer is even better than the marketing was. So they get the offer. And they’re like, oh my goodness, this is even better than I thought it was going to be which is over delivery. So at that point, Brexit had to the lady that had gotten the purse. She said, Well, why don’t you open that up and she opened it up. And there was like $500 in cash inside the purse. So it was the major over delivery of the purse. Okay, so Message was received was really dumb to not go get the purse when she was offering the purse for $10 takeaway here is that most of the room had the same trepidation for different reasons. People were like, I didn’t want the purse, I didn’t know what the purse was worth, I didn’t think it was valuable to me. I didn’t know there was going to be cash in it, there was all kinds of excuses. I didn’t think I would get to the front first at that other people would. And I didn’t even want to try because I figured someone else would get it before me. So basically, it was a version of I didn’t think I would really get the results. So why even try, which was just crazy, because we were clearly all having that same thought. So no one was even trying for an absurdly long amount of time, like minutes was weird. You see where I’m going with this? Right? These are the exact reasons that your clients don’t take you up on your offers. And of course, why you don’t make those offers often enough in your business. If you’re like most people that I talk to, that is the case. So I’m gonna make a generalization that probably you’re not making your offers enough, maybe they’re not irresistible. Maybe their offer just isn’t phrased correctly, maybe you’re not marketing the offer in a way that your people are needing to hear it. That’s, of course, messaging is usually where we want to start with this. But it can also be you’re not making offers often enough. And usually the reason for that is just thinking, I don’t think I’m gonna get the result anyway. So why even try, or I don’t want to be pushy, I don’t want to seem greedy, the same reason I didn’t go run up with a $10 bill and get the $10,000 Chanel bag that had cash inside.

Andrea Nordling 11:41
Can we just laugh, I mean, really, this, I would never carry this bag, it’s not something I would actually use. But it was very valuable. And I could have sold it or I could have given it away it my honest thought was I could give that away on a silent auction somewhere, and it would be incredible. So bottom line is that it was a very key glimpse into sales psychology. We don’t make offers often enough, or we don’t take up offers often enough. We don’t want to seem greedy as salespeople, we don’t want to make a fool of ourselves as consumers, there’s so much that goes into this. So let’s keep talking about offers. I took a lot of notes during this day or during the entire event. But especially this day, I think that day one we really talked about offers the most. And it took a lot of notes. So I am going to read to you I have my notebook open, I don’t usually take a ton of notes. But on offers. Apparently I was interested in this after this Chanel bag incident. So I was I was taking some notes here and I don’t remember everything that we went through. But I’m just going to read from my notes at what stood out to me, and then give you some of my thoughts as well. So I have written on my notes here some things that your offer needs, which is honest contribution, meaning it’s true, like your offer actually delivers the thing that you say that it’s going to deliver. And I find that this is a real sticking point for health and wellness professionals in all modalities, you know that I talk about holistic nutrition in particular, but people that tuned into this podcasts are chiropractors and naturopaths and herbalists and EFT practitioners and sleep coaches and all different sorts of holistic professional. So I think this encompasses all of those anyone who works with clients directly selling products or services, I’m talking to you, you have to know that what you’re selling works, and you have to know that it’s okay to sell it. But I think a lot of people don’t. And I think not, I think I know that a lot of people have such a crippling fear that someone will purchase from them will invest in them or invest in their offer rather, and then not get results that they don’t want to make the offer. Because it’s just a crippling, crippling fear of what if they invest and then they don’t get the results, they’re going to think that I lied to them, they’re going to think I don’t know what I’m doing, they’re gonna think I’m not an expert, they’re going to think that this doesn’t work, they’re going to think I scammed them, they’re gonna go tell everybody, it doesn’t work, I’m gonna be so embarrassed. There’s so much story along this, this core component of an offer, which is it needs to deliver your offer it needs to deliver. And so there’s two things that we can do here to solve this problem. We can never make offers and just stress about it. Or we can make offers. And we can work with clients and we can make sure that they get results. And the only way to do that is to actually work with people and troubleshoot with them. And know that you’re going to hold the space for them and you are going to keep showing up for them and you’re going to figure it out. And your process is going to get even better and better over time, the more people that you work with. And if you know that you’re not going to give up on your people. If you know that someone’s going to hire you and you are going to show up and you’re going to figure it out. And you have lots of resources and you have lots of places you can go for answers if you need it. And at the end of the day if you had to you could refund them if it came down to that. If you know that all of these possibilities exist but you’re gonna figure it out, then you will figure it out. So offer needs number one on his contribution that it’s true. So my notes tell us that that is a key component to offers. And I would totally agree with Mark on that your offer has to deliver. And when you know that your offer delivers, you can make that offer a lot. Because why wouldn’t you? I think people often make the comparison with marketing, if you had the cure for cancer, wouldn’t you go tell people you have the cure for cancer, you’d be like, Excuse me, I have the cure for cancer, you wouldn’t be quiet about it, meaning you believe in your offer. And whenever I hear that comparison, I’m like, but my people really do have the cure for cancer, oftentimes, and maybe they don’t believe it. Or maybe they think other people don’t believe it. Or maybe they have similar stories to the Chanel purse, where they’re like, I don’t know, they probably aren’t going to get the results anyway. So why even try, or I don’t want to make a fool of myself and, and make an offer to someone if they’re not going to get the results, something along those lines. So if you have a similar thought, that I’m telling you, there’s two options, don’t do anything about it feel guilty, feel like you should be building your business, but you’re not. Or just realize you’re going to show up, you’re going to help that person, you’re going to make sure that they get results. And if you don’t, you’re gonna learn from it. And you can always refund them and it’ll all be okay. So that’s my thoughts on making sure that your offer is true, making sure that it’s making contribution. That’s the key. We feel icky and salesy about making offers when it seems like a scam. But if you No, no, I can really help you, you have a problem, I have the solution, let’s go, you make that offer. Because you know that that offer is the best thing for that person, not waiting, not shopping around, not trying it on their own, and you’re giving them a few little tidbits so that they can go do homework on their own a little bit and try it out with the hope that they come back to you later. No, you want to make them the whole offer, you want to tell them this is how we do this, I’m gonna make you an offer. And it’s going to be something you can’t even say no to, because it’s going to help you it’s going to deliver. Okay, so that’s first component of an offer. Second, in my notes is that the value is determined by the person paying. I don’t know exactly what I was writing down there. But I’m going to interpret to what I think it probably meant and how I feel about this, which is you may not see the value of your offer, because you’re not looking at it from the lens of somebody that doesn’t know what you know. So here’s what I hear from a lot of students, and I coach a lot of people on this. So I see that people think, Well, I feel so guilty making this offer and charging people because they could just go listen to podcasts, and they could get this information. Or they could just go read a book, or they could just go to YouTube. Or they could just go to data data and get this information. So why should I be charging them for it. And to that, I would say, first of all, you’re not looking at the value from that client’s point of view, the value for them is the simplicity that you’re bringing to the process. It’s the clarity, it is the convenience of not having to go do that research themselves and to having a trusted guide to bring them along and anticipate the hurdles that are going to come that they can’t even anticipate and the support and just the help. I mean, how much is that worth, you have to look at this from someone’s point of view that is not in the world that you’re in, they don’t have the resources that you have, they don’t have the foundational knowledge that you have, they don’t have the life experience that you have. And they just want to pay someone to solve the problem, which we’re going to talk about in Story number two in a minute. Because I told you, there were two critically important stories that came from life coach live weekend, okay. So the value is determined by the person paying do not assume that the value you would place on that offer is what that person would place on the offer. It’s not the same you do have this information, you do have the skills, you do have the resources, you do have the database, you do have the colleagues and the support yourself and you you know what podcast to go listen to, and you know what to do and not do and you know, what products do is they don’t your people don’t, and they really want you to make an offer to them that you’re going to just hold their hand and figure it all out for them. That’s truly what people want. I’m not exactly sure what I was writing down there. But I’m just going to think that it was that do not look through the lens of your yourself now and assume that that’s the same way that someone is valuing the offer that you’re working with. I don’t feel like I’m really eloquently saying this, but you know where I’m going. Okay, number three in my notes, is that your offer must over deliver. And Brooke and I also agree on this point, always over deliver, sell hard. Make sure that your people get results. Even if you don’t know how that’s going to happen. Trust yourself that you’re gonna figure it out. Trust yourself that you’re resourceful and you are going to figure out how to help them get results to the best of your ability. That does not mean that you can control what people do and do not do. But you get to control how you show up and how you continue supporting them. So as long as you know that you are going 1,000% for them and holding the space for them to be autonomous humans as well. That’s what I mean An over delivery over delivery means that they take you up on the offer. And then they are surprised and delighted afterwards, it isn’t that they take you up on the offer. And then they are regretful thinking this wasn’t worth it, which is what our brains think is going to happen. Can we just take a moment and acknowledge our human brains that are very, very negative and skewed towards these catastrophic worst case scenarios, which as a salesperson, and as someone that owns your own business, and makes your own offers, and delivers your own services, now, it’s, it’s all on you, right, which is a beautiful thing, because we want the freedom of that kind of a business. But then we use it against ourselves. And we think, Oh, my gosh, I’m going to sell to someone and they’re not going to like it, they’re going to be mad, they’re going to regret it, they’re going to get the confirmation email, and they’re going to immediately feel like it was a terrible choice. And that’s the way our brains go, because we have very, very negative human brains. And that’s just the way it is. But it doesn’t mean it’s true. And it doesn’t mean it has to be true. So first of all, let’s just acknowledge, like I said, that this is a thought process many of us have, I still have this thought process, sometimes my brain still goes, they’re like, oh my gosh, they’re gonna think it’s terrible. And then I’m gonna have to coach myself, and just go, no, no, and I go look at testimonials of person after person after person that has the exact opposite experience. And I have to remind myself that that is the reality because my brain goes there, too. So I’m just telling you, it’s the real deal. But when you over deliver, and when you are making a conscious effort to structure your offers in a way that is an over delivery, that’s going to surprise and delight your people, you’re not going to have this problem, you’re going to have those testimonials coming in. And then when your brain goes to that place, that negative place that it goes to, sometimes you’re going to have the evidence to remind it that that isn’t true, because you’re over delivering. And that’s going to look different for everybody. So for you, you’re gonna have to decide what is an over deliver what is going above and beyond that, it’s just going to surprise and delight my people and help them get even better results and be even more than what they thought they were going to get. What is that for you? Like really be intentional about it just talked about this on the three secrets webinar that I did at the beginning of December, which as I’m recording, this was yesterday.

Andrea Nordling 22:15
So on yesterday’s webinar that when you get this episode will have been weeks ago, we talked about this, and I talked about my friend Kristin, who had a very premium offer for her clients, and they were very excited about it. And they happily purchased it. And as an over deliver for them. She did some special shopping for them. So she she knew that they had an event that they were it was a husband and wife that she was working with. And they had an event coming up that they were hosting. As I recall, they were hosting this event. And she and I had just had lunch together. So we were getting ready to leave. And I said what do you do the rest of the day, she’s like, Oh my gosh, I’m gonna go do some videos at the grocery store. I’m going to lunch and barley to do somebody else. And I was like, What are you talking about? And she said, Well, my clients are having this dinner party. And they are just having a little bit of stress about what to serve and what they want to be eating. And they want to you know, be conscious about what they’re serving. And I just have some really great ideas for them. So I thought I would just go to lens of Harley’s, I’m going to take some videos for them, show them some of my favorite products, and some of my favorite things that I would be serving so that I just get them some ideas. That is an overdeliver. You see what I’m saying? It’s not that her clients had any expectation whatsoever that she was going to do that she did not sell them an offer where she said, I’m gonna go to the grocery store and make a grocery list for you. Although you may do that, but that was not her offer. Her offer was the results that she was selling to them. But as an over deliver, she was helping them with something that she knew was easy for her to do, and that they would be so grateful for. That’s an overdeliver. So think about what that is for you. It doesn’t have to be incredibly time intensive for you. It doesn’t have to be stressful for you surprising and delighting your people get creative. What does that look like? Okay, the Number four thing on my list is that your offer creates a framework that delivers a result. I think that I’ve already said this, but I’ll just restate it another way. You have to be delivering results to your people your offer isn’t six weeks of weekly sessions with me, well, what are they getting? That’s not an offer, people aren’t gonna buy that because like, what are you offering? What am I getting? What’s the result that I’m getting? With six weeks of sessions with you or six months of sessions with you? That’s not an offer. That’s just something that people are not going to buy? The offer is what am I going to walk away from these sessions? Getting? What is the result that I’m getting? And how are you going to ensure that I get those results, which may be that we’re going to meet once a week for six weeks, and we’re going to do XYZ and then you package up this offer in a way that isn’t just the nuts and bolts of the features. Do you see what I’m saying? I feel like I’m maybe I’m not explaining that very well. But hopefully you’re tracking here. Your offer isn’t hourly time with you. Your offer is the results that they’re going to get the very specific results that they’re going to get and you need to create a framework for that you need to figure out how you are going to ensure that they get those results, you’re kind of outlining your process here. Or if you’ve been practicing for a long time, you already know what that is. But you need to think about how can I package up this framework that I’m already doing with my clients? Or that I’m going to be doing with my clients? And how can I sell that to them in an offer that is completely irresistible to them? What other components can be added to it? And how can I package it up with a pretty bow on top? And an offer that they cannot say no to think about that? Okay. And then number five, the last thing on my offer notes is that you have to let people know that you can help them, meaning you have to sell the offer, you have to actually make the offer. And everybody is not going to say yes, probably half the people aren’t going to say yes, although please feel free to prove me wrong on that. But maybe just 1% of the people say yes, that’s still a person, two people, three people, five people, maybe 1%, a little low. But you know, you see what I’m saying here, if you’re helping someone, and someone says yes, and you’re getting the data so that you can start practicing, you can start testing out your hypotheses on what your framework is going to be and what your process is going to be, and exactly how you’re going to deliver your offer, you have to start, you have to start somewhere. So if you’re brand new, I’m telling you, you just got to start. And I’m going to keep saying this over and over and over again, you have to just make your best guess on your process, and then go test it out. And trust yourself that you can monitor and adjust as you go with your first few clients to figure this out, they’re not going to know the difference. And you’re going to be showing up for them and over delivering for them. And they’re going to actually love that. So just trust yourself, you got this. If you are in practice for quite a while, then you already know this to be true. You tweak and you evaluate as you go. And it just gets better and better. You already know this, but you have to make the offers. You have to tell people, I can help you. Say it loud, say it clear. Say it with no fear, I can help you say it with me one more time. I hope you’re in the car with your kids right now. I can help you. Okay, good. So moving on to the rest of my notes. I’m just going to read them to you, I’m going to tell you exactly what I said, or what I wrote down, the product should over deliver and be better than the marketing that stood out to me like, yeah, it should, the marketing should be fantastic. But then when people actually get in and they get the offer, and they start experiencing it, they should be like, Oh my gosh, this is even better. Think about that. What is the value that you want to create? This is another note that I took? What is the value that you want to create? And how do you need to think feel and decide differently to create that value? So I’m gonna say that again? What is the value you want to create for your people? What is that? What is the value you want to create in your business? This is monetarily for you? What we could do, we could answer this question for both of those. And then how do you need to think, feel and decide differently? To make those inevitable? How do you need to think, to create the amount of value that you want to create for your people? How do you need to feel to create that value for them? And how do you need to decide differently than you are right now to create that value for them? I think those are really powerful questions. And I’d be interested in what your answers are, then let’s think about that. On the flip side for the value you’re creating in your business, because the value is a two way street, you’re giving value, and then you’re receiving value in the form of money from your people, you’re exchanging value. So when you think about creating value money in your business, how do you need to think differently to create that value? How do you need to feel differently to create that value? And then how do you need to decide differently to create that value in your business? Those are excellent questions. I’m so glad I wrote them down. Okay, now I have to tell you about the other story that happened at this conference. Okay, so this was a doozy. I told you that there was general admission and then there was VIP and I had a VIP ticket. So I had access to this super lovely VIP lounge. The whole event was streamed on screens and said that lounge It was quiet in there. There were nice comfy couches, like I said there was food anywhere. There’s food, I’m going to be hanging around there. So I was in the VIP lounge a lot. There was also as a perk of the VIP tickets. There were catered lunches. So if you didn’t have a VIP ticket, you went to lunch yourself, you got your own lunch, if you had the VIP ticket, there was a big lunch that was just for the VIP people. And then Brooke came into the VIP lunch and did kind of an informal q&a During the lunch. So she kind of positioned it as, hey, this will be like questions you can ask me that I wouldn’t put on the podcast or I wouldn’t talk about publicly, we can just kind of hang out. You can ask me questions. It was kind of fun. So during that, and just to be clear, most of the people in the VIP, I’m guessing were coaches, I’m guessing real life coaches. So in that event on the second day during the lunch, we were doing this informal q&a with Brooke and a guy stood up and he was talking about offers and he said actually I’m not a life coach. I came from the UK he said the F word with his British accent it was normal. And he was just a very, like very approachable guy. This he was lovely. And so he said to Brooke, you know, I actually am not a coach, I think that most people in here right now and he looked at this room, there were about 200 people in the VIP lunch. And he said, I think that most people in here are coaches, it seems like and I’m actually not a coach, but I still have gotten so much out of this event. And he told her a little bit about that. And he said that getting offers has been really interesting. He said, I have a very successful business I just sold. Turns out, he had sold it for millions of dollars, he was just there as someone who wanted to be around life coaches. And so he said to Brooke was as he had the mic and using this, he was just saying, you know, it was a great event. I’ve gotten so much out of this. I’m not even a coach. But I know that a lot of people in this room are and I just would love it. If someone in here would make me an offer to be my life coach, I think I want a life coach. And this event has been fantastic. And I know that there’s amazing coaches in this room. I know most of the people in this room are coaches, would someone make me an offer to be my life coach? And can I just reiterate that he was the most approachable, like, just you just wanted to go hug this guy. He was great. And so we were at my table, we were like, Oh my gosh, she’s gonna get swarmed. And Brooke said the same thing. And she’s like, that was awesome. You know what Thank you tying into offers, and I’m so glad that you’ve had a good experience. It was great. So later on, in the afternoon, I was in the VIP lounge.

Andrea Nordling 31:23
This gentleman walked in. And we were the only two people in the lodge. I mean, maybe there were a few others. But we were pretty much the only two people in there. And I recognized him as the guy that had stood up and said this. And so I just had to know, I just had to ask him about it. So I walked over and I said, oh my goodness, I just have to ask, how many offers did you get? I bet you got absolutely swamped. And he said, no, actually haven’t had any offers. And I think my jaw hit the floor. And I said, What? There were at least 200 life coaches in that room. And he said, I know I kind of expected that people would come and talk to me. But all that’s happened is two people came up to me and gave me their website. And I said, Well, that’s not an offer. And he’s like, No, I didn’t think that was an offer either. So I guess by our standards, and I haven’t had any offers had nobody has made me an offer. I said, Oh my gosh, this is wild. And we talked a little bit longer. And I wasn’t very clear with him that like what I did or why I wasn’t making him. And I guess in retrospect, I wasn’t very clear, because I was so taken aback that nobody had made him an actual offer. He was primed and ready to go. He could not have been more of an open door just saying Please, someone walk through and make me an offer could not have been more. So I was just so taken aback by this. So I went sat down, I got probably got myself a cup of coffee, I sat down and I was pondering this. And he came back up to me about five minutes later. And he sat next to me. He said, Well, could you tell me a little bit more about your business? I said, Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely. So we talked for a while I explained my business to him. And he said, Well, would you make me an offer?

Unknown Speaker 32:57
I’m telling you, he was absolutely lovely. So he was just like, just confused. He said, Would

Andrea Nordling 33:01
you make me an offer? I said, Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry. I did not explain myself very well. I don’t take one on one clients. So that’s why I didn’t make you an offer. And then we talked about that a little bit more. And I said, but my one on one coaches here. And she’s in the main room right now. Could I call her out here and explain the situation? And could she make you an offer? And he said, Oh my gosh, absolutely. And I said I mean I would highly, highly recommend. She’s She’s incredible, like personal recommendation all the way. This is who you want to work with. And so he said, Yeah, that’d be great. So I texted my friend who is my coach that was not alive. I wouldn’t have lied, I promise. And I said you gotta get out here. And so she she’s a gamer, she was up for anything. You she had no idea at like she had not been privy to this conversation. She had no idea what she was in for. But she jumped up out of her seat, she came out she’s like, Okay, what do you need? Like, can we just have a moment? Did you love just love people like that? They’re a gamer. They’re just ready for whatever their game. They’re just in. And she’s totally one of those. And I said, okay, in about 30 seconds, this guy named Anthony is going to come up the store and you’re going to make him an offer, and he’s gonna hire you and it’s gonna be great. And she’s like, this is wild, okay. So I introduced them, I let them do their thing. And about five minutes later, he came in and he said, Oh, my gosh, thank you. We’re doing a call next week. And Paige was so happy. And so we talked about it later at dinner. And as an aside, okay, well, I’m gonna tell you this whole story. So at dinner, we talked about it more. And she said, yeah, that was like so incredible kind of how that went. This is me talking to Paige afterwards. And she said, I you know, I didn’t really know what was going on. I didn’t have time to prepare. So I did my best and I made him an offer and I told him exactly what the process would be like and that we would do a call together to solidify the exact process and exactly how it’s gonna go when we work together. And she said, But I see in retrospect that I should have just made him the offer right there to pay me and just I should have just done the console right there. Burden hand and just done it and she’s like, and I found myself wanting to fall back on console and like make sure that we really got everything solidified. And she just was talking through the process. And she said, I see in that moment, I could have just sold him there. And I didn’t I had him go to the console. So she said, you know, in the future, in that moment, I really can see that. I could have just done it right there. And she’s totally right. So I offer that to you. I mean, how often are people just ready, and we make it way harder for them than it needs to be? And really, they’re just thinking, would you make me the offer right now, right here right now? Can you help me? And we could say the words, I can help you. And we could just do the deal right there. Okay. So that’s just a little aside. And we talked about that later. But in the meantime, he was really excited they were going to do to the call together. And since then, they have done the call, he has hired her they’re working together. Okay. So how fascinating is it that no one made him an offer? Can you believe that? Then maybe you can, I guess it’s human nature, really. But in business, I’m blown away by this and I amidst a room of business people that I’m making some generalizations, but the VIP ticket was spendy. So these are people that in my mind, I’m thinking you probably are doing well in your business, but nobody reached out to him. In this room, nobody made him an offer. And I’m guessing, as I’ve really been thinking about this and talking about it with other people, it’s the phenomenon of assuming that someone else has already done it. So why bother? Don’t you think that’s probably what’s going on? Everyone in that room is thinking, Oh, well, that guy is gonna get swarmed with offers. So I’m not even going to make one why bother. Or, I’ve thought about this more for us in health and wellness. And I mean, I guess in any service based industry, but thinking they would have reached out to me if they wanted it. So this doesn’t really apply to this scenario. But I had to extrapolate this feeling. And this thought, this hypothesis of mine about not making offers and what I see with my people, which is, well, I shouldn’t make an offer to them, because they would have reached out to me if they wanted an offer. If they wanted to know more, they would have reached out to me, they would have already done blank. If they were interested, they would have already booked a consult, if they were interested, they would have already reached out to me, they would have already called me they would have already responded to my emails, if they were interested. Can you see yourself doing the same thing? And making the same kinds of assumptions about your people? Can you see yourself assuming that someone else has already done it, they’ve already found it somewhere else. They’re already doing it themselves? Or they would have reached out already. They were going to buy they would have already bought? How many times have I heard that? What if they’re just waiting for you to make them an actual offer? Seriously, I mean, this guy was in a room of coaches, he could have talked to any of them, and ask them for the offer. He could have reached out to any of them. But he didn’t want that he wanted someone to make him an offer. What if you think that you’re making offers right now, but really, you’re doing the equivalent of just passing along your website. And assuming that if they want more, they’re going to reach out like those other two people had done to Anthony. Remember I said, he told me that two people had given him their website. So he was expected to go to their website, peruse around, click around, see if he wanted more, and then reach out and schedule something with them. That’s not an offer. What if you’re thinking that you’re making offers right now, but really, you’re doing that, you’re just assuming wow, people are gonna go click around, they’re gonna go figure it out. And if they want it, they’ll come and get it. Oh, because then you’re disheartened when nothing happens is you think they don’t want it. But really, they’re just waiting for an offer, like this poor guy was. In both the profitable nutritionist program, and in my mastermind, we spend considerable time figuring out your offer and dialing it in. We really talk about this a lot in both of those, both of those offers Helmetta is that because it really is so important. Yet so many health and wellness practitioners have no idea how to do it, or they think they’re doing it. And really they’re not making an offer. Right. So if your practice is not taking off the way that you think it should be, or the way you expect it, it would be probably has something to do with your messaging and your offer, I would have to imagine because sadly for us, the world has never been sicker. There are clients everywhere. So I also teach more about the strategy of how to price and create your offers in the three secrets to making 100k in your practice without social media webinar that I taught yesterday, and then I’m teaching again, live on January 5. So if this episode is kind of igniting that entrepreneurial flame for you even more than usual, and you want to dig into offers and you want to talk about pricing offers and making better offers, you have to register for the free class, we go deep into the whole offer strategy in secret number one in the free class. And again, I am teaching it on January 5. So to register for that you’re gonna go to build a profitable practice.com/learn all lowercase L E AR N and I promise you your future self of 2023 is going to be thanking you for saving her seat at that class. beginning of January getting her in there. She’s To be very, very grateful. Again, you register at Build a Profitable practice.com/learn. And because you’re going to be getting my emails after you register for that upcoming webinar on January 5, you’re going to get all of my offers, because that’s where I make offers. I make email offers, and you’ll be seeing the offer making in action. In fact, over the next few months, you are going to get offers for both the profitable nutritions program and the mastermind when they’re available. And those will be good offers they’re gonna be so good that you’re not gonna be able to say no, dare I say, all right, my friend. Have a wonderful wonderful week and Happy Holidays whatever holidays you are celebrating for me it is Christmas. So Merry, merry, merry Christmas to you and yours. I’m going to be having a wonderful week and I hope you do too.

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Marketing + Sales Expert
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