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Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.

20. Make It EASIER for Them to Say Yes

I’ve had a little bit of a situation over here, lately… and I’m finding myself in the position of a health and wellness client that is overwhelmed with what to do to heal myself.

I want to tell you exactly what I’ve found to be the reason I will or will not hire someone to help me, and how you can use this insight to create a way for more people to say yes to hiring YOU.

Let’s talk about it.


Andrea Nordling 0:00

All right, let’s talk making it easy today. I actually had a different podcast claimed that I was going to record for you today. But over the last week, something has happened. I’m building it up too much. This is really not that critical. But I had a conversation is what I should say. There was a conversation that took place between me and one of my students in my program that prompted me to tell her Oh, my gosh, this has to be a podcast episode. So I think that we had to have a short discussion today on making it really easy. What the heck am I talking about? Okay, let’s backtrack. First of all, I had the infamous sickness that is all of the rage to talk about the last two years in the fall. So at the end of October, I was sick for about 14 days actually had a fever that just did not want to go away. The reason that is important for you to know is because I now find myself in January, and in February into February, losing a ton of my hair, like an excessive amount of my hair is falling out all the time. I say all the time, I mean, all the time, like think about when you clean out your hairbrush and you haven’t cleaned out your hairbrush in a really long time. And you do and you have that big rat’s nest of hair like that, times two or three, every single time I shower, it’s really gross. So it’s concerning. What I’m trying to say is this is concerning, I feel fine. Everything else feels fine. But it’s an indication of vanity, I suppose that I’m getting getting very alarmed and trying to solve this problem. When it comes to my hair and my hair is falling out, like a third of my hair is falling out. So I was telling my students this on a coaching call, I was saying, Oh, they said something about my hair. And I was like my hair, I’m surprised there’s any left, it’s all falling out. And so we had a little brief discussion about this. Now, I just want to be clear. In my program, we talk about business, we don’t talk about health protocols, typically. But this just was kind of a one off conversation that happened at the beginning of a coaching call while I was waiting for a few more people to jump on the Zoom. And so my hair got brought up into the conversation. And there were a few suggestions from some very smart and genius students of mine about what to do. And I took those suggestions as Yes, thank you. And I had gotten some emails from some of them a few days later about the rose podcast about this. Apparently, this is a phenomenon about people losing their hair after having a prolonged fever. It’s like an inflammation response that happens a few months later after prolonged fever. So there’s podcasts about it, there’s people writing about it, there are people solving this problem. And my students had sent me some of these resources. So I had ordered a bunch of supplements, I had, you know, gotten all of the collagen, all of the things anyway, long story long. I had one student that reached out to me with and she had had this suggestion while we were on our call about getting my thyroid levels tested just to have a baseline of that. And she followed up with an email, which was the sweetest email. And she was just like, I’m just thinking about you. And I just have to send this your way just so I can sleep better tonight, she gave me some ideas about things I could do to get this testing done. And I love her for that. So if she’s listening to this, thank you. What came up in my brain, though, when I got this email was like it, this is just too hard. Oh my gosh, this is so hard. And I even had said this when she suggested it on our zoom call, before we got into business coaching. I was like, Oh, that just feels so hard. I don’t I’m feeling a lot of resistance to that. And I was so interested about my reaction, because I really don’t want to lose all of my hair. I don’t want to be wearing hats for the next year while I’m waiting for my hair to go back. And it’s an alarming amount of hair that I’m losing. So this is a real possibility. And I really do want to solve this problem. So you know, I’m paying I guess let’s just call it what it is. So my point of saying that is that this is a real problem I really want to solve, and she’s offering me a solution to the problem. And my instinct is like, oh, that’s what’s so hard. I don’t want it to be hard. And it was really curious about that. And so this is what I told her in the response to the email that she sent, I said, this has to be a podcast episode because I have a problem I really want to solve and you’re giving me a very simple solution to it. And I am still coming up with a lot of resistance, and thinking it’s going to be hard and that I don’t want to do it. And I would like to think that I’m a pretty, like perfect client. For a lot of people. I’m resourceful. I do what I’m told to do. I am not afraid to make investments and things that are going to work, I would like to think of a pretty solid client that someone would want to have. And yet, I’m like it’s just so it’s too hard. And I just wanted to delete the email and I wanted to pretend I never saw it. And I didn’t want to have to go get lab testing done. Very, very curious about that. Because as I think I am a pretty solid client in every other regard. Like what is it about this? That just seems hard to me and what would feel easy. So I thought about that a little bit. I’m like Now what kind of offer could be made around this solution

Andrea Nordling 4:53
that would feel easy to me. And to be clear, this is no reflection on my student and her offering at all. because she was just trying to help me with a problem that I had off the cuff. But I thought about this so much, because it was just like, why am I resistant to it? Alright, so I thought, what if the next step was so easy that I couldn’t not take it? Like, what if the email had come through, and it was like, Andrea, I have the total solution for you. Everything is going to be handled, we have some lab tests we’re going to look at, I’m going to look at your results. And I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to do next, all you need to do is click this link, and it’s going to prompt you to set up the test through this one link. Okay, this is just one example that came to mind like, Okay, now if that was it, if all I had to do was just click one link, and like set up a test, or if I had to pay for something, if I had to do just this one thing, it totally would do it. Because that would seem so simple and doable and easy. And anybody can handle doing one task, right? But it doesn’t feel like that to me. I feel like oh, my gosh, I have to schedule those lab tests. I have to go get it taken. Does it get sent to me? Do I have to go find a clinic? Oh, that feels really hard. I don’t know where there’s a clinic here we’re traveling, that seems like a big deal. I don’t know, am I gonna have to do a bunch of research about where clinics are around here? Or like where these facilities are? Am I gonna have to send something in? That sounds hard, I have to send something I’m not sure if I have to send something, but maybe I do. And this just all feels very overwhelming. And cut and done. Right? I’m just like, I’m checked out. And I don’t want to figure it out. And I want to think about it anymore. And honestly, it has nothing to do with price. It has nothing to do with anything. I’m looking back at the email, she said. And she’s just said, you know, just to know where you’re at with your thyroid, here’s the basic things I would look for. I don’t upsell the test, the middleman is this and this. You know, depending on what one is close to you is what will go to in Florida, let me know what you want to do. So it’s very straightforward. It’s in, in the tone of it is like, I’ll help you, we’ll just get this done. Wonderful. And I’m so grateful. So this is nothing like no reflection on her offer at all. She’s just trying to help out a friend. But I’m like, Okay, now what would this what would make this an irresistible offer that’s so easy. For me that has nothing to do with price or expense. Because I think that that’s where our mind tends to go to, as far as making an offer good for our clients, we want it to be cheap. We want it to be a discount, or we want them to feel like they’re getting a really good deal. And I’m telling you, that is not the place to bring your mind when you’re thinking about an offer. If price was no factor whatsoever, because I’m telling you price for me is not a factor. I really want to keep my hair I’m not, I’m not pinching pennies over here that has nothing to do with any hesitancy on my part. So take that out of your mind. Your clients feel the same, not all of them, but many of them, plenty of them to fill your practice feel the same price is not a consideration. So take that out of your mind of anything that you need to factor into your offer, then what is it that needs to be included in your offer to make it so easy and doable? And how do you need to talk about it. So your potential clients think and feel like this is so easy and doable? I can do this. It’s so simple. They already have the process figured out for me, I just have to do this one next step. Everything is going to be so streamlined for me, I don’t even need to think about it. I don’t need to do any further research. I don’t need to know anything that I don’t know right now. Because they already have it handled. Like what kind of offer would that look like? What would you charge? And what would you make available to your clients? And what would you personally take on it? This is kind of interesting. I’m going off the cuff here. But I was reading a book this week. That was fantastic. And it was all about offers. And one of the things that he suggested in the book, and I love this exercise of just taking your brain to possibilities you hadn’t considered. He said, What if you take your current offer? And you were going to 10x? The price of it 10 times? What would you do differently with that offer? If you were going to charge 10 times the price, what would you change? What level of service would you offer? What kind of concierge feeling would your clients get? And what would you provide for them? If you were going to 10x? The offer was like that’s really interesting. And then conversely, because we want to stretch our brains in the opposite direction as well. What would you edit your offer down to? And how would you completely simplify it if you were going to charge 1/10 of what you currently offer? Or what you currently sell for like, Oh, that’s so fun. So I did this exercise for myself. And I thought about what a 10x would be and what a 1/10 would be. And I got very clear on what the absolute essentials the simplest components are. And then also, what is the most lavish like, just do do it for me experience that that would be like for my clients. And I’m thinking about that, as I’m trying to get my hair back.

Andrea Nordling 9:37
It glides dried out me and I’m like no, it’s not easy enough. But what the heck is easy enough. So this is coming up for me right now very much in real time and I’m finding it to be so fascinating. Because I’m just in this place of wanting to solve a problem or wanting to pay someone to help me do it. I don’t want to overthink it. I don’t want to have to figure it out myself. I just wanted to just like want someone to take my credit card and just make it happen. You know what I’m saying your clients are the same way. Maybe not all of them, but maybe plenty of them. And you’re not thinking about them, if you’re only ever thinking about the price. And the price as being the only reason that people will or will not buy from you and will or will not hire you, if price is the only thing that your brain is offering you as a reason, then you’re not thinking asking the right questions to yourself. And that’s just in my opinion, kind of lazy marketing thinking is thinking that price is the determining factor. Because if price is the determining factor, then we’re all screwed, because then we’re all selling at Walmart, and it’s a race to the bottom, and it’s not, and it shouldn’t be, and our clients don’t actually want it to be from from one really best client to another. I don’t want to be the cheapest, I want to get the results the easiest, and the fastest for me, which is the exact same as your clients and probably the same for you too. But I love the way that we think that a money objection is like the end all be all thing, the end all be all reason if you ever have a consultation with a prospective client, you give them your rates, and they’re like, Oh, I gotta think about I got asked my husband, whatever that you know, whatever that objection is, and then they come back and just say it’s too much. It’s just too much for right now. Maybe later. Money objection, then what happens is we think, Okay,

Andrea Nordling 11:22
I got a discount, I got to figure out a cheaper way, maybe I should make them a different offer if they just start with less time for less investment upfront. And I just want to offer what if that was not actually the reason that they said no, but the real reason they said no, was just because it wasn’t easy enough, or they didn’t see the value, or they just weren’t sure they could really get the results just hadn’t been totally abundantly clear that it was possible for them to get the results. Maybe they were confused about the process could be any number of things that have nothing to do with money. But money is just the easiest way to end a conversation. To be honest, we all do this, I bet you’ve done it too. At some point or another, you just said it’s just too expensive right now to end a sales conversation that you didn’t want to have. Can we just be honest, we all probably have done this. But that doesn’t mean that it was actually the reason, right. But when we’re the one leading the sales conversation, and we have a potential client, that gives us objection, we tend to forget that it’s a choice to believe that story, or to not believe that story. And I want you to just think about it a little bit differently. I’m thinking about it differently right now, as I’m the client side of it. So let’s just think about the fact that it’s not the price, the price is not too high. And you don’t need to discount or sell anything less expensive. That’s not the reason. Okay, just take my word for it, because it isn’t the reason. In fact, it is way easier to sell expensive things than it is to sell free or cheap things. I want you to really hear me when I say that, so I’m going to repeat it, it is way easier to sell expensive things than it is to sell free or cheap things. And you know that this is true too, because you still have to sell the heck out of your free stuff. It can be an uphill battle to sell your free consultations, or your valuable free content and freebie on your website, that should be such a no brainer. If price was really the determining factor. Right? You shouldn’t have to sell that if price is the only thing that’s up for debate here. That’s the reason that someone will or will not do something then free should when every day that everybody should do it, there should be nobody who sees that offer and doesn’t take it. Which is not true at all. In fact, just sell those free things way harder than the expensive stuff, which is crazy, but it’s just human nature, it’s true. Now I’m going to offer that the reason someone will or will not buy is always because of your thoughts. It’s not because of the price is because of your thoughts. So if you’re going into a sales conversation, or writing sales copy for your website, or emails to send to your potential clients, and you’re having the thought, they’re gonna think this is too expensive. Then your copy and the words that you say on a console call and the words that you say to humans in the world, that you are hoping are going to refer your services, what is actually going to happen is it’s going to repel them because they’re going to feel that energy of you thinking, Oh, I already think I’m not going to buy? Or do you think it’s too expensive, maybe it is too expensive. So you can feel that, from the words that we say the actual words that come out of our mouth or get typed on the interwebs we can feel that it’s from our thoughts. And that’s the best news ever, because you can change your thoughts. You can’t change someone else’s thoughts, but you can change yours, which changes the entire experience for your potential clients. So now if you have a thought about your price that is like this is a no brainer for them because it’s not expensive. Guess what that inspires that inspires a feeling of like complacency for you. You’re going to feel kind of cocky. If you think that like this is so cheap. It’s a no brainer for them. And then what do you do when you’re cocky or complacent about your marketing and about your offer? Well, you don’t talk about it very much. If you don’t market the hell out of it, that’s for sure you don’t make it irresistible and make that offer even better for clients like me that just want the easiest possible solution. And then I just want to click a button and basically have it done for me, don’t make it irresistible for clients like me, you’re not doing exercises like the 1/10 and the 10. Next exercise, because you think the price is the only thing that matters. If you’re having that thought, like this is a no brainer, because it’s cheap. And then you don’t get creative with how to talk about it to your best clients, you don’t try new copy ideas,

Andrea Nordling 15:33
you don’t ask a lot of questions of people when they don’t buy, because you’re just assuming that price is the only factor. So you’re not exploring all of the other things, you’re not getting really granular with what you can do better, and how you can serve your clients better, that is ultimately going to sell your offer better. But you’re not even thinking of those things, you’re like that price is the only thing. This is as low as it’s gonna get, it’s a no brainer for them. It’s cheap, it’s fine. No, you’re not thinking of all the other reasons that people want it and it will change their life if you’re already having that thought. And then of course, the result is that you don’t sell that much and you don’t grow in your skill set as a practitioner. Because you’re not growing, you’re not you’re not pushing yourself, you’re not thinking of new angles, what haven’t I said yet? And what do they actually want? What might be the reason if price wasn’t the determining factor here? What would be the reason that people say yes, or say no to my offer? That’s what I want you to think about. And I know I came kind of in a like a roundabout way in this episode with my example on my hair falling out. But it really is striking to me how, as a potential client coming at it, I just was having that experience of like, will someone make it’s just so easy for me that I can’t say no. And I think that that’s what all of our clients want, honestly, they price like it’s totally out of the equation, they just want to know, can you make this so easy for me that I actually couldn’t even say no. In this book I was reading, like making the offer. So good that people feel dumb, saying no, that’s so good, right. And I also want to add to this, and I’ve said this many times, but I think it’s pertinent here. If you are having the belief that price is the determining factor. And it’s the number one filter for your clients. And if they work with you or not. That is they’re going to mirror that back to you. Okay, our clients, as we know are always going to mirror our beliefs back to us. So if you’re having that belief, then guess who’s going to be coming to you, it’s going to be the people that are only concerned about price, what’s going to happen if you have that belief that’s going to come across in the conversations that you have, it’s going to come across on your website, it’s going to come across in your copy in your emails, or social media posts or anything, anywhere that you’re talking to humans on the planet that’s going to come across if you believe that, and then people are going to message you or they’ll email you before they set up a concert with you and say what is your price, I want to book a concept, but I want to know what your price is first. And that’s an indication to you that they’re picking up on your belief, that price is the only thing that matters. Now the tricky thing about that is that when this happens to you what it seems like and what your brain will tell you is see, price is the only thing people care about. And it like reinforces that belief, hardcore, it creates so much evidence for it, and then you believe it even more, and you think I have to discount. Oh my gosh, see, they’re not going to buy because they already think it’s expensive. We haven’t even talked about what results are going to get yet but they already think it’s expensive, I better have a discount ready for them. But I have a plan B ready before I go on to that call. Think about that. That’s what your brain is doing. But really what’s happening there is the potential client is just mirroring back to you the belief that you had that they’re gonna think it’s too expensive. Okay, just want you to be really onto yourself. And this happens, this happens to many people, nothing is going wrong. If this is happening to you, or has happened to you.

Andrea Nordling 18:50
Fantastic coaching call with a student, that this is exactly what happened to her. She wanted to get coach under pricing. And she was like, I need to talk about my price. I want to make sure that this package is priced appropriately, we did this whole thing on the pricing. And she’s like, Well, the thing is, is that two people have booked consults this week. So I know they’re excited about it. But both of them didn’t want to get on the call and tell them the price. So how do I get around that? And then we just laughed so hard. I was like, well, it’s your thoughts about your price, of course you need to change your thoughts about it. We have a process that we do that you need to collect, intentionally collect a lot of evidence for why your price is the best price for your clients. And so we go through a lot of steps for how to actually get on board with that and sell yourself on your own offer before you go sell it to someone else. So all is not lost. If this is happening to you. I just want to say people are very kindly just reflecting your beliefs back to you about price. I know we talk about price a lot. We talk about money a lot. And I think it’s important because this slow is a lot of really talented and ambitious practitioners down and it doesn’t have to it’s honestly just your thoughts. These are just thought patterns in your brain and we have been conditioned for a very long time to believe that price is the most important factor. So to unlearn that, and to really change the belief patterns around that, it just takes a conscious effort. Alright? It’s not a big deal, though, as soon as you can slow down with this, and realize that price isn’t the reason that your best clients are going to say yes or no, then you open yourself up to all of the possibilities of the reasons why they would say yes or no, that have nothing to do with price. And that’s when your offer is going to get so good that people would just feel dumb saying no to it, it’s when you’re going to sell a lot more, it’s when you are going to be working with the highest caliber clients, because they want to be there. They want the transformation that you’re helping them get, they want it so bad, they are ready, and you have provided a vessel for them and a container for them to get that transformation that they’re not getting anywhere else. And they are all in. Now, I will say that I would love to challenge you to make that offer as simple as possible for your people. So the whole point of this episode, right? Make it as simple, stupid, simple as you possibly can for them, like click a link here, I’m going to take care of everything else. If that’s possible, then do that. I would love to hear a lot of perspectives on this actually, but I so I could be wrong. But I think that we tend to assume that our clients remember things that we’ve said in the past that they read every email that we’ve ever sent, they’ve already sculpt our website, and they understand our process. Because we have this idea in our mind that someone comes into our universe, either in real life or online. And they start at point A, and then we bring them to point B where they opt into the emails. And then they point C is where they read the emails. And point D is where they click the button and point, you know, E, F, G all of these little stations along the way, where we bring them to the point where they book a call, or they buy a product or they enroll for a program, whatever that is. And we have this idea of what that little map is going to look like that progression is going to look like we just get so tunnel vision on that, that we don’t even think about the messy scribble squiggly line that a lot of people are coming around we’ve never planned for like they found us from a friend of a friend who forwarded an email but they’re not on the list yet. Then they go to the website and they’re trying to find a button but they’re not really sure. And then they just email you from the contact me here. And they actually don’t know anything about what you do. But somebody else told them that you’d be perfect for them. So they’re just reaching out cold, like think about all of these different scenarios that can happen because humans and life and take into account that they probably don’t know as much as you think they do about what you do and how you do it and what your process is like. And they want to be reassured more and more and more, that’s going to be so easy for them. And that they can do it. To be so simple. I’m going to guide you every step of the way I got you, I know exactly what’s going to come up for you. And I’ve already anticipated it. You don’t need to even concern yourself with all of the variables I got you so streamlined if handled, click here. That’s what I want all of your marketing to sound like because you just never know where people are coming from and where they’re jumping in into your orbit. And I would love you to err on the side of assuming that they don’t know anything about what you do. And you’re just educating them for the first time every time and keeping it super simple. That’s my rant for today, I guess as the girl whose hair’s falling out and I swear I am going to solve this problem. Now I am going to take my client up on her offer to help me with it. But I had to really work through some mental drama along the way. And as always, I thought I would take you on that journey, the drama a little bit so that you can use this experience to make your offers even better for your people. make it even simpler and clearer for them. And

Andrea Nordling 23:52
know that sometimes people lose their hair two to three months after a certain virus of somehow that also just feels pertinent to the conversation. Okay, signing off for today. I will see you back here same time, Same day next week my friend.

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Marketing + Sales Expert
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