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152. Keep Going Even When It’s Not Working with Sarah Cormack

What if your business struggles could flip into your biggest success overnight?

The Profitable Nutritionist® Program student Sarah Cormack was stuck in a rut for years—until a dramatic turnaround changed everything in her business.

Sarah shares how she went from doubting her business to multiplying her rates by 14x and landing her best month ever, all before taking a month-long vacation in Europe.


Want to know what led to this massive success?

Her answers will surprise you—and might just inspire your next big move.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • How Sarah broke free from years of business stagnation and 14x’ed her rates basically overnight.
  • The crucial mindset shifts that propelled Sarah from frustration to her best month ever.
  • Why Sarah took a month off right after her most successful month—and how her business thrived during her absence.
  • The surprising impact of setting financial goals for the first time and how it ignited Sarah’s business growth.
  • How Sarah’s focus on client results transformed her business into a referral-generating machine.


Links Mentioned:


Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast, my friend. My name is Andrea Nordling. I’m a nutritional therapy practitioner and founder of the profitable nutritionist. Lest we have not met yet, there’s a little intro of who I am. And today I’m going to introduce you to someone else as well. Her name is Sarah Cormack. She is a student in the profitable nutritionist program who I had to have come on the podcast and share with you some big wins that she has had lately and some insights that she has about business. Why did I have to do that? Well, I’m not going to give you all of the spoilers. You have to listen to the episode to hear it from the horse’s mouth. But essentially she has been in business for a while.

Her business in holistic nutrition is five plus years old, but she has been spinning her wheels for years prior to a very huge turnaround that she had just recently in June. Specifically, she 14 x’ed her rates in June and had a huge amount of success, which she’s going to tell you all about in the episode. And the reason that is important is because her nutrition school had recommended certain rates, like what to charge clients. And so she had been following that model for a while. That’s where the 14 x increase came from. And she realized that it was not in her client’s best interest to run her business the way that she had been previously. And when I say had been previously, I mean, for five years, she had been sporadically taking clients not feeling like she was charging appropriately.

They weren’t having the results that she wanted them to have is very inconsistent, which led her to actually take a break from her business. And so the conversation we just had was, what changed? Like, why did you get back into your business? Why’d you pick it back up again? Why and how did you make the changes that she made? Ultimately, she made some big changes that resulted in huge results in June. And what is so fun about that is that she took the entire month of July off. She had a family backpacking trip already planned to go to Europe, knew she wasn’t going to be working for the month of July, and where most people would probably talk themselves out of doing a big promotional push the month before a trip. She went the opposite way, and she got new clients.

She had her best month in business ever, and her clients got amazing results while she was gone in Europe, which we also talked about. I said, you got to give us the tactics on exactly how did you set that up? Which she shared in this episode. So theme here is keep going even when it’s not working, because for Sarah, it wasn’t working for a long time, really. She just needed to make a few key tweaks and changes which really changed the entire trajectory of her business from this point forward. And she shares a lot about that. So you got to listen to this episode to get all of those tasty nuggets. And I will tell you that she references the three k in 30 days challenge inside the profitable, nutritious program that we did in June as a big catalyst for these changes.

So I explain what that challenge is in the episode. Keep listening to get that. But you will probably be wondering, when can I get in on the three k in 30 days challenge? And here’s the answer. You gotta be in the TPN program to get in the next round of the challenge. And your next opportunity to join the profitable nutritionist program is September 12 to the 18th. So we open enrollment quarterly for TPN. That is the next enrollment, September 12 to the 18th. You need to be in the program if you are struggling in your business, if it is not giving you the results that you want every single month, income wise, clients wise, consistency wise, you got to get into TPN. Okay? That’s just all there is to it. Listen to Sarah. She will tell you the same thing. Get into TPN.

Let us help you. Let’s let it be easy. Let’s let your business be fun and light, and you actually enjoy it because you know what’s going to happen. Not only are you going to enjoy your business more, but your clients are going to get better results. They’re going to go talk about it more. More referrals are coming your way and then that makes it even more enjoyable. It’s the best cycle ever. So to get the details for the TPN enrollment, get yourself over to the profitablenutritionist.com join and on that details page, you’ll get all of the information about the program as well as a little button at the top of the page to add yourself to the waitlist.

You definitely want to be on the waitlist so that you get the emails with the join link as soon as the doors open on September 12. Again, they’ll be open September 12 to the 18th for you to join. And if you are listening to this episode in the future, still go to that page. Theprofitablenutritionist.com join and there will always be the dates of the next enrollment posted at the top of the page and the waitlist link as well. All right, without further ado, I’m going to let Sarah tell you her exciting story of June. All right, Sarah, welcome to the profitable nutritionist podcast. So glad that you are here to share about your business today. So I have questions for you that we’re going to like. Surprise questions. Sarah doesn’t even know what these questions are. No, no pressure or anything.

Surprise questions coming your way. But first, tell us a little bit about yourself, like your business, and what do you do and how did you get to the point that you’re at now? And how long of a journey has this been? Give us your journey.

Well, thanks. First of all, thanks for having me. There’s my dog that wants in, and here she is. She has to be part of the party, so, yeah, thanks for having me on here, Andrea. I’m really excited to be here. I just. Part of my business. The start of my business was in 2019.


And I did the diploma for my holistic nutrition. I’d had, like, dabbled, like, kind of dabbled in other alternative kind of arenas before and, like, Reiki practitioner, and I was doing bodywork. And so there was always kind of that desire to be working with people in the holistic field. I actually have my career in cancer, radiation therapy. I’ve done that for 27 years. And so it’s been a really medical kind of career for me, and that’s not where my heart and soul lie. So there’s always been that pull towards really doing my own thing and being true to myself. And even though I love my job, I was just really always being pulled in another direction.

Incredible. Okay, so 2019, you just started. You just started. That’s when you decided and started at the same time. You just started to get into holistic nutrition formally and get a certification there. That’s what I’m hearing, yes. And did you know at that point, for sure it was going to be your own business?

Yeah, I think I did. I was basically really wanting to work with people in the wellness field, and so I had no idea what that meant. I’d never worked for myself before. I’d been in this career for 27 years, and there was always a paycheck, and I just showed up for work. And so that I knew that I wanted to have my own business, but I didn’t have a clue what that entailed.

Ignorance is bliss. Isn’t it so great at the beginning that we don’t know?

Yeah. Yeah. If I knew, I might have really thought twice about this path that I was going down. Seriously? Oh, my gosh. But, yes, ignorance is bliss, for sure.

I love it. Okay, so that segues beautifully into my next question, which is, what did you think your business was going to be like versus what has it actually been like, take us through, like, after you got certified in holistic nutrition? What has happened since then, and how has it surprised you?

Well, it’s been a rollercoaster, I have to say. I really thought, this is my. This is my. In the bubble of my head that I thought that, oh, I’m gonna have, like, clients lining up, and I’m gonna be like, everyone’s gonna be so excited. They’re gonna share my enthusiasm. I’ve got all this knowledge that I want to share, and I had a few testimonials from my case studies that I did in my class, and I was just. I was, like, on a total high and thinking, this is amazing. And I couldn’t wait to share. Like, I just couldn’t wait to share. I was just bursting with all this excitement. And I did get a couple of clients at the very beginning, and I. Okay, I’m going to talk the prices at the beginning, and this is.

Oh, that’s good. We love numbers, everyone always tells me. I love the episodes where people talk about actual numbers. So helpful.

Yeah. And this is what was really encouraged from the school. Like, this is the prices. Like, $150 for 90 minutes session and then a $75 hourly follow up one or two after that. And it was like, I put a lot of effort into this. I was making meal plans that I had no idea that people are actually following because I had no idea. Right. There was, like, maybe one follow up, and sometimes they didn’t even follow up with me. And I was just like, this is peanuts. Like, how am I supposed to have a sustainable business when I’m charging pittance? It was like. It was deflating.

Yeah, you absolutely cannot.

No is the answer. And I would research other holistic nutritionists at the time. Like, that was only about five years ago, and they were charging the same thing. They were doing the same thing. And so.

And it’s just a race to the bottom, because nobody. No business can survive at those rates. So when we look at businesses that can charge those rates and do charge those rates in a different medical model, it is very different, because they are not spending hours preparing for those sessions or falling from those sessions. There is an entire admin process behind it that automates most of that. And I would argue even then, it is not profitable enough. But for sure, as a business owner solo, you can’t do it. Okay. We’re in agreement. Amazing.

Yes. So I was. It was going through that probably for about a year, and I saw people on social media, and they were. They were really killing it. And I was just like, you know something? And I’ve never been aligned to social media, so I’ve never really been aligned to this. But I saw what people were doing, and I got kind of really deflated as a word, but just really, like, what is wrong with me? Like, why? What’s wrong with me? Why am I doing? Like, I’ve got the same amount of knowledge. Like, I can. I can help people. It was a really poor me kind of victim story, and I kind of, like, really.

It actually took me to my knees one situation where I just felt there was absolutely something wrong with me, and then I just kind of felt, you know what I have to take. I’ve got to stop this kind of needing to get clients and coming from it, from this energy, because that’s not where I want to. That’s not where I want to be. And I’d given. I’d invested a lot in different programs and then got different certifications, thinking, like, the more I get, the more chances are that I can help more people and something’s going to click. And so, yeah, there was a lot of giving out of myself and not a lot coming back in. And so, yeah, it got really tough. Well, that’s an.

I mean, energetically, I think people can feel that, too. When. When your thoughts and your beliefs are, like, I need someone to validate that I’m doing the right thing here. Like, you need to validate me that I’m on the right track is a very different energy than I’m here to serve you and give you results. Like, first you need to show me that I’m going to get results and that I’m doing the right thing here. And I think that’s something that, like, all of us at one point or another are in that field. And I think that’s what you mean by the roller coaster as well. Like, when it’s going well, it feels amazing. And when it’s not and you’re at the dip in the roller coaster, we have that energy. That’s human nature.

Be like, somebody come and pull me out of this dip.

Absolutely, absolutely. And I know that’s not their job. That’s my job, but that’s our job.

Yeah. Yes, yes. Which you have done beautifully. All right, so you feeling defeated watching other people charge rates that are never going to amount to a successful business that you can really pour your heart into because the numbers just are never going to pencil out, which is so sad. We see this so much, and especially with a model of one off client appointments, which isn’t best for the client either. So the whole model is, it’s not good for you, but it’s not getting the results for them either, because you can’t change someone’s life in 90 minutes. Like, they can’t retain the information. It just, it doesn’t work. So the whole thing broke in there. I think we’re in agreement on that. And there’s the better way.

I just want to say one more thing before we go on, is that I was taking on clients that were not good for me because I just wanted to have that, like, oh, I’m going to get a client. I’m going to make it work. I knew this person is way above my pay grade, and I’m not going to be able to serve her in the way that I should. And I got to that point later, but I shouldn’t have. Like, those are the things that I realize now, looking back, like, wow. I was just like, I’m willing to go somewhere where I shouldn’t have gone.

That’s fascinating. Yeah. I mean, like, such good awareness as you look back, that’s really helpful for people to hear. So what did you. When and how and what did you do differently? Like, how long did it take you to realize this was not going to work?

Well, I took that. I took some time off. I kind of realized, like, I have a job that I work part time, so I have some finances coming in. So it wasn’t a financial. I could step back from it financially, I was able to step back, and I needed that time to bring some joy into my life, to switch up the energies and to kind of, I was going down, like, paths. I was, like, changing things left, right and center. Like, I was always kind of moving in a direction where, oh, I’ve got, this isn’t working, so I’m going to change it to this. Okay. This isn’t. This has given me cricket, so I’m going to change it to this.

And do you mean when you say changing, is it changing your niche, changing your specialty, that kind of thing? Okay. Yes. So common.

Yes. And so with each change, I was just ending up that it was just absolutely crickets. So I’m like, okay, there’s. I kind of saw the bigger picture. Like, this is not where I’m meant to be. This is not my authentic self. So I realized, like, I just need to stop. I just need to take some time off. I need to focus on myself and my family and bringing joy into my life because I wasn’t in a joyful place.

Totally understandable. I think that’s really common, and I think that indecision and not sticking to the plan, especially in regards to, like, this is my niche, or I’m not going to have a niche at all. And sticking to that is so difficult. In a time when we’re watching so many other people that appear successful, we don’t know if their businesses really are successful or not, but appear successful, it’s like, okay, maybe I need to be doing what they’re doing. And then we try that, and it doesn’t work as anticipated the first time. And then we have, in the meantime, seen someone else doing something else, and we’re like, okay, it’s got to be that. And then we chase that rabbit, and it’s. It is so easy to do. If we’re not. If we’re not aware of that pattern, we. It’s so easy to do.

So I think a lot of people won’t resonate.

Another thing I did is completely went off social media because I had, like, absolutely. I don’t know. This is not a word, but it’s a word that I relate to, is comparativeitis, because I was just, like, comparing myself to everybody and ending up feeling really bad about myself. And so I’m like, this is not. This is not good for me. I realized that I just went on all social media. I didn’t have a presence on there much in it to begin with, but it was just like, no, this is who I need to step away from and just kind of change things up entirely.

Yeah, I think that also resonates with so many of us, for sure. I met someone this weekend. I was traveling, and I met someone in a totally different industry that has no idea what I. What I do or did. Like, didn’t know me at all. And he was asking, like, how he could follow me on social media, and I was like, well, you can’t. He’s like, I don’t understand. You are a business owner. And I was like, huh. I am. I am a business owner, and you can’t buy me on social media. His head exploded. He was like, we’re gonna need to go back a few steps. I was like, I think I make way more money because I’m not on social media. I don’t feel like I’m missing out. So interesting conversation, for sure.

Yeah. Yeah, I bet. Wow.

Okay, so you took a break. Then what happened? And give us the timeline of when you obviously came back from your break.

It was about eight months, nine months it was. And then I was like, all right, I’m going to go. I really felt like I knew exactly where I wanted to be. And so it was kind of the year off allowed me to just have some more clarity and not a lot, not like, ease the pressure off. So I kind of felt like I was in a new space, and I went online and did a. What was it called? A challenge. That’s what it is. I did a five day challenge, and I was really excited about it. I actually got a lot of people. I did flyers in the community, I talked to friends, and I did a five day challenge sharing what I know and how this process that I could take you through could lead to results.

So I kind of found a problem that I could solve.

And so I know because I have peaked on your website, that you now work very specifically with weight loss in menopause. Was that your niche then?


That wasn’t the specific problem you were solving then?

No. No.


It wasn’t. I never got to that until I came back. I had the clarity. It was actually a personal process of mine that kind of showed up, interestingly enough, during that time. And then I was like, okay, I talked to a lot of women, and I like friends and friends of friends and kind of found that, okay, this is a problem that I have, and I was able to solve it myself. And I. Then I did the online challenge, sharing all that information, and I got one client from that. So.

Okay, so hold on. In this challenge that you did, this five day challenge you did, that was for menopause, weight loss. Okay, so that’s when you came back.

It was my kind of coming back onto the scene, figuring out what I needed to do, having the problem that.

I knew how to solve, specific problem for a specific person that you had the solution to. I love it. Okay, so then what happened? And when would this have been? Would this have been.

This was recently, a year ago. So it was May of 2023.

Got it. Perfect. Okay, amazing. So you did. You did the challenge in person or online?

It was online. It was an online challenge. It was a free five day challenge online. Perfect.

And you got people interested in it in all the ways online and in person with flyers, locally.

I did a lot of flyers in the community. I talked a lot with people. I asked people to share, and mostly it was friends that were on.

Yeah, love it. Yeah, love it. This makes such perfect sense to me, because your friends would love to share what you do, and now they have a very specific reason. They know, oh, this is a specific problem. I have people in mind, and I’m going to share it. Genius. Okay, great. So five day challenge, May 2023. What happened then?

I had an offer at the end that I would work with people for twelve weeks, and the people that were on that challenge, I would give them a 50% discount. So I would work with them for twelve weeks and charge $1,000. So that was. $2,000 was my rate, and I offered them $1,000, and I got one person from that.



And how did you feel with that one person?

Well, I thought it would be more. Yeah, I thought that I would be about five. And so because I had 63 people on my mailing list from that. That was the only. That was the first time I did a mailing list. I’d never had a mailing list before, so I had 63 people on my mailing list, and there were a. A few people that were online that were live, but there wasn’t really a big turnout. There was one or two people live every time.

Yeah. This is so great to talk through, because the first few times that we do something like a challenge or webinar or anything of the sort, we think that the reason that we do it is to get results like clients, and. And really, the reason that we do it is so we can figure out how to do it. Like, the first few are just a dress rehearsal and the fact that you got some clients from it. Beautiful.

Yes. Yes, I did. I got one client, even though I thought I’d get more, but I was so excited that I was just like, okay, I can do this. I can. Like, I was just excited. I was really thrilled. And so when she started getting results, I was like, okay, oh, my gosh, this is so exciting. And I. It kind of was a confidence booster, and I felt that I was. I was just on, like, I was just starting to get my head above water.

Yeah, definitely. Okay. And then what happened?

And then, well, also give us the timeline.

When did you join the profitable nutritionist program?

Well, that’s. That’s the thing. Like, nothing happened in between then. And when I joined the. I was like, oh, my God, I’m going to have to say that nothing really happened after that until I joined the profitable nutritionist. And that was when was it? February or March. That you did it this year?


March. Okay. I joined it in March.

Okay, perfect. So March 2024, you joined the program. And then what happened?

Well, I had. Right around the time that I joined, I got a client and was working with her, and then the challenge came up. The 30 day challenge.

Yep. And that was in June.

That’s when. And I was like, really not sure whether or not I was going to do it because I was leaving in July for a month, backpacking with my family in Europe. I was like, I don’t have time. I just have so much stuff to do. I can’t do a challenge. And then I emailed you, or I sent something out. In the. In the platform?

Yeah. In the group?

Yeah, in the group. And you’re like, do it. I was like, okay, I’m doing it. And I am so glad that I did because it. It just. Yeah. The things that I learned, it was like a massive revelation for me. And it was just like, okay, like, goal setting one. I have never, ever set a financial goal because I knew that I wasn’t going to make the goal because I had no clients. So I was just like, why make a financial goal if I can’t get these clients? So that was the first one for me, making a financial goal.

Okay, I have more questions on that, but first I have to rewind and fill in some gaps for myself. So when you joined TPN in March of 2024, between March and June, when we started the three k and 30 days challenge, I imagine you went through the curriculum and specifically in stage one, where we make all of the decisions. So did you change anything with your offer or your niche or your pricing or anything like that before the challenge?

I did. I did, yes.

Talk us through that.

The client that I was working on before, I. I think it was around the time I joined TPN and I was working with this client, and I charged her, like, 1365 or 1395 or something like that. And so I was working with her. And then the challenge that going through all the stage one, like, going through this, I’m like, okay, this is still. I still need to raise these prices. Like, I. This is not. This is not something like the timing and all the things I was going through. Even though I didn’t know what I was going to do, I knew I could take her through the transformation, and I was like, I need to raise these prices. So it was really hard to come and figure out a number. And I.

When I did it, I got to $2,000 and so now I’m charging $2,000.



So in. In the lead up, getting into the three k in 30 days challenge, which we did in June, you had already raised your prices to 2000.


Perfect. Amazing. Okay, so then we get into the challenge, and the challenge is 30 days. We’ve talked about this on the podcast before, but I’ll give a little bit of context. It is a mindset challenge, really. There’s some strategy in the challenge, but it’s five to ten minutes a day answering a couple questions. So the questions get sent out. In the morning, you do your independent answer session with you and a cup of coffee in your journal or however you want, and you answer the questions, and it is. It takes five or ten minutes. This is nothing, an exhaustive process, but it is really transformative and really will unlock huge potential because it is centered around goal setting. And if we don’t want to set a goal, why, we figure out, like, what? Where’s the resistance coming from?

Is it because we’re going to beat the shit out of ourselves later if we don’t meet our goal? Well, that’s something we need to look at. Is it because we secretly think that we can’t get our clients results? If so, let’s fix that. And there’s a myriad of other reasons why we would be resistant to setting a goal and then going for it. So that’s what. That’s what we do in the challenge. So Sarah’s going to talk about exactly what happened in the challenge, I’m sure, but I just wanted to catch everybody up on, like, what is this challenge that they speak of? It’s something that we do a couple times a year in the TPN program.


So you set your goal for the first time?

I set my goal.

And what was the goal?

The goal was $3,000.


Yeah. And then one day into the challenge, I’m like, no, I’m so I’m doubling it to 6000.

Tell us about that. How did that happen? Why did that happen? And I love it so much.

Well, I think when. When I’ve already raised my prices to 2000 and I already had a client and I knew that I could get results, there was a. There was the confidence in that, and there was a real kind of like, okay, I can do this. And many other people are doing it. And the pricing was like, when I charged her $13.65, I kind of felt within myself, not a resentment, but if I charge more, I’m more invested in it. And they’re more invested in it. And so that’s how I felt was just like, you show up more when you’re more invested in something. And so I was just like, okay, I know that I want to get more than one client and so I’m changing it to 6000. So it was just a, like a three.

Like getting three clients for them for the month.

Yeah. Incredible. I love it. So that was on day two.

That was on day two.

Double, double the goal on day two.

Double the goal on day two. And, you know, I never realized, like, I know I’m a goal oriented person and I love to kind of have the little check marks and just like, go for it. And when I had that goal, it was like, it lit a fire in me to talk about it with people and to go into the community and talk to my friends and say, hey, you know what? Tell somebody that, you know, like, that I can help them, like, get this going. So it was just kind of like, I just felt like there was an internal fire of just that I want to get this goal. I want to see. I guess there was maybe. Was there a proof to myself?

I don’t know, but it was just like, but I loved all the prompts that you did because it really made me separate. And this is the biggest thing that I’ve learned from since I’ve been in TPN. And it was kind of like, this is why it was so huge is that I learned to separate my business from myself and so that my business became a metric, like a number. And yes, I would be able to help more people, but to see it as a metric and to see it as a number and to look at the numbers before, I was like, this is something I’ve never, ever done before. And it allowed me to separate my own self from my business. So if I didn’t make that goal, it didn’t mean anything about me. Like I wasn’t doing something wrong.

Like it was an opportunity just to see that the business was a business, it was an entity, it was separate from myself and I didn’t have to be so entwined in this kind of whole path that I’ve gone down.

Yeah, it’s so valuable. I think that we should spend a little time on that because that is the case. If we’re not aware of our thoughts just innately, we will feel like we are our business and either I, we’re successful or not successful based on those numbers. It’s like, that’s actually not the case. We are successful, and the business may or may not be hitting certain metrics totally separate things.

That’s right. And so that was a huge thing for me that I learned in the. And it was in the challenge that I learned that because the goal was whether or not I meet this goal or not, it. Look, all the prompts were kind of aligning me to, like, wait a minute. Like, if I don’t make this goal. Wait there. That’s okay. That’s okay, right? And I can work towards that goal and do all the things that I can and do all the things that I know and be guided doing that. But I was just like, what if I don’t make it? It’s okay.

And I think having a process to evaluate the progress towards the goal and be proud of yourself for showing up and doing the process. We call this process pride, like having an actual container where every day you’re doing a little bit of journaling, a little bit of writing, and forcing your brain to look at the progress that you are making and the fact that you keep showing up is so valuable regardless of the results and regardless of attaining the goal. But taking that pressure off makes it so much more likely that you will achieve the goal. It’s like when you release the goal and having to achieve the goal is so much more likely to be achieved. Our brains. Oh, my gosh. Our brains. So what happened in the challenge? Tell us. Tell us about the month of June.

Well, I actually got three clients.

Sure did.

I did. And I was. I’ve never. Okay, so in July, I was going on vacation. I was like, why am I going vacation now? Like, I’m just like, this is so amazing. I want to stay on this kind of thing, and then I go on vacation and come back, and I’m, like, trying to get back into it again. So June was fun. It was really good fun. And it was just like, when I got that goal, I was like, I did it. And then it was like, being okay. Like, I knew I did the prompts and kind of figured out the kind of how entwined I was and how I kind of had this enmeshing in seeing that if the numbers weren’t there, then it had nothing to do with me as a person. And it was, like, very. It was just.

It was a fun month. It was like, I enjoyed it. And then, like, the ripple effect, like, the clients were doing amazing. They were seeing huge results. They were talking to their friends. And so I have another call to follow up on from one of the clients. That referred a friend. And so, and that’s the kind of, it was just really fun and light, and I really enjoyed it.

Yeah. I think one thing that the challenge really provides is that shift for you internally to be really thinking about your clients and their results ahead of your results, which we touched on a little bit at the beginning of the episode when we are focused on our results and what the client is going to do for me and my concept of my business and myself, that’s a certain energy that people can smell it. It’s like spraying on a cologne or a perfume that doesn’t smell so good.


Versus. I really am so excited for you, client to get these results. Let’s go. And that is a different perfume, too.

Yeah, yeah, for sure. And, you know, I think with the challenge and stepping up and showing up each day for myself, I was able to kind of, like my, one of the clients said, I’ve never, ever had results. Like, never had results. And I’m seeing these results now, and it’s like you. You kind of. You’re holding the space for me to have the results. You’re seeing the results for me. Right. And so it was really, I showed up every day for myself and for the business and for the challenge, and then it held that kind of energy that other people, my clients were feeling.

Totally. So I think that we need to get a little tactical here because I imagine people listening to this episode are like, wait a second. You took on new clients knowing that you were leaving for a month and you were going to be backpacking, and I’m assuming you were not working for a month. So they’re going to wonder how and why you did that. What I’m really asking is how did you get out of your own way and just let it be okay that your clients weren’t going to hear from you for a month? What did you do?

Well, I. Before, and that was huge because I was like, I don’t know how I can get new clients and then just leave. Like, it was really, this would stop.

Most people, I coach people on this all of the time. They’re like, well, I mean, I’m having a baby in nine months, so I guess I can’t do my business for nine months. So I think that this is a really good conversation to have a lot of people feel that way.

Right. And that makes a lot of sense. And it was really, it was, what I did is I set everything up so that they had everything that they would need before. Before I left. So it was doing small steps and having kind of a few things that they could work on before while I was gone. And I also set up WhatsApp chat with them. So I would check in each week on WhatsApp and just say, okay, where are you at? Do you need any support? How are things going for you and making sure that there was still a threat to me. Like, I wasn’t working in a sense, but I was just checking in with them and making sure that they were on target and still accountable because I was checking in with them.

Yeah. And you just communicated this in advance. This is how it’s going to go in July. This is what we’re doing. Boom. That’s it. It’s as simple as it needs to be. Just over communicating. This is how it’s going to go. Because those clients just want the results. They do not. I mean, maybe they would prefer to talk to you every week live. Sure. But if they’re getting results, they’re fine with whatever the program is going to be. This is the method. This is how it’s going to be in July. This is how it’s going to be in July. And I’m going to keep doing my thing.

Yeah. There was a, there was a little voice as like, am I abandoning them? Am I kind of throwing them in the lurch? And just, and so I had to kind of watch, just be mindful of that thought and just stay with, like I’m connecting with them. They know I’m here if they need them. And they. There was never come, there was never any, nobody complained that I was leaving. And so. Yeah.

Because they are getting results.


They just want to keep getting results. That’s their chief concern is their results. Now, if you had left and not set them up for success before you left, that would probably be a different story. But that’s not what you did.

That’s right.

Yeah. So for anybody listening that has that drama, like, well, I think I can’t be marketing this month because I have vacation next month and so I got to wait till I get back or I have maternity leave coming up. Gotta wait till I get back. It’s just not true. Your people want to get started now, figure out how can I keep them successful, set them up for success and do it now because they want to get results now. They don’t want to wait till you come back. They want to get started. That’s for sure. So good. Okay. So June was great for you. You left in July.

I also know you said a second ago you said, gosh, I kind of got like mad that I was leaving in July because I got so excited to keep going and work with these clients and the momentum is high. I’m feeling that because I’m also going to Europe for three weeks in September, and we have some big new stuff coming in TPN this fall. And I’m like, gosh, I wish that I hadn’t scheduled that trip for then because I, you know, I’m so excited about it. So I feel you and I coach myself on this, on the fact that there’s always going to be more work to do, but we got to take the vacations, too. So I totally feel that, though, when we’re excited and we’re inspired, we want to just go.

So tell us about what go, go looks like now that you’re back. I know you are. Just, we’re just a couple days after you got off a plane and are like battling jet lag and all of that stuff. So what does it look like for August? Tell us what this is all about.

Well, thanks for asking because I hadn’t actually thought about that. So let’s just see what it looks like. Well, okay. For, so first of all, I am going to set a goal, financial goal, and I thought that I might increase my goal, but I’m going to stick with $6,000. And I have to, I’d like to go back and just do some more. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to or done the TPN, the repeatable revenue process. So I have to go back, look at some of the modules and just, yeah, connect with people. And I know that, like, there’s people in the community that I want to work with, and so it’s getting in touch with them and also writing emails and that’s a really big thing for me because I haven’t written any emails to my community.

So it’s getting on to that and telling more people that, you know, what I do and how I can help them.

I love it. I love the clarity of that. What else, what else would you share with someone that’s just starting out in their business that maybe you could have some words of wisdom for? Or maybe they’re not just starting out on their business. Maybe like you, they have been in business for a while, not had the success that they wanted, and they’re starting over or they want to start over.

Yeah, I think, well, for me, I always had that vision in that goal that this is where I wanted to be. And so I think, you know, whatever, like, the journey, the ups and the downs, that you stay true to yourself and, you know, when you are, when you have that trueness yourself and that authenticity, yourself, that you’ll come across what you need to come across and the path will kind of unfold. It’s really a trust thing because it’s just like, I felt like quitting many times, and it was just something that I just knew that I had to keep going.

Yeah. Yes. I mean, like, truly, we never fail if we don’t quit. Or you’re learning, you’re winning or you’re learning. And there’s been a lot of learning. Isn’t it so fun to look back, which we can only do, you know, from where we are now, and look back like, oh, man, that was rough. Really glad I did all that stuff, though. Really glad I had all of those little mini fails along the way because I learned so much and it got me here. Whereas in the moment it doesn’t feel like that. It feels like, is this the end? Is this.

I know, I just. And feel compassion for myself then, you know, really hard.

It’s really hard if you don’t know how expected and how normal that is. So I think I laugh about it when I say that. I’m like, oh, my gosh, it feels so hard. And the moment feels like, is this it? Are we done? And the reason I laugh about it is because every single person has those thoughts. Every single entrepreneur faces that same brick wall of like, oh, my gosh, am I supposed to be thrown in the towel? Or do we keep going here and we don’t know that’s normal and expected and just part of it, if we’re not surrounded by other people that are further ahead and can say, no, no, that’s totally normal, keep going. You’re doing it right. You’re doing it right. Just keep going.


So, yeah, I think that’s maybe the message of this podcast is just keep going. Figure it out. Surround yourself with people that can help you get there, but also know that nothing has gone wrong if you’re totally doubting what you’re doing because it really can turn around quickly.

Exactly. I love it. I love it.

So good. Anything else you want the people to know?

Well, I am so glad I’m in the profitable nutritionist. I that really helped change things around. Yeah. So that was another, just another leap of faith because I’d been putting money at all these different things like throwing spaghetti at the wall and nothing stuck. And I was just like, you know, throwing myself in the deep end and, oh, maybe this will be the one. And it just, nothing kind of met me where I was. And so I’m grateful for you and your program that really met me where I was and just started at the beginning and went through all these things to all these kind of stages to get me where I am.

I appreciate that. I appreciate that candor there. I think so many people feel like, gosh, I I’ve been trying for years. It’s never worked. So I’m not going to invest more money to try to fix this problem. And I think that’s really common. I hear it a lot. So I. And I understand it. I do. But knowing what we do know about confirmation bias in our brains, like, of course we think I haven’t been successful, so I won’t be successful because our brains want to be right more than we want to be successful a lot of times. And so we will look for evidence of how see it. I told you, not going to be successful. It’s not going to be a good investment. It’s not going to work again, and we have to be really consciously exploring.

But what if it worked better than I thought? What if this is actually, like, everything up until now prepared me for what is my business taking off now, and it’s actually going to better than I think.

Oh, my gosh. I got major, like, goosebumps on that one. That was great.

Always the goal. Always the goal. Okay, so, Sarah, tell everybody, who do you serve? Who should they refer to you? And how do they find you on the Internet?

Okay, well, I serve women 40 to 45 over that are in menopause that are challenged with weight gain.

Okay. Do they know they’re in menopause?

Well, it doesn’t have to be menopause. It could be, like, perimenopause, but just stubborn weight gain in their forties.

Perfect. And how do people send them to you and where do they find you?

So they can find me? At www. Dot sarahcormack dot ca. That’s my website, and I don’t really have a big social media handling. I have an Instagram page, but it’s not so active. So the website is the best way to contact me.

Perfect. And we will have that linked up, obviously, in the description of this episode and anywhere in the show notes, you’ll be able to find that. So thank you, first of all, just thank you for coming and sharing numbers and sharing just all of your insights. So far. I’m very excited to see, now that you’re back, what the next few months look like for you and your business and your clients. I think that’s even more important of how many people are going to be getting massive results in their health that they don’t even know about yet because of the work you’re doing. So how fun is that?

Thank you. Exactly. And that’s the focus, right? That’s the focus is like, how can I serve and how can I of service to these women? And how can we see results with them? Right. The transformation in them. Yeah.

Which as a benefit, leads to a lot more referrals coming your way and a lot more clients in your business. So that’s always the best focus, is think about the people that you’re working with. Think about them getting better results, faster results, more consistent results, and as a result, they will be talking about those results and sending all the referrals your way.

Exactly. Thank you.

Thank you, Sarah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for coming on. Awesome.

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