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161. I Hope You Drown.

Are you feeling swamped with clients, deadlines, and endless tasks?

Believe it or not, that might be the best thing for your business.

In this episode, we talk about something that might surprise you…

Feeling overwhelmed could mean your business is ready to grow even more.

(But probably not the way you think.)

Listen to this episode for 4 surprising tips to quickly move from stressed to unstoppable.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.


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Andrea Nordling
Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. I hope you drown. Good title, right? Well, it actually is. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’ve been really excited to record this episode for you for a few different reasons. First of all, I think primarily because I want you to drown as fast as possible in your business. We’re gonna talk about that. And also because I have been afraid of drowning in my business, and it has cost me a lot of money. Now, to be clear, I have made millions of dollars online since 2016. So even though I was afraid of drowning, I have done some things right, but I’ve made a lot of mistakes. 
Andrea Nordling
And that’s what I’m going to talk to you about in this episode so that you can forego having to experience those mistakes and you can just take the lessons and run with them. Do it faster and do it better. Namely, drown better. So what do I mean by that? Well, first of all, the goal is to get to drowning as fast as possible in your nutrition or health coaching business, because then we get to solve way more fun problems. Stick with me. You are not going to drown for long, by the way. Relax, I got you. But let’s talk about what those fun problems are when you’re drowning, first of all, so I can get you excited about that, why they’re so fun, and then how we actually solve those problems. Because remember, drowning is a symptom. That is actually a good thing. 
Andrea Nordling
We love drowning. When you feel like you’re drowning in your business, it’s happening because things are working. And then we have some data and we have things to improve, and that is when the magic really happens. So here are the four phases, by the way, of your business growth. And they’re very different. They build on each other. They’re very different. We have very different problems to solve at each phase. And I use the word problems so tongue in cheek, by the way, because it’s a real core philosophy of mine that none of these are problems. Actually, your brain will make all of these a problem. They’re not problems. They are just things that you do. They’re the next mountain to climb in your business, so to speak. 
Andrea Nordling
So I say problems, but just know I actually don’t think any of this is a problem, and you shouldn’t either. It’s not a problem. All right, so here are the phases. First of all, we have the scrappy spaghetti throwing phase in your business. In the beginning, you’re throwing all the spaghetti at the wall. We’re going to talk about what that means, what it looks like, and how you quickly get through it. Then the second phase is drowning. Okay, some of the spaghetti stuck. Now you are drowning. Then the third phase. Once you are drowning properly, we enter the third phase, which is eliminating automating and delegating. This is where we introduce some very specific lean, mean systems and processes into your business. And then the fourth phase is true streamlining and scaling. 
Andrea Nordling
This means more clients, more revenue in your business without more of you. We’re going to talk about exactly what that means too, by the way, before we get into this, I want to make it very clear. When you invest in the profitable nutritionist program, you get a step by step process for going through all of these phases with support and help and a proven framework so you don’t have to figure out how to do these phases on your own. By the way, sign up for the waitlist@theprofitablenutritionist.com join if you are not already signed up. All right, so all that to say, I would love to help you drown, my friend. Let’s get into it. Well, let’s start at the beginning. Okay? 
Andrea Nordling
So in the beginning of your business and in each phase, I’m going to kind of explain what’s happening here, what you’re thinking and feeling and doing in each stage of your business so you can properly assess where you are actually at. If you are not clear in the beginning, this is the scrappy spaghetti throwing phase. Okay? This is the experimentation phase in your business, what you are actually saying to humans in the world, online and in person, who you are talking to online and in person, how you’re talking about your business, how you’re talking about your offer, how you’re talking about your expertise, how you’re explaining the types of clients that you work with, the types of clients you don’t work with. All of this is experimentation. In the beginning. 
Andrea Nordling
You’re figuring out like, I think of this as like, what do I want my business to be when I grow up. That’s what you’re doing. You’re figuring out what you want your business to be when it grows up. It’s all experimentation. Okay? So you’re figuring out for yourself what is the lowest hanging fruit for you. And it’s going to be different than your colleagues, it’s going to be different than your peers, which is why it’s so problematic to crowdsource what other people are charging, how they’re delivering an offer to people, what are they like, what services are they giving, how do they position it? It’s so problematic because someone else’s business model may not be the business model that is best for you, may not play to your strengths. 
Andrea Nordling
It may not be the type of business that you want to be running long term, first of all. And second of all, there’s a very high likelihood that person’s business isn’t working either and that you are copying something. If you are doing this, that isn’t working. That’s not a winning framework. And how do we know that? Because it is projected that about 95% of health and wellness professionals do not have a profitable business. So don’t copy. Don’t copy someone else’s broken business model. Don’t do that. It may not be the best for you and for your strengths and your skillset anyway, but also it just might not be a profitable business model. So in the beginning, you’re deciphering this, you’re sleuthing it all out. You’re figuring out what is the lowest hanging fruit. 
Andrea Nordling
For me, this is in the lowest hanging fruit in how you market your business. If you’re an extrovert that just loves to go meet people, then you probably don’t want to write detailed blog posts. Maybe that is not the lowest hanging fruit for you. Maybe that is an arduous task that you put off every single week because it’s so hard and it doesn’t play to your strengths. Whereas you could just show up at a community event and go talk to the humans and get a bunch of clients. So what is the lowest hanging fruit for you? And we could have dozens and dozens of examples of that. All right, so this is how you market your business. What plays to your strengths? What do you want to do? It all works. So you get to just pick. What do I want to do? 
Andrea Nordling
What do I want to try? What do I want to experiment with? How you conduct a sales call in the beginning, you need to decide, how do you want to do that? What do you want that to look like, feel like, what is. What do you want that experience to be like for you and for your prospective clients? You’re just experimenting. In the beginning, you want to be experimenting with how you show up for your clients. What is your 1.0 client process that you bring your clients through? In the beginning, it’s your best, worst guess. You don’t know, you haven’t done it before. So you have to just make a guess, make a hypothesis on what this process is going to look like. And you need to bring some people through it. And then tweak it over time. 
Andrea Nordling
You are also in this stage of your business really figuring out how to manage your time. Especially if you have previously been an employee and you had very specific expectations and a job description, and you had tasks that somebody else laid out for you, it might be really different to be a business owner. And for you to have nobody telling you what to do and when to do it, you got to figure that out for yourself. How do you manage your time? All of these things are examples of the stuff. It’s the stuff that you are figuring out in the beginning. You’re figuring out your messaging, what lands with your easiest, most ideal, perfect clients. Like, when you talk about this thing, they lean in. They want to know more. When you talk about it this way, their eyes glaze over. 
Andrea Nordling
They change to the next topic as fast as possible. That’s what you’re doing. You’re just experimenting and you’re paying attention to what’s working and what isn’t, and you’re tweaking and you’re paying attention to what works and what doesn’t for you and for them. And it’s all experimentation. It’s all different, it’s all new, it’s all very exciting, but it’s all very foreign for a lot of people. You might be one of them. If you’ve never run a business before, you may be coming into this without some of those skills. And you’re figuring out, okay, what do I want my business to look like when it grows up? When I grow up, and how am I going to play to my strengths and design a business that is supportive of all of those things? You’re just figuring it out. 
Andrea Nordling
To go back to the sales call example, you’re figuring out what questions you can ask during a sales call that lead that potential client to basically selling themselves versus you making a pitch that sounds weird and inauthentic because nobody likes that. Just a little pro tip here. When you ask someone on a consult call to roughly calculate how much time and money they’ve already invested in solving their problem before you make them an offer and discuss the investment to work with you, they’ve already realized because they have been now selling themselves on this call. They’ve already realized and done some calculations that it’s going to be a savings to hire you now and to not keep hemorrhaging funds doing what they’ve been doing. So there’s a way to do this, and you’re learning this in the beginning. Okay. It’s the experimentation phase. 
Andrea Nordling
Lots of Imperfect action. That’s what we call it in the TPN program. Take imperfect action. It’s going to be imperfect. It’s supposed to be imperfect. Don’t wait until it’s perfect, because first of all, it never will be. And second of all, you’re just going to wait. Don’t do that. Get in, get your hands dirty. It’s imperfect. It’s scrappy. You’re trying a lot of stuff. Basically, you’re building the parachute on the way down. That’s what the execution feels like, as it should. Nothing is going wrong. When that’s how you’re feeling, you’re like, I have no idea what I’m doing. Is this right? Am I doing it right? Yep. If you’re asking that question, you’re doing it right. 
Andrea Nordling
Because what you’re doing at this stage of your business is you’re generating data for yourself on what works for you and for them, what doesn’t work for you and for them. And then you’re creating a plan for what to do differently by continually evaluating this actual data from throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall and then seeing, huh, what is sticking here. And here’s why that works. Because in the beginning of your business, you have all the time for marketing and for chasing squirrels and throwing that spaghetti at the wall. You have time. But as some of that starts sticking and as you start adding clients to your calendar and you have actual client delivery appointments and sessions and more consult calls, and all of that is getting added to your weekly calendar because it’s working, by the way, that time reduces. 
Andrea Nordling
Now you have less time to chase all of the sparkly squirrels and to do all the things. Basically, more clients equals less time to throw spaghetti at the wall. And that is when you need a new way. That’s exactly what you learn how to do, by the way, step by step in the profitable nutritionist program, we give you an actual spaghetti throwing framework. Along with what and how to evaluate. Evaluate. Evaluate. No, that’s not the word. Evaluate along the way so that you can get through this scrappy spaghetti throwing phase as quick as possible and start drowning. Remember, I want you to drown as fast as possible. Stick with me. So at this point, you’ve been taking the scrappy, imperfect action. It does feel imperfect. You’re building the parachute on the way down. You’re throwing all the spaghetti at the wall. 
Andrea Nordling
Enter all of the idioms here. Some of it sticks. Okay? People pay you. You have clients. Yes, yes. That means your calendar is filling up and you don’t have all the time in the world anymore. And this applies regardless of how many hours a week you actually started with. I have a lot of clients in the profitable, nutritious program that already have a different job and they are working on their nutrition or health coaching business in just a few hours a week. Free time. Same thing applies, though. Once that free time starts being taken up with clients, you have less of that free time. Regardless of what proportion of your day or your week that is, your calendar is filling up. You don’t have all the time in the world anymore. 
Andrea Nordling
And so that old way of the inefficient throwing all the spaghetti at the wall, it’s not going to work because there just isn’t enough time in the workday and in the work week to keep doing things that way. Like I said, you’re doing more consult calls because more people are being referred to you. Your marketing is working. You’re working with clients. Your calendar is filling up with those clients and the potential clients now. And your brain wants to go back, by the way, to this comfy time before, when you could spend all day messing around on Canva, you could still get a healthy, delicious dinner on the table for your family with no problem at the end of the workday. 
Andrea Nordling
And it felt really productive what you weren’t really doing and you had all the time in the world, you didn’t really have to manage your time right. But after it starts working, hopefully you get out of that Canva time real quickly. By the way, I don’t recommend that is how you spend your time. But when things are working and you’re bringing in the clients and you have more interest and there’s more calls on your calendar, you’re not going to love this part, but it starts to feel like you’re drowning. And that’s a good thing because at this point, you are not that efficient with delivering your process to your clients. Like, here’s just the real talk. 
Andrea Nordling
You have some clients, you have your idea of how you want this process to go when you bring them through a process, whatever that process is, but you’re not efficient at doing that yet. So you’re still creating things for them the day before you meet with them or the hour before, you’re still figuring out what is the best way to explain this. Do they need PDFs, do the PDFs overwhelm them? Do they need more of this, less of that? You’re figuring it all out. So it’s kind of a double whammy. Not only is your calendar Filling up more. But you’re also really inefficient in the time that you are allocating for your clients. You’re spending a lot of time manually sending follow ups at this point or researching and inputting information on those clients. 
Andrea Nordling
If you’re running a group program, same thing, you’re testing out your processes. You’re manually doing a lot of it. It’s taking a lot of time. So that’s really where you start to feel like you’re drowning. Or you can see that in a month or two, at the rate that you’re going, you will be drowning. And that is a good thing. It’s not a problem. It’s to be celebrated. I hope you drown is the title of this podcast for a reason. But most wellness business owners don’t know that this is a good thing. So instead of being so happy that they feel like they’re drowning because it means they did it right, they got through that first phase. They freeze up. This is where people’s brains start screaming, oh my gosh. This is unsustainable. If we keep going like this, we’ll implode. 
Andrea Nordling
I’ll never see my family again. It’s not worth it. Oh my gosh. My clients are not going to get the results that they want. This isn’t working. I can’t take more clients. I’m going to be maxed out, which means I can’t even make any more money in my business. And I’m not even paying myself that much yet. Oh, my gosh. Nope. This is not going to work. Unsustainable. Abort. No. Hear me when I say that this is a temporary moment. It is a great sign that you are right on track when you feel like you’re drowning. It is definitely not the time to abort. Definitely not. It is not the time to change your offer to a group program if that was not your initial offer, because that has its own complications and drowning points. 
Andrea Nordling
Do not be allured into changing your offer thinking that the grass is greener somewhere else. It is not. Again, this is a huge mistake that I have personally made. Don’t make this mistake. Stay the course. Okay? It is not time to change your niche. It is not time to change your sales process and take out consult calls. It is not the time to create a digital course that you can just sell for cheap on your website. Instead. Do not do this again. I have done this. Don’t do it. It is going to slow down your business growth so much. Do not be allured by anything that is not continuing on your current path. It is not the time for any of those things. Although your brain is going to be screaming at you that you should actually do all of those things at once. 
Andrea Nordling
But instead I want you to take a deep breath and be so grateful that you feel like you’re drowning. Drowning is great because when you feel like you’re drowning, it’s because you have built up demand for your offer. People want what you have. It is working. That’s why you’re drowning. Wonderful, perfect, great. Not a problem at all. That feeling that you’re drowning means that it’s now time to solve a new set of problems, which are really fun ones. Again, they’re not really problems. We’re going to call them problems, they’re not problems. But this is when things get really fun. And we’re in the third phase, which is eliminating automating and delegating in that order. This is where we create systems and processes to solve those really fun problems that you now have. 
Andrea Nordling
When you’re drowning, you’re going to learn some new skills and you’re going to have to really focus your time and energy on just a few things. That means that you’re going to have to resist the urge to mess around on canva or spend four extra hours going down rabbit holes researching one off things for one particular client. Because that worked in the beginning to get you where you are. But what got you here won’t get you there. Let me say that again, what got you here won’t get you there. When you feel like you’re drowning, it’s time to level up on your skills of time management and constraint first and foremost. Meaning you got to focus your attention on automating and creating repeatable systems and processes for those very few things that are currently inefficient so that you aren’t spending unnecessary time on them. 
Andrea Nordling
Basically, we’re going to create efficiency where there is right now inefficiency, because the inefficiency is really the cause of the drowning. It’s not because your business is broken, it’s not because your clients are the worst. It’s because we need to focus on automating and creating some systems and making things more efficient. So what I mean when I say drowning unlocks a new set of problems is that these are the really the fun ones. Taking what you’re doing that’s working and then creating the systems and repeatable, which are often automated processes to do those same things in way less time, way more efficiently. Caveat here. People try to do this way too soon. I’m raising my hand. You can’t see that, but just know that I’m raising my hand. Ask me how I know this. Because I did it. Oh my goodness. 
Andrea Nordling
I fell in this trap. I don’t want you to fall in this trap. My clients, so I say people like big air quotes people. I was one of these people have one or two clients, sometimes even zero clients, and they’re spending time building out intricate automations and follow up emails and PDFs and all of the things inside practice Better or client management software, whatever platform they’re using. And it is a huge waste of time because they aren’t drowning yet, which means they don’t actually know what things to automate yet. They haven’t had enough clients go through the process to really identify what aspects of their process need to get simplified and what is actually just going to become irrelevant by the time they’re drowning in clients and appointments. Because a lot of things change between the beginning and when you’re drowning. 
Andrea Nordling
So what happens is people put way too much friction into this process way too soon by trying to get ahead of it, quote, unquote ahead of it. With automated intake forms. Before a consult call, for example, or before the first client session, they want to have a bunch of stuff automated or they have way too many follow up PDFs, way too many follow up emails, way too much follow up information, and then it’s cumbersome for the client or the potential client to actually complete, so they just ghost or they don’t show up for the call. And it isn’t because they weren’t a good fit, it’s because now they feel like they’re drowning. And my friend, there is no faster way to kill your business than to drown your clients or your prospective clients. 
Andrea Nordling
We want you to get to the point of drowning as fast as possible, but not them. Never ever drown your clients. Overwhelm is a client results killer. People will quit when they feel overwhelmed, so you never ever, ever want them to drown. That’s what happens when people try to set up automated systems before they’re at the point of drowning and they don’t even know what to automate yet. They have a guest and they’re building it all out and that feels really safe and comfy and productive. But really it is not. So don’t try to set up robust automations for you or for your clients until you’re drowning. Anything before that point is going to be a wasted effort because you’re going to Spend a lot of time creating systems and processes that you have to break and redo anyway. 
Andrea Nordling
So this like brings up in my mind the saying, no plan survives the first contact with the enemy. It’s a military model, basically saying the best plan is going to get scrapped as soon as you get in the trenches and engage anyway. Just know that no plan survives first contact with the enemy. So don’t worry about making the perfect client workflow until you are drowning in clients and you know what needs to get first of all eliminated. We eliminate first, then we automate, then we delegate. Don’t worry. Similarly, in your marketing, don’t worry about making the perfect marketing funnel or automated sales process until you’re drowning in highly qualified leads and your console calendar is booked solid for the next two months. That’s drowning. Then that’s good. You want to drown. Drowning good. 
Andrea Nordling
At a certain point I see this drowning happen, by the way, to give you some idea, I see this happen around the 20,000 to $50,000 a year level, depending on how expensive your offer is. That’s a pretty solid range for drowning and needing to solve these fun problems of eliminating and automating and delegating and setting up the systems and processes that you can use to really streamline your efforts here. So after you build yourself this life ra with the systems and processes automated and delegated, and we haven’t talked a ton about delegating, but know that is an option to bring on help and have somebody else do this stuff that you’re not great at doing or that you don’t like to do so that you can not be drowning, that’s definitely an option and something that I’ll talk more about in a second. 
Andrea Nordling
But after you build yourself this life raft in this phase and now you have automated some things, you have eliminated things that were unnecessary altogether, you maybe have started delegating. Now you have a life raft. You’re no longer drowning because the things that were taking so much of your time and effort and bandwidth before, they are now a lot more efficient. So we want to keep it that way. So at this phase, your calendar is back to manageable, you have plenty of white space. Your marketing, your sales and your client delivery processes have been upleveled with the help of automations and repeatable processes. So they’re much more efficient and less time consuming for you. Winning, winning. The machine is chugging along and it is completely sustainable. But now your brain, and again your human brain is skewed negative. 
Andrea Nordling
It’s always going to find A problem. It’s going to have a problem where there is no problem. Just know that. So that’s why we. We laugh at the word problem, because your brain will always find one. So at this stage, when you’re hanging out on your life or after you’re no longer drowning, things are working. It feels great. Your brain is still going to scream at you that there is a problem. It’s going to say, we want to keep growing, we want to reach more people, we want to help more people. My gosh, come on, we have to scale. Well, great, we could do that. But just know that your. Your brain is always looking for a reason why it’s not good enough, it’s not fast enough, and that’s just the way it is. 
Andrea Nordling
So managing your mind here, managing your expectations and managing your. Your panic brain is really important. Again, these are things that we do inside the profitable, nutritious program. Because when your brain does this, your client’s brain is doing the same thing. They have a human brain as well. So when they’re getting results and they’re hanging out on their life raft and it’s sustainable and they’re where they always wish that they could be, their brain is going to be saying, oh, my gosh, we should be further ahead. There’s so much more. Now that we have this handled, what is the next thing? Just know that they’re going to be having the same thoughts. So you also can build that into your client process. That’s a different podcast episode. I’m not going to go down that rabbit hole. 
Andrea Nordling
But just know this is human brains at work. So in this final phase, now that you’ve been hanging out on your life raft, things are much more efficient. You got this. Some systems and processes. It’s time to streamline and scale. This is the phase of business where you start to replace yourself. That’s what scaling is, by the way. It’s when your business grows without more of you, so you’re making a bigger impact, you’re making a bigger revenue, but it’s not requiring more of you. There are a few different ways to do this. All of those ways work. And just like in the beginning of your business, when you’re deciding what you want your business to be when it grows up, it’s very similar. Here you get to decide what route do you want to scale with. 
Andrea Nordling
This is the work that we do, by the way, in the Streamline and Scale Mastermind, we have a plug and play audit system where new people in the mastermind come in and they go through this audit process where we take what’s working in their business and figure out how to maintain it while making plans for the next level of growth that they want to see. Which could be either serving more clients in their current offer exactly as it is, but with hiring other practitioners to come in and serve those clients so they can actually impact a lot more people and grow the revenue in the business without more of them. That’s a model that works really well. A lot of people do that. 
Andrea Nordling
Some of my clients in the Mastermind come in and create a digital group program to serve more clients through A1 to many model that works really well too. Either of those. Either of those. Streamline and scale your business, which means you grow, your business grows without more of you. You are going to be doing different things, different tasks in your business, and you’re gonna be learning different skills. But it isn’t necessarily more client hours with you. Okay? Just know that. So in the streamline and scale process, to just get you excited about that, we do all sorts of fun things like hiring help. Have you ever done that before? If not, there’s an easy way and a hard way to do it. We would love to teach you the easy way. We do some forecasting, we do some profit planning. Do you love numbers? 
Andrea Nordling
Do you love crunching numbers? Because we teach you how to actually do that. It’s very important. We teach predictable and scalable marketing and sales systems. Also very important. Did I mention hiring help and delegating properly and profitably? Yes. That is a huge focus in the streamline and scale process so that you can enjoy the time and money freedom that you got into this business for in the first place. Knowing that other people that do these very specific skills way better than you are doing them way better than you. And you’re not trying to wear all that anymore. But to get to this phase, you have to drown first. You have to wear the hats and you have to drown. And I meet this in the most helpful way possible. 
Andrea Nordling
It is not a problem when you get to the tipping point between say, that 20 to $50,000 a year level where you feel like it’s unsustainable and you’re drowning. That is good. That is when we get to solve the really fun, again problems, air quotes, because they’re not actual problems. But that’s when we get to start eliminating and automating and delegating like crazy while still maintaining the momentum that you already have built up because you have demand built up. So then you can continue on to the next phase of streamlining and scaling without completely stopping the progress of your business. Also, we can’t scale nothing. So first things first, you have to get to the point where you feel like your head might be about to dip below the surface of the water. The level is rising, you’re about to go below. 
Andrea Nordling
That’s when we know it’s time to focus on the systems and the processes and the automations deal. Not before. It’s just going to waste a ton of your time, a ton of your bandwidth and you’re going to break any systems and processes that you create before you’re drowning. You’re going to break them anyway, you’re going to change it and it’s going to have been a huge waste of your time. So instead of wasting your time, we just want you to drown as fast as possible. And there you have it. Those are the four phases of a successful health and wellness business. Wouldn’t you know it, by the way, here at the Profitable Nutritionist, we can help you navigate quickly and much less painfully through all of those phases. Again, first phase is the scrappy spaghetti throwing. Yes. 
Andrea Nordling
In the TPN program, you’re going to learn how to do this the most efficiently and with style, I might add. And we’ll celebrate together all of the spaghetti that doesn’t stick. And we’ll help you figure out exactly what is sticking, so to speak, so that you can double down on that and get to the next phase faster. Next phase being drowning? The drowning phase. Yes. We want you to drown in clients and we want you to drown in consult calls as fast as possible so that you have actual data to pull from on what to eliminate, what to automate and what to delegate. Which brings us to the third phase, super fun, which is where we’re eliminating, automating and delegating, setting up those systems and processes. 
Andrea Nordling
In the Profitable Nutritionist program, you learn exactly how to do this, in what order, and most importantly, how to create repeatable systems and processes. If you’ve never done it before, especially if tech platforms give you a headache, don’t worry. We show you a tried and true process for inexpensively outsourcing the tech stuff very easily. But this phase is just the beginning of what your new role as a business owner looks and feels like, which is the visionary. So I want you to know that in the third phase, where we’re building out these systems and processes, this is where you really step into being the visionary of your company, the leader, the true CEO. Which feels a little bit weird when you’re the only person. 
Andrea Nordling
But at this phase, usually around the $50,000 even into $100,000 a year level, to give you some context, you enter into a fourth phase, which is the streamlining and scaling phase, where you aren’t the only person anymore. You have more clients. At this phase, you have more revenue and there’s less of you making all of that happen. Which is when you of course want to apply to be in the streamline and Scale Mastermind. And that is why the Mastermind has an income requirement of at least $50,000 a year. Because we don’t want you solving any of these streamlining and scaling problems. We don’t even want you entertaining that process until you are appropriately drowning. That’s the point. 
Andrea Nordling
When we do that in the Mastermind, you get access to a completely different advanced process for truly scaling your business into a freedom machine that brings in a much higher profit impacts far more of your people, without sacrificing your health insanity along the way, which is a core philosophy here at tpn. So I’m somewhat talking out of both sides of my mouth here, but hopefully you can understand that two things can be true at the same time. First of all, I want you to drown. And also I have a life preserver for you because I don’t want you to sacrifice your health insanity long term. So if your business is new or it currently brings in less than $50,000 a year, you’ve got to join the profitable Nutritionist program, go to the profitablenutritionist.com join and get on the waitlist Right now. 
Andrea Nordling
If your business is making over $50,000 a year and it’s not growing at the rate that you want because you really are drowning already and you can’t get ahead, then we have to talk. The Mastermind is probably the next best move for you. But to know for sure, go to theprofitablenutritionist.com mastermind and jump on the waitlist there. When you jump on the waitlist for the Mastermind, you’re going to get an email with a link to schedule a call for you and me to talk through your business concerns together. And I’m going to give you an honest perspective on how or if I can help you with the next step. Okay, so theprofitablenutritionist.com mastermind is where you sign up for the waitlist and get a one one link for us to jump on a call if your business is making over 50,000 a year. 
Andrea Nordling
If it is not, then the profitable nutritionist program is the next step for you for sure. Go to theprofitablenutritionist.com join and get on the waitlist right now. And that is it for today, my friend. I’m going to say it one more time with all my love and support behind this message. I hope you drown as fast as possible. Have a wonderful week.

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I'm Andrea Nordling

Marketing + Sales Expert
I help Holistic Nutritionists and Health Coaches get more clients in the door, more profit in their pockets, and more freedom in their life without relying on social media.

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