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89. How to Keep the Clients Coming with Leigh Anne Rushing

Don’t you just love hearing about other people’s business journeys?

Me, too. It’s so inspirational and reassuring to hear about the rough stuff and the unpleasant twists and turns and setbacks that tend to get overlooked.

Today you’re in for a treat with a candid conversation about the highs and lows of health and wellness entrepreneurship with The Profitable Nutritionist® Program long-time OG student, Leigh Anne Rushing.

In this episode Leigh Anne openly shares:

  • How and why she transitioned from her full time pharmacy career to her own health coaching practice
  • The 4 word sales pitch she used to get her first 5 clients
  • Her “no pressure” social media strategy

And so much more.



Andrea Nordling 0:00
Welcome to the profitable nutritionist podcast my friend. Today, I have the pleasure of chatting with one of my OG students, Leanne rushing, who has been in the profitable nutritionist program. For over two years, I have had the pleasure of watching her business grow from zero clients and still in her certification program to now having a thriving, profitable big time practice where she’s making exactly the amount of money she wants to be making, working with the exact amount of clients she wants to be working with. And the exact type of clients she wants to be working with as well, which she talks all about in this episode. But also over the course of the last two and a half years, I have watched her transition out of her full time pharmacy job, which was very demanding and was quite a, I won’t put words in her mouth, she transitioned out of pharmacy job, let’s just leave it at that she tells the story in the episode. And I have had the pleasure, like I said, of watching her business grow from zero to where it is now. And I just knew that it was going to be so amazing to have her come on the podcast and tell this story for you as well, including how she has organically grown her client base, they just keep showing up. And she sells them a very premium offer. And then they go to other friends and more keeps showing up. She talks about it in detail in this episode, as well as her no pressure social media strategy and why she doesn’t post for six months. When she does, it’s amazing content and people go crazy over it. So you have to hear all about it. We cover a lot of ground. But those are just a couple of the things you’re gonna get from this episode. I think it will be very, very valuable for just a reassurance of how customized and personalized and true to you your business can be. I think Leann has done an amazing, amazing job of creating exactly what her business is, which is what we talked about in this episode. And I think that you as a listener of it will also be able to see that you get to have that same for yourself. So you get to create exactly what you want, work backwards and figure out what you would need to be doing today and this month to create that in a year or two from now, just like Leanne did. So without further ado, welcome Leanne to the podcast.

Welcome, Leanne, thank you so much for coming and sharing all of the wisdom that you have that I know is forthcoming. For everyone that’s listening. Do you want to just take a second and tell everyone who you are, and maybe a little bit about your business journey thus far, kind of give us the story? Yes, thanks for having me. I’m so excited to be here. I’m actually a pharmacist can virtually trade a bit of pharmacists for 18 years, but always a little bit unconventional. I didn’t give my kids many meds, and just was always a bit on the crunchy side. And then in 2019, I lost a dear family member to some chronic health issues and just started really digging in to what could have been different. How do I prevent these things in myself, and that led me down the road of functional medicine enrolled in a program in 2020. And then enrolled in your program I was thinking back in, I think it was about the spring of 2021. Yep, when I started, and I kind of got started slow, I didn’t dive in right away, because I was still in my training program. But I really got started at the end of 2021. And then really participated in the study how to use three 3k in 30 days challenge in January of 2022. And that’s when I really kicked off my business and got some clients. I remember this I remember this so much. So when you enrolled in the program, what is now the profitable nutritionist program, it had a different name then but when you enrolled in 2021, I was doing one on one calls with everybody that joined because we were smaller than and candidly I was loving getting information. It was very fact finding for me to get on a zoom call with everybody and kind of dive into where are you struggling the most where it can be most supportive. And that has helped really to shape what the program is now and continues to evolve into. So we were still doing those calls then. So now people join and they don’t know that that happened in the past, but you and I got on a zoom call. So I vividly remember this and I was like I got off of this call. And I ran out and I told my husband I’m like, Oh, I think I just met like my new best friend. She’s a rancher in Texas. She homeschools her kids like all just all of the things that I had learned from our call. So I feel like we have been friends now for years. Right? I remember that call. And I also remember thinking I think this could have been really more valuable as far as my business. I didn’t have anything literally like I we just chit chat. It was great. But I was like I would have helped if I would have like had a vision but there is something you told me on the call that I still remember because I told you that yes, I am from a rural area in Texas and I said I just don’t know if I’m in

Leigh Anne Rushing 5:00
it’d be able to attract clients locally, just because it is more of a rural area, probably lower income, you know, and you said, I’m going to challenge you on that. And that got me thinking. And we can talk about this later. But and the evolution of my business now, my local clients have actually been the best clients. So you are right.

Andrea Nordling 5:25
I love your okay, I cannot even wait to hear all about this, because I know you’re going to kind of bring us through what this has looked like. So let’s just jump into it. Okay, you joined 2021, you are still going through your certification, you got done with that, and really dove into the business side of your business in January 2022, when we did the live 3k In 30 Days Challenge inside the program. So for everybody just to catch up. If you don’t know what that is twice a year inside the profitable nutritionist, we do the live challenge for 30 days, and you set a monetary goal, I suggest it’s at least $3,000. Many people in the program set bigger goals than that. But basically, you’re going to challenge your brain to set a goal of a very certain dollar amount, and you give yourself 30 days to do it. And then pretty much your your brain has a meltdown, because it’s a finite amount of time. And it’s a very specific goal. And all of the mental drama comes up and all of the issues. And so then we coach on that for 30 days. And through the exercises you do in the challenge, you figure out how to make it happen anyway. And then you also develop some tools in your tool belt to help your clients to also get their goals because their brain is going to have the same, the same meltdown that your says. So then we use those tools with our clients. So that is the challenge that Leanne was referencing when she said in January 2022. So that is also when I recall seeing your business start to blow up. But I know that that was happening in conjunction with you transitioning out of your pharmacy job, I believe so do you want to kind of tell us what that looked like? And maybe take it from there? Yes, I quit my hospital pharmacy job would have been actually the summer of 2021. And so that’s when things got real. And you know, I’m fortunate that my husband was very much supportive and was like, let’s make a go of this. I believe in you, you know all the things. And so I was nervously suffering through imposter syndrome that fall, I remember of 2021 and then it was like, okay, January, you know, all the health clients, we are coming to us. And so I was like, I gotta do it. The challenge came, it’s time to really get real with this. I had set up my website, you know, done all the imperfect action, all that action that didn’t really yield much in the fall of 2021. And finally decided in January 2022, I needed to tell people that I could help them. That was one of the one of the biggest things I learned in your program. And in that challenge was just actually telling real people that I could help them. And that was hard.

It’s so good, because it’s so simple. And it is so hard sometimes. So do you want to talk a little bit about why you think that was hard for you? I’m curious. Yeah, we’re, excuse me really boiled down to the imposter syndrome, because I had been a pharmacist for so long. And I knew that world. And I had gone through my program. But there was just still a lot of questions like, Could I actually help anybody? Is this possible? One thing that helped me tremendously, also was I did a client for free. In that fall of 2021. She was a dear friend of mine. And she really went all in, she did everything I told her and she got great results. And so that was a big competence boost for me, knowing that, okay, I do know some things I can help people. So that kind of boosted my confidence going into that challenge and started my business in 2022. So I would say for anybody out there, if you’re on the fence, yeah, just start helping people for free. I mean, obviously, don’t overwhelm yourself. I just did one. But it really helped my confidence. Yeah, I mean, I just think that that cannot be overstated. You don’t there’s such a difference between thinking I have to work with clients for free and prove myself versus I want to just get as much experience as possible. And I want to work with someone, I want to get as many people as I can you get to decide how many people that is, if it’s one, if it’s two, if it’s 20. I mean, it’s totally up to you, but I just want to get some experience here and figure this out. And this is the best way to do it. And then that you totally get the confidence from it. Because you do see those results. And you see, oh my goodness, this can be simple and they really, really need my help. And I do know what the heck I’m doing.

Leigh Anne Rushing 9:47
Yes, that was a big thing. Just learning in the program and listening to the coaching calls each week, knowing that there’s no right or wrong answer to working with someone for free. You know, you can tend to think I can’t do that or I must

worked with everyone for free. And I felt really good about helping this one person for free. And then after that, just jumping into my premium offer, which I know I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do without your program. I was fortunate in that I’ve found your program, I still don’t know how we talk about that in the program. I have no idea. Just like you always say, you never know where clients come from. I don’t know where I came from into

it. I found it at just the right time, I had been listened to a couple other podcasts not a lot. And so it was really the first thing I jumped into. And then I stopped listening to everything else. And I was like this, you know, this is the way to go. I’m going to do what she says because she says that works. And yeah, I just started to take imperfect action.

Andrea Nordling 10:47
I love it so much. Okay, so you dove in challenge. January 2022. I know that you had success in that challenge telling people the words, I can help you. But do you want to tell us how much success you had? Like how many clients? Did you come out of that with? Yes, I made my goal. So my premium offer was $3,000 for six months, and hadn’t ever sold that before. Like I said, and I’ve got my first client in that time. Okay, I know came out of seemingly nowhere, it was actually a referral from my sister in law.

Leigh Anne Rushing 11:22
So you always tell us that people are talking about you and telling people about you. And she was she was telling a friend about me, Cynthia friend, we connected. And that was my first client mazing Yes. Yeah. I mean, unfortunately, for the state of the world, there’s no shortage of clients for us. But that is fortunate for us as business owners. But I mean, it is a sad truth. There’s no shortage of clients. So for anybody listening, if you do not have clients, it is only because people around you don’t know what you do, and they don’t know how to send people to you. So that is the problem that we need. Yes, exactly. Just a messaging problem. That’s it, because there are clients everywhere. Yes. Okay. I have a question that came up for me when I was thinking about you, you saying that imposter syndrome was really a sticking point for you specifically. And now I’m kind of putting on the spot. But I’m just curious. Did you feel that same imposter syndrome in the early years of your pharmacy jobs? Yes. Yeah, I did. I remember my very first day after I got licensed, right, because you take the board, this was back whenever, like things weren’t immediate. So there was a couple week period where you didn’t know if you passed or not. And I had already gotten a job. And they just were like, chomping at the bit. It was I only worked independent pharmacy for a long time independent retail. I never worked chain pharmacy, I never wanted to do that. Which I liked that in small towns around here and then transitioned later into hospital, rural hospital. But my boss was desperate for a vacation. I mean, it was either it’s always just one pharmacist taking care of the whole place. And so as soon as I got licensed, he was like, you’re starting, like,

I need a vacation. And so I remember being there the first day, and just like, the technicians were asking me questions, and I was like, I have no idea what who put me in charge.

My fire for sure. Sure. Yeah. And then somehow that should play into this new business. Right? So I went through that, can I go through this again, but then your brain starts freaking out? And you’re like, I can’t do it. I don’t know. You know, all the same things when obviously I should have realized then that, yeah, I figured it out. They’ve done this before. A good point. I mean, we forget that it’s so obvious. And it’s always obvious. And it’s always simple in retrospect. But we can borrow evidence from other areas of our life where we have been successful before, even if it isn’t in the exact instance in our business. We can we can go look for ways that we have already been resourceful and figured things out. And it can translate directly and then we can just stop freaking out with the imposter syndrome makes it so much easier said than done, of course, but, you know, friendly reminder to anybody hearing this. If you suffer from impostor syndrome, as well, and you feel like oh my gosh, I just don’t know if I can do it in this new business. I bet there’s somewhere in your life where you’ve had that feeling before and you totally got over it. Yes, yes, definitely. You’ve just got to take that action and move forward because that brings the clarity. Totally. Okay. So getting the clients getting over the imposter syndrome. stacking them up. How did that go? Spring 2022 for you and your business? Yes. So the clients just kind of trickled in. I ended up getting four clients over a couple of months, which was great. And then I got a local client, which encouraged me and what you challenged me on in the beginning that I wasn’t sure that I would be able to get a local client with my premium

offer but I did. She came through referral through my free client, which I’m so glad I worked with the client for free. She’s sent me a lot of good referrals amazing. Oh, yes, what got those four clients worked with them my six months and then kind of wrapped up at the end of the summer and decided, I’m going to take a break, try to enjoy the rest of summer with my kids reopen in the fall of 2022. And I guess that was kind of a launch that I did unintentionally. People are actually messaging me when are you going to be taking clients and I was like, stay tuned, you know, August, September 2022. And so then when I reopen my calendar filled up with console calls. Wow, amazing. I was so shocked. I don’t know. Yeah, I don’t know exactly what that process was. But my goal is to get four clients then all at once start together. And I was able to do that I got four clients in a week. credible. Yeah, at that point at my stone, my premium offer 3000 for six months. And I actually turned two clients away, which sounds crazy, but I was just really, I was still doing a little bit of training behind the scenes, a little nervous to take on four all together at once. Because it’s still it’s a real heavy process on me in the beginning with a lot of labs and stuff. And so that turned out to be a good call for was good. Because I was just really getting the groove in my process at that point. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I love that you say that, because it’s such a good reminder, again, that your process is figuring itself out as you’re delivering the process. Yes, and that’s one thing I wanted. In the beginning, I just wanted so much clarity on that. And I finally decided that clarity would come with action. And you taught us that in the program that you know, as you move forward, it will become clearer. And it did, as I was going through. And with these four clients and my previous clients, it became clear what we needed to focus on what they needed more help with, and all of that action just brought more clarity. Whereas me staying stuck was not bringing any clarity at all. So for sure. Is there anything that you can think of like any any specific examples of things that you’ve thought you’re you would include in your process in your six month, you know, client delivery that you ended up changing? Or like any big pivots that you made as you started working with more clients? Um, I think that in you told us this, this is like a podcast about how Andrea was always right.

You told us that it’s just it’s like, drink more water, right? And you’re like, I don’t know, it’s gotta be more complicated than that in, you know, in reality, or there are some things that we dive into a little more, but in all honesty, it is just so much of the foundational things that make the biggest changes. And I think when you go through a training program, you know, they’re trying to prepare you as best they can with all these deep dives and physiology and all these supplements and things like this. And then you think you’re going to need all that and you do to an extent, but man, I just realized that the focus on the foundations is where the magic happened. And that’s what we needed to lock into place. Before anything else. Yeah. So did you find that it was actually way simpler than you thought it was going to be with your clients? Did you feel like it was taking longer going shorter? Like what what did that look like? You know, it was a little bit of both. And I started with no niche and I still don’t have one. I’m still going no niche. Got four clients in a month without a niche. So it’s possible. I just was telling people that I could help them. I do work with women, mostly kind of childbearing age ish. I’ve worked with older too. So I guess that’s a tiny niche, but just the process. I also in that impostor syndrome. I was struggling with some of the cases in I know, you told us like, if you don’t know you’ll figure it out. Right? And I was always like, well, I Well, I figured out

but you are right. Again, I did figure it out. I used all the resources. My program provides console calls where you can pay and then be able to talk to another practitioner to go through the case. I utilize that I utilize the forum for my program, and I figured it out. And even when I didn’t know going in, even in the console call when I would say I can help you. There’s this back of my mind saying can you really help them like what about this? What about that, but through the process? I figured

Get it out. I mean, I figured it out. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 20:05
Like, it’s just so good. You really did you have been such a great example of that. And I love how you just make it so simple. You like, yeah, you just figure it out, because you really have exemplified that. And I’ve been watching, it’s so good to see. So what else? What else has happened? Where’s your business going? What else would you tell people about the last six months?

Leigh Anne Rushing 20:24
Yeah, the last six months has really just been taking care of those clients. And then I decided to take on two more clients in January 2023. Not even knowing where these clients would come from, had a couple of people reach out to me and I said, I’ll open back up in January 2023, just because that would have been about, you know, 434 months for my other clients to kind of get the groove. So I felt like I could start to more. These clients came to me organically referral word of mouth. And it may not even knowing I never put anything out there that I was necessarily open. They found me through other clients, family members, send them my way. And so I did start two more clients in January 2023. This January, love as I felt like I could do that. So yeah,

Andrea Nordling 21:18
and then are you bringing them through the exact same process? Or is it changing a little bit for each client? What is that

Leigh Anne Rushing 21:23
like? For me, it’s

Andrea Nordling 21:24
changes a little bit with each client. Since I don’t have a niche I’ve had like, currently, I have a older client who has rheumatoid arthritis. And then I have a younger client with hormonal imbalances and severe eczema. So each of those is somewhat tailored, but many of the foundations in the things I teach and the handouts that I teach in the beginning are all the same. And then we just kind of tailor some of the supplements and some of the protocols based on kind of what their needs are in their labs. But I feel like there’s a good core foundation that I’ve got a good handle on now after working with all these clients that this is what they need foundationally, then the other stuff just kind of add in based on their conditions. Yeah. And you’re also not reinventing the wheel every time you create a handout or you create a resource for your clients. Because you’ve probably already sent that to someone in some sort of a form. I always want to remind people, when you’re working with one on one clients, in the beginning, you’re probably having email recommendations, you’re like in some way you’re supporting them with resources. And then later, as you figure out, oh, this is something that most people need, you probably can grab what you’ve already created and compile it into more easily duplicatable. And how do I want to say this, like, mass deliverability of a handout like you don’t make that for the first client necessarily, and then never use it again, you wait until you see what your tried and true stuff is that you keep going back to and then that’s when you create it.

Leigh Anne Rushing 22:55
Yes, that’s true. And I had some handouts that came through my program. And then I’ve created my own. And now I’m able to just reuse those. I did have a client that we did food sensitivity testing on and she had to eliminate eggs. So I created a handout for her of meals, and especially breakfast ideas, she needed to be egg free. And then so happens down the road, another client food sensitivity test eggs, like boom, I have your handout right here. So yes, and now I’ve created that. So in the future when I need that. I’ve already got it ready. Exactly what they need.

Andrea Nordling 23:33
I love it. So is your offer going to stay static the way it is now? Or do you have any plans to change that up? What does that look like?

Leigh Anne Rushing 23:41
I actually increased my price. I forgot to add that in January for those two clients. I went up to 4000 for six months, just because I mean, honestly the demand. I was like, well, you need to go up on the price. So yeah. My husband was working on me already before that, and, and then just listening to the coaching calls and things. I was like, okay, I can do it. It’s funny. How do you go from then you’re like, 3000 Yes, this is perfect. But somehow 4000 was too much, right? And it’s just the same mindset drama that I had with the 3000. And so I just worked through that and sold myself on the process and the 4000 that it was worth it. And now I even had more. I don’t know testimonies and things to back up my belief, right that I can help people. And so go into that 4000 was the next step.

Andrea Nordling 24:34
Love it. I love it so much. So what would Okay, no, I have two questions, but I’m gonna start with this one. I’m going a different direction. Multiple times you have said like these clients just showed up like I don’t know where they came from. They just showed up and clients really are everywhere. Why do you think that they do keep showing up for you like what do you because you obviously are in control of turning on that faucet and turning it off. So what do you think you do? that is working for those clients to show up and people to be referring you.

Leigh Anne Rushing 25:05
Um, I think, um, I am you and you teach us this in the program to over deliver for your clients, right. And so that’s been one of my big goals is just to really make this the most valuable six months that they will spend with me. And so do you know, teaching them guiding them, I always tell them, my goal is to them to go on and be able to do these things themselves after I it after they leave me, they know exactly what their body needs. And so I’m just constantly finding out ways to over deliver. And I don’t know, I just have a great connection with my clients. I’ve had the best clients now. So my clients are my friends. And so it’s just a lot of fun. I just enjoy the process. I enjoy helping them and guiding them. And yeah, it’s been a great fun. And so I think then that comes across in them sharing to others and sending others my way. Yeah, I mean, I have to believe that.

Andrea Nordling 26:10
Oh, totally, totally. anybody listening to this episode, like can just tell that you are an incredibly nurturing supportive person, like anyone would be so lucky to be working with you, you just exude that it’s like waafs off of you like, I will take care of you. I come here, because I think that that I mean, I think that that does translate it just the way that you show up in the world for sure.

Leigh Anne Rushing 26:35
Well, and that was one of the things that attracted me in when I first started your program. And I started even before your podcast, I got your emails. And in your emails, it was just like, you have this problem. And I’ve got you like I’ve got the solution. And I was like that is so comforting. Like she’s gotten this is obviously Wi Fi to do. And so I’ve just tried to exude that to my clients. Like when they’re telling me all these problems. I’m like, Yep, yeah, I’ve got you, I’ve got you, I’ve got you. I’ve got you, you know, over and over, I will hold your hand, it will be fine. We will get through this. And even it hasn’t been all roses. I mean, I currently have my two clients that are still kind of going right now. Um, you know, it’s been bumpy. And I’m still trying to sort some of their health issues out. But the whole time, I’m just reassuring them, we will figure this out. No doubt, we will figure this out. I’m also saying that to myself, I will. So if we could do this, like, no matter what. And you know, every client is different, but we will figure this out. And so I remember getting that confidence from you in the beginning. And so then therefore, I’ve been able to translate that to my clients, because I remember that being very reassuring for me, they’d be like, okay, she’s got this, like, I don’t need to worry about anything, just follow the thing. She’s got this. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 27:57
Oh, that’s such, okay, that’s just like a grab bag of topics we could talk about. So when you’re saying that I’m thinking about all of the people that don’t get started working with a nutritionist or a health coach that they want to get working with, and that, like they have excuses, they want to they clearly are ready, but then they don’t do it. And then people are very confused about that. And so they think, well, it’s me, they don’t believe in me. They you know, we have all of the reasons why we think it’s all about us. And really, maybe that person just didn’t believe like they didn’t believe that they could do it. And they needed that extra boost of confidence in something so simple. And just saying, I have the process. I have got you. And Mike maybe it’s just as simple as that sometimes. Yes, No, sure. Someone No, no, no, you don’t have to figure it out. I already have it figured out. You’re good. Come on.

Leigh Anne Rushing 28:47
Yes. That was exactly it. Whenever I joined your program, I was like in your emails, word. Excellent copy. And now I was just like, Oh, she’s got this figured out. And even when I joined and started going through the modules and things, you know, you were like, you may be wondering about this. I was wondering about that. And you’re like, don’t worry about it, I’ve got you will address it, I’ve got the step by step plan. And I was like, okay, she’s got the plan. She’s got the forehead. So I’ve been able to translate that to my clients just saying, Don’t worry, I’ve got the plan. Even if sometimes in the back of my mind, I’m like I don’t really know if I have the plan. But I will get the planning

Andrea Nordling 29:25
I will get the plans forthcoming I will find a plan

Leigh Anne Rushing 29:29
yes just that competence in you know, in min me but also in them and me saying like, I’m confident that together, we will figure this out. And that’s what I felt in your program. Like together. We will get a health coaching business, you know, and get a profitable one.

Andrea Nordling 29:48
So good. So I think that’s just I mean a separate topic, but I think so valuable to touch on that. You don’t have to have it figured out you don’t have to know exactly how it’s going to work. There’s a little bit of a You could tell you may get going on here. And that’s totally okay. Because your people need to feel like they, I mean, they need to have that confidence in you, they need to have that confidence in themselves. And they need to know that they’re going to get the results. I think so many practitioners really shy away from making any claims at all, or even like, they’re so nervous about someone over promising and under delivering, basically, and somebody’s not getting the results and it not working out that they don’t even paint the possibility of what life could be like when this person feels better. And they know that they have the tools and they know that they have amazing resources, but they’re like, but I don’t know if I should really tell them what they could expect and what could happen because I don’t want to, you know, I don’t want to like get them too excited. And then it doesn’t work out. And it’s so of course, there’s a balance there. And we have to be responsible and how we talk about things. But there is such a missed opportunity to give someone the hope that they really want and then our brains are pretty amazing. We we get things done when we feel like we can get them done.

Leigh Anne Rushing 31:02
Yes, that’s where I was exactly, it was a lot of fake it till you make it in the beginning. And even sometimes, like I said, because I have no niche, I take a wide variety of things, which I feel like has given me a lot of great experience. But yeah, I’m figuring it out as I go. And it means sitting on the sidelines and continuing to try to figure it out just by taking more trainings and certifications, was not helping my confidence. It was getting in there in the messiness, working with them, telling them I can help you, I’ve got a plan, let’s do this. And then implementing the plan adjusting as we went. And then them seeing results is what then fueled that confidence in me and them in me and then them in themselves.

Andrea Nordling 31:50
Yeah, it’s a circle, it’s a cycle, it just gets it like up levels, every time you get more confidence, they get more confidence than your process gets better, than you get more confidence that they get more competent, it just keeps going up and up and up.

Leigh Anne Rushing 32:01
And I will say I had a client, you know, this was one of my fears in the beginning is that I wanted to be able to help someone, you know, I was like, I want to reverse everything. Like I’m going to reverse their autoimmune disease, their hormone imbalance in six months, it’s going to be perfect. And what if I can’t deliver on that, and guess what I have not 100% delivered on all of that, but it’s still been okay. I had a client, she was a college girl and had lack of cycles, irregular cycles, a lot going on a lot of stress. And, you know, she would come to me every week and told me all these negative things that we’re still weren’t fixed. And it was hard. But I kept continuing to figure things out. And in the end, her cycles weren’t perfect. They had somewhat come back to a bit of a regularity. But she told me, she said, I journaled the other day, and I spent a couple of hours writing out all the things that I’ve learned to working with you. And all the changes that I’ve made in my mindset, and how much value this has this program has been. And I had no idea she had kind of been a little bit of a harder client in the beginning. And you know, and I didn’t resolve 100% of her health issues. But she was very happy. She was said she learned so much about her body, she was able to carry on with what I taught her and continue to fuel her body and take care of her body well, and then see her cycles, get some more regularity. And so yeah, all that to say it was okay, I didn’t get her to 100% Picture perfect health in my six months. But I got her well done the path and she was very satisfied. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 33:51
Oh my gosh, such a great, great gem. They’re about how we hold ourselves to the standard that is crazy that our clients don’t even know. Yeah, we have such an understanding of what’s possible because we’re in it like we we listen to podcasts about health and wellness, we read the books we like see the the case studies with from our colleagues and all and we like go to programs and advanced certifications and all of these things. And we know what’s possible. They don’t and are probably really, really happy and their mind is blown with the results that they’re getting, even if we think it’s not perfect. Such a good reminder. Yes,

Leigh Anne Rushing 34:30
that’s what I needed to hear in the beginning. But honestly, you can’t. You can hear it as much as you want. But until you experience it and see that it is true, then that’s when the true. The true learning happens. That wisdom,

Andrea Nordling 34:43
definitely. And just a good reminder to be constantly looking for what’s working and doing those constant evaluations with your clients and fleshing out what’s going well and what is working so that you can constantly be reminded and they can constantly be reminded that the needle is Moving and exactly like how that is showing up and how they’re measuring it. It’s definitely something to build into your process. Oh, for sure. Okay, so this is going well, clients are doing well, imperfect action has gotten you far. You are no longer a pharmacist and a hospital, you are a very profitable business owner, and you’re helping people get amazing results. I am wondering if there’s anything that you would tell someone who’s just starting out in their practice that we haven’t touched on already?

Leigh Anne Rushing 35:32
Yes. I always tell them, I have other pharmacists approached me that so like, how did you do what you did. And it is the taking that imperfect action that you talk about so much, and just taking that leap. So many times they told me I’m scared, I don’t know, if it will work, and I’m just encouraging them to take action, just go for it. Then the clarity will come. Because like we talked about, there’s no shortage of clients. Just look around tell actual real people that you can help them. Tell your friends and family. What you do. It’s like you always say they don’t understand what you do. Don’t use big crazy words. Tell them that you’re helping people with their health. Send people your way. Just getting the word out organically, I think is just so important. And the more you tell people that you can help them, the more your message becomes clearer. And the more confidence you get. And yeah, then you really have to just jump in there and do it. I think there’s so many times we want to, yeah, take another certification, learn a little more, do a little more behind the scenes stuff. And yeah, my website, I got it set up, it’s I would love to change stuff about it right now. But people still go there. And it’s it’s working, there’s nothing wrong with it, per se, obviously, things I would like to change and beef it up. But I did the in the course I did the website in a weekend, got that set up, got some photos taken, and boom, I was ready to go, you know, and you don’t even have to have that. But just I had so many parts of my process and not figured out yet. When I started, I had no idea what we were going to cover week one, week two, week three, week four. And I figured it out. Each week, I would teach on something different, we would make, you know, see where their struggles were. And that’s what’s so great about starting with one on ones is just that you get that immediate feedback. Yeah, and of what’s working and what’s not working on what they need more support on and then they need more support on this. So you know, I made them a handout, let’s go over this, you know, where are you struggling? And just to provide as much value as possible to them? Totally.

Andrea Nordling 38:03
And really, they needed way simpler, and way less information than we think. So mine is like, what am I going to do week one and week two, and I have so much I need to prepare? And then in reality, they really do need to talk about drinking water instead of Diet Coke. Yes, the first three weeks?

Leigh Anne Rushing 38:19
Yes, for sure. And that’s one of the things that I have learned in my process is to, yeah, slow it down and take away some of the information. You know, I think in the beginning, I was trying to teach too much. And there’s a balance there. I do think about teaching what’s going on in their body can bring a lot of motivation to them, you know, understanding what the harms of stress and bad food and things like that. But also that overwhelm can happen really fast. And in reality, they just want to know, what do I need to do to get better?

Andrea Nordling 38:51
Like, what do I need to do this week helped me

Leigh Anne Rushing 38:55
this week. Yeah. And that’s what I love about your program too. Because it was like step one, step two, step three, you know what I’m like, Okay, what do I need to do step one. And so yeah, that process has been able to help me with my clients to to just knowing that I just need to keep it simple. And letting them know that we’ve got this, and we will figure it out together.

Andrea Nordling 39:17
Oh, so good. So, so good. Okay, so where do people find you? If anyone wants to connect with you, I mean, of course, they need to come into TPN and you’re very active in the community in there, and they need to just come and hang out with us in there. Obviously,

Leigh Anne Rushing 39:30
I know I love clowns. And I try to hop on in there when I can and just respond to people’s messages. Most of all, because I have such a heart for practitioners who are just starting out like I was and just, you know, having a lot of uncertainty and I’m just want to encourage them that you just need to go for it. You just need to just tell people that you can help them and start right and so that’s where and then my website is Li rushing wellness, it’s le IG H li rushing wellness.com. And then I do hang out on Instagram. I am at True Health underscore farm girl P H A R M, girl gi RL. And so I yeah, I do want to talk about social media for just a second. Let’s see, because I know that that’s a big selling point of your program. And I’ve also sold other people on your program by saying that you don’t have to be on social media. And I think that’s huge. And I have no, in the beginning, I had a lot of stress about social media. And I thought this is where my clients would come from, right. So I need to grow my following on social media and all these things. And after being in your program, I have completely let go of all of that. I still show up when I’m able to because honestly, I do enjoy it. I enjoy connecting over there. But I have no set posting, I haven’t probably posted anything in six months. And I still show up organically in Instagram story sharing what I feel, you know what I’m eating different things like that. But in the beginning, I thought my clients would come through there, I’m going to help strangers on the internet. And that’s because I obviously don’t need to help people in my real life who know, right? No, they don’t need any help

Andrea Nordling 41:28
there. So yeah, oh, all the counterfeit strangers on the internet, strangers

Leigh Anne Rushing 41:32
on the internet will give me all their money in in reality is the best clients that I’ve had have come through referrals in through people in my personal life. They are more were more like minded. Obviously, we live kind of rural America. And it’s just, I don’t know how to describe it. They’re just like me, not that I can’t help someone that’s not like me, but we have a connection there. And whereas, you know, and I have gotten a couple clients who have been strangers on the internet, and they you know, they’ve been great too. But I would encourage anybody, that the people around you in your real life, need help and don’t rely on strangers on the internet, your business does not have to thrive from strangers on the internet. So I still do it, just because I enjoy it. And but it’s definitely not a huge part of what I do and how I get clients.

Andrea Nordling 42:29
Totally, I think that’s so valuable to talk about. And when you love something that’s going to come through so when you are showing up because you really want to share something not because it’s an item on your to do list that you feel like you have to do, it’s going to be completely different. The words that you say are going to be different, the way that you conduct yourself is going to be way different. And people are going to respond to it way differently. So that’s a win for everyone. When you feel like this is a great value add and I like it. That’s better.

Leigh Anne Rushing 42:56
Yes, yes. And I feel the same. And I think that definitely shines through. For sure.

Andrea Nordling 43:02
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for coming on today. And just lovingly sharing with everybody how you have found success and what your business looks like. I think we could probably talk for hours. In fact, I just made a note we should have you come back and we should talk about transitioning out of your job isn’t to be like I want to hear more about how she quit her job. So we should maybe like put a pin in that. But thank you so much for coming and sharing today. It’s as always so good to talk to you. And I know everyone’s gonna love this episode, so you guys have to go check out Leanne. Her website is Leanne rushing wellness.com And then her Instagram is at True Health underscore farm girl pH AR M girl. Do you do you do stories of anything on your ranch by the way?

Leigh Anne Rushing 43:48
Yes, I do. I actually yeah, I do stories called I call them the farm Uber, because that is my suburban, driving my children around working on the farm and helping my husband and things like that. So yeah, I tried to show those things in. It’s my farm Uber lunch service is about to start to where I take them lunch out to the field. And so um, yeah, I show all of that kind of stuff just behind the scenes random No pressure, just as I like to share. Yeah,

Andrea Nordling 44:21
so so so fun. Okay, so you guys, all of that is linked up in the show notes of this episode. But go follow the end. Go check her out. She’s amazing. And then of course when you’re in the profitable nutritionist program, you’re gonna see her in the lounge because she’s really active in there and has so much to share, which I’m so grateful for as always. So thank you so much Leanne for coming.

Leigh Anne Rushing 44:39
Thank you for having me. It’s been my pleasure.

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