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38. Goal Commitment vs Attachment

Commitment and Attachment.

When you set a goal for yourself, especially a revenue goal in your business, you’ll experience one of those two emotions.

Sometimes you’ll vacillate between both … but one will usually be the predominant feeling you experience when you think about your goal.

One of these emotions will make you get to your goal faster and more enjoyably.

The other will actually make your goal take longer, and you’ll be miserable the whole time.

This also shows up with your clients and THEIR goals, of course, so keep them in mind as you listen so you can get to your goals faster and with more ease and show your clients how to do the same thing.


Andrea Nordling 0:00
commitment versus attachment,

Andrea Nordling 0:03
this exciting, riveting and business exploding topic today is brought to you by the 3k. In 30 Days Challenge, what the heck is the 3k in 30 days challenge while my friend, it is a challenge that is running right now inside the profitable nutritionist program for all members in the program. And we are doing it for the entire month of June. So in the challenge the students in the program, get a prompt every single day to do a little bit of thought work on five to 10 minutes set a timer, five to 10 minutes of thought work to answer a question for that day. And what happens over the course of 30 days of diligently looking at what’s going on in your brain, you will make so much money in the most unexplainable way.

Andrea Nordling 0:53
In the most interesting venues that you cannot even possibly predict if you tried to. It’s like it just leaks in from all sides, you don’t even know what’s happening. It just starts coming to you. Except I do know what’s happening. And we’ll tell you what it is right now you start to get awareness of the thoughts that you’re thinking. And you can see when they’re useful and not useful. Often just this awareness of what you’re thinking, you will just instantly clean up those unusable thoughts, replace them with more useful thoughts that are going to help you get the results you want in your business and never think them again. Sometimes you need to work on them a little while. And that’s what we do in the program. But oftentimes just the awareness of holy cow, I had no idea that that’s what I was thinking, I can see why I’m getting the results I’m getting when I’m thinking that way, boom, snap the fingers switch, it’s like a changes. So that’s the beauty of doing what we’re going to do today, I’m going to give you a little preview of one of the topics in the challenge, which is commitment, versus attachment. And I’ve talked about this several times, I’m going to come at it from a new angle today. Because this is one of every time we run the challenge. This is the fourth time we’ve run the challenge. We’re not going to be running it again until 2023, though, so you need to get in the program if you aren’t there already, so that you are there live when we run it next year, but this is the last time live for this year. And every time we do it, this is the fourth time like I said, every time we do the general consensus is oh my gosh, my brain just exploded. When I realized how attached I am to my goals, because part of the format of the challenge is setting an income goal for the month. I think that’s probably pretty self explanatory with the title three gave their do this challenge. I encourage everyone to set in a revenue goal of at least $3,000. If not more, for many people, it’s much much more depending on where they’re at in their business. So you set your goal at the beginning of the month. And then we get to work doing these thought exercises five to 10 minutes a day, every single day for the month to get you to that goal faster, with more ease. And honestly with more awareness of what you’re thinking and how you’re creating the results in your business. Because what you will find and what we talk about all the time here on the podcast, but maybe your newest, I’m going to tell it to you right now repeat after me. My thoughts, create my results. Nothing else, the way that you’re thinking about your business and about your clients and about yourself and about your offer and what you’re selling, the way that you’re thinking about those things is what’s going to create the results in your business. And in every other area of your life, of course, but business wise, this is really important to understand. So it’s your thoughts that are creating those results, nothing else, having some awareness of what the heck those thoughts are pretty important part of the process. So all that to say, when you set a goal for yourself, like my students are doing in the program right now, this month, or anytime. I think that it’s very useful to have goals, annual goals, quarterly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, daily goals, all about the goals, not because you’re going to beat the heck out of yourself when you don’t meet the goals, but because of who you’re becoming in the pursuit of the goal. So the way I teach goal setting, I just wanna be really clear on this, the way I teach goal setting is not for a metric to see if you’re doing a good job, and to see if you are a good coach. And if you are a good practitioner, and if you’re good at running a business. And if people like you, that’s not what goal setting is for in your business, while goal setting is for in your business is to give you a like that lighthouse, I realized this is an imperfect example because the lighthouse is actually keep you away from the shore. But pretend that you’re going towards the lighthouse, your goal is the lighthouse and who you become in the pursuit of getting to that goal. Whether you get there in the timeline that you are hoping for or not the person that you become in the pursuit of that is the reason for the goal. It’s not actually the attainment of the goal, although that’s of course, the icing on the cake. So when you set this goal for yourself, no matter what it is, or how often you do it, you’re going to experience one of these two emotions, commitment, or attachment. Sometimes you’ll vacillate between both of them. This happens often, but one will usually be the predominant feeling that you experience when you think About this goal. So I want you right now to imagine a goal that you have for your business. And then what is the predominant feeling that you experienced? Are you committed to it? Or are you attached to it? You’re like, I don’t know yet. Tell me what both of those mean, well, don’t you worry, I’m going to. And it’s really important that you think about this, because it also shows up with your clients and their goals, of course, because they are humans with human brains as well. So keep them in mind when we talk about this and the goals that they have when they’re working with you. So here’s the distinction between the two commitment is believing that something is working, and you’re figuring it out, even when you don’t have evidence to support that yet. That’s commitment. Commitment is this unshakable belief that it’s working and you’re figuring it out, you’ve nothing to support that.

Andrea Nordling 5:48
But you are believing it that is commitment. Now, attachment. The other opposing emotion to this is when it’s when you’re attaching permission to believe that something is true. So here’s what this is like when you’re attached to your goal versus committed to it, or when you’re attached to your clients results, or your clients are attached to their results or anything else in your life is because you’re attaching permission to believe something to that goal itself. So it’s saying that if we achieve this goal, then we’re going to be allowed to believe X. Right? You’re attaching permission to believe in something to your goals to your clients to your business, we all do this, here’s what it looks like to be attached, I’m gonna give you a very specific example. So you can really see the difference between what’s created from a committed place versus and attached place. And these are both feelings. For example, many of my students have a goal of making $100,000 per year. So $100,000 revenue goal is the goal that they have set. And the thought that they think about it, when they’re feeling attached is I have to make it, it’s a very urgent, grasp, be desperate, I have to make this happen, I have to do it, I have to make this money. And then sometimes there’ll be like a separate part attached to the sentence or be something at the end of it, like I have to make it or I’m gonna have to go back to my job, or I have to make it or my husband isn’t going to believe that this is a real career, or I have to make it because blank. So you know, it could be a little bit different flavor for everybody. But the core of it is I have to make this goal, which is very, very attached, thinking that thought I have to make it your and feel very attached to that result of the 100k revenue goal. Because you are making it mean something you’re attaching meaning to that goal being hit. In this case, it’s like, it means I’m going to be successful, it means that I can really do it, it means that this is worth my time. Alright, that’s being attached. And when you are attached, what you do is you mark it with really desperate energy, we all of your marketing is infused with this like, okay, it has to happen right now it has to happen right now, kind of desperate energy behind it, people can feel that by the way, and it’s not very attractive. Another thing you do is you try things but you don’t evaluate what’s working. And so you’re just trying trying trying new things without evaluating and you keep reinventing the wheel each week or each month with new strategies to implement. And it’s very chaotic for you, you feel very scattered, you feel like I’m trying all of these things I got to get there, I have to make it I have to make it. And so there’s a lot of action being taken, but not a lot of strategy about what is working, and what are we going to double down on. And what are we going to let go of because it’s not working, because you’re not evaluating at this stage of the game. Another thing that doesn’t happen when you’re feeling attached, is you don’t over deliver to your current clients. Because you’re constantly thinking about marketing to those new ones, you have this thought loop that’s like I need more, I need more I have to make this goal, I have to have more people more people. And from that place, most of the time, we will neglect our current clients to a certain degree, because we’re so focused on the people that haven’t signed up yet, or that aren’t there yet, and trying to find them, we kind of neglect to the experience of the people that have paid or the people that are paying attention. Another thing that happens from this attached place is taking every single failure personally, as if it means something about you, it’s attached to your self concept as a person, as a business owner, as a practitioner, as a human. When things don’t go correctly, or what you assume is correctly, every failure is a problem. And it’s a personal problem to you when you’re attached to this goal. Because remember, the purpose of the goal is to be able to believe something about you, or about your business or about your clients. And if failure is happening, that you do not have permission to believe these things, typically, because we’re very self centered beings. We’re thinking about ourselves. And so what we’re attaching meaning to when we’re attached to a goal is to ourselves. So we’re for example, we’re thinking if I make this 100k revenue goal this year, I am going to be allowed to believe that I’m a successful business owner. Okay, so that every failure and everything that doesn’t go according to plan in the pursuit of that goal All is a personal attack and a piece of evidence that says See, I’m not a successful business owner, I’m not successful. Every failure is a personal attack on your success as a person, if you’re attached to

Andrea Nordling 10:12
the goal does not feel good. Not at all. Why do we sign up for this? I’m telling you, there’s another way we’re gonna look at it in a second. But let’s just finish up looking at what else do we do when we’re attached? For a lot of my students, and definitely me in the past, I can see when I’ve attached to a goal and when they’re attached to a goal, there’s a lot of recalculating, like, specifically rerunning the numbers very often and constantly recalculating exactly how much you need to make to stay on track for the goal. If you’re on track yet, what you need to catch up with, there’s a lot of number crunching, that tends to happen, which is a very, very good indication if you’re doing that, that you’re attached, very attached to this goal. There’s also a tendency for a lot of racing thoughts about how time is running out to hit the goal, and then almost preparing for how you’re going to explain the failure to everybody else. So when you’re attached like this, you’re making it mean something about you and you’re already troubleshooting. Like, okay, I know that this isn’t gonna work, I’m not going to make the goal. Oh, my gosh, this is gonna be so embarrassing. How am I going to explain this to the world? And you’re like anticipating explaining away the failure? Does this sound familiar? Have you done this? I have. So I understand that this this cycle very, very intimately. Another thing that happens is just really overcomplicated things, not keeping things simple in your business. And over complicating every single aspect, out of this hustle the stress energy of thinking I have to make it, I have to make it, I got to do more, I got to do more to make sure that I make the goal. That’s all coming from this feeling of being attached to the goal. It’s very frantic, it’s very panicky, it is not an enjoyable business to be in. And I promise you, it is not an enjoyable experience for your future clients, when you are marketing to them and talking to them and selling to them from this place where you’re attached to your goal. It’s not fun, not fun for them. And even if you do make the goal, you don’t enjoy it at all. Sometimes you can still make your goal from this place. But it is not enjoyable. You’re beating the hell out of yourself every step of the way, when you’re running your business like this, and you’re not managing your mind to understand that you’re attached to the goal. So now I know what your thinking is. But what is the other way? It does everybody do this? That’s what I would be thinking if I was listening to this episode, I’d be like bolt, Yeah, isn’t that just part of it? Well, my fellow high achiever, there has another way, let’s talk about being committed, instead of being attached, let’s be committed instead, still have the same $100,000 revenue goal. But your prevailing thought about it is instead of I have to make it, which was the last thought the prevailing thought here is, I’m figuring out how to make this happen. This net just sound so much more matter of fact, it is not laced with emotion, and overwhelm and anxiety, it’s just very matter of fact, I’m figuring out how to make this happen. And when you’re thinking that thought about your goal, you feel committed. It’s just breeds commitment to know I’m figuring out how to make this happen. That’s what I’m doing. And from that place of being committed and feeling committed, instead of attached, what you do, if you’re anything like me, and most of my students, is you seek mentorship from others who have already done it. Instead of this frantic, oh my gosh, oh, my gosh, I

Andrea Nordling 13:32
have to figure out everything right now, you take a step back, and you’re like, Okay, other people have already figured this out, I can just get mentorship from them, I can plug into a process that I already know works. And that’s going to help me figure this out way faster. So you seek mentorship from others who have already done it, you’re very coachable, you’re very open to looking at your thoughts and your brain into changing your thoughts and your brain. When you’re committed, you’re not assuming that it’s going to be hard, you’re actually much more open to the idea that you’re really close, you’re just one thought away from making this. All the pieces fall into place and making this so simple for yourself. That’s what happens when you’re committed. Like, Oh, I see how this actually could be really simple. And you’re coachable. And you’re open to that. You’re also taking imperfect action when you’re committed, because you haven’t attached meaning about yourself as a human being to the attainment of this goal. Remember, when you were attached, it was meaning something about you. And the reason you were so attached to having to make this goal happen is because that was going to allow you to think good things about yourself, that you’re successful, that you’re worthy that people value your contribution to this planet, all of these deep things. Truly worthiness is what it comes down for most of us. And if you are attached to making your goal mean that you get to believe those things about you, you’re gonna be very helpfully it’s not going to feel good for all the reasons we just talked about. But when you’re committed to figuring out how to make it happen, you’re unattached from that outcome. And so from that place, you’re not taking the failures, personally, you’re not getting upset about them and thinking that they mean something about you. And you’re willing to take imperfect action and accumulate a lot more failures, your failure tolerance goes up dramatically. Because you are just here figuring it out. You’re it doesn’t mean anything about you, when you fail, and things don’t go well, you can evaluate those experiences, take the data from them, and tweak and repeat for next time, make it so much easier on yourself, it’s much more data driven, it’s much more experimental instead of life or death Do or die. This is very important high stakes type of business, you can tell from my tone of voice exactly how I feel about this, like, Okay, this can be light, this can be playful, we can figure this out, versus Oh, my gosh, this is so important. It’s life or death over here. Very different experience. From your clients perspective, they are going to be able to feel the difference of you being committed, versus attached to your goal as well. Because for them, they’re feeling you focus on them. When you are committed to figuring out how to make your goal happen. You are not a scattered hot mess, trying to do all of the things and get more people and more people more people, you are much more apt to be focusing on your clients and over delivering for them and making their experience better and better. So your processes get better. The delivery of you working with them gets better and better. And you’re consistently iterating that and figuring out how can I make this even better for them? How can I make it even better, I’m figuring this out, figuring out how to make this goal happen. I’m also figuring out how to make this such a great experience for my clients that they can’t wait to go and share it to everyone they know, which is going to make my goal happen even faster when people are referring me like crazy. So you’re much more tuned in to those clients that you already have, they can feel that and guess what they do, they do go refer you to everyone that they know. And the result of that is that you become the person that does figure out how to make this goal happen. That was the prevailing thought remembers, I’m figuring out how to make it happen. And as a result you do you do become that person that figures out how to make it happen, probably faster than you planned when you’re not attached to the goal. And you’re committed to the journey instead. So the reason I took such detail, to go through how this shows up in the very, very different experience in your business, as you’re going towards the same goal, depending on how you’re thinking about it, and if you’re committed or attached is because committed to the pursuit of the goal, like very important distinction, I just want to make sure we really get this being committed to the pursuit of the goal of versus being attached to the achievement of the goal is going to get you very, very different results. If you’re committed to yourself and your business and your clients, and becoming the person that accomplishes their goals, whether they’re big or small goals. When you’re committed to becoming that person that does that, then do any of the circumstances right now actually matter. A coach about this a lot in my program with my clients, we talk about the problems and things that are showing up in the business. And I often have them zoom out to a year from now, two years from now. And then we asked like, does any of that actually matter? Do these decisions right now actually matter? Do these circumstances right now actually matter? Most of the time, they don’t. In the grand scheme of things, when you’re committed to becoming the person that’s going to accomplish these small goals right now. And bigger goals in the future, you’re creating something really worthwhile that you’re proud of right now. And in the future. By the way, you don’t need to wait to be proud, we’re gonna talk about that, too. You can be proud right now. But when you’re that person, and you’re becoming an even more robust version of that person, do the small things that really matter. The small things that keep us very stressed in the day to day like people unsubscribing from an email list or a hater on social media or somebody in your life that doesn’t think your business is a real business, whatever it is, does any of that really matter in the grand scheme of things and what you’re creating. And then I take this a step further, and I asked, like, really think about this, are you willing, I asked this to my clients, but I’m gonna ask it to you right now. Are you willing to feel some uncomfortable emotions in service of your business? One year, two years, three years, 10 years from now? And what comes up for you around that? Are you willing to feel disappointment and discomfort and uncertainty, and rejection, and judgment and fear and overwhelm, and impostor syndrome and confusion and vulnerability and inadequacy? Or fill in the blank here of whatever your negative emotion that you avoid the very most is? Are you willing to feel those feelings in service of your bigger commitments to yourself and to your business? And I feel I really love thinking about my business and the goals that I have for my business and how that’s going to impact so many people. I love thinking about that I think about it in really big numbers. And in really big, expansive like, this is possible type of scenarios. I love that. But I also love to think about myself and the version of me that does those big things. Because right now I feel like, I’m at capacity, like I’m at the capacity for where my brain is right now. But I know that the pursuit of these bigger goals is growing my capacity to take on bigger projects to experience more uncomfortable emotions to work with more clients to hold space for more people to be even more uncertain. In my own brain, like in my own body to have more of these emotions, I know that that’s coming, it’s happening, I’m already doing it. And I love thinking about the version of me one year, two years, five years from now, that already has grown that much. And like what she would tell me what she would teach me right now. So if that’s helpful for you,

Andrea Nordling 21:03
I would say do that, do a little, like, do a little meet and greet with that future version of you and ask her what she would tell you right now, super fun. Sometimes I get the most unexpected messages from my future self. When I do exercises like this. Some of them are expected, she tells me to enjoy the journey a lot. But otherwise, I get some, like unexpected things sometimes. So see what comes up for you when you do that. A lot of times, I am acutely aware of some emotions, I’m going to be required to get a little more comfortable feeling. So that might be coming up for you to some of the overwhelm, confusion, rejection, disappointment, all of that. That’s what’s in store for all of us as entrepreneurs, and it would be a lie to think otherwise. So becoming the person that is committed to feeling all those things and living through it is a very good idea. I for 1am willing to feel these uncomfortable emotions, most of my successful students, same thing, the answer is yes. And that’s why when we look at a failed launch, or a really hard year, a hard client refund request a hater somewhere or many haters, or a confusing concept that we’re not really grasping that we’re not very good at yet. Or tackling a project that does not come very naturally. For some of us creating a program or using a calendar and scheduling our time. Like these are things that just are really hard for some of us if we’re not, you know, not used to that are not very good at it to begin with. If things take longer than anticipated, this is another big one. If things in our business have a longer timeline than we anticipated, are we going to be okay with that? Are we going to be willing to feel the emotions that come with all of those things? The answer for me is yes. The answer for my most successful students. Definitely yes. Hopefully the answer for you is yes to that’s why you’re listening to this podcast. Because like I said, they’re just part of the deal. And if you’re committed to the results you want for you and for your business, and of course for your clients. Are you willing to take the good with the bad because it’s coming either way. My friend Olivia says your business is like running errands. You gotta go run errands like this is just part of it, you have to go run errands. And sometimes you’re gonna have a screaming toddler in the backseat while you’re running errands doesn’t mean you don’t go run the errands. For some of us the screaming toddler is fear, its judgment, its vulnerability, it is rejection, that might be the screaming toddler for you, whatever it is, are you willing to still drive around in your business and do the errands with the screaming toddler in the back? I love that visual. Now being attached to the results that you want means that you’re attaching meaning to them, remember, so the meaning that you’re allowed to believe about yourself or your clients or your business or your offer whatever it is that you’re attaching to your goal is going to be very important. So I want you to figure out if you’re feeling attached to this has to happen. Now this has to happen in a very specific timeframe. So I can feel blank. What is that feeling? Figure out what that is? What are you wanting to believe about yourself, that you’re not willing to believe right now. And you need the permission of attaining the results to be able to believe it. Because the truth is, you can believe whatever that is right now, if you’re committed to figuring it out and not quitting. So you don’t have to be attached to the goal to meet something about you, you can just be committed to figuring out how to achieve the goal. And still believe that thing about you right now, if quitting isn’t an option, then you can do that. Which means quitting on yourself or your business or your clients. If that’s totally off the table. Quitting is not an option, then the attachment will disappear. Because there’s nothing to prove. And you’re not going to quit. You’re going to keep going which is basically the definition of commitment. You’re going to keep going and you’re not quitting. So then you just get to believe now. Whatever it is that you want to believe about yourself and enjoy the journey instead of making it a high stakes pressure. or endeavor for yourself, which is just like the worst. It’s punishing yourself for having a big goal when you’re attached to your goal. And everything is hard. And it’s like this heavy weight that you put on a weighted vest. Have you ever gone on a hike with a weighted vest, because that’s a special kind of torture, I’ve done it many times. At the end, it feels good. But during the hike with the weighted vest on, it doesn’t feel good, it’s really hard. And if that’s how your business feels to you, or your goals feel to you, then you’re not going to enjoy the journey, you still might enjoy getting to the end like I enjoy, like where I get to take that vest off. But you could also just choose for your journey in your business to not have the weighted vest on. Not a perfect example either, because you get a lot stronger on the hike with the weighted vest. And I wouldn’t say that that’s the case with be grudgingly having attached goals and a lot of drama in your business, I

Andrea Nordling 25:53
don’t think it’s quite the same thing offering that the commitment path is much better. But what you’re saying to yourself, when you are attached to a goal is that the attainment of the results means something about you or gives you permission to believe this thing. So if making 100k, this year is going to make you feel proud and successful, for example, and you can see that you’re attached to that, like if I achieved this goal, then I’m going to think this, this is how you’ll be on to yourself, then your work right now is to feel proud and successful. Now, it is critical that you make this agreement with yourself not to delay any of those feelings that you’re going to feel when you get to the goal. Whatever they are, you feel them right now. Process pride is a great way to do this. I’ve been talking a lot about process pride a minute intro this again, process pride is when you decide that you’re going to feel pride through the entire process for showing up for the process for becoming the person that goes through the process for being the person that troubleshoots the process when it isn’t working. And when you’re failing every step of the way, you get to be proud of yourself the whole time, whether or not you meet the goal, you are just as proud of yourself for going through the process. Failure success is another one. I just made this up. But here’s what failure success is maybe we’ll talk more about this failure success is when your success comes from failing really hard and really well and spectacularly. And so you measure your success by the amount of failures and the level of failure that you’re willing to attain in the pursuit of your goal. How many failures you can accrue attained is not the word I want it accrue how many failures you can accrue, and how spectacularly you can execute them. That’s failure, success and being proud of that success. Because knowing that on the other side of any failure is going to be success. But you don’t have to wait until you see this success to be proud of yourself that you did the failure you got up. And you’re still going to just make it completely non negotiable. That you absolutely must feel those feelings during the pursuit of the goal. Whatever it is that you want to feel when you make the goal happen. Isolate what that is for you. A lot of us it’s pride, success, those types of emotions, whatever it is for you, make it non negotiable that you must feel those feelings in pursuit of the goal starting right now and every step of the way. And then just watch how much faster you get to the goal. And then here’s the mind blowing part of it. The same thing works for your clients, too. Of course it does. How does commitment look for your clients? How does attachment look for them? This is something that I have my students do in the three game 30 Days Challenge. Like I really have them detail how do your clients behave when they’re committed versus when they’re attached? Really granularly? What does that look like? And how are they acting when they’re in each of those? And how can you experience those two things differently for themselves? How

Andrea Nordling 28:47
can you bring them into commitment in bring them out of attachment? Really think about the feelings that they get when they reach their goals through working with you? It’s the same thing you just did for yourself. You really looked at when I attained my goal. What will I feel? How will I feel what I feel about myself? What will I feel about my business and you isolated those emotions do the same thing for your clients. Think about the feeling they’ll get when they reach their goals while they’re working with you. And then brainstorm how you can make sure that you help them create that feeling immediately. And often all throughout the process when they work with you. Even before they work with you if you can infuse it into every nook and cranny of your business and watch what happens. I think about this for my clients, which is you by the way, whether we’ve worked together yet or not one of those feelings that I know that my clients feel when they reach their income goals consistently is relief. So I’m always on the hunt for how I can build relief into the process. I have this is just a little like sneak peek inside my brain and my process. I have entire brainstorm sessions around what we’ll be relieving to my people every step of the way. You really think about this, and once you know it, after that I’ve put During this time to really think about this, and then to infuse relief and the feeling of relief, and making milestones where they feel relieved, we celebrate their experiences, we talk about relief, as I am building that in every step of the way. Once you know the feedback that I get, quite often is how relieved they are, that their business can be simple, and that it actually works. People tell me this all the time, it’s I’m so relieved. Well, of course, because we’re intentionally creating that experience every step of the way around here, because I know that I don’t want them to wait. And I don’t want you to wait to cross the goal line to feel that relief. I don’t want that to be this thing way out on the horizon that you’re running towards, I want you to feel relief every step of the way, through the whole process, I teach you feel relief, which is what commitment is all about, it’s not withholding that great emotion from yourself, it’s feeling it all the time. And when you’re committed to your goal, it doesn’t mean that you will never have thoughts like it isn’t working. Okay, I just want to be very clear on that. It’s not that those thoughts will never come up, because they do for all of us. But commitment is not believing that thought when it comes up, it’s not believing that it isn’t working. Even if you don’t have the evidence that it’s working. It’s seeing that thought and just saying I know that that’s a pattern. But it is working, when you’re committed to figuring it out, no matter what that prevailing thought of it’s not working, it just kind of dissipates. It’s not believable to you anymore. Because you know, clients come from nowhere, for example, all the time, they just show up without any prior evidence that they had even been paying attention, or that they were watching or that they wanted to work with you. I know you have had this experience of people just seemingly coming out of the woodwork. That’s commitment. It’s just believing that it’s always working. And you’re always figuring out how to make it work even better. You don’t have to see it to know that it’s happening to know that people are getting ready to work with you, they’re getting ready to approach you. They’re getting ready in the background, and it is working. You don’t have to see it to believe it, you just believe it. That’s commitment, it doesn’t mean that you never have that little thought like it’s not working, this isn’t working, you just very quickly able to reroute it back to you know, this is working. I know this is working. One of the exercises in the three game 30 Days Challenge in the program that I told you about. It’s a simple analysis of this for the monthly revenue goal. And the way that we analyze it is with a one to 10 rating system. So the question is what level of commitment? Are you when it comes to your goal one to 10? And why? And so then they answer that question. And then the second part of the question is, how would you be thinking feeling and acting differently right now if you were at a 10? And then we just let our brains go nuts? With exactly what the answer is to that question. So I asked it to you. How would you be thinking, feeling and acting differently right now, if you were a 10? On the level of commitment to your goal, whatever that goal is that you thought about at the beginning of this episode, if you’re at a 10 How would you be thinking feeling and acting differently? Your innate genius in your brain is going to give you all of the insight that you need. The y part of that is the particular Goldmine here in this question, when I asked what level of commitment are you currently, when it comes to your goal, one to 10 and y, that y is going to tell you a lot. So truly answer this question for yourself. I love this challenge. So much. I know I’ve already kind of gone on and on about it. But I just have to tell you I love every single day inside the lounge, the prompt posts at three o’clock in the morning, because we have some real early birds. So people get up in the morning, they look at the prompt, they do their thought work, see what comes up for them, and then post on the thread throughout the day, read each other’s posts, what’s coming up for someone else, do a little connecting on that and then post whatever insights come up. And these threads get very long and very detailed and just mind blowing. It’s the best I honestly, I would do this challenge almost every month if I could, if it was helpful, it maybe it is maybe someday we’ll change that. But for now we do it. Not every month we do it rarely. And it is a treat when we are doing it because I get to tune in every single day and go read these threads and just see the Brain exploding insights that come from my genius clients, and especially around the why have these questions. So another way that we talk about attachment versus commitment in the challenge, I’m going to read you another one of the prompts, that comes a few days later after that commitment level question. And this always gets a lot of really interesting commentary is what actions are you taking towards your goal this month, even when your commitment isn’t at a 10? Because it’s a very common misconception that you can only take action if you’re at a level 10 commitment, which is not the case. So I have to make a list of what actions they’re taking even when they’re not at a level 10 We get really detailed on that. And then I asked this and I’m going to ask it to you right now because I want to make sure that we’re differentiating that everybody’s growth is going to be different. So keep in mind your growth here is your growth to take action even when you don’t feel ready And even when you’re not at a level 10 commitment? Or is it going to be not to hustle and add way more action, like extending your work hours longer than you plan to, and getting really huskily? If you’re not meeting your goal? What is the growth for you taking more action or taking less action? And then the last part of this question is, what if you met your goal by the 15th of the month instead of the 30th? Would you hustle to do more? Or would you celebrate your success and evaluate? Would you just revel in the success, or would you try to stack on more. And if you’re always moving the goal line on yourself? Like that would be your the second one, where if you met your goal, by the 15th of the month, you would go, Okay, we’re going to keep going. And we’re going to get even more and even more by the 30th. Beyond to yourself, if that is you. If you’re always moving the goal line like that, your brain will resist it a little bit. And that’s why I wanted to bring this up. Because if you do that there is going to be this little version of you this child version inside of you, that doesn’t get recognized for everything that they have already done. I know this deeply because this has been my work. I am always all about more, more more and overachieving and high achieving, and all of that. And what I’ve realized is when I’m always moving the goal line on myself and setting huge goals that are very hard to meet. And when I do meet them, then I tack on more. And I kind of move the goal line on myself, I’ve noticed when I do this, that there’s this little part of me, that doesn’t get recognized for meeting the goal in the first place, she gets very overlooked. And I’ve been able to see that pattern, and realize that it’s not doing a service to myself to never recognize how far I’ve come and how much I am already doing and having pride for myself in the process. So these are some of the things that come up when you do this work and ask yourself some really good questions. Like, what actions you’re going to take towards your goal, even when you’re not at a level 10 commitment. What comes up for you around that?

Andrea Nordling 37:02
And what if you meet your goal early, then what? Usually some juicy, juicy stuff comes from that one. It’s one of my favorite threads to read the responses on every time we do this challenge. All right. So we’ll wrap up here, I just wanted to kind of bring this to your attention, the whole topic of how you’re thinking about your goals and your business, and whether you’re attached to them or you are committed to them. The difference between the two, I think that asking just few really good questions, like where you’re at on this is going to reveal a lot for your business and your marketing strategy going forward. I think it’s always useful to do these check ins. And just take a little pulse on where you’re at. If you did not have a chance to write down the show notes because you’re on the go, or the questions rather, because you’re on the go, you can go and review the show notes of this episode and highlight all of the juicy prompts in the transcript. I don’t know if you know that. But there is a show notes page on my website for every single episode with an entire transcript of the episodes if you ever need to, you can go access that and get the questions written out in text. And then for goodness sake, if you enjoy some of this, that work and insights that come from us join us in the profitable nutritionist program. This is what we do all the time. And you get an entire process to follow with a printed workbook I might add to do a simple thought work like this and create your dream business from it. You’re gonna pull out all of that genius that’s in your brain. And you’re going to create a unique process and unique business just to you. That’s exactly what you want. That’s what we do in the program, my friend, we’d love to welcome you inside. If any part of you just wants to harness your commitment and let go of the attachment after listening to this episode. Join us the doors are open for enrollment June 28 to the 30th. If you’re listening in real time, that is next week. And this is the last time enrollment will be open until the mid fall. So if you’re coming, mark your calendar for next Tuesday, June 28. And join us at Build a Profitable practice.com/join. That’s where you’ll get all of the details of the program. And for goodness sake, I hope you’re on my email list. So you get an email reminder when the doors are open. anywhere on the Build a Profitable Practice website, you can go to sign up for my email list. And if you go to build a profitable practice.com/join, which is the details page for the program, there will always be the dates of the next enrollment on that page and a link to join the waitlist so that you are on my email list. So that’s a lot to digest. Programs opening next week you either join the program or join the waitlist, depending on when you’re listening to this episode. And I will see you back here next week. So have a wonderful rest of your week my friend

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