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36. Getting 100 No’s with Laura Dixon

It is my absolute pleasure to introduce you to my friend, Laura Dixon.

Laura is a health coach and weight loss expert for Type-A, perfectionist women. Her transition from corporate accounting to entrepreneur in health and wellness is a fascinating story, because it was FULL of rejection.

In fact, in her first year of business, Laura got 100 No’s on consult calls. In a row. 100 NO’S.

Then she got some YES’S on her way to a final tally of 200 NO’S…

…and you will die when you hear what her business is doing just 2 years later.

If your business feels like it isn’t working right now, this episode is going to have the exact secrets you need to turn it around. (Yes, you will probably listen to it 5 times.)

Laura hosts the Naturally Thin for Life Podcast which is definitely a must-listen if this episode resonated with you and you want more Laura in your life.

Visit Laura’s Website: https://lauradixoncoaching.com

Listen to the Naturally Thin For Life Podcast: https://lauradixoncoaching.com/podcast


Andrea Nordling 0:01
All right, everyone, me, Laura. Laura is who I’ve already I know, given you an intro on her, but I go to Laura for all of the thoughts and feelings that I need help exposing in my own brain because I don’t see them for myself. And she’s the friend that tells you friend, what you think you’re thinking. It’s really, it’s really not what’s happening. Let’s look at your thoughts and let’s feel some feelings. And everybody should have friends like that. So you guys get to have a little bit of lore in your life. Today, we’re specifically going to talk about what happens in our brains. When we get the word know, when we were talking to potential clients who seem like they’re interested to work with us. And they say no, and then how to deal with the ensuing thoughts and feelings that come from that. Yeah,

Laura Dixon 0:48
100% All in all knows, and like we all need a friend like that. Let’s be real.

Andrea Nordling 0:55
You and I get to share you with everyone today, which is so fun. So Laura is a weight loss coach. She’s amazing. I know. We’ll do this at the end too. But you want to tell everyone where they can find you.

Laura Dixon 1:05
Sure. Laura Dixon coaching.com. And I also have a podcast called naturally thin for life.

Andrea Nordling 1:12
She’s amazing. You guys. She’s so good. So when she well, I’m going to let you tell your story. But I’m going to just remind everyone why we’re here because Laura has had some nose, like just a couple

Laura Dixon 1:24
100 nose. If you think about all the nose I get from my email list. It’s yeah, we have really a number one you

Andrea Nordling 1:31
sell to strangers on the internet. You get a lot of nose. Yeah, totally. But I’m gonna let you tell your story of like the evolution of your coaching career the last few years to get us up to speed, and then we’ll just see where the conversation takes us.

Laura Dixon 1:44
Perfect. So I started my coaching business. As a health coach. I had always struggled with my weight my whole life. I was an obsessive Dieter obsessive exerciser, did all the things. And then I like finally figured it out. And I spent a couple years like living in what I call my naturally thin body. And I was like, Ooh, this is amazing. I know, I want to help other people. I had a corporate career as a CPA, and I had a very successful career. I was a director at a fortune 500 tech company before I was 30. But I was like, still a little bit like, I always had this thought, like, how can I be so successful, but struggle with my weight. And then once I figured it out, I’m like, there’s gotta be other people that struggle with this, I want to help these people. So I went in, I got a health coaching certification. And what was missing for me, like with the health coaching certification was a lot of the feeling work. But it was also like, what how do I like sign clients? I don’t I’m not sure what I’m doing here.

Unknown Speaker 2:43
Like, everybody listening to this podcast is like, yes, that’s why I’m here to help me.

Laura Dixon 2:48
I’m like, okay, so I know how to help people. But like, I was like, I had zero social media as well, when I started. And I’m like, I don’t, I’m not like a social media person. And so I’m like, I don’t want to be posting on social media all the time. I’m like, I have no idea how to like sell. And I decided I was seven months pregnant with my daughter, I have three kids, she was my middle daughter who’s like almost three now. I decided I was like sitting in my corporate job. And I said to myself, I’m like, I don’t want to like miss being around my kids more than having time with my kids more to like, do something that’s not like my zone of genius and not like what I love to do. So I’m like, I’m gonna go all in, I already had my health coach certification. I’m like, I’m gonna go all in on my business during maternity leave, because that sounds like a really good idea. So that is what I did. And in the beginning, I just like went out and just like, talk to all the people, I went to tons of networking events, tons of like, just meet people because I like didn’t even know how to talk about what I did, really, in the beginning. until like, I just, like talk to other people. And then, like, strategically, like, tactically, I think COVID had started and I had always wanted to have an online funnel. So I created one took me a while to like, get it working. But eventually I just like had tons of consults. And I did several 100 consults with humans. And

Andrea Nordling 4:16
real people like on a call zoom or on the phone

Laura Dixon 4:21
on Zoom. saw their face every time still, even when people started saying yes, I still felt like so nervous nauseous before every single one. And I was like, Is this ever gonna go away but it didn’t. And I had and a lot of nose and a lot of feelings that came with all the nose. And now it’s

Andrea Nordling 4:45
the ratio of yeses to nose just like gosh

Laura Dixon 4:47
2% Okay, small, less than 5% Okay. I mean it got higher as it went on, but like holistically it was very small. But I also made granted $1,000 Last year, so

Unknown Speaker 5:01
yeah, you did. Yeah. That’s pretty cool. Now, yeah. Got the beginning of the pandemic, I was getting lots of nose. I made $300,000. Last year, it’s no big deal.

Laura Dixon 5:11
Yeah. No, yeah, I made 30,000. And then 300. And in the middle of 30, to 300, were all of these notes. And like, I am so thankful, I went through that process of all of the nose, because now I like, know how to sell in such a different way in a way that I like I’m enjoying more and more because of all the DOS.

Andrea Nordling 5:39
So okay, so here’s what everyone’s gonna be dying to know, which I’m also dying to know. Like, tactically, what happened to the knows what happened to those people, they just went away.

Laura Dixon 5:50
Or some of them are in my program now. And some of them this is okay, this was really fun. So there are certain people that I remember do I mean, I’ve done hundreds. So I like don’t remember every person. But there are certain people that I really remember doing a concert with and having that just like feeling in your body of being like, oh, like, I know, she’s perfect. I know, this is exactly what she wants, what she needs, like, there was just a thought error she was having. And for whatever reason, I couldn’t help her see it, or I couldn’t help her overcome it. And there was one woman I specifically remember, she was a doctor, and she was living overseas, and she was moving and like some had some life, things changing. And we talked about what the impact of reaching her naturally thin weight would be, and not obsessing anymore. how that would impact her life. And I remember seeing it so clearly in her face, and like how excited she was, and she wanted to do it. And she might have even said yes, on the call, I don’t remember. But she ended up being a no. And after that, maybe a year later, she joined my program. And I recently launched another offer that I’ve been thinking about for the last couple of years, what to help people after they lose the weight and reach their naturally thin weight. And they have so much like freed up mental energy. And she just joined that program. And she told me she was like, I can’t tell you how life changing. It’s been working with you. And she’s like, I think back to that console all the time. She’s like, I think back like, like, maybe I missed out on something. And so she said, When I launched the second offer, she was like, back to that initial console. And she’s like, I think that, like, I wish I would have worked with you. And she’s like, but now I get to because you have this other offer. And so, like we never know what’s gonna end up happening with all the people that say no, many of them have joined my program.

Andrea Nordling 7:36
Yes. Oh, that’s so good. We talked about that all the time. And no, doesn’t mean No, forever. It’s just a no right now. It’s I’m totally not even to know right now. Sometimes it’s said Just give me one second and I’m going to be a yes. Real quick.

Laura Dixon 7:48
Yeah, yeah, we never know, govern. So I with all of them. I’m I just love thinking about like, whether or not the value we create with that exact person comes back to us as them joining like our offer at some point in the future. And like, it just can’t help but come back to you. Like that was one of the things that really helped me through all of that, that I was like, I don’t need to know how the value is coming back. I don’t need to know how the value is returning to me. But like me talking to a human being where they get to tell me what’s happening in their life. And I listen, and I show them something, I show them how I can help them. I show them why they have the problem. I show them they have the solution. Like there is no way that value doesn’t come back to us somehow.

Andrea Nordling 8:33
Oh, that’s so good. Okay, so 30,000 in 2020 to 300,000 in 2021. Yeah, in between where all of the notes. So just like wrapping my brain around what you were offering you were offering one on one coaching in the beginning. Yes. And then you transition to a group program, which I know is what you have now.

Laura Dixon 8:54
Yes, like oh, yes, like a lifetime access larger group program. Yep. Okay,

Andrea Nordling 8:59
so when you were getting all these notice to your one on one offer? What did you like where did your brain go as to the reason why because we know now and I’m sure we’ll talk about it’s was a belief in yourself or in your offer or in your people or in your business as a whole it was something there was not tracking it was your thoughts. But what did you think at that time? Were you aware of that? Or did you think something else was a problem?

Laura Dixon 9:20
Yeah, so one thing that I like looking back now it’s very obvious to me is that I was I had this thought of like, just I just gotta get more like a frantic like, I just gonna get more people rather than like taking a beat to just be like, okay, like, what was I thinking in each console? And like, what was I feeling in each console? Because even though I felt really nervous and nauseous before pretty much every console, I had this feeling in a lot of them because I had started to get nose and then I had dread. And so like the nervousness moved to dread and I remember being like so relieved when someone would like cancel a console or Like not show. And I remember having the dread on the console and like not releasing myself of it. So like, in having the dread. While I was talking to someone I wasn’t able to, like clearly see their thought errors, I wasn’t super clear on my process and how I would help them and I wasn’t as willing to overcome their objections. And like that was kind of in the middle. And then, like, towards the end, when I started getting more and more yeses, I noticed that I was still nervous on the console, but I just didn’t have the dread anymore. And like, what shifted for me or the difference for me in like, the dread and just the nervousness and allowing the nervousness was, like, I don’t need to know exactly what she’s going to say to like, prepare a response, like I was just had the thought of like, I’m gonna sit here and listen to her. I know how I help people I’m going to share with you if I truly believe I can help her, I’m going to share how I can help her and like, I’m just like, here to give value and like, help her and serve her. And like that, for me was a big difference between, like having the dread and needing to, like, know exactly what to say at the perfect time. Versus like, I’m just gonna be here and listen. I like nervousness can totally come along for the ride. It’s not a big deal.

Andrea Nordling 11:18
Oh, that’s so good. So what did the nervousness and the dread get replaced with? Like, what emotion Do you think that was?

Laura Dixon 11:25
Yeah. So then I would say rather than the nervousness morphing into dread, that nervousness I just attached, like curiosity or connection to it, so I was like, nervous, this is gonna come like what do I just want to like, bring along with the nervousness. And so I was like, I’m just gonna bring presence and curiosity and connection. And that’s all we need.

Andrea Nordling 11:47
That’s so good. So good. Okay, so a lot of consults were happening. How many? I know, I want to know, like, what does your calendar look like with all of these consults?

Laura Dixon 12:00
Okay, so I definitely got coaching at one point that I did not implement, where I think I was doing five consults a day, or I would have availability for five a day, and they were hours in the beginning. So five days a week, five consults, where I’m like, I can, I can do 2025 consults a week, like, in my like, frantic, like, sweating, just

Andrea Nordling 12:20
thinking about this, I can’t do

Laura Dixon 12:23
that. I’m like, oh, Shaka, I was relieved from one got cancelled, because I probably wanted to, like, I don’t know, eat lunch. And like, I just was like, Let’s pack the calendar. Because more is for sure. The answer was what merchant thought? Yeah. And it was just like, yeah, so many consoles. I remember the first time I got the email notification that like, my funnel was, like, had a console. And I just remember, it’s almost like I got addicted to having consults, is thinking, thinking, like, consults was like how I was gonna like, sign clients. Oh, yeah, I can see this though.

Andrea Nordling 12:58
As you’re saying this. It was like I was trying to get consults. And I was winning, because I was getting so many consults. Yeah, I’m

Laura Dixon 13:03
like, well, they’re not not signing clients, but at least they have consults.

Unknown Speaker 13:07
Yeah, somebody got those? Ah, yeah, yeah. But

Laura Dixon 13:11
so my calendar looked like a lot of consults. And it didn’t give myself the space to be like, Okay. So I got coaching at one point, someone was like, what if you just capped out at 10 consults a week? And I’m like, ooh, that’s not enough God. So, and I help obsessive people, so

Unknown Speaker 13:36
it is not lost. We love it.

Laura Dixon 13:38
So I am, I am who I help. So like, my calendar literally looks like consults. And like, yeah. Just so many consults, and not enough like thinking time and thinking about my person time and like thinking about my person on the console. So I’m so grateful I did it. But looking back, I’m like, oh, okay, so more consults is not the answer.

Andrea Nordling 13:59
Do you think at some level, like, I think I would do this, and maybe this isn’t what isn’t gonna land at all. But I think my brain would do this if I had that many consults on the calendar, and I had that much of my calendar that was allotted to that. I feel like I would be sandbagging the consults intentionally to hope I don’t get a client because like, Where would I even fit them in?

Laura Dixon 14:18
A little bit. It started as like, I’m, I have a thought of like, well, I’m never gonna be able to fit 20 clients in in a week, like, I’m just never gonna be able to do that. And I was like, I’m just gonna, if I can have all these consults, and I want 20 clients, like I might as well fill all the times with consults, right, and I’ll just replace them obviously with clients. And so it started as useful. Turned into obsessive as like I’m just gonna get more consults because I was like, trying to run away from the disappointment of having people say no, rather than just like sitting in and like letting myself be disappointed that someone said no, like, it’s okay. Someone says no, it’s also okay to feel really bummed out and disappointed about that. And like letting myself feel that before I went and did 25 more the next week,

Andrea Nordling 15:07
right? Okay, this is where Laura is like the best coaching friend ever. Because when I am resisting feeling disappointment, which is every single day of my life, by the way, tends to be something that I really resist I not consciously, but I really do. And so I will message her and I’ll be like, Okay, I’m doing this and this and this. And I’m, and like, I’m not saying it out loud. But basically, it’s like, I’m running away from disappointment with actions, I’m doing more things, and she’ll be like, so what if we just felt disappointed? Like, why don’t you just maybe you just feel disappointed? It’s okay, I’d be disappointed. And I’m like, wait, what?

Laura Dixon 15:41
Yeah, like, I think so. Often, we’re like, oh, like, I could just like, feel that terrible feeling. And like, what’s so funny, and I don’t know what your experience is like, but like, when I really let myself feel the feeling. It’s actually not that bad. Like, right. It’s just like, the anticipation of it, and the running away of it. And like, feelings are my favorite.

Andrea Nordling 16:03
Yes. And I do not feel the same way about feelings yet. But I’m, I’m coming around. It’s not my default, though. For sure. I still am like, oh, wait, no, but we have all of the tools to change our thoughts. To, to not feel like, wait a second, why are we going to feel the disappointment, that’s where my brain goes to. And this, I love having smart, talented people on the podcast to bring all of like to shore up all of my weaknesses there. Because I’m sure that many people that listen to this podcast are like, know what we have thought work. Remember, we change our beliefs. And that’s because that’s what I do. But I’m telling you, just not trying to escape the disappointment and just feeling the bummed feeling that really is where the work is. And I know, so many people are gonna, I guess, like, I definitely think that when we coach on this in my program to we talk about, like when you get to know and evaluating a concept or evaluating a bunch of consults, or evaluating a client session, and like figuring out how to troubleshoot the problem. But I don’t think that I necessarily spend enough time on this. And so I love the reminder to like, but you can also just be disappointed. First, before we do it, we could just feel the disappointed feeling and the oh my gosh, I blew it feeling and that’s okay. And then we got our emulator.

Laura Dixon 17:16
And when you do like, then your evaluation or how you’re thinking about what you’re going to troubleshoot or what you’re going to work on, it’s like so much cleaner and smoother. Because how I think about emotions is when we don’t process and allow an emotion in our body, there’s a significant part of our mental energy going to a distraction mechanism, where it’s like, okay, disappointment is like here somewhere, like it’s around, like hovering, right? If we’re not allowing it in our brain is like, how do I make sure I don’t feel this, like, I know, it’s around, it’s like, really close. Like, let me figure out a way to not feel this. For me, it was like, let’s just do some more consults. Right. And for some people, right at times, it’s like, how do I distract myself with like a podcast or another course are like watching TV or like, doing whatever our brain will spend so much mental energy and effort trying to distract us from feeling disappointed. Rather than like, once we allow and process the disappointment, then all of our mental energy can go to like the highest problem solving place, which is like, Oh, I had a console, what do I want to troubleshoot from a very, like, objective standpoint, rather than like, how do I just escaped the disappointment? How do I make sure I never feel this way again, ever? Yes. And so whenever I like, have a result that I’m not in love with. I’m like, I’ve made a deal with myself before I go to evaluate. And before I go to troubleshoot, I’m just gonna, like, sit with that feeling. And like, let that feeling be there. And then however, the evaluation comes out afterwards is like, way cleaner, way clearer, way simpler. It’s so much more productive. And so often, I think we think we don’t have time to like, feel our feelings. That’s totally what I tell myself. Like, we don’t have time to feel our feelings, like you don’t have time not to feel your feelings, because then what happens on the other side? Yeah, totally.

Andrea Nordling 19:12
Okay, so I always am thinking about how these patterns for ourselves, show up with our clients. And so I’m thinking that in these consults that you had, we have not talked about this beforehand, but I’m gonna guess it correlates that you being willing to feel your feelings would have up leveled your consults. And like you being a little bit more aware of when your clients weren’t feeling their feelings and probably like having some breakthroughs on the consults, I would imagine.

Laura Dixon 19:41
Yeah, totally. Because once I started doing it, like feeling the disappointment feeling the discouraged feeling the defeated like from that, then it because what was happening on the console to was my brain was like, Oh, we don’t want to feel defeated. We don’t want to feel discouraged. And so it was trying to distract me from feeling that like on a console that so that I wasn’t able to like be in my highest problem solving brain. And so I wasn’t able to, like think through the person in front of me and like their thought errors and like what’s happening in their thoughts and their feelings and their action that isn’t serving them, because I was so consumed with like trying to distract myself from feeling my own disappointment. And as soon as I started, even just after the console, processing and allowing that feeling in my body, then I would notice it would sometimes come up, like on a console, and I would just like, make space for it and let it be there and kind of like, set it off to the side in the allowance of that emotion in a way that I was able to come right back to the person in front of me, and like, hold the space and like, be able to just, like really hear what she was saying. And in a way that she would just feel so much more connected. And even some of the people that said yes, and became my clients. I remember afterwards thinking like, I mean, I like felt emotionally, like connected. But I’m like, I don’t think I said the right things because I didn’t follow some like script or something that I should have said, but it didn’t even matter because it was just so much more of like, my ability to allow my emotions that allowed me to connect to her. And of course, my clients all tell themselves, they don’t have time for feelings, feelings aren’t their thing. And they all come into my program, and they’re like, Oh, my God, feelings were my missing thing. And I’m like, Oh, like this makes this is making total sense now. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 21:34
Okay, I want to know about your console process. And if that changed, because you’ve you said like that, you just would allow for whatever emotions came into it and didn’t really follow a format and wondering, like, what was the evolution of that? I know, if I was listening to this podcast, I would want to know, like, tell me about your consults, I want to know.

Laura Dixon 21:53
Yeah, so it started very structured with an outline, and like very, very specific things that I was going to say, or like, how I would tell them my process, or how I would like what I would look out for in, I would have some just opening questions, I would ask them to, like, get to know what what their struggle had been, like, what their goals were. And in the beginning, it was helpful to me to have something to like, refer to now again, I tend a little more obsessive. So my brain went to the like, neurotic side of it, where it was, like, way too detailed. And so I had to, like, kind of bring it back. And so for me, it was like, I had an outline of like, here’s the process, we’re gonna go through, I want to, you know, understand your problem, I’m gonna ask you some questions, I’m just gonna get to know like, what’s going on for you, I’m gonna get to know your goals. And then I’m going to share with you how I help you and like what I see the problem is what I see the solution isn’t in my process to help you get there. And then we’re going to talk about how that would impact your life. And it started as being very, like prescriptive as like, sort of, like, I know the answer before you give me your own information, which like, is partially true. But having that be so prescriptive, didn’t allow me to, like, really hear their problem in their words, and then be able to, like, apply my process and my like solution mechanism to exactly how their problem showed up in their life in a way that would really resonate with them and be like, Oh, I got it. Like, I see how that’s what’s happening for me, and I see how us working together is the solution for this result that I really want. And so I think like, allowing your emotion, like, it just, it like allows you to go to that next level of being able to hear what someone is saying in their words, and you being able to, in that moments, apply, how you help them like to them specifically in a way that is super beneficial for the person on the receiving end, right? Because

Andrea Nordling 23:59
you’re not hyper focused on avoiding panic or being put on the spot. Like, I don’t know what the emotion is of being put on the spot. But whatever that emotion is, you’re not like trying to anticipate how to make sure that doesn’t happen, because you’re just thinking about them and not about you. That’s so totally,

Laura Dixon 24:13
totally, and then towards the end, it was so like, I had gotten a lot of practice. And I probably could have gotten there a lot a lot sooner, but I would have felt some feelings but it was like I knew like I was like there’s gonna be one of like three to four problems that every single person says My solution is exactly the same. My processes the same the result they want. As I say it was like so clear to me I like towards the end. I was like I don’t even need anything and like any outline or any like questions in front of me. I’m like, I could just like sort of do this freestyle, which has then now allowed me to, like sell without consults because I’m like, I heard it so many times in so many different like voices and sentences that they would say that I’m like, oh, like it really all is the same for everyone. But everyone still even now that I don’t know how to do consults, like everyone needs to hear it in the way they need to hear it.

Andrea Nordling 25:13
Yeah. Okay, that’s so good. I was going to ask about that next about your transition from one on one into your program. Because I think a lot of people me included, because I didn’t have anyone telling me differently. And so I’m talking about this all the time, try to move really quickly to the digital offer, like a program or a membership or a course or something that you can sell to the masses to the strangers on the internet, I feel like we have a tendency to want to go really fast to that. And it takes way longer to have success. And it is way harder to sell to strangers on the internet with copy. That is to sell to one person one on one when the feedback loop is so much shorter. And you can hear the objections in real time and evaluated afterwards. So I would love to hear like what that was like for you and how you’re 100 knows, which really was like 200 knows, kind of set you up for how you sell now. Yeah.

Laura Dixon 26:06
And I also want to offer, okay, I’m gonna come back to that I also want to offer I had months of making no money when I was like, even before I had all these consults. And so like, sometimes people will hear me say, I was certified at The Life Coach School. And sometimes people will hear me say, like, oh, well, you did this funnel? Like, how amazing is that, that you had all these consults coming in? I want to be like, it is so much harder to get someone on a free call than you think. Like, yeah, and that carries through to having people pay you money without a console as well. So it’s like, it’s way harder than we think it sounds so nice. And I told myself, I was going to love consoles before I was gonna let them go. Because I had the very similar thought error of like, I can’t wait to be done with consoles, so that I can just sell this program on the internet. And it’s going to like, I’m just going to coast and it’s going to be so easy forever. I’m just going to type some words and emails and people are just going to pay me all the all the money. But like I say, I’m kind of like facetiously is that the right word? Yeah, but we’re not kidding. Yeah, I’m not kidding. That’s really what my brain thought. And I actually got coached on this because I was pregnant with my third. In the year I made 300. And I was like planning for when I was going to have him. And I was looking, I was like, do I want to bring on more one on one clients? Do I want to offer a group like I was starting to be like head towards fully booked, I never actually did go to all the way to 21 on one clients. And I always knew I wanted a program. And my process for my program was like super clear to me, I always had an outline and a vision of what it would be. So I knew people could get results. But I remember thinking, Oh, it’ll be so much easier to sell this program. And I got coaching in the mastermind we’re in together. And essentially what she said to me is like, so you’re planning for a baby like, right? I kind of like I understand. And you can see that you have all of these options, and you get to decide like what you want to do. But what she said to me, was some version of like, don’t believe the lie that this is somehow going to be easier. Like, it’ll be easier. Yeah, she was like, definitely just make the decision. Sell your program. Like it doesn’t matter. But don’t tell yourself, it’s going to be easier. And don’t make that decision from the belief it’s going to be easier because your friend, it may just not be. And imagine that it wasn’t

Andrea Nordling 28:44
shocking, shocking. I know. When I decided I was going to start the profitable nutritionist program. It was I was really vacillating between taking very premium one on one clients. I had people reaching out to me I’d never taken a lot of I’ve had onesie twosie but I didn’t have a lot of one on one. business coaching clients. I did some one on ones with my holistic nutrition practice. But when I decided to go all in on business coaching for health coaches and nutritionists, I didn’t take I had a couple of one on ones, but I didn’t take many for a long time. And so then when I was going to start the program, I’m like, Okay, I had this like a week where I really thought do I want to take premium one on ones I had had people reaching out to me saying, I’ll pay you an absurd amount of money if you’ll coach me one on one. And I thought about it. And we were seriously traveling in a camper. I mean,

Unknown Speaker 29:33
back in an RV.

Unknown Speaker 29:34
I thought okay, how many clients would I have? How

Andrea Nordling 29:36
many would I take? Where would I be doing these console calls and in with our lifestyle? The way that it was? It just was a no I was like that’s actually not going to work. So I decided to make the program but knowing and I feel like so glad that I knew this, that it was not going to be easier. I would not be doing one on one calls and I wouldn’t be doing consults but it was still going to be very like the learning curve would still be very steep. in a different way, it just wouldn’t be necessarily with me face to face with people on zoom all the time. And I’m glad that I knew that because how true it is that it it really, I don’t want to say it’s harder, but it is it’s harder to figure that out when when the feedback loop is just you talking to the internet, and you don’t necessarily have people telling you in real time, like, that doesn’t make sense. Can you clarify that? What does that really mean? That doesn’t apply to me, when you’re just sending things out there, and then you do and it doesn’t land and you don’t necessarily know like, what part of that didn’t land because you’re not doing consults, one on one missed a different beast, for sure.

Laura Dixon 30:35
Totally. And there were two things I was gonna say. And one just left me but it might come back. But the other is, when you don’t have that, like one on one in front of you. Like I just this is my own thought, and I don’t coach on business. So I don’t care, I’ll just keep it is like you have to be so good at testing stuff, like a lot stuff. Like and like be so willing to like, I’m gonna see how this works. And I’m gonna see how this works. And I’m gonna see how this works. I have just seen so many people decide to go from one on one to a program like this. And they haven’t developed that skill because you kind of don’t need to, especially if you’re good at selling one on one of like just testing lots of stuff that you just have to like build up your failure muscle in a very different way. It feels like a different way than with one on one. And like willing to go through a different process. And I actually this was the thing I was gonna say, I did actually do consults too, in the beginning of my program, to just like hear what people had to say like at the time, it was significantly less than it is now. But I like even was like I’ll do consults to just like hear what people have to say and understand what people have to say. And I did like, I don’t know, maybe 20 consults or so until I started getting people that I’m like, nobody has any questions anymore. I think they just want to chat or like, they just want to like, talk to me. Yeah. And so I don’t know if the people listening, like, can’t wait to be done with consults. And that’s why they would like want to go to a program, but there just is no Coast land.

Andrea Nordling 32:18
There’s no coastline, no matter where you’re at, you’re not coasting. No,

Unknown Speaker 32:22
no, it’s like a different, it’s just a different flavor.

Andrea Nordling 32:26
Oh, how true is that? Yeah, you just get into you just graduate to a new, like, learning curve where you’re still not coasting. But we tell ourselves this, like, we’re like, when I do this, it’s going to be so much easier. Or when I get this in place, or when I’m done with this. Like whatever this is life circumstance, then it’s gonna be so much easier than just someday never comes that never happens. Just didn’t I know hard thing. Just fine.

Laura Dixon 32:51
My, my brains favorite is like, I’ll be able to finally relax and I can finally enjoy my life. When dot dot dot fill in the blank, whatever they like moving target is. And so even in the last like, couple of weeks or months, I’ve just like made a deal with myself. I’m like, No, I’m just gonna like relax, first. enjoy my life first to like, teach my brain that this is a lie that it keeps telling me because I have exactly the exact life I imagined a couple of years ago. I’m like, Oh, I don’t feel blissfully relaxed and like enjoyment. 100% of the time, it didn’t just like show up. And like, that’s right, I have to remember to like create that for myself. And that was actually one thing I did with the consults towards the end, I was like, no matter what they say, I’m just going to enjoy myself. Like, I’m going to enjoy this. I’m going to let myself feel relaxed no matter what I feel no matter what they say. And it’s so much more enjoyable that way,

Andrea Nordling 33:47
because it’s about having a good conversion rate would would was like hockey puking at that point.

Laura Dixon 33:52
It did go up quite a bit towards the end. Yeah. There were a couple of people that got on. And they were like, afterwards, they both were Yes. There’s two people I remember in particular. And I’m like, I don’t know, did I sell them? I did I say anything? I just like sold themselves. And I was like I think it was just because I was so relaxed and enjoy myself like yeah, their brain boss

Andrea Nordling 34:16
energy of like, you can’t stop me. What are you here for?

Unknown Speaker 34:20
Yeah, like, obviously, we do this just let’s go. Let’s just go. You’re here. I’m

Unknown Speaker 34:26
here. I’m gonna change your life. What are we waiting for? Yeah,

Andrea Nordling 34:29
I mean, we laugh about it, but I’m sure that that was your energy. And they felt that they were like probably

Unknown Speaker 34:32
was. Yeah, that’s so good. Yeah, I

Andrea Nordling 34:36
definitely think we tried to race into the digital products and the selling to strangers on the internet way too soon. Or maybe not even too soon for some people but in an effort to escape, having rejection from someone face to face on a consult or in I know that that’s definitely a thought I had early on in my nutrition practice. I was like, I want to make an online course because I’m not really sure if I know this stuff. At well, and if I look it all up, and I record videos, while it’s very fresh in my mind,

Unknown Speaker 35:04
and then people just watch those videos, then I know

Andrea Nordling 35:09
for sure that that was correct information that I gave them. And I’ll feel a lot better about that. Just so funny to think about this now, but that was totally the thought I had. Yeah,

Laura Dixon 35:18
totally. And I did too, there was actually I started to create a course, while I was getting all these notes, because I’m like, like, Screw this, this is too hard. Like, I just want to do a course where like, I don’t have to do this. And I got coached from someone, and she was like, I mean, sure, you can do it, but like, it’s not gonna make you feel better. Like you can’t escape, like this part of the hardness of it, feeling hard of it being hard, like to find it somewhere else. And like, she was like, like, the heart is going to come with you wherever you go. The only way to give yourself some of the ease and the relief is to like, feel the feels. And I was like, Oh, why does it feel like everyone is telling me the same thing. Feel the wheels.

Andrea Nordling 36:05
It’s so true, though. And this is a lie that we tell ourselves that, like, we’re going to get to this point, we’re going to arrive at this place where we don’t have these thoughts anymore, and we don’t and it’s like, oh, we can relax, then we can rest then we hit like will will feel so much better at that place. I know my mind goes to income as like, yeah, definitely. It was like, when you’re at six figures, you’re gonna it’s gonna be great. You’re gonna like not gonna have to stress at all. And then it was like, huh, I think it needs to be consistent 10k months? And then then that happened? And then it was like, No, it’s got to be 20k months. And then it’s like, no, it has to be 500 You can’t even rest for a second until it’s 500 a year. And by that point, I was like, oh, okay, brain I see it. We’re we keep we keep getting there. And then you keep moving the goal line, I see what’s happening, but it’s just the craziest thing. We don’t get to that. We just rest. No need to just choose to rest like right now.

Laura Dixon 36:57
Yeah, totally. And I don’t know, if you went through this, I went through a slight grieving is strong, like a grieving period, where I like, got to because I had always imagined for myself, I’m like, okay, in a couple of years, I can’t wait until I have this business where I have a program. I coach people like, I coach them one hour a week, they’re getting faster, better results, like with way less of me, they like send me email saying how great it is like, and I had imagined this workbook was like how they were going to like really help them like fast track and implement and like, had it all had made the 300,000. And I’m like, Wait, why do I feel? So like devastated. I like had gone through a launch. And I felt devastated. And I was like, oh, there was a part of me that I was like, I really actually thought I would get to this place. And I would never feel discouraged or devastated ever again. Like, I truly I like I truly did believe that. That was like, Oh, so this is the part where I really realize that doesn’t ever go away? No, it never does go away. Also,

Andrea Nordling 38:09
I think, like mixed with the devastation is this feeling of the to do list. It’s like, oh, you never actually get everything done. And then don’t add to it as a business owner, you’re never going to actually get to a point where you’ve just done all of the things and there’s nothing left to do. Like we tell ourselves like if I just get all of this done, then I can rest. No, that also never happens. No. Yeah, that’s a that’s a lie that we tell ourselves. So for Okay, for the feelings work around, like devastation in particular. I’m curious about what your suggestions would be to feel your feelings more. Because I know this is well so i This is work. This is my work big time and I love to hear you talk about it. So I’m imagining people listening to this podcast, they’re like, What do you mean feel your feelings? Because if they were championing this podcast, they’re probably like, me and me.

Laura Dixon 39:02
Girl my feelings. So

Unknown Speaker 39:04
feelings, so we don’t have time for that.

Laura Dixon 39:06
But I know I for sure for the vast majority of my life was like, I don’t like some like you don’t have time for feelings. Feelings are like, they’re not for like ambitious people or successful people. And like it is the fastest way that I’ve made money is learning how to feel my feelings. So do you want like tactics?

Andrea Nordling 39:26
I mean, anything you got? Okay, what do you what do you want to do? Let’s see. So,

Laura Dixon 39:30
I think of feeling your feelings two ways. One is like taking the deliberate intention of like, okay, I’m feeling an intense feeling right now, either positive or negative. And I don’t even like to call them positive and negative. I like to feel think of them as just like, familiar or unfamiliar.

Unknown Speaker 39:45
Oh, that’s good. Yeah.

Laura Dixon 39:47
So because like the point of feeling your feelings is to teach your brain that I’m having an emotion in my body right now. And I can trust myself to like be okay with this emotion like this emotion. is not a problem, and therefore not something I need to avoid an escape. And so you can find a way to like, be curious about your feelings, get to know your feelings. But for me, the two primary ways I do this, is I will deliberately sit down and I think of myself just like watching a feeling being my body. And how I do that is I asked myself questions like, Where is it in my chest? Where’s it in my chest? That’s where I feel on my phones. Where is it? Where is it in my body? And like, what’s the frequency of it? Like? Like, if I saw it on a heartrate? Monitor? Would it be a high frequency or a low frequency? What’s the texture of it? Like? What’s the color of it? Like? What like? How does it move through my body? How does it dissipate, doesn’t melt or evaporate, or like, slowly move through? And I just have some questions that I asked myself to be able to describe the vibration as neutrally and objectively as possible. So there’s no judgment around it, there’s no like, this is terrible. Or this, you know, feels like a knife in my stomach. Like, there’s no language like that. It’s just super neutral, super objective. And I’ll ask myself, if I was going to describe this emotion right now to one of my little kids? And I didn’t want to freak them out. Like, would it be that level of neutrality and that objective? Because the point is just to show your brain when you’re doing this and asking yourself these questions that I have a vibration in my body right now. And it’s okay. And when you ask yourself these questions, without spinning and ruminating, and trying to distract yourself, these questions just bring me back into my body. And when I answer them, what happens is my brain, it has the experience of a vibration of an emotion in my body. And in that experience, it’s like, oh, it actually is genuinely not a problem. Not only do I intellectually understand it’s not a problem, I also have the lived experience of it not being a problem with like, a huge level of awareness. While I’m in that feeling, not like a few glad I got through that. It’s like, Oh, I like really understand what devastation feels like in my body, and it genuinely isn’t a problem. And so for me, that’s like deliberately processing an emotion. And then the second part of it for me is just allowing that to be there. So if I take five minutes to do that practice for myself, and then I’m reading an email or recording a podcast or out for a walk, and I noticed that vibration coming back. It’s like almost muscle memory, where I can say, Oh, this is just devastation, it can it can, like hang out in my space with me. And so then I can just allow it to be there until it kind of moves moves on.

Andrea Nordling 42:45
That’s so good. That’s so helpful. Even no matter how many times we talk about stuff like this, it’s still like I’m, I’m walking myself through the process every time. Okay, got it. This is what we do. And I’m getting so much better at it. I will say I’m getting so much better at that becoming a, like a default response instead of what can I do to avoid the feeling which I think is what many of us for sure, I do I but I think I could speak for a lot of people do that, like, Oh, I feel that tightness coming on that I don’t like so I need to change something. And just just like an unconscious pattern that we do. Yeah, it’s

Laura Dixon 43:20
like just habitual alized and I used to, for myself, I’m like, okay, pressure, anxiety and panic are just like three triggers I use for myself that as soon as I noticed pressure, anxiety and panic, one of those three in particular, in my body, I’m just like, oh, like, I’m trying to escape an emotion there’s an emotion underneath here that I’m trying to escape so I’m just like, that helps me be aware of like when it starts to happen, like to avoid answering it because for me too, if I answer a pressure panic or anxiety with doing something it’s just teaching my brain that that’s the habit we’re in like I feel these tests 100% I’ve lived in an anxiety pressure habit cycle like most of my life, where it’s like my brain is like oh, we really need pressure and anxiety because we get so much done. You got

Andrea Nordling 44:16
like a testament to this work if you knew Laura in real life she is the most not anxious pressure person she is the most chill like you want an IV drip of her anti she exudes in the world so I must say you’ve done a very good job of this feelings work if that is your normal experience because I do not get that from you ever

Laura Dixon 44:36
at all. Well, thank you that is my like I do experience a lot of anxiety but in what I think of as a lot of anxiety and it’s way less now and by a lot I just mean like I notice it but it like comes in and goes and it never really latches on anymore, which I’m like, this work is it’s like a miracle. I used to go to anger management as a child. I can’t see it. Nope. Yes, it can, because that’s how I released my anxiety. And then it turned from anger to food to all the things but like, it really it does feel like magic to be able to be like, Oh, I just have anxiety, a vibration of anxiety, and I can describe it so much in detail. And even to the point now, where it’s like, rather than having the habit of answering the anxiety with like doing and like to do listing, I can literally just say, like, Oh, I’m feeling anxious right now. And it like, start, like, starts to evaporate. I’m like, What is this? It’s

Andrea Nordling 45:32
so good. Oh, that is so good. Okay, so I like what prompted us recording this podcast episode was a coaching session in my program last week, where we were talking about, like, the coaching for each person was a variation of the theme, like something isn’t working, it’s not working, I’m feeling very discouraged. It’s not working and panicking, I need some money to come in. And this isn’t working. And so I’m wondering. And like, during that coaching, I was like, Oh, my gosh, you guys, my friend, Laura got 100 nose roll. She’s making all the money, it’s going to be fine. So what I mean, what an inspiring story, first of all, but since the feelings work is a big part of that. I’m wondering, before we wrap up, do you have anything that you would say to someone whose business just feels like it is not working right now. And they’re in the in the depths of the getting the nose? Or not even maybe for some people not even getting nose because they just are like so in their head about it not working, that they’re not even talking to clients or having clients reach out to them or show interest? And you’d like tips?

Laura Dixon 46:33
Yeah. So okay, the couple of things that came to mind three, the first is like, I spent, and I still do it to this day, a decent amount of time, like really thinking about where I wanted to be a year from now, three years from now. And like, having it be so clear in my mind, that it was like a motivation to keep going. And like, and I used to also tell myself, like, I don’t have time for this, I just gotta like, do and I have to make money and like, I need to do all of these things to make money I don’t have time to like, imagine my future. But like, when you’re in it, and you’re like, in the, in the terribleness of it, like having that image for myself is so beneficial. It’s like so calming. And it even if it’s like I think of like calm too is like a spectrum, even if I’m like feeling like so devastated. But I can add like 5% of calm to that or like 5% of certainty or just like, just like a little bit, just add a little bit in it just helps me like work through the devastation in a very different way. And then the other thing that I was going to say is I know I said there were three, I don’t know why thoughts keep leaving me. But one thing that I is come up in it keeps coming up for me who got like, Oh, also magically go away at a different income levels. Is the not feeling like not enough, not enough time, not enough clients not enough money. Like, I’m not doing well enough. Like I don’t know, enough consults, whatever it is that like, not enough NIS is, like, really being in the it does work. And I know it works from that vision. And from me thinking about it. And like letting some of those that scarcity, like come in and out. I got coaching once and she said to me, she said, you know, like abundance has room for scarcity. Like it doesn’t mean it it’s like never comes in and out. But it’s like, how do you make more of your experience that it does happen more of your experience that is working and like the it’s not working can come in and out. But when you are so solid in for me at least imagining what I want a year from now, three years from now. It allows me to like troubleshoot when like things maybe aren’t working sometimes the way I want them to.

Andrea Nordling 48:59
Yeah. Okay, so let’s talk about process pride real quick, because, because I feel like that’s exactly what you’re talking about. And you explain this so well. And this is a concept that I probably have talked about on here and giving you credit for already. If not, I will probably like 20 future episodes because I love this. And I think about process pride all the time since you introduced me to this.

Laura Dixon 49:18
Well, you are so welcome. I sort of got it for my one on one coach. She I don’t even know if she like really. I was like, do you understand what you’ve just taught me? Where she, we were talking? And she asked me at one point, she was like, Okay, what would you make it mean if you like, hit your goal, and it’s like the simplest things that always like blow my mind open. And I was like, I’d be so proud of myself. And she’s like, Okay, so just be proud of yourself in the process. And I’m like yeah, you can do that. And she goes, Well, yeah, like think about how you coach your clients. So this might be a super helpful way for everyone listening is how do you help your client It’s like in the process of achieving their health goal or their weight loss goal, or whatever that goal is for them. And what do you teach them? Do you teach them to, like, withhold any pride in any accomplishment until they’re at the very end? Like? Of course not, we would we want them to be proud for like, getting on the scale or like feeling they’re feeling after they binged or we want them to be proud of like, every step along the way. And so we can give that to ourselves, when we can have processed pride and just allow ourselves to be proud in the process of going towards a goal. So like, with all my console, it’s like, how do you be proud of yourself for like, showing up on that console? Serving the person in front of you, having them say, you know, you feeling disappointed, and you feeling that disappointment? Like, you want to let yourself be proud of that experience, so that you have the pride along the way, and you have the enjoyment along the way? Because that is like what keeps you going?

Andrea Nordling 51:04
Mm hmm. Oh, my gosh, it’s so good. I think about the process pride all the time, like I journaled on it and like, Okay, what am I proud of right now? What am I like, what am I proud of, and then I can when I take my brain there to think about because I can always think about what isn’t working, most of us can, that’s very familiar territory, about what isn’t working and what is terrible. And what we need to redo. At least that’s where my mind goes is like, burn it all down, we need to

Unknown Speaker 51:26
scratch it all.

Laura Dixon 51:28
Love it start over, do you even want to do naturally thin like Drew, I don’t know.

Andrea Nordling 51:34
Delete this whole thing, this whole thing is done. Start over. Yeah. So that’s where my brain goes. So when I mean, that’s familiar territory of all those sets, but then to intentionally what you said this a little bit ago to intentionally think about people what is working. And I think the process pride concept is a good way to do that to give yourself credit for showing up in the process for creating a process for working on a process for imperfectly taking action on a process for, like, all of the things that you are doing, because we always are doing so many things and not giving ourselves credit for it. And there are also so many things that are working that we don’t give ourselves credit for. So yeah, you can go to the familiar place of what isn’t working, we all do that. But are you very deliberately, also giving yourself the opportunity to explore the part that is working and the other side of the coin, where it is good. And thinking about that future? And where it’s all coming together and what you’re headed towards? I think that’s so good.

Laura Dixon 52:27
Yeah. And even like asking yourself, okay, like what is working almost like, nine times out of 10. I can like write fine things. But I think to every once in a while, I’m in the like, absolutely nothing. And I’m like, I can coach myself, I can get quotes, but sometimes my brain is like nothing like it’ll just, it feels very rebellious in telling me that. And so that’s a very small minority of the time. But even in that moment, I’m like, What can I be proud of? And I always always come back to this. I think it’s Brene Brown says something like this, like, is it the Man in the Arena, I’m gonna totally botch whatever it is. I’m like, I’m always so proud that like, I like risks things. I put myself out there like that I’m doing this because I would so much rather, live a life where I’m going after my goal going after my dream going after what I want more than anything, then live a life with regret. And so I’m like, I’m always proud of that no matter what, even if my brain wants to tell me nothing is working. Like, this is a life like, I want to live a life with no regrets. And this is how we do it.

Andrea Nordling 53:35
This is how we do it. Okay, that’s a great place to end on. I also just want to say if your brain needs some evidence that even when nothing is working, that it can still work. Think about Laura think about 100 nose, which really like got to 200 nose, right?

Laura Dixon 53:50
I’m like, No, oh, no, I definitely had at least 200 I did not count them all. I for sure had about 100 in a row before then someone said yes. I’ve had a couple of clients. And then I was like, I had a yes. And I’m like, they’re all gonna say yes, forever and ever. And then I had a few more yeses trickle in, but I probably went through another round of 100 nose with a couple of yeses. And then I don’t know maybe like 10 or so at the end, but oh, yeah, there were like 200 knows for sure.

Andrea Nordling 54:23
All of it all of it. pretty compelling story and your business will make a million dollars like soon in a 12 month span

Laura Dixon 54:32
it Yeah, it’s like so my goal this year is 600. And it oscillates obviously because I’m not like fully in like my belief yet, but there’s like it’s getting very loud where it’s like, or a million. Yeah, are millions on the on the close horizon? Yeah,

Andrea Nordling 54:51
it definitely is on the close rise and I’m so excited for your friend and I just think it’s so good to tell stories like this, where it’s just them I see. And it’s still messy, even at UCLA to a million dollars imminently in a 12 month span, you have made a million dollars. We know that that’s as good as done. It’s still as messy sometimes it’s so you’re still getting nose that doesn’t go away either. Yeah,

Laura Dixon 55:13
I will. I know we’re coming to the end. But if this is helpful for anyone, like I was telling you earlier, before we were recording, I recently launched a second offer. And I didn’t hit my goal. And so I’m like, in the in the womp, womp. Like, oh, that’s a bummer. Like, it’s like really feeling like, bummed out about it. And like, going through all those noes and like developing that failure tolerance. Like, it doesn’t take me out anymore. I’m like, Yeah, I’m bummed. But also like, for the amount that I’m bummed, I’m like, so much more excited about, like the women that have joined, like, how I’m going to help them. And it’s so clear to me that like, this is an incredible offer. And like, in my business three years from now, I’m like, it’s just like, it’s so juicy and delicious. And it’s amazing. But yeah, I like still feel bummed out. And yeah, sucks.

Andrea Nordling 56:11
It does suck, it does suck. I think that that perspective, though, when you think about what you’re creating three years from now, two years from now, one year from now, and then realizing, Oh, this one launch doesn’t matter, or all or 100 nose in a row that felt so devastating at the time, like I didn’t even want to have another consult, because I just knew it was going to be a no, which I’m sure you were thinking a lot. It didn’t even matter. Yeah. Like it actually helped, which is so ridiculous.

Laura Dixon 56:37
It did actually help. And now it just helps so much. Like having like, as we build that, like, ability to feel the feels of failure, and whatever that like emotion is for you. But not necessarily but like everyone was saying. Like, as we build that ability to feel that, like, you’re gonna keep feeling it, and you’re gonna increase your capacity to feel it. But I think it just, yeah, it sucks. And it actually has nothing to do with the money. But like, I don’t fear the suck. If that makes sense. I’m not like trying to escape it. I’m like, Yeah, this is this isn’t maybe the desired result I want as far as like, as many people joining in, I can feel bummed out about it. But I can also allow, like, 80% of my experience to be like, joy and excitement for the people that are here. And the only reason I’m able to do that is because I’ve gone through, like all the failure before. And my brain is just like learned how to be with it in a way that is just not a problem.

Andrea Nordling 57:38
Oh my gosh, that’s so good that when it’s not working, it’s not necessarily a problem. Oh, how I wish I had heard this podcast episode, like five years ago, we wouldn’t have had so much to talk about if we hadn’t both gone through the it’s not working for so long.

Laura Dixon 57:56
I know. And, you know, as I’m like, thinking, too, I remember in the very beginning of my business being like, Okay, I hear from all these people making 100 or $200,000. Like, that’s great, but like, what about me who’s made zero? Or me that’s made, you know, $5,000. And I just, I remember going through all these notes and being like, is this the thing to people, like, get this much rejection? And I don’t even remember where it was, but I remember hearing people be like, oh, yeah, like, like, people just tell, you know, a lot in the beginning and like continued and like the nose actually get greater as you go on. And I was like, oh, okay, so like, act like genuinely, maybe this is just how it goes. Maybe

Andrea Nordling 58:36
it’s just Hocus, like, maybe it’s required. I also think that this is fun. I think you’ve talked about this before. But I also think it’s fun to think about what if it was actually required? Like, what if you knew that you had to get 100 notes before you ever got to? Yes, it was just part of the process. It was just the way that it went? And then it wasn’t a problem at all. Like I think most of our brains just go to Okay, well, then I would rush through those nodes as fast as possible to get to the 100. And first one, where there would be a yes. And we wouldn’t make it such a big deal with like that uncertainty of does this mean, this is never gonna work for me. Does this mean I’m bad at this? Does this mean I don’t know what I’m doing. Does this mean that everything is terrible? And I’ve made the wrong choice? It’s those thoughts along the way that are really the problem?

Laura Dixon 59:14
Yeah, yeah. And so just be like, Oh, this is just this is part of the process. It’s part

Andrea Nordling 59:19
of the process. Okay, so that’s what we’re giving everyone listening to this. It’s just part of the process. When you’re in that it’s not working, which we still both are plenty of the time. It’s just part of the process. Yeah. Oh, tell everyone one more time where they can find you. And they’re gonna hear you again on here because we’ll have we’ll have more episodes, I’m sure.

Unknown Speaker 59:37
But where did they find you?

Laura Dixon 59:39
I’m gonna moonlight as a business coach. I decided, like, I love talking about business, even though it’s not my niche, so they can find me at Laura Dixon coaching.com. And my podcast is called naturally thin for life.

Andrea Nordling 59:54
It’s so good, you guys. It’s so good. Okay, thanks for coming and chatting with us today about a

Laura Dixon 59:59
half Between me and like I just love because this is like I started in like a holistic wellness space like, listen, just want to be like everyone working in that space like, Do you know how much this world needs you so stop

Unknown Speaker 1:00:14
stepping into your 100 nose go get them as all the people need to. It’s so good

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