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84. *Flashback* Time Management Part 1: Your 90 Day Plan

Want to make more money in less time in your biz over the next 90 days?

The first step is to question everything you think you need to be doing.

There’s undoubtedly A LOT on your to-do list that doesn’t need to be there.

On this episode of The Profitable Nutritionist® Podcast, Andrea helps you figure out what those things are so you can go all-in on your top priorities and simplify or eliminate everything else, altogether.


Andrea Nordling 00:00
Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. This week we are gearing up for even more
strategy around time management. Tis the season for this discussion, right summer is afoot,
and it is time to maximize every hour of sunshine and vacation and time off from school and
grad parties and weddings and pretty much the entire year’s worth of social outings over the
next three months, which means some serious time management strategy is needed so that
your business continues to grow and thrive over the next 90 days, even if your tasks and your
hours change considerably to accommodate everything else in your life. And believe me, I am
right there with you. My summertime work priorities and hours and schedule looks very, very
different than the rest of the year. So two things to tell you before we dive into creating your 90
day summertime business action plan because that’s what we are talking about specifically
today. Here are the two things. First of all, this episode originally aired last May in preparation
for a free five day summertime time management training series that I hosted. And that
training series, which was free for five days resulted in a huge amount of feedback from people
that went through it thanking me for creating the training and teaching how to actually get a
full time amount of work done in part time hours, which is what you’re going to learn in the
training. So here’s the deal, I am going to be re releasing that same training for free once again
this year. So to register for the upcoming summertime free five day training, go to build a
profitable practice.com/time T i me, that’s the same URL was last year. So when you hear it on
today’s episode that you’re going to listen to in a second, it’s the same page build a profitable
practice.com/time To register for that free training. And just like last year, the doors to the
profitable nutritionist program are going to be open for enrollment for seven days following that
training, which this year is May 18 to the 24th. So the next dates of enrollment in the program, May 18 to the 24th 2023. Now when you hear me talk about those dates, in this episode from
last year, you’re going to realize it is just one day off from the 2022 version of the free training
and the program enrollment because I give the dates in the episode as well, which is 100%.
Intentional. I want to point this out. It was a very successful training launch and enrollment
period for the program. So we’re doing it again, the same thing, the same training, the same
emails, the same everything. And I see so often that my students are emulating businesses
that are cranking out new content, new launches, new trainings, new new new all the time, and
they are exhausted thinking that that is required for marketing a business online. And so I just
wanted to point out to you, if it isn’t obvious, that it doesn’t have to be that way, I am all about
creating really, really valuable good stuff, and then tweaking and repeating over and over
again, to make it better but not start from scratch, which is why you’re getting a firsthand look
at that today behind the scenes with today’s episode and the upcoming five day summertime
training, which you absolutely have to register for if time management and task prioritization is
something that you are struggling with in your business right now. Again, register save your
seat for the upcoming five day training series, which starts on May 15. And that’s going to be at
Build a Profitable practice.com/time. So go register and I’ll see you live in that training series.
But without further ado, let’s get into today’s episode all about creating your 90 day business
action plan. Hello Friend and welcome back to the Build a Profitable practice podcast. I don’t
know how the sound is going to be today. As I’m recording this I am in a hotel room in sunny
San Diego at the National Association of nutrition professionals conference, the heel con
conference, and it is loud this has happened place there are people going in and out of the
doors outside my room. There is live music outside my balcony and people splashing in the
pool and it is just could be a little loud. But hopefully that’s not a problem. In fact, hopefully it
inspires you to get outside do something outside today a little bit that’s what it’s inspiring me
to do. Here people outside having fun and I’m like I gotta get out there. I’m gonna record this
podcast I’m gonna get all of my thoughts about prioritizing your time time management in your
business and not overwhelming your to do list and mitigate some of those I was said I’m gonna
get all of them off of my chest on this podcast. I’m not gonna get all of them off. I’m gonna get
some of them out into this podcast today and the rest you are going to have to come to next
week’s free training to get I have a lot to share on this topic. There’s an entire free training five
day training five days together full immersion on this topic of time management and really
streamlining your to do list for your business. It’s all happening next week. It’s called the
summer time training. Summertime summertime summertime because I don’t know if you’ve
noticed but the sunny beautiful weather outside means that it is on Well, summertime, and that
is when we know, we try to cram an entire year’s worth of socializing, and weddings,
graduations, and trips and vacations and Lake days and barbecues and parades and all of the
fun things that happen entire year, we try to cram into three months, and that’s coming up. So
you need to be very focused on what you are going to say yes to and what you’re going to say
no to in your business, so that it grows over the next three months, while you’re busy at the
barbecues, it grows, and you make more money in less time. In fact, I’m gonna teach you how
to create a five to 10 Hour Workweek. And that’s what we’re doing next week. All that to say
you have to go sign up, if you haven’t already, it’s at Build a Profitable practice.com, forward
slash time, all lowercase. And if you are listening to this in the future, long past May 16, when
our training is starting, then you need to join the profitable nutritionist program where this
whole training is inside the program. Because I’m actually teaching content that is inside the
paid program. It’s an entire bonus module of the course that I teach, this is what we get to work
with in the program, and you get to come into it for free next week. Or if like I said, in the
future, you come into the program, you get the whole thing anyway. So if you’re listening to
this in the future, don’t go to that registration page and try to sign up for the training, you just
get your butt in the program. And you’re going to learn all of it anyway, and much more. All
right. So for today, let’s chat about to do lists, and prioritizing activities in your business, how to
know what to do and when to do it. And I would say more importantly, how to know what not to
do. What to put off until later or just eliminate from your idea shelf altogether. That is what I
find makes a successful business is saying no to opportunities, saying no to ideas and saying no
to things that are going to waste your time and are not going to grow your business in service
of your big vision for the future. So you know no big deal. We’re just gonna talk about big
visions of the future today. Light little topic for your Tuesday. Love it. Okay, so what the heck
am I even talking about? And why does this matter? I know, you are asking yourself this
question. I asked myself this question sometimes. Because I think that all of my ideas are
fantastic. I think they’re all amazing. I think they’re all million dollar ideas, and I want to do all
of them yesterday, but all of them to be done. Why do we do this? Why do our brains want us
to do all of the things, create all of the programs and the courses and the memberships and
work with all of the clients and have five different niches and, and, and and and throw in a
YouTube channel and a podcast and maybe write a book? These are all things that I hear all the
time, you might have some of these ideas, Joe? So let’s talk about it. Why would we say no to
those things? Well, here’s why. Because you can’t actually do all of them. And you don’t
actually need to do all of them. But let’s back up for a second. I think it’s my opinion, this is my
opinion. But I think it’s pretty well founded that a lot of people when starting their health and
wellness business come at it from an employee mindset, whether that’s because they’ve
actually been an employee for a long time. Or it’s because that’s just how we’re used to
thinking about business and thinking about, you know, what you’re making per hour, what
you’re charging per hour, a full work day, a 40 hour work week, all of these things are just
thoughts. They’re just ideas that have been passed on by a lot of people that work in a lot of
different industries and decided that that’s what the standard is. And then as the overachieving
professionals that we are, we just had a 40 hour work week is nothing should actually be 50 or
60. And that becomes the norm. And it’s just basically insanity, in my opinion. And it all just
comes from an employee mindset versus a CEO mindset. When it comes to your time and your
business in particular, your time. You’re not punching a clock, I’m just going to say exactly what
I want to say you’re not punching a clock, when you’re the business owner. And if you are
listening to this podcast, you are the business owner, you help people you sell your services,
you’re not selling your time, you’re selling people the results that they want to get when they
work with you. They are not buying your time, even if you currently have it structured that they
are actually buying your time. I could hear some of you arguing going no, seriously, I sell hourly
sessions. So they are buying my time. Well, first of all, let’s stop that right now. They’re buying
a result. They work with you for three months or six months. They get an hour a week with you.
That’s fantastic, but they are buying the results. They’re not buying your hour. In fact, I would
argue and this is a little side tangent that will go on I would argue that those people that
bought an hour of your time or so you think for the week would actually love it if you could
deliver the results to them in 20 minutes instead, maybe 15 minutes. How about 10 They don’t
want their time. They want the results the most efficient way be possible. So all that to say you
are not just punching the clock in your business, your focus and productivity is rewarded with
not working any longer than you have to, to deliver the results to your clients and to get the
results that you want in your business. Nobody ever said that that takes 40 hours. Well, no,
that’s wrong. A lot of people have said that they’re completely wrong. Nobody ever proved that
that is true. And let me just tell you, as somebody who doesn’t work nearly that much, in fact,
less than half of that, I have to tell you, I just kind of want to throw the flag on this play all over,
where people think they have to work way too much to deserve the success in their business.
And tirely different topic. And I’m sure we’ll do many more episodes, where we focus on that
specifically, and tolerating success and allowing money and allowing people to pay you and all
of the mind drama that comes with that. But for today, let me just say, you aren’t punching the
clock, your focus and productivity and efficiency is rewarded with you having so much more
free time for the other things you do in your life. I said this before, but I want to say it again,
your business is not the coolest thing about you. There’s so much more going on in your life.
And if there isn’t, we need to change that. Just because you are working. I’m putting this in air
quotes, which you can’t see because this is a podcast, just because you’re working quote
unquote every day does not mean that you’re effective as a CEO, unless your business bank
account reflects that work. So don’t lie to yourself. You don’t have a business until you are
paying clients. And you have a more productive business when you have more paying clients in
less time when they’re getting the results faster and easier. And when your business is getting
results faster and easier, not in more time, you’re not punching the clock here, nobody is going
to be giving you a medal, because you put in your allotted 40 hour or 50 hours 60 Hour Work
Week in your business. Now. No, no, no. So here’s what we need to do, we need to figure out
what you are going to be doing in your business in the hours that you decide you are going to
be working each week, what the heck are you going to be doing? Well, here’s what you’re going
to do, you are going to establish your three top priorities. For the next 90 days, there’s two
components to this. First of all 90 Day chunks are very, very manageable periods of time where
you can get a lot done, you can see a lot of measurable results in your business. And it’s not so
overwhelming that you’re planning a year down the road. And we also do that it’s very helpful
to know where your business is going a year, two years, three years from now, I don’t want that
to be at odds with having a big vision for where your business is headed, because it’s important
to have that. But when it comes to actually the nuts and bolts actions that you are taking and
where your focus is going to be day to day, it’s really, really helpful to take those big goals and
break them down into 90 Day chunks. So for the next 90 days, it’s helpful to do this quarter by
quarter, but you can start at any point and just make it work. Don’t let perfection be the enemy
of good here, figure out your 90 day chunk and your three essentials that you are going to
focus on now. It doesn’t have to be three, our brain really likes three, there’s something
magical about three, you’ll hear me talk about three a lot. I have three simple steps. I have a
preset evaluation process, we do three top priorities for 90 days. Why is that? I don’t know.
Because psychologically, it’s a thing that three seems doable, four starts to be feeling
overwhelming, just as a species, we tend to think this three is a really good number. But it
doesn’t mean you have to have three top priorities. You can have two, you can have one, you
could you were so good at one thing for the next 90 days, which we’re gonna talk about what
these things could possibly be, you can just focus on one of them and become a ninja at this
one thing, which will pay dividends in your business. Maybe there are two, maybe there are
three but not more than three. don’t negotiate with yourself on this. Three top priorities, 90 day
chunks, focus constraint, and all the cash. Okay? Are you with me. So here are the big
categories to get your wheels turning on what these three top priorities are going to be for your
next 90 days. First of all, meeting more people, actual humans on the planet, whether it’s in
person or online doesn’t matter. And you talking about your business to them. This is called
marketing this having conversations with real actual humans and talking about what you do in
a way that doesn’t sound like a weirdo, that is called marketing is marketing. Something that is
in your top three priorities might be if you do not have a lot of clients right now, marketing is
probably going to be your number one priority. Your brain will argue with that we’re gonna get
to that in a second. Another category, the big categories, we have four big categories here we
have three big ones. And then we have this fourth one that our brain really wants us to go to,
but is a quicksand death trap as far as time is concerned. So we’ll get to that first one
marketing. Second one is selling what is selling, selling is telling those actual human beings
that you’re talking with in the world that you’re having conversations with digitally, or in real
life, it’s telling these people that already want help. They want the results that you help people
get. And they’re searching for those results. Those people, these humans that are basically
waving their hand at you saying Me Pick Me, I want that I need help with that I’m struggling
with that, telling those people that you can help them. That’s called selling. We really want to
complicate what this marketing and selling processes is having conversations and saying the
words I can help you, it’s really, really simple, you let it be simple, it’s very, very simple. And
then the third category of your business that could be a very useful way to be spending your
time over the next 90 days, is in delivering your process to your clients actually working with
your clients client delivery. Okay, so we have marketing, selling and client delivery, if you have
a situation on your hands, where your client delivery, whether that is one on one, or in a group
of some sort, and no matter what it is, if that process of you actually working with your clients
and delivering the results that they came to you for is a hot mess. And it is not a really fabulous
experience for them, and you don’t feel really organized about it, that might be a place where
you need to be spending your time for the next 90 days marketing selling client delivery. Now,
I’m going to add the fourth category, this is a bonus, it’s not a bonus, which you probably don’t
need to worry about. Unless you are consistently working with lots of clients. And you are like
you have a lot of demand buildup. And when that happens, you will be at a point where it might
make sense to spend time on this. But in the beginning, and if you’re not fully at insatiable
demand right now is probably not a good use of your time, which is the back end stuff. Okay.
Like bookkeeping, and onboarding processes. Now, if you have a lot of clients, and that’s one of
your priorities that you need to clean up is your client process, then by all means have at it, if
you are just starting your business, you don’t have clients yet, or you don’t have a lot of clients
yet, that is not the best use of your time. So don’t let your mind tell you that you need to
prioritize the back end, setting up shop, website, technical stuff, automations a bunch of PDFs,
like figuring out every single nuance of just automations, like all of the tech stuff and the
automations. And exactly what a workbook is going to be like for your clients, all of that stuff
that you don’t need yet. Don’t let your brain go to the place where it wants to set up shop
forever and keep working on prioritizing those things. I can feel you listening to this right now
and saying, oh, but no, my website has to be one of my top priorities. Okay, clients don’t come
from websites, clients come from actual conversations that you’re having in the world. And
from referrals that other people you’re talking with are having with their other people in the
world. It isn’t just solely your marketing efforts that bring people to you. It is the conversations
they are inspired to have with people you don’t even know yet, who then are referred to you,
because of actually talking to human beings and talking about your business in a way that you
don’t sound like a weirdo. Okay, that’s very, very, very important, much more so than making
sure you have a perfectly done website, that part will come you will prioritize that at some
point. But it doesn’t need to be the first thing. In fact, I would say back end processes and that
setting up shop type stuff should be on the backburner until you are making money. And then it
will make I know I say this all the time, I just have to say it again, it will make the creation of
those back end processes and the tech stuff, the website, the funnels, whatever it is that you
are thinking you really need to work on right now. That will be so much more efficiently created
and expedited. Basically, once you have had a lot of marketing conversations and sales
conversations, and you’re working with clients, because once you deliver your processes to
clients, and you tweak it and you figure it out, and you have a lot of sales conversations, and
you understand the frustrations that your people have with what they’ve tried before and what
hasn’t worked and you have a better way to serve them and you know how to talk about your
business and yourself in a way that is compelling to them. Once you are figuring this out the
problems that they have the solutions you offer all of that. It’s way easier to create your
website and your automations and your tech stuff, right? Okay, so I want you to focus in first
and foremost on bringing in cash. Now, another reason that I do this training that I’m talking
about next week. Again, sign up for the training if you haven’t already build a profitable
practice.com forward slash time, where we’re going to build on these three essential top
priorities and your next 90 days and we are going to get really really dialed in on exactly how
to make sure they happen and procrastination proof all of your plan. We’re gonna build out a
calendar. I mean, it’s color coded, okay? Just, it’s a lot, you’re gonna love it, go sign up for that
training. But the reason I want to do this training now at this time of year is because so many
people, and I hope you’re not going to be one of them, because you’re listening to this podcast,
think that they have to stop working on their business and bringing in cash now at a busy time
of year. This is something our brains do a defaults to all of the reasons why it’s a terrible idea to
do what you plan on doing. And we’ll grab on to any possible excuse not to move forward with
the plan. That’s what our brains do. They want us to just not take risks, not take chances, not
expend a lot of unnecessary energy. And one of my mentors says Brooke Castillo Life Coach
School podcast, if you don’t listen to it, it’s amazing. Listen, she says is our brains want us to sit
on the couch and eat cookies. It’s what it wants us to do Totally agree. But you’re not going to
do that. In fact, you’re going to challenge all of these thoughts, that it’s not possible to make
money. When people are busy, people are too busy to work on their health right now. It’s not
the right time of year, people want to be drinking and eating all of the things. They’re
vacationing, they’re not prioritizing this, you’re gonna have all of the reasons why you can’t
bring in cash now into your business. And we are going to call bullshit on all of those. Okay, it’s
completely untrue. And not a useful way to be thinking about your business. Because the truth
is, there are a lot of people that are ready to get started right now they are looking for you.
They want the results that you help people get, and you just need to have conversations and
marketing conversations and sales conversations with those people and say the words I can
help you bring cash into your business. Alright, so marketing, selling client delivery, what within
those three big category umbrellas, what are the things that would be the most useful for your
business right now to be focusing on for the next 90 days? That’s what I want you to really be
thinking of, if it’s not taking clients right now, because you’re fully booked? Are you going to be
focusing on setting up systems so that you can take more clients 90 days from now? Are you
focusing on refining the delivery of your client processes, and automating that in some way, or
improving the experience with your current clients so that you can blow their minds even more
so that you can help them get an hour’s worth of value in 20 minutes? Like we talked about
earlier? How can you use your brain and direct your attention to those things, right. So maybe,
if you’re fully booked, or if you are not selling for the next 90 days, for whatever reason, I want
you to think about what things you can be doing that are going to set you up for after 90 days
from now to be making more money, and to have even more demand and to be moving your
business forward for whatever that big vision is. And if you are not fully booked right now, you
need to just be thinking about how am I making money today, right now? How am I bringing in
cash right now it’s going to come down to having more conversations with real humans talking
about your business in a way that doesn’t make you sound like a weirdo. And it’s going to be
having sales conversations with them where you say the words I can help you. Okay, so simple.
So, so, so simple. So how can you put yourself in a position to do more of those two things?
Where are you falling short right now, as far as your time is concerned, and you’re wasting time
on things that aren’t getting you closer to that goal, if you are doing a lot of social media
engaging, and a lot of spending time in free groups. And if you find yourself doing a lot of
things where you are trying to create content or overwhelm people with your expertise without
saying the words, are you struggling, I can help you, then we want to get back to basics here,
like come in from these things that you think you have to be doing with your time. And with
what is actually filling up your work week right now and probably is wasting a ton of your time.
How do we take those things off the list? And this is what we’re going to be talking about in
next week’s training. So by all means, like start the process now. But you’re going to really
refine this next week, what can we take off the list? What does not even need to be here at all?
How am I spending my time right now because I think I’m supposed to be doing it. And really,
there’s a much simpler way. And I don’t need to be doing this at all. Like, here’s what I see
people do overwhelming their brain with really big broad priorities, like creating a new website,
finishing an online course filling up the rest of my one on one spots. This is way too much for
your brain, like in the next 90 days, you’re going to do all three of those things. It’s way too
much. So your brain is going to get very overwhelmed. And it’s going to procrastinate, and it’s
going to make these things harder. And it’s going to look for any little tether of how could this
be easy and grab on to it which is going to be just not doing the things that’s what’s much
easier. Not doing any of it. Instead of let’s eliminate the stuff that’s unnecessary. Let’s focus on
what the actual result is here, which is I need to be making money in my business. That’s what
my focus is. Now how am I going to do that as simply and quickly as possible. Now out of those
things I just said out of filling one on one spots, creating a new website and finishing an online
course, I’m gonna tell you right now that filling the one on one spots is how to make money
quickly, effectively, and the most simply. So then all of your attention should be in figuring out
how can I do that simpler? How can I do it faster? How can I do it more effectively? What are
those things going to be? What are those action steps that need to be taking and actually
putting on my calendar and making sure they happen? Instead of just these big overarching, I
need to make 100k I those types of huge broad goals or ideas of what you’re going to
accomplish in a 90 day challenge are just going to overwhelm your brain, we want to get very
clear and very specific about what are the things within that big goal that are going to move
you towards it the absolute fastest and most seamlessly. So that’s what you’re going to be
doing don’t overwhelm your brain with three broad essentials like, Well, my big priorities for the
next 90 days are marketing selling and client delivery. No, no, it’s way too much. What is the
actual result? Is it going to be a better client experience for your clients? Is it going to be you
making more money in your practice? Is it going to be you experimenting with a new process,
like you are going to be testing something, then you want to be trying that? Is it going to be
creating copy that conveys the Intel, I’m struggling to find the word but I want to say like the
data that you’ve collected and having your actual conversations with real humans, your
marketing conversations and your sales conversations, is one of your big priorities is going to
be taking that data of what works really well and how you talk about their problem. And your
solution. And the results that they get when they work with you. Is it taking that and putting it
in copy form onto a website or onto emails that may be one of your priorities get really specific
about what is going to be and a measurable way to track if you’re moving forward or not. Don’t
let your brain off the hook by saying we can’t track it, you absolutely can figure out how. So
that you know, if you’re moving forward, these are all like basic concepts of time management,
but we tend to forget them when we are the CEO and nobody is micromanaging our time. Now
I’ve never actually worked any other way. I’ve always been self employed since right when I
graduated from college, I have had part time jobs, but I’ve never had a career job working for
someone else. So thinking back to like my waitressing days in college. And working for
someone else in that way knowing that someone was in charge of making sure that I showed
up at a certain time, and that I left at a certain time and that things got done while I was there.
And I know when especially if you’ve been in that scenario for your adult working life, it is very
unnerving, to suddenly be the decision maker about how much time is applied to your business
and what’s going to happen during that time. And what’s going to happen if things don’t
happen during that time. Oh, a lot of mental drama can come up around this topic about how
you’re spending your time judgment about how you aren’t doing what you want to be doing,
and everything that comes with that. So that’s why we need to talk about these things, we
need to talk about just these things that probably come as second nature as an employee. But
as a CEO of your business, you need a reminder on okay, you want to do this the most
efficiently and effectively as possible, whatever this is, what you’re going to be figuring out that
you want to be prioritizing for the next 90 days. And then like a CEO would do if you had a
roomful of employees, you would figure out how are we going to measure if we’re making
progress on this or not. If it’s getting done, if it’s not something that’s as straightforward as just
checking off it to do lists, figure out how you are going to measure progress there. Get specific
about it, so that you know what your benchmarks are, and what you’re working towards. This
will really quiet the overwhelm in your brain. When you take 10 minutes to write this out. Make
a little plan for yourself some sort of an internal accountability about what the milestones are
that you’re working towards. And actually have a plan for what you’re focusing on that is
aligned with whatever your big goal is, for most of you listening to this, I know it’s going to be
making more money in your practice. So make sure that all roads lead to that goal that
everything is going to be getting you there the quickest way possible and that you are not
overwhelming your to do list or your mind with unnecessary fluffy things that aren’t actually
serving that goal in the simplest and most efficient way. Here is what it is going to take. I want
to just point out what this work is going to require. When you take a little time here, plan out
your next 90 days think about this summertime coming up pending on when you’re listening to
this whatever time of year it is I’m sure there’s busy stuff going on at all times of the year. When you’re figuring out what the next quarter is going to look like for you. It’s going to require
you to wait to take action on things that you want to do until you’re done working with your big
priorities until you’ve completed them or you’ve met the milestones that you have set out for
yourself, it’s going to require you to wait, you will have to say no to things you will have to say
not right now to things. And depending on what the growth is, in your business mindset that
might be very, very uncomfortable, especially if you are a super people pleaser. And it’s really,
really uncomfortable for you to say no or to set boundaries on your time, even with yourself,
you can people please yourself to can just never want to say no to any opportunity, or any
quick when I find that I sometimes have this tendency, I’ve gotten a lot better at it as I’ve been
doing this work myself. But I find that my natural tendency is to want to take action on things,
the minute that I have the idea or that they are presented to me, I just want to get it done right
away, it’d be lots of things that can be projects that I’m collaborating on with other people or
other organizations, or it can be ideas that I have for things I want to do in my business,
whatever it is, I want to do it. Now I want to just handle it and get it done now, and check it off
the list. And I have learned that I make so much more money, I make so many better decisions.
And I help my clients get such better results. If I am willing to say no to myself, and to say not
right now. And to not be in a hurry, just trusting that everything will all get done when it needs
to, I can trust myself that I will get it done. And I have to trust myself and I will give you this
thought to to try and for yourself that you can be successful. Now, even without checking all
the boxes, even with things sitting on the shelf for later, that we’re not handling right now, or
we’re not worrying about right now. It’s okay, because here’s the thing, and what I know as
almost 20 years as an entrepreneur, there will always be more work to do, we will never get it
all done. That is a lie. That we tell ourselves, I know this, believe me, I know this thought
process and these mental ditches that we drive into all so well, because I drive into them
myself, much less often these days. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t find myself there from
time to time, thinking that if I just get XYZ done, then I’ll be done, then I can rest, then I can
chill out, then I can focus on the next thing, then I can fill in the blank of whatever that is, that
day never comes we never actually done. We never feel like we have gotten it all done. The
minute that we make progress on getting those things done that initially we thought we’re
going to be the only things we find a lot of other things to do. We have more ideas, we have
more iterations to try, we have more, more more. That’s what our brains do, especially the
brain of an entrepreneur is always looking towards the future, there will always be more work
to do, you will never get it all done. That’s the truth. So you have to be okay with trusting
yourself, that you will get it all done when it needs to be done. And knowing there is no there. We’re not racing towards the magical there where everything is perfect and easy. And there’s
no more work to do. Because that doesn’t exist. We’re not in a hurry feels like it, a lot of times
it does. But that feeling of hurry comes from not trusting ourselves that we’re going to follow
through and get it done unless we do it right away. So when you have more trust in yourself
and in your processes and in your ability to honor your calendar that you’ve set for yourself,
and your ability to follow through with three priorities and not overwhelm yourself, but to be
focused and constrained. And to hold yourself accountable for your goals. Basically, when you
trust yourself on all of those things, then you’re not in a hurry, because you know that you’re
going to get there. And you innately understand that that constantly being in a hurry actually
makes things take longer. We’re not in a hurry, you can trust yourself, you are starting to figure
out what you are going to be doing over the next 90 days that is going to really, really
streamline the way you’re spending time in your business, it’s going to also increase the results
that you’re getting in your business and I’m talking more free time and more money. It’s
beautiful. It’s beautiful with both of those come together at the same time. And I do want to say
before I wrap up, I want to say that sometimes an unwillingness to be efficient in our business
comes from the discomfort of not knowing what to do with free time. This is something that I
have been really, really working on deeply and being coached on a lot. Coaching myself on a lot
is my figuring out what to do when I’m not working. And that’s why I think it’s so important if
you are a very, very high achieving person that really prides themselves on getting shit done.
Like I do, it’s important to constrain to certain work hours and not work beyond that because it
forces you to figure out what is going on in your brain and why it’s uncomfortable not to be
working all the time. Like what am I avoiding when I want to be what working all the time, why
do I find myself and I’d certainly coach my clients on this as well, too, sometimes, intentionally,
although it’s subconscious, and I’m not aware that it’s happening at the time, but I can see the
pattern afterwards to unconsciously be making things take longer than they need to or
overcomplicating things in my business. Because I, on some level, am uncomfortable, when I
don’t have anything else to do, and I don’t have any business to do, then I need to find other
things in this world and in my life that I want to be putting that time towards. Since you know, I
have two kids, and my husband and other things that do go out of my life, it may sound like
kind of avoiding them by working. And I don’t find that I do that. Certainly not as much now, but
I have in the past, I think done that. But I don’t do it consciously. And you may not as well if this
is something that’s resonating with you. So don’t judge yourself for it, just have some kindness
have some openness to what that might be about, and what you might actually be avoiding by
wanting to work more than you need to. And you know what, that you’re working more than
you need to if you are overcomplicating systems and processes in your business, if you’re
overcomplicating your marketing, if you’re overcomplicating you’re selling if you’re
overcomplicating your client delivery process, or you’re endlessly working on backend stuff in
your business, like your website, or tweaking and endlessly tweaking your copy, or creating a
lot of content that isn’t converting into money in your business, these are all signs that you are
probably avoiding the uncomfortable feeling of not having any work to do. So explain that a
little What might that be about, I know that that work has been really, really revealing for me,
and has helped me to get a lot of insight into where I do want to be intentionally spending my
time when I’m not working, which is most of the time. And why that’s okay, and stop judging
myself for it. So I just offer that as well, if it is uncomfortable, to not have a totally full schedule. Why is that? And I will even take it to the next level? How is that also showing up for your
clients? Because we know our clients are always a mirror for our thoughts. So if you are
stressed about not filling up all of your time, how is that also showing up for them? Or how are
you fostering more of those thoughts with them as well, going back to the example of taking an
hour if you have hour sessions with your clients, for example, but really you could get done and
get them the results in 10 to 20 minutes. What is that about if you’re extending the time just to
play with can be interesting. All right. So this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to
productivity and time management, something that we will be talking a lot about the next few
weeks, of course, but it’s always a topic that we talk a lot about inside the profitable nutritionist
program. It’s something that I coach a lot on, because this is this skill of managing your time
and setting time boundaries, and breaking the habit of people pleasing and being more
efficient and trusting yourself that you won’t procrastinate things and you will actually get them
done when you said you would all of these are skills that are not acquired overnight,
necessarily. We work on them, we get 10% better, and then we get 20% better, and then we
get 30% better, and it’s a progression. So also give yourself some grace. If this isn’t going to be
a light switch for you shouldn’t be never is totally fine. Don’t judge yourself for that either. All
right, my friend. So all things time management, and 90 day essential priorities, figure out what
those are for you. What are you doing for the next 90 days, don’t overwhelm yourself, get very,
very specific on what it’s going to be what it’s not going to be what are you not going to be
allowing yourself to be distracted by in service to these priorities that you have set forth that
are going to actually get you to more money or more results, whatever that is in your business
right now that you’re after the fastest and the simplest, which means in the least amount of
time possible. We’re actually going to pick up on this topic next week. But for this week, it’s like
the nuts and bolts, what are those priorities going to be start that get out pen and paper, write
it down, give yourself the gift of taking all of the thoughts out of your brain and just putting
them on pen and paper in black and white writing out those priorities and breaking them down
into how you’ll know when you’re making progress on them. And I will meet you back here next
week where we will be in the midst of the summertime training. So make sure you are signed
up for that. I don’t know if I mentioned it, but you can get all registered for that at Build a
Profitable practice.com forward slash time. Alright my friend. I’ll see you next week.

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