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111. Finding 5 Pockets of Profit Hiding In Your Business Right Now

Get your paper and pen out for this episode.

We’re doing a 5 minute profitability assessment of your current offer and where you can make more money NOW.

These are the 5 pockets of profit you’re auditing:

1. Traffic and lead generation
2. Follow up and nurture
3. Sales and conversions
4. Fulfillment
5. Retention, reactivation and upsells

Don’t underestimate the power of simple.

This exercise is so simple but so powerful.



Andrea Nordling 0:00
Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast and my friend, I have a very strange request for you on an audio podcast. Today, I want you to get out your pen and paper for this episode. I know it’s a little bit strange to be requesting for an audio download guest. But I really want you to do something we’re going to do this quick and dirty together, it’s going to be a quick episode because I am going to bring you through a fast exercise for looking at five different opportunities for making more money in your current offer. This is a down and dirty assessment, we’re going to do it together and you’re going to be reading these five different areas. And I need you to be able to write down what your answers are, so that you can refer back to it to make some decisions. Okay, so this is called the five pockets of profit exercise. We do this exercise inside of the mastermind that I teach because it is a great way to get a snapshot view of what’s happening in your business and what’s happening in your offer, okay, or offers if you have more than one. I also taught this on a live webinar this week. And I saw a lot of comments in the chat as we went through it with people having big lightbulb moments of what the bottlenecks are in their business right now. And it was just a very juicy, juicy webinar, juicy exercise love to seeing what people were having as their takeaways there. And so I was like, You know what, I’m gonna do a podcast on this and make sure that you get it as well. But if you were on the webinar, or the five pockets of profit webinar earlier this week, this will be familiar to you. Okay. So first of all, don’t underestimate the power of simple. This exercise we’re going to do together is so simple, but it’s so powerful. The first time I did it, my friend Stacy Tushar had me go through and do it with her. And I was so blown away by how I could really easily distill down some big decisions that had been looping in my mind, and prioritize some projects that also had been looming and looping in my mind, based on what came up in this very, very short five minute exercise. Again, simple, simple, simple, things don’t have to be so complicated. We don’t always have to have these intricate processes and frameworks. And it’s sometimes it’s just the simple stuff. And this is one of those times where the simple is going to give you a lot of information. So without further ado, we are going to do the five pockets of profit for your offer together right now. Now, like I said, you want to have a pen and paper available, so that you can jot down your ratings for each of these five categories, it’s not going to work to do it in your head. But if you are unable to do that, right now, go ahead and still listen, I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it. And then you can go back to the show notes for the episode, and get the five categories and the rating criteria written out for you, we will have that all on the show notes for this episode at the profitable nutritionist.com/ 111. That is the episode number of this episode 111. So the profitable nutritionist.com/ 111 is going to be a written out rating criteria of everything that I’m going to bring you through right now. But it’ll be written out. If you are unable to follow along and do your writing right, now you can come back to it. Now in the future, you can do this exercise for each funnel, if you have more than one funnel in your business. If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say funnel, don’t worry, that’s more of an advanced concept. But for now, I want to take you through this for your main offer. And there’s one caveat for that if your business is advanced enough or mature enough that you have interest in that offer. So you have some data to evaluate. This is going to make a lot of sense. But if you are early on in your business, and you don’t have a ton of data, but you still want to do this exercise, I want you to do it for your business as a whole. So let me repeat that, we are going to do it right now for your offer. Unless you are just starting out in your business. And you’re going to do this for your business as a whole. It will make more sense as we go through this exercise with what I’m talking about. You just want to make sure that you’re as specific as possible, but with a reasonable amount of data so that the sample size is significant enough that you can figure out what’s actually happening and what’s trending in your business. If you don’t have enough data, the sample size is too small, it’s going to be hard for you to complete the exercise that we’re going to do here. So if you do have significant interest and traffic and people reaching out to you and you’re working with clients, you’re going to do this per offer in the future, you can do it for a specific funnel for that offer. And if you are just starting out, you’re going to zoom out a little bit larger and you’re going to look at your business as a whole. Okay, you ready? That makes sense? Okay, let’s do this. Here are the five pockets of profit that we are going to inventory for your offer together, that traffic and lead generation that’s component one, then we have follow up and nurture. We have sales and conversions. We have fulfillment. And we have retention, reactivation and upsells as the fifth category. So first we’re going to look at traffic and lead generation. And I’m going to give you five different ratings, a number that correlates with each of them and what the criteria is for that rating so that you can rate your current traffic and lead generation Ready, let’s go. Okay, give yourself a one. If your traffic and lead generation is inconsistent and unpredictable, with low quality leads, raise yourself a two. If it’s inconsistent and unpredictable with quality leads, write yourself a three, if it’s consistent and predictable, but not enough leads. And four is consistent and predictable and a good amount of leads. Five is consistent and predictable. And you’re selling out, I’m going to quickly go through these again, one inconsistent and unpredictable with low quality leads to is inconsistent and unpredictable with quality leads, three is consistent and predictable, but not enough leads. Four is consistent and predictable, with a good amount of leads, and five is consistent and predictable and you are selling out. So write down your number for traffic and lead generation of your offer right now. Or if your business is not as mature, then do it for your entire business. Okay, number two, we are looking at the follow up and nurture of those leads. Okay, can you see how these feed into each other? We start with somebody becoming aware of you in the first place, that’s a lead. Now we’re going to look at what happens after their lead. What is the follow up? What how are you nurturing them? How are you taking care of them, and supporting them as they make a decision on whether or not to work with you. That’s what we’re gonna figure out here. So now you’re going to rate your follow up and nurture for your offer. One is non existent. Give yourself a one, if your follow up in nurture is non existent. Give yourself a two if sometimes you do, but it’s not consistent rate a three if you have a system, but it’s not converting a four if you have a system that consistently converts, and a five if you have a system that consistently converts at a high rate. Okay, so I’ll say these again, in regards to your follow up and your nurture, one, nonexistent. Two, sometimes you do but not consistently. Three, you have a system but not converting. Four, you have a system that consistently converts, and five, you have a system that consistently converts at a high rate. So write down your rating for your follow up and nurture. Now three, we’re going to move into sales and conversions. This is where you really need to know your numbers. We are very, very helpful for you to have some data here to rely on. But if you don’t take your best guess. So here’s what you’re going to rate yourself. Number one, there’s no consistency or predictability and your sales aren’t great. So do you nominee sales this week? Do you do you give yourself a one if there’s no consistency or predictability and sales aren’t great. Two is the rating if there’s no consistency or predictability, but you are getting some sales. Three, you’re consistently improving your sales and conversion, but your goals have not been met. And four, if your projections and goals are being met, then give yourself a five if you’re blowing past your goals or projections for your sales. I’m gonna go through those again, sales and conversions. One, no consistency or predictability. And the sales aren’t great to no consistency or predictability, but you are getting some sales. Three, you’re consistently improving your sales and conversions, but your goals have not been met. For your projections and goals are being met or five you are blowing past your goals or projections. Write down your rating for your sales and convergence. You can see how hard it is to measure what’s working if you don’t know what your goals are for the first for the first part, or where you’re currently at. Which means collecting data here is really, really important. But take your best guess if you don’t have data to look at here. No four, after you make those sales and conversions, what the heck happens to your people? Well, you have to actually get the money that you have contracted for that you have sold and you have to deliver what you promised. So that’s what we’re looking at here in fulfillment. The fourth pocket of profit is fulfillment. So rate your current offer a one if there’s no consistency, you’re getting refund requests or chargebacks or complaints. That is a one, write yourself a two. If it’s average, you’re delivering what’s expected. And client satisfaction is what’s expected. Okay, write yourself a three if fulfillment is consistent and people are satisfied. So it’s a little bit different than to it’s not the bare minimum of what’s expected people are satisfied. Write yourself a four for fulfillment for your offer. If it’s consistent, and people are highly satisfied, and they tell you that that’s a four and five is fulfillment is consistent and people are referring to their friends. That means people are getting great results if they’re referring. Okay, so let’s go back through the rating for fulfillment. Rate yourself a one if there’s no consistency, you’re getting refund requests and chargebacks and complaints. caveat here is that refund requests They’re not always a problem. But you’ll know if it’s a refund request that’s legitimate and couldn’t have been prevented. Or if it’s a refund request, because people are complaining and they’re not getting what they thought they were going to get. There’s a difference there, you know the difference, okay, so one is no consistency, refund requests, etc, complaints, right yourself a two, if the fulfillment is average, they’re just getting what’s expected. Rate a three, if fulfillment is consistent, and people are satisfied. A four if fulfillment is consistent, and people are highly satisfied. And they tell you that meaning you’re getting testimonials, you’re getting reviews, people are gushing, and a five for fulfillment that is consistent, and people are referring you to their friends, the highest compliment, by the way. Okay, write down your rating for your fulfillment of your offer. And fifth is retention, reactivation and upsells. This is all one pocket of profit in and of itself, this is all about increasing the customer lifetime value. So to be honest, it won’t be applicable to every business, or every funnel or every offer. But a few ideas here that would fall into this category would be supplement sales, or upsells of any extra products that people buy when they work with you. That would be an upsell. Something that would be a reactivation would be renewing clients into another package after they finish their first one, they want to get more results. They want to keep going they’re reactivating, they’re renewing. And then retention is probably somewhat along the same lines, unless you have something like membership, where people are seeing month after month after month, that would be more along the lines of retention. So that might not apply to a lot of people. But it could depending on your business model. Alright, so we are going to look at the numbers. As far as retention, reactivation and upsells, give yourself a one. If these do not have happen often, and you have low numbers, that’s a one, a rating of a two means you’re starting to see these numbers improve. rating of a three is numbers are consistent and predictable, but they’re lower than you would like them to be. A four is the numbers are consistent and predictable, and you’re happy with the numbers. And a five is numbers are consistent and predictable. And you’re happy with the numbers and they continue to increase month after month. So not only are you happy with the numbers, but they’re continuing to increase. And I’m gonna go through those one more time. But remember, this won’t be applicable to every business or every funnel or every offer, okay? However, something good to look at. If this is somewhere where you aren’t currently rating, it might be a pocket of profit that you should be, or could be considering adding something into like supplement sales or upsells of some sort. Okay, so these ratings one more time. First of all, one, if they don’t happen often, if you have low numbers of reactivations, or upsells, or retention, Rate yourself a two, if you’re starting to see these numbers improve a three if the numbers are consistent and predictable, but they’re lower than you would like a four if the numbers are consistent and predictable, and you’re happy with the numbers. And five, if the numbers are consistent and predictable, you’re happy with them. And they’re continuing to increase month after month. That is how you are going to rate your retention, reactivation and upsells. So I’m gonna give you a second to look at these numbers. One through five, we’ve looked at five different stages of the customer journey. And we’re basically looking at where are the highs and lows in this customer journey? What are we finding here? First of all, were you surprised at the numbers in these areas for your offer? For many people on the webinar this week, when we looked at the numbers and did it together they were. And I think the reason for that is because we get so in our business. And we’re so in the day to day and we’re so close to it, that we don’t zoom out enough to see the very simplest data points and what they could mean. And I think an example of that is thinking constantly about marketing, and sales and not thinking about fulfillment, for example, or not thinking about nurturing. Those are some areas where I see they fall to the wayside, they get pushed to the backburner however you want to say it, because it isn’t the sexy stuff. It isn’t the very black and white we can see if leads are coming in, we can see if sales are coming in yes or no nurturing follow up, it’s less obvious, right? If that’s working? is the fulfillment, hitting is it nailing Are people really satisfied with your process. And with working with you? Well, it’s again, it’s like a little bit a little bit harder to quantify that it’s not as it’s not as exciting. It’s not as black and white. So we tend to not look at it. And I think that you’ll probably see as as you’re thinking this through and probably as we did this exercise that those in particular are two areas that are very, very low hanging fruit for improving and for probably uncorking I don’t know if that’s the right way to say this, but uncorking the bottleneck? Is the cork in the bottleneck, probably not I don’t know if that’s I’m mixing my metaphors per the usual. But you know what I’m saying here, when you are improving one of those areas, it’s probably going to free up the flow in the entire mechanism. So if you’re surprised at the numbers In any of these areas, let’s look at why that is. And let’s also not be surprised about that when we’re so in our business, I guess my whole point here is that when we’re so in it, and we’re so focused on the things that we think we need to be focused on marketing, sales, marketing, sales, marketing sales, a lot of times we don’t zoom out enough to look at the other areas and to look at the business as a whole or the offer as a whole, because we’re so laser focused. And so I mean, kind of like blind to see only that one thing that we’re working on. Obviously, the purpose of this quick and dirty audit is to see all areas of your offer and kind of of your business in general. So that you can see where there are pockets of profit here that need to be attended to, they need to be scooped up in your current offer or your business as a whole. If you’re just starting out, like I said, and then you can snatch those up quickly. You can see oh, my gosh, this is the next thing I need to work on. I need to prioritize this by focusing on the right thing next. Okay, so to do that, let’s walk through it together.

My friend, have we connected on LinkedIn, in my opinion that LinkedIn is the platform for professional networking and getting client referrals hands down. If you’re already spending time getting the word out about your business over there, I would love to connect with you. Just search Andrea Nordling and then connect. And I’ll confirm so we can share our networks. First of all, you want to ask yourself, what is your best face out of those five things? What did you rate the highest on? And what did you rate the lowest on? Let’s figure that out? First and foremost. And then looking at what the lowest score was? Or if it was a couple of them that tied? You can look at them together? What is the bottleneck that is hurting the best phases of those ones that are the worst? Where are they the bottleneck to the thing that’s working really well. Another way to think of this is what would be the easiest area to clean up to increase your cash flow quickly. And I think that for most of you, you’ll start with the area that you have the lowest scores in of course, but if you have a tie in multiple areas, I want you to start with the fulfillment or sales, then go to nurture, then go to leads. So if you think about the numbers that we went through that starting with four, than going to three than two, then one. And I know that that is counter intuitive. But just hear me out here, a lot of us would naturally think well, we have to start at the left, if you’re thinking of this as a pipeline, starting from left to right, start at the left first ones, which was traffic and lead generation, we got to start there and systematically go through and improve. But what I want you to see here are the constraints of the system as a whole. So that’s what you’re seeing when you see these low numbers, and a high one next to it. Where are those constraints. And if you have a few that tie, I want you to start with fulfillment, and really focus on the delivery to your clients and their experience being absolutely magical and mind blowing, and huge over delivery. When they work with you start there. It is not obvious it is counterintuitive in a lot of ways. But I am telling you, your lead generation and your marketing is going to be so much better later. If you believe that you have an offer that is going to blow people’s minds. That’s the fulfillment piece, that’s what I want you to really focus on first. And if you really know how to sell it to them, which is the sales piece. And then of course, if they’ve been warmed up and introduced to your offer enough times to be familiar with it, that’s the nurture piece. So we’re working backwards here 4320, now we’re at one now it’s going to be such more effective such more effective just go with it guys just your marketing is going to be so much more effective is going to be so much more compelling. When you fully believe that all of those things are handled, when you fully believe that you’re going to blow people’s minds on the fulfillment, you’re going to sell it harder, you’re going to sell it better, your marketing is going to be so much more compelling. If you know how to sell to people if you have focused on the pocket of profit, which is your sales and conversion. And you know how to have those conversations with people you know the objections that they are going to come with, you know how to address them, you know that you have accounted for any obstacles in the fulfillment piece of it of your offer, when you know that those are dialed, you are going to sell so much more powerfully, so much more often so much more consistently. It’s like turning the volume dial all the way up. Okay, so I think that you would probably be expecting me to say, All right, let’s start with the leads. Let’s get a bunch of leads. Let’s work on that. And I really think it’s the opposite. I really think it has to be starting with fulfillment, then sales, then nurturing, which is again, a huge thing that we forget about. It’s less. I don’t know if it’s tangible, because it can be tangible. And we can quantify it, we can measure it but I think it’s just a little bit nebulous and a little bit fuzzy on if nurturing is working or not, because if you aren’t diligently tracking certain metrics to measure that and if you aren’t looking at data around what nurturing looks like what follows It looks like is it working? Are people then coming into sales conversations? Because they’ve been nurtured? How long does it take how many touch points if you’re not looking at that kind of data, it seems hard to figure out is the nurturing working, I don’t know. And for a large majority of my business, I wasn’t looking at that either. So I come from a place of total experience with this. And the best news is, your business can still work, it can still work really well without all of these being completely tuned in. But when you do pay more attention, and you do focus, and you go, okay, I can see that this is an area for improvement, especially with fulfillment, and with nurturing and follow up, and you take a dedicated period of time to work on those systems, and to really put your time and attention there, your marketing is gonna be so much better. Truly, because you’re coming from a place of thinking I can help them. I know exactly what to say to my people, they, they come here, I got them, I can serve them. I know exactly what they need, they are in the right place, I have all of the processes down there in good hands, when those are your thoughts about the people coming to you and how you are serving them and how you are nurturing them, how you’re selling to them, how you are going to be delivering life changing transformation to them, when they’re your client, your marketing is going to be much better, just as this just a fact. And as an aside to that, don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t been nurturing your people very well. It’s totally okay, just start now don’t feel like this has to be perfect. Don’t feel like this is something that you need to like plan really far in advance and like if you haven’t done it already, then you’ve lost the opportunity don’t get in your head about nurturing okay, just be consistent and do the things and that truly in and of itself is nurturing at the at the base delivery of nurture is just be there. Be consistent, keep showing up. Okay, so that can be nurtured. I think of so many people that join the profitable nutritionist program. Now after years of getting my emails and we do survey people, when they get into the program, we say like, how did you hear about us? And a lot of times we will get feedback. I’ve been getting your emails for years, I’ve been getting your emails for years, I’ve been listening to the podcast for years. So just a little note there consistency, be consistent, that can be nurturing in and of itself Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Okay. Are you stressing about not knowing how to rate these areas? I did see some people on the webinar this week. And when we’ve done this, in the mastermind have had this same feedback where the perfectionism rears its head. And we think I don’t know, I don’t know how to rate these areas, I’m not really sure. Okay, so here’s two ways to do it. First of all, you take your best guests like we did today, if you did this with me in real time, we just did that together, you take your best guess and you just move on from there, take the information, keep it simple, and make some decisions about where you may want to apply some time and focus and attention in the future. That’s one way. The second way is that you collect and you evaluate data systematically, which means that you’re not guessing at all, you’re just reviewing numbers. Now, option two is the is the better option. But you may not have that available right now, on the live webinar. This

week, I showed everyone on a screen share the custom data tracking dashboards that we use here in my business to track these five areas. And these dashboards are relatively new, we started working on them last spring. So let’s say this is about six months in the making right now, to diligently collect the data from all of these points I just went through with you and to have them in really easy to use, easy to read, easy to filter dashboards in black and white where we can see the numbers. It’s so great. First of all, I just have to say having the data using data and not having to guess is amazing. Okay, that has been incredible. And I was really excited to show the dashboards on the webinar. Because this round of the mastermind, which starts in January and goes from January to July 2024, we are having my team actually create custom dashboards for every business that’s for every person in the mastermind for their business, they are getting custom made dashboards, that is going to be measuring all of these five pockets of profit, and then a few extra things specific to their funnels and their exact offer on how they’re collecting leads. So I am so excited about it. I am so geeking out about having easy to read easy to understand information collection. So to be clear, this data exists all over the internet, you can go to Google Analytics, which is now called G four. And you can get data on where people are coming from and how they’re getting to your website and what are they doing on your website when they get there and how many people are going to your sales page and how many people are going to your book a call page and then out of those how many people are actually booking the call. And then out of those how many people are actually taking the next step. And we can we can get this data. It all exists if you have the tracking setup correctly. But what I have found and I know is true for you, if you’re listening to this probably is that it’s hard to go find the data and it’s hard to sift through it and the is hard to figure out what you’re looking at. And if you’re looking at the right thing, and if you’re reading it correctly, it’s hard. That’s just a fact, it’s hard to find the data. So in the dashboards I’m talking about, these are aggregate dashboards that are taking data from other places like Google Analytics and putting it into easy to read and easy to manipulate fields so that we can pull up in the last week what has happened in the last two weeks, we can change the numbers, we can change the dates, we can change what we’re looking at, but it’s very easy to find information. So that’s what I’m talking about when I say these dashboards, okay? If you don’t have beautiful color coded dashboards in your business quite yet, that’s okay. You can collect this data yourself and analyze it, you can figure out what is the bare minimum that you want to be measuring. And you might have some ideas after we went through this five pockets a profit exercise, and you can certainly go back and listen to this again and do it again, and figure out okay, what is the bare minimum data that I want to collect in each of these areas so that I can analyze it over time. And I would recommend as a monthly practice, you go in and you pull that data, whether it’s in your Google Analytics, whether it’s from client satisfaction surveys, whatever it is going to be open rates from your automated email sequences, if that’s how you nurture your people. If you’re looking at manually calculating conversion rates of people in your funnel, or people that have bought calls with you, how many people are getting to the work with me page on your website, whatever that is, however, you’re tracking this, you can go get the information, and diligently look at it week after week or month over month, to see the trends and see what you’re doing here. So of course, I think that it’s much easier to do in a systemized way through these dashboards that we use, but not everybody has that. And not everybody is going to be in the mastermind and getting those dashboards from us, although I wish I could provide them to everyone because it’s incredibly helpful. You can do this on your own, okay, you can just set up a recurring task to do this, like I said, every week, every other week, once a month, whatever your workflow would be to actually go look at the data and see how things are trending, how they’re improving, and then actually calculate it. But don’t get into the weeds with us do look for trends. Do look for stats, like email subscribers, or website visitors, or cash collected, how many consults are booked to that type of thing, look at big numbers. But don’t get super in the weeds. If it’s not necessary for your business right now, you will be amazed at how much is revealed just by those basic numbers just by having the data on the basics. like kind of like this exercise we did today, five pockets of profit here, boom, boom, boom, let’s do a quick rating. And let’s just see where we’re at. It’s not hard to do. But the thing is, is that it’s one of those that’s also not hard not to do. That’s the problem with consistency, those little things that aren’t that hard to do are really also easy not to do, you can just put it off till tomorrow at no big deal. But don’t don’t do that. That’s the problem. It’s the boring, tedious work that needs to be done that we don’t want to do. It’s not always stuff that is hard. We don’t always put off things that are these big, huge projects that are so hard. Now, a lot of times it’s the boring, tedious work, stuff that’s not that big of a deal. Or it’s, it seems like it’s not that big of a deal, because it’s not that big of a deal to not do it either. Which is exactly what’s required of us as business owners to do the things that are easy not to do. The boring tedious work is also exactly what’s required for your clients to so always good to bring it back to how this shows up for your clients do. They have to prioritize the boring and tedious work consistently. To reach their goals, you have to prioritize the boring and tedious work consistently to reach your goals. I have to prioritize the boring and tedious work consistently to reach my goals. That’s just that’s just being a human, that’s just the world. It’s the not so secret secret. So I hope this was helpful for you just to kind of a quick in and out on the five pockets of profit. Once again if you want to go look at this in text form and I know I ran through verbally those prompts for each of the five pockets really quickly. If you want to go read those out, go to the profitable nutritionist.com/ 111 for the text version, and then you can review them quarterly in your business you can set that up as a recurring task to keep going through. And I guess I should mention, if you’re interested in those custom dashboards, get all of the info at the profitable nutritionists.com/mastermind those dashboards and my team specifically creating those for each business owner is is only happening inside the mastermind. Okay. Have a wonderful week my friend and go calculate those five pockets of profit

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Start with the 60 second quiz to reveal your unique Wellness-preneuer Type and receive a personalized action plan for getting more clients and cash without sacrificing your health or sanity.

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