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63. Consistent Selling

Your consistency breeds confidence from your clients.

And that consistency compounds like a snowball rolling down a hill.

You don’t always see the results right away….which is when most people stop.

But not you. Don’t stop. Keep going. Keep putting in the reps….because that consistency compounds, my friend.


Over the last 7 years I’ve been selling services to clients online, I’ve learned a really important lesson: We need to sell so much more than we think. We need practice.

On this episode I’m sharing exactly how I’ve failed at selling in the past, how I have changed my strategy over the last few years, and how you can do the same so your selling compounds and is consistently working for you 24/7 from here on out.


Andrea Nordling 0:02
Okay, my friend, I’m getting serious with you today, because I don’t want to see you on the end of the year slide. Two weeks left in the year, there might be some things that you’re considering just forgetting about until January, am I right? Well, if I am, this is the kick in the pants that you need not to bail on your business for the next two weeks, or if you’re listening in the future, not to bail on your business at any point. And here’s why. Your consistency breeds confidence from your clients may say that, again, your consistency breeds confidence from your clients. And that consistency compounds like a snowball rolling down a hill. Now, I talked all about consistency competence in Episode 33. So I highly recommend going back and listening to that one if you need some strategies for consistently showing up in your marketing. And I bet that you do need a reminder about the concept of consistency competence, because it’s something that we coach on quite a bit in the profitable nutritionist program. And I find that just one of those things that we need to keep going back to and reminding ourselves. So here’s a little refresher, here’s what consistency competence means. It means building trust with yourself and with your audience. Because most people are not going to hire you right away. They’re just not. There are those quick, fast action takers, those quick, decisive clients and we love them, and we want to have all of them. They’re amazing. However, the majority of clients that will hire, you are not going to be that decisive and take action right away. For most people, they are going to think about it for a while, they are going to let the pain in their life build and build until it gets to a critical point where they have to take action, because that’s human nature, most people operate that way. And it might take a little bit of time, they will not hire you right away, they’re gonna think about it and think about it and think about it, which means they need to be seeing you and hearing from you and watching you, and subconsciously selling themselves on the fact that you’re still there, you’re still showing up, you’re consistently working your business, and that they can count on you to consistently be there for them. This is a mirror and match situation, they need to keep seeing that, so that they can sell themselves that they’re going to get the results. And that takes time. You have to think about this from a buying perspective. And we know this as consumers ourselves. We’re always selling ourselves. We think as salespeople that we can sell someone, but really we know as consumers that we get offers. And then we sell ourselves. Either we sell ourselves and we decide to make that decision work, and we decide to do it, or we don’t sell ourselves and we don’t make the purchase. But really, someone else is just making the offer and then we’re selling ourselves behind the scenes. Now consistency confidence in this scenario, is you building that trust with your people that you’re going to keep showing up and keep making the offer, and that they are safe to trust themselves to make the purchase that they are safe to sell themselves on it, and to take the leap and that you can really help them. And it takes time, like I said takes time for a lot of people, typically over 90 days, I think that there are a lot of sales statistics that say that over 90 days is actually an oftentimes even over a year or more is really how long it takes people to make a big purchasing decision. So with your audience, this means you have to be consistent. And you’ve heard that I’m sure many, many times be consistent consistently post on social media consistently send emails consistently, make offers consistently do this in this in this. But really, I want you to think about the fact that you consistently doing any of that. And especially with making offers, because consistently selling, it’s really, really what I want you to be doing and focusing on. But when you’re consistently doing any of this, I want you to think about the fact that you’re actually building trust with yourself, at the same time that you’re building that trust with your audience. And with people that are thinking about hiring you, you’re showing yourself, I’m going to keep doing this, this is my business, I’m not going to quit, I’m going to keep going, I’m going to keep figuring it out, I’m going to keep doing the things even when I don’t want to. And that consistency with yourself bleeds over into confidence with your people. So you’re showing them that you’re here for the long haul, and that they can trust you that you’re not going anywhere. And at the same time you’re showing yourself we’re here for the long haul, and we’re not going anywhere. See, see how this works. And you do it by trusting yourself that you’re going to be creating compounding results for your business with that consistency. And with using your time wisely and actually doing the things that are the most income producing big priority items on your to do list that you’re gonna actually do them, you’re not going to put them to next week or next month, you’re gonna actually do them. And that is how you sell yourself on the fact that it’s working. And you’re gonna keep showing up. It’s a cycle, you keep telling yourself you’re gonna keep showing up and you keep showing up and people keep seeing you show up and then they keep showing up and then we’re back to the beginning. You keep selling yourself more and selling them more and they’re selling themselves more and they’re selling And you’re selling and everyone’s buying and everyone’s getting results. It’s very, very cyclical. And a big problem that most people have is that they don’t see the results of this cycle in process right away, and then they stop. And I do not want that for you, I especially don’t want that for you at this time of year when it might be easier to just say, I’ll start again in January. But don’t do it not you don’t stop, keep going. Keep putting in the reps, mostly because you’re proving to yourself that you’re consistent, and that you keep showing up and you keep making offers to people. That consistency compounds my friend, especially with selling and making offers. So over the last seven years, I have been selling services to clients online. And if you know anything about my story, I’ve been selling houses since I was 22 years old. So I’ve actually been selling my services for much longer than seven years. But I did not leverage this amazing tool of the worldwide web until 2015. So I can confidently say that over the last seven years, as I have been honing my skills in online marketing, and in leveraging this wonderful internet. That’s It’s a love hate, but I’m gonna go with wonderful internet that we have at our disposal for our businesses, I have learned this really important lesson, we need to sell so much more than we think we do. We need way more practice selling, especially selling online than we think we do. We need to sell so much more often than we think that we will have to do it. Here’s an example. When I was thinking about what I wanted to say on this episode, I was just hit over the head with the realization that this is actually a very recent experience of mine, when I launched the profitable nutritionist program. So when I launched this program, it was a combination of lots of other different programs, some courses, a membership, a coaching program, we like a ton of different offers, it feels like there was 300 different offers that I had at that point that I merged into one premium program where I could take get rid of all of the fluff, and really focus on the things I could do the best and deliver the highest quality results to my clients in the shortest amount of time in one program. So this was the early 2021 When all of it decided to not sell any of those other offers anymore. All roads lead to the profitable Nutritionals program. It had a different name at the time. But the point is TPN was my full focus. And as I laid out my strategy for selling this new program for that year, I plan on doing four launches. So okay, think about this, I’ve been selling for a long time, been selling for decades, I have been selling online for six years at that point. This is a new offer. And I made the mistake, which I quickly realized and pivoted on. So we’ll talk about that. But I made the mistake initially of thinking that I would be able to figure out how to sell that new program in for launches over that first year. So I plan a quarterly launch said I’m going to sell this four times, I am going to enroll X amount of people per launch, and I’m going to hit my goal for the year. That was my full revenue goal had it all planned out. It’s it’s exactly what I encourage you to due to nothing went wrong here. I made a goal I made my best plan for hitting the goal and I started executing on it. But what I found is very and I found this very quickly, by the way that I needed a lot more practice in selling this new program that I was just going to have to sell a lot more than I thought I was going to to hit my goal. So I told you I had four launches initially planned for that year. Do you know how many launches it took me before I actually enrolled my goal number into the program and in one launch a year and a half.

Andrea Nordling 8:54
And that was nine or 10 it might have even been 11 lunches instead of for that first year. That’s how long it took me to figure out how to sell this new offer. I it was it was much higher I say this to you because I want you to know it was much higher than I thought it would be and I’ve been doing this for a long time. So I thought it would take four launches. Easy peasy ended up taking I think somewhere between nine to 12 before I finally hit my goal, so I ended up having to sell a lot more that first year. I thought it was gonna launch four times. I did it considerably more frequently because I needed the practice I needed to sell more often and I also needed to sell harder than I thought I was going to need to. So I just want to offer this for you. That if you are selling something new or if you are selling something old, it really doesn’t matter if you are selling and you feel like it is just not coming together the way that you need it to like if you’ve thought I’m not good at selling I don’t know how to sell other people are better at selling than me. I should be selling something else that would be easier to sell. By the way, nothing else is easier to sell And the thing you have right now, so don’t tell yourself that story. But as an aside, only sell one thing, pick one thing to sell, don’t be selling a bunch of different things because you then you’re diluting your focus and the learning on how to sell the thing that you’re selling. Because you’re learning how to sell three different things or four different things, instead of what we really need to do, which is focus on selling one thing really well and sell it way more often than we think we need to, and sell it way harder than we think that we will need to, I promise you, this is the case 10 times out of 10. And I’ve coached hundreds and hundreds of people on this. Now, I’ve also seen it in my business many, many times. But here’s what happens when you sell, and you go sell again, and you sell more. And for me, it was four launches that turned into 12. I think for that first year or something, something way higher. Anyway, I did start hitting my launch goals. Eventually, I tweaked things. Every launch, I got a little bit better at overcoming people’s objections, figuring out how I needed to talk about things a certain way, I changed a few things in the offer. As far as my actual process I was delivering, I added some bonus material that I knew was going to help people get results even faster. We tweak this is what I teach in the program you evaluate. And then you take more imperfect action than you evaluate you take more imperfect action. So I was doing the exact same thing. Hopefully you’re doing the exact same thing. And here’s what happened, I started hitting my launch goals. And then I started exceeding my launch goals. And it snowballed, and it went faster, and it got better. And I feel like I’m really good at selling that offer. Now. Now, of course, three years from now, I’m gonna look back on this and say that was nothing because then I’m going to be even so much better at it. But right now I have been putting in the reps. I’ve been figuring out how to sell it, I’ve been getting my hands dirty. And I didn’t let those first few lackluster launches, deter me at all. I didn’t change anything at that point, I didn’t change my price. I didn’t think oh my gosh, I’m talking to the wrong people. I need a new niche. I didn’t think it was too expensive. I have to change my price. I just realized, I need more practice selling this, I’m going to sell this more. Just need more practice. And what happened is those people were watching. There’s so many people who have been watching me sell this from the very beginning almost two years ago now when I started selling it, and they’re still paying attention. And they’ve been thinking about it for two years, they’ve been watching me, they’ve been watching me consistently show up and consistently sell and consistently email them multiple times every single week. And they’ve been watching me consistently publish this podcast, and they know that they can trust me. This is what’s happening. Do you know how I know this is happening? Because people tell me this when they join the program.

Unknown Speaker 12:33
I’m not imagining this, this is actual feedback that I get.

Andrea Nordling 12:36
I’ve been watching you for years, I’ve been watching you for years. And I’m so glad that I consistently sell more and more and more over and over and over again, I’m selling the same thing. I’m not confusing people by introducing new offers, and constantly changing things. It’s one thing, it’s the best solution to my people’s problem. And I just keep selling it. And they’re watching that they’re seeing you might be one of these people where you’re thinking, Yeah, I have been thinking about that program I have been watching, you do keep selling it. And I do. And I bet that you are feeling that consistency that I feel and my trust in myself, I bet you’re feeling that and knowing that you can trust me as well. Because when I show up consistently in my marketing and in my selling, you know that I’m consistently showing up for my clients and delivering to them to, and it’s an over deliver inside the program, I consistently am making things better. I’m consistently figuring out how to coach them better how to add things that are going to help how to bring in new people to teach new concepts constantly. And that consistency is compounding all the time you feel that I’m sure you can see it and how that that will be true for your people. So if you are finding that you want to be less consistent, you want to take a break, or you want to change something, think about those people that are watching and they’re selling theirs themselves. Right now, behind the scenes, they’re thinking about the results that they want. And they’re thinking about you being their person and being the vehicle that’s going to get them to those results. And they’re selling themselves on it right now. They’re thinking about you, they’re opening your emails, they’re watching your marketing, they’re talking to you, they’re talking to other people about you, they’re talking to their spouse about this decision, and they’re selling themselves on this in the background. You don’t even know it but they’re selling themselves. And every time you show up, they’re getting more and more sold. And you don’t know when that day will be where the pain is just at a breaking point for them. Something happens in their life where that is the day and then they’re ready. And if you have been consistent and you’re still showing up, you’re going to be ready for them. Think about this. Think about how this is happening with your people. If you are inconsistent if you’re starting and stopping if you’re changing your offer constantly. If you are not in touch with people if you feel like you’re selling is more of a on Arch, on Arch, on off switch instead of a volume dial if it’s not I’m selling and then I’m not selling and you just go dark and it’s on off on off If that probably feels really icky for you, and it for sure feels like you for your people, then you don’t want to do it, I want you to think about your selling as a volume knob. Sometimes it’s on full, full tilt. And sometimes it might be a little bit quieter, but it’s not enough. It’s always on, you’re always selling, you’re consistently there, you’re consistently telling people that you can help them literally saying the words I can help you and you’re consistently showing up. I think about what’s going to happen with your clients, when they know that you are consistent, they’re going to be more consistent. Because they’re a mirror for you always, they’re always going to reflect your beliefs. And you’re going to attract people that have the same values as you. So if you are consistent, and you just live and breathe consistency, and trust for yourself and showing up and doing the things that you told yourself, you were going to do, they are probably going to be modeling that they’re not going to be that great in the very beginning and being consistent at all of these new skills when they start working with you. But that’s okay. Because they’re going to try, they’re going to try harder, they’re going to be trying to do what you’re doing, which is keep working at it, keep showing up, keep doing the reps, they’re human. And that’s part of the deal. We’re never great at something when we start takes practice. So does your selling just like your business, there are going to be some things that come easier, and some skills that are just going to take more time to hone and more practice more repetition. It’s not a problem. I want to say this specifically when it comes to selling your offer. If that does not come naturally to you in the beginning, if it feels like you’re not good at the skill yet, that’s okay, you’re going to get so much better at it, the more you do it, and you just keep selling. And you just keep going. And you just keep telling people the words I can help you. And you do it over and over and over again. And you are going to get so much better at it. And you are going to be consistently I use that I feel like I’ve used that word 400 times in this episode, you’re going to be consistently proving to yourself that you’re consistent, and you’re going to be showing up in that compounds. So it’s not a problem if you’re selling or your marketing isn’t landing right now, if you feel like this is just not something that you’re that great at you probably just need more practice, you need more at bats truly. So can we just agree that it’s completely normal and expected not to be a master at internet marketing. Or being a salesperson in general, when you’re new at it, there is a learning curve. I want to normalize this as someone who has sold a lot of things. Someday we should really talk about how I sold not one, not two, but three different network marketing, product lines at one time, we should talk about this someday. Believe me, I have a lot of experience in selling a lot of different things. And there’s some do’s and don’ts. Selling three things. At one time is definitely a don’t we’ll talk about that someday. All that to say, I really, really want you to know that it’s not a skill that most people have in the beginning, but you figure it out by doing it very imperfectly, do it sweaty, just just be a sweaty mess behind the scenes and just do it. And also, here’s the deal. It works even when you’re not good at it. My clients get blown away by this or they feel like they’re selling is so imperfect. But there’s they’re doing it, they’re doing it sweaty, and they’re making offers. And people buy and people hire them. And they make 1000s and 1000s of dollars, feeling like they have no idea what they’re doing. So isn’t that just the greatest news of all, we call this paid r&d.

Andrea Nordling 18:35
This is when you’re signing clients. And you’re doing it very imperfectly, and still figuring it all out. But you’re getting paid very well to do that research and development phase. It’s beautiful. And almost eight years in to this whole internet marketing thing. I am still figuring it all out. Because every level requires new skills. So like I said, when I sold TPN for the first time, for the first year, I had been selling online for a long time, I actually had a lot of these skills, but it was a new offer. And it was a new promise that I was delivering it was new results My clients were getting and it was different. It’s it was a different way to sell. And it was a different product to sell. And there was a learning curve to it. But I didn’t ever feel like I can honestly say I had my own back. I never felt like I’m not going to get this something needs to change I just truly knew and I want you to know this too. I just needed to do it more just needed to keep going I needed to give myself more opportunities to sell and not second guess the rest of it. Just knew I needed more at bats. So that’s to be expected. Anytime we’re at a new level in our business or selling a new thing. It’s just going to be a learning curve. That’s to be expected. In fact, I hope that you welcome it, which is what I do. I love the challenge. I love figuring out the next thing that I’m gonna get good at that a few years from now I’m gonna look back and say, Ah, she hooked me up that me right now is hooking up my future self. And if you’re listening to this podcast right now, I know that you love challenges too. I know you love doing hard things and proving that you can figure it out. Because otherwise you wouldn’t be putting in the time right now to learn this skill, you wouldn’t be learning right now you wouldn’t be even tuning in. So I know this about you. You like the challenge you’d like to figure it out. And I do think that the secret shortcut to figuring out anything in business, by the way, is this concept of compounding consistency. It’s just buckling up and committing to doing the very boring, often unsexy, for sure uncomfortable things over and over and over again, even when it would be way easier not to, even when no one would know, if you skipped it. Because you would know you would know that you’re cheating yourself, or you’re letting yourself off the hook from what you said you were going to do. timewise goal wise, business wise, you know what that would be. And you also know that, like I said, you’re hooking your future self up consistently. When you do those things, the little things, the boring unsexy, uncomfortable things that would be just as easy not to do, when you do them anyway, you’re hooking your future self up, consistently, rinse and repeat, over and over and over, you’re putting in the reps, you’re imperfectly doing the things that you would rather not do every day or every week in your business, especially when it comes to selling. Like I said, I’m going to reiterate this over and over again, we need practice so much practice, with this skill of selling, we need to be creative and consistent in our marketing, and talking about our businesses from new angles, and to new people. And we need to get lots of opportunities to sell and say the words I can help you over and over, over and over. I tell my students to always think about how can I improve the selling, instead of trying to teach more, or instead of offering a discount? Or instead of going to get another certification to get more specialized? Or instead of trying to create another offer altogether? Whatever that is? Say, No, nope. How can I improve this selling, that’s what I want you to do. When you’re not hitting your goals, don’t try something else. That’s not teaching you how to get better at sales and how to get better at marketing, and how to just figure things out, it’s just going to keep you in a constant loop of reinventing the wheel. Don’t do that. Try to improve the selling at every stage of your business, even Honestly, even when things are working really well try to improve the selling. That means your messaging the components of your offer, your sales process itself, your thoughts about your offer, how sold you are that it’s massively valuable and transformative for your people. By the way, that’s a component of your selling. These are all things to evaluate, where can you do those things better. And the way that you evaluate all of this, by the way, is just generating data. You cannot evaluate maybes, you cannot answer those questions that I just asked if you haven’t stepped up to bat and made some offers and done some selling. You have to practice you have to do the marketing, you have to try a bunch of angles and ideas, you have to have lots of conversations with people, you have to imperfectly sell and say I can help you even though you’re the sweaty mess behind the scenes, believe me, I’m the same way. You have to stumble over your words. And you have to say the wrong things. And you have to get stumped by people’s questions, you have to do those things over and over and over again, there’s truly no way to avoid any of it, just got to do it. So get it over with now and move on, then evaluate each time, get the data, do those things doing very imperfectly, and get paid along the way. By the way, I do want to make it very clear. When I’m saying you need to put in the reps and you need to just keep selling, that doesn’t mean you have to go do this 50 times and then you might get a yes, and you might make a sale doesn’t mean that at all means you might get a sale on the first time. And it’s you’re still going to be stumbling over your words, but you can help someone and they want the help. And you can get paid and you can start working with them. At any point, you don’t have to be perfect your marketing, your selling, none of it has to be perfect to get to the point where someone is paying you actual money to help solve their problem. And then the beautiful thing is you’re generating even more data, then you have even more data about what works best for your clients, and how you want to deliver your process and how you want to tweak that. And then your selling gets better and your marketing gets better. And your Client Results get better. And that’s a cycle too. And it just goes over and over and over again gets better and better and better. But you have to do those things over and over to be able to evaluate them over and over. Evaluate each time. This is also what I teach my students you have got to have data to evaluate and you have to make the time to consciously evaluate. So we get the data and then let’s evaluate what to improve for next time. Sell, sell, sell, sell louder, sell harder, sell more frequently, some more directly, some more creatively some more powerful Do whatever you gotta do, put in some reps and just keep selling, that consistency is going to compound that practice compounds, it compounds because you are getting better at it through this evaluation process, of course. But remember, it’s also compounding because behind the scenes, your people are watching you. Okay? They’re watching you, they’re seeing you consistently doing it, they’re consistently reminded that this is what they need, they’re selling themselves. And they have an entire process going on in their brain that you will never be privy to. That’s happening because you’re consistently showing up and you’re consistently, imperfectly beautifully doing the things. So then your message gets to more people, and your messaging and your selling, it also gets more dialed in, it gets more direct, it gets higher converting, you get more confident in your selling your clients, like I said, are getting more confident in their buying. It’s just how it works. It’s this beautiful cycle of improvement. But it doesn’t happen because you read more books, or because you take more courses, or you get more certifications or you listen to more podcast episodes. In fact, as soon as you finish this one, turn it off and go make some offers and tell people I can help you. Okay. Now, let me ask you a question. Before we wrap up here. Let me ask you a question. What did Monday morning feel like for you this week? Were you anxious to get started on everything that you have planned to do for your business? And with your clients and your work to do list? Did you anxiously dive into it? Or were you looking for any opportunity to distract yourself and not actually do the things that you put on that to do list? Okay, be honest, be honest with yourself? Maybe you’re not exactly jumping for joy at the thought of working with your clients this week? Or the marketing or selling activities that you have planned? Maybe you’re not. But what if you were truly take yourself to the future? What can you even imagine waking up on a Monday morning a few months from now, where you cannot wait to get started. Imagine this week in the not so distant future, where you cannot wait to spend time pouring value and transformation onto your best clients and watching them blow their own minds. Because everything is just working. Everything is working. This is a great thought to have everything is working. You don’t feel behind your to do list is actually done. It’s not getting moved to tomorrow, and then you feeling guilty about it, it’s actually done. You have more inquiries from potential clients than you even have space for which is a great problem to have. Your selling is dialed in. You’re confident in making offers to help your people and you are really unattached truly to whether or not they say yes, because you know more people are coming. And you’re just helping the people that are ready right now. You’re making offers, you’re saying I can help you. And you feel so confident in that you’re not burned out, you’re not stretched too thin. And those referrals, they just keep pouring in. Because your clients are telling everyone they know about the results they’re getting. Clients are everywhere for you. It’s just working. That’s what you just keep thinking every day, every Monday, every Tuesday, every Wednesday, every day, you get to work and you just think, oh, it’s working. Isn’t that amazing? Think about it. This business is not too far out of your reach, by the way. But it just doesn’t happen overnight. And you already know that I know you do move. If you’ve listened this far to this episode, you already know that the way that you get to that business is one tiny, imperfect action at a time. And those little things compound quickly. My friend, I promise this is true. Pretty soon you wake up on a Monday morning that feels nothing like a Monday morning. I truly feel like that in my business now. And I want that for you.

Andrea Nordling 28:39
Here’s how you compound, the little imperfect, seemingly inconsequential things that really are not inconsequential at all, into a successful, profitable and amazing business that you are so freaking proud of. Here’s how you do that. You write an email that you would rather put off until later in the week, you just write it. I know you thought that there was some really ninja strategy coming your way. That’s not it’s just it’s just you don’t put off the thing, you just do it. Because if you put off that email that for whatever reason you think is going to be hard or uncomfortable to write, you’re going to put off to next week, and then next month, and then it’s not going to happen at all. So now you just do it. You just do it today. Or you follow up today with a past client for a testimonial that they forgot to send. Instead of looping on it and deciding I’ll do it next week. No, you just do it today. Or you spend 30 minutes outlining your client onboarding process. So you can start scheduling the creation of it on your calendar over the next two weeks in small little chunks and actually get it done. You just spend some time outlining it’s like nope, I’m not going to wait for this. I’m just going to do it now one little step at a time. And then you realize that the 30 minutes that you allotted for it actually only took 10 was not a big deal. Or you take 10 minutes to reach out to a photographer that someone recommend did to you ages ago to schedule a short session for your website photos, so you could have a few headshots of yourself. And you could take off the avocado photos on your website. PSA, take the avocado photos off, there shouldn’t be more pictures of food on your website than of your face. So you just you take 10 minutes you schedule with the photographer, you get it on the calendar, so you can update those photos done. Or you spend five minutes tomorrow morning, brain dumping all of the to dues on your list onto paper, so you can stop ruminating on them. These things don’t take a long time, these aren’t, these aren’t a big deal, these are this very, very small things that would be so much easier not to do. I don’t know if that’s true or not so much easier not to do, they, they would be just as easy not to do as they are to do, but we make them into a big deal. So we think oh my gosh, I shouldn’t I shouldn’t do this today, it’s so hard today. And we make it into a big deal. And then really it’s not, we just get down to work. And we do it and we realize, Oh my gosh, that took way less time and way less effort than I thought it was going to. This is just a few examples that came to mind from very personal experience, yours might be easier. When you think of the things that you could be doing, that you’re putting off that you’re not doing these small things that you just think I’m gonna think about that in January. Or if you’re listening to this in the future, I’ll just think about that in a couple of weeks. None of these things actually take a long time. They’re not particularly hard to do. But the sneaky thing is, is that they’re even easier not to do. And that’s the problem. Because no one is going to know if you do or if you don’t follow through on those tests today. No one’s going to know except you and the future you who has those new clients pouring in each week and everything is working. And she doesn’t report to a boss at a corporate job anymore. And she has total time freedom and very consistent income that she can count on every month that is way higher than she thought it would ever be. That future you, she will know if you did those things, because she is going to be reaping the benefits. So hook her up, start giving yourself the gift of those compounding results that come from just doing the little things consistently, even when no one would know about it. I’m thinking about that with this podcast right now, no one would know if I didn’t record this podcast today. I could actually do it next week. I have time. I could do it next week. But me next week. So be so glad that I just did it right now, when I had the time here. And I just got it done. This is what I mean, no one would know, no one would know about me. And when I hook myself up like that, I build so much trust in myself that I am always ahead of schedule, I do the hard things, and then I always figure it out. And I just keep showing up telling you the new year is a really prime opportunity to do this. If you don’t have those thoughts about yourself, or about your business right now. It’s a really, really good time to plug in, and to create them. That’s why we’re starting January with a bang inside the profitable nutritionist program. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, it’s kind of amazing, I should sell it to you a little bit. In January, we start off the year with a challenge we call the 3k or more in 30 days challenge. And we do it together and we do it live. And students in the program love this 30 Day Challenge, which we only only do twice a year. But students love this challenge. Because it is so mind blowing. That the entire challenge this is the entirety of the challenge is 30 different writing exercises that take five to 10 minutes a day, you get you get one released every day we posted in the morning, you can do it anytime during the day, though I suggest in the morning, I think it sets the tone for an excellent work day. And it takes five to 10 minutes. And people in the program make so much money and have such insane results from this challenge because of how easy these exercises are to do. But here’s the thing. They’re also super easy not to do. But when you commit to doing them consistently, for 30 days, those 30 quote unquote, easy exercises compound into giant results in your business. Guaranteed. I’ve seen it time and time again. Because this consistency compounds, the little things aren’t so little when you do them over and over and over again. And you put in the reps. And you just trust yourself that you do them. Kind of like your clients, are you getting this, they just need you to help them consistently do the small things that add up. That’s what you’re doing. It’s what I’m doing. Now in the example of the 3k in 30 days challenge. It isn’t only about how much money my students quickly create in January, although that is a great benefit. And it always blows all of our minds how quickly that happens. But the real value in my opinion of completing the challenge is those compounded results that they also see three months, six months, a year three years from now. Think about that. It’s not just the immediate stuff, which is also great. It’s the compounding results that just keep coming and coming. And that’s how we get to that dream business where Monday doesn’t feel like Monday. But you have to start those small compounding actions now, to generate the highly profitable and impactful business that you want to be running 369 months from now, it’s the boring things truly is. It’s the little things, it’s the things that would be also easy not to do today. Like I said, kind of like recording this podcast.

Unknown Speaker 35:29
But I’m so glad that I do these things.

Andrea Nordling 35:35
I’m so glad that I work ahead. I’m recording this podcast quite a bit advanced from when you are actually getting the podcast. And I love that I’m so grateful for my past self, honestly, that started doing things like this, this sort of working ahead and that built that muscle and built that skill, and that I can count on myself. And I can trust myself, that I don’t put off things to the last minute. I’m grateful for that. Because I didn’t always operate this way, believe me. I’m also really grateful for my past self, for writing really crappy emails every week, even though it would have been easier not to, because I’ve been writing emails for years and years now. And they come really quickly now. And I feel like the copy is great. It’s getting better and better. Again, I’m gonna look back a few years in the future to now and think, Oh, that was cute. You thought your emails were good then. But I know that the reason that they’re getting better and better and will continue to is because I’m consistently writing them all the time. So I’m so grateful for my past self that wrote really crappy emails, they were terrible in the beginning, oh, my goodness, they were terrible. And I’m so glad that I had a minuscule email list. And that’s not too many people were reading them. As they got better and better. That email list grew, of course, and now I have years of experience writing emails and sales copy, because that past version of me hooked me up. I’m also so grateful for my past self that started getting up at 444 Every morning, years and years ago, and just getting after it. Even though she could have slept until seven. I could still sleep until seven I could sleep until eight I suppose my kids are old, I could sleep until 10. What am I talking about? They kind of do their own thing. Now I could sleep as late as I want to do. But I’m so grateful for my past self that just started getting after it early in the morning. Because now I don’t even think about sleeping late. My eyes just pop open. And I get up and I enjoy the best time of the day, which is when no one else is awake. And I’ve just focused on myself in the morning. I’m a better mom, I’m a better business owner, I’m a better human being because of this habit that I consistently have been practicing for years. That passed me she hooked me up. Compounding consistency, my friend. Not exactly sure if that’s the best example. But it’s one that comes to mind for me. And I just want that for you to honestly wanted to record this episode today, the end of the year going into the holidays, it would be oh so easy to just completely take your business off your mind for a few weeks, which turns into a few months, which can sometimes turn into a few quarters or even a few years. And I don’t want that for you. I want you to confidently sell yourself on this same compounding consistency for your business and for your clients. So they get permanent results. So you keep showing up for them and they keep seeing you and they can hook their future selves up to for that matter. Everything you want in your future is going to be bought by consistently doing the boring, mundane unsexy things that would be just as easy not to do. That’s what consistency is. And the benefit of you consistently doing these things is that they’re consistently watching you and they’re consistently buying. Now have we said the word consistently enough times I think we have. I think I’ll wrap it for today. With the reminder, just do those things anyway. Keep plugging in. Keep selling more. Keep putting yourself in the position to practice and practice and practice. Just keep doing it. And then report back to me on how quickly these things compound. You’re going to blow your own mind. I know it. Have a wonderful, wonderful week my friend bye

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