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How to Create a Consistent Flow of Clients: Lessons from Leigh Anne Rushing

Table of Contents

Do you feel inspired whenever you hear about people’s business journeys?

Do you love seeing how people make it through the rough times and unpleasant twists?

Do you find it reassuring to see how others pushed through setbacks?

If so, you are in for a special treat going through the highs and lows of health and wellness entrepreneurship.

So, let’s dive into how to keep the clients coming with Leigh Anne Rushing. She is excited to share how she persevered through the tough times and has a solid business plan.

Who is Leigh Anne Rushing?

Leigh Anne is an OG student in The Profitable Nutritionist® Program. She came to the program working a full-time pharmacy job with dreams of genuinely helping others. So, for over two years, I’ve had the pleasure of watching her grow from zero clients to a thriving, profitable business.

By following the plan in The Profitable Nutritionist® Program, she is making the exact income she wants with the exact number of clients she wants.

Starting Her Program

When learning how to keep the clients coming with Leigh Anne Rushing, starting is key. She began as a pharmacist who rarely gave her own kids medicine. She wanted to help heal the body instead of providing medication. So, she started on her journey of functional medicine in 2020. Then, she enrolled in The Profitable Nutritionist® Program in the spring of 2021. Since she was in the training program, she really started her own business at the end of 2021.

In the beginning, Leigh Anne felt she was suffering from the imposter syndrome. She was a pharmacist for so long and really knew that world. However, she wanted to help others. She didn’t have much confidence and questioned if she could help.

These complex feelings led her to work with her first client for free during the fall of 2021. It was with a dear friend who was really committed. She did everything Leigh Anne asked and saw great results. Thankfully, this situation created a huge confidence boost for Leigh Anne. She saw how she could help others and started her business in 2022.

Local Clients

After gaining confidence, she started working with local clients. These are really her best, ideal clients.

She started to take imperfect action. She created a premium offer of $3,000 for six months. Clients began to roll in. She got four clients over a couple of months. Then, she got a local client with her premium offer, which she didn’t know was possible in her area. This client came from a referral of her first free client, who sent over a lot of good referrals.

After working with these clients, Leigh Anne decided to take a break and enjoy summer with her kids. She planned to start back in the fall of 2022. During this break, people messaged her to find out when she would begin retaking clients. This led her to an unintentional launch that attracted a lot of interested clients. She had a goal of four clients, which she achieved in only one week. Since Leigh Anne was still new to the business, she did turn away two clients. She wanted to be sure she could commit to each client.

This time allowed Leigh Anne to focus on the foundations and see the magic of her business. She started with no niche and was figuring out what worked and didn’t work.

Expanding Clients

In January 2023, Leigh Anne was ready to take on two more clients. They came to her simply by word of mouth. While she gets on social media when she has time, she does not pressure herself to gain clients there. Her clients come to her naturally and organically based on referrals from others.

As she works with new clients, she uses her core foundation. This includes seeing what the client needs. She is not reinventing the wheel or creating fancy resources. She is able to reuse what she makes and adapt it to fit each client.

Making Changes

When Leigh Anne took on those two new clients in January 2023, she did update her pricing. So, she went up to $4,000 for six months. This change reflected the demand she saw in people wanting her help.

Regardless of her pricing, Leigh Anne continues to over-deliver to her clients. She wants to ensure she guides them through their six months and that they can continue to improve afterward. She teaches clients to know exactly what their body needs throughout their time together.

Leigh Anne was scared when she first started. She knew she wanted to help people, but she didn’t have the confidence in herself. Thankfully, The Profitable Nutritionist® Program helped guide and support her to impact many other lives. With imperfect action, confidence, and building a foundation, it is clear to see how to keep the clients coming with Leigh Anne Rushing.

Want to hear Leigh Anne’s story in her own words, with even more juicy details? Listen to The Profitable Nutritionist® Podcast Episode #89 now.

There are also 105 (and counting) other episodes filled with profitable practice philosophies—and we do not mean spending hours making awkward Reels.

CLICK HERE to listen or find The Profitable Nutrition® podcast wherever you podcast. The Podcast is all about simple, evergreen marketing and sales strategies and tools…that work over and over again.

Disclaimer: The podcasts on this website are for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not replace professional advice or counseling; we disclaim any liability for actions taken based on its content. Additionally, we may receive compensation through affiliate links at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase using our links.

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I'm Andrea Nordling

Marketing + Sales Expert
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