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10. Claudia Haller: Taking Imperfect Action

It was such a pleasure to sit down with one of the students in The Profitable Nutritionist Program, Claudia Haller, to get her insights and tips on taking imperfect action and making money as a holistic nutritionist BEFORE feeling like she was ready.

In this interview, Claudia shares her best strategies and takeaways for reviving a stagnant business and finding renewed purpose to serve clients that she used this year to completely blow her own mind about how much money and impact she can make.

Thank you, Claudia, for taking us behind the scenes of your business and sharing your path to success this year so every other practitioner and health coach can do the same.

Connect with Claudia:

Website: https://www.vibranthealthbyclaudia.com/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/vibranthealthbyclaudia

IG: https://www.instagram.com/vibrant_health_by_claudia_/

LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudia-haller-nbc-hwc-aa5584205/

For information about Virtual Health Coaches


Andrea Nordling 0:00
Well, today’s episode is so fun because I had the privilege of interviewing one of my students, Claudia Haller, who has been having such amazing success in her business in the last year. And it wasn’t a brand new business. So we had to sit down and we had to talk about it. I know that Claudia is a master of taking imperfect action before she feels ready. And she had a lot to say about that. So I knew I wanted to pick her brain. But what we uncovered was really a lot about her journey since 2015. And when she became a health coach and got certified. And the truth is that she has not historically then all that great at taking Imperfect Action, which she talks a lot about. But Claudia is killing it in her business right now. And she had a lot to share that I think is going to really resonate with anyone who is either just starting out, or like Claudia, who has been slow to get moving and see results and momentum in their business and feels like maybe they’re just not cut out for it. You have to take a listen, my friend, she has so much to share. And I kind of love the tie in here because if you are listening to this episode, when it drops in early December, we are in the middle of a five day training, all about creating clients, like not getting clients not attracting clients, not just waiting for them to show up at the door. But literally creating them with the words that we say, and the words that we type. And Cody and I talked about that as well. So it was a great tie in no certification programs are teaching what you’re going to learn on this episode, there is just no substitute for listening to somebody’s insights after they have had success and looked back on it and can shorten the learning curve for all of us. So I know you will love this episode. Without further ado, take it away, Claudia. Welcome to the podcast. Claudia, I am going to I’ve already entered you a little bit. So I’m going to let you take it away and tell everyone who you are and what you do who you help.

Claudia Haller 1:59
Yes. So thank you so so much for having me. I’m really super excited to be part of your podcasts are really, really fun, and so energetic when I listened to them. I’m Claudia holler. I’m Swiss. So you’re I’m not going to ever get rid of my accent, but I think I’m embracing it by now. We all want to copy it. I love it. So um, yeah, so we, I came here 2004, eight months pregnant with my second child. And we were supposed to stay near us for three years. And that’s 17 years ago. And somewhere in the process, I just started not feeling well, like I would I think if you go on my website, it says I had a burnout. But to be honest, I was a little bit more to that and much darker. And I knew I had to do something and that medication wouldn’t be doing the trick. And that’s what got me to study, Integrative Nutrition at i n the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. And then I just kind of caught on with learning more about gut health and brain health and advanced coaching, it just kind of never ended, I joined the office of a neuropsychologist. And there I helped families that have children with ADHD, learning disabilities, etc, to kind of just calm the whole family down with changing lifestyle, eating habits, time management, things like that. Well, I

Andrea Nordling 3:24
love it. Because so many of us start in this field for our own just for our own information when we realize how important understanding that the body all works together and isn’t just one symptom here. And once I’m done there, and then the it’s like a rabbit hole that we go down and find ourselves as practitioners without even necessarily intending for that to happen. So I love it. That’s your story as well, right?

Claudia Haller 3:49
Yeah, no, I definitely never planned for that to happen. I just really wanted to understand why am I feeling that way? Why could it be to diet because I definitely nothing that I ate in Switzerland, basically was the same here. I felt like and everything. You know, I was overwhelmed. I had three little kids and I just bought what everybody else bought, and I just started getting sicker and sicker. And, and then, you know, maybe as we talk more about mindset, then that came into play. And all of a sudden, they was just going downhill very fast. Because you know, what you say to yourself, obviously is just as important as what you feed. Yeah, feed yourself. So he has got pretty bad pretty rapidly. And so I knew that it’s not one thing I had to fix. I just didn’t know where to start. Because when I went to see nutritionist, I had great information. But there was no way I could follow that plan with three little kids and my husband traveling three out of four weeks and I wasn’t able to measure my food that way. So that stressed me out even more and then I felt like I failed again. And so, you know, the next step for many people is you get it end to end. tighter presses and things like that. And so that was kind of not a very good option for me. So I just tried to take a look take a little bit deeper. And, and that’s kind of what brought me to. I am.

Andrea Nordling 5:11
I love it. So what year would that have been?

Claudia Haller 5:15
The summer that my children? And my husband probably will? Or did I wish they didn’t have to go through was 2015 where I was in a really bad place. And then I signed up for ion in 2016 and graduated 2017.

Andrea Nordling 5:33
Okay, so then were you I’m just trying to put this together that I can follow. Were you working with the other in the other practitioners office before then? Or was that after you got served? No,

Claudia Haller 5:44
that was after when I got certified. She, she’s a family friend, she reached out to me. And she said it would be a great addition, which was good. And it was fun. But I think underneath it all, I still felt like I don’t know enough. And yeah, like that just was probably the that was the last layer I had to fix. Because that just I felt like never good enough. I don’t know enough not at educated enough to be even part of her office, let’s say and so I think I was hiding. Yeah, you know, was hiding until literally when you gave us that exercise that one summer was I think it was summer year ago, the 30 day journaling challenge. Where it was like, I remember I couldn’t wait for every email to come out. I’m like, Okay, it’s six o’clock in the morning, I’m ready. And it was it was literally like, what am I saying to myself, and it was kind of, you know, one of the last layers that just needed to be reset.

Andrea Nordling 6:39
So what Claudia is talking about is inside the profitable nutritionist program, we ran a challenge. And this was actually the first time that we had done the challenge. Actually, I’m going to circle back for a second because one of the main themes I wanted to talk about, especially with Claudia is taking imperfect action, because she’s really, she’s downplaying it right now. But we’re gonna get into it, she’s very, very good at taking action when she doesn’t feel ready. And she’s looking at every dollar like that’s happening. It totally is, though. So I wanted to talk about that. But this challenge that she’s talking about, which I’ll explain in a second, was a good example of that on my end, too, I had no idea if this was going to be well received. And I was like, I have this idea that I want to put out the challenge to make 3k in 30 days, or for those members that were charging more than that, that whatever number it was for them to make their goal in 30 days just by looking at what was going on in their brains, not not adding anything to the calendar, nothing like that, just taking five to 10 minutes a day and doing some really specific exercises to look at what thoughts were thinking and what they’re thinking. So that’s the 30 day challenge that she’s talking about. Now, since then, we have run it again. And actually, we are going to be doing it again in January. So if and I don’t think I’ve told you that either I have a 2.0 version of the challenge that we’re going to do in January. So for those that are listening to this episode, when it gets released, you got to get yourself in the program. And Kevin do it with us in January. But that’s the challenge that Claudia is talking about. So it every morning was a I’ll call it a journal prompt, like basically a journal prompt, right, a pretty specific thought exercise to do each day. And they were posted early in the morning. And so yeah, so you were waiting every day to do them. I loved it.

Claudia Haller 8:23
Not early enough. But now it is nowadays.

Andrea Nordling 8:26
It is we changed it this time to go a little bit earlier. I didn’t know if everyone was early birds like me, but cloudy is. So we changed them to drop earlier in the morning now, which is helpful. So I gotta go back to this. So you have been practicing for years having what I think a lot of certainly a lot of my students and clients and people that are going to be listening to this podcast will relate to which is feelings of just not knowing enough, kind of, we all have our own version of imposter syndrome where we think we’re not ready, or we can’t really help people or we should refer them to someone else instead. Lots of different variations of that. So you were having that too, even though you were working with clients in an office. What were you thinking that and I’m really curious about like, what did you think when you decided to do that? What did you think was going to be different?

Claudia Haller 9:13
When I was thinking about working me?

Andrea Nordling 9:16
Yeah, I think here’s how I want to phrase this question. Like what did you imagine that was going to be like, before you started doing it? What what did you expect?

Claudia Haller 9:23
Well, first of all, that was never my plan. Right? But we had to have these 10 health histories with family and friends and as I did those for the graduation, so as I did those, I realized that there definitely are people that start struggling, right, so and I can help them. So then that turned into me joining that office and I’m trying to help but but yeah, so I guess one of the main things was, let me just go look for people that have accomplished something. Right and, and and do what they tell you to do. And they all mean very well, but I just think we have to be very careful. and how we interpret these messages sometimes. Because he can’t be there’s, there’s so many wonderful mentors out there, but they were not you. And they were not me. And I think I got a little bit lost and Oh, okay. This is what works. I’m going to do that. But then somewhere inside, I’m sure a lot of people can relate. Yeah, that doesn’t feel quite right. And I think one thing I learned along the way really was what, you know, what feels right. When something feels wrong, or when something feels scary what the difference is, and if it feels wrong, then really don’t go with it. If it feels scary, that just means okay. It’s not wrong. It’s just, I’m not maybe there yet. Right. But but it’s such a big difference. And I felt like something just I got hung up. But then I thought, What do I know, I’m just gonna go with what’s expected of me. You know, and one of one of your topics was the niche, which I used to speak French, so I’m going to call it niche. The other word seems weird, anyway. But that was one of the things and I have to tell you that another thing you did is said, what this when one of your courses, one of the first question is decide on the niche or not? And I’m like, I’m gonna go wite out. Yeah. And I was like, I felt so relieved. But then I’m realizing, as I know, not half an age, and exactly who I’m talking to. Yeah, but I don’t describe them. Right. Like, necessarily, I don’t really, it’s, it’s we’re connecting on a different level, I feel like then let’s just say, loading or God health or whatever. It’s a little bit different. We can talk about this after but, but just to be allowed to say, I’m not doing that. No, I don’t need a niche. And then all of a sudden, there wasn’t that pressure that I needed to get that done. And then of course, I have one, right.

Andrea Nordling 11:50
Which is what we normally find, right? Either we have, what do we do? We didn’t acknowledge it, or it comes to see when you take the pressure off? Absolutely.

Claudia Haller 11:58
So it was again, it was just really trying to too much time and too much energy, too much money potentially, into trying to fit on a shoe for me, it’s just doesn’t fit. And I think that it’s really to get in that growth mindset of what can I learn from all these amazing mentors out there that fits my profile? And be okay with it? Because I really think that we are all unique. So we’re our clients, and if we embrace who we are and make ourselves better, where we already strong, that’s where it works.

Andrea Nordling 12:31
Yeah. Oh, that’s so good. And I just have to feel like I’m gonna write this down and put it on my wall. Knowing the difference between something is wrong and something is scary. I’d say, genius.

Claudia Haller 12:45
I think that’s okay.

Andrea Nordling 12:47
Yeah. Because there’s a lot of things that are scary. Everything we do that’s new is scary. On some level, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Oh, that’s so good.

Claudia Haller 12:55
Yeah, it just makes such a difference. I feel like there are things that I just had to do is like, I constantly felt offended, right, like when I got criticized, but, and then I like, Okay, I’m choosing to not be offended. Like, I just make a conscious choice to not be offended because I I’m married to the journey from now on, I’m just married to growth. I’m not married to the outcome, because it might change and it does.

Andrea Nordling 13:18
Yeah, yeah. Okay, so you worked at this other person’s office? How long did that continue for?

Claudia Haller 13:25
It probably was about a year and a half for almost two years. Yeah, don’t make sense. And then it was COVID.

Andrea Nordling 13:30
Right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yep. And that changed things quite a bit. And then, then what happened? Tell us more about that.

Claudia Haller 13:39
And then so then, yeah, cool. They happen, which was, you know, I know that that was probably came with a lot of pain and loss for many people. In our case, it was wonderful. I had my daughter from college home, my husband stopped traveling. And we did a lot of family games and blocks and all of that. And I decided to study more because I don’t know enough. So I did a course to get me ready for the board certification to be get the board certification for health and wellness coaching. And of course, I thought once I have that I know enough. Yeah, the other letters behind your name are gonna change everything, right? Yeah, I do. And I am proud. I have to say only part of party education too was like throwing me for a loop because I realized then I’m actually not supposed to actually teach but to more guide I’m like, Why did I learn all of these other things now I can really use them. But again, it’s really more moving into a place of being curious right? And just oh, let me see what that shows me or what that gets me to and and so I got certified and I realized that I’m actually smarter than I thought I was because I did extremely well to my surprise, and

Andrea Nordling 14:53
but I’m sure no one else is surprised. Okay. And then yeah,

Claudia Haller 15:00
And then that lasted two weeks. And then I thought, well, I’m still not good enough, right. So now I have that certification. But I still am very proud that I didn’t. And I think it has, it has allowed me to connect with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise, I met one, I made wonderful friends along the way, studying. And some, I’m very glad I haven’t. But again, like I said, In the beginning, it’s just, it’s a difference in knowing why you do what you’re doing. If I do it to expand myself, and grow and learn, it’s one thing, but I think I had a little bit more of an idea of this is gonna make me better, this is going to define who I am, because now I do have my letters. And that’s the difference, right? And I think then you’re attached to something that’s, again, a little bit out of your control. And I think that that’s where I’m really focusing now is to do things for the right reason. And amazingly enough, I, I got, I am now taking over a community of board certified health and wellness coaches, I cannot believe it, but I’m so excited to have my friends have created this and their lives got too busy. So now I’m taking this over, and I have like, we have 300 members, and that will be something that would have been so out of my reach before. So I’m so excited. Oh my God,

Andrea Nordling 16:21
I don’t even know about this. Okay, so it’s a, it’s a membership, or for working with clients, or this is a membership of other practitioners.

Claudia Haller 16:29
So Bree Gorman and Caitlin Boyd have created something called virtual health coaches.com. It is a platform where health seekers connect with board certified health coaches, and the board certified health coaches can kind of showcase themselves with blogs and things like that, on the other side off of social media, yeah, they have a platform where we’re, which is kinda helping each other. You know, I think Brienne and Caitlin’s vision was to, you know, to provide support for these newly certified health coaches and how to run their business and how to keep strengthen their coaching skills and things like that. And I hopefully one that you can stop by and just teach us a while some teach our people something, and they can learn from all the good things you have to give. So that’s kind of what I’m envisioning, is being a connector between the health coaches and people like you who can come in and just, you know, share what you have learned and make us better.

Andrea Nordling 17:32
Oh, man, what a wonderful opportunity, we’ll make sure at the end and in the show notes, to link up that information of how people can find you, and can connect with you as well. Okay, so let’s go back to and I would love to do that. By the way, I would absolutely welcome that. Let’s go back to when we first did the 3k in 30 days challenge because I remember, you may not don’t remember this, but I love this so much. You reported during the challenge that you didn’t like, you’ll have to fill in the details. But as I remember it, you were at a dance competition of your daughter’s with people that you have surrounded yourself with for years and years and years through competitive dance and never talked about your business. And suddenly you were talking about your business to them. And it was blowing your mind. So I thought that was incredible. Can you tell us about that?

Claudia Haller 18:21
Yeah, I think it’s really I was hiding a lot. I was hiding a lot. I was studying a lot. I was also even disconnected I think from these moms a lot because I just was in my room studying for the next thing that makes me smarter. And, and it was really like a decision of just showing up showing up with what I have to give. And if I don’t know something, I can say, Oh, I’ve never heard of that. And I have had the absolute best conversations at that dance competition. And people came towards to me and say, Oh, if and I’m really not poorly imperfect and social media, which is a different topic, but but they were like, Oh, I’ve seen you do this. I’ve seen you do that. And it just made me feel like Oh, it’s you know, somebody? Yes, they are seeing what I’m doing. Or people feel comfortable talking to me. And it was just like, such a huge weight has lifted and it was just a decision to show up. Yeah, imperfectly, exactly how I am.

Andrea Nordling 19:18
Yeah, totally. Because when you’re not doing that we and I think a lot of us, for sure at different points get into that, that habit of thinking, like I’ll be more vocal or I’ll have engaged in these conversations or whatever, when I know blank or when I’m better at blank or when some people I know have a hang up thinking Why don’t want people to know I don’t have very many clients yet. So when I have more clients, then I’ll seem more like an expert and then I’ll talk to them but my business or any version of that. And that just it’s so sad because we forget that there are real people that need help that have these questions that we can help with right now. And it’s usually not going to stump us.

Claudia Haller 19:57
No and

Andrea Nordling 19:57
I complicated right now.

Claudia Haller 20:00
In fact, I think what what now that I’m thinking back what it kind of was, was somewhere in this whole process. I think, in that journey, I realized that what are what are the people that I want to help? What’s their language? What are they saying? Because they might not relate to my messaging, necessarily, but if I find out what, in their words, what they’re struggling with how they what stresses them out what worries them? So that was kind of I think, nodded, I think back to key is when I went to these conversations, I’m like, not even thinking about my business, but kind of finding out what stresses these moms out, like, what’s on their mind? And how are you like, sincerely, finding out what how are you doing? What’s what’s stressing you out? And, and I think that’s where I got a lot of, I just got a lot of great information. And then and then the conversations happened automatically. I was like, oh, let’s talk when we get back, or let me tell you tell me when you have your next program, or I’m turning 50. And I need to kind of get in shape, right, whatever. And so I think the mindset was more with either what, what, what can I learn? Or what do I have to give, to make, just I think, at the core, now I feel like wherever I go, I just want to leave that place, or these people a little bit better. Not by teaching necessarily, but by kind of listening.

Andrea Nordling 21:25
Oh, that’s so good. That is so juicy. And just wasn’t a surprise to anyone watching this as we were doing the challenge. And you were good at you were having such great conversations. And, and just I think that you nailed it, you were really listening to your people and being more curious about how you could help them instead of anticipating what the problem was going to be with you helping them I think you were really curious about that. And so of course you made your, your goal and you signed a bunch of clients during this. Yeah,

Claudia Haller 21:54
I did. And I charged twice as much, which was like, Yeah, tell us about that. I think it was more like, you know, probably all of us are like, so how much am I charging for this? And how much am I charging for that? And just somebody tell me, right? And you just rarely get an answer. And when you get an answer you’re like, not, but that doesn’t feel right. So why don’t we start in the beginning? What feels right. So I kind of just played around with numbers and, and I just kind of envisioned them and then one number stuck out. I’m like, well, that really feels good. But it’s almost twice as much as what I’m charging now. And you know, that’s the universe has it something that the first person reached out and like, so how much is your program, and I just said it, I can’t pull punches. And he was like, great. And like 24 hours later, I had the money in my account, or my app. Since then I have changed my strategy a little bit. But actually, I love it. So what I’ve what I’ve been now doing works, works, it’s kind of a different approach to but I really enjoy it. But it’s the same the core is like to go with something clicks. And there is not there isn’t really a good justification for anything by like, I mean, this is my business. And this is my price. Like I don’t have to. We don’t have to explain everything I feel like,

Andrea Nordling 23:18
yeah, yeah, I want to I know how I would answer this question. So I’m not gonna say anything, you know, leads you in any way. But I’m curious what you think when you started looking at your mindset and your thoughts around your business and your clients and your own capabilities to help them? What do you think were some of the biggest changes that you made, or that you can now look back and recognize over the last year or so that have really shifted your your approach,

Claudia Haller 23:45
I know that my gift is to hear people, I. So I feel like I’ve been come really clear on what I’m good at. I am not here to tell people what to do. But I’m here to hear people and help them where they are now to where they want to go. They don’t have to go where I don’t want them to go. Right. And I’m really leaning into what I think is in my DNA. That’s good. And the other thing, like I said before, maybe this is not answering your question, but I have totally moved from a place of fear and having to control everything to love and trust. And when I and I’m very clear, like from what I said before what feels wrong and what feels scary. Another one of those that I have is if I get into a situation I always I always wonder, can I control it or can I not? And if I cannot control it, then my faith comes into play. If I can’t control it, then my values come into play. What do I what do I serve? First? Is it my family, my whatever, whatever our values are, but So that’s those I just have clarity on a lot of these things. And the last thing I feel like that I do mostly is I’m not attached to an outcome at all. I’m so married to the journey and it is such a relief. I’m putting like three different things out there at this point. I don’t even know if somebody is going to sign up. But I know that it feels right. I know that I’ll figure it out. And I know that I’m gonna learn. And then I’m gonna I go to bed every night, and being thankful for what I’ve learned. And I will I refuse to think about things that I didn’t do. Right. And that was my life before. And I think that got me in a very tricky place. Yeah. Oh, that’s answering your question, or did you ask me something totally.

Andrea Nordling 25:36
During the question course, I wonder if you can, because I could see how this would absolutely parallel. But I’m wondering, have you noticed a change in your clients, and their approach to problem solving and their journey as yours has changed? I would imagine that you have?

Claudia Haller 25:54
Well, yeah, of course it does. Right. Like the whole mirroring that, you know, you’re you’re just recently we’re talking and writing about it. It’s totally true. It’s totally true. But and that’s my target market is the people that were where I was, is that the people that think you’re not good enough to people to think that there always fail. And, and, you know, there’s some other aspects to this, but But yes, like I had recently a client. And like I said, I changed my strategy a little bit. So she, I’m now offering strategy sessions. And the the reason I’m doing this, it’s a paid strategy session. And so I’m doing this is that I’m getting to know them, they’re getting to know me, and we’ll see if I can add value. And if we’re a good fit, because I do have my value straight then where I want to spend my time and I’m really trying to focus on people that I that I align with. Anyway, after that strategy session, she was really in a bad place. I feel like she felt like, I cannot that there’s nothing out there for me, you know, I’m not good enough. And my heart went out to her. But I, you know, at some point, that conversation ended and I really for three or four days, or over two weeks, I forget, I just reached out and said, Hey, I’m not trying to sell you anything, but just tell me you’re okay. You know, like, we just had this just tell me, okay, it wasn’t, I don’t think it was I never thought of it that I failed. Because I didn’t sell her anything. It was really heartfelt. Like, I want to make sure, okay. And two weeks later, she’s like, I know that you believe in me, and now I am ready. And she is doing great. Like, I’m so proud of her that she is willing to just take it low steps at a time when we’re working together. But it took time. And I think when it’s I think when it’s heartfelt, and I really care for that she’s okay. If it’s meant to be it’s clicking again. And so before I would have I would have felt like, here we go again. You know, of course it didn’t work and and it’s not like that anymore. And I’m really, really happy for that.

Andrea Nordling 27:55
Yeah, well, I love I kind of love that example. Because from a from just a purely, I don’t know, tactical standpoint, or tactical is not the word that I really should be using. But from like just a sales psychology standpoint, people don’t always buy right away. In fact, 85% of people do not make a decision right away, yes or no and end up buying from you. It’s only 15% The do most people take six months or more to make a big decision what they consider a big decision, or what we consider a big decision. So we make this mean if if we have a call with someone, and they say no, we make it mean like we failed, and they’ll never decide to cheer, they’ll never change their mind, they’ll never come back. All hope is lost. Everything is wrong. You know, all of all of those ads, it’s not working. It’s I knew it wasn’t going to work. So we’re going to work at it in our brains do this, this is just normal. But when we anticipate it’s going to happen, then it takes all the power away from those the thought spiral that happens there. But also because you weren’t thinking those thoughts and you weren’t pressuring yourself, then you didn’t get all grassy and salesy and weird on her thinking, I got to get her back, I gotta get her back. And she could feel that you actually cared. And like, that’s the result here is that you weren’t attached to it. And she could feel that and then when she was ready, she came back. That’s so good.

Claudia Haller 29:09
I think, you know, when I when I’m just listening to you, it really is that in and I’ve gotten a lot better in this. When I go into a situation or a phone call or even a conversation of family or really, I think I’m much more intentional. With what what am I why am I doing what I’m doing? Like, why am I talking to my son or my daughter or my husband? Like what am I trying to create? What’s the outcome of this? I mean, not not in a big way, but I’m going into conversations with with more intention and my conversation with this woman. It wasn’t to sell her necessarily it the intention of this strategy session is to get to know each other for me to understand what she needs and then to Can I give her what she needs, are we a good fit? And so there is no failure necessarily because It was never the outcome for me wasn’t to sell or something. The outcome for me was to see if we were afraid. And so that takes the pressure off. And no matter what happens, there’s a lot I can work with, like, to me, this is free, free, not free, because she paid me for her was afraid. But it’s like, I learned, I learned what people say to themselves. And that’s how I feel like then I can connect because I, we I think we health coaches have to make sure we are not stuck in our own head, but that we hear or know the language of the people that we want to reach.

Andrea Nordling 30:37
Hmm, that’s really good. Yeah. I wonder if Claudia in 2015 That was just getting started in her business and exploring this idea of helping people and was into 2016? and is wondering, how does this all work? What would you tell her? Like, what do you wish she had known that, you know, now, you’ve given us a lot of it, but is there anything in particular we haven’t touched on?

Claudia Haller 30:59
I mean, to be honest, when I think about that summer, I was a lot of people told me a lot of good things. And nothing, there was like there was a layer over me that just nothing sunken. Like, there’s just Yeah, I didn’t take anything on that nothing took seed. And that’s I think that’s really where where your mindset work, in my opinion is is key for me personally, and in my coaching business, because that mindset got me into a really bad place and it got me out of it. You know, yeah, what I’ve told myself, I’m, I have everything that I need and that, you know, whatever people believe in my case, God gave me a unique fingerprint, a unique DNA, and I’m gonna run and do be my best self at what I would what I have, and I’m not sure if we have time for a quick personal note, but but I think so the last thing that really pushed me out of my comfort zone or was in the beginning of this year, I think it was the first week of January, I got a phone call, literally every day Monday through Friday that somebody has passed away. Most of them overseas, I couldn’t go home. Not all of them. You know couple, I wasn’t too surprised. And now they were late but older and sick. The last phone call was on a Friday. And it was from my mother and she said to me that my cousin’s daughter was found dead in her apartment. My cousin lost already a child to bone cancer and now she lost her daughter to be you know, we don’t know what happened exactly. And I could not believe it like the pain of not being able to go home the pain of like, why does this happen to my cousin she lost her second child and and for the weekend, I was like almost losing my faith. And the only thing that that to this day like I carry with me literally every single day is I have a choice to live fully in honor of especially her two children who didn’t get a chance and there are my prayers every morning every night and I’m like Enough Enough complaining enough hiding they didn’t get a chance I do and so sometimes it’s easier maybe to step out of our comfort zone or anything for someone else you know like and dose to where you know I have my picture of those two with me ever since like literally every day and like I am showing up fully in honor off buffer especially those two and you know does it need to be not like that hopefully not but I think it was really my last last push that is like enough like enough with excuses enough with the hiring if somebody doesn’t like it then that’s fine too. You know? Yeah. Oh, that’s

Andrea Nordling 33:49
so good. Sometimes just like pulling out that thread of in particular of sometimes it’s easier to do things for someone else than it is for ourselves that’s really powerful. Yeah.

Claudia Haller 34:01
Yeah, so and I just inches like ever since then. I feel like I have added you know, some things to my toolbox. I think that kept me in a good place. But I would I really feel like I went from feeling clobbered you know, I don’t really know football that well. But I felt like I felt clobbered with people like football players on top of me almost everyday trying to dig my way out. And in, in some of the things that I’ve part of make part of my life now and daily routines and you know, the mindset work and all of that. I feel like I’m sitting actually a little bit higher up in the bleachers. Right? And I’m just seeing things evolve around me and it’s not about me anymore. I’m not underneath at all getting like, Can’t breathe and you know, I feel like I have a really wide perspective I’m so much more peace and and I’m I’m so determined to To be my best and do it, you know, step into what I have to give. And that is not what the next person has to give them. That’s fine. And I feel like that in my coaching, that is kind of like where my magic happens is like, pick them up where they are and get them where they want to be and not where I see them to be or whatever. Yeah, and that’s

Andrea Nordling 35:21
a really good point. We’re facilitators, we’re not we don’t have to have all the answers. Exactly. All the answers are in a book somewhere already, whatever some client is coming to you for, they could find out online or in a book, it’s there’s nothing that we know that they couldn’t find out. It’s facilitating, and supporting and, you know, being being the helping agent there. That’s really the most important part.

Claudia Haller 35:42
I think that and then especially, and like probably we all experienced this, you have you come to the end of the session. My my favorite question is, what was your most important takeaway for today, which sometimes is not what I thought it’s gonna be, which is always fascinating. But But I think the challenge is like going from, I’m not sure if that’s your experience, too. But when you work with people, they’re like, I failed, and I didn’t do this. And I didn’t do that. And then it’s like, okay, good. So what, what was not in place that you needed? And it’s like, then it’s like, What do you mean, it’s not my fault? You know, so it’s more like moving them into a place of curiosity. So what wasn’t in place, that one of my clients said, you know, she wanted to really get up in the morning. And for whatever reason, it didn’t happen. And so what was not in place while I was there was no alarm clock. Right? Like she was kind of counting on the doc to help her happen. And I get it, like, we’re trying to create new habits, but it’s like, it’s just that something wasn’t in place to make her. Yeah, successful. And that’s what I love versus before I really felt like it’s failure or success. And it’s not that,

Andrea Nordling 36:48
and it’s your version of failure, or your version of success. Exactly, oftentimes entirely different than a client’s right desired results. Anyway, yeah, that’s, that’s really important to keep in mind. I love your story, Claudia, just about the evolution of your business and how you have not been afraid to change it up as you go. And I think that this is really going to speak to people, especially people who have been in practice for or trying to be in practice, and maybe it hasn’t taken off, like they thought it would be for a few years, and are feeling discouraged about that. I think they’re gonna love listening to this episode, and listening to how you didn’t give up on yourself. And you just kept iterating and learning and not being afraid to take imperfect action. Is there anything you would say to that person that’s listening? That’s like, having a lot of that self doubt about their business in particular?

Claudia Haller 37:38
I think what the absolute most important thing is your mindset. I really believe that. I mean, what are you feeding yourself? What are your thoughts? What are you listening to? And do you have enough quiet time, like, sometimes go for a walk and don’t listen to anything? And only take what feels right? Take there’s a lot of amazing people that have a lot of amazing things to share. But not everything is for you. No, that’s good. Yeah. And just go with what feels right. And then when it really comes to your business, and I think that that’s, you know, your great year, you gave me personally an amazing tool with my time management, right. And in that time management, I have some other things that I learned along the way. But I think it’s really important that you’re very intentional with your time, and are you doing the most important things first. And for me, right now I have, I have five hours a day that I work for my business, and I’m adding two hours for virtual health coaches. I’m first are my clients, I’m going to check in with them. nurturing the people that already have paid me for my services and make time for them. And then it’s it’s what what’s the money making activity before I started learning or following anybody on social media or anything like that, but it’s very, very intentional, like I’m really guarding my time. And that has been key. I think it’s so easy to just kind of avoid, avoid and journal, like the journaling, I think has been here. But and again, all of this, I didn’t invent, like I just kind of what do you actually want? Like, what do you want? And what can you do today, to get you one step closer, what last step, and just consistency but in small steps. And I was really close to giving up. I really was. And I have a million excuses. And it’s so funny, because there’s other people that have the exact opposite from my excuses, but they’re still excusive and just see where there is, I think look for believing what’s possible. Right? Yeah, that’s your words. But that’s really true, like believing what’s possible. There’s nothing to lose. We’re here. We have one life and I really feel like we have to make account with what we were given.

Andrea Nordling 39:53
Yeah. And so and then and then our clients will always reflect that right? So they’re the mirror so as you say, believe in what’s possible. It just makes me think of reminding that you get to show your clients what’s possible for them to, and share that possibility with them. And they might not believe that they can do it, but they might borrow your belief that they can do it. And sometimes that’s all that they need.

Claudia Haller 40:14
That’s so true. Like in one of my, in my strategy session, I usually say so what what, you know, what would be your biggest dream control? And this one person I talked about before, it really stressed her out because that was a, that was just way too much for her. And that’s fine. But then I think, in our industry, we’re probably very good at feeling into people then. So what is how can we lower it and still make it exciting, you know, like, meeting them where they are, and and kind of dream with them? They’re not they don’t have maybe the vision we have for them. But they do have a little one, even if it’s just getting through the day.

Andrea Nordling 40:52
Yeah, yes. Oh, that’s so good. That’s so good. I’m loving all of this, Claudia, so much, everyone’s going to be just excited about it. Anything else that that you wanted to chat about? I mean, we didn’t have a huge itinerary by any means. We just wanted to see where the conversation went. But is there anything that you wanted to share that we didn’t get to?

Claudia Haller 41:12
You know, I think, in the, in this industry, or maybe as entrepreneurs, I think you really, it’s very easy to feel down, because people seem to have it together. And they don’t, or don’t have it everyday together. And, and I think, really, your biggest asset is, again, I’m saying it again, is your mindset, your biggest asset is exactly what you believe you can do every day, and how you show up for yourself, for your family, for your business, every day. And every minute of every day, I feel like you have a choice to go to, you know, grow or not to do some deposit in what you think, you know, you you dream off, or you don’t and so even if the half half of the day was like a waist down social media, whatever, then you have the next five minutes, you have to next 10 minutes. And you know, I in my, in my journey actually got I got a brain scan in the spring for some reasons. And I had got a diagnosis with different things. And it was a little overwhelming in the beginning. At the same time, it was a blessing in disguise. I’m like, oh, that’s what I’m dealing with. And whatever it is, I feel like there’s people, we all have things going on. Right and to see, to see kind of the gift and to see, okay, if I ate, like, for me, it’s my brain goes really fast all over the place. But I now know I need high on high walls and a narrow lane. But in that narrow line, I excel. Yeah. Right. And, and so can I spend all day to be sad that my brain doesn’t work another way I can. But it’s really not helpful. Right? So what is what is helping me to get where I want to go with everything that I am. And and so, you know, like, when I was on that journey, there was there was somebody that came into my life at that time was like, Well, I’m not much for labeling. You shouldn’t do this, because then you just have like, what do you call this a crotch? Oh, crap that Yeah, yeah. And then like a kicker, like, I’m not going to do it. And then we can know, but I do want to know what’s going on. And then and then it’s like, once I know, I know what I’m dealing with, and how how I can be better. Because now sometimes things happen, like, Oh, you’re here and I want to do with you or you’re showing up, I know what to do with you. And chest. You know, I just feel like, use it to your advantage.

Andrea Nordling 43:46
Yeah, not hide from it. I think that that’s to go back to one of your previous points about doing a morning routine that includes some mindset work. One thing that I know you do, because we do this in the challenge, and I think that you’ve continued correct me if I’m wrong, is just to do a thought download of some sort in the morning, where you just get your thoughts that you’re already thinking and you just write them down, you get them down on paper, and you unload them and look at it and just understand what what is already going through your brain instead of hiding from it. And instead of trying to escape it just actually look at like, okay, these are the thoughts. I’m thinking right now, that’s a whole lot of shit. No wonder I’m not feeling great right at the moment. And looking at it instead of hiding.

Claudia Haller 44:24
And I think if you know, if we have anybody in our lives, that means a lot to us being you know, a partner or children. And you look at some of these thoughts. And you’re like, Would I say any of this to my kids? Or my husband or my best friend or whatever? And you go like, of course not. And then like what makes us think it’s a good idea to kind of like just torturing ourselves with it. But yeah, I think that, that that whole journaling, journaling thing is really amazing. I think it has helped me tremendously. For sure.

Andrea Nordling 44:56
Just seeing what’s in there because like you said, then when those thoughts show up, it’s like okay, Well, it’s Tuesday at one I knew you were coming. Yeah, right? We know, we know you’d be arriving on the scene. And here you are. And it just makes the awareness of that I think takes a lot of the fear and avoidance of those emotions out of just out of play. Because like, Okay, we already handled that, we knew that that was gonna happen, we knew we were gonna think that old shitty thought that keeps coming up, and we move on,

Claudia Haller 45:24
in and I think one thing that the client actually taught me, she has a suffering from an autoimmune disease, and she says, She’s specialists and in the city, and she, her, her doctor said to her, you know, you, as we all have 24 spoons of energy, or they you have 12, you really need to manage your energy, like, where do you spend your time who you surround yourself with all of that. And in my notes, you know, and I love this client very much. But selfishly, I thought, Oh, thank God, I have 24, not 12. But then I’m like, I only have 24. Yeah, so So sometimes when these bad thoughts come up, I’m like, I cannot give you one of my spoons, I only have 24. Like, then I really am much more in that kind of. So in, in this conversation with my client was another legacy took root of like intention, I own I’m like holding on to my 24 spoons for dear life, and I want to make sure I spend them in the right place. And so, you know, like negative energy that’s really not getting me where I want to go is, I have a choice to not do that, to kind of really realize that we have a choice.

Andrea Nordling 46:35
Yeah. And I bet your clients are so respectful of those boundaries that you have for yourself. And that just by watching that, whether you think you’re teaching them or not that exact thing, that they’re watching you model that and I bet that that’s so impactful, and that they are taking that into their lives as well. Thank you. Yes, I have no doubt about it. Oh, that’s so good. Claudia, thank you for coming today and sharing your your insights and some ups and downs in your journey as we all have. Because the thought like you said, when you’re looking at others that seem like they have it all together, and then it comes easily for them. It never does. And they never do. And it’s just a lie that we tell ourselves. So we need to quit doing that. It’s not always not always perfect behind the scenes, but it kind of is at the same time.

Claudia Haller 47:24
It’s imperfectly beautiful, right? It is it really is. I think again, if you’re married to the journey, it’s just so much more fun

Andrea Nordling 47:34
than that. Okay, so where do people find you and connect with you if they would like to do that?

Claudia Haller 47:41
Well, I have my my own website, vibrant health by kloudio.com and I am Burnley still on social media, which I think is more of like my creative outlet yet. It’s like I think I’ve found a really nice way of managing that. And then And then yeah, I will be taking over virtual health health coaches calm and for all board certified health coaches that are interested in joining and you know where we can, like I said support you in growing your business and helping you find your your sources for CEUs and things like that. That’s for sure. Health coaches.com or email me, Claudia at vibrant health by claudia.com. For more information, Carol. Yeah.

Andrea Nordling 48:24
Wonderful. And then for those that are members in the profitable nutritionist program, you can find Claudia in the lounge too. Yes, yeah. Okay, this I don’t even have anything else that you just wrapped it up beautifully. Thank you. Thank you, my friend for coming on here.

Claudia Haller 48:39
It was so much fun. Thank you so much for having me.

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