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150. Boring But Life Changing: Project Management Software

Today, we’re diving into a deceptively mundane yet life-changing tool: project management software

Could the key to doubling your productivity and growth be hiding in plain sight?

If your business is brand new, NO. Don’t even listen to this episode.

But if you’re working with clients and feeling the drag of recurring admin tasks week after week, this one’s for you.

Implementing tools like ClickUp (the project management software our team uses) can transform your business operations and help you scale efficiently while limiting the chaos in your day-to-day.

Boring? Yes.

Life changing? Also yes.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • How to take your daily to-do’s from chaos to a streamlined process ready to scale with you
  • How to create documented processes if you don’t have those, yet
  • The power of automations to streamline your workflows and save you and your (future) team loads of time


Links Mentioned:


Andrea Nordling 0:00
Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist Podcast. I’m Andrea Nordling, founder of the profitable nutritionist where we help holistic nutritionists and health coaches make way more money and help way more people. So you should pay attention to what I’m about to tell you today, because it is some boring stuff. It is also life changing. Hence the title of this episode, boring, but life changing, project management, software, oh my gosh. Do you want to just go like crawl in the corner? I know it’s it’s not fun. Maybe it is fun. I’m projecting my thoughts. I don’t think that this is that fun, but I think the result is really fun. For example, I think of having a really disorganized, inefficient business as like having a really messy closet in your house. Do you remember friends where Monica was a clean freak and everything was perfect, except for one closet that she had that was an absolute disaster, and it was like her dirty little secret that she had this hideous closet? Feel like a lot of us have that going on in our businesses. We have a lack of systems organization. We’re running a real interesting conglomerate of Google folders and Docs and different softwares and different things, and it’s all over the place, and it’s really hard to navigate and very hard to try to make rhyme or reason, to teach someone else and maybe delegate when that time comes. So we’re going to overcome all of that today with a very simple solution. You need a project management software, maybe, asterisk, maybe. And I’m going to tell you what like what I mean by that in a second. Here’s what we’re going to go into today. First of all, what a project management software is and why you would want one, maybe, how you get started, what you actually put into the software. We’re gonna take all of the vague maybes out of there and like, what do you actually do with this? And then an invitation for my team to help you do it. If so you don’t have to start from scratch. If this does make you wanna go crawl into the corner and close out of this episode, push pause and go away. No, no, no, don’t do it. Stay with me. All right, this is the good stuff. This is how we clean out the closet. So first of all, what is a project management software? Why do you want one? There are different types of project management software. I’m going to give a couple examples. You’ve probably heard of some of these. Maybe you already use one. Asana is an example. Monday.com. Is an example. Base camp is an example. Smart suite, kind of is an example of a project management software that’s kind of like air table, which is a like a spreadsheet platform. And a project management software had a baby, and smart suite came out. So you might have heard of that. If you already use it, you know, if you know, you know, or click up, which is what my team uses. Click up is the project management software that we use. So in this episode, I’m going to reference clickup specifically, but just know you could sub in any one of those other options I just gave, and they function very similarly. So it’s whatever your preference is. If you don’t have a preference already, I’m going to suggest clickup Because then my team can help you with it, because that is what we use. So then you would get all of our templates in our systems. Okay, so why would you need to streamline and scale your business with a project management software? Well, first of all, this is going to be the hub of your business, your project management software. It’s not going to be the only software that you use in your business, but it’s going to be the ultimate truth, the hub where everything else is linked from and located, and it is the place where you go to first thing in the morning. It’s the last thing you look at before you close your laptop at night on a work day when and if you are onboarding some contractors or team members to help you, they are inside of this hub of your business and helping you keep it organized. And everybody knows where everything is, and it is the hub, all right. This is where you bring your calendar and your files and your emails and your future planning and your ideas and your content and all of that comes together in one place where it’s all organized centrally, so that you can have your tasks and to do lists and projects organized as well. And then just think of this as like the center of the spider web, and it’s linking out to all of the other things, but this is the center All right, like I said, we use clickup, but all of the project management softwares work pretty similarly, so you could sub in whatever you currently use. And again, if you don’t have one, then I would suggest clickup. It is a very, very robust software. Okay, you can do a lot of things in there, and you’re not going to do all of the things, because that would actually make you have to go suck your thumb in the corner. And we don’t want that. We want to keep this as easy and doable for you to get started with as possible. So don’t get overwhelmed. I’m going to tell you exactly how we’re going to do that. Ultimately, you might not need this, though, so let’s talk about that. If you are just beginning in your business, you do not need a project management software, okay, in the beginning of your business, I teach a different system for getting organized with your tasks and your priorities in your business. If you’re in the profitable nutritionist program, you know this as total calendar mastery. This is a very, very specific system that I teach using calendar item. Items in Google Calendar and setting recurring calendar items as the tasks that you do over and over again in your business, week by week. And the reason I teach you to do this first in Google Calendar is because you are time blocking and estimating how much time you think it’s going to take to do those tasks within Google Calendar. And that works really great in the beginning of your business, because you are simultaneously planning out your priorities but also figuring out how long it takes you to do those things. So not only are you planning out your week and your months with what are the priorities, what tasks happen every single week? What are the things that I do over and over again? Let’s set those as recurring. But you’re you’re also having to take into consideration how long it takes to do it. So you’re kind of time blocking. You’re figuring out what is realistic in terms of how much workload you can even do per week. And that works great when it is just you in the beginning. So if you have not made I’m going to give you a threshold of $50,000 if you have not made $50,000 a year in your business, yet, you probably do not need a project management software. I want you to just use the total calendar mastery system inside the profitable nutritionist program. If you’re not in TPN, what in the world are you waiting for? Get in there. Let us help you get organized. Okay, so if you are in TPN and you’re like, do I need to now be upgrading to a project management software? The answer is no, use the total calendar mastery system, the Google calendar system, because that is going to help you really get a handle on how long things take and how much you can do in a day and in a week and in a month. So do that first. But if you are making, I’m going to say, roughly at the $50,000 a year level and above, you got to be looking at a project management software. Because when you are bringing on, well, first of all, when you’re bringing on more clients, you’re bringing on more workload. We need to get organized that that messy closet of yours has to get cleaned up so you can access things quickly and efficiently in the closet. All right, you can’t be digging through piles and piles every time you have to go find a paper clip, for example, you have to be organized. So at this level, where you’re making at least $50,000 a year, you have enough clients coming in that you have a real need to get systematic about how you are handling those clients, and how you are handling your marketing, and how you’re handling your finances month to month, and all the back end processes, all of that needs to get organized. And so that is when we’re bringing in a project management software. Also at that point in your business, you are going to be thinking about hopefully, hopefully we’re working together in the mastermind, and you are thinking about this, you’ll be thinking about people that you can be delegating to, team members, contractors, at first, not full on employees, not anybody full time, but in the beginning, it’s going to be some part time people that are going to come in and help you with the things that you need help with in your business. And you can’t do that if you don’t have a way to communicate with those people. So if your business right now is at the six or multiple six figure level, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You gotta get your assets really organized so that your people know where to find them. Otherwise, you are paying people to spend a lot of time sifting through the piles in your disorganized closet, and we don’t want to do that. So hopefully I’m making a good sales pitch for you on getting organized in a project management software. All right, this is where you’re going to communicate with future team members on the tasks and where the files are located in documents and automated workflows are going to be set up in here. I’m going to give you an example of what that looks like in a minute. But just know this is your business hub, and it is not important in the beginning, and we do not waste time on this in the beginning, your brain is going to want to want to be like, Oh my gosh, I want to get this set up right now. If your business is at the beginning stage, though, you don’t need to do that. Resist the urge use the total calendar mastery system that you get in the TPN program, because that is going to serve you way better in the beginning. But I’m assuming, if you’re still listening to this, you’re not in the beginning. So let us move forth with how you get started and what you actually put into this project management software. I’m going to start calling it click up. Now, okay, now, no, you can sub in any other systems, but we use click up. So I’m just going to talk about click up. So step one here is that you you just get started by deciding that you are going to organize your business in a project management software like click up. Okay, step one decide that is always step one. By the way, you got to make the decision. Don’t say I’m going to just test this for a while, or I’m going to go look into this. No, stop it. No decide. Yep, I

do have a disorganized closet here going on in my business, and I need to get organized. So I’m deciding I’m going to do that. Step one, decide perfect. Step two is to take imperfect action that is always step two. By the way, if you’re familiar with my processes, you know that this is always step two. So with a project management system and software, the process is no different. We’re gonna get in there with imperfect action. Now I thought about when I outlined this episode and I sat down to record it. I thought about doing a screen share video with you of how my clickup is set up, how it organizes all of the departments of our company, where all of the marketing assets are housed in certain folders and only marketing people have access to those, and how the client fulfillment department has all of the assets for our coaching programs and our SOPs around how to coach and how to how to use all. Our programs and our coaching team has access to that. And then I was going to show you the operations processes where all of our internal files are organized and only people that need access to those can see them. This is what I mean by a project management software. Okay, so I was going to show you this. I was going to show you how our podcast production is housed in clickup, and what that process looks like, and how we take our annual and quarterly and monthly and weekly and daily to do lists, and how we run all of those and dashboards in there. And I was like, that’ll be so helpful. And then I laughed at myself, right? I laughed because it’s a lot. Our current clickup and project management is years in the making, and if I showed that to you, which I had every intention of doing, but then I decided that would be ridiculous, because you really will go suck your thumb in the corner instead of starting small and taking some imperfect action for yourself. I know that is what I would do. If I saw this robust system and all of the bells and whistles being used, I would be like, holy cow. How am I gonna get there that looks so hard. Don’t have the time, can’t do it, moving on. And I don’t want you to do that. So instead, I’m going to just tell you, you’re gonna go watch a few YouTube videos, or you’re gonna do a mini course, a little how to mini course on setting up, clickup, or your project management software of choice. Okay, and you’re just going to start very imperfectly. Step two, always imperfect action. You’ve made the decision in step one, you’re going to do it. Step two is, okay, I’m going to do this imperfectly, and I’m not going to go Zero to 60. I’m just going to start and I’m going to start with the basics, and I’m going to grow into it. Okay, great. Agreement. Made perfect. That is what imperfect action looks like in step two. Now step three is to evaluate. Step three is always to evaluate. So I want to give you a threshold here of time to evaluate. I think that two weeks of diligent use with your project management software or your clickup is going to give you a good amount of data to evaluate on what is working well, let’s always start with what’s going well here, what am I doing? Well, how is this working? Well, then bring your brain into okay, what isn’t going well, what is not efficient, what am I frustrated about? What could be better? That’s step two. And then third is okay, what am I going to tweak or what am I going to do differently this week, and grab one thing and change it or upgrade it for the following week, and then reevaluate again and again, and just do this weekly. But you make it systematic, you make your evaluation step by step, and you make it pretty formulaic, so you don’t do all or nothing decision making. And all or nothing decision making is like, well, this is too hard, but I just can’t do it, and then you stop. That’s all or nothing. It’s either perfect the first time and it’s perfect the first week, or it’s just not worth it. It’s too hard. I don’t have enough time turn it off. Don’t do that. Don’t do that with anything in your business. Okay. So step three is evaluating, do it for two weeks, then evaluate tweak and repeat, tweak and repeat. Okay, it’s going to be a long term work in progress. Our current click up is literally years in the making of what it’s at now. We keep tweaking things. We keep going back and going, Okay, this is not working. Well. I think we’re wasting too much time on x. Let’s upgrade it. It never gets done. It just gets better. It gets better. And the more people you add to your team, it will evolve. Your processes will be different. Your workflows will be different. When it’s just you, it’s gonna look a lot different than when nobody else is in there, and you’ll grow into it. And that’s okay, but that’s why I really want you to be thinking about this now, wherever your business is at, if it’s at least $50,000 a year, I want you to be thinking about it now and starting because there’s never going to be a day where you just have all of the free time to do it. Your business is only going to get busier. It’s only going to get more chaotic, and you’re going to keep shoving more stuff into that messy closet and just trying to cram the door closed.

And that’s not a that’s not a great long term solution. So we want to get ahead of it as much as possible. Get in there and start organizing, cleaning up the closet right now, starting with one shelf at a time. All right, I’m gonna give you an example of Well, first of all, before I give you an example, I just want to close the loop on that thought. I guess you’re not ever going to be done. You are going to see where things are inefficient and not working that well in your clickup or your project management system, and then you’re going to upgrade the system. And the way you upgrade the system is you go to YouTube and you search, how do I do blank task better in clickup, or how do I create an automation for blank and you will be surprised at the amount of information that is at your fingertips with tutorials in YouTube. This is exactly what we do. Okay? I’m going to give you an example here of like how we organize processes and how they have changed over time. I think a great example is this podcast. You listen to this podcast, so let’s talk about it. There have been multiple workflows for organizing this podcast production based on who needs one information. When do they need the information? Where is that information stored? How is it shared? That has changed over time. There have been many iterations of this, and I assume it will continue to change as we have more hands in the pot, more people that need to access the information, and we just get better at organizing it. But right now, here’s how it works. I outline all. All the episodes, and I collect episode ideas. Many of those, by the way, ideas for upcoming episodes are collected by listeners that email us in ideas. So if you haven’t ever done that, please do if there’s something you really want me to talk about, email Hello at the profitablenutritionist.com and tell us, hey, I think this would be a great podcast topic, and we’ll add it to the list. That’d be great. Also, people submit Ask Me Anything questions. If you’re on our email list, and you should be go to the profitablenutritionist.com and add yourself to the email list, opt in for anything on the website, it’ll add you to the email list. Then you will get a monthly request for what your Ask Me Anything questions are. Those can be personal or business related. You submit a form with your question, and that populates into our clickup, where we then sift through for, oh, this would be a great idea for a podcast, or I can do a short Ask Me Anything video to answer that instead. So anyway, all of that is housed in clickup for this podcast. So there are ideas of future episodes. Then I go in and I decide, yep, we’re going to do that one next. And I put them in the date order that they’re going to get recorded in, and I outline them inside of the clickup task for each episode. If you don’t know what a task means, and I’m going to say words like workspaces, don’t get bogged down in that. Just know it is the organizational hierarchy of how everything is housed in spaces and folders and lists and tasks. Okay, so it’s just Yes. Anyway, we’re not going to get bogged down with that. We’re not YouTube is going to teach you everything you need to know. So just know that all of the podcast stuff goes into the podcast workspace. The podcast workspace is housed in the marketing department workspace, and that’s because the podcast is a marketing asset. So the people on the team that need access to marketing assets and folders have access to it. People that don’t need to know anything about the podcast or marketing don’t have access to it. They don’t need it. And just know that. That is another reason why a project management software is super useful, because you can control access to information. We’re gonna talk about that in a second. So you know what? As I say that I’m imagining that you might be listening to this, thinking it’s just me. I don’t need to worry about that, and I want to get you to the point where you do want to worry about that. Okay, I do want to get you to the point where you’re outsourcing and delegating the stuff that does not light you up in your business, and it’s working like an efficient, well oiled machine, and you do have people that need to do the things that you don’t love to do. So we want to get there, okay, which is why we’re thinking about this right now. So back to the podcast. In this podcast workspace that is inside the marketing department works workspace, and the people that need the podcast information have the podcast information. Inside there, there are automations set up so that when I record the raw audio of an episode, like this episode, for example, when I’m done here, I will upload the audio to a Google Drive folder, and then inside the clickup task for this episode, I will change the status of it from in progress to recorded and uploaded, and that automatically. And then I’m going to put the link of the Google Drive folder in there as well that goes into a field, and then I don’t touch it, because what automatically happens is it assigns a task to my Podcast Producer with an email alert that is also automated for her, because she prefers email. We don’t have emails set up for everything, but she prefers email, so we have a task that assigns to her with an email alert letting her know that there’s a new task assigned to her, that the episode is ready for her to go edit. It also has all of the data that she needs included in the task, like the link to the folder where that episode is, so she doesn’t have to go find it. She can just click on it. It’s already in there. It’s automatically populated. All of the other information that she needs to get the episode done is in the task. So she goes and edits it. And as part of her process, she uploads the finished product to our podcast hosting platform, and then she changes the status in the task to scheduled, which automates another task to a different team member who is then in charge of creating the show notes page for the website and creating the weekly email that goes out announcing the podcast episode is live, and that person has to work on that so they don’t get notified about anything about the Podcast until it’s their turn to take the baton in the relay race. Hopefully this is making sense. It is an automated workflow based on the status. That’s just one field that gets changed inside the project management software, and that automates a whole chain of events. That is super efficient. And I think the best thing about this, I mean, obviously it’s efficient because the person that needs to be working on that task at a certain time is notified. You can also automate it to have due dates attached, and sometimes we do that as well, so it keeps everything really streamlined for each person’s to do list and when they need to have it completed by but also, we communicate about each episode inside the task card for that episode with the people that need to know about it. So this eliminates all email back and forth communication. We don’t have random emails about hey, episode 150 we need to do data thing. None of that is happening via email. If there is something that needs to be talked about, it is discussed inside this the task card for that particular task. So no one. Us to search around in their inboxes, by the way, to find out what they need. This gives us one source of truth in the podcast process, there’s like one central location where all communication is happening. So all the external links are in this one place for each episode, all comments and notes about it are all happening in there. We can all find it exactly what we need at any given time. This saves so much time for me and the other people that are contributing to the process. Okay? We also have a similar system for email management and website copy and organizing website links. That’s a huge deal. We have to have a central location where we know all of the things, all of the pages that are getting linked to on the website recently. Here’s a real life example of why this is really useful. And I don’t want you to get bogged down thinking you’re going to create this tomorrow. You’re not. In fact, you’re probably going to bring on people in your team that are going to create these processes for you inside your project management software. But you just got to get started. Okay, just got to get started. But no, this is what you can look forward to in the future. We recently moved off of a software that had a lot of landing pages on it called LeadPages, which we had been using for a while. So we had been linking to landing pages on LeadPages, and we were doing that so that we could test copy we could AB test different copy versions, just in case you’re curious, and if that just made your eyes glaze over, don’t even worry about it one bit. Moving on, all you need to know is that we had a lot of pages linked on our website and in certain places, and then we decided to move off of that software, and we had to go back and change those links to different pages on our actual the profitablenutritionist.com website. Now that is a daunting task. If you don’t have a list of where every page is getting linked from. That’s very problematic. But we are more organized than that, and we have a central hub for all assets like this in the business. So actually, my operations lead Raven just had to go into the spreadsheet and sort by all of the pages that were getting linked to lead pages from. And she just had, she had a central record of where all of the links were that were going to lead pages. She went and changed them, and we know that there’s much less likelihood that we have broken links existing all over the website. So that is just another example of having one central hub for all of the things. Is really, really important, because if someone else on the team had to do that. They know where to find that information. It’s all very organized in the metaphorical closet of the business. But I don’t want you to get bogged down with, oh my gosh, that sounds like a big deal. Maybe that excites you. I don’t know. I guess I should reserve the right for maybe that this makes you very, very excited to get your business organized and what that can look like. And if so, take it as inspiration. But if right now you’re glazed over, just know, you just have to get started. Okay, at first you’re gonna be confused with how to best utilize all of the bells and whistles in a project management software like clickup, just like anything new, okay, there’s a lot you can do with it. There’s endless amounts of automations and tools and just efficient workflows that you could use. But don’t try to go from zero to 60. Just take it slow. Like I’ve told you before. We have used YouTube a lot to get organized and click up and to look at what other people do to create really cool automations and workflows around recurring tasks that we do over and over again. And this has taken over two years to get to the point we’re at now. In the beginning, my operations lead Raven that I already mentioned, she and I did a cheap course. It was like 100 bucks or something, to learn how to get click up set up. That was fabulous. Process driven. Was the name of the company that did that course. By the way, you can also find their channel on YouTube with tons of helpful tutorials on how to use clickup as well, and they update those really often. That’s kind of the frustrating thing about anything tech related, is as those platforms change, and things are changing so quickly right now, as every software basically is incorporating AI in some capacity, things are changing really fast. You have to be looking at information. And I would say content creators that are giving really real time information, because something from a few years ago is probably not going to be as useful, considering how quickly things are changing, which is a blessing and a curse, because it’s getting a lot better in some ways, but also YouTube videos get outdated very quickly. I think you know what I’m saying. So ultimately, let’s streamline our thought process here. Implementing a system like clickups as a hub for all of your business assets sooner rather than later, when your business is growing quickly, is a very good idea. That is a statement, not a question. That is, that is a truth. It’s a very good idea in the beginning of your business. You don’t need to think about distractions like this. Just don’t, okay, use the total calendar mastery system that I teach in TPN to hack your Google calendar so that you can be doing time blocking and figuring out how much time things take, because that is the skill that is really, really important in the beginning. But when you are consistently bringing on clients every month and every week, and you’re feeling like you’re overwhelmed and you’re buried with follow ups and sessions. And all of the recurring tasks that happen to keep everything afloat. For all of those things, you have to get organized that is a huge priority. Here are some compelling reasons why you should slow down, if that is you, which is hard to do, so that you can then speed up faster. First of all, improved organization, which we have talked about, a project management software like clickup is going to help you organize your tasks and your tasks and your projects and your client information and your client processes in one place. And this centralization really makes it easier to manage multiple clients and projects without feeling overwhelmed. We’re going to talk about that in a second, but know that you can connect any project management system like clickup with your current client management software like practice better, for example, so that you could have a new task that populates in your clickup daily task list, or an automation with a set of tasks that come up that are automatically created in clickup Every time a new client books with you and practice better, or books a session with you in Calendly, for example, any of those other client organization or calendar organization. Softwares that you’re using can be connected with your clickup through Zapier, Z, a, p, i, E, R. That is another tool that connects two unrelated softwares, and it makes automations within them. So instead of relying on email notifications from several different platforms, and then, you know, Oh, I get an email that this person booked, now I have to go set up something manually, in practice, better or whatever that looks like for you. That is the recurring task nightmare that we want to automate as much as possible. Is going to save you so much time. It’s going to save you so much bandwidth, and it’s going to be such an upgraded experience for your clients when this is a well oiled machine to onboard them, for example, or to follow up with them after sessions that you have together, which is another area where we can do a lot of automation. So anyway, you want to not be relying on email notifications from several different platforms. You just have one central point of truth, one hub for your business, for all your to do’s and all of your processes. And I want to be really clear that project management like clickup is going to give you your to do list every single day. The first thing I do is I log into clickup and I look at my home screen and it tells me all of my to do’s for the day. Some of them are recurring. And I know that every Monday, this is something that I do. Every Tuesday, this is something I do. Other things are one off tasks and projects that I have scheduled for myself. We look at our big initiatives for the quarter, and then we break that down month by month, and then we break that down week by week and task by task, and I have tiny, little doable tasks each week that I have already scheduled in clickup to know this week, next week and the next week what I need to be doing. And they aren’t huge monsters that make me want to go hide under the covers. They’re little doable things that I know when I am doing these things and staying on track with these little things, I am going to accomplish a massive project or initiative in the business, and I want you to be doing the same thing. So that is what we are doing in the project management software. We’re getting a really dialed in system for to dos that is going to increase your productivity all lot. Okay, because you’re not reinventing the wheel. Each time that you onboard a client or you send out SOAP Notes after a session, you’re going to automate a lot of this stuff. You’re going to know what to prioritize. This is going to reduce your procrastination, because you’re going to see, oh, look, I just have three things I need to do today. Done the most beautiful thing ever. The way we teach this in the mastermind is you break down your annual goals into quarterly goals, and then projects month by month. And like I said, then you take those and you make tiny little tasks week by week, so that you’re moving forward on the big stuff. You’re not letting it get pushed back to the back burner, because left to our own devices, we will not start the big projects as they feel so big. So having a project management system is really crucial for breaking down those big projects that are really going to get you the results in your business and making them really doable week by week. And we’re going to talk about what some of those projects long term could be like in a minute. Also getting organized here, getting this messy closet cleaned up is going to help you with collaboration. For those of you that are working with a team or collaborating with other professionals, click up is going to really help you have seamless communication and collaboration, ensuring that everyone’s on the same page and working towards the common goals within your team. A lot of times, you’re going to have contractors in the beginning, and they’re working with other people as well. So just know that anybody that you hire on that is a part time contractor is probably familiar with the project management system that you use, or can quickly adopt that skill set and get up to speed on it. That is very realistic to have, like a virtual assistant or an online business manager or a Podcast Producer or somebody that is helping you with the tech side of your business to get into a project management software and for you to say, we use clickup. Are you comfortable using clickup? Either they’re going to say, Yes, I’m very comfortable in clickup Or no, but I’m going to go watch some YouTube videos and get comfortable. All right, very, very reasonable. This is how you are going to efficiently grant and revoke access to assets to contractors in your business. You have to, instead of having 40 different Google Drive folders and. Documents scattered all over. And you thinking, oh my gosh, it’s going to be so hard to get them everything that they need. I can’t even do it right now. I can’t even think about hiring someone to help with this. At fill in the blank thing, whatever it is, because I’m so disorganized, got to get organized first. Well, this is how you do that, okay? And as you scale, your problems also scale. So that messy closet that’s kind of messy right now is just going to get messier and messier. And messier the busier your business gets. And we want your business to be getting busier. We don’t necessarily want you personally to be getting busier, but we do want your business to be helping more people and bringing in more money. That’s called scaling. So if it’s disorganized right now, it’s only going to get more disorganized as time goes on, and we got to get ahead of that now, time management is definitely going to be affected in a positive way when you get organized in something like clickup, because you are able to actually track your time inside clickup task by task, there’s a little button that you click track time, and it is going to allow you to track how long you are working on each task, so you can then identify areas where you can improve efficiency. You can see where other people on your team, if you do have a team, are spending their time. That’s also very transparent. And you’re going to be seeing your recurring task like, how a lot of your tasks are going to be recurring. This is what you’re going to see when you get organized, that a lot of the stuff that you do week by week, you do every week, or you do every month. So you’re going to organize those recurring tasks along with the one off projects and one off tasks together to judge how much time are you spending on each of those. And that’s going to give us a lot of data on what you can delegate next and what you would like to delegate next. So getting clear on where you’re spending your time is the first part of that. So this will help you with that time management piece, and then also client management, okay, you could set up a system, depending on what your business operates like, to just track your clients inside clickup or a project management software. If you don’t need to be worried about HIPAA or any anything like that, you could just use straight up clickup to track your clients. You could store session notes in there. You could manage client specific tasks, all of that stuff could happen in there. Now, most of my clients at the stage of business where they need a project management software at the 50,000 or more level per year already are using something like practice better for their client management. So they already have a system already kind of worked out for that. Either it’s a really well oiled machine, or they’re using it kind of loosey goosey, and doing a lot of stuff manually, but they are using it. So it’s probably less important for you to think of housing your clients inside of your project management software. You’re probably using something else for that, and it’s likely going to be some a situation where you use a tool like Zapier that I mentioned before to bring those two together, so that you have the information that you need in something like practice. Better that is getting zapped into your To Do lists and your workflows inside of your project management software like clickup, so that nothing falls through the cracks. This could be as simple as a recurring task for you every Monday through Friday in clickup to check your client messages in practice better. That’s the step one here, something like that. What is the recurring thing that you do every day or every week, or that you need to do but sometimes forget to do? And how do we just put that into your to do list? Recurring so nothing slips through the cracks. It’s just handled. And then when you’re out of the office, you have a team member that’s supporting your clients, maybe in the future, and that task gets assigned to them when you’re not there, so they don’t have to independently remember to go check for client communication and practice better. It’s just automated. It’s just like, part of the to do list, part of the daily things you go do it the link is right in the task. You don’t have to go find that link. You don’t have to spend any time thinking, Okay, where’s that for? First, I have to open practice better. I gotta log in. Then I gotta go to that tab that says none of that you just have a link inside the task, open task, click link, look at messages, get so dialed and within your project management software, sometimes you might have checklists for tasks on exactly how it happens. This is how you organize SOPs to have team members be able to do systems and processes. It can be very, very simple with just checklists inside of recurring tasks. Okay, so hopefully this isn’t too high level. Hopefully you’re seeing, Ah, okay, I get organized for me first, and then I can be starting to document how I am doing the things I’m doing over and over again so that somebody else could do it in the future. All right, so great. This is going to alleviate so much stress, so much anxiety, and free up so much bandwidth for you when you just have to look at your to do list and you know, nothing is falling through the cracks. No people are falling through the cracks. No projects that are written on a random notebook somewhere that I forgot about are falling through the cracks. It’s all in one place. There’s due dates attached to all of it. People are assigned to all of the things, and you have one central point of truth, okay, huge, huge for just alleviating all of that stress for you. And we can’t underestimate how much importance that is, because it is going to make you so much more creative. It’s going to make. Your process is so much better. With your clients, they’re going to get better results, the less weighed down you are with the Oh my gosh. Am I forgetting something? Oh my gosh. There’s so much to do. Oh my gosh. This is taking me so much time. Those thoughts are dragging you down, so we want to get rid of them as much as possible. All right, what else do I want to tell you about this. Well, I want to do a little a little like PSA on recurring tasks. If you are using something like practice better right now for your clients or for your groups, and you don’t have a dialed in new client checklist or new group checklist with what happens step by step by step, we got to get one created. Okay, don’t be doing these things from scratch with each new client manually, or each new lead manually, person that books a call with you, or each new group that is starting and each new session Don’t be doing any of this from scratch. You gotta slow down a little bit, document the processes with checklists so that you can go so much faster in the future and just go through every time you do this thing, there’s an automation that the task pops up tells you you need to do the thing, and there’s a checklist inside of it, and you don’t have to go remember where everything is. You don’t have to spend any time clicking around and finding stuff. It’s just all there, super dialed, super easy to access and then easy to delegate. Of course, another reason that a project management software might be really useful for you would be goal setting and tracking this is going to help you have a central place where you are tracking your metrics and your goals, which keeps you focused on your long term objectives, whether that’s growing your business, improving your client outcomes, launching new programs, whatever it is that you’re working on right now, that’s a priority. Your brain is going to forget about that priority. Okay, it’s going to get lost in the weeds of the week by week stuff and the month by month stuff to just keep the lights on and keep your head above water and it’s going to forget about the big plans that you have and the big priorities and the big initiatives, unless you have a system in place to constantly remind yourself. So what we do here is we set up recurring tasks to go look at those metrics and to go look at those priorities and revisit them, and we automate that inside of something like click up so that you can’t forget to do it. It’s going to pop up on your to do list once a week or once every two weeks or once a month, and you’re just going to do it. You will be amazed at how much further along your business moves, and how much more efficient it is, and how much more you enjoy it when you have a system in place for doing these things, instead of having the constant hum in the background of, am I forgetting something? Am I forgetting something? Is this what I should be working on right now? Is this the most important thing? Like that just sucks the life out of you, if you know, you know, all right. Automations and integrations also important. I’ve said these words a lot, automate it. I’ve said the word integration a lot. What does it mean? Well, it means that you can streamline repetitive tasks that you’re doing right now with other tools, like on Google Calendar, like on Slack, like on Calendly, or somewhere where people are booking with you, zoom, practice better. All of these other tools that you’re using, you can use automations and integrations within clickup to set up automated workflows so that you don’t have to go manually download a zoom recording, for example, or you don’t have to go start from scratch with setting up your Client Onboarding in practice, better when somebody onboards. We’ve already talked about that, but you can just see that this is going to save time and reduce the risk of errors when you have automation set up, and it is going to make a better experience for your clients, regardless of whether you work with them, one on one or in groups or programs. Doesn’t matter. The more that you can dial in your onboarding and their experience and automate it, the better it is going to be for them, because nothing’s going to fall through the cracks. Okay, and you can make that as high touch as you want, but just know that there are things that need to be automated there so that they get all of the information in a timely manner that they need. Also, using a project management system is going to help the scalability as of your business as a whole. I think that this is probably fairly apparent, but as your practice grows and your business grows, your project management software is going to scale with you, like clickup. It’s going to grow with you. It’s going to accommodate more clients and more team members and more systems, more complex projects, without you needing to do a complete system overhaul. You’re going to start now where you’re at, you’re going to get a little bit organized, and then you’re gonna be able to grow into it and have it grow with you. I think I’ve already said this, but I want to just make sure it’s super clear that financial management in your business is going to be a lot easier when you have a process for tracking what those metrics are, looking at your expenses, looking at your financial goals, reminding yourself of your goals, making it easier to manage all of the profitability and financial health, basically for your business, because you have recurring tasks to go look at those things. Okay? Very important. We cannot just put our head in the sand and and hope it’s all going to work out. That’s the slow, inefficient, old way, the new way more efficient, and the much better way is to actually have eyes wide open and look at things on a recurring basis. So this is going to reduce your stress a lot. You’re gonna have this reliable system in place to take a lot of the mental load of oh my gosh, I hope I’m not forgetting something, oh my gosh. I still need to get that done. Maybe tomorrow, all of those thoughts are going to be streamlined into one central place with due dates. You know, nothing’s falling through the cracks be a lot more efficient, and that is going to allow you to deliver better results to your clients rather than worrying about the administrative tasks. All right, basically, this is your next big hire in your business is a software that’s going to do a lot of things. Okay, basically, your next hire, except it’s only costing you a few dollars a month at maximum, and the time cost to get it set up is probably about the same as onboarding a human. So this is a really good use of your time. It’s a great place to start, and that’s really the reason I’m doing this entire episode today. I know, however, that you are likely to get overwhelmed with this on the actual how to do it, which is why I said you are going to get an invitation for my team to help you to set up your project management software hub into your business, so you don’t have to start from scratch. You know, you’re curious about what that looks like, but this, my friend, everything I’ve talked about today is what we do in the streamline and scale mastermind. It is one of the very first projects that you’re going to tackle when you’re new in the mastermind, if you don’t already have a project management system in place. So the next round of the mastermind that starts in September will bring in new people that have never gone through the mastermind process before. There are also a lot of OGS that already have their project management system in place, and they won’t be focusing on this in September. But when you are brand new in the mastermind, you are going to focus on this first thing in September, you are going to have the full support of my team with all of our templates and all of our systems that you can install right into clickup to do it. And I don’t just mean that we’re going to send you some files, say, go, have fun. Figure it out. I am talking implementation support. So we take this very, very seriously in the mastermind. You if you have a hot mess of disorganization, like a very scary closet that’s overflowing, and you just keep pushing the door shut and hoping that it closed, and you can forget about it. We are going to open that door together, and we are going to get all of the contents laid out on the floor, and we’re going to reorganize them. Marie Kondo style in there, and my team helps you to do that. We do it with implementation sessions, screen sharing. Click this right now, like, open up your Where are you getting stuck? Open up your clickup. Let’s Screen Share, and we’re going to help you do it. You also can have your team access those trainings. If you do have a team, like a virtual assistant or an online business manager or operations department that is helping you get organized, you can get help from my team to your team to do that. So we make it very, very simple for you to get this set up, and we hold you very accountable to getting it set up, because we know how much more money you are going to make and how much time you are going to save when you do that. Now, you may be wondering, is the mastermind a good choice for you right now? Should you even be thinking about this? Should it be on your radar? So I’m going to tell you about the two types of wellness business owners that should be considering the mastermind. This is for you. First of all, if you’re this person, if you feel like right now, you are holding onto a rocket and being launched to the moon, and you’re just hanging on for dear life. This is probably you, if leads just keep pouring in. You have so many people that want to work with you, and you are hanging on for dear life, trying to make it through Week to week without totally dropping the ball with all of these people. You’re working nights, you’re working weekends, even though you don’t want to be and the thought of getting more organized is a pie in the sky idea, bringing on help to help you. Also pie in the sky idea. But you’re so overwhelmed because you don’t even know where to start with that, and you couldn’t even find a spare block of time each week to do it if you wanted to. So it’s just a cycle of overwhelm. This is for you. Okay, do not even think about waiting to apply for the mastermind. If anything I just said is resonating with you, do it immediately. Stop this podcast. Go to the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind

and hit the Apply button right now. Like I said, the next round of the mastermind starts in September, and the applications are currently open when this episode airs until August 16. Okay, so if you’re listening to this in real time, you have until August 16 to apply for the mastermind. Go do it immediately. Now, the second type of wellness business owner that is a great fit for the mastermind does not feel like they’re holding onto a rocket. It’s quite the opposite. Actually. They are totally plateaued. So if this is you, you’re making decent money in your practice, but it is not noticeably growing, and you’re kind of like scraping for it every month. You’re at basically the same revenue amount year over year. You’re getting impatient and kind of resentful, if you’re being honest, because you don’t feel like it is worth the amount of time and attention that you were putting into your business when you’re not seeing those numbers go up. And maybe in the last year, your numbers have actually gone down, which is really deflating. It has been a wonky year. Things that were working a year ago are not working right now, which is why new strategies are needed. That’s why you have to get into a room like the mastermind, where we are talking about what is working right now, cutting edge strategies for this very, very changing. Transitional market that we’re in right now. We’ve already touched on this a little bit, but technology is changing really fast. It’s disrupting a lot of things, and there’s a way to be ahead of it and working with it, not getting left behind. But if your business revenue has actually gone down in the last year, you need to be considering putting yourself into the room like the mastermind, because those are the things that we are talking about. Those are the problems that we are solving. What Got You Here is not going to get you there. What got me here is not going to get me there, either. We’re all in the same boat. So if this is you, you’re making at least $50,000 a year, but you’re at a plateau since last year, or even going backwards since last year. Hear this, we are going to fix it, and the way we do that is by crunching some numbers on your offer or your offers, auditing those for profitability and scalability. So we make some decisions right away. When you start the mastermind about your offer, we tweak anything that needs tweaking so that it is going to be highly profitable and scalable. And then we are going to work on building an automated lead generation machine that is attracting high quality leads to your email list on autopilot. 24/7, whether you’re working or not, you’re out doing fun things, and leads are coming in to your list and booking consults with you, or joining your program, joining your groups. Okay, you do not have to be constantly spinning your wheels on your marketing and scrambling to try all of the new tactics. Do more networking. Got to get in front of new people, going back on social media as a Hail Mary. No, none of that. Okay, I am bringing in my marketing and ads team to the mastermind to teach an eight week super hands on funnel creation workshop where you’re going to be going through step by step the creation from start to finish on a high converting funnel for cold leads. These are people that have never heard of you before. They don’t know what you do, and they convert from, I’ve never heard of you before, into a client through a very specific process. You’re going to find these people through Google ads and meta ads on Facebook and Instagram, whether you are posting on social media or not, and I kind of suggest not, but we’ll talk about that as part of the funnel creation workshop, you are going to get a landing page that compels these cold leads that are finding you through ads to take a very specific action depending on what you’re selling, and this is very custom to you. We have a few different playbooks on depending on what you sell. Do you want people to get on a consult? Do you want them to fill out an application? Do you want them to buy a program? Do you want them to join a group? There’s different playbooks here on what this funnel looks like depending on what your goal is, but we’re going to teach that to you, and then you are going to get these people on your email list, which deploys an automated sequence of texts and emails to further nurture them and qualify them and move them down your sales pipeline, depending on what your goal is, again, your pipeline will look a little bit different than others depending on what your business model is. But all of this we are doing together and you are getting taught by Elliot, my marketing and ads guy, and his team. They are going to bring you through this creation of a really, really dialed customer journey that is going to create your marketing funnel, and they’re going to show you how to have ai do most of the work. So this means by Christmas, you are going to have a published funnel with ads running to it a marketing machine working every single day, every single week, bringing in qualified leads. I just want you to imagine the peace of mind of that if your business is plateaued right now and you are just racking your brain thinking of what is not working, how am I going to fix this? How am I going to get more people? The answer is, you are going to have a marketing funnel that is bringing in cold leads, and not solely relying on people that already know about you. But it’s going to bring in cold leads. It’s going to convert some of them into clients, and the rest of them, it’s going to systematically nurture so they become clients later. Okay, this is super important. It’s going to give you so much peace of mind knowing that the leads are just coming in each week, whether you are working or not, your consult calendar is booking up while you’re doing other aspects of your business that you love, like taking an advanced certification. Or maybe you’re not working on your business at all. Maybe you’re actually going to yoga every day instead of grinding away at your desk trying to get clients. But the clients are still coming in. That is a beautiful thing. So if you are this second type of wellness business owner that is at a plateau level having an automated leads machine that attracts and nurtures those ideal, perfect, dreamy, prospective clients for you on autopilot all the time, that is your first priority. And to do that, you need to be in the mastermind in September. So apply right now. If that is you at the profitable nutritionist.com/masterminds, masterminds, plural, that is not it, the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind, singular. Now there’s no ifs ands or buts about it, if you should be applying or not. The applications are going to be open until August 16, which is this Friday when this episode comes out. And if you listen to this episode after August 16, when applications are closed, I want you to email us at Hello at the profitablenutritionist.com let us know you’re interested in the mastermind. You need the leads intensive for sure, and we’re going to let you know how we can help you in the meantime. So if you happen to miss the deadline, email us and we’re going to help you with some stuff in the meantime, hello at the profitablenutritionist.com want to make this very clear the master. Mind is for wellness business owners that are making at least $50,000 a year in their business and have the goal of streamlining their systems, getting that closet organized. That means for a lot of people, creating systems from scratch. When I say streamlining their systems, they’re like, I don’t have any systems. What are you talking about? That’s okay. We’re gonna create those two, and then you’re going to scale to consistent six or consistent, multiple six figures in the next 12 months. All right, that is a very specific goal that we have in the mastermind. And if you have no idea how to do that, and it feels really unrealistic, but the rest of the criteria you meet, you get into this room, and we’re going to show you how it’s realistic, and we’re going to show you how to do it. Some participants in the mastermind are right at that $50,000 a year level. Others are at 100,000 a year. 200 300 up to 500,000 a year. The cool thing about a mastermind like this is that we’re gonna help you to create your business plan and focus on the one thing that you need to do immediately to unlock the biggest growth for your business. Right now, we’re gonna focus on the one thing you’re not gonna do, all the things we’re gonna establish what is the one thing you need to be doing right now, depending on if you’re holding onto a rocket or if you’re plateaued. Okay, if you are holding onto a rocket right now, I want to be clear that implementing a project management software system and really dialing in your client delivery processes so they’re more efficient and take less time of yours is going to be priority number one. If your business is at a plateau you’re probably going to start with setting up the project management software in conjunction with the full marketing funnel build out in q4 so you can stop spending all your time marketing and and hustling to get leads, and you can work on the other aspect of your business, because those high quality leads are coming in daily on autopilot. So hopefully I have made a good case for number one, what a project management software is why you would want one, number two, how to get started very imperfectly, and what you actually put into the software as a version one to get going. And then I want you to know that my team and I would love to help you to do this in the mastermind, so you don’t have to start from scratch, like I have already said. I’m going to recap the next round of the streamline and scale mastermind starts in September of 2024 and it runs through September of 2025 that is 12 full months of support on doing this. The investment in the mastermind is $10,000 or monthly payments, 12 payments of 834, per month. So I’m going to ask this, if you’re still listening, I know that you are a good candidate for the mastermind, how many clients is that for you to make back your $10,000 in the next 12 months? Is that three new clients over the course of the next 12 months? Is it four? Is it five? Do some quick math and then ask yourself, Okay, if I got really organized and I set up systems in my business and I had automated lead generation over the next 12 months, would I bring in that number of new clients as a result, and what I free up so much of my time each week in the process, The answer my friend, is yes. So open up a new browser tab right now. If that is you and you’re not driving, go to the profitable nutritionist.com/mastermind for the link to apply, and I will see you there.

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