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157. Avoid These Telltale Signs Of ChatGPT Copy with Gemma Lumicisi

On this episode of The Profitable Nutritionist Podcast, The Profitable Nutritionist®️ Copywriting Coach and Expert Copywriter, Gemma Lumicisi, is taking over.

Gemma dives deep into the art of copywriting and marketing, including “dos and don’ts” for writing copy on your website and in your marketing that drives your best clients to take action.

And the truth is: You can use ChatGPT to help you do that, but probably not the way you’re doing it now.

If you’ve ever wondered about the best practices for using AI tools to enhance your writing process without sounding like a robot, this episode is for you.

Whether you’re a budding writer or a seasoned marketer, this podcast offers practical advice, creative inspiration, and the tools you need to elevate your copywriting game with AI.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • How AI can assist with planning and generating ideas for content rather than creating all the content for you.
  • How to identifying the telltale signs of AI-generated content (including repetitive phrases and overly complex vocabulary).
  • The key elements of effective copywriting, like invoking emotions and focusing on the reader’s perspective.
  • Practical tips on refining and improving copy so it resonates with your easiest clients.

If you are writing any type of copy (website, email, social media) this episode is a must listen.


Links Mentioned:


Andrea Nordling  0:00
Welcome back to The Profitable Nutritionist podcast, my friend. I’m Andrea Nordling, founder of the profitable nutritionist but you are not getting an episode from me today. In fact, I am introducing you to our resident copyright coach, copywriting coach, copywriter coach, copy coach, our resident copy coach.

Her name is Gemma. She is going to do this entire episode for you and teach you about the telltale signs of chatgpt Copy that you need to avoid in all of your marketing. And she is very well suited to do this episode, which is why I said you just got to record this episode and tell the people all of the pitfalls of really bad chatgpt copy, which we’re seeing a lot of these days, because she’s a professional copywriter. She’s a published author, like I said, she’s a marketing expert, and she does copy coaching in the mastermind and in the profitable nutritionist program. So she’s looking at a lot of copy and a lot of marketing all the time. It is very obvious when someone is using chat GPT to generate their or any type of AI that, for that matter, to create their copy, and then they’re just copy and pasting it. It’s very obvious. And although that can be a tool that can be really useful in your business, we don’t want to just copy and paste copy for a couple reasons, which Gemma goes through in this episode, and it’s going to be a very tactical episode for you. So here’s who this episode is for. I’m going to give the who it’s for, and then I’m going to tell you a cautionary like I’m going to give you a little caution moment. First of all, this is for you. If you are currently using any AI to generate any marketing assets in your business, you got to listen to this episode and make sure that you’re not making some of these mistakes. She’s also going to give you some suggestions for using AI better. This episode is also for you, if you are not using AI in your business, and you’re kind of scared of it, and you’re kind of mad about it, and you kind of have self righteous indignation tendencies towards it because you think it’s really kind of creepy and not great for humanity. And if that is you, I am right there with you. Okay, I am right there with you. And I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again at the beginning of this episode here, just so you know. Here, just so you know, my stance on it, I don’t think that this tool is really great for the intellect and future of our species. To be honest, I would love to be proven wrong on that, and also, it is a great tool for our business, if used correctly. So this can save you a lot of time. It can save you a lot of brain power in writing copy, if that is not your strong suit. So I want you to best know how to use it and to maybe, if you’re, like, nervous about it and hesitant, like I certainly have been, I want to give you just a little a little nudge that maybe this is something to explore. I’ve had to really coach myself on this and get to this point myself. But like I’ve said before, I’ll say it again. If you can’t get out of it, get into it. So that’s my current stance on AI. If you can’t get out of it, get into it. And clearly we can’t get out of it right now, so I think it’s best to get into it to figure out how to use it best in your business. And I recently hosted a free workshop for five days on using AI to better understand your ideal, what I call your easiest client, but your ideal customer, and then how to speak to them in the language that they use to describe their problems and the solution that they want you to offer them. And in this workshop, which I’m a great person to teach, by the way, because I don’t really know how to use AI all that well, and I just have some basic understanding and some basic but pretty juicy prompts to use for that. I was able to teach a workshop that I got, I mean, basically just amazing feedback on we had emails flooding in after this free workshop like, I cannot believe this was free. This blew my mind. People would pay so much money for this. Oh my gosh. This just saved me 10 hours of work just for this month alone. I can’t believe it so clearly. And the reason I tell you that clearly, this is a tool that people are using you might be using in your business as well, and being able to use it better and more efficiently and actually get results from it instead of having the crappy chatgpt ai copy that Gemma is going to warn you about, is a useful task. So all that to say, Gemma has some amazing insights to come your way about, and from a professional copywriter to your ears about using AI better in your business, and how, like some some do’s and some definite don’t do’s for that. And also, if this is something that you want to learn more about, we are very actively teaching workshops and adding content in the profitable nutritionist program and inside the mastermind with that in mind, because it is really a valuable tool that is saving a lot of time and creating a lot better copy for people that aren’t great copywriters, if used correctly. And like I said, we have some pretty ninja little prompts that we’re using for that. So without further ado, I’m gonna let Gemma take it away and wow you with her expertise in this topic. But I just did want to say that if this is something that you’re exploring, or if you’re well, if you’re exploring it and you’re using it, get into TPN, if you’re not already, or in the mastermind, where we’re gonna take it to the next level. But if you’re not and you’re hesitant, I totally understand that as well. All, and I’m going to encourage you to keep an open mind, because this might be something that you could use in some capacity to really make your marketing and your sales much more efficient. Okay, without further ado,

Unknown Speaker  5:11
here’s Gemma.

Gemma Lumicisi  5:13
Hello. My name is Gemma, and I am very excited to speak to you today and be on this amazing podcast. If you don’t know me, I am from Australia. I am a copywriter. I’m also a writer. I’m also a marketing expert, and mainly copywriting coach is what I have been doing for a very long time. So I help people level up their copy, level up the persuasiveness, get more conversions, fix up websites, do all of the things. And of course, I’ve been doing it a very, very long time before AI came into it. So I’m thrilled here to be talking to you about AI, and I am in a very similar boat to Andrea. So, you know, it is one of those things, if you can’t get out of it, get into it. So starting at the very beginning, of course, being a writer. So not only am I a copywriter, I’ve been writing copy for 16 years, maybe even more now, showing my age. But that’s okay. We all age, right? So I’ve been writing copy for, yeah, about 16 years. I’m also a writer. I’m an author. So I have written two books, and I’m also a creative writer. So I’m very experienced in the world of writing things.

Unknown Speaker  6:39
So you can imagine my apprehension when, of course, AI, you know, mainly focused on writing when that came out. You know, it’s very interesting, as throughout my career, and you’re going to laugh at this, I actually started writing in newspapers. So I’m not sure if you remember what they are, but back in the stone age with the dinosaurs, we used to read newspapers. We used to get information from them, and I wrote in them. I wrote ads for them as well. You can only imagine what happened to my job there. Of course, it didn’t exist anymore. Then I went to television, and I wrote television for quite a long time, and shock horror, I don’t want to say it doesn’t exist anymore by copywriting and ads in the way that it used to. It just doesn’t exist anymore. So of course, I didn’t have my job there Now, luckily, at the same time, in my early days of newspaper, we did just merge with online, so I had already had a lot of early experience in online. And when I was at television, of course, we were releasing the apps and, you know, the views and all of that. So I was also across, you know, digital so it wasn’t hard for me to easily move into websites and all of that. But it is what it is. I mean, you know, when I studied or both of my university degrees, when I did those, social media didn’t exist. Or I think social media was, Facebook was just starting, I’m going to say in my second but obviously there was no ads. So in in my world, it didn’t exist, you know. And at first it’s like, oh, what Facebook ads? What do you mean? You know. But that now is, is one of my main forms of writing ads, you know. So it is what it is. You know, we don’t know the future of AI. We don’t know what it’s going to do, but it is moving quickly, so unless we’re getting into it, we’re going to miss out and really not be able to take advantage of what it can do. Now, of course, being a writer, you know, thinking about something that’s going to, you know, take over your job, like that has happened to me and several times before, as I just explained, right? So what I want to offer you today is that I want you to use it for the right things, and I don’t want you to use it, you know, for the wrong things. And there really are telltale signs that you can notice straight away if something comes out of AI. So we’ll get to that a little bit later. So I want you to be using in a way that it’s not going to, you know, be of detriment to your business, and not pick it out. Now, me, being a seasoned writer and copywriter and website writer and all of the things, of course, I can pick it out in an instant, right? But over time, the more you’re using it, you’ll start to see it too, and you’ll start to pick it even from little words at single words. And what is unfortunate. However, is they are probably words that you have been using a lot to date, and unfortunately now they just scream AI, and we really have to remove them, or be very careful in the frequency in which we use them. Now I want you to know that what AI is good for, and what it can help for is it can help you feel planning. It’s so amazing to help you plan, with your social media planning, with your marketing planning, with your content planning. So I want you to know it’s a tool that’s going to aid your business. In that sense, it’s also really good to help you with ideas, right? We all get stuck with ideas, we know that. But what I want you to use it in a way, is to help you generate ideas, not use it as type in a prompt. For example, I’m just going to call this out of thin air, you know, give me ideas for my social media posts for this week, right? And obviously we’re going to need to be a bit more detailed than that, because it’s not going to know who you are and what you do, right? But let’s just say that’s the prompt for for this example, you know? And then what it spits out at you. You use that exactly and move on. I don’t want you to be doing that. I want, want it to help you spark ideas, right? It’s, it’s no different than if you were to ask someone, hey, I’m a little bit stuck for this. Do you have any ideas of something I could write about this week? You know? Do you have any ideas if you were having gut health issues, you know, what would you want to know? And that person might tell you, and it will spark ideas, right? So you can use AI in that same sort of way, and that’s going to help you so much. But I don’t want you to be using it and not using your mind, because at the end of the day, the best things that are going to come out of you for your business is what comes straight out of your mind, right? We all know that. So please don’t get lazy in that way. Make sure you’re using it to help you, not just, I guess, override you in a way, right? So in that sense as well, it can help you with prompting, like some headlines, maybe some call to actions, help you come up with something that’s a bit different than what you’ve been saying. And then you can pick and choose, you know, use it in that brainstorming way. Maybe you can put those two words from there together with those two words from the other prompt, you know, and, oh, and then I’ll come up with all these other ideas. So if we’re using it in that way, it’s going to help you get the ball rolling. If, if you’re stuck, and like I said, we all get stuck, if you’re doing podcasts or anything like that, it’s so it’s so fantastic to help you make sense out of transcripts. So if you, you know, get the transcript of your voice and your recording, let’s say like this one a lot of the time. They don’t make too much sense, right? So you can put that into AI and get it to make sense of it, so it helps you, rather than editing that out yourself, which we know takes a lot of time, right? So that’s another time saving thing, it’s going to give you so in that, that sort of sense, you know, it can help you repurpose posts, but you may put something you’ve already written there and ask it to repurpose you and your voice and make sure you’re editing from that. So I’m going to get into that just in a second. But before I do, I just want to as well mention what you shouldn’t be using it for. And you shouldn’t be using it for. You’re not going to like this. Shouldn’t be using it for copywriting. Now what I mean by that is you should not be using it for strictly copywriting, and then copying and pasting. The technology may come, but it is not here yet. Ai cannot write copy everything it writes. It gives you too many words, and we all know the less words, the better. Short, sharp and succinct. Oh, there we go. That’s 3s. Never even thought of that one. I say that all the time, short, sharp, succinct sentences. Oh, there’s

Unknown Speaker  14:32
4s. Look at that every time. That’s what copy is. Less words better. Simple sentences better. Short sentences better. Ai can’t do that for some reason. It rambles. So that’s actually one of your first telltale signs, is there’s just so many words there, right? So it may be better. It may and second to that, in copywriting, cannot write to your emotion. Emotions, right? So what do we know about copywriting? People do things from emotions. What is copywriting? Copywriting is words to get someone to take some kind of action, right? Words to sell something, words to get someone to push a call now button. Words to get someone to click here, words to get someone to shop now, right? Words to get someone to pick up a phone, whatever it may be, right? It’s words to sell something, to get someone to do something. And how do we do something? To do it from emotions, right? So we know that we need to invoke emotions within our writing and take people on their journey through our copy. Ai cannot do that. It cannot do it on its own. You must intervene. And that’s secondly as as well. So, yes, it may be better content writing. Let, for example, blogs because it’s writing more words, and it maybe it’s right trying to think that it’s writing it conversationally, which may maybe why it overuses the words. And that might be better. It is better for content writing, but do not use it for content writing without editing. Okay, don’t ask it to research for you, because you can’t trust it. If you do ask it to source and reference and double check those websites for references, because you don’t want to be wrong. I’ve tried this, and a lot of the time it gets things wrong, so be very careful of that. Don’t use it for hashtag research as well. It will not give you accurate numbers of the number of followers in that hashtag. You must still do that research yourself. You can get it to come up with hashtags again, ideas, but you still need to go and do that research yourself. Same with SEO, keyword research, the same exact thing. And also don’t put any private or confidential information in there, because we don’t know where it goes, where it’s stored, and who can see that, and who can access it, and how many people might try and break into it, right? So that’s very important. So back to what I was saying. Tell signs of AI. One of the first ones is that there’s just too many words, right? So it’s like, I’m rambling on now when I’m speaking to you in this podcast, this is my voice, right? So I’m going to say, you know, bits and pieces, words, here and there. I’m going to pause. I’m going to use a lot of adverbs. You’re going to say really and very and truly and seriously. I’m going to use a lot of those words, but I’m speaking so my I mean, I could, I could be, do not quote me on this. I could be completely off the bat with this, but I’m thinking that AI has potentially been cloning and learning from voice and how we speak, and putting that you know, and then mimicking that, which would make sense because of how many adverbs it uses, how many words it overuses, because we do that when we speak, we cannot do that when we write, and we know that in copy. So one of the first telltale signs really is all those adverbs that are so overused. So pay attention to really and very and actually and seriously. Now, when you’re editing out your copy from chat, GPT, and I mean, you’ve put it in there in a way that it understands your business. It understands your brand, voice. It understands who you are. It understands your target audience. You need to put all of that information in there for it to even begin to give you some kind of accuracy, right? So once you’ve done all of that, and you’ve got your copy, and when I say Edit. I mean, you’ve taken it out of chat, GPT, and we’ve put this in, you know, Google Doc, or a Word doc, or whatever you use, doesn’t matter, and you’re editing in that. So if you’ve watched my calls, this is what I do, right? I edit things out. We do it in there. We’re reading it out loud, we’re listening to we’re walking away, we’re coming back. You know, you’ve written it, you’ve sent it to me. I’m looking at it, and then what? What’s? The first thing I do is chop words out, because when you’re reading it, if you want our short, sharp, I’ve already forgot what was short, sharp, succinct sentences, there we go. If we want our four S’s. That’s what you do. And you’ll notice the first thing you do is you start just taking out all of those l y words, because you don’t need them. When you’re using words to sell something, when you’re using words to, you know, get an emotion out of someone, when you’re using words to get someone to take an action, you don’t need unnecessary words, right? You just don’t. So that’s the first telltale sign is all of the our y words that are in there, and you will notice them. Another telltale sign is that it just uses too many words in general. So sometimes when you’re reading through it, you’re like, these two sentences are a little redundant. It’s kind of said the same thing that it’s already said, and then it sort of said it again. So you’ll find you’ll just get rid of two three sentences at a time, because it’s already said what you want it to say in one sentence. It’s just blabbered on again, exactly what I’m saying, right? Too many words, and we know too many words, put you off, right? It puts people off. We know that we don’t want to sit there all day and reading, reading heaps of words and chunks of texts and all that. You know that, right? You know what good copy is so please never copy and paste anything. Now you’ll start to notice, because it and again, it’s really interesting. I do wonder who gave AI these words for it to learn. So I’m going to go through a list of complete telltale words that it uses a lot, and some of them I just find hilarious, because they’re words we don’t use. They’re not common words. So I just don’t know where it got them from. You know, the first one is bolster, like as in, B, O, L, S, T, E, R, I don’t know how many times we use the word bolster in day to day conversation, but it’s in AI constantly. Get rid of it. Dive. Let’s dive into this as well as delve into so dive into my new ebook. Let’s delve into this topic. Get rid of them. Dynamic. Embark, and it often will pull out, embark on a journey, and it just uses it in the most ridiculous way. You know, embark on a journey to better gut health. Do I want to embark on a journey to that? Probably not. You know, it just doesn’t make sense. Embark. Embrace is another one. Foster fostering cultural awareness in the workplace, I don’t know, fostering a culture of whatever it uses that constantly. And unfortunately, my next word, I know is very commonly used with most of us, is the word journey. So like I was saying earlier, there are some words that we use day to day that now flag AI, which is unfortunate, but that’s just how it is. You know? It’s just what’s happened. So it is a word that we have to be very careful of, because we don’t want people to be like, That’s just AI and not read what you’ve got there, right? It’s not it’s not authentic. People just won’t pay attention, you know? And like I said, I see it, I can pick it in an instant. And I’m like, I’m out. I do all the news. I try to read a news article, and I see straight away, navigating the complexities. I’m like, I’m out, not reading that. So there’s words ahead of time, navigating complexities. Never use it. Never use complexities. And please never use navigate. It’s one of the biggest telltale signs to the point that Google has now and all of your SEO you know keywords and that has now recognized that when they when Google’s indexing website pages, and that it recognizes navigating and navigating complexities, because it’s just been used over and over and over and over, and it must be on billions and billions of website pages. It’s crazy when you think about that, right where am I up to? Right? Journey. Landscape is another one. So it depending on the industry you’re in.

Unknown Speaker  24:25
Let’s say you were, I don’t know digital marketing or something. It will come up constantly, and it will say, you know, in the digital marketing landscape. So for you guys that might say in the I don’t know, gut health landscape and the nutrition landscape, you’ll notice it. Get rid of it. It uses the word. Moreover, often we don’t use that in copy. It’s one of those words that are you just like, No, you know, if we’re writing a not even in a blog, we’d really use it. I always say simple words. If there’s an easier word in copy, use it. Okay, and that was going to be one of my. Next points, so we’ll get there. Resonates. You know, I know a lot of you may use that, but unfortunately it is a flagged, overused word. Now my most hated one is tapestry out of nowhere. It will start saying weaving a tapestry out of something, and unless we are actually making, you know, a beautiful carpet, I’m weaving an actual carpet painting, I’m putting it on my wall, that’s totally fine. But if we’re weaving tapestries through navigating the complexities of gut health, that actually just made me feel ill and myself. Do you know what I mean? Like, it’s rubbish. When you really pay attention to it, that doesn’t even make any sense. It’s so ridiculous to me, to a writer and a copywriter and a marketer, right? Keep it simple always. It’s just silly. Testament it’s using transform. Unfortunately, transforms, just overused now, and as well as transformative Treasure Trove is another one. And sometimes it pulls out the word ninja. So if you see that anywhere it thinks it’s trying to be funny, get rid of it. Please. Underscore is another one, unique blend of x and y, unique blend as an overused word, and unfortunately, unlock. Unlock is one of back, back up there with like Foster and dive and landscape. It’s one of the top ones is unlock. Now I’ve said that you’ll see it in so many ads. You’ll see it in the first sentence of an ad, constantly, unlock this. Unlock your, I don’t know, first hand stand, unlock your gut health, unlock your whatever. You’ll notice it now and unveil is another one as well. So another telltale sign as well is that chat GPT tends to spit out a headache and then what I would call body copy. So the copy right and it always gives you a heading. Will usually put two emojis on each side, not always, but it often does, depending on what you’re writing. So it will spit out the heading, and it will put it out in a way of you you know of proper grammatical headings, of where the capital letters should be and where the small letters should be. And then it will give you copy, right? And usually in that the heading will be unlock this right? So you’ll start to notice it. And so many people are just using it in, you know, the Google ads or their Facebook ads so you can see it. You’ll notice it straight away, and you’ll be like, Oh, come on, man, you know, you’ve just used AI, and you haven’t even edited it. Edited it right? So that that’s another telltale sign. So a way to get around that, you know, I would suggest if you still want to use a heading, of course, but perhaps, again, it depends on what it is. If you’re writing an ad, if you’re writing a blog, if you’re writing social media copy, you know you may need specifically, just a short sentence first with the dot, dot, dot, right? So get rid of the capitals don’t have it, and get rid of the emojis and get rid of the capital letters. So don’t have it look like it’s an AI generated headline or beginning of copy, right? So that’s a big tip there. But make sure you’re taking out the chat GPT words. Get rid of it. If it’s got unlock, if it’s got unveil, if it’s got journey, if it’s got embrace, whatever it may have in the garage of them, right? So that’s, that’s a really good tip there. And another, again, another telltale sign is it’s using, it’s using too many big words, right? Why is it using words like bolster and foster? No one says them, no one uses them. And you’ll find it uses bigger words like it will say, you know, eliminate, right? Don’t get rid of that. That’s, it’s one. It’s one of the things I teach constantly. If there’s a more simple word use it, if there’s an easier word use it, copywriting as well should be really inclusive, right? So you may have people in your target audience, we don’t know who, let’s say they may have dyslexia, right? Let’s say English is their second language, so bigger words will put them off. And we don’t want that, right? Let’s say they’re not that great at reading. It’s going to big words are going to put them off. So, you know, for example, eliminate will just change to get rid of, take out, destroy, right? Even destroyed depending on what you say. You know, we always want simple words, because it gets the message across easier. And when we’re writing copy, one of the very first things I was taught back in university was that we’re writing copy for like, no more than grade five level, and grade five level was even pushing. It right? So you always aim for like, a grade three, grade four. So we’re not going to use big words. So if you’re seeing really big words, and there’s a more simple option when you’re doing your editing, take it out, and it will start and start more to look less like chat GPT, because you’re not using big words and you don’t have big words in there using more simple, easier words and simple cells, right? We know that. So why would you use the bigger word? So that’s all of my I guess that’s my main telltale signs of of all of that, right? Is those words I went through, is that there’s too many words, it just rambles on the heading that it, that it generates in that way, and words that are that are too hard, and that’s four, and my num number five is also it’s not very good. So when we write copy, like I said to you, it cannot write I don’t care what anyone tells me cannot write copy. Okay? There’s so many rules and ways of good clever copywriting and sales. It’s like a sales tactic, right? There’s so many rules and so many ways to craft words that will sell things. I don’t care what anyone says to me currently, currently, it cannot write good copy content, okay? Ish, it cannot write good copy anyway. It’s my little

Unknown Speaker  31:30
ramble. Now, another rule of copywriting, and you would have heard me say this, is, we always talk to the reader, right? How do we do that? You? We always say you, you. We might say us, depending. What do we never use? So what do we rarely use? We don’t put our business name in there, and we don’t use I or we. If we do, it’s it’s far less than you, because the reader comes first. We’re focusing on the reader. We’re talking to the reader. We’re writing what’s in it for the reader, what’s in it for the reader, not what’s in it for me, right? So like when we’re writing our about pages, we need to be so careful. They’re not just like my business does this, right? So let’s say, you know, your business name is, I don’t know, Mr. Data. I just looked at that. I just looked at that on my desk. So let’s say my business name is Mr. Data, right? So I’m not going to write, you know, at Mr. Data, we help you with this. No, you’ve already used your business name, and we, before you’ve ever said you and tell tale sign of chat, GPT and this and all AI, this is why it can’t write copy. So you’ll notice that it comes out a lot saying, we do this and or, depending if it’s just you, I do this and I do this and I do these, right? It is extremely bad copywriting. It’s not copywriting. It’s detrimental to your business. So you need to pay attention to that and see if you can somehow, you know, shift the sentence around or just don’t use, you know, as many I Wes or your business name. So you know, when you’re giving talking to it about your business and giving it your business name, it will use your business name. Get rid of it. You know, get get rid of it. You just don’t want it. So, you know, for for example, let’s just say you’re writing something and you like, I’ve I’ve got 30 years experience in fixing gut health, right? I’ve got 30 years experience in fixing gut health, you know. Okay, cool. But if I’m the reader and you think, okay, all right, that’s good for you, mate. But what’s in it for me? Right? So how can you flip that sentence around? You can say something like, you can depend on me, as I’ve got 30 years experience, right? So you see how much more powerful that is then I’ve got 30 years experience. Please come to my business. No, you can depend on me, because I’ve got 30 years experience, right? So you’re still using I, but you’re putting the reader first. You’re flipping the sentence around. And just make sure you’re not using too many i, we and business names. So that’s another that’s number five, telltale sign of AI. And, yeah, I think, I think that’s about, about all I’ve got for you. So, you know, listen to this again. Go back, write down those telltale signs, and please pay attention to them. You know, I’d love you as well to really pay attention to when you’re flicking through, you know, if you’re going through Instagram or Facebook, you’re reading blogs, going through website. Start to pay attention to those telltale signs that I gave you, and you will start noticing it. You’ll be like, Oh, hang on, that’s AI. And once you start to notice it, you’ll not want to read that, and you don’t want that to happen to your business, right? So, yeah, to wrap up, please don’t use it for copywriting, but use it in the way that I taught you, right? So prompt it, get it to help you, get it to give you ideas, get it to write you something. Take it out of chatgpt and go through those tell tale signs and edit it to turn it into good copy.

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