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156. Ask Andrea Anything: Tech + Tools

In this episode of The Profitable Nutritionist® Podcast, you’re getting quick fire answers to your questions.

Business Q’s and personal.Have burning questions you would like for me to answer in a future AMA? Submit them here.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • My best time management strategies to maintain a good work-life balance.
  • When you should create a website (and when you shouldn’t focus on this).
  • Strategies for turning website traffic into leads for your business.


Links Mentioned:

  • Follow and Connect with Andrea on LinkedIn
  • Like what you hear? Leave a review on your favorite listening platform


Welcome to an Ask me anything. Podcast edition on the profitable nutritionist podcast. My name is Andrea Nordling. I’m a founder of the profitable nutritionist and nutritional therapy practitioner. Myself here to answer all of your burning questions regarding growing, scaling and optimizing your nutrition or holistic wellness business, starting with answering your questions directly. So that’s what you’re going to get in this episode is a mashup of me doing ama videos answer quickfire answers to your questions. And if you are not already there, I’m going to direct you to the profitable nutritionist email list, which is where we send out these ama videos every single month in response to your questions. So if you’re not already getting the profitable nutritionist emails, you have to do that. Go to the profitablenutritionist.com and sign up somewhere on the website to receive something via email, which means we will then send you these emails. If you would like to submit a question to be answered on a future Ask Me Anything, video or podcast episode, you can head over to the profitablenutritionist.com/ask.

And submit your question again. That’s the profitable nutritionist.com/ask. All right, here we go. Great, great, great questions. I feel so unpopular. I can tell that I’m getting a lot of clicks and traffic on my website, but no one is signing up to be on my email list. I don’t know why. I think my messaging is clear. I haven’t figured out how to make it clearer without picking a niche ideas. Yes. First of all, I love this, because you’re clearly looking at the data. You’re looking at the number of people that are on your site, what is the traffic, and then you’re seeing that it’s not converting to email subscribers. So first and foremost, bravo, looking at the numbers, letting the data drive your decisions, amazing. So now we have something to work with. You can see how many people are there and how many people are converting onto your email list, and that’s a baseline. And now it’s all about improving it, right? So first of all, why should people be getting your emails? Nick, answer this for yourself, very concisely, why should people get your emails? Because they will blank. How is their life going to be better? What are they going to learn? What are they going to experience? What are the results of them getting your emails answer that for yourself, because you’re going to need to tell them the same thing. You have to sell this as hard as you would sell your paid offer. So weird, but we have to sell people on doing stuff for free. Now, to you, it is obvious how valuable these emails are. I’m sure to your people, they don’t know that it’s going to take their time, right? Even if it’s free to get your emails, it’s going to take time. So they have to be sold on the fact that that’s worth their time. You don’t have to have a niche to do this, okay, but you do have to be clear about why they should get your emails. Notice on my website there’s a free course that is delivered via email. So the call to action on my website is start the free course. That is what I’m selling for them to get on my email list. I say selling, it’s free selling, but I’m selling them on do the free course, and on the free course sign up page. I’m telling them why they need the free course. Here’s what you’re going to learn in the free course, okay? Or here’s what you’re going to uncover, or here’s there can be so many different can think of so many different examples that my clients have. But for you, what is it? You don’t have to have a niche to have this, but you do have something that you’re teaching them or sharing with them, or blank with them in those emails. There’s a reason that they should do it. What’s the result? What do they get out of it? Okay, so tell them what that is. I have other options for opt ins now, but the free course is the main one that has made millions of dollars for me. So obviously that works. I think it’s a good place to start, but it’s called a free course. Now, what is it? It’s an email sequence. It’s an email sequence, sequence of emails that people get, and then they’re signed up for my emails, and they get my weekly emails as well. But it’s called a free course. Higher perceived value. I do teach what I want to teach in a course format. So I don’t know something to just think about if you were going to do that, whether you do or not. What would you call it? How would you sell them on it? What would that sound like? That’s where you need to make the messaging more clear, okay, make sure that it is something that they would want to give their time for. We tend to think, okay, because it’s free, it’s a no brainer. Not the case. We have to sell free things just as hard. You know? What I would end with is have somebody that doesn’t know your business at all, like a friend of yours or a niece or a nephew or neighbor or coworker or whoever, have them pull up your site, and you could do this in person, or they could actually record their screen while they do it and just have them read through it and tell you what they’re thinking as they go through like they could tell you, Oh, what does this mean? I don’t actually know what this means. Or did you know this button doesn’t work, or I don’t know what this word is. Am I supposed to know what this word is? Like people will tell you. So maybe do that a little bit too. I think that that’s a really good practice for all of us. Would a fifth grader understand the call to action to get on your email list? Would a fifth grader understand what to do next? Really need to make things that simple. So there’s some strategies there. Obviously you have excellent start here, because you already have some data to work with, so you’re going to be able to see, is it improving? That’s a great baseline to have. So I think you’re in a great spot. Now it’s time to just tweak that messaging a little bit. All right. Question is, while homeschooling, how. Do you organize seeing clients around the needs of your children without working into the late hours of the evening? So for anybody that doesn’t know, I did for a period of time, about two and a half years, homeschool my kids, so I have a little bit of experience with this, but really, everything I’m going to say falls into just general time management and productivity. There’s a specific calendaring template that I teach inside the profitable nutritionist program for exactly how to do this, but I’ll kind of give a concise answer to how to look at structuring your schedule, and I can understand the homeschool needs because I did that. So I totally get it. First of all, I would say, establish your priorities for your kids and family and your business. What are you working towards? Don’t just keep it in your head. Write it down. What are your actual priorities? Three for each at a maximum. You don’t have to have three for each, but three at a maximum in each department. So this is your personal life and your kids, homeschooling wise and your business. Now. Be realistic about your days and about what you can actually get done in a given amount of time and don’t overload your calendar. That means with kids with Homeschool, with any other priorities that you have in your life, if you’re not homeschooling and you have another job, or if you just have other interests and you don’t want to be working all the time, be very realistic about how much work you can get done in the time that you are allocating for those activities. Schedule time for your priorities, first in both areas and batch like activities together as much as possible. This is such a huge time hack that is so helpful, especially as a business owner. So if at all possible, do your clients all on one or two days of the week, school time, batch that on certain days of the week. If you are doing a little bit of everything every day, you will lose time and productivity and bandwidth and energy switching between tasks, trying to do a little bit of everything every day. Sometimes that’s necessary, and we can’t get around it. But if at all possible, batch your like items together, if at all possible, it’s going to make you feel so much more focused when you are working and you know, all right, I have a whole client day, or I have a whole kid family day, and I don’t have to think about work at all when you can do that, and you can turn on and off your brain in those certain ways, it is so incredibly helpful. Second of all, is there enough white space for all of the other stuff in your life? Now, this goes along with the first thing I said, which was, make sure that you are being realistic about what you want to get done, how much time you want to be allocating for all of the priorities in your life? And make sure that that includes your hobbies. Make sure that includes other household stuff. Make sure that there’s time on there for you to sit on your couch and read a book or listen to a podcast if you love learning about more health and wellness stuff. Do you have time on your calendar to do that? If that’s what lights you up. That’s what makes you happy. Get that on your calendar and account for it. Don’t be unrealistic and pretend that you never do that if you do like let’s not argue with reality. Let’s meet you where you are and schedule time for the stuff that you actually want to be doing in your life. Make sure that there’s plenty of white space. Be realistic about drive times. Do you account for that in your calendar? I know a lot of people don’t. A lot of people don’t. A lot of people just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and don’t realize they’re always rushing and always behind, because there’s a certain amount of time that it takes to get people packed up, whether it’s you or other people, get out the door, get in a car, get to where you need to be, get situated. Are you taking into account all of that stuff in your day, for homeschool, for life, for household, for business, for all of that. So that’s the second thing, make sure that there’s white space. And also be realistic. Just again, go back to step one. Be realistic about how you’re spending your time, how you want to be spending your time. And third of all, where do you need help? Okay, assuming that you’re using your time really efficiently, and that you are batching it, and you have your dream work life balance scheduled out, and you have plenty of white space and you’re being efficient, then get help. If you want to create more time and you want to get more done, you’re going to have other people come in and do the things, because there just isn’t more of you. So this goes back like step two. See step one. This goes back to that again. What do you actually want to be doing? Make sure that you’re being realistic. If it’s getting more done with work, then you’re going to have to bring other people. Bring other people in and use their time to get more done in work. If it’s you want to have more done in your household or with your kids, then you need to bring other people in to support you. So either help do those things or to take things off of your plate so that you can rearrange your schedule. Stop trying to do it all. It’s time to get help. If you don’t have enough time left and you’re not able to sit down on your couch and listen to a podcast or read a book ever, it’s time to bring other people in to help, and maybe long before that too, if you’re smart, be smarter than I was, that’s for sure. So do you need help with schooling? Do you need help with your business? Figure out what that is, and then start having other people come in and help you. Do you need a house cleaner? Do you need meals being delivered? Do you need somebody else helping with tutoring your kids? Do you need somebody else helping with doing meal prepping at your house, childcare? Do


you are you trying to juggle little kids at home and building your business and this and that, and eating all of the perfect food and just it’s so much? Or do you need help? Do you need someone to come in? Watch your kids part time during the week so that you can do all of the things that you need to do. Look at that, I think that this is very basic. When we say, okay, you need help, but do we actually do it? I find that a lot of people I work with put this off for way too long. And the truth is, when it comes to your business, you can invest time or you can invest money, probably you’re going to invest some of both, but there’s no right or wrong, and I think people tend to just assume that they have to put in all of their time, and really you don’t you. The great news about being a business owner is that your time is finite, but your money isn’t because you have a business that creates money and clients pay you, and you can get more clients and you can create more money. So your time is finite, but the money is actually unlimited for what your business can bring in. So think about making more money to buy back your time whenever possible. So that is how I answer that with Homeschool or with anything else. Just figure out what your priorities actually are. Pencil it out. Do you have enough time to do that and live the kind of life that you want to live? Do you have enough breathing room? Are you taking care of your own health, and if not, where do you need to bring in help? This is a great question. I am brand new to beginning my own practice. Do I need to create a website before I work with any clients? I have so much to say about this, but short answer is, no, you absolutely do not have to have a website. I have so many examples of successful students in the profitable, nutritious program that have done this successfully. Have a business, have clients are making a lot of money with no website. So just take that off your list. If it’s really stressing you out, you donate a website, you can be absolutely wildly successful without it. Many businesses were for hundreds and 1000s of years before the World Wide Web. Let’s remember that I was, I had a brick and mortar real estate company. I never had a website. For you know what? I had a lot of clients. They were very happy. Never had a website. Okay, so is it possible? Yes, 1,000% but why wouldn’t you want to have a website? Let’s start there. Let’s talk about that and kind of dive into it. For a lot of my students, it’s tech overwhelm. Okay? They’re like, Oh, I not good at Tech. I don’t want to learn the tech. There’s a lot of moving pieces. I don’t want to do that. And so they either find themselves trying to DIY it for months and years and not getting anywhere, or just completely avoiding their business because of the tech overwhelm. So if that is the reason. Here’s what I would suggest, make a deal with yourself, that when you’ve worked with a certain number of clients, you will hire someone to do your website for you. Just take it off the table for now, but make an agreement. I call this a strategic agreement. Make that with yourself, that in X amount of time, or X amount of clients, or X amount of dollars, but decide right now what that’s going to be, you will reevaluate the decision, or you will hire someone to do it for you. For Tech overwhelm, especially, it is so inexpensive to have someone that is literally an expert at building websites on whatever platform you want, and have them just come in and do it for you. Now. You don’t have to do that in the future. You can obviously hire somebody right now, but I find that for a lot of my clients, they’re having indecision about what to say on the pages, combined with the tech overwhelm, and really, I feel like all of that is alleviated by working with some clients. Get some traction under your belt, get some testimonials. Get good at talking to people about the questions that they have surrounding their problem. Get better at explaining your process. Just have conversations with people. Work with some clients, and it’s going to become so much more clear on what you should say on those pages, if you just want the answer to that right now, though, I have an excellent resource. It’s my website in a weekend course, you can get that ASAP. It’s available on the work with me page, on my website, and through that tutorials and through that course, it’s a short course I show you like how to write the copy for the four pages that you need for your wellness website to get you going on any platform. Say this. Don’t say this. Put a picture here, put a button here, that kind of thing. We make it really easy for you. So if that’s what you need, that resource is available. But for some of my clients, I would say this is the third bucket. It’s not wanting to allocate time to making their website right now. And for those clients, they’re just like, I don’t want to slow down. I don’t want to slow down. I don’t want to think about a website right now. I just want to go have conversations with people. When I talk to them, I want to tell them the words, I can help you. I want to get going. And that’s cool, too. But I would give the same advice as the first bucket of people in the tech overwhelm to make that strategic agreement for yourself of when you will revisit that decision. So if you are just it’s go time. You don’t want to slow down. You don’t want to worry about tech stuff right now, I totally get that. Go make some money, go get some clients, and then know that in three months or six months, you’ll reevaluate that decision, or maybe you will carve out some time to do it, or you’ll hire someone to do it. It’s just a great idea. You don’t have to have a website to have a successful wellness business. However, there’s a whole world of people that might be clients of yours that can’t find you if you don’t, or it’s going to be significantly harder for them to find you if you don’t. I think it is just so incredible in this day and age that we can work with clients all over the world or wherever we decide to, we can have total location free. In our business, and to do that, you would want to have your own little piece of digital real estate, your website that you own, that is your little house to build and renovate and make better over time. So I would suggest prioritizing that at some point. It does not have to be at the very beginning of your business. Though, great question.

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I'm Andrea Nordling

Marketing + Sales Expert
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