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122. Answering 3 Big Pricing Questions

What?!?! Andrea doing Ask Me Anything VIDEOS?! It’s true. I think impromptu videos are fun to create and 2024 is all about FUN here at Team TPN. Once a month I’ll be sending out requests for your questions via email, and the short video responses to those “Ask Me Anything” Q’s get sent out monthly via email.  The Q’s with longer answers needed will get turned into podcast episodes like this week’s about PRICING DRAMA:

  1. I’m struggling what to price my packages at. What is a strategy you can recommend following to make sure I’m getting paid fairly and is also attainable for clients?
  2. How do I figure out my pricing structure?
  3. What advice do you have for thoughts of comparison?

Listen now to hear my top 3 suggestions for establishing your pricing and dealing with “competitor comparison” so you can stop second guessing and start selling.


Links mentioned in this episode:

>> 09 | Stop Overcharging 

>> 34 | Figuring Out “The Going Rate”

>> 67 | Testing Your Client Process: Should You Work For Free


Andrea Nordling 00:00
Ask me anything, my friend. This is such a fun episode for me to record because it is the first
ama or asked me anything style episode, part of the big picture content strategy here at the
profitable nutritionist for 2024, which I’m going to tell you all about over the coming months,
and I’m so excited is not only to produce a lot more high value content for you, but also for me
to have a lot more fun doing it. And one of the ways I’m infusing more fun into content creation
for you is through AMA’s spnd things, and video. And since I’m not on social media, I don’t
typically do impromptu video appearances anymore, not for years, actually. So it just hasn’t
been a part of my content flow. Instead, I outline and I record long form podcast episodes like
this, I write email copy, for the most part, that’s where my creative juices flow in the content
department. And there’s, of course, also paid content that I create for my clients in the
profitable nutritionist program and in the mastermind. And often that actually is in video form,
or it’s delivered at a live event, or a retreat or something like that. But really, for me, as far as
content is concerned, that’s basically it. So I think video is fun. In actuality, I like doing video, I
like to jumping on video, which is probably why I really like doing webinars to be honest, I like
video. I also think that q&a is really fun. Again, this is probably part of the webinar experience
that I really enjoy is doing the q&a, it’s just fun, can be really valuable. So in 2024, it is here,
the plan is coming to fruition and I am deep into doing videos and having fun. And not that I
haven’t been having fun up to this point. Of course I have been. But I really just want things to
be simpler and more fun. And what feels fun to me right now is just jumping on video and doing
Ask Me Anything type content. So you’re going to see a little bit more of that and hear a little
bit more of that. And I’m sending out these videos once a month in the emails that go out to
the profitable nutritionist email list. So if you aren’t getting the profitable nutrition emails, what
is going on? How could that possibly be? All of my best stuff, including ama video links, and
some other really cool creations that are happening right now they’re in the works and you’ll be
hearing about in the next few months are all sent via email to our subscribers. So you have to
be on the email list to get on the email list. If you aren’t there, what in the world, go to the
show notes page for this episode at the profitable nutritionist.com/ 122 to get on the email list.
And then right on that page, you can submit your questions whether business questions or
personal questions, whatever it’s asked me anything. So you can ask any questions? Right on
that page. There’s a form for you to do that. Like I said, the video responses are getting sent
out monthly via email. And then questions with longer answers needed will get turned into
podcast episodes like this one. Which leads me to the three questions that were submitted in
last month’s request for questions. And all of these were somewhat similar. So as I went
through the list and decided which ones I was going to answer the these three all had a theme,
and I had a lot to say about all of them. And I decided that they deserve their own podcast
episode. So we are talking all about pricing drama. With these three questions. Here’s what I’m
gonna be answering. Number one. The question was, I’m struggling with what to price my
packages at? What is the strategy you can recommend following to make sure I’m getting paid
fairly and also is attainable for clients? That’s question one. Question two, how do I figure out
my pricing structure? And question three, what advice do you have for thoughts of comparison?
So let’s dive right in with the first question and it was actually a little bit longer. So I’m going to
read the full question question what I’m struggling with what to price my packages at? I know I
give 110% of myself to clients. And I want my price to reflect that but also keeping prices
reasonable. What I’m currently thinking for a six month package seems more than fair to me on
one hand, but it’s likely a deterrent to others. What is the strategy you can recommend
following to make sure I’m getting paid fairly and is also attainable for clients? Thanks. This is
such a great question and a very, very easy answer. Of course, there are nuances to it but easy
answer. First of all, you get to decide what getting paid fairly means. And we’re going to use a
calculator for that in a second. And secondly, there’s no price that is going to be attainable for
your clients. And that’s totally okay. No price. There’s no Goldilocks price that is attainable for
people, for all people. For most people even, that’s totally fine, though, we don’t even need to
try to find the attainable price. Because for everyone that is turned off by a premium price.
There is someone that’s turned on by it and gives it more credibility and believes that it’s
actually a better offer because it’s higher priced. And for everyone that thinks the pricing is
unattainable. There’s someone that doesn’t bat an eye at that amount because definitions of
attainable and cheap and expensive and premium and reasonable and all of that they’re so
subjective. Just remember that always remember what You think is unattainable, or what you
think is fair is completely irrelevant to your prospective clients, because it’s probably not what
they think is reasonable or fair, we all have very, very different definitions of that. What they do
want to know is about the results that they’re going to get when they work with you, not how
much you’re making per hour, not if it’s fair, which is another subjective term, keep that in
mind. They want to know what the results are, they will decide if the results are going to be
worth what you’re charging, that’s what they’re going to decide. So your job is to make sure
that they understand the results, and that you are selling the results and you’re talking about
the results. And all roads lead back to the results that they’re going to get. But to do that the
most important thing is for you to be really sold on your pricing. And for that to happen, it has
to pencil out for your business goals. So what I want you to do is to get a calculator and figure
out how many clients you can realistically work with at a time. And whether that’s months or
two months depends on how long you work with clients for how many can you work with and
multiply by the amount that you’re charging? Does this number get you to your financial goals,
or even in the ballpark of what you need to be making, because you are going to increase your
rates and you’re going to get more efficient, and you’re gonna take more clients or you’re going
to hire support, so that other people can be doing fulfillment with your clients. And you can
take even more of them. There are things as your business grows, that will change. So this isn’t
like exactly what you’re going to make forever. But are you even in the ballpark of making your
financial goals with your current pricing based on how many clients you can realistically take?
Is it in the ballpark? If not, that has to change. And for most people, I recommend taking the
fair rate. And I have fair in air quotes here, what you think is the fair rate that you’re
considering and then doubling it. And if that makes you want to puke, you’re probably in the
neighborhood. Okay, the fun part here is selling yourself on this doubled rate and on this offer
before you sell it to anyone else. So if you initially feel like you’re going to throw up and there’s
no way, then we have work to do, but that’s okay, because this is the fun work, okay, you’re
going to sell yourself on your offer. By the time you present this to the world or you have your
first one on one call with a client and you sell it to them, you are going to believe so fully in the
value being at least 10 times what you’re charging, that you know it’s a steal for them. And
then you sell it that way with full belief doesn’t matter what the price is, if you know it is an
under charge based on the results that they are getting, which is worth at least 10 times what
you’re charging, you’re going to sell it that way with full belief and they are going to feel that
fully. Okay, so it does really doesn’t matter the price, it matters, your belief in it and how sold
are you on this offer. This is a process that I teach in really like a lot of detail inside the
profitable, nutritious program. So if you’re a student in the program, you already know this, but
if not know that there is a process for this. And I’m not gonna go into that detail on this
episode. But just know there is a process and you selling yourself on the offer is what needs to
happen before you go sell it to anyone else doesn’t matter. The price doesn’t matter any of
that. Because like what is expensive and what is cheap, and what is fair and what is
reasonable. All those are so subjective. And we all have different definitions of them. So don’t
try to figure out how to make it be those things. Figure out how to make you believe that it’s
already there. That makes sense. Okay, I have multiple episodes to steer you towards where I
go into more detail on all of this episode nine called Stop undercharging is a really good one. If
you’re struggling with your pricing and you feel like oh my gosh, I can’t do this double thing. What is she talking about? Go to Episode Nine stop under charging. And another episode I have
that is probably really juicy for if you’re tempted to work for free, is episode 67. It’s called
testing your client process should you work for free. And this is the process of basically how you
can start with free clients and then gradually start increasing to paid and then more premium
paid and more premium paid and you can titrate up your offer over time. So episode nine stop
under charging and episode 67 testing your client process should you work for free are going to
be really helpful for taking this discussion a little bit further. All right, number two, how do I
figure out my pricing structure. So in in the way that I teach pricing, it’s kind of a big picture
strategy. So I want you to zoom out on your business and I want you to look at your business
10 years from now with a maximum of three offers so your perfect long term business 10 years
from now has three things that you are selling. One of them is an entry level offer we call this
your in offer. Your up offer is the next one and I have to give credit by the way to this whole in
up Max I’m gonna teach you how to run the VEC that’s who I first learned it from. I can’t
remember what book it was in but it was in a book of his that’s where I learned this and I love
the simplicity of it. Okay, so in up Max you’re in offer is your entry level offer. It is your least
expensive offer the most people will be delivered this offer so you could take a lot of people
into it. It’s a scalable offer probably a digital offer or group something like that that you could
sell a ton off to strangers on the internet at a low price. That is your In offer, then and
remember, this is your business 10 years from now, this is not your business right now, that’s a
very, very major disclaimer I’m making. Alright, secondly, you have your up offer, which is the
next offer on the ladder. And this is a more expensive offer that will be delivered to less people.
So less people will get this offer, but it is higher priced. So you actually make more money
selling this offer, then you do your entry level offer. Okay, this is mid mid tier offer, then you
have your max offer which is highest up on the ladder, it is your ultimate VIP premium offer.
And it is the creme de la creme. So it is delivered only to the smallest number of people that
want the best of the best of what you have. It is not a scalable offer that you will sell to 1000s
of people on the internet. It is your VIP super, super, super VIP offer and you charge a very
premium price for it. So this is actually your most lucrative offer, because you charge the most
for it, even though it is delivered to the fewest number of people, entry level offer, middle tier
offer. And then ultra premium Max offer that is your 10 year business plan. Again, I love the
simplicity of just zooming out and thinking of oh, this is the long term. This is what it looks like.
And the reason I want to bring that to the forefront of this discussion and why I always talk
about this in regards to business strategy is because it is so misleading to look at businesses
that are more mature that are further along that have massive audiences and see them selling
those inexpensive entry level offers. The reason it’s misleading is because it seems like that is
a winning strategy, okay, have to sell something that is not that expensive, because that’s
what the big boys are doing. That’s what they’re doing. But what you don’t see is on the back
end, they are making money on those other upsells the more premium offers, and that is where
the actual money is in the business. So the profits are in the business. So it’s very, very
misleading from the outside looking in to see those bigger businesses. And then to try to
structure a much more immature business in the beginning that same way the math will not
pencil out, you will go broke, because it is very, very expert level. How do I say expert levels, I
want to say this if you are an expert marketer, you can sell cheap things and probably have a
really big audience. And the math works out to do that. Unless you are that expert marketer, it
is way harder to sell cheap things than it is to sell expensive things. Because people inherently
place more value on expensive things. And they are skeptical of the quality of cheap things.
kind of goes with what we were just talking about with the last question is that people just
inherently value things that are more expensive, more, they assume that it is more valuable.
So it is a lot harder to sell cheap things unless you are really really good at it have lots of
experience, which 10 years from now you will have and it is very probable that your business
will have a low price entry level offer in the future. But don’t try to get there too quickly.
Because doing that keeps people broke. How do I know this, I made this mistake for so many
years, and I have sold a $19 a month membership. And I’ve sold a $10,000 mastermind, and I
will tell you all day long, the mastermind is so much easier to sell than that lower price
membership was to sell it is I’ve seen it myself, I have several examples of it. And I’ve seen
hundreds and hundreds of other people do the same thing. So if you’re skeptical of this, and if
you thinking I don’t have people that want a premium offer right now, it’s because you haven’t
been selling what the premium clients want. And when you change your offer, those clients are
going to come out of the woodwork that do value the much more premium offer your max offer.
So that is my suggestion. The question is, how do I figure out my pricing structure, my
suggestion is to sell your max offer first, that high tier VIP premium, very high touch, very
personalized offer, it’s probably going to be working with you one on one, which means you
don’t have a bunch of tech to set up, you are going to be completely customizing the process
that you take each of your clients through. So if you don’t have a super dialed in process, tried
and true yet, that’s okay. When you’re working with clients one on one, you’re able to
customize it you’re able to pivot and adjust and tweak and be very, very flexible in how you’re
delivering the process based on how they’re receiving it and the progress that they’re making,
which is wonderful in the beginning as you’re figuring out your processes. So you’re going to be
completely customizing it. From their perspective. That’s amazing. That’s very VIP that’s very
personalized. That’s the kind of health care and help support that people are really, really
hungry for all puns intent and aren’t getting elsewhere. So that’s a beautiful thing. From your
side of it, you feel like okay, I’m figuring this out as I go. I’m evaluating. I’m looking at what’s
working and what isn’t working. So it’s a win win for everybody, and even bigger when you’re
charging the most premium price for this offer. So it’s the easiest to sell. So my suggestion is in
figuring out your pricing structure, go ultimate premium offer first, it’s probably going to be
working with you one on one Knowing that selling this offer and only selling this offer to less
people, but making way more money is going to serve your business so well in the long term.
Because when you master the selling and the over delivering of this one offer, until you make
at least six figures from the offer, probably well beyond that, you are going to know exactly
how to sell the less expensive offers that you want to introduce in the future. And then you will
reach more people. And by that point, you do have a bigger audience and you do have a bigger
demand and people wanting to work with you probably much more than you can deliver to one
on one. So that Max offer isn’t something that you will sell that way forever. But it’s how you’re
going to generate demand. It’s how people are going to be sending you referrals, your name is
going to be getting out there. And you’re going to be starting to build a database of people that
do want to work with you. So when you go to create one of those less expensive offers in the
future, first of all, you know how to sell it because you’ve been having one on one
conversations with your people, you know their objections, you know how to overcome them,
you know, what their struggles are, you know what their pain points are, you know exactly how
they talk about those things. So your your marketing is amazing, because you’re using their
language, and you have lots of experience with that. And you have the resources in your
business, to have people help you to deliver those offers to have people help you set up the
tech and to coach with you and to support you and your clients at a much higher level. So it
isn’t just you forever burning out and being the only person in your business. So the best news
of the day, is that when you do it this way, you’re going to have first of all so much experience,
and be such a better marketer and be so much better in your sales for whatever you’re selling
right now, but also in the future. And you’re going to be generating so much demand and so
many resources in your business that you’ll be able to reinvest and really make a company and
not an expensive job for yourself. So I hope that answers the question on how do I figure out
my pricing structure. Let’s take a minute and talk about podcasts. Here’s how they work, you
subscribe. And then every Tuesday rain or shine, you’re going to get a brand new episode in
your feed for free from me, that’s going to help you make more money in less time and impact
more people’s lives. It’s incredible that we just have the best jobs by the way. We sure do. And
because we don’t run any ads on this show, the one thing I would ask from you in exchange for
all the value that you’re getting here is to take 60 seconds after you subscribe and leave a
review. When you rate their podcasts and leave a review. It tells apple and Spotify and all the
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way more people who also want to impact more people’s lives. See what I’m saying? Leaving
that quick review might just change everything for someone else and their business, we’ve
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profitable nutritionist.com/review where you’ll get a magic link to leave that review in whatever
podcast platform you use. Again, if you don’t know how to do the review, go to the profitable
nutritionist.com/review. And we’ll show you exactly how thank you so much for taking the time,
it really really does mean the world. One more thing, actually, I do want to say because this
question comes up a lot on coaching calls that I coach on. So I want to say this, don’t give more
than one choice. If you’re selling on one on one consults don’t offer more than one offer. So my
suggestion is just have one offer and just get really good at selling this one offer and dial it in
and just sell one offer, constrain your focus, put on the blinders and just sell this one thing. But
sometimes my clients and you might be one of these people want to have a back pocket offer
something else, maybe you always sell a six month offer. But for some people, they really only
need three months. And you want to have that in your back pocket. If you decide to do that.
Don’t ever give someone a choice between three months and six months. If you’re selling on
one on one consults, and you’re selling one on one, you can first of all give a range on your
website, if you would choose to have prices on your website, you could give a range of what
those prices are. So people know what that is. And then you give them an actual offer on the
console. So it’s would sound something along the lines of based on what we figured out here
today, the best option for you to get the results blank fill in the blank of blank results is going to
be this and then you sell them your package. Don’t give two options don’t say well, you could
do this or you could do that. It will only confuse your people. And it’s going to have them
thinking that they have to not make a decision right now and get off the call and go do some
research and probably make a pros and cons list and dig into and figure out which of the two
they need. They don’t know they don’t know which one they need. They want you to be the
expert and tell them what they need. So if you have more than one offer, or more than one
package in your back pocket, and you certainly don’t need to by the way, in fact, I think it
creates confusion in your brain. So I would really suggest unless you’re making six figures or
more. Don’t do that. But if you do, just give that person that you’re talking to one option to
consider. Okay, and then last but not least, for the love Do not look at what anyone else is
charging you that segues quite nicely to our final question, which is this? What advice do you
have for thoughts of comparison, I try not to notice what competitors are doing. But when I do, I
end up feeling less than behind the ball or losing sight of what makes my offer and me unique,
especially if they have a bigger audience, a cheaper offer, etc. I know all the things that I
should be thinking, but the internal response still feels automatic. And then I have to spend so
much energy trying to shift my mindset once again, how do I get to the point where it doesn’t
take so much effort to practice a healthy mindset in this area? Okay, I feel this one so deeply, I
understand it, I totally get it. So first of all, I would say just change the circumstance and don’t
look at any competitors. I’m gonna give some suggestions, but also changing your mindset
around it. But first and foremost, change the circumstance, just don’t know what other people
are charging. Because why would you? Only if you assume that your clients are shopping
around? Would you ever need to know what your competitors are charging and what they’re
shopping for? And why would you want to believe that your clients are shopping around?
Because if you believe that, you’re going to attract clients that are shopping around because in
your messaging, you’re going to say things that presume that they’re shopping around, and
then only people that are shopping around are going to be drawn in by that marketing? Do you
see what I’m saying? If you don’t believe that people are shopping around, than the people that
come to you or not shopping around, because our clients are always going to mirror our beliefs
right back at us. And the reason for that might be possibly energetic, but also for sure, because
of the words that we say when we’re believing the things we believe. So at the risk of sounding
super naive, I’m going to be honest, that I have no idea who my competitors are, or what their
offers are literally no clue. I have no idea. Many a very awkward meeting has happened where
my team and I are meeting with like someone to do something with our website or marketing
or something. And or run ads. There’s been there’s been several instances of this in the last, I
would say nine months, where different agencies or contractors ask who our competitors are
and what their offers are. And I’m like, I have no idea. very confused. And think that I’m a
moron, I’m sure, because I don’t know. But I will tell you that is 1,000% by design, because I
would have all of the same thoughts about comparison and about second guessing my offer
and all those things. So why even go there? I just don’t know. I don’t look at it, I have no idea. I
have no idea. So that’s my first suggestion. Just change the circumstances don’t know take on
follow if you’re on social media unfollow anyone that you’re going to see marketing, that’s
going to cloud your judgment on what your offer is, until you’re really strong and really sold on
what you offer. And I’ll be honest, even me right now, and I feel pretty strong on what I sell and
what I offer. I just have no interest in knowing what other people are doing, what they’re
selling, or how they’re competing with me, because I just don’t need to know, I feel like it
makes me then probably somehow take their ideas in. And I don’t want that I want my offer to
be my ideas and my thoughts. So if that’s useful, borrow it. Yeah, I don’t know. Those are my
thoughts on just not knowing who the competition is. Because are they even competition? I
don’t think so. I think there’s someone out there for everyone. And is it even competition? I
don’t think so. Plus, I’m not interested in working with people that are shopping around, I just
though they’ll either come to me or they won’t, they’re gonna decide they want to work with
me or they won’t. And that’s totally fine. So I teach this inside the profitable nutrition is
program, there’s an entire module devoted to creating your offer that’s easy for you to sell
that’s irresistible for your easiest dreamiest clients to say yes to. And in that module, I give
some really non negotiable standards for everyone to follow. And I’ll just repeat them here and
let you know what they are, first of all stop crowdsourcing your pricing. You don’t need to know
what other people are charging. This is totally in line with what I’m answering this question.
Don’t know, like you don’t need to know, stop researching what other people in your area or in
your niche are charging. It’s totally irrelevant. Stop calculating what the per hour charge is. If
you think that your people are calculating what you’re making per hour, they’re not stop doing
that. They just want to know what the results are that they’re going to get. And they want to
pay for the results. They’re not trying to figure out what your per hour charges, believe me, if
my clients wanted to figure out my per hour charge, we could do that. And it would be so many
1000s of dollars, I would be so proud of that. I wouldn’t think it’s a problem. I would be so
happy for them to know I have no idea what my per hour charges. But the point is, I don’t think
it’s a problem. I would never be worried about somebody doing that. But I know and I’ve
coached people often enough to know that that is a concern for many people like oh, well they
know that I’m making $300 An hour $500 An hour $1,000 An hour I will they I don’t know does
it matter if they’re getting the results that they want? Wonderful. Everybody wins. So I have an
entire podcast on this. I’m going to send you two. It’s called do not even know the going rate or
figuring out the going rate actually I think it’s figuring out the going rate It’s episode 34. All of
these episodes I’m dropping, by the way are linked up in the show notes on the resources for
this episode. So you can always go to the show notes episode for any episode by going to the
profitable nutritionist.com/the Episode number. So for this one, it’s the profitable
nutritionist.com/ 122. And you will find a list with all of these other podcasts as well. So don’t
even try to figure out the going rate, it’s not a thing, it’s not a fact, the going rate is a myth, it
doesn’t exist, there is no going rate there isn’t. Because everybody is just throwing out
numbers with their best guess of what maybe they kind of believe they could do. It’s really just
what’s happening. And if you’re looking at other people’s pricing as a guide for where to set
yours, you’re just adopting their beliefs about money, and about their value and the value of
their offer and what they’re sold on or not sold on in their business. So doing this research, big
air quotes on the word research seems prudent, I understand that. But really, it only is going to
either confirm a thought that you have about yourself, which is that you can’t trust your own
decisions, and you need outside validation or direction. Or it’s going to confirm a thought that
you have about your people, which is their shopping around, neither of which are useful. So just
don’t do that. First and foremost, if you want to build trust with yourself that you do know
what’s best for your business, and your clients make an incredible offer, and go sell it to them.
And if you crowdsource your pricing or your offer details, you are not building trust with
yourself at all, you’re just adapting someone else’s beliefs about what they think is possible for
them. And what do they think is possible for their clients and what they think is possible for
their business. So don’t do that. Don’t Don’t Don’t do it up to 95%. This is a really sad statistic.
But up to 95% of health and wellness practitioners are not profitable in their businesses. Think
about that. So if you are modeling your pricing or your offer based on what the going rate is,
you’re just racing towards the bottom, because there’s a very, very, very good chance that
whatever you’d be basing it off of isn’t going to pencil out anyway. So that’s my first suggestion
with this question is just don’t even look don’t even know, change the circumstance and just
don’t even have it entering in your head. The second component of this is to change your
mindset around it. And I’d be very curious, because I think that both the way that I read this
question, both of these are kind of part of it of like being stressed and comparing if someone
has a bigger audience or a cheaper offer, and then feeling like I’m behind, I’m less than I’m
behind the ball, that kind of thing. So I think that there’s a time component and a money
component or client component here. And so I would ask if I was coaching someone on this, I
would say is it the scarcity around the time or the money and the clients that you’re
experiencing the most here? I would want to get to the root of those thoughts? Is it there’s not
enough time for me to catch up to this person? And I’m comparing myself to them? Or is it I
don’t make enough money, and I am never going to catch up that way. So thoughts that might
be useful, and that I would offer in this situation in regards to clients. And if it was, if the
answer to this was like I’m feeling scarce about clients, I would offer some thoughts that I have
that I think would serve in this situation, which are, I want to be the most expensive. Now that’s
a stupid thing to say, because I just told you that I have no idea what other people charge. So I
don’t really know I find the most expensive or if I’m not even close, doesn’t matter. But I want
to be the most expensive. I want people to see my offer and think oh my gosh, this is valuable,
it is expensive. It’s an investment, and it’s going to be worth it. Those are thoughts I have about
pricing. I also want my ideal clients to want my VIP premium offer and not what anyone else
has to offer. Because my easiest clients are not shopping around. I know this, they they’re not
trying to do that. Maybe they are now my thoughts are they aren’t and in reality, maybe some
people are shopping around. And that isn’t a problem either. But I am not problem solving for
somebody that is shopping around to try to make their decision easier. I am just making my
offer really valuable. And going on the assumption that my easiest, best, most ideal clients that
get the best results aren’t shopping around anyway. And I do think that that’s true. Now if it’s
time, that is the scarcity aspect here, and it’s feeling behind. I get this. Because I’ve shared on
this podcast many times before, my default thought pattern is I’m behind. I’m behind. I should
be further ahead. Oh my gosh, I should be further ahead. So I understand that my brain will
always go to that thought. I get it. So I have lots of little tricks of how I coach myself on this and
how I practice some other thoughts around time. I think in this instance, when it’s in
comparison to someone else’s business. A useful thought is my business today is the solid
foundation that I’m going to grow from in the future. And zooming out and looking at how
where you are right now or I want to do this for myself where I am right now is this solid
foundation I’m building so that I can grow bigger in the future. I want to remind myself how far I
have come not how far I have to go to my deal, because the ideal never comes, we always
move our ideal. That’s the goal line that we just keep moving away from ourselves. And really,
this is true for me. But I know that this is true for you, too. So think about this, where my
business is at right now was a dream just a few years ago, a dream, it was the goal line, it was
past the goal line, not all that long ago. And we forget that, right, we forget that as our human
brains keep moving that goal line into the future, the ideal keeps moving forward, what’s
possible, I’m one on one hand, this is kind of cool, because our minds keep getting blown with
what’s possible. And then we get into Oh, my gosh, if I could do this, then I could do that next
thing, and then we move that goal. And again, so it on one hand, it is helpful, but on the other.
It isn’t because we don’t celebrate. And we don’t live in the wonder of what we have already
created and how far we’ve come and how amazing it is. We’re just always looking at how far we
have to go. So there’s give and take there, we just have to look to spend equal time looking at
how far have we come and not only how far do we have to go because our we will always have
more to go we’re as business owners, we will always have something to chase, I kind of think
about like in this is one area with our health and wellness. And we could probably have a really
interesting conversation about this. But I think there is a goal line in your health, like there are
metrics to attain there, like you get to a point where you don’t want to lose more weight, or you
get to a point where you are devoid of any symptoms that you’re trying to get rid of. And then
you really do feel better now, can you always improve your health? Yes. So there are always
things that you can do, there are always things that you can optimize, there’s always goals to
be had there. But with business, it is a little bit different in the sense that you can keep growing
bigger and bigger and bigger, there really isn’t a stop sign. So I don’t know something for a
different AMA. Well, we’ll keep on track right now with thoughts around comparison. And I’m
gonna land the plane here by saying, never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.
I think that that’s a phrase that is pertinent here. How are we ever going to know how long
someone else has been grinding away to get to the point where they are at now? We can’t of
course. So why even try? I think a much better scenario is to put the blinders on and not worry
about what anyone else is doing, what they’re charging, who they’re working with, how
specialized they are in the niche. are they stealing your stuff? Are they not? I mean, just why?
Why even take the energy. And again, I probably sound really naive to be saying that. But I
think it’s working for me. So I’m going to just be honest, I think putting on the blinders and not
worrying about what anyone else is doing is really the way to go. There is no going rate
anyway, it is way more useful to just believe that your people aren’t shopping around, focus on
the results that they get when they work with you, not anybody else. It’s a way better use of
your time and energy to focus on those things because you can actually control them. The
process that you bring your people through you can actually control you can’t control what
anyone else is charging what anyone else is doing. So why all right, this was so fun, my friend I
am looking forward to many more asked me anything type episodes like this in the future.
Again, you can go to the show notes page at the profitable nutritionists.com/ 122 to submit
your questions. They can be business or personal for any of the upcoming Ask Me Anything
videos and episodes that I’m going to keep doing. And again, the video responses get sent out
monthly via email and questions with longer answers needed, like the ones that we did today
are gonna get turned into podcast episodes. So I’m looking forward to doing more content like
this. I have like I said a lot to share with you about what we are doing behind the scenes
content wise this year. It is a very, very big content year in my business and I have a lot to
share about that, that you’ll be hearing about in the coming months. So have a wonderful
week, my friend and I will see you back here same time, same place.

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