I have always been an entrepreneur. Literally always.
Even when I was waiting tables and driving the Holiday Inn shuttle van while going to college full-time, I found the time to deal blackjack in a secret blackjack club at a VFW basement while being privately tutored at how to count cards from a 70 year old Greek man who barely spoke English.
I agree, it’s the opening scene of a Liam Neeson movie.
Where were the adults? Why was this not concerning to anyone in my life? Questions for another day.
Let’s stick with the most pertinent facts you need to know about me and how I got here, where I get to teach ambitious practitioners just like you how to grow a massively successful health and wellness business that funds your dream life.

Here’s the short version
Since those early days in the VFW basement at age 22, I’ve grown 3 highly successful businesses from scratch
Different business models, different clients, different specialties. But they all had one thing in common.
We’ll get to that in a minute.
I started off by selling tens of millions of dollars in real estate and founding my own real estate brokerage with 15+ agents in a brick and mortar location during the worst recession our generation had ever seen.
A decade and one thyroid cancer scare later, I built a thriving holistic nutrition practice and served thousands of clients 100% online without any tech experience whatsoever.
In 2019 I started teaching other nutritional therapists and wellness practitioners how to make huge income and impact in their businesses here at The Profitable Nutritionist®, which has been my most rewarding endeavor by far.
These three different businesses of mine were successful because of one common thread: I figured out how to sell my services to people who wanted to buy them.
It’s so basic, I sometimes forget that this is why I’ve been a successful business owner for over 20 years.
Owning a business means selling your stuff
There’s no way around it.
We think there should be a shortcut or secret strategy to get past that part, but there isn’t.
You may think I’m naturally gifted at selling and marketing, and that’s why I have been successful, but it’s not the case. I just learned the skill of selling to people who already want what I have to offer.
I’ll teach it to you, too. It’s not complicated. In fact, you’ll realize it’s really fun to sell people exactly what they want.
My clients often report selling as their favorite part of their business, even though they used to dread every single money conversation.
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of clients needing your help. Right now they’re searching for the help you deliver and they want to invest in the long-term solution to their health problems.
- People want to live healthier lives.
- They want to eat better food and understand why everything they tried before just made them sicker. They want to reverse their chronic illnesses.
- They are praying not to suffer from cognitive decline (or worse) like their aging parents.
- They want to lose weight for the last time.
- They want to be an example of health and vitality for their children.
They just want to feel better. They want your help. And they’re willing to pay for it if you’ll just sell it to them.
In 2009, when I was 25 years old and 5 months pregnant, I opened the doors to my own real estate company.
If you recall, 2009 was a little rough in the real estate market. That sh*t was hard, if you don’t mind my honesty. But I became the kind of person who does hard things. Perhaps you can relate?
After 7 years, 2 kids, total burnout, that not-so-minor thyroid cancer scare, and some serious soul-searching, I closed my real estate brokerage and started my little holistic nutrition website.
When my friends and family asked what I was doing, I found myself saying things like “podcast” and “online courses” although I had no clue how to create either of those things.
I didn’t know how this nutrition business was going to work. I had no idea if creating an online nutrition course or membership was a thing, much less how to actually do it.
I just knew that holistic nutrition had changed my life and my family forever, and I had to figure out how to share that knowledge with the world.
I had to figure it out. It was necessary.
People needed to know that fruit loops and 100-calorie packs were no bueno, and it was my job to spread the word.
Again, I’m sure you can relate.
Everywhere I looked, all I could see was someone who needed my help. That kept me going even when I had no idea what I was doing. Sound familiar?
I grew that “cute little nutrition website” into a highly profitable online course machine and membership site that impacted the health of over 1000 students in 3 years.
I had never created courses before. I had never launched a podcast or had an email list before. I had never DIY’d a website before.
Some of those new skills helped me make money and get more clients, and some didn’t. I failed at lots of things.
When I think back to my first few group programs in early 2016, I cringe
But there was no one around teaching how to effectively market and price holistic nutrition services back then. It was all trial and error.
My clients today get to benefit from that trial and error and avoid most of the mistakes I made, so I’m grateful for them.
Along the way to helping thousands of people improve their health, I learned a whole lot about building and marketing an online nutrition business.
I didn’t learn from watching free videos on YouTube or scrolling other nutritionists on IG trying to see “what’s working.”
You might be surprised to hear that since 2021 I don’t scroll social media at all. Nada. Zero personal profiles. I’ve never even seen a reel.
Nor does my business rely on any social media posts or marketing.
The very minimal social media presence my business has is managed by my team with the sole purpose of running ads on those platforms.
Social media is not necessary to grow your business.
Which is great news if you feel hypocritical spending your time scrolling or “engaging” when it’s not even bringing in clients and deep down you believe it’s unhealthy.
No judgement from me, ok? But if you know, you know.
Making lots of money in your business by helping your clients transform their lives is the most incredible career. It really is.
If you’re here right now because you’re ready to do this.
Welcome! You’re in the right place.
But if you’re not quite there yet with your belief that you can make a full time living as a holistic nutritionist or health coach, that’s ok, too. You’ll get there.
If there is a part of your soul that wants to find your people and deeply impact their health and their life, you can do it.
You don’t need to know how it’s going to work, or how to do it, you just need to believe that it will work because you have a message to share and you’ll figure it out.
I had a decade of experience as an entrepreneur
I was very comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling of the unknown, because I had done it many times before.
It was comfortable to zig when others were zagging.
It was comfortable to tune out the self-doubt and keep moving forward even when it was screaming in my ear.
It was comfortable to set big goals with no fricken clue how I was going to figure out the next step to achieving them.
But those things might not be comfortable for you yet
That’s ok. If you don’t have that belief in yourself quite yet, you can borrow mine…
Because I believe in you and the big purpose of your journey.
I know there’s a reason you’re reading this right now, and I can’t wait to see what’s ahead for you.
In fact, if you’re in need of some inspiration, start writing your About Me story just like this one.
Think about all the twists and turns that led you to exactly where you are today.
I bet you’ll have a new appreciation for that path that led you right exactly where you needed to be, even if you couldn’t see it at the time.
I know that Andrea circa 2005, who was living off of coffee and fast food and was dealing blackjack in an underground card club at the VFW…
Literally, it was underground in a weird basement…had to do that weird stuff so she would evolve into the woman I am today who isn’t afraid to showcase all her failures on the internet.
Am I right?
I suppose I should give you a little more info about me
- Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)
- Certified Life & Business Mindset Coach
- Licensed Real Estate Broker
- Sociology – Law, Criminology & Deviance BA from the University of Minnesota (Go Gophers!)
- Graduate of the MN School of Bartending (Seriously.)
- 3+ years of sales experience selling Red Wing work boots & driving a Holiday Inn shuttle van (Just covering all the bases here.)
- Small-time-back-alley blackjack dealer and moderately accurate card counter (I used to be really fun.)
- Core Tendency: REBEL all the way. (I still eat gluten. Shhhh.)
- Enneagram Type 8w7 (Basically a really fun communist dictator.)
- Top Strengths: Futuristic, Strategic, Focus, Activator, Significance (See why I’m unemployable? I was made to sell vacuums door to door.)
- Did I mention I really enjoy a good personality or skills assessment? #guilty

So how about we land this plane for now. I have so much to share, but we’ll take it to the privacy of your inbox with the free course.

Get the profitable practice free course
Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media.