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3 Secrets to Making $100K+ in Your Practice Without Social Media

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Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.

12. Creating Your Money Making Website

We’re diving into technology, today. Terrifying, right?

I promise to keep this so simple and easy to follow, you’re going to WANT to either create your website or audit and simplify your existing site by the time you’re done with this episode.

No more procrasti-designing or just burying your head in the sand at the thought of trying to move stock images of food around on random pages and make them look good. NO NO NO. Do not do this, for the love.

As you may or  may not know, I have really strong opinions about technology and marketing and websites in particular. We’ll get into all of that in this episode, but let me just say this: You do NOT need a website to make money as a holistic nutritionist or health coach. You don’t. I have students that come into my program without any website and they are doing just fine working with clients and making money left and right. It’s not a prerequisite.

With that being said, it’s 2021 and you probably WANT a website. It’s certainly not going to hurt, unless the creation of said website sucks up all your time and energy for a month and you don’t make any actual money. That’s what you’re going to avoid by listening to this episode. Enjoy!


Andrea Nordling 0:00
Oh, my friend, we are diving into technology today, I promise to keep this so simple and easy to follow that you are going to want to either create your website or audit and simplify your existing site by the time you’re done with this episode, no more procrastinate designing, or just burying your head in the sand at the thought of even trying to move around those stock images of food on those random pages and make them look good. No, no, no, do not do this, oh, my goodness, do not do this. Now, as you may or may not know, I have very, very strong opinions about technology and marketing and websites in particular. And we’re gonna get into all of that. But let me just say this to start off, you do not need a website to make money as a holistic nutritionist or health coach, you do not I have students that come into my program all the time without any website, and they are doing just fine working with clients and making money left and right. It is not a prerequisite. But with that being said, it is 2021. And so you probably want a website, especially the way I’m going to teach you how to make it it is so simple, why wouldn’t you certainly not going to hurt to have a website, unless the creation of said website is going to suck up all of your time and your energy for months, and then you won’t make any money, then the website will hurt you. So that’s what we’re going to avoid with this episode. And with everything I’m going to teach you, when I tell you about all of the ways that your website makes you money and works for you 24/7. I’m not suggesting that you figure out how to become a WordPress wizard, or get all the plugins or even figure out what WordPress means or become a graphic designer, or master Canva or any of that that’s not what I’m saying you do not need to figure out how to be a website designer and whip up a custom site with all the bells and whistles. No, no, no. In fact, I suggest five or less very specific web pages that will take you just a few hours and exactly zero stock photos of avocados to finish up. Zero avocados, you hear me zero?

Andrea Nordling 1:56
So the big question is really should you prioritize your website creation and optimizing and editing it right now or not, you’re going to figure that out today. And if you do decide to focus some time and attention on your website, you will know exactly what to call it, what exact pages you need and what to say on each page. So your people are coming through your website, to your discovery calls or to your program sales page, or wherever your next step is with you. They’re already primed and ready to invest. That is what waits at the end of the rainbow of your beautiful, easy, simple, streamlined website. Now I have to say, inside my free course, which I tell you to go sign up for all the time at WWW dot build a profitable practice.com forward Slash Free. That’s the free course. When you go there, when you sign up for the free course you get video lessons and checklists from me that walk you through all of the tech setup, and structuring your lean and mean website that converts like crazy. All of that, including screenshare videos is all included in that free course. So make sure you have signed up for the free course. And I think it’s on day six or day seven, that you get the tech tutorials and videos emailed to you, I go through all of this step by step in those videos. So you can follow along and create your website or edit your existing site in real time. Right along with those videos. That’s what it’s for. So again, that is already inside my free course at WWW dot build a profitable practice.com forward Slash Free. That’s where you sign up for the free course. And like I said, I share with you the exact web pages you need on your nutrition website, your health coaching website, and what to say on each page, you are going to learn through those tutorials how to create a digital storefront that turns casual window shoppers into ecstatic paying clients that cannot wait to work with you. Sometimes they buy things while you’re asleep, which is the most fun by the way. But I have to make a disclaimer, you are going to have to get your hands dirty in the beginning and put the pieces of the puzzle together for your exact goals and your exact business structure and your offer. I do have an easy format for you to do this, which is what I’m teaching you today. And you’re going to get even more detail in the free course. But it won’t just happen without your effort would be so silly to make it seem like this is just going to appear. And in fact, most people will not do this. They won’t take the time to create a website that they’re proud of that makes them money. I totally understand why because I mean, let’s face it, the quote unquote payoff isn’t always immediate. So instead what happens is they’ll finish or halfway finish a DIY website that they’re embarrassed of that doesn’t look the way they want to lots of stock photos of avocados probably. And then they’re never going to send anyone to the website. They’re embarrassed of it. So they never promoted never send anyone to it. And instead focus on social media posts and being active on social media, which hardly anyone even sees, doesn’t convert to clients and is a waste of time. That kills me. I hate it. So the good news is that when you do commit to fixing up your little digital storefront, your little website and then you keep tweaking it and improving the system over the next few months. You will have built an asset that’s going to serve as your first hire your first employee that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week selling for you, and providing excellent customer service for years and years to come, you will have an asset in your company. And while that employee is at work in the background, you get to focus on serving and impacting your clients at an even higher level, which is very satisfying. So I hope I’ve made a good sales pitch for why my hope is that you will prioritize this website of yours, I want to help you do it. And we’re going to start with the four wellness website fundamentals, the four fundamentals why this even matters, let’s talk about it. Fundamental number one, your website, like I said, is your hardest working employee, but you need to train it, I really want you to grasp this. So we’re gonna say it in a few different ways. Your website works for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, if it’s set up properly, it is like The Little Engine That Could that’s gonna work on your behalf to tirelessly answer customer service questions and attract the best clients to your little business like bees to honey, and then it’s going to serve them immense value on autopilot at all times.

Andrea Nordling 6:14
So they cannot wait to work with you further. That’s what’s your number one employee is going to do this little website of yours and it’s a priority. Getting it all set up. And working is very important. But you are going to have to get your hands dirty. And you’re going to have to train this employee to do what you want it to do. No one else is going to step up to the plate and build or renovate this perfect little digital home of yours. That is your job, you have to train this little digital employee to do the tasks you needed to do. The website on its own just does not generate sales or create happy clients without you telling it how to do that and setting it up properly. So if you currently have a website set up that you do not love, and you have a mishmash of random blog posts, more of those avocado and lemon stock photos, 89 different packages and ways for clients to work with you kind of haphazardly advertised on your site. But it’s a little bit vague. And it’s just a major choose your own adventure for people that get there and you have four different specialties. And then a few more stock food photos for good measure. This is what we need to clean up. I’m glad you are listening. Today, we are going to fix that mess of a website. Because in reality, you only need five to maybe seven specific pages on your website and just a few buttons. And we’re going to talk about those in a minute. But just know that you are going to have to train it like a new employee, this little website of yours. Which brings us to the second fundamental I want to share, which is this social media profile is not a website. This is the difference between owning a property and renting a property, my friend, it’s a slippery slope because it is way easier and faster to set up a social media business page. I know that this is tempting, many people do this because it can be done just in a few minutes and post some information, click here, very, very simple to set up. And that’s a good thing. It’s good to go fast, it’s good to just get things done and move on and make offers to help the people and then get paid and help them. Grab that low hanging fruit and get some momentum if you can. But please, if this is you, and you right now have a social media profile instead of an actual website, please prioritize getting your own website up and running as soon as possible and do not put it off. Because you don’t own any of your social media profiles, any of those pages, or any content that’s on them. Let that really sink in. As an important reminder, you’re just renting space on any social media platform, you don’t own it, it is not yours, it can be gone tomorrow, at any moment, the algorithm of those platforms or the terms of use, or the community standards can change. And those platforms can and will just change your audience, no one will see what you’re posting anymore. They will take your stuff out of the feed, nobody will see it anymore, no one will be able to find you. That is a bad place to be. And it is happening to a lot of people. So you want to be owning your own website, and your own information, your own content and your own stuff as much as possible, which means you have to have one and not just rely on a social media business page, as the place that you send people. This is because you’re just renting attention there. You don’t own it. And that will get us to the third foundational principle that we want to talk about. The third fundamental, which is nothing in your business is free. I know that it’s tempting to want to use platforms that are free social media in particular, but nothing is free. You either pay with your time or you pay with your money. I say that again. Because it is so important. And I feel like this is really it’s a disservice just in all of internet marketing in general to not talk about this. Nothing in your business is free. you either pay with your time, or you pay with your actual money. Most of us come to the solopreneur, or CEO role in our practice, wearing all the hats, many people for the first time never owning a business before. And so at that point, you’re the bookkeeper and the marketing department and the IT department. And you may or may not have a good relationship with the T in the it.

Andrea Nordling 10:25
You are the customer service department, you’re the head copywriter, product fulfillment, all of the things and that’s before you even work with actual clients can be a lot, right? Yes, there’s a lot going on. This is why I want to help you simplify the most important aspects of your business by spending time just on the simple things that you really need to get done. And not overwhelming yourself with all of the possibilities and all of the someday ideas, we really want to just get you making money working with clients. And doing that as simply as possible, the rest of the systems will come into place, and you will automate them as you grow. But that’s for later, that’s not when you’re getting started. And the most fun part is that the systems that you do need to grow in the future are usually really easy to automate when you have a good foundation set up in the first place. So for example, I have set up some really great systems in my business. And I have more than doubled my annual revenue while working about 10 to 15 hours a week. And I’ve been able to do that because of the systems that I put in place. So I want that for you too. I just don’t want you to try to create that from the word go. So if you’re just beginning your practice right now, and you’re just beginning your business, those advanced strategies are not going to be helpful for you right now, you’re going to end up wasting a ton of time on them and just changing them later. So resist all impulses to automate and to create extensive systems in your business that you don’t need yet. And if you are at the point in your business, where you’re ready to invest in some of those more advanced systems and processes and automations, because you are growing and you have all of the clients coming in, then you definitely I just have to say need to be in my program. The profitable nutritionist program is exactly where you will learn from all of the mistakes that I have made, and your other fellow members have made along the way. And we teach you how to simplify it as you scale and as you grow so that you don’t have those growing pains. Alright, so back to your website. Nothing in your business is free. This goes for tech. And for everything else, you either pay with your time or with your money. And I do understand that, especially when you’re new in your business and not making steady income, it seems logical that you want to DIY everything and do it yourself. But where did this belief come from? That we shouldn’t be investing capital into the startup of our businesses, I always want to push back on this belief because I look at a lot of successful business owners that open up a brick and mortar business. And they don’t spend two months learning how to create a free quote unquote free WordPress website and making crappy looking graphics on Canva. They don’t do any of that

Andrea Nordling 12:57
they hire someone else to do it, and they get to work making money. Right? I think that there’s something to be said for doing that in our smaller businesses in our health and wellness practices, even if they’re online. And even if it would be really, really easy for you to just spend all of your time figuring it out, that would be a lot more comfortable than spending a few bucks to hire someone else to do it. Maybe it’s going to be a better use of your time to hire someone. I just offer that. Because I wish someone had told me that this was an option when I was starting my practice in 2015. And if you’re somewhat tech savvy already, it’s probably not going to be a roadblock for you to get your website and your email list set up using this simple framework that I’m going to share that I teach in the free course especially, that’s probably not going to be a big deal. In fact, I use really easy tools. They’re very simple. But maybe there is something like graphic design that would be good for you to outsource it to have someone else handle if that’s hard for you. Or if just aesthetically, it never looks right to you then just outsource that no big deal. I also teach you how to do that. For some of my students, the technology aspect is just so frustrating and so overwhelming that it completely keeps them from moving forward at all. So if that’s you just quit trying to DIY it and outsource just right from the word go, just know that you are going to let somebody else handle that. And luckily, it’s very inexpensive and quick to do that. You’re not building out a custom Shopify website. And if you’re tech phobic, you might not even know what that means. But let me just say you’re not building out this huge customer interface that’s going to be really cumbersome for the type of website that we need. And for you as a health and wellness practitioner needs for working with clients even for selling digital products. So very, very lean and mean website. This is not a big deal. So it’s pretty inexpensive to hire this out. Either way, just keep in mind the cost of your time. Your time is not free because it’s costing you work with paying clients. I know it’s counterintuitive because I’m telling you, you need to get your hands dirty. But then I’m also kind of showing you why outsourcing some of these draining tasks. tasks might make sense. It will just have to be something that you figure out for yourself, my friend, you’re capable and resourceful, and competent. So you’ll know which bucket you volunteer, do you need to just focus and get it done yourself? Or is it something that would be better for you to outsource you decide. And then that brings us to the fundamental number four that I want to touch on, which is that the technology to run your entire business online is really easy to learn, or, like I said, can be very inexpensively outsourced. And when I was first starting my online business in 2015, even though that wasn’t really that long ago, it was like a century ago, tech wise. And the tech piece was still very complicated. At that point, there was domain hosting, and a website platform and a separate email service provider and a separate landing page builder and a separate software for hosting my online courses. And then a separate thing for taking payments. And then that took a percentage of each purchase payment, which was very frustrating. And then there was different webinars software to use and glitchy and cost over $1,000 a year. This is just what’s coming off the top of my head. But everything that I learned and that I put together was hard. It just was there were a lot of moving parts in different systems. And I still figured it out, even though it was expensive and took a lot of my time, I still figured it out. So obviously, this can be done. But now things are so much different. And things are so much easier to use. And it really is quite inexpensive. And the learning curve is not so steep. So I wanted to give hope with this last fundamental and let you know, it’s easy to learn how to create a great website and start consistently sending emails to your list, which we’ll also talk about, because I hope that that’s part of your website strategy. Don’t be intimidated, you can really keep this simple. And they’re very, very user friendly tools these days. One of my students recently compared figuring out the technology to market her, she’s a sleep coach. So

Andrea Nordling 16:50
her sleep business to learning Chinese in her early 50s. It was my favorite when she said this, I love that analogy really because she was explaining how proud she was of herself for following through and learning this new skill which she can now continue to hone for years to come. And she’s figured out which parts of this she does not enjoy at all and what to outsource in the future. So, you know, it’s great to know the basics yourself. So when you outsource later to a freelancer at any point in the future, you understand what they’re doing. And then you still know how to edit and tweak things without their help when it’s needed. All that being said, I just have to reiterate, it is very inexpensive to outsource the technology aspects of your business, to experts that can do it way faster and better in most cases, but it is super easy to learn how to do it yourself. And especially since we’re going to keep this really simple, it won’t even take you that long, and how you’re like but she’s telling me two different things. She’s saying I should do it myself. And she’s saying I shouldn’t do it myself. Again, I’m going to go back to neither option is right or wrong. You just need to take into consideration your time, there is no free option, you either pay with your money or you pay with your time. All right, so let’s get into what to actually put on this sexy little beast of yours this lean and mean simple website that you are going to either make or you are going to simplify from your existing site, I am going to assume that you already have a platform that you’re using. And if you don’t, it’s no big deal because I go into a lot of detail about exactly what platform to choose give a few different options, show what I use all of that’s in the free course. So I’m not going to cover that on this episode. If tech decision wise is something that you need to still be making, make sure that you are just in the free course you’ll get all of that info in there. First and foremost on this website, we need to know what people are going to do what is the call to action? What is the one thing that you want people to do as the next step, when they come to your website. Please do not be the watch salesman with 100 Different options inside your trench coat and you whip open the trench coat and shoulder one all of the options that you have inside like what do you what do you want? I got it all. Don’t have your website have that feeling? Been there. Done that. Please take my advice on this. I used to have a very, very well a mishmash website. I don’t know what else to call it. It there was a lot going on on the website. Yes, I made money. Yes, I had clients. But yes, they were very, very confused because I talked about a whole bunch of different things. I had a lot of different avenues that they could go down. There wasn’t one clear call to action. There were a lot of different rabbit holes on my website. I wanted to make sure that no stone was left unturned. And by creating an experience where no stone was left unturned because I had so much information and so many options and so many different things in the navigation menu that seemed kind of unrelated it made sense in my brain, but I can see how from an outsider’s perspective it seemed all kind of jumbled and unrelated because of that. I didn’t have consistent clients coming to me I didn’t have consistent income. I didn’t have consistently best clients because they were coming for all different reasons and because they were finding me from all different types of content, there was a lot going on. I have since streamlined my entire website to have one call to action. If you’ve been to my website, you’ve seen this, there’s one thing, all roads lead to Rome, you take my free course, no matter what page you’re on, there is a button to take the free course it all goes back to the free course the free course there’s one thing, this works so much better from a business owner perspective, because it’s so simple for me, I just always talk about the free course just all roads lead to Rome, here’s what you do. Next thing you like this content, you like this podcast, here’s what you do, you go take the free course. And it’s just always going back to the free course. And that’s so consistent. And it’s so easy for me. But also, as you can imagine, and probably are experiencing from your perspective, it’s very simple and easy to remember, for the potential client as well. It’s very, very important. So I highly recommend you have one call to action, whatever the one next step is that you want people to take with you, when they get on your website, you figure out what that is. And that’s what you’re going to have repeated all over. Repetition is very important. We’ll talk about that as well. But you have one call to action. If you offer one on one console calls, then you can have that as your call to action book a call book a call, if that makes sense for you, I think an even better option personally, since I always recommend getting people onto an email list and starting to email as soon as possible is I would say have that call to action be to get onto your email list for instructions on how to book a call with you. So that would be my recommendation. Even if you do console calls, I would still have them get on your email list and have an automated email that gets sent to new subscribers for how to book that call with you. But did you hear me one call to action? Just one make it simple for you. And make it simple for anybody that’s on your website. Alright, now what other pages do you need, we’re gonna go through a few that are important. And some of them are kind of boring, you’ll put them on there really fast, they’re not going to take much brain space to get them done. Least of all the Contact page, I have a suggestion that you have a contact page slash work with me page, and I would call it work with me. So is another thing we really want to think about make it easy for people to contact you and make sure that it’s easy for them to understand what to do on each page of your website. clever little I don’t know how to say this. But you know, when you go to a website, and someone has clever buttons and clever, titled, navigation tabs, and you have to kind of think like what does this even mean, don’t do that. Do not be clever and confusing be very, very clear. Up tab called work with me is very, very clear. Make it easy for people to contact, you don’t assume that they can easily find your email address, or they know that they can privately message you on social media, just don’t assume anything. Assume that everyone is a complete stranger and has no idea how to contact you, but that they want to. So make it very obvious by linking a contact page with directions on how to get in touch with you with that next step call to action in the main navigation. If it is in the footer navigation bar, that’s fine, at the very least. But I would say make this just a work with me page instead of a contact page, make it a work with me page. Unless this makes sense for your business. You don’t want them sending you random emails, you want them to take the next step, which is the call to action we just talked about. That’s really what you want them to do. So that’s what you want to have on your work with me page, you

Andrea Nordling 23:19
want to explain what you do with clients and how they work with you

Andrea Nordling 23:24
what is the next step that they take doesn’t mean that on this page, you need to explain your entire process and give too much information that will be very repelling to people needs to be very concise. Work with me. Here’s the next step. If you want to learn more, that’s all you’re doing. This is probably a good point. Also to point out that repetition is very important on your business website. Don’t put the important information in just one spot and expect your website visitors to find it. Because that small amount of friction is enough to cause them to just bail and to click away, make it very repetitive and very consistent in your messaging. So link the important information like your contact page, or your work with me page in several different places. And please make sure that it shows up well on mobile devices and not just desktop view. When you’re creating your website, if you’re putting this together. And you see it’s all beautiful and easy to read on your desktop or on your laptop. That’s one thing, but just remember a lot of people and I would say the majority of people will probably be looking on their phone. So make sure it’s very user friendly and easy to read for mobile users. Now I’m going to talk to you about two pages that are so boring that you want to just die even thinking about it. And that’s your Terms and Conditions and Privacy pages. Oh, do you just cringe. I know I know. It’s so boring. But make sure that you have these on your website and that they are linked in your footer navigation. They do not need to be front and center on your main navigation menu. And they shouldn’t be but they need to be linked up in your footer. And here’s the reason for that when search engines are crawling the web to send strangers from the internet to a website. They will prioritize websites that do seem more legit and are more legit because they have these pages in place. So it makes your website more official and more professional. And you’re much more likely to get search engine traffic sent to your website from strangers on the internet, which is a beautiful thing. If you have these pages, it’s a good cover your ass anyway. But, you know, I always like to look at it from a marketing perspective, it makes you more legit. Just do it once have it done. So boring. But take two seconds and do it in the software that I use. On my website. There’s a built in template that has these pages in it already. And then you just go in and edit a few things very easy, I’ll show you how to do that in the free course doesn’t have to take a bunch of time. Don’t so don’t think you have to have an attorney necessarily draft these for you, you can probably do it on your own in just a few minutes. Next is your about page. And this is the second most important web page on your website. It’s also tricky one to write sometimes I’m going to be honest. So you might be tempted to skip it. Do not skip the about page, your about page has to be linked in your main navigation menu as a good practice. You can also link it on your main homepage, which we’ll talk about next. But you have to have this front and center accessible in a few different places because people are going to want to go to this page. And when we’re first starting out on this whole building an online health and wellness business journey, it can feel like the only people who are seeing our content are our friends and family. Right, it feels like that. And for that reason, it feels kind of silly to spend much time explaining who we are, and why we’re amazing. And what our journey has been like on an about page seems redundant. seems unnecessary. Big mistake to think that for two reasons. First of all, the day is going to come hopefully very quickly when strangers from the internet are going to be visiting your website and they don’t know you. But they want to because people are nosy and voyeuristic by nature, right. And so they want to know you make sure you have a well written and juicy about page for that reason. Here’s a pro tip. Don’t get weird or fancy by calling it anything other than about or about your name, or about us or something like that in your navigation menu. You don’t get any points for being clever. We talked about this already. So don’t confuse people that are coming to your website with what each page is about, make it very obvious that they can find out all about you by clicking about at the top of your main page, which we’ll talk about next. And then wow them on this about page with just how witty and clever you can be if that’s your brand, if you’d like to be witty and clever, do that on the page, not in the actual title of it in your navigation bar. Deal. Okay. The second thing I want to say about your about page is that it’s actually about your perfect, easiest best dreamiest client, not about you. Just kind of confusing, but probably a relief, you’re actually talking to someone else. Instead of talking about you. I know it’s weird. But this is sales psychology. This is real stuff. It’s tempting to make your about page, kind of like a weird resume of sorts, which tells the world all about how qualified and fantastic and expert you are. But that’s actually not the point. So breathe a sigh of relief. That’s not what this page is about. You really want your about page to be written for and to resonate with your dream clients. Instead, instead of talking about you, you want it to resonate with them. And to give them a sense that you will get them you understand where they are you understand their problems, you have helped others who struggle with those same challenges. And maybe you have yourself if that’s true for you, and that you know the way to help them get the results they’re searching for. That’s what you want people to get from your about page. All the better if you infuse your personality and your core values into that messaging and be yourself while you’re at it. Of course, I know it’s kind of a tall order. But I promise, it will be time well spent to really take some time on this page, because this is the one that’s going to get looked at more than almost any other page on your website. So make it awesome. And make sure it has your face on it. Do not put stock photos of avocados on your about pages has to have your face on it. No if ands or buts has to be you. In fact, that should also be on the homepage of your website should be your face should be a picture of you. But for sure on your about page. Okay, that’s not negotiable. Put your face on your about page and put your personality into it. And last, but certainly not least, is your homepage. This is where you’re going to get a little strategic, because your homepage is the first page that people will see when they type in your URL for your website. And it should be where that purpose and the next best step for the call to action that you want them to take is very clearly communicated. So remember, the purpose of your website is to make you money so let’s not lose sight of that. Okay, whether you make money by booking one on one clients or by selling physical products or group programs, or digital products like a membership site or an online course no matter what it is that you’re selling your website is going to do the heavy lifting for you when you do this correctly. So make it easy on yourself and your website visitors, also known as the fabulous strangers from the internet that are going to be coming by having that one clear call to action on your homepage, along with links to your about page, and hopefully a concise statement about who you are and who you help. Again, I show you exactly how to do this and give you examples in the free course. But let’s just make it very easy and understand that your homepage has to have that clear call to action and a button on where they need to go next. Right on that page. I know there’s a temptation to assume that people will click to the navigation up at the top or in the little hamburger menu if they’re on mobile, and they’ll go find where they want to go. But you don’t want people to have to figure out what to do next on their own. Our brains just don’t like that. They don’t want to have to make decisions, you want to make this very, very clear and repetitive with exactly what you want people to do next, when they are at your website. What is that one call to action, all roads lead to Rome. This will simplify your brain, their brain, your business, everything will be so much simpler and easier when you do this. And again, I’m speaking from experience because my holistic nutrition website had a lot of choices. It was a very complex, choose your own adventure for those poor people that found my website. And it still worked. And I still made money and was successful. And I learned a lot. But now when I have only a few pages and one clear call to action, I have made things so much easier for myself and I have made so much more money with this one very clear call to action. Okay, here’s the rest of the bullet points, I need to tell you, for your homepage, have a clear logo and navigation menu at the top with the least amount of menu links possible. Hopefully, it’s just going to be these few pages, we’ve talked about your about page, your work with me page, maybe a separate contact page. But maybe that’s just right on your work with me. And perhaps a Start Here is all you really need. And the Start Here is totally optional. Remember, this menu is going to be condensed and not visible when people are looking on their phone. Think about when you’re looking at a website on your phone, it doesn’t have that navigation menu at the top, it has the little three lines hamburger menu that you pull down. And so people won’t see that unless they are going to specifically click on it. That’s why you want to have your first call to action, your most important thing linked up on a button on your homepage as well. Even though it seems redundant, it seems like you are really probably over communicating the next steps. That’s what you want to do. Very, very important. And then of course, on your homepage, you want a header image of you. You want people to see your face, people want to work with a human, they don’t want to work with a stock photo, they don’t want to work with a picture of food, they want to work with a person that is going to help them get the results they want. They’re interested in learning about you. And they for sure want to see your face. So make sure that your face is on your website, you don’t need to have an intricate full branding photoshoot with 96 different pictures of you. But you do need to have a nice picture of you that shows your face. Very important. So as far as the pages that you need on your website, that is it. Really that’s it, it’s can be done so quickly. And again, I’ll show you exactly how to do it in the free course. But I also talk a lot about email in the free course. And I’ve already talked about it on here as well. So I need to touch on that a little bit too. I want you to love email, I want you to sell with email, I want you to be really good at writing emails. And the reason for that is because you need more assets that you own. We touched on this in the beginning, when we talked about your website is an asset that you own. It’s like owning a house versus renting an apartment somewhere, which is a social media platform, you need to own the people that you’re talking to his contact information, almost said you need to own the people you’re talking to that said exactly what I mean. But you need to have access to them that can’t be taken away from you. And the way that you do that is by having an email list. And then of course, as you’re emailing consistently and getting better and better at writing emails, your copy gets so much better. The ideas that you have in your brain get so much more clear as you articulate them with your writing. And your process gets so much clearer because your brain has to work in a different way to take your ideas and to write them out in copy. And it just makes it get so much more clear and tight and your messaging gets better and you understand the problems of your people so much better. And you can articulate the solution that you offer them so much better. And you can paint the picture of their results so much better when you are emailing and you’re consistently using your brain in that way and writing copy and getting better at it. So for so many reasons. I love me some email and I want you to as well. I don’t use social media at all in my business. I deleted all of my social media profiles and ads accounts, all of it. And since then my business has grown and that’s possible because of emails. I only sell via emails. I did a quick calculation before I jumped on to record this podcast and I’ve made over $400,000 in The last few years just from emails only from emails. So can I just tell you, email is the best and you want your website to be telling people how they can get your emails, then you want to write the emails? What comes first the chicken or the egg? Is it people getting on your email list? And then you’ll start writing the emails? Or is it starting to write the emails, and then you’re going to be more motivated to get people on the email list.

Andrea Nordling 35:22
I don’t know different for everybody. But either way, you want to be prioritizing that. And it has to be part of your website strategy. So even though email list building and writing good emails and prioritizing emails is a totally different podcast episode that we will also get into, I had to talk about it here in terms of your website, because your website strategy, and your call to action on your website should be thinking about how to get people on your email list as well, those two should go together. And in the free course, where we go through all of these website pages and the tutorials for doing that there are some more advanced email strategies included there, like how to make a free course and how to do some more automated funnels, some juicy stuff like that. So I got you with the email automations, they are my favorite as well. But you got to get the website done first, my friend. And now we’re gonna land the plane here on this decision about your website, with basically just making the decision. Hopefully, I’ve made a good case so far in this episode, that you can have a really simple and sexy website that converts and is your hardest working employee in your business that’s working for you 24 hours a day, in just a few hours, it’s really not that big of a deal. You just need a few pages. And in fact, having a few well thought out strategic pages is going to make your life so much easier and make you so much more money than having a huge robust website that has way too many options for your people, I promise. So I want you to just make the decision. Are you going to prioritize whipping up a lean and mean website now? Or editing your existing website and streamlining it and getting it ready? Or are you going to just take this off the table for a few months. If it’s not the right time for you to think about it, then just stop telling yourself this lie that you’re going to get your website done, and clear conscience have it revisit in a few months. It’s totally up to you. But if you do decide to put your time and attention into your site right now, make it worthwhile and stop wasting time trying to figure out WordPress plugins, or Canva graphics or anything like that. Because that’s not going to make you money or help your clients. Again, the free course that I’ve mentioned 100 times now in this episode has video tutorials and copy swipes, and all sorts of checklists and helpful things so that you can move right past those stock photos of lemons, and the temptation to make your own Canva graphics and just create this beautiful website that’s really simple, easy to get done, and that you’re proud of so that you actually send people to this site, and so that they can go find value there. Get your emails, take your next step call to action. Of course, again, you can get the free course at WWW dot build a profitable practice.com forward slash free where we go into everything we talked about today in a lot more detail and with video tutorials. But for today just make this decision. Is your website need a little touch up? And if so, go do that. Have you been putting off creating your website because it seems so hard. And you have this big idea, this big version of a website that has 30 pages on it and that seems really overwhelming so you’re not doing anything? Because if that’s the case, you are in life. So make the decision, get your website go in and have fun with it and also have a wonderful holiday week with your nearest and dearest I intend to do the same. And I will see you next week.

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I'm Andrea Nordling

Marketing + Sales Expert
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