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126. 6 Mindset Mistakes And How To Fix Them with Jille Dunsmore

From single mom going through a messy divorce to thriving business owner following her passion, Jille Dunsmore has experienced all the ups and downs of being a health and wellness entrepreneur. And most recently? She’s added Beloved Head Support Coach at The Profitable Nutritionist® Team to her impressive resume. In this episode, Jille and I discuss:

  • How she got into health coaching in the first place
  • How I found her and what our hiring process looked like (so valuable to hear about when you’re considering bringing in support practitioners or coaches to support YOUR clients)
  • The 6 mindset mistakes she sees health and wellness business owners making and her simple tools you can use to avoid them

Best of all? You get a sneak peak at what mindset coaching is like inside The Profitable Nutritionist® Program as TPN Support Coach Jille Dunsmore reveals the 6 biggest mindset mistakes wellness biz owners most commonly make and how you can fix them for yourself. Enjoy!

Links mentioned in this episode:

>> Register for Clients Week February 26-March 1
>> 55 | Should You Start A Podcast?

Connect with Jille:



Andrea Nordling
Andrea Nordling 00:00
Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast my friend. Today I am not here solo, I get to
introduce you to someone who has become not only a friend, but a really trusted resource for
my students in the profitable nutritionist program. Her name is Joe Don’s mom, and she is our
lead support coach inside the program. So I knew I wanted to have Jill on the podcast. It’s
actually very, very long overdue, which we talked about in this interview. But I reached out to
her and I said, Hey, let’s do something where we talk about things that you coach on in the
program a lot. I want to know what you’re seeing and see if it matches up with what I’m seeing. We of course, have meetings on this as well. So I knew we were on the same page, but she did
not disappoint she put together in this episode, the six Mindset Mistakes that she commonly
sees health and wellness business owners making and then how to avoid them. You may be
asking yourself, How does she know what these mistakes are? Well, like I said, she coaches
regularly inside the TPN program. She does not only live coaching calls, and she is a whiz,
which you are about to find out in the episode as you listen to her mindset coaching
techniques. She is amazing for life coaching, but she also does a written coaching in the
program along with me and a few others. So she gets lots of immersion in the coaching. She
coaches her own clients as well. She’s very proficient in all things mindset, coaching mindset
blocks, what keeps people from doing the things that they told themselves they’re going to do.
And not only is that her full time gig, but she also is a health coach in her own right. So she has
a weight loss coaching program where she coaches women to kick their sugar addiction and
actually detox from sugar, which is fascinating. So she knows this on the coaching side of
things, what keeps people stuck, and she has very, very real time experience. In her own
business of Holly’s things come up for her as well which she shares. It’s so fantastic. So in the
episode, it’s kind of three parts. We talked about Jill’s business journey into coaching, how she
came to be a weight loss and sugar detox coach in the first place. And that was kind of a
bumpy ride for her amidst a really messy divorce, which she talks about. Then we talked about
kind of the weeds of how I found Joe, what our hiring process looked like to bring her on as a
support coach in my business and what that looks like and how we train someone to do that.
And what we have both learned from that process, which is, I think, a really great conversation
for all business owners to hear. And then of course, Jill talks about the six mistakes that she
commonly sees health and wellness business owners making and how to avoid them in terms
of their mindset, such a great episode, you are going to get so much from this, I anticipate that
when you listen to it, you are going to want more gel, of course, you’re gonna want more gel.
She’s so good. She’s so good. So here’s how you get more gel, you enroll in the profitable
nutritionist program, February 29 to march 6 when the doors are open. So if you’re listening to
this in real time, that is this week, and then you get Jill all the time you get written coaching
from Jill, you get live coaching from Joe, you get all of the Jill wisdom, she has recorded some
courses in the program, all of her wisdom is inside the profitable nutritionist program. So you’re
going to want to get more Jill in the program where you get a lot of it. Also, if you are listening
to this in the future, and the enrollment has already closed, you can go to the profitable
nutritionist.com/join where you can get on the waitlist. And you’ll also see the upcoming
enrollment dates because we always keep those posted and updated with when the next
enrollment will be, we open the doors to the program four times a year. So this is one of those
times my friend February 29 to march 6, and again, you join bright and shiny on the 29th at the
profitable nutritionists.com/join. And then you get more of me you get more gel, you get more
of all of the resources we talked about on this episode. And you’ll be able to join actually Joe for
the new member welcome call, which is an orientation of how to use all the resources in the
program, how to get coached how to do all of the things, and that is going to be next week. So
if you’re listening to this in real time, that’s early March again, if you’re listening in the future,
and you’re like What are you even talking about? You just go to the profitable
nutritionist.com/join and you will get all of the details about the program. All right, take it away
Joe. Chill Don smores on the podcast. Welcome. I am so so so well this is so long overdue. I was
going to say I’m so excited to talk to you and that is true of course but this is so long overdue
for you to be on the podcast and so we’re making time to do it. I’m so glad welcome.
Thank you I’m so excited to be here with you in this way and get to talk to all of your people
about all things it’s gonna be
Andrea Nordling 04:36
so fun, it is going to be so fun. So we are going to talk about the six mistakes that Jill sees
health and wellness business owners making in her coaching which she coaches all the time on
in the profitable nutritionist program. She also as you know because they will have already
introduced Joe but they get to this part they will know that you have your own health and
wellness coaching practice so you You also have on site experience with all of this. We’re gonna
talk about all of these six things. But before we do, I want to talk about how you got into
coaching in the first place. Let’s get your evolution of how you got here. And then I kind of
wanted to take a couple minutes and talk about the process of how you got hired as the
support coach in the profitable nutritionist program. I think that people are going to be very
curious about what that entire process was like and how how we’ve done it, The Good, the Bad,
the Ugly, so I have some
a lot of ugly, I don’t think so.
Andrea Nordling 05:30
I don’t think so either. I think it’s pretty great. So we’re gonna talk about how did you get here?
How did I get to coaching, okay, so I actually have always loved self development, just forever.
Like, I’ve always been drawn to that love my books, and anything I could learn on that. But I
went through a divorce a really, really hard divorce about 15 years ago. And I an all divorces
are hard, like, of course, all divorces. But this was a really hard divorce. And it lasted about two
years. And it was just there was just so much trauma involved and trauma for my kids. I have
four kids. And I ended up being a single mom of four years, and we lost our business because of
through that divorce and thriving, it happened. And I needed a way to support my kiddos. And I
also at the same time I was going through the divorce, one of my sons was diagnosed with
autism. And so I was dealing with that. And all of my four kids were just really, really struggling
in their own ways because of the trauma that they were going through and all the things that
had been unfolding. And so I started going to therapy, which was amazing. And that was
exactly what I needed. And I went to therapy for a couple of years. And through that process I
was constantly looking for, and I feel like I was I was guided and led to things that I needed also
to help me through that. But books and podcasts weren’t a thing yet, then but books, mostly
books, and then people and things that would just give me what I needed. And it was all in self
growth. And like learning how to see myself differently, I have really low self esteem by that
time and, and very low self confidence. And so I really, really worked on that. And my therapist
told me one time she’s like you’re the most active client I’ve ever had, and like their own self
help journey, like and healing and all the things you’re doing. Like every week, I would come
and tell her all the things I’ve done and learned in between. And so she was absolutely
amazing. And I thought I really want to do this, I want to be able to I knew I needed to have
something to do to support my family, I thought I want to be able to become a therapist. And I
just had such a deep desire to help other women. And I didn’t know what that would look like.
And I didn’t know how it would happen. I just knew that when God helped me through this, that
I was going to pay it forward someday. It’s like I’m I know that someday like I when I’m in a
stronger, better place, like I want to help other women get through their hard things, or
whatever their struggle is. So I wanted to do that. But I haven’t been to college at all, like I’ve
been one semester, you know, it’s like I had not been to college. So I’d have to start from the
beginning, I lived in a small town where and at that time, they didn’t have online things. It was
just different. And so I didn’t have like access to that starting all over education. And I didn’t
really see how I could do it where I was single mom with all with these kids. And I just didn’t
know how I would make that work. And so I became a photographer. And I know I woke up one
day I’d been I seriously been praying like what should I do? Like, what should I do that I can do
with my kids and work around them? And that answer just came to me. I’m like, what? I’m
okay, we’re gonna do it. So I bought photography for Dummies, digital photography for
Dummies, the book, no online classes back then started freezing. I bought this camera, this
little entry entry camera and started like figuring out how to take pictures. And I just started
learning photography and teaching myself photography. So that is what I did to be able to
support my family while I could still take care of them and do it around them. Right. So fast
forward, I ended up years forward, I was remarried. And I went to a photography workshop
retreat type thing and the coach there said, Hey, there’s this awesome podcast I listened to
with this life coach, she was so great. And I loved and she started just telling us things. Well,
I’m immediately drawn to that because I love things like that. And so I said, What’s a podcast?
Right? Like, what is that? So she showed me, like even put that on my phone. I’m like, never
heard of that. And so I started listening. And within two months of just listening to her like
every single thing it was it’s Brooke Castillo with school. You and I were both certified through
her right yeah, of course. So just listening to like, each time I listened to something like wow, it
just resonated so deeply and I in it clicked with me and I in a couple of months I had this
thought you should do this kind of like the photography thing. I’m like, No, have you seen my
life? It’s a mess. Like there’s no way I can coach people in their life Bill life Coach, like, What are
you talking about? Right? And, but it never went away. And so like fast forward, like another
year is like, Okay, if this doesn’t go away, but I gave myself a timeline, if I, I’m going to actually
open up to the possibility I could do this. And if I, if this doesn’t go away, I’m still doing
photography, then I’m going, I’m going to do it. So it didn’t go away. And the more I learned,
the more I loved it. And I just started slowly building this belief in myself that maybe I actually
instead of the hard things I’ve been through in my life with my my marriage, my kids like drug
abuse, like so many things that were so difficult that I helped my family through that actually,
instead of that being like a reason I shouldn’t maybe that’s the reason I should Oh, that, Oh,
good. Yeah, I have this empathy and this compassion and this understanding of so many hard
things. And I have something to give this is my way to help the women that I so desire to help
what right, like I just felt like this open detriments, like, here’s your next evolution. This is the
way it’s not being a therapist, it’s gonna go this way. And it was actually something I could do,
because at this time, you could go online and learn right and like, Okay, I could do it. And so I
when I in 2020, when I turned 50, I decided okay, this is the year I’m going to do it because I
and so I signed up for certification thinking that I’d have all this time when my kids were in
school and then the month that certification I signed up in January and it started in March, like
a week after the pandemic started.
Andrea Nordling 11:24
We got certified Exactly. That was so funny. What are you?
I love Oh, yeah, bonded to you even. Okay, that’s perfect. So anyway, I did that that year. So it
same with you, with your kiddos everything like all this while they’re at school that like why not
like, let’s just do it. So I got certified and then it’s just been an evolution ever since a lot about
year and a half ago, I was busy enough in my coaching, I was able to retire my photography
with love, let that go. It was so good for me while I needed it. But what I loved about coaching
is that also gave me more flexibility. Because I was a natural light photographer and lifestyles
who end up in the mountains, we were outside. So in the evenings, I was always gone and on
weekends, and I just wanted something I could be home and do it during the day like we are
right now. And if it’s raining and windy outside, it doesn’t matter. I can still do both. So yeah, so
that’s kind of what led me into coaching and then my own niche that I decided to that I use, I
do general coaching and I feel like my specialty is mindset coaching 100% And I can coach
people on anything. And I did that for a long time. But what I felt drawn to is so within all that I
was telling you about like one thing I carried with me like I overcame so many hard things in
my life. But one thing that always stuck with me was I had a sugar and carb addiction. Now I
didn’t know it was an addiction. I didn’t call it that. But I was just felt compelled to eat these
foods and I was drawn to them and I was in an i emotionally ache and I I really wanted to be
healthy and fit and take care of myself. That was super important to me. But I always sabotage
myself because I felt like I couldn’t control my cravings. I have these these crazy cravings that
control me. And I and it really over it was 30 years, over 30 years I have this It started when I
was a teenager. And people wouldn’t know like when they looked at me on the outside because
I wasn’t like super overweight or anything. They wouldn’t know that I struggled with this. I
control my weight and other ways. But like I just it was it was tearing up my health. My
digestive system was just a mess. I had so many health problems. I ended up in the emergency
room when I was about 40. And it started my 10 year journey of figuring out how to change my
health and I just started learning about oh my gosh, like what you put in your mouth actually
affects the way you feel. Who knew? I mean, that sounds actually, like I didn’t understand like,
like, all these problems, these help that I was having was coming from, like eating that way.
And, and I wasn’t you know, I just I was more like a sugar binge eater. Like, I didn’t binge on all
foods, you know, I wasn’t that but I when it came to certain foods, like they just, they just took
over. And I would just eat until I felt sick physically and emotionally. I’m sick of myself and I
have so much shame. And I hit it and I was so embarrassed. And I was so just so disconnected
from my body and what she needed what she was telling me. So I went on this health journey
and to figure this out. And I started learning about the power of Whole Foods and the power of
what I put in my body and how I feel and but I still didn’t get the final pieces until I found
coaching. Like that mindset piece. I was like, okay, like I was learning what to do all the
strategies, but like I still would feel overwhelmed when I had these emotions. I’m like, I I just I
have to make it go away. So eating works. Anyway. So that’s what I did. And I just felt like when
I figured that out, that was my hardest thing that I always carried with me and when I figured
that piece out and like I just feel like I can do anything. I can use these mindset tools. Want to
change my life in any way I want because if I can do it here I can I can do with anything. So
that’s what I do. Now I help women who who struggle with feeling controlled by cravings and
food, and they really want to take care of themselves, but they’re constantly sabotaging
themselves, to help set themselves free of that. And I help them create a healthy relationship
with food and a loving relationship with their body and a powerful relationship with themselves.
And they, they are able to finally live in a life and body that they love. So that is what I do. And
Andrea Nordling 15:30
do it. So so so well, okay, so Jill says in her humble way, she’s like, I’m good at mindset
coaching, Jill is the best. She’s no good. She’s so good. And I Okay, so I was gonna just segue
into how we got connected. So I was looking for a support coach for the TPN program, we’re
getting to the point, this is about a year ago, where I knew Okay, I can’t be doing all of the
coaching, we have a lot of guest coaches coming in. But no one that was dedicated, like in
there doing written coaching, it was just me doing written coaching at that point still, and then
leading our live coaching calls. So it was time and I knew it was time, it had been time for a
while to bring somebody in. But I was like, How do I do this, it’s so hard. And so as we do in our
businesses, and I’m no different, we put things off longer than we should. This is a great
example of it. I talked about this example a lot when I’m coaching in the mastermind, because
my students in the mastermind are at a similar place where they need to bring in someone to
help fulfill their offer to their clients, they need another practitioner to come in and be
reviewing labs, or they need somebody to be meeting with their clients and coaching them, or
they need somebody to be offering support in their community if they have a group program.
And so this will come up in your business at some point if it isn’t already, so we need to talk
about it. I had resistance to hiring not because I didn’t think that someone else could do a great
job. Quite the opposite. I know that is a stopping point. For a lot of people, they think I don’t I
can’t trust my clients to someone else. That was truly not my thought. And we could coach on
that too. On a separate podcast, we’ve probably my my stop, Mike, my reason for dragging my
feet on this was oh my gosh, it’s gonna take me so long. To get somebody up to speed, it’s
gonna take me so long, I didn’t want to slow down to eventually be able to speed up and to be
able to bring somebody on. So that was what would truly just was like, what made me take
longer than I wanted to. And I know a lot of people also resonate with that. So I was loudly
complaining about this to some coach friends that I knew. I said, I have to bring on some
coaches, or at least what one like what if I had one really good support coach right now, that
would be so great. And a mutual friend of ours said, Oh, Joe, that’s Mark done. Like I you just
need to? And I was like, Wait, why? She’s like it was it
was lucky me because I didn’t really have to push myself on you or prove myself. You’re just
like, Hey, she’s she believes in you, I believe in you is good enough for me. Exactly.
Andrea Nordling 17:54
And so her opinion, I fully trusted, and I said, Are you serious? She’s like, Yeah, I’m gonna find
out if she would be interested, I’ll hook you guys up if she has. So we ended up doing some
exploratory calls around what this could look like. And it was, I don’t know, the rest is history.
This is a little little less than a year ago at this point. But I wanted to talk about that, because I
had resistance to hiring. And I know a lot of people have resistance to hiring. So something that
helped me and I took a couple notes here in preparation of saying this part of it, because I want
to just be very clear, if you have resistance to bringing on helping your business because you
are nervous about slowing down like I was, it has to happen, the longer you wait, the harder it
gets. So just pull off the band aid and do it. And then secondary to that, I think it’s really helpful
to realize that you are training someone on your process, and you are not training somebody to
be you. Because you and I coach differently. We have different life experiences, we have
different tools that we use, we have different frameworks. And the goal really in bringing
someone to help you in your business is for your clients to get better results. So I default to oh
my gosh, it’s so much better for Jill to be coaching of the program because they get access to
so many like different better things that I can’t provide because my brain doesn’t work that
way, or I don’t use those tools, or I don’t have those experiences. And it’s so much better. And
it’s such a richer experience for your clients to bring in someone else with different skill set and
different forte. So to everyone at that point in your business where you’re thinking I could really
use the help. But how do I teach someone to be me, you don’t want to teach someone to be
you. That’s actually not what you want. You want to lean on your process. And I think you
helped me to see this. You probably would never realize how much you helped me with this in
the background. But in the beginning, Joe came on and for the first month I was traveling, I was
hosting a mastermind in Mexico and so we made this really long onboarding process
intentionally because As of our travel schedules, and I did the very first month that Joe came in,
all she was going to do was immerse herself in the process, I teach in the program in the
program, and she was just going to learn, like my philosophies and how I teach and come back
with questions, which really took the pressure off me. Because I realized, oh, my gosh, she has,
she just has to learn the process. This isn’t actually that hard. She just needs to learn the
process. And then you came, as you do fully prepared with lots of questions on how can I better
support your clients? What do you mean by this? Would it be okay, if I said it this way? How
have you ever thought of doing things this way? And we started having really, really useful
conversations about how to get people better results from using both of our strengths, which
was really useful, but I wanted to just say this, for anybody who would listen to this and go,
How do you even do that? How do you even have somebody come in and help support your
clients, remember that you are teaching your process and they’re gonna come in and use your
process with their own spin on it. They’re not You’re not trying to clone yourself, but it really
does. And when I coached the mastermind, we talked about this, it really does make you shore
up your processes and get clear on why you do the things that you do. So there are some
things that matter. And there are some things Phil knows this. So in the beginning, we talked
about, like, Oh, this is really important to me that we do things this way. But there are other
things where I’m like, I don’t care. Do what I think is gonna get them the best results. So I
wanted to just say that, like, I truly feel like having you in the program is such a value add, I
never have any drama, thinking that people are disappointed that they’re not getting coached
by me. If it’s a coaching call that you’re leading, I think it’s like such a, I think it’s so much
better. And I think in a lot of ways, you’re such a better coach than I am. So
thoughts about that one,
Andrea Nordling 21:39
but other experience for everyone. So, okay, before we don’t
run out, just I will just say what I have learned in that is like, is that you and I could take the
same coaching question. And or call and we would take it in different directions. Totally. We
might take it in the same direction. Who knows? But like, we might take it in very different
directions. And they’re both right. Yeah. Right. Like, there is no like one way like, well, if Andrea
was going to take in this direction, I should have taken it in that direction. And I didn’t so you
know, I mean, it’s like, I’ve let go of that to like, just trusting myself, like whatever direction this
goes. I do like definitely, like, want to understand your process. You’re thinking like, what would
Andrea do? Like, how would Andrea like, what would she do? But then I’m, I have that liberty
and freedom to take it where I feel they need to go? And it’s all right, that all works
Andrea Nordling 22:29
for the client? Yeah, absolutely. They’re getting great results. That’s really what we care about.
So it’s so fun. And just for anybody that’s curious about this process, we will be bringing on
more coaches, and Joe will be helping to train them and to, I don’t know, kind of like, I guess
train is the word just like explain, this is how we do it. Like, what ideas do you have? And what
can you contribute? And the coaching gets better and better and better, the more people’s
eyeballs are on it, and the more ideas are coming forth. So I’m really excited about what Yes.
Okay, so from just from a behind the scenes, you know, kind of like, little look behind the
curtain. I think that the more the merrier, as far and there’s, there’s constraints around that
too. And there, you know, there certainly could be ways that people could get into trouble by
abdicating decision making in their business to someone else. But I think like understanding
that having someone else here, contributing their experiences, and their expertise is only going
to be better for your clients. That’s what I want him well,
and I think it’s also important to let them know that so you and I did a trial period to Yeah, like
we started out knowing this is a trial period for both of office, right? And then after this so
many, you know, a timeframe, we decided we’d revisit and see. Is this working for you? Is it
working for me? Like what are we? You know, because you don’t have it, you do need to find
someone that feels like a good fit that you feel like you can trust with your clients.
Andrea Nordling 23:51
Yeah, exactly. Oh, that’s such a good point. Such a good point. Okay, so let’s get into the six
mistakes that hey, let’s do business owners making because you are coaching them all the
time. Yes, you are one yourself. I’m excited to hear this. And I don’t know,
I don’t know, this full review has no idea what I’m gonna say.
Andrea Nordling 24:12
Genius and trusting.
Okay. All right. So the first mistake that I see is people thinking I have to figure this out. And
then I’ll take action. Yeah, I have to figure this out first, right. So I need to learn more, I need to
understand more, I need to know more. I need to watch more classes, right modules before I
take action. And it becomes buffering with learning. So for those of you listening that might not
know what the term buffering is, but it’s when we actually like avoid doing like taking action or
something that feels uncomfortable like actually doing the due because it that’s uncomfortable
and so we do something that feels productive instead, right? It’s something that keeps us from
doing that. And so we can buffer with learning now learning is Great, and it’s important and it’s
needed. And it’s necessary, your program is amazing. Like, the things that they’re going to
learn in there is I mean, of course, they need to learn that you’re teaching them mindset and
strategy and all the things they need. So that is important. But where it becomes a problem is
when you’re doing more of that than you are taking action and implementing the things that
you’re actually learning. Right. And so the reason we do it, the reason our brains do this, it’d be
is because learning feels easier. And we love to learn, right coaches, like all of us in this, we’d
love to learn new things. So it feels easier, and our brain doesn’t want to do new things,
learning feel safer, our brain doesn’t want to go into the unknown. Like, it’s, it’s very safe for
me to sit here with Andrea and listen to her and learn from her. But if I actually have to go out
of this safe little cave, and I have to like go into the world, and like put myself out there, I don’t
know what’s going to happen, that’s really uncertain, our brain doesn’t like that. So it’s like, we
should just learn more, and it gives you these thoughts and you think that they’re coming from
you. And that’s a really good idea, because it just feels good. Like, yes, if I learn this, I
understand it more if I take take one more class or whatever, then I’m going to be ready to go
out and, and do a business right, then I’ll be ready. But same, it does feel safe, like staying
where you are is safe, but actually the only way you’re actually going to grow and truly learn is
by doing so you can learn intellectually, but until you actually start taking action and doing the
things you’re learning. That’s where you really learn it. Yes. Implementing. Absolutely.
Andrea Nordling 26:31
I say, Okay, I’m gonna interject with just I think that this is like riding a bike, like you could
watch videos on riding a bike, and you could listen to podcasts about riding a bike, and you
could read books about riding a bike, you are not going to learn how to ride a bike until you get
on the bike, continue get on the bike pedaling and you will wobble and yeah, and then that’s
how you learn how to ride a bike back
on and you try it? Yeah, 100% it is. And that’s the same way in your business. Like, it’s like
riding a bike and you aren’t going to be bad at it. It’s like that. Like, well, if I study this even
more, or I figure this out more, if I ask enough questions, I get enough coaching, like, then I’m
going to be all, I won’t fall down, I can go out and then that’s going to protect me from falling
down. But the truth is, no, you’re going to fall down, you’re going to be bad at it, you’re going
to be wobbly, it’s going to be wonky, because that is how human beings learn. Like nobody
starts out unless you’re like a prodigy from you know, Heaven or something like, nobody starts
out learning anything and is good at it ever, you fall down over and over and over. And that but
by by doing it again and again and getting up again and going again. That’s how you become
good at it can’t become good at building this business and marketing your business and getting
clients until you actually go out and market your business and get clients that way.
Andrea Nordling 27:52
And it’s gonna be way harder to help clients that aren’t perfect either. If you feel like you’re
supposed to be perfect. If it’s not okay in your brain to screw up sometimes, and for it to be
wobbly and imperfect, then your your clients will pick up on that and they’re, they’re gonna
hide from you. And they’re not going to want to admit when they do something that they
shouldn’t have done. Or they mess
up. Yeah. When they fall down and your clients will like they’re going to be bad at whatever
you’re teaching them. They’re going to be bad at it to a lot until they become good at it. Right?
So, so good. So we just thinking like, I’ll be ready when I learned this or figure this out, then I’ll
be ready like that, that never comes like you’re never actually going to feel ready. You’re not
You’re just not going to feel ready. So the solution to that is to balance your time learning and
consuming with taking imperfect action. That is a concept that you teach is taking imperfect
action, right? It’s okay, that it’s not perfect. It’s okay if you’re if you stumble through it, but
you’re but you’re taking action. So we balance the time. So how many hours am I going to
spend learning this week and figuring this thing out? Okay, well, I’m going to I’m going to spend
at least equal amount of time doing, like taking what I learned, I’m going to go out and I’m
going to apply it, I’m going to implement it. Okay. So there’s one and then, like, we talked
about figuring it out actually comes from doing and failing and making mistakes, and then
evaluating like, Okay, I made this mistake like or this didn’t work, right. This one didn’t turn out
the way I want it. So let me evaluate. And that’s a process that you teach within the program.
But let me evaluate and figure out what I meant to learn here. Like what what did go wrong and
why and what do I want to do differently? And then you take what you learned, and then you
try again, you implement again, right? That’s how you actually that’s how you actually figure it
out in real life, figuring out part of it can come from learning but like I would, I don’t know, what
do you think? 20% Yeah, maybe. But the rest of it comes from doing I even think the learning
Andrea Nordling 29:54
that is the most important at that stage. What at any stage is hearing from other people how
they’ve also done it imperfectly and learning that, yes, you know, yeah. Because it’s one thing
to do it alone at home and thinking is this? Is this what imperfect feels like? Am I doing it right?
Is it? Oh, is it supposed to feel like this? That sure is one way. But there’s also a way where you
do that. And then you listen to other people who are successful and are like, Yeah, this is what I
did in the beginning. And this is how it felt. I didn’t think anything was working. But it was, and
like, here’s where I’ve gone after that, and having that experience to to kind of normalize all of
the fields, because being a business owner will just reveal all of your insecurities real fast.
And just being surrounded by other people in your program that are also feeling those same
insecurities. Yeah, is amazing. And then people who are in it, like, like, they just, they their
journey is in a different place than yours. And they like, Oh, yes, that happened to me, too. But
let me tell you like what, you know, let me share. Yes, like to give you that encouragement and
support. So that’s what’s so beautiful about being in that community and being surrounded by
other people who have that same dream and goal that you do. Right. And then the other thing
that can help with that is, and I give this to the students a lot, but the thought I have
everything I need to start now. I have everything I need to start, right. I don’t have to be where
Andrey is, I know what she knows, I don’t have to be where that person is, like, I just, I have
everything I need to start just to start, right. And it will evolve and grow from there. But I have
everything I need to start helping people and to start building my business and to take the next
step in my business wherever you are. Because even if you’re making six figures, and then
there’s, there’s always going to be that next step where your brain is going to try to hold you
back. Well, let’s all let’s figure all this out. Before we do that, right. That’s scary. We haven’t
done that yet. And just knowing like, I have everything I need to start,
Andrea Nordling 31:52
that’s so good. Right? So good. Yeah. Okay. So that’s
that’s so good. Right? So good. Yeah. Okay. So that’s
number one, thinking I have to figure this out, and then take action. Okay, so number two is, I
need to feel confident to market or like take any any emotion that would fit into there, like I
need to feel good, or I need to feel better before I go out in the market today. Right? So
thinking like, I can’t market in this energy, I’m just feeling wonky, I’m feeling I just feel all this
doubt or unsure. And I just, you know, I feel funky. So I count marketing that energy, I need to
get rid of this, I need to get rid of doubt, I need to get rid of fear. And then I can go market,
right. And so again, the reason that we do this is our brain is is wanting to protect us from
feeling that emotion. So whatever motion like that comes up for you, when you think of doing
that thing, like sitting down and writing the email, or, or going to that event or calling that
doctor’s office to tell them what you do and talk about being a referral partner, whatever. It’s
like whatever thing to put yourself out there and tell people what you do and how you can help
them that you don’t want to do like, what feeling comes up for you, when you think of doing
that. Right? Is it dread? Is it fear? Is it doubt? Like? Is it vulnerable? Like whatever that is for
you like, thinking, Okay, well, I need to get rid of that before I do it. And the truth is, you don’t
like nothing has gone wrong, when you feel that emotion that is so normal. That’s just your
primitive brain wanting to protect you from feeling uncomfortable, which is, that’s his job,
right? And so it’ll offer you those thoughts and tell you like, well, we can’t mark it until we feel
better. And that’s actually not true. Because it the what that creates is you not marketing, and
then you don’t feel better, because now we have all these other results that we don’t want. We
don’t have clients, we haven’t talked to anybody, we’re not any further ahead. And now we
have all these other thoughts about ourselves, like it just compounds. So it keeps us stuck from
helping people. And we just stay in that lack of confidence. We just stay there, right? So the
solution is to be willing to feel whatever that emotion is that you feel what you are you’re think
you’re going to feel when you take the action. And you just take that action anyway. Right? So
that’s what what our mutual friend Olivia calls gaggan Go right? Livia the zakra. Oh, she, she
has coined that. But But gaggan Go, it’s like, Okay, I’m gonna feel this feeling I’m allowed to be
with me. And I’m going to take imperfect action anyway. Right? Because that’s how we show
our brain like, oh, I actually can feel embarrassed or vulnerable or afraid or exposed or any
amount, whatever emotion may be confused, like, I don’t know what to write on that it’s gonna
be so hard. Like whatever emotion we can feel that and we can still take action anyway. And
we’re going to be okay, we’re still safe. We’ll be all right. We’ll be okay on the other side of that.
And what I tell my clients is what if you are going to take wheeling and put it in your, your
feeling line like we use the model. So if you take do your clients know the model or on the
podcast, is the model? No? Okay, some of them do, but we don’t talk. Okay. So basically, it’s
like if I so thoughts create your feelings. So if I and your feelings drive your actions, but if I’m
willing to feel this emotion, right? What do I need to think to be willing to feel it? So my emotion
is willing, right? I’m just willing to allow it to be with me and still take that action. What do I
need to think? And so some of the thoughts that that I offer is, I’m willing to feel blank,
whatever this is, I’m willing to feel vulnerable. I’m willing to feel embarrassed, right? To help
the person who needs to hear this today. Oh,
Andrea Nordling 35:36
that’s so good, right? It’s
not about me. Because when we’re in fear, we’re, it’s about us, like 100%, we’re thinking about
us, us, me, me, me, like how all look and how I’ll feel and what people think of me. We’re
making it about about ourselves. But when you turn outward, and you think about the people,
that you’re meant to help the person, the one person that’s meant to hear what you have to
share today, just think about them. Like when you think about them, and they’re suffering, and
they don’t know this, that you can help them somehow and just lift them a little bit today, like
then it shifts all of that worry, like from yourself, it just puts it into like, why you’re doing this in
the first place. It helps you remember that and tap into that. And I’m willing to feel
uncomfortable to reach that person today. Oh,
Andrea Nordling 36:19
that’s so good. I’m willing to feel uncomfortable to reach that person to you guys. How good is
job coaching? Oh, my God. My friend, have we connected on LinkedIn? In my opinion, LinkedIn
is the platform for professional networking and getting client referrals hands down. If you’re
already spending time getting the word out about your business over there. I would love to
connect with you. Just search Andrea Nordling and then connect. And I’ll confirm so we can
share our networks.
That is a good one. That is a good one. And I use it myself. Like I am not a robot. I am a human.
I have all the same things. So it’s easy for me to coach people on this because I go through it
Andrea Nordling 36:56
too. Yeah, right. Absolutely. Me too. Okay. So
number three, and certainty that I can help someone so having doubt in themselves, right. So
especially when you’re building, like when you’re first starting out and building a business, and
you don’t have a lot of evidence behind you yet that you can help people you have this desire
to help people and you know, what you did helped you. And maybe you’ve helped some family
members or friends, like you’ve got enough something, enough evidence there, like you have
this desire to help other people, but you don’t really feel super competent, that you can, right
and they they have these fears like well, I did help this person. But what if someone comes to
me and I can’t help them? Right, then what right and that fear, like holds them back, like just
not trusting themselves that they can. And so what we do when we’re thinking that is we hide,
right? We hide and don’t mark it because we’re thinking I’m not sure if I can albums. Of course,
I don’t want to go help them because that would be terrible if I couldn’t, or we mark it that half
heartedly, like we’re doing the marketing, but we’re but when you’re carrying those thoughts,
like, think about it, if you’re on a consultation with someone or discovery call with someone
who’s thinking considering hiring you, you’re not saying this, but if you’re thinking I don’t know
if I can help you like I don’t I just I don’t know if I can, if you don’t believe that you can help
them they are going to feel that. Absolutely. If you don’t say they will sense that energy, and
they’re not going to have belief in you either. Right. And so there is a there is a caveat. I mean,
there’s some quite the we do have do those discovery calls to decide if somebody is a good fit.
Right? And if you really don’t feel like oh, this is like out of my expertise out of my wheelhouse,
like, let me refer you to somebody else that’s different. I am talking about No, they come to
you, and this is what you do. Right? This is what you do. But you just whatever. Because of your
thoughts. You’re just having all this doubt if you can help them well, they’re going to feel that
right. I mean, they especially are going
Andrea Nordling 38:44
to feel it if I see people give so many disclaimers when this is happening. They show up as
saying to that client basically like, Well, maybe if and and if this and this and this, but
sometimes it doesn’t. And there’s like so many little disclaimers and caveats that that person
leaves a discovery call like that. Wait, what?
Yeah. So here’s the thing, like you don’t want to offer something you don’t feel competent in
delivering? You don’t like that’s true, right? But what do you feel confident in offering right
now? Where you are right now? What do you feel confident you can help somebody do if they
of course, it’s a two sided if they do what you teach them to do, and they’re on board and
they’re going all in as well. Like you can’t do it for them. But if they do this make the changes
like that you that you talk to them about if they do that, like how will it improve their life? What
do you feel confident you can promise them and then that you focus on that and that is what
you offer and that can change and evolve as you gain more expertise and knowledge and
experience. Like you’ll feel more confident offering maybe something farther than that. But for
now, what is that for you? We’ll just offer that and believe in your ability to be able to do that.
Just remember who you have helped, even if that’s just yourself so far, like this changed my life
or this changed my child’s life, like focus on that, like, I know that changing what you eat, will
change, help change your health. I know that right? Like, just focus on that. And then what I
also tell them is, is to remember this thought what I know now is enough to change someone’s
life. Yes. What I know right now, where I am right now is enough to change somebody else’s
Andrea Nordling 40:24
life. Yeah. And we see this all the time, in the TPN program, when people are are unsure, can I
really help someone? Can I really help someone, and they do it and they take imperfect action,
and they are feeling unsure. And they are feeling all of the doubt and all of it, but they’ll do it
anyway, they carry it, and they do it and they get the client. And the client gets results. And
they I mean, it’s like 10 times out of 10. Their evaluation of that is oh my gosh, I was making it
way harder. Like they just needed to drink water. We just started with water, and it changed
their life. And we we do we I mean, we I think because of the amount of knowledge that we
have as practitioners, and we know how much is possible, we forget how life changing those
small things are our people and like really, really remembering oh my gosh, it can be simple.
This is gonna change your life. And we can build on it as we go and do all the cool things. But
maybe they just need to drink water. And maybe they don’t know that yet. Because we also
think, well, everybody knows that. They definitely don’t. Don’t
write like look at where I was like those years ago, before I started my health journey, I would
go weeks without eating a vegetable. Or I thought canned corn was a vegetable. Like I’ll throw
that down on the table for dinner good enough that there’s our vegetable, right? Like I had, I
just did not know. So it’s true. People don’t know what you know, remember that people don’t
know what you know, they don’t know. And you only need to be one step ahead of your client,
right? You don’t need to be one step ahead to help them. So just remember in the value that
you offer right now, where you are right now you have something to give you have something
to get
Andrea Nordling 42:06
amazing. Oh my gosh, that’s so good. Okay, tell me that thought one more time that goes with
What I know now is enough to change someone’s life. Yes. How is that true? Ask it. Write that
down and ask yourself how is that true? Your brain might not be on board with that right now,
when I just said it, write it down and ask yourself how is this true? Because we asked your brain
to look for something? It will it will know if you say how do you know like, well, I don’t believe
that your brain is going to come up with all the reasons that’s not true. But if you ask yourself,
How is this true, your brain will come up with answers. And it is true. That is true. And once you
can like grasp onto that, and remember that, like take that with you in that’s all the belief you
need to get started. It’s all you need. Yeah.
Andrea Nordling 42:46
Oh, it’s so good. It is all the belief that you need. And then you get started and you collect even
more evidence of your people after they start drinking water. That’s
right. And then your confidence will build from that you’ll have that evidence, but for right now,
like hold on to the evidence that you do have, that’s all you need. Oh, good. So good. Okay, so
number four is comparing que using other success against you. So when you want to go into
this business and help other people, and you start of course following other people and looking
what other people are doing or right and and even in the program itself, like you’re surrounded
by other people, you know, it’s similar, but different. Everybody’s doing it a different way. We
all have different niches, we all have different specialties, but looking at what other people are
doing, who are being successful, and then using that against you. Right, like comparing
yourself like Well, I’m not as far along as they are. Look what they did in their first year
business. And I didn’t do that, right? There’s something must be wrong with me, right? So only
compare yourself to you. Right? You are the only person to compare yourself to like, Where
were you three years ago? Where were you one year ago? Where were you six months ago?
Right? Where were you a month ago, like compare what the growth and like what you’re doing
to move forward on your journey of creating your business and helping people like compare it
to you, because that’s the only journey that matters, right? And instead of focusing on the
people in front of you, I’m using air quotes, like on this path, like, instead of focusing on the
people that are in front of you, and then feeling you’re behind, like stop and turn around and
look how far you’ve come up that path like look how far you’ve climbed like you are in such a
different place than you were like, look at me where I was 10 years ago, right? It’s like you’re in
such a different place now. And when you look at that and focus on that, then your brain will
start opening up to what you are doing. It’s like that the gap in the game like when you focus
on the gap like what I what I haven’t done yet what I’m not good at yet, or I’m not yet then your
brain will just create more of that whatever we focus on expands and just gets bigger so your
brain will just see more of that. But when you start focusing on the gain, like what have I done,
what have I learned how Have I grown How have I been brave like what changes have I made
How am I helping people like is you full Because on what you are doing and how your own
growth, then your brain will start to focus on that. And that will expand when we focus on other
people too, and make ourselves small, that just shrinks what we’re meant to do. But when we
focus on everything that we’re doing and how we’re growing, then we’ll start to expand it, we’ll
just continue expanding it. So just remember like this, and also don’t compare your beginning
to their middle. You know, you have no idea where they started and the things that they
struggled with, and all the things they’ve gone through to get to where they are. And just to
remember, like, this is your journey, it’s your journey, and you’re doing it the way you need to,
even if you feel like you’ve made a lot of mistakes, or you’ve been doing these mistakes that
we’re talking about, that’s okay, because it’s helping you learn what you need to learn. Like,
the thing that’s in your way becomes the way once you realize like, oh, this thing is actually
standing in my way. And I’m aware that I’m creating this for myself, like now it becomes the
way because once I learned how to overcome that, that that next rock I just climbed over,
that’s what’s going to take me to where I want to go, right. And sometimes the only difference
is that they have different actions, right? Like, we think, Oh, they’re, they’re, you know, they’re
further ahead. But then if you looked at like, what they’re doing, like the things that they’re
actually implementing, and doing that, maybe you’re not yet and that’s okay, but just being
like, oh, like, it’s not time, like, Oh, I’ve been doing this for a year, and she’s been doing this for
a year. So I should be where she is, well, no, it’s what you’re it’s like what you’re able to do in
that time, what you’re using that time for, right? And then they also
Andrea Nordling 46:34
be caveat and the skills that you’re bringing into it right now. I mean, somebody could have a
background in sales, obviously, their first year business might look a little bit different. They’re
not learning that skill set for the first time. That’s just one example. But you like you have no
idea what someone’s coming into business with already know. Yeah.
And you also don’t know like how much time they they legit have to spend compared to the
time that you have, like, maybe they don’t have any kids and you have five like you don’t I
mean, it’s like, there’s different circumstances and so comparing yourself to somebody else
without like, you’re comparing apples to oranges. It’s not the same thing. And we never,
nothing ever good comes from comparing yourself ever using people is is an inspiration, but
not as a way to minimize yourself ever, right? And if it is feeling like if you are following
somebody and you’re feeling like you just you find yourself constantly comparing yourself, then
it’s okay to not follow them to not look at what they’re doing. It’s okay, like just focus, like put
your blinders on and focus in your on your lane. That’s where you need to go on on your growth
and on your journey. And I think we
Andrea Nordling 47:37
know how this feels in our body, it just a check in in your body. Does it feel like oh, this is so
inspirational? Yes, that’s motivating. They did it. I can do it. And does it feel like that in your
body? Or does it feel like, oh, yuck. I’m not enough. I’m not going fast enough. I’m behind. Like,
I’ll never do that you we know, we could just check in with our body. How does this feel? Either
you want more of it? Or it’s time to just put the blinders on? Like Joe said, totally agree. Yes,
yes. And another thing I just want to mention is when you’re taking action you’re like, but I am
doing those things like I am doing the things and it’s not working, but it’s working for them. And
there’s that frustration. Also just knowing that there is a thing called belief fueled action, right?
So you can take the same actions, like a specific marketing action. But if while you’re taking it,
you’re thinking this isn’t going to work. Nobody wants this people aren’t buying right now. I’m
not sure if I can really help them all those things like you’re having those thoughts while you’re
taking the action like that energy does come through it just as it comes through in in what you
say it comes through and how you write it comes through in your copy, it just comes through,
like if you go meet somebody in person, and those are the thoughts you’re having, like they
sense that it comes through. So it’s learning how to, with the things we’ve talked about so far,
how to just like create what what can I believe right now? What can I believe and get on board
with right now that feels better? And takes me towards where I want to go? Like, let me hold on
to that thought and then and then and I can go from that thought, right? Yeah. So change your
thought to what you can believe right now, about you. And again, look how far you’ve come
and love yourself for that. Be proud of yourself for that. Right. That’s one thing we do in the
program is we celebrate together. Every week. We have Wednesday wins and we celebrate,
and we post wins and it can be super small, like hey, I actually got myself to do that email that
I’ve been putting off and putting off and putting up I did it right in anything but we celebrate
the wins because the more you focus on what you’re doing, what you’re doing well and like feel
proud of yourself and celebrate that the more you’ll do, yeah,
Andrea Nordling 49:42
because it feels good. It feels good. Do more
of what feels good. Like when something feels crappy because we’re constantly berating
ourselves and telling ourselves it’s not enough. We don’t want to do it. So yeah, celebrating
yourself and being proud of what you have done. Okay, number five is procrastinating so hiding
of Waiting, waiting, asking for more and more coaching or more advice on the same problem
without taking action or implementing the coaching. Yeah. Right. It’s like I got it, I got coaching,
I got advice from my peers or from Andrea from Jill. And I’m just but I’m going to, instead of
taking action and implementing that, I’m, I’m going to just keep asking for coaching on the
same thing for two more months. And then maybe I’ll feel ready after that, right. So again, your
brain is trying to protect you from actually taking action. And we’re not saying like anything will
tell you, you have to go do 100% Like you, you get to choose, like you get to choose what feels
good for you. But just knowing it’s like that is one way your brain just wants to keep you safe.
And it’ll keep you buffering with things that feel productive, like laundry, and cleaning, because
most of us work from our home, right? Searching for branding colors on Pinterest and logo
ideas like that feels really productive, like I’m building my business. But really, it’s keeping you
from building your business from helping, like telling people what you do, and like I can actually
help you with this problem, right. And so we’re sometimes we’re so afraid of failing that we we
do this, we buffer, we don’t take action, we don’t mark it. And so what we do is we just fail
ahead of time, right? We’re still failing, like I’m afraid of failing. So I’m not going to do that
thing. But you’re just failing ahead of time. Exactly. Still not doing the thing. And the worst
thing that can happen is you’re right where you are, like you’re you however many clients you
have right now, if you just stop, you know, it’s like, the worst thing that can happen if you go
out there, and you don’t get a client today, or whatever. It’s like, You’re right where you are
right now. So the worst thing that can happen is you are where you are, right? So that’s the
worst thing that can happen. Like what have you got to lose, right? So just be on to yourself,
when your brain thinks it’s a really good idea to like, clean some more, or do this thing or
whatever, like, I’m gonna do all this before I go out and do whatever that thing that feels scary
for you. Your growth lies on the other side of that. Yeah, that is the thing, right? That’s where
you you bring in that I’m willing to feel that fear. And I’m just going to do take action. I’m going
to do it anyway, one step at a time. Okay. So then Oh, one thing I wanted to tell people too, is
when if they feel overwhelmed, like there’s so many things I could do, I don’t know where to
start is to decide, Okay, how many hours a week? Do I legit have to spend on my business to
spend growing my business, I’m going to focus on growing my business, right? So if you have
clients right now, subtract those out of the hours, because you’re helping them right now.
Right? But how many hours do I have to spend? And then those hours that you have to spend
make schedule? Make a plan? So decide like, okay, even if right now, like what can I truly
commit to? Let’s say it’s an hour a day, I can commit to one hour a day, Okay, where am I going
to put that in my schedule, it’s not just oh, yes, today, I’m going to market some time that that
doesn’t happen, right, your brain will come up with everything else you need to do first so that
you can focus, that’s what your brain will tell you. And then you’ll just end up it’ll be like three
o’clock in time to pick your kids up and you haven’t done it. So is what you’re going to do is
you’re going to plan it in just like you would an appointment with a client just like you would
like you schedule that time in this is an appointment with your future client. Because the whole
reason we market is to bring in future clients to help people right to let them know we’re here
and we can help them and how we help them. So this is you spending time with your future
clients. So honor that appointment, just like you would you would never not show up for an
appointment with a client. Like, you know, they’re going to be there at 10 o’clock, you are there
at 10 o’clock. 100%. Right. So show up for your future clients in the same way. That’s what
you’re doing. Right? And then also be intentional with how you’re going to spend that time. So
instead of just saying, Okay, this is my marketing time, okay, well, what is your marketing plan?
Like? What are you going to do? Like, what do you want to do an email, like, what is your plan
and just come up with like, a minimum baseline of what you will do that week, okay, so I want
to send maybe I want to send one email. And I’m going to start with three connections with
people like letting them know what I do, like, however, that looks for you, whether it is on social
or whether it’s on LinkedIn, or whether it’s in person, or however you want to do that, like, I’m
going to do that three times this week, right? And so then you schedule in, okay, well, then I’m
on Monday, I’m going to do this, this is my email day, Tuesday, I’m going to make this like this
many connections on LinkedIn, Wednesday, I’m going to have connection call with somebody or
a referral partner, or I’m gonna go meet somebody like, I’m going to make this call on Thursday
to the to these three offices and let them know what I do or go in and visit and take the my
card, like, plan what you’re going to do in that time, so that you actually have a plan. Because if
you don’t have a plan, then it’s just so easy for your brain to feel overwhelmed did not know
what to pick during that limited time that you have. So that’s just another little strategy that
can help you like overcome your brain wanting to just give you all the other ideas to do instead,
is to actually just make a plan. What am I going to do? What is my minimum that I truly feel like
I can commit to and I’m going to schedule it in just like I would a client and I’m going to treat it
like I would my time with a client. Yep.
Andrea Nordling 54:50
And you’re going to sit there at your desk and your two options or do the thing or just stare at
the wall isn’t another option to go do something something Oh, you just stare at the wall or do
what you said you were gonna do? Yeah, yeah,
I love that. And it actually builds momentum, I can actually get fun like, yes at first like it feels if
it’s something new and you’ve never done it, and it can feel confusing or overwhelming, but the
more you do it like anything, think of anything you want it to learn in your life that you didn’t
know how to do. That was hard. And the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And the quicker
you get. And it’s not that the thing changed. It’s that you changed, your ability to do it has
become better, and you become more comfortable. And your thoughts are changing about it,
right? Instead of having all these thoughts that make you feel scared, you’re having thoughts
like, Okay, this isn’t so bad. And I can do this. And people this is helping people like, it will just
get easier, easier. And you’ll build that momentum. And then you’ll start like wanting to spend
more time on it. But just still like setting a plan of what I’m going to do and just making it really
simple and doable. So your brain can get on board and then just know I can build on it later. I
don’t need to start with all the things I see everybody doing right now. I can just pick one. I’m
going to focus on that one thing this week. What will that look
Andrea Nordling 56:02
like? So good. Oh my gosh, that’s so good. Yes, yes. All right. So
last one, number six. And this is more for the people that are in your program. Okay. Bonus
bonus to all of you listening, and they do they listen, they love your podcast, but not utilizing
bonus to all of you listening, and they do they listen, they love your podcast, but not utilizing
the community. So think having thoughts like I don’t belong, I don’t feel comfortable. I don’t
have time, I don’t want to be vulnerable. I don’t want to admit that I’m struggling. I’m the only
one that will be really embarrassing. Like if I you know, put myself out there and like introduce
myself and hey, I’m really struggling with this thing. Right? But those thoughts that keep that
keep you out of it. And I just I It’s okay, like I get that the community isn’t everybody’s thing.
Like some people thrive and like that. And some people, they think they don’t want it. But
here’s what I just want to offer right there. Like, I don’t need that. I don’t need that, right. But
here’s what I want to offer. And this is something that you suggest is just setting a timer for like
10 minutes, a certain like three times a week or something, and just go in and just see what
you can take from from what people have, have shared, but what can I give, like I have
something to give I do no matter where I’m at, I have something to offer, I have life experience,
I have things I’m going through, even when I’m willing to be vulnerable and share problem I’m
having, I promise you like 20 Other people feel the same way. And they’re going to comment
and like be like me, too, right? You’re going to find that support and connection. And so it
doesn’t have to be a lot of time that you spend, but the time you spend can be purposeful. And
I just want to say like it is one of the most supportive communities I’ve ever seen. If there were
I agree, yeah, if there were negative, judgmental things in there, I would see it because I’m in
there every day. Right? That’s my job, right? But they are so kind and supporting and giving
and sharing with each other. It is just a community of people who want to share ideas. They will
answer questions about how they did something, right if they did something and like, Oh, how
did you do that? Like that worked for you? Like, what did you do to get on that podcast? Like
tell me, you know, they’re happy to share what they did. They share resources with each other,
they offer encouragement and ideas when they’re struggling with marketing or with a client or
anything business related. They’re always coaching each other. Right? Always coaching helping
each other through things. And there’s
Andrea Nordling 58:34
so much support, I also see a lot of referrals, client referrals, like I don’t work with this type of
client who does. It is so supportive, and, and
oh, I want to I want to hire someone to help me with this thing in my website. And people will
send you who they’ve used that they liked, right? There’s just so, so many. There’s just so
much support of all kinds like and on top of that, like in the community. There’s the there.
There’s the weekly coaching calls where you can come and get that support from Andrea from
me from whatever guest coach that you’ve got. But here’s the cool thing is we have the chat
going. And while somebody’s being coached every time there’s people saying like me, too, like,
Oh, me, too. Thank you so much for asking this. And they learn from the person getting
coached, like you’re getting coached while somebody else is getting coached 100%. And also
people offer ideas like, oh, I had this problem, and they’ll offer their ideas. Yeah. And afterwards
that chat is available, they can read through it. And there’s just so much support in the people
that come just to like spend that hour together every week to to get coached, but then to also
support each other and being coached. Right? And there’s the brainstorm breakouts with the
peers that that happen, like every week on different topics where they can come together and
like brainstorm ideas and things in their business. There’s just so many ways to get help and
support and then to have to have a group of friends of peers with the same goals as you Yeah,
it’s like people learning how to build a business and building a business. And helping people live
healthier lives, like you all share that in common. And there instead of competition, it’s it’s
community. It’s like love and support overcome, it’s isn’t there’s not competition there at all.
It’s just love and support, like, oh, instead of me just trying to be alone by myself and do this,
like I have this whole community of people that are doing it too. And we’re actually doing it
together. So that’s, that’s what I,
Andrea Nordling 1:00:25
okay, I have to echo all of that. And say, because I just can’t help myself that it is. So it is so
helpful to have a group of people that you can talk about your business stuff with, instead of
always expecting your husband or your best friend or your mom. Because they don’t get it. And
they probably don’t want to be an online marketing expert, and they don’t want to talk about
lab testing, and all of those things, and they will have answers anyway. Anyway, and they
probably don’t know how to write good sales copy, and they probably can’t prove your stuff the
way that you want them to. So let’s take the pressure off of those relationships, and develop
some really, really beautiful relationships with people that do get it and they do want to talk
about that stuff all the time.
100%. So I always think like, okay, so when I first got into coaching, I was so excited about it,
right? And I wanted to just talk about it and share it with my friends and with my family and my
husband, none of them wanted to hear about it. No kids, my kids made fun of it, like I will, you
gotta listen to this podcast is so good old change your life, you know. And they’re just like, they
wouldn’t they, they just made fun of it, you know. And so it’s like, I felt so hurt, I actually cried
about it over time, because I’ve like, I have this thing, I have nobody to share it with, right. And
then I learned I could act like there’s a whole world of people out there who feel the same way I
do, I can find them. Like I can share it with them. I don’t need like these people that aren’t
interested to fill my cup, it’s like, I can go fill my own cup. And I will find people who love talking
about it as much as I do. So the same way, like you have this desire to like, build your business,
helping people change their health and change their lives. Like that is such a deep desire in
you. And there are so many people out there that have that same desire. So put yourself in a
place where you’re surrounded by them, where you have them, like you, you will never run out
of people to talk to about this ever growing up in this community. And then you don’t have to
like, like expect or depend on other people in your life to be able to do that for you. You you get
to do it yourself. You have that power.
Andrea Nordling 1:02:33
Yeah. Oh my gosh, that’s such a good reminder. Okay, so I love that we’re ending this on that
note of find your people, your people just whether that’s in our program, we’re not but people.
Yeah. And of course, we would love to have you in the TPN program if you aren’t already. And
that’s where you get coached by Joe on a constant basis.
And Andrea,
Andrea Nordling 1:02:57
your coaches coming in, but I know people are going to want to know how they find you outside
the program too. So where do people find you on the internet? Yes. Okay.
So my website is Gil dunsmore.com. And it’s J i l l e. So I have an E on the end of my name. So
Gil Dunsmore is d U N s, m o r e and my Instagram I am on Instagram. I Nona like foundry
teaches you, you don’t have to do that. But I am. And so if you are by chance, then I am just at
Children’s more. So come on by me. Okay.
Andrea Nordling 1:03:31
So we will have that linked up in the show notes for this episode. Obviously, people can come
and find you. You have like, I just feel like this is a conversation we’ll keep having because
these are so good. I think it was so fun that I got to hear these six things in real time. Yes.
Right. No idea. I
agree with no agree with all of them. Right? For
Andrea Nordling 1:03:50
sure. For sure. I just want to say, Joe, I appreciate you so much. I love that we are friends but
also colleagues and I love that you support my people the way that you do and they’re in such
good hands with your coaching which obviously everybody listening to this episode will know to
be true because all of your insights are spot on as always. So thank you. Thank you.
I love being a part of it and a part of your people. So thank you for having me.

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