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127. 5 Traits of Highly Successful Holistic Nutritionists

Why are some holistic nutritionist and health coaches successful in starting their own business, and some aren’t?  I’ve coached 1000’s of people in this industry over the last 4.5 years, and I have the answer to that question.  It’s not what you think.  On this episode of The Profitable Nutritionist® Podcast, I disclose WHO the successful nutritionist is and dispel the myth that they know any special marketing or selling skills.  They don’t.  The most successful practitioners in our industry don’t start off great at marketing and messaging, project management, time management, running a high converting consult call, structuring their website and email list, structuring their offer and pricing, or deciding on a great niche…  They learn those skills long the way because they have 5 OTHER traits, instead.  You need to know those 5 traits so you can fast-track your success, too.  Listen now for:

  • 5 specific traits successful nutritionists and health coaches have in common
  • Dispelling the biggest myth about continued business success
  • What successful nutritionists and health coaches focus on when business growth is stalled


Links mentioned in this episode:

>> Register for Clients Week February 26-March 1
>> 55 | Should You Start A Podcast?

Connect with Jille:



Andrea Nordling 00:00
Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast, my friend, what a great episode today well,
because of the content that I’m gonna be sharing with you, but also, because I just realized this
is episode 127. And for some reason that is really impressing me right now I’m thinking 127
episodes 127 times, I have pushed record and brought you valuable content into your ears.
Over the last two and a half years, I’ve been kind of amazed by that. I know there’s so many
hundreds more episodes coming your way. But just a little reminder that we just kind of start at
the beginning, be willing to do 125 10. And when you do that, and you build the consistency,
suddenly you wake up and you’re recording episode 127. Just so proud of that. So cool. Okay,
so today, I want to tell you what I know about successful holistic nutritionist and health coaches
and wellness professionals versus unsuccessful ones. I think the big question is, why are some
wellness professionals and I just use that like is so broad, because I work specifically with
nutritional therapists, holistic nutritionist, health coaches, but that covers a wide range of
modalities, really I have sleep coaches I work with I work with naturopaths, and herbalists and
chiropractors. And as we know, in the sphere of health and wellness, people have various
certifications and specialties. And it’s, it’s kind of a fluid definition. So when I’m talking about
highly successful holistic nutritionist or health coaches, or whatever word I use, you could apply
that to any modality don’t think that I’m not talking about you, I’m 100% talking about you. And
I have coached 1000s of people in this industry over the last four and a half years. So I have
the answer to the question, why are some successful in starting their own business? And why
are some not successful, I am going to break that down. I’m gonna tell you all about what I
have seen over and over and over again. And it’s probably not what you think this episode is
going to be where I break down who, who who the successful nutritionists are health coaches,
and then dispel the myth for you that that person has certain skills, because they don’t. They
have traits, they have personality traits. And they have a certain way that they show up in their
business, which is what this episode is all about. But they don’t necessarily have common skills,
those skills, for running the business, for marketing, for selling for delivering really amazing
results to their clients, for structuring their business on the back end so that it is efficient, and it
is scalable. All of those are skills. And that is what they learn in the profitable nutritionist
program, and then eventually in the mastermind. So I’m going to tell you right now that it is a
myth that you have to have those skills or know those things to be successful in this field. It is
not those are skills that you learn if you don’t know them yet, it’s just because you haven’t
learned them. Easy peasy I can teach you. Okay. The best news ever marketing, having
compelling messaging that connects with your ideal clients, knowing how to structure project
management through software through automations, making your business more efficient. Your
time management as an entrepreneur. So here’s how do you juggle clients and fulfilling to your
clients, while also marketing so that your pipeline doesn’t run dry. That’s a skill. If you don’t
know how to do that right now, just because you haven’t learned the process. Okay, that’s a
skill that you can learn running a high converting console call. If you don’t know how to do that,
right now, if you go to discovery calls with your people and you feel tongue tied, and you feel
super nervous about talking about money with them, or bringing up the investment, you kind of
hurry that part and get off the call as soon as possible a sweaty mess, just because you don’t
have that skill yet. It’s not because you’re not good at business. It’s just because you haven’t
learned how, if you don’t have a website that you’re proud of that is converting to leads on
autopilot 24 hours a day, every day. If you’re not growing your email list and nurturing those
leads and warming them up and they’re consistently reaching out to work with you. It’s just
because you don’t have that skill yet. Okay, if you don’t know how to price your offer, if you
don’t know how to structure your offer, so that it’s irresistible to your people, just because you
don’t have the skill, right? All of these things. These are skills skills are different than traits. And
I’m telling you, it’s traits that are going to make the difference between successful and not
successful as a business owner. So if you’re hearing this list right now, me talking about all of
the skills and you’re thinking I don’t have those skills. I don’t know how to do this, then you
have to join me inside the profitable nutritionist program. That’s the only solution to this
problem is join TPN the doors are open right now, if you’re listening to this in real time, you can
join at the profitable nutritionist.com/join They will be open for this quarterly enrollment until
March 6 at midnight. If you’re listening to this episode in the future and you very well might be
then you’re going to go to that same page the profitable nutritionist.com/join And you will see
the dates of the Next enrollment so you can get on the waitlist. And you can put that date in
your calendar, there is a very, very well oiled process that you learn inside the program for
mastering all of these skills that I have talked about. There are also some extra resources.
There’s called these the soft skills, the traits of highly successful health coaches and holistic
nutritionist that we’re going to dig into in detail right now. And these are also covered in the
program. So I don’t want you to think that we don’t talk about these nuanced traits of
successful versus not successful, because we do this is actually a huge component of the
program. And a lot of the mindset and coaching tools that I teach in the program support
becoming more of all of this, becoming more of what we’re going to talk about right now. So if
you’re also going to listen to this episode, and think, I’m not sure how resourceful I am, I’m not
sure how good I am at taking myself out of overwhelm or confusion, which are two of the things
that we’re gonna talk about. That’s okay. Because there’s also a process for that, that you learn
in the program. And then you teach your clients those same processes, so that they can take
themselves out of a place of overwhelm and confusion and become highly successful in their
health journey as well. It’s very, very meta, okay. Deep breath, let’s dive in and talk about
exactly what it looks like to be a highly successful wellness practitioner. Right now, this is what
I’m seeing. And like I said, this is based on many years and many 1000s of people. So I didn’t
just come up with this out of nowhere, it’s pretty tried and true by this point. But this is what it
looks like. It’s basically if I had to sum up all five of these traits is a willingness to be coached,
and to coach yourself and to question what you believe. Wonder if Is that true? Hmm. I wonder
if it is maybe, maybe not. That’s what I mean by coaching yourself, and making decisions than
taking imperfect action on those decisions, and evaluating them along the way. Like, truly, it’s
just showing up. Curious, coachable, be resourceful, being willing to let it be messy in the
beginning, so that you can build your dream business, and have the lifestyle that comes from
it. That’s it. Those are some of the traits that we’re going to pull apart, starting with number
one. Very, very successful, holistic nutritionist and health coaches acknowledge that they want
a business, either a full time business or a part time business, this probably seems really weird
to be talking about, but I am telling you, it this, the nuanced stuff that we’re talking about
today makes a huge difference. Nothing is too small here, I see people that are struggling with
their businesses, and they say things like, Well, I’m just going to see how this goes. Or I’m
going to test it out. Or I’m going to see if this works. Or sometimes it’s a version of Well, I don’t
really need the money. So I’m just going to see how how it works. Or I just like always prefacing
with what I don’t need this to work. But I’m gonna see if it will statements in that vein, okay.
Basically, what they’re saying is, I’m kind of sort of trying, but I’ve already braced myself that it
might not work. So I’m giving myself an out. Okay, that’s a very, very different way to approach
a business, then I’m figuring out how to make this work. Or I want a part time business where I
bring in an extra 5k a month for my family and I worked part time hours, or I want a multiple six
figure wellness business, and I want to work online, and I want to have location freedom. Do
you see the difference there? It’s subtle, but it is everything. It’s I’m dipping my toe in the
water? Or no, I want this. I don’t know how it’s gonna happen. I don’t know how I’m gonna get
there. very unclear about exactly how this is going to look. But I want it and I want to figure it
out. Okay, the successful practitioners that I work with own the fact that they want a business,
they have goals, they have a vision. And like I said, they aren’t just dipping their toe in the
water to see what it’s like they haven’t braced themselves for impact thinking, Oh, okay, I just
want to make it seem like I maybe don’t want this, because it’ll be less embarrassing. When I
don’t get there when I fail. You know what I’m talking about. So really, the first trait of a highly
successful practitioner is acknowledging that they want a business, either full time or part time.
And just acknowledging that and owning that is going to have such a different flavor.
Everything that you do everything you talk about every person that you talk to, potentially as a
referral partner, or as a client or just people in your life that are going to send clients your way
are going to feel a much different energy from you. If you have admitted to yourself that you
want this. The way that you talk about your business is going to be so much different, and it’s
going to lead to such better results. So acknowledging that you want a business either full time
or part time, whatever that looks like for you just owning it that you want it and you’re figuring
out how to make that happen is huge. That is the first trait of a successful holistic nutritionist or
health coach. second trait is to choose to be resourceful and not confused. This means is
having a figured out mentality. Inside the profitable nutritionist program, it is specifically
designed to introduce you to what’s possible, which is super cool. Because in our industry and
again, I gave you examples of lots of different types of practitioners and coaches that I work
with and lots of different modalities. There’s also so many different business models. Some
people work in person in a brick and mortar, some people work exclusively online, some people
have a hybrid practice and people do lab testing other people don’t do anything like that
there’s groups and programs and one on ones and memberships. I mean, there’s just the
opportunities and the possibilities are endless. Okay, it’s not a one size fits all. So in the
program, we have a system for this, we have a process for figuring out, what do you want your
business to look like? This is giving you permission to just trust yourself that you already know
the answers, and then adopting a figured out mentality to work backwards and put all those
pieces together. And to do that you have to choose to be resourceful, not confused, be
resourceful, is crucial. And this is a trait of someone that’s going to be successful. I see it all the
time adopting this figured out mentality. I know this is true, because my most successful
students in the program and also in the mastermind, take a concept that they’re introduced to
in the program, and they run with it, they come back then with a story of what they decided
why it was best for them, how they took action on making it happen, how they evaluated the
results and tweaked and how they knew what to do next. They’ll come for coaching when they
get stuck. But that’s the format that I teach is coming at it with a I’m going to figure this out
mentality. That is what I mean by being resourceful, not being confused. Now that being
confused version is spinning in indecision. Being always kind of making a decision but not really
making the decision second guessing the decision kind of executing but not really, that’s
confusing and thinking No, I maybe made the bad choice or the wrong choice, I gotta go back
make a decision again, that is confusion. Confusion is paralysis. Okay, successful business
owners choose not to be confused. They choose when they find themselves in a confusion
spiral, they choose to get out of it as quickly as possible by taking action. Now some people
come into the profitable nutritionist program with so many resources like we have in there, and
they feel like they won the lottery. They’re like, Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. I have no idea
how I’m going to use all of these resources, literally everything that I need. For the next stage.
The next stage in SA stage is all here. I know the answers are here, I’m so supported, it’s great,
I’m gonna figure it out. Others come in and think this is confusing, I have no idea where
everything is I’m not good at technology. Maybe this isn’t for me, that’s completely optional
thinking. So this is just another way that I see it show up, I’m going to call it out here, having
the thought I’m resourceful I’m going to figure it out, is going to be such a better experience for
you as a business owner. And just as a human, then, oh my gosh, I’m so confused. I’m shutting
down, I’m not good at this, I’m not as good as everybody else. That’s totally optional. That’s
confused thinking. So choose not to be confused. Truly a trait of successful business owners,
even though we all can find ourselves in confusion from one time to another, it’s how quickly
you get out of it and choose not to be confused anymore. Choose to figure it out, choose to be
supported. Choose everything is here for me choose to be part of the group, choose to be bad
at technology, in this example, choose to be bad at it. And that’s not a problem, I’m gonna
figure it out. Another way to say this is building your self confidence, not your confidence. And
I’ve done entire podcast episodes on this. There’s something that we talk about a lot. But the
difference between confidence and self confidence is this confidence is based on past
experience or evidence that your brain already has. So if you’re relying on feeling confident
about something, it’s because you’ve already done it. Self Confidence, on the other hand is
based on knowing you’re the kind of person who figures it out without having evidence at all.
You have no supporting evidence that you know how to do this, or you’ll figure out how to do
this thing other than knowing I’m the kind of person who does figure it out. Okay, that’s self
confidence. I’ve also told the story many times, but I’m gonna bring it up again, because it’s
really pertinent here that I see this pivotal moment in my own life. When I borrowed someone
else’s confidence about me and adopted it as self confidence for myself, when I heard my dad
talk about me, and he was explaining how he had run into someone that hadn’t seen him for a
long time. And this person was asking how my brother and I were both doing this is when I was
in college. So he said he told me how he had updated this person on how my brother was doing
and then I said, Oh, great. And he’s like, yeah, and then he asked about you and I said, Oh,
Andrea, we don’t worry about her. She always lands on her feet. He just said it. So matter of
factly and it was so just like soap But ultimately, I can just remember exactly where I was, I can
remember the whole scenario. We were talking on the phone when that happened. And I
thought, is that true? Am I the kind of person that always lands on their feet? And my brain did
a little, like just a short circuit? And I thought, okay, is that true? That must be true. I don’t
know. Someone else thought so that was true. Okay, carry the one recalculate did, all right, maybe I guess I’m the kind of person that always lands on their feet great. And I feel in my life,
that something really shifted there, I probably was already the kind of person that had to figure
it out mentality, I probably was already the kind of person that innately operated in that way.
But it really took it to the next level for me to borrow someone else’s confidence in me, and to
operate from that self confidence of okay, I’m that kind of person. That was a trait that I
decided I had. Just interesting, right? It’s, it’s interesting to think of how quickly we can decide
that we have a trait, or we are the kind of person that fill in the blank. And we can just grab
evidence that that is true. We don’t need years and years of data behind any of these things.
So I want to just, I don’t know felt compelled as I’m going through this list to tell you if there is
any of these traits that you think I’m just really not there, I don’t know, just know that it’s very,
very quick shift to get to that point to decide, okay, I am the kind of person that does blank
now, this just just this, this just in right now. I am this kind of person, starting right, the second,
okay. With over 100 episodes of the profitable nutritionist podcast at this point, my team asked
if we could create a podcast and roadmap quick guide to the most popular episodes, which I
thought was a fabulous idea. They’re so smart. We ended up categorizing 30 ish of the top
episodes into a few different lists and categories. So you can easily find the most useful content
for exactly where you’re at in your business right now. To get the podcast roadmap download,
just go to the profitable nutritionist.com/roadmap One word, you’re more than welcome to
binge all of the episodes, of course. But if you’d like the shortcut guide, this roadmap is going
to be gold for navigating to the exact episodes that you need right now. Again, download the
PDF at the profitable nutritionist.com/roadmap. Number three of the five traits that I see highly
successful wellness business owners embody is that they prioritize massive action over passive
action. What does that mean? Well, I’ve kind of teed it up already, when I said that clarity on
anything in your business comes from action. And I would amend that to say clarity for
anything that we’re doing in our life, not just our business comes from action, you can’t steer a
parked car, you have to do something, to know what the clear next step is going to be. And
that’s what I mean by massive action. Okay, massive action produces a result. So that could be
making sales in your business that could be writing marketing copy, that could be sending
emails, one off emails, email broadcasts, that could be creating assets for your clients
something in your process, that’s going to make it better for them, that’s going to get them
better results. So they’re sending more referrals your way that’s going to make things more
efficient in your business. All of those are massive actions that produce a result. result that’s
going to make you more money, and free up more time for you massive action. From a
business standpoint, that’s what I want you to be thinking, no passive action doesn’t produce
anything. Okay? Passive action feels really good. We can tell ourselves, it’s productive. But we
know it actually isn’t. That’s learning, scrolling social media, researching, I’m doing the world’s
biggest air quotes. When I say researching over here, watching course videos listening to
podcasts like this, though, I do think it’s valuable for you. It’s not producing anything for you to
be listening to this podcast, okay? This is passive action, reading books, basically, anything
that’s getting ready to get ready. That is passive action. So the difference is, you’re never going
to have anything to evaluate. No data coming in, nothing to tweak and make better in your
business. If you don’t do massive action, if you don’t take the massive action and do the things
messy in the beginning. You’re not going to have anything to evaluate and make better. You
can’t learn how to drive by watching videos alone. You have to get in the car, and you have to
steer break Herky jerky, hit some cones in the parking lot, so that you know what to do
differently in the future. Same thing in your business, all right, you have to take massive action,
it feels uncomfortable, but the people that are successful in their businesses do it anyway. They
get quickly out of the mode of thinking that passive action is all that they can do or all they
need to do and they realize no, we got to produce some results here. We got to do some things
that are a little scary. Put us out there. We have to do those so we can see which of them works
and which don’t. And then get better at the ones that do double down on what’s working.
Tweak it repeat it that’s business right there, my friend right and I just want to say Again, this is
all baked into the repeatable revenue process that I teach in the profitable insurance program,
you’re going to know exactly what to do at every stage, you’re going to know exactly what
imperfect action to take, what decisions you need to make, how to evaluate it, all of that is
baked into the process. But I’m telling you, the people I see that are the most successful in the
process, are the ones that prioritize doing the massive action over the passive action. That
doesn’t mean that they don’t watch videos, it doesn’t mean that they don’t learn, it doesn’t
mean that they don’t get extra certifications, or do research and do those fun things that we
love to do, it just means that they do the massive action first. Okay, there is a process for that,
I know, you’re probably getting sick of me saying I just want you to know, there is a process for
teaching your brain how to do this, right, I just want to tell you, that when you find all of the
resources in the profitable nutritionists program, and if you aren’t in the program, you need to
be in the program, you’re going to be so thankful, because everything you need is already
there. And we have a way for you to navigate all of these decisions, and all of the
uncomfortable mental drama that comes up along the way. But knowing that you’re going to be
prioritizing, taking action, over consuming is very, very important to know. So that is number
three, for sure prioritize massive action over passive action. Number four, in the five traits that
I see time and time, again, is a trait of highly successful practitioners is that they have a growth
oriented personality, meaning they love self improvement. And I think that that really is innate
in anybody that gets into the field that we are in, they love self improvement for themselves.
So obviously, they want to help facilitate that. For other people, I don’t think that there are a lot
of health and wellness practitioners that don’t kind of just have that already a growth oriented
personality. But a lot of them don’t see that they have it in business. So I want to just offer that
having a love for self improvement and a curiosity of how to do better, live better, feel better,
in any area of your life translates very, very easily to how to have a growth oriented view on
your business. All right, this person, successful person that embodies this, and I bet this is you
sees their business and their health and living a full life as a journey. And they appreciate the
infinite perspective of it versus a finite perspective thinking. Once we crossed the goal line, we
can just check the box and we’re done. We know that we’re never done in our health, we’re
never just healthy, can always be healthier, we can always do a little bit better, we can always
learn more about our aging body and how to support it more. It’s never done. A we never just
stop learning or stop trying. No, of course not. It’s infinite perspective versus a finite
perspective, which takes off so much pressure. Because you’re on your own timeline, you’re in
it for the journey, not the destination, you’re not trying to beat anyone else or do it faster or
better. So the question to always ask yourself is where is my growth here? This is what I want
to ask you for your business. Because the same parallel, like I said, for a health journey applies
to business, we never get to a point where we’re like, okay, business is done, we did it, we did
our business. Now we can always make it more efficient, we can always make it better, we can
always make more money, we can always get more impact, or we can get more impact. It’s not
coming very easily. For me today, as you can tell, to articulate my thoughts, we never get to a
point, what I’m trying to say is where we’ve made enough impact here, it’s an infinite timeline,
it’s an infinite game that we’re playing, not finite, just like your health, just like probably all
things in our lives that are worthwhile, can always do a little bit better, we can always learn a
little bit more. And somebody that is successful in a health and wellness practice, as their own
boss, as the entrepreneur, as the owner of the company has to have that growth oriented
personality and just love self improvement, and love the idea of making it better. Not trying to
get to the goal line where it’s done. It’s just never done. It’s a lie to tell your brain that it’s going
to be done. Because it’s not, you’re always going to want to do a little bit more, make it a little
better, make it more efficient, learn some new things, get better results for your clients
implement a new process, take another certification, I mean, always all of the things. So like I
said, the question to ask yourself is where is my growth here? If you are like me, and have a
personality like I do, you tend to go fast. You want to try all the things you want to hustle your
brain does on some level believe that there is a goal line you’re trying to get to. And like I just
said there is it there actually isn’t we’re going to keep going forever. We’re going to always be
learning more or doing better. And enjoying the journey is really the growth for someone like
me. So the growth there is to slow down to simplify. To be uncomfortable with doing less
things, but doing them better. It’s so painful, it’s so painful but that is the growth if you have a
personality like mine, that is the growth I am in it. I know it, I understand it, because I live it
every day every week, I totally understand. So the growth is to slow down, just do less, do it
better simplify all the things. Now, when you have the opposite personality, it’s going to be
different, it’s going to be taking imperfect action, if you’re not great at doing all of the things,
taking all the actions, the growth is going to be to speed up, pay to lean into where you already
are a growth oriented person, whether that’s in your health or somewhere else, and apply it to
your business. Okay, so it’s taking that personality type where you can see evidence
somewhere else where you already are that way. And then moving that evidence over to your
business and applying the same principles, getting out of your own way, taking more action, making it imperfect, and doing more. So nowadays, up really, where is the growth? Is it in
throwing a little bit more spaghetti at the wall at a faster speed? Or is it slowing down and
enjoying the journey, I mean, really, either one is going to get you to the place where you have
a business that you love, that doesn’t burn you out, but you have to know yourself. Now for me,
I have to remember on a daily basis, that slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I think that’s a
Navy SEAL. If I’m not mistaken, that’s a Navy SEAL mantra. But it makes a lot of sense to me
slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Okay? Okay. It is an Infinite Journey. It’s not finite. And knowing
that and appreciating that is huge. So don’t expect everything in your business to be linear and
predictable. Don’t freak out when it isn’t be along for the journey, not just the destination. That
is number four. And that is coaching I give to myself, much as to my students. All right. Number
five, the last trait of a highly successful wellness practitioner, is they are coachable and curious
and willing to evaluate. Another way to say that is they are willing to face the failures head on
and figure it out, kind of blending all of these things together these traits that we’ve already
talked about. But I want to be really clear on what this looks like in your practice. And in your
business. It means not making every failure a problem, because it’s really, really not You can’t
avoid failing, you can’t avoid trying things in your business and having them not work. You
can’t avoid having uncomfortable conversations with potential clients or current clients, having
them not go the way that you want to. It’s going to happen, you’re going to try things that
aren’t going to get the results that you wanted. So just plan for that. Expect it it’s not a
problem. My clients say this, often they say if we had T shirts for the TPN program, they would
just say, it’s not a problem. Because that is so often the conclusion and the coaching that
comes from so many different experiences that people have in the program as they get to the
point where they realize, okay, it’s not a problem, I tried this thing, it didn’t work the way I
wanted to, it’s not a problem. That’s going to happen. So love it when it happens. Because
when you have these fails in your business Big or small, it means that you’re doing the massive
actions. Because the passive actions don’t produce any failures. It’s very safe. That’s why our
brain loves it. Our brain loves to learn more. It loves to research more loves to take more
certifications, because that’s very, very safe territory where there’s no possibility that you’re
going to fail or have any emotions of rejection, or inadequacy or any confusion or anything like
that. No, of course, our brains love that. That’s what we want to do. But when you’re out there,
you’re putting yourself in the ring and taking the massive action, you’re going to fail. Either
you’re winning, or you’re learning. And if you’re learning, it’s still not a problem, because then
you have something to evaluate to do better next time. So just remember, you can’t do it
wrong. I know my most successful students and practitioners that I see that have multiple six
figure on to seven figure businesses are really, really good at being coachable. Being curious,
and being willing to evaluate their failures and learn from them. Not hide from them, not
pretend that they didn’t happen. They’re like, Nope, okay, let’s roll up our sleeves. Let’s figure
out why did that happen? And then how do we not do it next time. That’s what you have to do.
And that’s really what business is, is repeatedly trying things, and then evaluating if they
worked or not, and trying them and evaluating what worked and what didn’t. Now, I will say
that having a process or some sort of a roadmap to follow for creating your ideal business
structure, which is the kind of business that you want, is that in person? Is that online? What
are you with groups? Are you doing one on ones, just all of the things that we already talked
about that are all of the different business types as health and wellness practitioners that we
can have figuring out what is the best for you what you want, and then having a roadmap to
follow to create that is going to make a lot less trial and error for you. So I do want to say that
there is a strategy for what to try and when to try it. But my most successful students and most
successful people I see in the industry are willing to To fail anyway, they’re willing to follow a
process, try the things and maybe not have it go exactly the way that they want it to, but not
make it a problem, keep showing up, keep evaluating, keep tweaking, and do more of what’s
working so that they can grow their business that they want. So that is number five, be
coachable and curious and willing to evaluate, not just staying hidden, and not having any
failures or thinking something is wrong, when you have the failures, you have to plan for them,
they’re going to happen, expect it all the time as an entrepreneur, you’re going to have
failures, but that’s okay. Because either you’re winning, or you’re learning, it’s not a problem,
when you’re learning, your clients need you to learn that lesson and to have this trait so that
you can coach them the same way. So you can expect them to not make it a problem. When
they have failures, when they plateau, when they go backwards instead of forwards. When they
try something and it doesn’t work the way that they thought it was going to you have to go first
and know in your business that that’s okay. And that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to get
the outcome eventually, so that you can then show them it’s okay. It’s okay if we tried
something and it doesn’t work. Because you’re getting coached, you have a process you have
support, and we’re going to figure out what is going to work. It’s not a problem. Okay, so be
coachable, stay curious, and evaluate when in doubt, evaluate, evaluate. All right, I love
recording this episode. I mean, this was just really fun to dive into the five traits. It’s not about
skills. It’s not about knowing how to market and it’s not about knowing how to sell. And it’s not
about having all the answers, really, it’s about who the successful health and wellness
practitioner is, and how they show up, day after day after day, month after month, year after
year in their business, okay, it’s not about the skills because anybody can learn the skills. It’s
about having the mindset and the mentality of success and of being coachable of figuring out
how am I going to apply these skills, even when it doesn’t feel like it’s second nature yet, really,
it’s how you show up in your business and do the things imperfectly that’s going to determine if
you’re successful, or you’re not successful. And if you need to learn some of the skills you come
in to the profitable nutritious program, I will teach you the skills. If you are scaling to multiple,
six figures and beyond, you come into the mastermind you learn different skills, more
advanced skills, but it’s the same personality traits, no matter what level of business that
you’re at, that is going to determine if you are successful or not. I’m going to recap what they
are, number one, acknowledge that you actually want to business on it. Be serious about it,
admit it to yourself. And best yet, admit it to others in your life, acknowledge that you actually
want it, don’t have the toe dipped in the water. Just like ah, I don’t know, no, I acknowledge
that you want it, that’s gonna get you way further than anything else in the beginning. Number
two, be resourceful, not confused, being confused as a choice, it’s a much better choice to
decide that you’re going to figure it out. Instead, just decide that you’re the kind of person that
figures things out and decide that you’re the kind of person that doesn’t stay confused. mazing
do that. Number three, prioritize massive action over passive action. Number four, have a
growth oriented personality. You love self improvement, I know that you do if you’re doing this
work, and you’re listening to this podcast, you love self improvement, it interests you, it’s just
part of the curiosity that is you. So take that if you haven’t already, and apply it to your
business as well have a growth oriented, curious personality for business improvement, just like
you do in other areas of your life. And then number five be coachable and curious and willing to
evaluate meaning be willing to face the failures head on, they’re going to be there. It’s not a
problem. I hear all the time for my students in the TPM program when they come in. And they
tapped into the tried and true repeatable revenue process and all of the specific business
building resources that we have in the program, they’re so thankful, because everything that
they need is already there to learn the skills. But also, there’s a process for adopting these five
personality traits. So that it becomes second nature so that they can take what’s already there,
take those seeds and really, really grow them. Over time. All you need to do is show up with a
willingness to be coached and coach yourself through making the decisions, taking the
imperfect action, and honestly evaluating and getting coached along the way. Doors are open
right now for the profitable nutritionist program, but only until Wednesday, March 6 at
midnight. So again, if you’re listening to this on the day, it’s released, it’s go time, go to the
profitable nutritionist.com/join and get yourself in there. Enrollment only opens a few times
each year and this is one of those times. And then again, if you’re listening in the future, go to
that same page and get the dates of the next enrollment, put them in your calendar and join
the waitlist so you don’t miss out again, that is the profitable nutritionist.com/join My friend I
look forward to meeting you inside the program to hearing all about your business and
cheering on your success. I know that if you are adopting these five traits, you are going to kill
it and we have the best business in the entire world. We get to help people transform their lives
and transform ours and have our dream lifestyle while we’re doing it it is best when when ever I
can’t wait for you to share all of the wins in the program so I can see them too All right have a
wonderful wonderful week my friend and I’ll be back here next week same time same place

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