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163. 4 Tips For Switching Software: Why We Recently Moved The TPN Program Platform

Thinking of switching software platforms in your business?

Make sure you listen to this episode first.

We recently made a BIG software change here at The Profitable Nutritionist, and I have some lessons learned to share.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • A four-question framework to assess if the software change is necessary
  • The #1 tip I have for choosing website, email and client platforms after 9 years in online business
  • Practical tips to outsource complex tech tasks so you can increase efficiency

With so many tech options available these days, you’re going to need some help sorting through.

Hit play and let’s do it.


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Andrea Nordling – 00:00 Hello there my friend. My name is Andrea Nordling, founder of the Profitable Nutritionist and the Profitable Nutritionist podcast. Obviously you know that. Here’s something else you should know about me. I have made millions of dollars online since 2016, which means I have also learned about what softwares and what tech platforms to use and not to use. And maybe even most importantly. I was going to say even more importantly. But maybe most importantly of all, how to decide between all of the options that are available. Because there’s no shortage of different softw and different tech tools that you can use in your business, which we’re going to talk more about today. But I just wanted to preface this entire episode by saying I have used a lot of stuff. Some of it has worked well, some of it hasn’t. I definitely have my favorites. Andrea Nordling – 00:45 I’ll share those with you. But I’ve been right where you are, where you probably are wasting a lot of time, maybe even a lot of money, at whatever stage of business you’re at right now trying to figure out if you should be investing in a better software solution, if you should make do with one that feels more comfortable in your budget it right now, maybe you just hate tech altogether. It is your nemesis. Every single thing that you have to do on the computer, everything that you have to try to do tech wise feels like a huge undertaking and it just doesn’t work well. It gives you a headache and you loathe all of it. Hey, I get it. I totally get it. I’m going to try to simplify that for you. Andrea Nordling – 01:22 I’m going to give you some suggestions about how we can overcome a lot of that. But just know that these are all questions that I am coaching my clients on constantly in the profitable nutritionist program and in my higher level mastermind. There are ways to make this a lot easier for you. First of all, if a tech is just a huge problem for you, right off the bat, I just want to say this is something you can really easily and very inexpensively outsource to an expert that loves nothing more than to do tech stuff. So I also teach you how to do that in an easy outsourcing course that I have inside both of my programs for giving scripts for doing that. But I’ll just give you the short course here. Andrea Nordling – 01:57 Go to a platform like upwork u p w o r k.com and find a freelancer that specializes in the platform that you want help with and he’ll hire somebody to help you. It’s the best money you’ll ever spend and you will be amazed at how far our American or Western dollars go in other parts of the world where people actually are really good at what they do and would love nothing more than to do your tech stuff for you. Because believe it or not, there are people that just love to figure out why the things don’t work the way they’re supposed to the first time. I am not one of them. So if you’re not either, just know that you can always outsource all of this stuff. So when in doubt, outsource. It’s totally possible. Andrea Nordling – 02:38 It’s easy, way simpler than you think if you’ve never done it before, especially for tech stuff. So just know that. But as the business owner, we have to make the decisions about what is the tech stuff we’re going to even be doing in the first place. That is your job. You gotta figure out what are you going to be using, what platforms do you invest in, what are you going to grow into? What are you, what is it? Oh my goodness, there’s so many decisions. So I’m going to help you with that today because we got to make the decisions. So I’m going to share a four question framework for making these technology decisions and then I’m going to share with you a real life example of how we recently used this framework in making a big tech change here at the Profitable Nutritionist. Andrea Nordling – 03:15 So first of all, here is the question framework that I’m going to bring you through. Question number one, what problem are we actually trying to solve? Number two, would this change help to solve that problem? If no, you’re going to abort right here, we don’t even go to question number three. But if the answer to that is yes, making a change would solve that problem, then the question is, what is the cost of making this change? Because there is always a cost, okay? In time, in diverted attention, in actual money. Don’t believe your brain when it says this is going to be so easy. It’s almost done already. It’s going to cost us nothing. That’s a lie. It’s always, always a lie. So question number four becomes, can I afford that cost in time, in attention, in money? Andrea Nordling – 03:55 Basically, is this a net positive if I make this change? If not, be honest about why. This is why I suggest. Well, first of all, this is why we have to have a framework for making these types of decisions. Because our brain is going to, if left to its own devices, see a shiny squirrel run by which is any new software solution that you see that could be the answer to all of your problems. It looks so fun, it looks like it’s going to be so great, it’s going to make everything easier. Oh my goodness, the world is going to be so much better. And your brain loves that by the way. Absolutely loves it. Andrea Nordling – 04:28 Because this is comfortable, familiar territory to go set up shop with a new software, to get in the nuts and bolts, to learn it, to figure it out, to get it all working, get all the automation set up, all of that takes a lot less putting yourself out thereness than a lot of other things in your business. And your brain, which loves familiar, it loves safe, it loves predictable, it doesn’t want to do anything scary if it doesn’t have to. It doesn’t want to have to try too hard if it doesn’t have to. It’s going to way rather that you put your time and attention towards probably setting up a new software. Andrea Nordling – 05:04 This is why I see clients all of the time before they come in my program and they have done four or five different versions of their website and they talk themselves into changing website platforms because it was going to save them $5 a month. So they spent a month or two migrating websites. Maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but probably not much. They spend a whole lot of time migrating their entire website or insert any resources here that you already have made into another platform because it’s going to be such a big savings, save a tiny little bit of money. It’s going to cost a couple months, it’s going to cost a lot of lost productivity and it’s going to cost a lot of missed opportunities for making money. Andrea Nordling – 05:43 But our brains will talk us into that and it will justify it and say, no, this is a great idea, let’s do this. So if that is a pattern for you, just know that you have to rely on this four question framework before you make any technology decisions because they’re costly, not usually with money. For the most part, that’s the least of the cost here. The time and attention is the biggest cost from your business. So I’m going to go through this framework again in a little bit more detail and I’m going to give you an example of how we recently used this and how this might be useful for you. I just want this to be honestly a really tactical episode for you on making decisions quickly. When your brain wants you to make one, that’s probably going to cost you. Andrea Nordling – 06:23 Cautionary tale okay, so here’s the four question framework again for making technology decisions. And honestly, many of these questions you could Use for any decision in your business. First of all, what is the problem we are actually trying to solve right now? In your business in general, what is the problem we’re trying to solve right now? What is the current bottleneck or constraint of your For a lot of my clients, the biggest problem that they are trying to solve is consistent lead flow or automated or consistent or higher level client delivery. They usually have one of two problems. Andrea Nordling – 06:56 Either they have not enough clients consistently and they’re trying to solve that problem, or they have a ton of clients and they are so bogged down with supporting those clients that they need some systems and processes in place to be able to better serve those clients. One of those two problems is usually the biggest problem in the business now as your business gets bigger. And for some of my clients in my higher level mastermind, what we are trying to solve is some operational stuff in the background, financial stuff. We’re doing some projecting, we’re hiring teams, we’re doing. We’re solving a few different problems there, but underlying still kind of the same thing. Is it a marketing or sales problem? Is it an operations problem, or is it a client fulfillment problem that we’re trying to solve? Andrea Nordling – 07:37 And also disclaimer here, when I say problem, I don’t mean actually a problem. Nothing has gone wrong here. But I’m using the word problem just to illustrate. This is like this is what we’re solving. This is where our problem solving genius is going. Although nothing in your business is actually a problem. Okay, so what problem are we actually trying to solve? Where are we putting our energy right now in the business big picture? If it’s marketing, then this technology decision that you’re trying to make, it better be solving a marketing problem. Because otherwise why would you put any time and attention towards solving that problem or towards even thinking about potentially making a tech switch or a software switch or an upgrade or anything if it isn’t solving the current bottleneck or constraint of the business? Same thing with client fulfillment. Andrea Nordling – 08:20 If that’s the biggest constraint in your business right now is you have a ton of clients and you are overloaded with serving them at the level that you want to. Let’s not even think about anything marketing related. Let’s not even think about anything sales related. That’s not the problem that you have right now. That’s not the current bottleneck in your business. Any problem or any consideration for how to make better systems needs to be only addressing the current constraint of your business. Okay, so question number one. What problem are we actually trying to Solve right now in the business. And then number two, follow up question, would this potential technology change help to solve that problem? Very simple. Would it? If the answer is no, then abort. This is not a decision that needs to be made. Andrea Nordling – 09:00 This is not something that is going to serve us. Your brain will argue with you about this. It’ll be like, oh, I know, I know, but if we just took a week, if we just took two weeks, if we just took a little bit of time and we did this one little thing, then it would make everything else easier later. Usually that’s not true. Just be honest, I speak from so much experience here, usually that is not true. So really challenge yourself on this. Would this potential change help to solve the big problem in the business right now, the big bottleneck that if we unlocked this other bottleneck in the business, the big thing, that would make a lot of other things easier. Andrea Nordling – 09:34 And if we’re not even considering something that would be solving that big bottleneck problem, we shouldn’t be considering it at all. So then question number three. If the answer was yes, this potential change would help solve the big problem in the business right now. If the answer is yes, then we have to calculate the cost. So number three is, what is the cost of making this change? There is always a cost. Do not ever, ever believe your brain when it tells you no. It’s, there’s no cost. It’s almost done already. This is going to be so easy, it’s practically done already. No, there’s always a cost. There’s a cost in time, there’s a cost in the diverted attention from you or anyone else in your business. And there’s a cost of money. Andrea Nordling – 10:17 So don’t believe your brain when it says this is in the bag, practically. It’s gonna be so easy. No, because for you to execute any changes in your business, tech wise or otherwise, it’s going to take your attention for sure. If not, maybe even other people. So that’s for sure a cost. And be honest with yourself about that. A lot of times the cost is going to be worth it. But you first have to know what the cost is going to be and be really honest about that so that you can calculate if it’s worth it or not. Which is our fourth question in the framework. Can I afford that cost in time? Can I afford that cost in attention? Can I afford that cost in money? Basically, is this a net positive? Can I afford it or not? And be honest about why. Andrea Nordling – 11:00 Now a follow up to that question and a little tip Here is. This is why I suggest always planning 3 to 12 months in advance on any big changes on anything in your business, especially tech wise. Okay? Because first of all, you’ll be able to plan for the cost. There’s always a cost, either in time, attention or money or all three. So you have to plan ahead for that. And I think that we can be very honest. I can for sure be honest with myself. I hope you can be honest with yourself that over the course of time the shine dulls from the jewel a little bit. Insert inspirational metaphor here. If you plan ahead for something, say, yes, this is definitely a cost that I am willing to make. It makes sense. Andrea Nordling – 11:48 But we’re going to do it three months from now or I’m going to do it six months from now. I’m going to do it 12 months from now. What happens is it removes the shiny object temptation there and the luster fades a little bit. When you don’t act on any impulsive ideas right away, you’re able to objectively look at it and see if it is really going to be a worthwhile investment in your time, attention or money in your business or personally. It’s just very, very helpful. So I always suggest planning any big changes in your business long in advance. Don’t ever be tempted to just change your offer, change your niche, change your website, change your email service provider, change the entire system that you deliver your client process through. None of those changes are rash, okay? You got to plan those ahead. Andrea Nordling – 12:35 And what you’re going to see is the grass probably isn’t actually greener. And if it is, you want to plan far in advance for the time, attention and money that it’s going to cost you to execute the change. Just want to be really clear. I’m not trying to dissuade anyone listening to this episode from making any upgrades or changes in their business. We’re always going to be doing that. We want to make things simpler and more convenient and more efficient always. But we have to balance that with the tendency to want to jump in to projects like that because they’re kind of fun and new and satisfying in a way that our brain really likes to waste time with and likes to be impulsive with. So know thyself a little bit here, okay? Four question framework. Andrea Nordling – 13:14 What problem are we actually trying to solve in the business right now? Number two, would this change help to solve that problem? Be honest. If the answer is no need to go further, abort mission. If the answer is yes, then proceed to question three. Which is, what is the cost of making this change in time, in attention and in money? And then number four, can I afford that cost? Be honest about that. And I would say caveat. Do I need to do this now? Can I do it later? Plan in advance. So what is a good example of this, you may be wondering. Well, I would love to tell you about a good example of this, which is the recent migration from one tech platform to another with the profitable nutritionist program. Andrea Nordling – 13:58 This just happened in my business and I want to tell you about it. I want to tell you about the thought process here, why and if it’s something that you should be thinking about too, because we do have people in the program that have been asking about this, like, tell us more about why we made this change. So I thought it would be a good podcast episode for. Yeah, just a little tactical here. Here’s what we did, here’s why, and here’s how it might be helpful for you. So let’s dive in a little bit of context. The profitable nutritionist program has been on Kajabi, the platform of Kajabi, since it launched in 2021. Early 2021, the TPN program debuted, and Kajabi has worked great for the program since then. Andrea Nordling – 14:34 For many years, my business was on Kajabi, my entire business website, emails, courses, memberships, all of the things since 2019. So actually, long before TPN, I love Kajabi, Highly, highly recommend it, and I’ll tell you more about that in a second and I’ll tell you about why. But just so you know, the TPN program had been on there for years and years. It had worked great for all things that we needed it to do for our students. I had set the guideline, though, long ago, that I wouldn’t look at any tech changes with the profitable nutritionist program until we had at least 500 people in the program. And at that point, I would revisit the data on what was working well, what wasn’t working well, and if we could or should think about doing anything differently. Andrea Nordling – 15:18 Want to pause here for a second and walk you through that framework, which is all about constraining focus. And a really easy way to constrain focus is to put off making decisions. I call this a strategic agreement in the mastermind, if you’re in the streamline and scale mastermind, you know, this is a strategic agreement all day long. What does that mean? It means you don’t have to make every decision today. You have to know what decisions might be coming up and you have to have, in my opinion, a framework and a. A strategic agreement, for lack of a better term, with yourself on when you will revisit or when you will make that decision. I think that’s very useful so that we’re not just constantly looping in our brains on unmade decisions. Andrea Nordling – 16:03 But there are some things that just don’t need to be decided today because they aren’t the problem that you’re trying to solve today. Revisit the first part of the framework that we talked about a second ago. What is the big problem in the business that we’re trying to solve right now? And that isn’t everything all the time, right? So the strategic agreement that I made with myself is, okay, we’re going to have 500 people in the program. That is the problem I’m trying to solve right now. I want 500 people in the profitable, nutritious program. But when we have 500 people in the program, we will have enough data. I hypothesized we would have enough data on how well people are working through the content, how they’re accessing it, what we could do better and differently. Andrea Nordling – 16:42 And don’t get me wrong, we have upgraded many components of it over the years, but I knew weren’t going to make any huge overhauls with the curriculum or the delivery of it until 500 people were in the program. So that was my strategic agreement with myself to just calm down my own brain that I didn’t have to be constantly thinking about, should I do this, should I do that? Should we be looking over here, should we be looking over there? It just really helped me to constrain my focus on getting 500 people through the first version of the program. And that was my threshold that I made. So I would offer to you also that this is very. This, this is a good thing to do. This is a very wise decision for you to not always make all of the decisions. Andrea Nordling – 17:22 Sometime you just need to decide on what the threshold will be for when you will revisit making a decision, whether that’s a certain amount of time, whether it’s when you’ve achieved another milestone or something like that. So for me, it was 500 students. After 500 students, which we actually are quite a bit past that now. But after 500 students, went back to this question and I approached it with my team and I said, okay, is there compelling data that we could make some upgrades in the program that. And maybe a different software solution would better at this juncture, we reviewed some of our data points. And we decided that, yes, the a different technology could be a very good option for us for a few reasons. So went through this four question framework together as a team. Andrea Nordling – 18:07 What problem are we actually trying to solve right now? What’s the current constraint of the business? And the honest answer to that in the profitable nutritionist program is that the new members in the program and existing members, even the OGs, were spending a lot of time. Well, maybe they weren’t spending as much time. Actually, I’m going to rephrase this. Our problem really was that we as a team internally, were spending a lot of time directing new students and some established students to content that answers their specific questions. They would ask us questions that had been answered many times before, but finding the answers to the questions was cumbersome on their end. They didn’t necessarily know where it was all the time. So were having to spend a lot of time directing people to the answers to their questions. Andrea Nordling – 18:50 The reason for that is because this program has a lot of content, there are a lot of resources, and we have, oh my gosh, almost four full years of coaching call replays and Q and A sessions where we’ve answered a lot of questions. This is a very robust program. So we needed to either hire more coaches to be answering these questions and have a more robust system built out with people that could be answering the questions and organizing the content and getting, you know, everyone’s questions answered, or we needed to hire a software to do that. So we looked at both options and we decided that the best option for now would be to start with the software and then hire the people after the fact. Andrea Nordling – 19:34 So we decided we’re going to hire a software to help the students find the content that they needed. And our goal here is just to make sure that new students, especially coming into the program, are not overwhelmed with how much content and how much support there is in the program and that they’re very able quickly to access what they need, take it and run with it. We want everyone in the program to be spending more time doing and less time consuming. So. And that should be the goal for every coach, every. Everybody listening to this should be thinking, how can I get my people taking action more and less consuming? Okay, massive action versus passive action. We’ve talked about that a lot on the podcast as well. Andrea Nordling – 20:15 So the question was, is this going to actually help solve the current constraint of the business, which is we’re spending a lot of time internally with content support requests and we could probably do a better job of that answer was yes, yes. We could hire a software to do that. That would be great. So that meant that were going to have to make some changes. First of all, we had to find a solution. What we wanted and what I would say I wanted was for all of the content to be searchable. And this is a lot of content I want you to imagine. We have 160 some public podcast episodes. We have years and years of coaching call replays and workshops and Q and A sessions. We have modules of step by step process for the repeatable revenue process. Andrea Nordling – 21:05 We have bonus courses, we have tutorials and templates. There’s a lot in the profitable nutritionist program. I don’t say like, okay, I have to go back. Deep breath. You don’t access it all at once. You don’t come into the program if you aren’t already in the TPN program. Just know that the day that you come in, we will love to have you, we will help you, we will support you. And there is a process for when you access all of this information step by step. You don’t come in and need to have a full download on all of it right away. Of course not, but eventually you will. And it would make it a lot easier for you to be able to navigate that content in a searchable way. Andrea Nordling – 21:42 Which four years ago when we started the program was not even possible technologically, wasn’t even possible for hundreds of hours of video to be searchable, but it is now. So that was a big consideration on this tech move. It’s like everything has to be searchable. These archives of really nuanced specific strategy and tactics and coaching that we’re giving in the program, we want that to be usable because it doesn’t get outdated. It actually gets better with age. So we want to make sure that you can find it. And then we also wanted faster results for students in the program because they going to be spending less time sifting through the content and getting right to the questions that they needed answers. Andrea Nordling – 22:21 Obviously on our end, operationally it’s easier for us to give really targeted support if we can also find the answers to the questions embedded, you know, in a coaching call. If we can find the exact 10 minutes that answers a specific question really quickly, that’s also better for us. So having everything searchable was really important. That was going to make everyone’s life easier all the way around. But as you can imagine, there is a cost to that. So we get to question number what is the cost of making this change There is always a cost. And I’m going to tell you that the big cost for this change was monetary. It was considerable to upgrade our platform to what we ended upgrading it to, but much more than that. It was a big cost in the time that it took to do that. Andrea Nordling – 23:04 And the diverted attention from me and my team to get all of the components of the program, moved, all of the links, switched, everything transcribed, searchable, indexed, put into the portal the way that it needed to be. I mean, we went really in depth. We color coded the content to the different stages of content, to the different bonuses. We made it visually very easy to understand. We had to, on the back end, organize things in a completely different way. So there was a big cost in time and diverted attention. Because for all of the time and effort and bandwidth that it took for us to do that, were not as a team spending that attention on anything else. We were not spending it on lead generation, were not spending it on sales, were not spending it on any backend operations or anything like that. Andrea Nordling – 23:54 All of the attention was solely on client fulfillment in the program. How do we make it better? And there’s a cost to that. So we knew there would be a cost. That certainly wasn’t a surprise because went through this framework together and said, yes, what is the cost of making the change? We estimated how much time it was going to take and then we had to get it on the calendar. So realistically we realized the time was going to be the time and energy on the design, on the actual content migration, on checking all of the links, rechecking them again, probably still some of them that are broken that fell through the cracks. No, I’m just kidding. I think we did it all correctly. We had to redo the entire client onboarding process for when people join the profitable Nutritionist program. Andrea Nordling – 24:32 We had to test everything. So realistically, we projected that it was going to be a six month project and it was all of that, believe me. But we had to build out six months in the calendar to be able to execute that, knowing that pretty much nothing else was going to get done during that time. It’s not to say we didn’t do anything else, but there were no other big projects, no other big initiatives that were going to be taking on during that amount of time. So then question number four. Can we afford the cost? Can we afford six months of attention on really upgrading the system, which we believed was going to be a huge return on investment in time that were going to get back but in all of our clients, getting better, faster, simpler results, is that affordable? Andrea Nordling – 25:13 Can we do that? So yes, we could answer was yes we could, but we couldn’t do it right away. So as frustrating as it was, we had to wait until it fit into the calendar and we didn’t rush into the project. So we actually didn’t start this project until six months after we decided to start the project. And that is something I just wanted touch on for a second because this is a lesson that I have had to learn as a business owner over and over again and I have been a business owner for almost 20 years now. Gosh, it is just so hard to not take action right away. It is so hard to put things off and it is so hard. I just, I, I’m speaking to the high achievers out there that get what I’m saying, you’re probably one of them. Andrea Nordling – 25:55 That you just want it done yesterday when you know you’re going to do something, you want to rip the band aid off and you want to just get it done, check it off the list and have the satisfaction to move on to the next thing. So as hard as it was, we put this off for six months, we slotted it in on the calendar, knew when it was going to happen, but we didn’t jump into it even though were really excited about it and about this upgrade because that is just the way that it had to be. So again, circle back to. This is why I suggest always planning 3 to 12 months in advance. That works really well. Andrea Nordling – 26:25 Even though it is frustrating in the moment, it kind of is a, a little fail safe for you to make sure that you really want to do the project. Because if three to 12 months comes up, and in this case six months and you’re still just as excited about taking on the project as you initially were, then you know it must be actually worthwhile, which is exactly how we felt. So let me tell you a little bit about the specifics on the platform change. Here we go. We are doing a big curriculum upgrade to the profitable nutritionist program that is coming up. And so with knowing that was coming and with all of these other considerations, we knew that it was the right time obviously to upgrade softwares from Kajabi into membership IO. Now hold off on that. Andrea Nordling – 27:07 I’m going to tell you where to go. So I’m going to show you a. I’m going to show you, not tell you what this looks like, but hold on a second. So we upgraded from Kajabi. Although I love, love Kajabi so much and I still highly recommend it to most of my clients for their business type. I made millions of dollars on Kajabi. I did not take it lightly to leave that platform. And, and honestly, I think that if I had waited just a little bit longer, probably Kajabi will be implementing a lot of the features that we ended up migrating to the other platform for, because Kajabi is doing a ton of upgrades right now. So honestly, depending on when you listen to this episode, maybe that Kajabi will even have this technology and will even have some of these features for you. Andrea Nordling – 27:50 I know that they just are really cutting edge over there and I love the simplicity of having an all in one platform. So if you’ve never heard of Kajabi, you don’t know what I’m talking about. Let me give you a little sales pitch, which Kajabi is an all in one platform. So on this one platform, which means that you pay one price and you learn how to use one system, but you’re able to apply it to all different areas of your business, like your website landing pages, your email service provider. So sending broadcast emails to your list, email sequences, running coaching calls. You can use Kajabi for private podcasts, you can use it for public podcasts, you can use it for courses and membership sites, you can use it for all sorts of things. Andrea Nordling – 28:31 I mean, text messaging, in your marketing, all sorts of things that you can use Kajabi for. But it’s all in one place. Okay? The reason that’s really important is because everything talks to each other and everything works. And you can just about imagine how many weeks, months and probably years I have spent since 2015 trying to get different platforms to work together when they weren’t supposed to work together and they weren’t integrating and they weren’t talking to each other. And it’s been a huge frustration since I started my online business in 2015. I don’t want you to have that problem. And so I highly recommend that you simplify with something like Kajabi, where everything is all integrated together. It’s an all in one platform. Everything talks together. It all just works. And you learn one system and then you know how to use it. Andrea Nordling – 29:15 So you know how to use the drag and drop builder on the website, but you also know how to use the drag and drop builder in the email creator because they’re the same and it just, it looks the same, the buttons are in the right spots and you just learn how to use one system and then you know how to use it. I think that is a huge time saver and not I think I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of my clients who have used Kajabi and said this saves me so much time and so much effort and so much energy. So I’m a huge, huge fan. Andrea Nordling – 29:43 If you want to check out Kajabi and play around with it for yourself, I have a partner link and through my special partner link you get an extended free trial and you always get the very best pricing on the platform. So if you are ever interested in checking that out, you can go to theprofitablenutritionist.com Kajabi K A J A B I and you get my partner link on that page. Start your free trial and it will give you an extra long extended free trial and some other little bonuses because when you sign up through my partner link I have some other little bonuses that come your so would love to help you with that. I’m a huge proponent of that platform in particular. I’ve just seen it save so many people so much time and so much frustration. Andrea Nordling – 30:26 But then you’re like, andrea, why did you move? You’re giving it such a good sales pitch. Why did you move? And it’s because of the searchability of the content. So like I said, we had four years use Kajabi for the profitable nutritionist program. It worked great. But I know that with hundreds and hundreds of hours of content and with the new curriculum upgrades that we are doing and rolling out in early next year, there are just some other things that we needed such as the searchability of the video. And when I say searchability of the video, I want to show you what I mean by that. So just so you know, I did a little screen share of what our new member portal looks like in the profitable nutritionist program. If you want to see this, go to theprofitablenutritionist.com membership. Andrea Nordling – 31:09 You’re going to see a little video there and I’ll show you what I mean by searchable. It is so cool. The crux of it is this. You type into the search bar anything that you want a question answered on when do I raise my pricing? And what it’s going to do is it’s going to take you to the exact point in any video since early 2021 on any coaching call, replay or any Q and A session, or in any of the modules or in any of the podcasts, whether that’s the private member podcast or this public podcast. All of it is indexed and searchable in the program and it’s going to take you to the exact point in the content where that is discussed and where that is mentioned and then you can just push play and get the answer to your question immediately. Andrea Nordling – 31:51 So not sifting through, trying to find stuff that is hidden. Not that we would hide it on purpose, but there’s just a lot of content in there. Which brings me to who I do think this might be a good use for. I just want to say this for everyone. Like if you’re curious on what I’m talking about, go to the profitablenutritionist.com membership. See for yourself. I’ll do. I have a little video there for you to see what I’m talking about. And then of course come into the Profitable Nutritionist program@theprofitablenutritionist.com join so that you are inside that portal and we can support you in growing your business with all of the resources in there, of course. Andrea Nordling – 32:25 But if you’re thinking, gosh, do I need to maybe think about some sort of an upgrade like that for my program, I think for most people that’ll listen to this episode, the answer is no. I would suggest Kajabi all day, every day. Love Kajabi for growing your business to your first few millions at least. But if you have the type of business where you have a ton of content and I’m talking like hundreds of hours of content like a group program or membership, something like that, then I think the membership IO platform that we migrated to is a really great option. Andrea Nordling – 32:56 I also have a partner link on the page where I’m showing the screen share video the profitablenutritionist.com membership if you are interested in looking at the exact software that we use, there’s a little button on that page and we’ll take you there and talk to you about it. Happy to answer any questions as well. So if you’re on our email list, you can just hit reply to any of our emails and ask if you have a question about membership IO. We are a really big fan. It’s working great for us, but I think for most people that’ll listen to this episode, it’s probably not a worthwhile transition like a migration that I would suggest making. Unless you have an absolute ton of content like we did, in which case then it’s a gem for sure. Andrea Nordling – 33:36 But for most people listening to this, I would say Kajabi all the way. So there you have it. Little Just talking through why we recently moved platforms what was the decision making process around that? Should you be making one for yourself? And if you are facing any temptations to move your tech in any way, to change it, upgrade it, downgrade it, sometimes we want to do that. Sometimes your brain will be like I, you know what, if we just spent a week or two moving platforms, we could save $20 a month. And I would just tell you that I would rather you get into the profitable nutritionist program ASAP. And let’s worry about making 5,000 or $10,000 a month and let’s not worry about saving $20 a month. That’s what I would say there. Andrea Nordling – 34:20 But if you are thinking about upgrading or anything, think through this four question framework for making any of the decisions and hopefully that is going to save you a lot of agonizing and wasted time Business. Because gosh, I know how many times in the past, especially if I think about the early years of my business, how much time I spent wasted trying to, oh my gosh, get things to talk to each other, get different platforms, the email service provider to talk to, the landing page software to talk to the webinars. Oh no, no. There’s an easier way. All right, so if you want visuals of those two options, again they’re linked in the show notes here I will show you a screen share of what the new portal looks like. It is beautiful if I do say so myself. Andrea Nordling – 35:05 We are quite proud of it. But more importantly it’s super usable and very functional. So that’s what I’m showing you in that screen share. And then if you want to get a link to the software that we’re using, it’s on that page. If you are more curious about Kajabi, by all means I would love to support you in using Kajabi in your business. I have used it for so long, since 2019, so many, many years and I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people to also incorporate that software into their do Kajabi office hours inside the TPN program because we have so many people that use it. Andrea Nordling – 35:36 So if you want to take advantage of my partner link and get started for Kajabi for an extended free trial and get in at the lowest rate that you can go to the profitablenutritionist.com kajabi and you can get the link for that as well. All right my friend, tech decisions made. I’ll see you here next week.

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