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97. 4 Steps To Simplify Your Email Writing Process

It used to take me 3-4 hours to write an email broadcast.

Now it’s 20-30 minutes.

What changed?

I implemented a simple 4 step process for cutting my content creation time in half.

And I’m teaching you each of the 4 steps so you can streamline your email production as well.



Andrea Nordling 0:00
Hello, my friend, welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. This episode is going live in August 2023. And let me tell you, I am in one of those times. And I think for a lot of us, summertime is one of those times, but I am in one of these just moments where all of the things are colliding, personal work, all of it is happening all at once. And I’m feeling like, it’s a lot. So we’re going to talk about that today. And I’m going to share before we get into it, just what’s going on in my life, I have heard from a lot of podcast listeners that you kind of like the personal life updates now and again, I don’t do this very often. But I’ll give you a little scoop on what’s going on here. So I just got back actually from scouting the next two live event venues for the upcoming mastermind. So for if you are not aware, just for a little context, every six months, I host a live event with the current cohort of my mastermind group which is the higher earning group of the profitable nutritionist students that have the opportunity for closer mentoring more of a intimate hands on experience, I guess you would say because we meet live and because it is a smaller group. So the mastermind is a is an intensive with me, mentored by me where we get together and we meet live, we make all of the big decisions for the next three years of their business tacking financial goals, hiring goals, streamlining offers, scaling, putting in systems and processes and project management, all of the big things that are considerations that need to be made when you are scaling to six and multiple, six figures and beyond in your business we do in the mastermind. And the reason that I was scouting venues is because the best component of the mastermind, in my opinion is that we do this in person. And I love in person, I’m gonna tell you about another in person event type coming up as well. I love getting together in person I love creating that experience because I think so much is to be gained by being in close proximity to our people, the people that are doing the things that we are doing that are battling the battles that we’re battling, so we could share resources and ideas and encouragement. And you know, obviously mastermind together. So that’s what the mastermind is all that to say, the January event and next July’s event, I am putting the finalization on right now. And so I was out scouting those venues, which was amazing. And actually it kind of coincided with my husband and I having our 15 year wedding anniversary and my mom had my children, because well I’m gonna get to that. There’s so much happening. There’s just so much so my mom had my kids, we didn’t have kids. I said, Okay, this is a perfect time for us to jump on a couple of airplanes and go look at these places and kind of make a fun trip out of it. So that’s what we did. It was amazing. And now I am back so you know how that is when you’re getting ready to leave. And there’s the preparation of getting the children all ready to leave and get them packed up to go to grandma’s for a week and then we were leaving and there’s the business stuff that has to happen on the back end because I have other coaches that come in and coach in the mastermind and also in the profitable nutritionist program when I’m not there. So there’s just lots going on. Okay, so getting ready for the vacation, doing the vacation scouting the venue’s having to relax, you know, it’s also just so, so very hard to take on right being forced to relax. So we did that. Then we got home and it was like hit the ground running on fair week. What the heck is fair week, you’re wondering, well, I don’t blame you. It is the county fair next week in our county. And that means that this is the last week for my kids to be polishing up their four H projects that they are submitting at the county fair, and I did not grow up in forage. This is not my world. My husband did my enlisted. Most of our friends and acquaintances have kids doing the exact same thing. And so I’ve learned a lot about forage over the last few years. And what I will tell you is that the week before the fair is when all of the wood projects are getting finished. We have food projects getting submitted. We have woodworking projects we have I don’t there’s there’s just what are the other ones you can tell I’m not that plugged into it. I want to tell you what these projects are. There’s some home decor things that have been made. There are booklets and there are demonstration projects. There’s a lot happening here and there are cattle that need to get clipped and worked with because they’re getting shown next week. It’s just a lot going on in my house and my mom was helping with one of these projects. My mother in law helps with most of them. So two grandmas are big on the four H projects. They were doing a lot of the heavy lifting on this. So I will be honest, I am not that plugged into the forage projects, but I do know that it’s all hands on deck this week to get everything in on Saturday for judging For the county fair, so here’s a little peek behind the curtain of my life in August getting ready for that. Which brings me to the next thing that’s going on in my life, which is that we are purchasing a new house. And we close in a couple of weeks. And so this is probably taking some of you by surprise, if you are thinking that we have still been out traveling. So we used to and for a couple years during COVID, and post, the COVID Insanity, we just kind of unsubscribed from the entire experience. We sold our house, we bought an RV and we were traveling pretty much full time. We also had a home base here in Minnesota, which is home for us at my dad’s house. And so we had the best of both worlds we had the place where we could come in, you know, unpack and unwind and felt like home to us where all of our stuff was when we left he said move all of your stuff into my house. This is your home base for now, which was great. So and we do feel very at home there. So we had the best of both worlds, we had that. But then we could take off and be on the road whenever we wanted to. And now we have gotten to the point where kids are back in school. And it was we’ve been house hunting for a while anyway. So we found a perfect property. And we are closing in a couple of weeks. But we have to do a significant renovation on this new house before moving into it. So that’s going to be starting in a couple of weeks. So we have travel, we have County Fair going on. We have mob lighting up contractors, and getting bids and all of the fun stuff that comes with purchasing a house and getting this renovation underway and making sure that that all happens. And then what I’m really excited about is I have a live event with it’s actually a retreat that I’m hosting with students in the profitable nutritionist program, and some of my mastermind students in Big Sky Montana at the end of August. So I’m getting ready for that getting prepared to make that an amazing experience for everyone. And so everyone makes a lot of money. Based on what we do there. That’s always the goal. So getting that all situated. And then you know, the home fires need to keep burning and contractors need to be getting their stuff done. So we have a house to move into when I get back in school will be started. And all of the things and then in the meantime, we have just the regular life stuff and running a couple of businesses and all that stuff. I’m feeling like it’s a lot right now, luckily, the sun is shining, most of the day, the days are long, and it feels like I mean, as cliche as it is, it’s like make hay when the sun shines. And this is the time of year to do it. And we’re doing it. But anyway, I have been thinking about the top the topic that we’re going to be talking about today, which is simplifying and streamlining and repurposing your content, specifically your emails, so that when you’re in one of these crazy times, like I just happened to be in right at this moment, it

feels very meta for me right now, when all of the things are happening at once your business doesn’t suffer behind the scenes, because your past self has hooked you up. What am I talking about? Well, let’s get into it. We’re gonna talk about the arduous, painful time consuming task of consistent email writing. Okay, let’s not talk about it that way. I’m absolutely kidding. We’re going to talk about the insanely lucrative, efficient and simple task of consistent email writing. That’s what this actually is. It is extremely lucrative, profitable, great way to spend your time super efficient. And it’s the best thing that you can possibly do. How we think about this is everything. So I was just kidding, when I said it was arduous and painful. It’s absolutely not, it is a wonderful expression of your creativity and a great way to hook up your future self, that future self that may be in kind of a time where all things are colliding at once. So specifically, I want to really sell you on why you need to prioritize consistent email writing in your business. And I’m going to give you four steps for making that faster and more efficient, especially with your email writing and content production in general. But I’m going to be focusing on email writing. So you could take everything I’m saying here about emails, and you could substitute blog posts or podcasts or whatever type of content creating videos, whatever that is for you that you want to consistently be doing or that you are consistently doing, but it’s just taking you a lot of time right now. You can substitute that for email writing, okay, I want you to get the whatever that content is produced in half the time that you’re currently spending. So follow the four steps I’m gonna bring you through on this episode, so that you can cut your time that you’re spending in half deal. Okay, let’s do it. Before we jump in, I want to say this episode is inspired by a coaching request inside the profitable nutritionist program that I got a couple of weeks ago. I’m gonna read that coaching request to you in a second because I think that it might strike a nerve for a lot of people listening to this episode. But before I do, I want to make a shameless plug for the TPM program. Inside the program, you have access to unlimited written coaching from me and from my team of personally trained mindset and strategy coaches that are working inside the program. And you have access to live coaching calls every single week when you join the program. You have lifetime access to both of these resources once you’re a student so you invest one time you have lifetime access to the written and life coaching, okay, you can tune in, you can tune out depending on what you need to prioritize at any given time in your business, sometimes you’ll be more plugged in, sometimes you might take a step back, and you might just have your head down and be implementing just totally fine, you have lifetime access to both of these resources. So if you want to make six figures online, as a holistic nutritionist, or health coach, and you don’t want to rely on social media to do it, this is your business coaching and strategy program. Okay, doors are opening in September, hoping that you join us inside. Alright, so here is the written coaching request that was inside the lounge. That’s our private community in the profitable nutritionists program. And this is what my student posted in there, she said, Hi, everyone, I’m looking for some coaching around how much time I spend on writing and formatting emails. I’ve been sending emails to a small but slowly growing email list for the last four months, I enjoy writing. And I’ve received some really nice feedback on my email content. However, recently, I’ve become aware of how long it takes me to write, edit, and format my emails, we are talking hours per emails, like three to four hours for a medium length email, I don’t think this kind of time commitment is sustainable, especially as I’m onboarding to new clients currently. And I’m starting to notice some resistance towards my weekly email writing, I think because my brain is telling me it’s going to take forever, I totally understand that I do want to continue sending them. Like I said, I enjoy writing. And I also have about a 60% open rate typically in my email, so I feel like something is working. Any tips on how to streamline the process or coaching to help me speed it up would be much appreciated. Okay, here is what I’ve responded to her. But then I made a mental note that I was going to do this entire podcast episode where I bring you through the process of actually streamlining it and cutting the time in half. So we are going to get to that. But first, I want to tell you how I responded. I said yes, my emails used to take three to four hours as well. And podcast still sometimes takes three to four hours of outlining and recording, depending on the topic, but having that Bank of content to pull from, not to mention the clarity of mind, it gives as you sort through your thoughts and put them in writing is priceless for you. It really is my present day self is so grateful to pass me that committed to those emails and eventually adding the podcast even though it felt like a waste of time, some weeks. So keep going. Hey, that’s my succinct coaching. I am going to elaborate on that a little bit and bring you through my process here. But I do want to just say do it anyway. Yes, it takes a long time in the beginning, getting used to a new, anything that we do a new skill, just like honing a new skill is going to be a lot more of a lift in the beginning. And it’s an uphill battle until you figure it out. And it becomes easier the more you do it. So put in the time in the beginning, yes, it is going to take longer, yes, it is going to be a grind. Sometimes no, you’re not always going to want to feel like doing it.

Your brain will want to talk you out of it. And say this isn’t sustainable. We can’t keep doing this forever. It’s not worth it. But it is it totally is worth it because of what we’re going to talk about today, which is how you’re going to repurpose those emails, and being strategic about that content. But also because I don’t want to gloss over this. It is going to make your processes and your messaging so much clearer. When you are forced to sit down and articulate what your processes are, what you think about things, what your philosophies are your stance on this, your stance on that what you think is the real cause of something, what do you think is fluff, I mean, you have to really kind of solidify your own position on things when you are creating content when you’re creating videos, or podcasts or emails or blog posts or whatever it is. And the more that you consistently do that, the better it is going to be for the way you convey those thoughts to your people. So your messaging is going to get amazing, okay, your messaging is going to be so dialed in, it is going to be so lightning fast for you to have these conversations on the spot with someone just in real life, because of the time that you have spent creating this content. So all that to say, it is not necessary that you create content to have a thriving business, you don’t have to do that. But most people listening to this podcast, I know are like me and want to create that content and want to be sending emails and having regular communication with their people. So make it count, you’re gonna be doing it anyway, make it count and make it work for you in as many ways as possible, including the way mentally it’s going to make you sharper, and it’s going to make it easier for you to articulate your philosophies and your processes to your people. Okay, so why does this matter? Well, first of all, I want you to make a list of why it matters. I want you to think about yourself a year or two from now, where you have been consistently creating this content and you have a huge bank of it compiled that you can and again, I’m going to talk about emails here. So I’m gonna talk about an email database. But for you, this could be podcast videos, hopefully emails, maybe blog posts as well, whatever that is. Okay. So when I think about this email database that I currently have, why am I so grateful that I kept at it for the last four plus years, five plus years? I don’t know even know how many years, but years it’s been years and years. So I want you to go to that place a year or two from now where you have a big bank of content that you’ve been consistently building. Why does that matter? Why are you so grateful that you kept at it for me, when I make this list, here are some things that jumped out my email database, which is what I started with became podcast episodes when the time was right for me to launch the podcast. And I did not launch the podcast right away. I was very well established and consistent in my email writing for years, every single week, publishing emails, very thoughtful, long form emails, that a lot of people would probably publish as blog posts, but I was sending as emails very long form content. And I was sending that for years before I launched the podcast. So I was so grateful when it became time to launch the podcast, because I had a lot of content already created that I could embellish on from these past emails. So for me, I can definitely look back and think I hooked myself up by writing those emails consistently, because I was able to transition into another form of content, which has been very, very lucrative for me and I have a lot of reach with the podcast that I didn’t have with emails before. But I could build off of what was already working. And I already had that Bank of content, so grateful. Another reason it matters is because the in this kind of is like chicken or the egg, it’s like which, which is more important, I don’t know. But the podcast transcripts that I now create, from every episode of the podcast becomes blog posts, and some of it becomes emails as well. So in the beginning, the emails were becoming podcast episodes. Now, sometimes podcast transcripts, become emails, and get repurposed into blog posts, which really increases the organic search results, the SEO and the people coming to my website that are finding me just in Google searches because of the amount of content that is now available on my website. So chicken or the egg, doesn’t matter, just start somewhere, they’re going to feed into each other. Another reason that I think it’s really important to just get going and keep going and why I can now reflect on that, as kind of the future me version of past meme is that those emails get also tweaked on different places. So it doesn’t even have to be on your own platform. Now, I personally, right now, I’m not on social media. But I do have a LinkedIn account, which we recently just launched, I had been on LinkedIn before, then canceled all social media for years, and have now added LinkedIn back in. And the reason for that we’re going to get into in some future episodes. But it is very useful for search engine optimization to be on LinkedIn. And also just know that a lot of my ideal clients are on LinkedIn. So all that to say the content that is getting posted on there usually is coming from emails that I’m sending, so they’re getting tweaked and repurposed as LinkedIn posts. I don’t do that someone on my team does that. But that is growing email subscribers and webinar attendees and more clients. Currently, people getting on our email list, which directly turns into clients for me. So not only are those emails getting sent out to people that are already subscribers, but they are getting repurposed to places on the world wide web that we have access to that is bringing in more email subscribers, and then more clients. Obviously, that is a good thing, right. I also have high engagement emails and podcasts, I can keep an eye on which ones get the most engagement. And those are getting turned into YouTube video. Sometimes, we’re kind of testing concepts with that sometimes I’m in the mood to do a video instead of writing something. And I’m able to draw from this large database of emails that I have, that I know which ones perform the best, which ones people like must have really struck a nerve where people are engaging and replying a lot to those, and then turn them into videos, make another video on it, which is just another way that I can reach people and that I can further articulate my thoughts and my philosophies and you know, everything that I teach in a new way, I also feel more confident kind of playing off of that about what I do, because I’m constantly practicing talking about what I do in the emails. And in the podcasts such as repetition. I know I’ve said this already, but it’s very meta, I’ll repeat myself, again, it’s so important that you’re constantly coming at your messaging from a new angle and talking about things in a different way and describing it in a different way. And the more that you are doing that in written copy, and in something like a podcast, which I think you can add later, if that’s not something you’re up for, at the moment, no rush to do that, by the way, because it is quite the undertaking. But when you are doing that consistently, it can be in creating videos, whatever it is, you are going to just be sharper. And I feel like there’s gosh, there’s just so much to be said for that. And I don’t know repetition, repetition. Repetition, I guess is something I’m very grateful for the past me just kept going and I have had seasons in my business where I was not consistent with sending emails or creating content every week. It was much more fits and starts and I wasn’t consistent. That was a lot I have mental baggage. I don’t even know if that’s how I want to articulate this. But it would really weigh me down feeling like I should be doing this, but I’m not doing it, I shouldn’t be doing it. But I’m not doing it. When I just decided I was going to send an email at least once every single week, no if ands or buts about it, that mental drama just subsided considerably. It was like, This is what I’m doing. I’ve made the commitment, let’s just get after it. So if that is helpful, I will offer that maybe just taking the option off the table to procrastinate and not do it could be very helpful. I know, depending on your personality type, if you’re like me, when I really commit to something I’m just committed, I’m just going to do it. And that’s how I’ve been in creating content, which was a big difference than before, that has also been really helpful. Okay, so also, lastly, but certainly not least, I am very, very grateful now that I’m years into building bank of content from emails and from podcasts, but specifically from emails. I’m very grateful because emails, bring in clients into my business. I sell via email, if you’re not getting my emails, you’re not getting sold to from me, you’re probably not joining a program of mine, you’re probably not going to be getting support from me. Aside from this podcast, the only way that you’re going to ever hear from me is from emails. So practicing emails for so long, it has made those emails better, it has made my sales convert so much better. The copy is more compelling, it’s more high converting all of it is better, in my opinion. And I will add a caveat here that I’m still trying to decide how I really want to talk about AI. But I’m just going to add a little little snippet here on my thoughts on it. Because people ask me all the time, what do I think about using AI to generate copy in particular, I mean, I think ultimately getting your message out the door and getting it into the hot little hands of your ideal clients is priority number one. So whatever you need to do that, do it, prioritize consistency and get it done, I will say that you actually writing copy yourself and creating content yourself is going to help you be so much sharper when you talk to people in real life. And when you are explaining concepts to your clients, and when you are working in every other area of your business. So although I think there’s something to be said for shortening the content creation timeline, I think for some people, that’s the most important thing is they just want to get it done faster. And maybe in some seasons that is important and should be prioritized. I don’t know you get to make that call. But I really do think that it is a shortcut that is going to ultimately stifle your growth in a lot of areas. And I think putting in the time to articulate your thoughts and to get really clear on what your philosophies and processes are is going to pay back dividends in the future. So I’m sure there’ll be more, more coming on AI and using it not using it making a stand not making a stand.

I don’t know. Yeah, exactly how I’m going to teach that, or how we’re going to bring that in. But in case you’re wondering, those are my thoughts for now, I think there could be a case to be made that short term, it could be useful for some people, I think long term, it is going to hurt you personally. Okay, so now all of this leads in to get to the four steps for how you’re going to simplify it your email creation process. Are you ready? Here we go. Step one, outline your content prior to writing. Again, this applies to any type of content, I use the exact same process for my podcast. But we’re gonna talk about emails here. So specifically outline these emails prior to writing them. I do this days in advance weeks in advance, sometimes even months in advance, I may sit down. And I may plan out 90 days of emails and podcast episodes all at one time, so that they’re all cohesive so that they make sense with when my programs are going to be opening and closing the doors. And I might have a lot of testimonials coming out. And I want to figure out where are those going to go. So I outline everything long in advance. Okay, for me that works for you. Maybe this is days in advance doesn’t matter. But always outline the content prior to writing it. I have a running list of topic ideas, that is just a list on my phone, I use Trello and clickup. For this. You can use any project management system or even just a Notes app on your phone doesn’t matter. But I have a running list of topic ideas when I have a good idea. It goes in there. And I know I’m going to come back to it and pull that later. So I don’t worry about actually sitting down to write an email and thinking oh my gosh, what am I going to write this email about this week? I already have a running list of topic ideas, I can grab them. And I take that one step further. And I usually have already laid them out at least a month if not a few months in advance. And I have an outline inside of each topic idea of what that email or what that podcast is going to be about. I think a really great way to create a list of topic ideas for your emails is to use client calls as inspiration For what to email about. So when you get off a call with a client, whether that is a consult call, or someone is telling you all about their problems, and about what they think their problems are, and you’re thinking, that’s not actually the problem, maybe that would be a great email. By the way, you can use those for inspiration. Or if these are actual calls, like appointments, sessions that you’re having with your clients, you could use those for inspiration as well. I like to take five minutes when I am done. And I get off a coaching call either in the mastermind or with the profitable nutritionist program. We have live coaching every single week. So I coach in those programs quite often, I get off those calls. And I take five minutes and go through what I coached on what were the questions? And what would be a good email or podcast episode from that? How could I teach a little bit more in depth on that, or maybe we just had a really great breakthrough with somebody and I want to talk about that more in depth. And that might become an email. But I think using client calls, either consult or client sessions is amazing fodder for your emails and your content. But don’t think that you’re going to remember what it was, you won’t. So you have to write it down and have a process for collecting those ideas, right when you have them because you’re never going to remember them in the future. Luckily, when you have a system for this, and you have a running list of topic ideas, that it makes it really easy to outline what you are going to be sending when you’re going to be sending it. And I usually do, you know, five minutes of just doing an outline inside of it. And I always tell myself, I’m not actually writing this right now. I’m just outlining. So it’s a quick and dirty outline. But then, when I sit down to actually write the email, or write the podcast episode, do the podcast episode later. I then tell myself, it’s almost done already. I’ve already outlined it, it’s almost done already. And my brain really likes that my brain really likes thinking this is almost done already. So I never outline and create and actually write content at the same time. That is very overwhelming. That’s what I used to do. I used to have an item on my to do list that would say, Write this week’s email. And I had no idea what the email topic was going to be about. It wasn’t outlined. I didn’t know what the theme was, how did this tie into anything else going on in my business? Was there a lunch coming up? Was there a free training coming up, I need to talk about I didn’t have it all planned out. And I didn’t even know what to say. So seeing that looming on my to do list would make me insane, I would want to do literally anything else in the world other than sit down and get that task done. So when I made it easy on myself and I started outlining way far in advance, or for sure not same day that I was going to be writing something that seems so much easier, it’s like all I have to do today is outline this, I can do that in five minutes. But it sat down to write the content, all I need to do is just finished, this is almost done already, that for me, it works really well. So step one outline prior to writing, I’m telling you, this will streamline your process so much just because of the mental drama, that will be eliminated by not thinking you have to do all of it at one time. Step number two, set a timer for half the amount of time that it usually takes you to write your email. Okay, so it usually takes you three hours, I want you to set a timer for 90 minutes. And that is the time that you have to write the email, you’re gonna schedule that amount of time you’re gonna sit down, sit down, sit done, that I’ve that maybe that’s what we should call it sit done, you’re going to sit down with your outline that you’ve already created. And you are going to finish and write the email in your 90 minutes. When that timer goes off. I want you to figure out are you done yet? Hopefully you are done. dusted. Move on. If you are not done yet, in the 90 minutes, we have to find out why. So you need to do a little evaluation here. If you’re not done, is it because you are trying too hard? is perfectionism your enemy here and you’re trying to make every single thing perfect? Are you trying to put way too much into one email? Are you trying to cover every single base every single everything and make this way too long? Way too comprehensive? Is that what’s going on here? Are you overthinking every single line that you are writing and rewriting and rewriting? Are you over researching to make sure again that it’s as comprehensive as possible? Are you citing things like what’s going on in here? That is making it take too long? Okay, and you got to figure out what too long is I’m not going to tell you what too long is I will tell you that you want it to be simpler and you want it to be faster than it is right now. If you’re feeling like this is not sustainable. If your content creation timeline right now seems unsustainable, then let’s work on it. Let’s cut it in half. And let’s figure out why. It’s hard for you to do that perfectionism, trying to put way too much in overthinking over researching what’s going on. Now step three is I want you to take five minutes, just five minutes. This is very simple evaluation and plan here. And I want you to make a plan for how you are going to solve that problem. So in step two, you cut your timeline and half you set your timer and you went and created your content. Hopefully you got it done. But if you didn’t get it done in that amount of time and you’ve isolated the reason why I want you to now solve that problem. Okay, you’re probably going to have to dumbing it down literally your content, you’re probably gonna have to dumb it down, you’re probably gonna have to simplify, probably gonna have to cut things out and stop trying to make that one email Be the one, I see this a lot. And I know I’ve certainly had this thought in the past, so I want to touch on it, no email is ever the one, there’s never going to be one email that is going to make your perfect clients reach out to you and hire you that’s going to solve all of their problems, there’s never going to be one email that makes them think you are the most valuable resource they’ve ever found. There’s not going to be one email that makes them just throw their credit card at you. It’s never just one. So take the pressure off of whatever content you’re creating this one email, and just realize it’s not going to be it’s never one email, okay, so just make this a great email, do it in the time that you’ve given yourself and move on, that’s going to probably require dumbing it down simplifying the verbiage that’s in there simplifying the content, maybe cutting some things out, making it easier to understand. But this is a way to release the perfectionism, it’s just know that it’s never going to be perfect. And it doesn’t need to be because it’s never one email that gets you the results that you want anyway, okay, make a strong call to action in your email, and connect some dots that can be the value and oftentimes is the best value that you can give to your people is connecting dots, that they haven’t connected themselves. We vastly overestimate what people realize and what they understand and what they remember. So even if you’ve said something a million times, say it 1,000,001 They don’t remember, promise, and don’t talk over people’s heads. So another great filter to run through in your emails is what a fifth grader understand what you’re saying, I have one of the members in my mastermind that does this. She’s like, No, seriously, I have my fifth grader read my email. And she tells me things she tells me either she understands or she doesn’t. I loved it so much. I said that is the best I’ve heard. So this isn’t even have to be philosophically what a fifth grader understand, maybe have a fifth grader read through your emails, I actually have a fifth grader now that I’m saying this out loud, I think I’m going to have him start reading my emails and telling me what he doesn’t understand. Also, don’t give your people a lot of homework, in your emails, thinking that that’s what is valuable for them.

I really want to drill in on this for a second. Think in terms of connecting dots for people showing them Oh, this is what you thought was the problem. That’s not really the problem. Here’s what’s really the problem. So no wonder you haven’t gotten results. So far. You didn’t know the right problem. Now you’re not solving the problem, necessarily. You’re connecting dots, you’re giving them the context of the work that you do, you’re showing them oh my gosh, you thought it was this one thing over here. But really, it’s even simpler than that. It’s this other thing over here. And this is what I’ll help you with, teach them that the problem that they think that they have isn’t really the problem, and that they need you to help them solve the real problem. And that your forte is actually solving the real problem. That is value. That is what people want to get from your emails. Remember, they don’t want and maybe they do want, but long term, they don’t need a weekly recipe from you, they need to solve their actual problem. Now, that’s not to say that if you’re sending recipes that that isn’t valuable, and that people don’t enjoy that, sure, do you make this the business that you want to have? But really think in terms of is that helping them solve their problem is that getting them closer to the results they want, because the reason people are reading your emails is because they want results. And they probably want the results from you. So help them teach them that the problem that they think they have isn’t really the problem. You know, the real problem, you do this all the time, this is your expertise is that you solve the real problems. That’s what you do. Make that really easy for them to understand, so easy that a fifth grader would even understand it. And this will probably really help you solidify, that solidify, simplify your email writing process. Because when you’re thinking oh my gosh, I don’t need to give them so much value. In terms of homework, I don’t need to give them so many DIYs I don’t need to give them so many free things that they can go do. I really just need to help them connect the dots, I really need to help them understand that what they think is the problem isn’t even the problem. That is the actual value. When we’re giving people a lot of homework to do thinking that that’s what they want in our emails, what you’re actually saying is okay, I’m gonna give you a whole to do list to go do now you need to go do this, and then report back to me. And then if this doesn’t work, then maybe you hire me, that’s kind of the subconscious messaging there is go do these things. And then if you still fail, maybe you need to hire me. That’s not what you want. You want to give them the shortcut to getting to the results that they want, which is hiring you right away because you do not have shortcuts, you do have a process you are the guide that is going to help them and really that’s what they’re paying for convenience and speed. That’s what people want. Okay, that was kind of a tangent. Anyway, I want to tell you how amazing it is when you can be really concise in your thoughts and people hit reply to those emails and they tell you oh my gosh, that’s exactly what I needed. Oh my gosh, that’s exactly what I needed. That’s exactly what I needed. You know that feeling when you strike a nerve in your content, you go, Oh my gosh, that was way simpler than what I thought it was going to be. Because in those emails, I will tell you from experience, the ones that get the best engagement, or people hit reply and say those things are usually the ones that I would never have guessed, it’s usually the one where I’m like, really, that was what you needed to hear. And it’s way less complex than what I thought they needed. And I’m sure the same is true for you. So it’s usually the simplest, most obvious to you is what your people need to hear the most and what they’re going to respond to the most. I have seen this so many times, I’m sure you have as well. Okay, now, step four, is going to be to finish your email and actually Institute the new plan for how you’re going to make it faster and simpler for yourself next time. So what we did here, is we created a container and a dedicated amount of time to get that email done. Hopefully you did. And if not, we figured out what was holding you back, where were you being perfectionistic? in it? Where were you trying to cram too much in, and you made a plan for how you’re not going to do that next time. And you’re going to work that plan for next time to make it faster and simpler for yourself. Do you have to schedule time after client calls to outline content for your next emails? Do you have to do that I say that you do. Put it on your calendar, it is the biggest shortcut that I can possibly give you to creating content that’s going to be valuable for your people, is to listen to your people and then create the content. That’s why I mean, this is very meta. This is why I outlined this exact podcast episode in 10 minutes after I saw the coaching request inside the launch, and I responded to it. It’s just like, oh my gosh, you know how many people are just spending way too long on the emails that they’re writing. And so they want to quit, and they want to quit writing those emails. And they’re never getting to the point where it is a more streamlined process, and they have a big bank of content to grab from. Because here’s what’s the beautiful thing about that, when you get into the times like I am in right now. And I told you all about at the beginning of the episode where life is just giving me a lot of commitments all at once they’re all coming due, there’s just a lot on the schedule, I am not writing new emails right now, I am not, I am drawing from a bank of past me previous emails that are already done. They’re valuable, and they’re ready to be repurposed. And I’m just grabbing those and repurposing them. And you want to get to the point where you have that as well. So put it on your calendar, after client consult calls and client sessions to do five minutes and just outline a couple of pieces of content that you can create from what you just covered with your clients on that call. Okay, schedule it on your actual calendar, like give yourself a five minute buffer after those calls, so that you can do it, make that part of the process. Okay, so to recap, our steps for simplifying and streamlining. And mostly just making your process of creating email content better is to first of all outline prior to writing, okay, don’t ever sit down with a blank screen staring at you and think that you’re going to create the most epic piece of content in a short amount of time. With that thing blinking at you. It’s a terrible idea, believe me, I’ve done it many times, does not work, as well as having an outline already done in advance. Number two, set a timer for half the amount of time it usually takes you when you’re just starting this and force yourself to get it done in that amount of time. And if you are not able to get it done in that amount of time, then you have to evaluate step number three, why did you or why did you not get it done in that allotted time, then make a plan and implement the new plan for next time. Based on your evaluation. We’re just doing a quick and dirty evaluation here. of why did I not get it done in that amount of time, it’d be very honest with yourself, either you’re trying to make that email, the one you’re trying to make this the end all be all email you ever did. Or you’re trying to cram way too much in or you’re just talking over their head. And you can just simplify it in any of those ways. Maybe you’re just trying to give them homework, when really what you could be doing is helping them connect some dots, which is immensely immensely valuable. Okay, my friend, your email writing is going to get so much faster, and you are going to have that big bank of content to pull from so that you can repurpose, and you can reuse your best stuff over and over and over again, just like you see me do, because it works. We don’t need to make this so hard on ourselves. We get to enjoy the fruits of our labors for years and years to come. Because when you’re writing really good content, you’re creating really good content, it doesn’t go bad. It’s just not there’s no expiration date on it, it doesn’t spoil you get to reuse it over and over again. This is something we talk about a lot in the profitable nutritionist program and in the mastermind for that matter. So enrollment and mastermind I will tell you is going to be in October. So if you have made at least $50,000 in your practice, and you are scaling to six or multiple six figures in the next 12 months, the mastermind is probably a room you want to be putting yourself in and you will be able to apply in October so you have to be getting my emails be very direct call to action here, you have to be on my email list getting my email so that you hear about the mastermind enrollment in October. And if you have not made at least $50,000 in your practice yet, you need to join us inside the profitable nutritionist program when enrollment opens for that in September, I really would love to see you inside there, especially if efficient email copywriting and long term evergreen marketing strategies, like we talked about today are in your future. And is that something that you are prioritizing, because we talk about both of those things a lot in the program. And I have specific processes that I teach in there around how to do that better, and how to make everything in your business lighter, and much more fruitful. The program is very comprehensive, whether you’re just starting out in your business, or if your business is already well established, but it’s disorganized and it’s inconsistent, you’re going to get exactly what you need. Because we have an entire step by step a repeatable revenue process for each stage of growth in your business that you learn in the program. Literally step by step, there’s even a workbook that you follow. And you just fill out the workbook whilst you watch videos, and create your very consistent, lucrative dream business. So from that first dollar up to consistent 10k months, the profitable nutritionist program is what you want doors only open a few times a year for that program, and they will be open again in September 14 to the 20th I believe I should in fact check that Ford Yes, 14th to the 20th. September, so get your booty in there in September when the door is open. We also offer a no risk Money Back Guarantee in the program, which you can get all of the details on at the profitable nutritionist.com/join. And yes, you did hear that right? You make your money back, at least when you follow the process I teach in the program, or a give you your money back. There’s no time limit. And again, you have lifetime access to every component of the program, including the live coaching and written coaching. So you can go as fast or as slow as you like, but just don’t wait because the sooner you get momentum, and you start consistently making the amount of money that you want to be each month, the sooner you have recession proof your business and your personal finances, it’s a very big deal. I feel super strongly about this, that we need to be able to control our income not be at the mercy of anyone else’s decisions and to do that the fastest vehicle is having your own profitable, consistent, sustainable business that you can count on. So the profitable nutritionist.com/join is again the sales page with all of the details of the program. And if you’re listening to this in the future after the enrollment in September, you can go to that page and you will always see the dates of the next enrollment as well. The profitable nutritionist.com/join Get yourself on the waitlist and see the dates for the upcoming enrollment so that you don’t miss out. All right, have a wonderful week my friend go outline and write some emails in half the time you’ve ever done it before.

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