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23. $3K in 30 Days Challenge Recap

We just wrapped up a challenge in my paid program, The Profitable Nutritionist, that ran for the entire month of January. It’s called The $3K in 30 Days Challenge, and as you may have guessed, the challenge is to make at least $3K in the 30 days … but we do it by only changing our mindset and brain patterns.

I know. This is juicy stuff. The challenge ties together other components of the program together in 30 days of really fast thought work that takes less than 10 min a day.

I wanted to let you hear from some of my students about how transformative the simple thought work in less than 10 minutes a day has been for their businesses, which is what we’re doing on this episode.

Business doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it shouldn’t be. Everything you hear on this episode will confirm that.

The results that the participants get speak for themselves, which you’ll hear about in a minute, but I want to emphasize that these same tools and concepts are EXACTLY what your clients need to learn, too!

The reasons you struggle with any aspect of your business are the exact same reasons they struggle with any aspect of their health journey. So when you uncover these blocks for yourself, you can teach your clients how to do the same thing because they have human brains with very predictable sabotage thought patterns, too. Am I right?

Ok, let’s hear from some of my students about their mindset breakthroughs in January, and if you want to get in on the next round of the challenge for yourself, make sure you join The Profitable Nutritionist Program when the doors open up.


Hello, and welcome back. So today, I am, as always very excited to be recording for you and sharing all sorts of tips and tricks and strategies and tools for you to make more money in your practice, and have more fun. Truthfully, this is no different today. But I am also going to be bringing a few special guests on with me today. So here’s what’s going to happen, I am going to take you behind the scenes inside my program, the profitable nutritionist program, where we have live coaching every single week, because on a recent live coaching call, I asked a few of my members that were there to chat with me about the recent 3k in 30 days challenge that we had wrapped up in the program in January. So for the entire month of January, we ran the challenge, and I’m gonna tell you all about what that entails in a second. But these participants that had been doing the challenge had a lot of breakthroughs and insights and things to share. And I also truthfully wanted to hear from them about what they would like to do differently next time because we run this challenge, at least a couple times a year, we’ve been doing it a couple times a year, I think we’ll stay on that tempo. So so the recording of this, we do this a couple times a year. And I wanted to make it better for next time. So I wanted their input. And I’m just going to share with you what this conversation unfolded like because they had a lot to say about what their expectations were going into the challenge. And then what actually ended up happening and how they are teaching the same tools to their clients, there was just so much good information. So I definitely wanted to share it with you. And of course invite you into the program so that you can experience the 3k in 30 days challenge for yourself, the next time that we run it live and it is available for you to do yourself, you get access to all of the prompts, as soon as you join. So just want to throw it out there. If you love what you hear from them as they’re talking about this challenge. You want it for yourself, you got to get in the program, my friend. So here is how the challenge is structured for 30 days, but January had 31 days. So we had a bonus Davis for 31 days, actually, every single morning, there is a prompt that drops in the lounge, which is our private community inside the program. For the members to do a short writing exercise five to 10 minutes very short they can do at any time during the day that works in their schedule doesn’t matter. It’s totally at your own pace, on demand. But that prompt for the day is going to inspire a little bit of thought work. It’s a very, like I said very short, but very, very laser focused insightful. And then they have the option if they want to, to comment on the post of that prompt, any insights that came up for them or anything big that they uncovered. And then it usually sparks a kind of like a tremendous conversation between different members about what came up for them in their business based on what their journaling was that morning, and when being like a little vague and ambiguous, but just trust me, it’s magical. It’s absolutely magical. The results that the participants get are going to speak for themselves. You hear about it in a minute. But I want to emphasize that these same tools and concepts are exactly what your clients need to learn to. This is just like looking at the thoughts that are already in your brain. There’s nothing fancy going on here in this challenge, nothing that’s too proprietary. It’s just asking really good questions of yourself to access the insight and the genius that you already have there. And to understand your own thought patterns better, which is exactly what your clients need to do to the reasons that you struggle with any aspect of your business are exactly the same reasons that your clients are struggling with any aspect of their health journey. So when you uncover these blocks for yourself, you can teach your clients how to do the same thing, because they also have human brains with very predictable sabotaged thought patterns just like us, right? Of course. Okay, so let’s hear from some of my students about their amazing insights into what just this little practice of doing a little bit of mining in their own brain every day for five to 10 minutes for a month straight what it uncovered in their business. So here’s what I want to ask, first of all, did the challenge go? Well, like anybody you just talked about, I know that you guys that are here, we’re very active in the challenge. So how did it go? Anyone can just answer that.

I guess I’ll go first. It was amazing. I didn’t even reach my goals. But the mindset work, I can’t even put it into words. It just made me become so much more aware of my thoughts. I mean, and beliefs, like the whole purpose of the exercises. But it was just because of the 30 days. And I kept showing up and I have my like little notebook of notes. It was just like new things would come out every you know, every day and then maybe one day, you know, I wouldn’t get as much but then it’d be like a few days later and like oh my gosh, or I’d be doing my own thing in the kitchen and then all of a sudden I would, you know realize something so I just started to apply it to my life and I think having it for 30 days is very different than just you You know, reading a book and you’re learning on mindset, or you’re just talking to a friend, and they’re like, Hey, have you ever thought about this? Or you know, or I noticed you’re saying this, it just made me put it into action, I think more and then just it became more real to me for those 30 days, if that makes sense.

Oh, that’s so good. Whitney. Okay, I have a follow up question to that. And this would go to anyone, I’d be curious about anyone’s response to this question. So when we said we’re gonna do the challenge, we were going to start it. Did you have any, like, preconceived ideas about doing thought work or mindset work for 30 days? I would just be curious about anyone’s thoughts about that. And then like, at the end, what what, like, how did that match up to what you thought it would be? Like?

I think for me, too, I was almost like the time, you know, I was like, Oh, my gosh, 30 days, am I gonna have time to sit her in journal? But so that was, I guess the first thing my first thought of, Am I do I want to commit to this. But I was like, You know what, like, I have too much to lose, to not commit to it. And so that was, I guess, the first thing that where I was like, do I want to do this. And then as I went along with it, I was like, this is the most Honestly, I feel like you could have just done this thing for your whole coaching program. I’d like this was worth the 3000. Like, it was amazing.

So I love to hear that. I mean, I really love to hear that. Okay, perfect. Um, I’m wondering anyone else to jump in with this? I’m curious about did anyone have any resistance to thinking about not just the time aspect, but just like that, in five minutes, or 10 minutes a day, like you can’t really make that big of a change in your business? I’m curious if anyone had any thoughts about that, because I certainly had those thoughts. When I started doing five to 10 minutes of thought work in the beginning of my day to set the tone for the day. I had a lot of thoughts about that. So I’m wondering if anyone else did,

I did a little bit because I was just thinking, Yeah, is it really gonna make that much of a difference? And how can the prompts be like really like, or not done? You know, but truly, it was just that setting aside that time and making myself a priority. And then the things that I dug up were things that I did not realize was there, I thought I’d done a lot of work. But there was even more to do and then I started thinking of prompts on my own. And just started going crazy with those. And all these things were coming out that I just didn’t even realize was there. And so yeah, it made a huge difference, even just the five to 10 minutes, and I was doubtful.

Yeah. Okay, love to hear that. So again, what do you think cuz I know you had really good results from the challenge of getting client like, like being tangibly getting clients making money. And I’m really curious about, like, what do you think was so pivotal that you uncovered in your brain that made that happen so easily for you during the 30 days? Um,

I think one of the huge things was just getting over that imposter syndrome and realizing that I could help people, that there wasn’t any special sauce, there wasn’t any secret thing that I didn’t know already. There wasn’t another class that I needed. I could help people right where I was at, and just believing that in myself, and then therefore that confidence came through. Whenever I was ready to talk to somebody or do a console call that and for me to actually, like I said in there said the words I told somebody that I could help them. I was like, Oh, wow, what have I done? But then I knew and I knew I believed it. You know, I really did that I could help them.

Yeah, and you’re absolutely can. It’s so good. So good. Yes. I would be curious. And like you guys, just answer any any of these questions. I’m just gonna spit for them, though, as they come to me. How do you think that that’s helpful for your clients to win? Like the thought work that you did on your own business? Like, how do you think that that translates to them, too?

Yeah, I think it was huge, because I hadn’t some of those prompts that I hadn’t really even thought of before. And you know, I was journaling myself. And then I would I wouldn’t even read the question ahead of time, I would just work in parts. And I read down and I would say, How does this work for your clients? And I was like, What the heck, like, it’s just makes total sense now. But before you feel like that, you’re the only one struggling with that, and that it couldn’t possibly apply to anyone else. And it does. It’s so dense.

Yeah, our brains are so predictably, just the same really, they’re just different variations. We all have our own little recipe of our just shitty thoughts, but pretty much they compose the same meal at the end of the day, just different recipes. So but what else anyone else have anything to add? That was like particularly surprising or impactful for what you uncovered in your own brain? I’d be so curious.

Mostly enjoy having people who I know are going through the same struggle and I really had a hard time connecting with other nutritionists in my area who want to just like connect and like let’s build each other up and not Be afraid of like, Oh, they’re gonna take my clients or whatever. I really, really struggled with that. So not that I’m where they’re gonna take my clients, I just find I meet with people and they’re like, I don’t know, maybe I’m off putting.

Yes, Kelly, it’s probably you, it’s probably you for sure.

That’s been really nice just to be like, Oh, okay, I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what I’m doing. Like, I just feel like every day, I’m like, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m just making it up as I go. So imperfect. Taking imperfect action has been huge for me. To just do it, just go and just do it. What’s the worst that could happen? I mean,

yeah. Oh, that’s so good. I also love on the challenge prompts. So I’ll say this for anybody that doesn’t quite understand how they work. So we just do a daily prompt in the morning, it gets blasted out in the morning, and then everybody on their own time answers the question if they want to, and can report back on that thread in the lounge on the prompt on what came up that might be like particularly surprising or insightful, or whatever that was, if they want to. And I love seeing everyone commenting on each other’s like, oh my gosh, that’s exactly what I think or oh my gosh, I had no idea. But that’s exactly what I think. And I love the back and forth. Also in comparing notes on just some of these, like really common thoughts that we have, I love to see that.

Yeah, I loved reading everyone else’s, because honestly, reading theirs made me feel better to know that I was not the only one. But it would also bring up other things in me or things, you know that I was like, Oh, I thought about that. That’s true for me to that sneaky brain.

Sneaky brain is offering up this with you. And it’s also so fun. Because no matter what level of business, you’re in, like the same thought patterns will come up, they’ll just come up in different ways. So something I like to think about as we run this challenge over and over again. And some of the prompts change. And like some of the format changes a little bit. But a lot of it’s the same, although I think when I redo it over and over again, and the feedback has been so I’d be curious what you guys think about this, I think that you get totally different answers, even just a few months later on the exact same questions because your brain has changed and your experiences have changed. And you have new insights about yourself of like, oh, at this level. Now, a few months later, I’m thinking about this question in a different way. And like the answers are different. Didn’t have you guys see that after repeating some of them? I did? Yeah. Natasha, what did you think was different? And Did it surprise you?

Like when I went back and looked at day one, like my commitment to doing it was not so much. And I know that the angle is for that monetary piece, but it was not so much like even the way that I wrote it. It wasn’t that I would like to get there even the way that I phrased it. So I already had hasn’t it see in that knowing that? Probably already set myself up? Really not to get to that point? Although I did it every day, religiously? Yeah. So that’s a few words that I had written. You know, I already set myself up with a bit of self doubt.

That’s really, really fascinating, isn’t it? So you could see that by the end of the challenge, when you went back to look at just how you were answering some of your own questions.

Yeah, yeah. And I like to eat in the morning because even though it was five to 10, sometimes it took me 20 minutes, whatever time I needed. But I like doing it in the morning, because then it was like a background dialogue that I had. So by even by the end of the night, I even got more clarity around something that I was thinking about, can I have time to really just think about even though you go about your day, and I’m like, That story’s already in the back of my head. Yeah. So sometimes at night, I go back and I’d write more, it actually helped me to get a little bit more clarity around some things that I was struggling with.

Mm hmm. Oh, that’s really interesting. So I’m wondering, this happens to me, sometimes I’m wondering if you guys had this had this experience at all? Did you get really creative bursts from doing like, in a totally different direction from like, clarifying your thoughts? I guess the question I’m asking because this is what I think happens for me is I can write down my thoughts about something I don’t realize it’s taking up a lot of bandwidth in my mind that I must be like, considering or it’s weighing on me or I’m, like, having indecision around something. And then when I write it down, I get very clear, it’s in black and white, then all of a sudden, my brain has space to take off and be very, very creative and productive in an unrelated area, which I think is yeah,

I found that to like, even during this process, like I really hammer down what my structure is going to be like so when I’m working with clients, like I even came up with the way that I’m going to schedule my appointments, you know, because there’s a lot of mindsets huge. Mm hmm. So I got more detail as to how I felt this would be comfortable how I could integrate that because people want like they want results right away. But instant results don’t always last right?

Yeah, I just think it’s just our body can be very quick to adjust to things our brain not so much. Remember this with our clients, like we could help them get physical changes really quickly. And then their brain still needs to catch up just like ours does. We’re all Yeah, yeah. Do you and it feel anybody can To answer this, Natasha if you have an answer to it, go for it. But anyone can also chime in on this. Do you feel like you can bring the mindset work to your clients? Like, do you feel equipped to do that? Or do you feel like it’s really simple? And you can work this in? Or does that feel like good challenge in some way?

I’ve used a commitment versus attachment with my clients. Really, that was like a huge thing for me personally, and just like realizing like, you know, am I willing to do whatever it takes to get there. And so especially with clients who think that it’s a one and done thing, like I just need to meet with a nutritionist once and magic things will come together, and we’ll get the code to weight loss or like, that’s, you know, it’s a huge thing.

Yeah. So okay, so teaching them about commitment versus attachment. I love that so much. As you’re bringing that up to clients, does it feel easy for you to teach it? I hope so that’s my intention is like, if you if it’s easy for you to understand it, then it’s easy to teach it? No, I

like it. Because it’s kind of that mental health, mental barrier getting past any way of like Natasha was talking about kind of like the verbiage in your own head. And so it kind of, at least to me, helps get rid of that and say, No, I can do this, I need to be committed to it. If I want to see it happen, you know, or I’m really big with my clients about like, writing your stuff down, right, like writing your goals down. Otherwise, you’re just wishing and hoping that this thing will happen. But when you see it, and you look at it, that helps you to be committed to it or remind you of your commitment to

it. Yeah, something magical happens when we put pen to paper that is for sure. And just lots of different ways. Anyone else have thoughts on that?

I have imposter syndrome. But I least from doing this work for 30 days, I realized that because it’s like I know. And I see like mindset is so huge on this, but there was this part of me being like, oh my gosh, who am I to sit here and you know, talk to people about their mindset when I have my own issues. But I’ve listened to just previous calls. And it’s helped so much, because, you know, I think Danny has mentioned when she was feeling like maybe who was she to do something when she’s still working on something herself, you know, that kind of thing. And so just from doing the exercises, those like oh my gosh, Whitney, you’re it’s that belief again, that you’re not good enough? Or you haven’t, you know, you’re still working through your own stuff. But I started to be like, I could help more people because I know what that feels like, you know, and just feel to be, you know, direct with them. Like, hey, I’m not perfect at this either. This was stuff I work on. So yeah, it terrifies me honestly, still, but it was one thing I want to, you know, just take imperfect action and do it. Yeah.

And when you’re aware of those thought patterns as being a thought pattern instead of the truth, just like Okay, nope, there it is, again, I totally get that this is just that feeling, again, that I have whenever I’m doing something that’s new. And it’s just part of the deal that comes you’re just like all emotions down, like, Okay, we know what we’re doing. This is just that part where we feel XYZ emotion. We don’t like that in the past, we did a really good job of avoiding, but we just can’t afford it anymore. It’s okay, it’s here. And that it doesn’t feel like such an emergency. So good. Okay, Jana, I see you just popped in. I am just doing kind of a, like a recap on things that went well, during the challenge. And anything that was surprising. I don’t know if you are able to add anything to that. And that does anyone else have anything that you want to share? That was just like particularly helpful, like any of the prompts in particular. I know, Kelly, it was really nice to hear about the commitment versus attachment being critical. I will make sure that that stays as part of the jealous, but was there anything else that was like, oh, yeah, that one thing that was so good. That you want to note

that one prompt that made me so mad? Oh, yeah, at the end about I would not dare list I read that. And I threw my pin down and I walked away. I was like, I can’t do this. Like, I can’t do this. And I went to do dishes and other stuff. And I just kept thinking of all the things on that list. And I’m like, What the heck, I didn’t even know this was in there. And so I was like, Alright, I got to come clean with these things. And then when Andrea, when you commented on there and just said that those things are my superpower, it was just like, yes. Hey, I am really working on believing that because I’ve had so much guilt around those things.

Yeah, okay, so the prompt that she’s referring to is the what’s on your I wouldn’t dare list like the I would shit my pants if I actually said this to people list of like, whatever that is. We all have that list of things that like I kind of dance around this issue thing or like I don’t I don’t want it fully expose this thing. You know, we all have whatever versions of it. They are. And so that’s the properties referred to that she read that and she was like, No, I hate this. Failing on this, I hate it. I should roll my pen down and I leave. But then she came back and she did finish the prompt and had like really good I wouldn’t dares. And I thought it was as a coach, I thought it was so like wonderful that you did come back and you actually finished it and was like, okay, here are the things I can I can write them down. But then I thought it was fascinating that the things that were on your I wouldn’t dare tell people list or I wouldn’t dare list were all of the things that I seriously do believe are your superpower. It’s It was fascinating to me to see that I’m like, seriously, she really thinks that that’s what she can’t talk about. I think that’s the only thing she should talk about.

It’s just crazy. Our brain is so crazy.

Yeah, it is. But then it’s also so helpful to be in a room of people that can all just help each other when we need it. Because we all need that. The validation sometimes like No, no, you’re on the right track here. This is good. Oh, it’s so awesome. All right. So anything else positive in the what went well, for the challenge column?

Yeah, I

thought the challenge went really well. So I think just like just being able to, like, have that simple commitment showing up every morning like doing the simple work repeating the basics, like you tell us like that we needed to go by instead of basics, like just doing that as like a participant through your program and just believing like, trusting the process that like this might, you know, like, staying open and curious and not being attached? But curious about like, Okay, what, what’s going to happen if I actually just like, keep doing this mindset work and repeating the simple problems and take simple actions and just believe that it can, it can actually work. And, I mean, I was really surprised that actually, I didn’t accomplish my monetary goal. But I made my first sale on my 12 week program. So I was like magic to me. And I did it while traveling for like, about half the month, more than half the month and, like working like really challenging myself to work less hours than ever before, on business. And I really think that mindset stuff was like huge for that. Yes. And then, like it pays off. Like it’s not just like, Okay, it’s done. It’s like, I feel like there’s like this lingering effect where like, I’m not doing the the business mindset work right now. I’m like focusing more on personal mindset work. But I’m like, I can still feel that like ramification, and then the business work is like spilling over my personal life. And like Outlook on other things. It’s the

same mind. It’s the same mind showing up all day long with you everywhere you go.

Like, oh, I can stay open and curious in this situation, too. And not be attached? Oh, would that be like? So? So, so good.

It’s the basics. It’s I love that you brought that up yet? I think that that’s like, the big overarching theme of doing the challenge is like, what if you just did this really simple thing? That just takes a little bit of time? It’s just this really simple thing, and you consistently did it? What could change just by doing this basic, basic, basic, that seems too easy, what could change? And then you guys are such a good example of all of the things that can change. And that do change when we do that, which we then get to go teach our clients. Like what what would happen if you just actually drank water for 30 days. That’d be like,

the biggest insights came from like the the comment threads and like, I might share something and like, I’m okay, I’m just posting this like for accountability, like one of the evaluations of my first strategy session, but then I think like Whitney respond to like, oh, my gosh, I know exactly what you’re going through, and like, sharing her thoughts. And then there was just all this really incredible back and forth, that was like, even more powerful than the prompts itself. And if we’re coaching clients, one on one, they won’t have that group. But like, it’s the same thing. Like, we might give them a simple prompt or mindset exercise, and then they come to us with their thoughts. And then that sparks like, it’s really that dialogue. It’s the magic, it’s not just

itself reaction itself. And then that’s where you get the opportunity to share your growth as well, and how, like, you’ve struggled with the same thought pattern, or you’ve struggled with the same habit. And here’s what you’ve uncovered. Oh, I love it so much. Yeah, thank you. All right, my podcast friend, I hope it was helpful for you to hear from some other practitioners about how they are incorporating the mindset tools that you hear about all the time here on the podcast into their practice, I promise you this. And they said the same thing you do not need to know any more than you do today, to make a huge difference in people’s lives. And to grow a very profitable business for your own life for yourself. You just need to have the confidence to make decisions and then not second guess them need to have the confidence to take imperfect action on those decisions. Even when your brain is freaking out that it wants to stop. And it’s a terrible idea. You had a terrible idea to even making this decision and taking this action, because your brain will freak out every step of the way. And you do it anyway. And then the third step is you just need to be willing to do the tedious work of evaluating results afterwards. That’s it. You make decisions. You take imperfect action on them. It’s sloppy, it’s messy, you do it anyway. And then you evaluate when you’re done. That’s it. That’s exactly how you are going to grow your practice. And it’s exactly how your clients are going to get results when they work with you. They’re going to make decisions. They’re going to take imperfect action with you holding their hand every step of the way. And then you are going to help them evaluate what’s working and what isn’t afterwards. Same process, right? It’s so, so good to remember you are going to go first, and then you’re going to teach it to them. And exactly how to do that is everything that you learn inside the profitable nutritionist program, you will even have access to the full list of the 3k in 30 Days Challenge prompts as soon as you join, and you can start the challenge on your own on day one, if you want to. If you don’t want to wait for the next time that we do it live as a group, you can start on day one, I promise you really do want to be part of this community and plug into the resources inside the program as soon as possible, and you have nothing to lose. Also remember, your investment in the program is success guaranteed, which means you will make your money back or I give it back to you. And the reason I can happily make that guarantee is because of this special fusion of organic marketing strategies. And very, very laser focused mindset tools that I’ve mixed together in this program gets huge results. I’m very confident as I should be because I see the results everyday with my students. So join us on March 10. When enrollment opens up again, the doors are going to be open from March 10. Until midnight on March 16. You sign up for the program at Build a Profitable practice.com forward slash join. And if you’re listening to this after the doors have closed for this round, just head to that page anyway and the dates of the next enrollment period will be listed for you so you can put it on your calendar and you won’t miss it. Again, the URL is buildaprofitablepractice.com/join All right and have a wonderful wonderful week my friend.

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