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151. 3 Tips For Selling In A Down Economy

Today, we’re tackling the one thing every health coach and holistic nutritionist dreads: the “troubled economy.” 

But what if everything you believe about your clients’ spending habits is wrong? 

What if the conversation topic you fear most could be your biggest advantage? 

In this episode, I’ll reveal why “the economy” isn’t the monster you think it is and how to flip the script to boost your sales. 

Your entire approach to selling might be about to change forever.

Start making more money in your holistic nutrition or health coaching business right now without relying on social media. Start With The Profitable Practice free course.

Listen and Learn:

  • How to make your services so valuable that clients can’t say no, no matter what the economy is doing.
  • The hidden segment of clients thriving in this economy and how to tailor your marketing to reach them.
  • Why ignoring financial fears in your marketing could be costing you—and how to actually use them to your advantage.
  • Actionable tips on how to talk about money and value in a way that resonates with your ideal clients.


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Welcome back to the profitable nutritionist podcast. My friend I am Andrea Nordling, founder of the profitable nutritionist and I help holistic nutritionists and health coaches to get more clients in the door, more profit in their pockets, and more freedom in their life. And we do that without relying on social media. But I know So if that sounds like what you need, by the way, head over to the profitablenutritionist.com where we have a whole lot of free resources to help you out. And I say free resources because the economy has tanked, and of course, you don’t have any money to pay to solve your problems, right? A kid, sarcasm. Wrong. Wrong, wrong. That is not right, but that is what a lot of health and wellness professionals are thinking right now about their clients that nobody has any money. The economy is in the tank. Oh my gosh, nobody can spend anything. My business is over. All of those thoughts. So we’re gonna talk about it. In fact, I am going to give you three tips for selling in a troubled economy, starting with quit believing that it’s a troubled economy. Money is so relative. My front what is expensive to me might be very cheap to you, and vice versa. And in my household, we might be negatively affected by certain circumstances or downturns in the economy, but maybe in your household, that same circumstance actually has a positive effect depending on what industry you work in or what area you’re in, and you make more money because of the same thing. So that’s what I’m talking about when I say money is so relative. Circumstances are so relative, quote, unquote, the economy so relative, in terms of how that affects you, me, my clients, your clients, and all of the people, who knows how people are affected, all of the people collectively. Well, there is no all of the people collectively. It’s different for all of us. There are no absolutes at all. Okay, so I just want to really call out that it’s not helpful to believe that it’s a troubled economy for everybody. It’s all relative. So even though that is not one of my three tips, you could think of this as a bonus tip. Quit believing everyone experiences anything the same, the same as you, the same as me, the same as each other, we don’t you and your clients don’t. It’s all relative. For example, I recently had someone say that they can’t afford to work with me. They’re like, I can’t afford it. And it turns out that that means that they would have less than six figures in their savings account if they dipped into their savings to work with me and to them, that means I can’t afford it. So this is very relative. Okay, it’s like I can’t afford it, because that would mean that my savings account is the lowest certain threshold that I’m not willing to let it go below. So I can’t afford it. Okay? Now someone else says I can afford it, because I’m going to I literally have no savings. I have no credit. I’m going to go sell a car. This actually happened. Someone sold a car to get the money to join my program. They didn’t say they can’t afford it. They’re like, Okay, well, I don’t have any money, but I’m just gonna go sell a car to do that. It’s all relative. See what I’m saying. I’m just giving some polar opposite examples of how our thoughts about our money and our capacity to spend and what is doable and what isn’t, it’s all so different for all of us. So just know that it’s not helpful to think it’s a troubled economy for everyone, for always, all right, so we’re starting with that. That being said, there are some economic markers that have changed over the last few years, and there’s no denying that there are factors at play here, and maybe they have an effect on you in your household, and maybe they have an effect on some of your clients. Not going to argue that there aren’t things like inflation and interest rates and global situations and conflicts and political tension and big industries that are being disrupted by AI and having layoffs and like all of those things are happening, okay, and they probably will continue to happen. So let me pose this question. If you think the economy big quotation marks around the economy is why your business has slowed down or decreased recently, then what are you doing about it? If you believe this, if you’re like, No, the economy is a huge factor here, if you believe that, and that’s okay, what are you doing about it? Are you just abdicating all of the results of your business to the economy, which you don’t have control over? I hope not. So I suggest you’re going to do these three things instead. First of all, make your offer so insanely valuable that your people buy no matter what the economy is doing. Let’s just think about that for a second. Second of all, I want you to sell the people that are doing better in this economy, because they are out there, that’s for sure. And then I also want you to call out the elephant in the room and use the economy in your sales and marketing, quote, unquote, the economy. If that’s a big deal, then let’s talk about it. Let’s use it in your in your marketing. Let’s call out the elephant of the room. What does that mean? I’m going to tell you in one second. I mean, talk about the economy. If you’re believing the economy has shifted, the economy is different. The economy is about to get worse. There are reasons why people are hesitant to invest. If those are things that you are thinking then your. Clients, your potential clients are going to be thinking the same thing. Why is that? Is it because it’s necessarily true? No, we’ve already discussed that everything is relative. But the reason that they will be thinking that is because your clients will always mirror your beliefs. We mirror and match each other. So if that is what you’re believing, and that is the tone and the conviction that you come across with you will attract people that feel the same way we are attracted like, attracts like. Okay? So people that feel the same as you, that think the same as you, are naturally going to be coming out of the woodwork and talking to you and having similar thoughts. Confirmation bias at its finest. All right? That is why you need to look at your own thoughts on this, and that’s why I’m doing an entire episode on selling in a down economy, because we need to, first of all, kind of flesh out what are your thoughts about the economy right now. What are your thoughts about your clients? Thoughts about the economy right now, and if you have strong opinions about it, or if you’re really worried about it, then you have to talk about it more, because that means that your people that are being attracted to you right now. Are also having those same thoughts. They’re also having those same fears. So not talking about it is most of our natural inclination is like, oh, let’s not talk about that. That’s that’s a lot. Let’s pretend that isn’t happening and it’s not helping. So you need to talk about the economy. If this is something that you believe is a factor right now, you got to talk about it. You have to talk about money. You have to talk about your people’s fears about making investments right now. Talk about it. Talk about how things are way more expensive than they were a few years ago, and that’s exactly why they need to work with you right now. How is that true? You have to talk about it. You have to explain this to your people and really lean into these conversations about money, in particular, if you believe that that’s a factor, if you’re blaming the economy, or if you’re thinking that that is a factor in your business success or failure right now, then you have to talk about it. And we don’t want to do this. I know, as I’m recording this right now and saying it to you that it’s hard, it’s hard for us to do that. It’s hard for us to want to lean into money conversations, especially if we’re feeling squeamish about money at this moment. So that’s why we have to do it okay. We gotta be uncomfortable. We gotta be willing to call out the elephant in the room. So how do you do that? You might be like, Andrea, that sounds great. And also, what are you talking about? Well, I want you to crunch some numbers here, and I want you to really get clear on how it saves your clients money when they invest with you to solve their problem right now. How is that true? How does it save them money? Because it does. There’s no doubt in my mind that them hiring you to fix this problem right now in their life, whatever their health problem is, whatever their big goal is, whatever the results are that they desperately want to have it is going to save them money in the long run, to pay upfront right now to solve this problem. How is that true? Crunch the numbers. What are they already spending money on to fix this problem? That is not fixing the problem? What are those costs ongoing? You’ve got to know what these are, where you’re going to have to talk about it. So make a list. You’re going to get out your paper and pencil and you are going to crunch some numbers, because what your people are already spending money on to fix this problem of theirs definitely isn’t fixing it, and it is costing them actual money, and it’s costing them time while they’re spinning their wheels. So what is the cost of not fixing their problem? Are they earning less money because of their health problems, because they can’t work, because they can’t work as hard, or maybe a little bit less directly, are they not putting themselves in the running for a new job or a new promotion where they would earn a lot more money because they aren’t confident, or they aren’t healthy, or they can’t compete with someone who is younger and more energetic? How is that true? Really explore what is it costing your people not to hire you right now, if you think they are concerned about money, then let’s talk about money, and let’s talk about what it’s actually costing them not to solve the problem. Give examples to your people of the costs of not solving these problems. Give examples. Don’t assume that they know. Don’t assume that you can say, well, it’s costing you money right now to not feel good. Well, how is that true? Don’t. Don’t make them connect the dots. Tell them. Tell them you’re probably not putting yourself in the running for a big promotion because you’re exhausted right now. Of course, you can’t do that, but I want you to be able to do that. How much more money would you make if you were able to advance in your career, or if you were able to increase your business, if they’re an entrepreneur, what does that look like for your people? And are you talking about it to them in a way where they can really clearly see the cost of not solving this problem right now? You also want to give examples of the costs over time of not solving the problem. Ask them, How long do you think that you’re going to be trying to fix this on your own. Let them tell you how long that’s going to take, and then ask, How much money do you think that that is going to cost you over that amount of time?

Let them do the math. We got to be doing the math. We got to be crunching the numbers. Okay, you do that on your end, but also walk them through it. If you have one on one sales conversations with people. Walk them through this type of a calculation, so that they are telling you how much it’s going to cost them, and they are seeing that in black and white. You also want to give examples of sunk costs of trying the other things over time. Don’t assume that your people remember all of the things that they have already wasted money on trying to solve their problems over years and oftentimes decades, have them actually tell you, have them actually calculate this with you. They don’t remember until forced to actually, huh, add this up and think back to and then I tried this thing, and then I tried this thing, and then I tried this thing, and you want to remind them of how much time that has also taken, because time is not free. We actually can make more money, but we can’t make more time. Here’s another important consideration. Here is that money isn’t the only cost, but it is very tangible and it’s very easy to add up. So make sure you are talking about money. And then lastly, talk about how solving their health problem is going to help their financial situation in an uncertain economy, if your people and you believe it is an uncertain economy, and I’m not going to argue one way or another on that, but if that’s something you believe, then your people probably believe that as well. So talk about it. Talk about how solving their health problems is going to help them financially in the future, the near future, the long term. How is that true? I don’t know how it’s true for your people, every single one of them, but I know that you do kind of broadly. You know what kind of people you work with and how solving their health problems is going to help their financial situation. But also, like I said, if you’re doing one on one sales conversations like consult calls, you can definitely dig into this and ask people, How is it going to actually help your financial situation over the next six months or a year, to have this these problems solved, let them tell you. Let them crunch the numbers. You want to do that internally. You want to have an idea. But also walking people through these calculations is going to show them the value of their health. And truly, your health is your wealth. We know this. I know this for me. I know this for you, and I know this for your clients, but we can’t assume that they know that and that they have calculated that, so it’s your job to help them do that. This is how you sell in a quote, unquote, down economy. All right, you have to talk about the money if you think that the economy is a factor right now, you got to talk about those fears, because your people are thinking the same thing. They’re always going to be a mirror for your beliefs, so they’re already thinking it too. And furthermore, then how are you fixing your offer to be even more valuable for your ideal people? I just brought you through a bunch of thought exercises and some calculations that you can be making on the amount of time that they save, the amount of energy that they save, and what does that equate to, in dollars and cents, the amount of time that they save when they solve this problem with you. And what does that equate to in dollars and cents, make sure that your offer actually does these things, and if it doesn’t to the level that you want it, to fix your offer make it more valuable for your ideal people. How can you make sure that it saves them even more time and money, either directly or indirectly? Because there are a lot of things that you can do that you can tweak in what you are selling to your people that is going to save them time and money and is also going to help them make more money. All right, that is true. Maybe it’s giving them alternatives to things that they’re already buying, which is very directly going to save them money, but it could be indirectly, over time. How they are going to put themselves in a position to be able to earn a lot more money? This is very, very reasonable, and if you’ve never explored it before, and if you’ve never calculated that perfect now is the time to do it, and to look at your offer and ask yourself, how could I make this more valuable? How could I get them results faster? How could I help them save even more time? How could I help them save even more money? How can I help them make even more money in the future? And how can I make sure that they understand all of those things very, very directly. Don’t make people connect the dots because they won’t connect them. Okay, you have to tell people when we work together. This is what you can expect. All right, are you showing them the math? And if you’re not, it’s probably because you don’t believe in the math, in which case we got to fix your offer. And I say this, by the way, as much to myself as I say it to you, I have to remember to do this. And I even talk about money. I talk about making money, and I have to remember to explain what the math looks like. I have to remind myself of this all of the time, and I probably don’t do a great job of it work in progress, but I have noticed that when I can explicitly, when I remember to not when I can, but when I remember to explicitly lay out the math, working with this amount of clients at this dollar amount, is going to make you this amount of money per year when I make it so simple, then my clients have better results. They have much more belief. They understand what we’re doing, instead of me assuming that they can mentally do the math on how many clients they’re working with and what they’re charging and extrapolating that and that they’re doing the math, they’re not doing the math, they’re not doing the math. So if I can walk people through the math, we all have much better results. But. This is again, a reminder to me, as much as it is to you, but it’s the basics. It’s doing the basics well and consistent. Did I say doing the basics well and consistently? Anyway? You know what I mean? That’s what it’s all about. It’s not about all of the flashy tactics. It’s not about a new anything. It’s just about okay, how am I talking to the fears that my ideal, easiest, perfect, dreamiest clients have in making this decision and in getting started with me, what are they scared of? Are they scared that they’re going to waste money? Let’s talk about it. Are they scared that they’re going to waste time? Let’s talk about it. Are they scared that they’re not going to get the results because they’re a special snowflake and it’s not going to work for them? Let’s talk about it. Are they feeling irresponsible about investing in themself right now when they think that the economy is actually very volatile? Let’s talk about that. Let’s just talk about it. Let’s have honest conversations about all of those things. And continue to go back to how your offer is so strong and how the process you bring your people through is going to get them the results. I know that you have checks and balances in place with your people to evaluate their progress and to make sure that they get results. I just know this, and if you don’t, then do that, ask yourself, How can I make sure that we have lots of checkpoints along the way so if they aren’t getting results, I can help them tweak it, and we can figure out why that is. That’s all I’m talking about here, making sure that your process works right? I know that that is very feasible and probably already part of it, but you got to talk to your people about that. You have to explain to them that it literally cannot be a waste of their money, because you are there to make sure that they get the results that they want. And not only is it not going to be a waste of their money, but it’s going to save them money on them, continuing to try to fix this problem with other solutions that are costing them time and money, and it’s likely going to make them more money in the future when they have this problem solved. Right now, all of those things are true. So here is the real deal. These periods of unpredictability in the economy globally, just big picture. When things are unpredictable, it weeds out a lot of business owners who just don’t have the skills or the stomach, quite honestly, to adjust to changing market conditions. That is the truth. And as sad as it may be that many people will not stay in business over the coming months and years, that means there’s a huge opportunity for you and me, because we’ll still be here when the dust settles. So the silver lining of any change is that it brings opportunities, and that is the truth. So to recap, make your offer so insanely valuable that your people buy no matter what the economy is doing. First and foremost, make sure that it’s an offer that is going to save them time and money and make them time and money. How are you going to do that? How are you going to make sure that that is true? And then how are you going to communicate that to them so they understand the value that is your work. You think that you got into this business to help people, and you’re quickly realizing actually you’re in a marketing business, and your real business here is to explain to people how you help them and how you get them results that is the truth. So make your offer so insanely valuable that they can see that and that you effectively communicate it to them, so that they make money from working with you and then sell to people that are doing better in this economy. What does that look like? How can you do that? How can you zoom yourself out big picture. And think, How can I be selling to people who are actually thriving in this economy? If you believe that there are changes afoot and things have shifted, and I would agree, there’s a lot of evidence for that, that doesn’t mean that everybody is experiencing those changes the same way. So think about who are the people that are actually doing better right now, who are the people that are thriving, and how do I sell to those people? I mean, that’s just a little cheater here. How do you just buy those people and sell to them? Use your brain. Think about it. Think about the possibility of what that could look like for you, and regardless of who you’re selling to. Tip number three is call out the elephant in the room. Use the economy in your sales and marketing. Tell them how insanely valuable and money making it will be for them to work with you. Just don’t expect them to know how that is true. Don’t expect them to be doing any mental math. You have to tell them and show them how insanely valuable and profitable it is going to be for them to solve this problem right now,

if you are a little bit confused about this, about how this could work for you about how to sell your offer, and you want help structuring your offer and then, of course, selling it to the right people so you can have a profitable business that makes your life infinitely more comfortable and secure during any economic conditions. By the way, I strongly, strongly believe that being an independent business owner is the way to have security in any conditions external to what you can control, we gotta have something we can control, right? That is what we do, step by step in the profitable nutritionist program, we would love to welcome you in and help you to do all of this. By the way, the next enrollment period for the program when you can join is September 12 to the 18th. Put that on your calendar. Make sure. That you are on the wait list for the TPN program by visiting the profitable nutritionist.com/join and click the button that says Add to wait list. Then you will get all of the details and all of the reminders about the upcoming program enrollment, all of that will be sent right to your inbox so you are all set and don’t fall through the cracks and don’t miss it when the doors open up on September 12. Now if you are listening to this episode, after the September enrollment, you can always get the dates of the next opening on that same page. Again, that’s the profitable nutritionist.com/join. All right, my friend. See short and sweet here, go show the economy who’s boss and go sell right now, like push end on this podcast and go sell immediately. Okay, all right. Have a wonderful week.

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I'm Andrea Nordling

Marketing + Sales Expert
I help Holistic Nutritionists and Health Coaches get more clients in the door, more profit in their pockets, and more freedom in their life without relying on social media.

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