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Sign 4 Dream Clients This Month Without Posting On Social Media

Quit growing your audience and focus on these 3 things instead.

28. 3 Steps for Starting Big Projects

I recently started a big project in my business and created a companion workbook for my program.

Actually, I have been planning on creating the workbook for over a year.

Why the wait and what can you learn from it? I’m sharing the answers to both of those.

Tune into this episode where we’re talking all about the 3 steps to starting any big project in your business so you can make them easier on yourself.


Andrea Nordling 0:00
Welcome, welcome back, my friend, I am so pleased to be able to create this episode for you this week, because I am reflecting on a recent project that I just did. And I’m gonna tell you all about it. And the reason I’m pleased to be recording this, because it means this project has done that, as we know, is such a good feeling. This is kind of a big project that I was working on for my students in the profitable nutritionist program. And I’m gonna tell you all about it, like I said, But anyway, this was something that was big, it was one of those things on the to do list that was looming. And it kind of had taken on a little bit of a life of its own. For me, like it looked like such this big scary undertaking. And for a few reasons, which we’ll talk about as well, I strategically procrastinated working on this project. And then when it was time to actually work on it, I had a lot of resistance to it, because it felt like it was going to be really big and hard. And now it’s done. So as I’m sitting in the it’s done energy and feeling all of the satisfaction of completing this project, I thought I would record this podcast for you and tell you all about it. Because you will face many situations like this in your business. And I want to talk you through it so that it can be less mind drama for you. I guess along the way, I think that that’s super important. All right, so this is a workbook I’m talking about, I want to give you all of the circumstances surrounding this project. This project is the companion workbook that goes along with my program. And it brings my students through the four stages of growth in the repeatable revenue process that I teach. So it takes them from stage zero, which is making the foundational decisions in your business. And in stage one, and then into stage two, where they’re selling their offer, making first $1,000, then stage three is making $10,000. And stage four is consistently making $10,000 and scaling your practice. So this workbook brings my students through that whole process. And I’m very, very proud of it.

Andrea Nordling 2:03
It was something that was on my to do list, not on my to do list, but on my things that I am going to do list since I created the program well over a year ago. And I waited until just now to create it. Why did I do that? Why did I wait? And what can you learn from it? Well, first of all, in the process that I teach in my program, and everything I teach basically is very simple three step process, you make decisions, you take imperfect action on those decisions, and then you evaluate the results. That evaluation informs your next set of actions that you take. And you tweak and repeat, evaluate, take action, evaluate take action, but you don’t remake your decisions. Okay, this is the process I teach. If you have not become familiar with the simple steps and exactly how to execute that and apply it to the different stages of your business, you have to take my free course that’s at Build a Profitable practice.com forward Slash Free. And I will bring you through the whole three simple steps process and you’ll start applying it to your business in different areas. We apply this process in your client work in the decisions that you make about your marketing the decisions you make about your sales, the decisions you make about your offer. We apply this everywhere because it is so simple when you break things down into decide, take imperfect action and evaluate such simplicity to begin there. And then you can teach that to your clients. So start with the free course, the free course is going to get you going it’s going to get you lots of clarity, and momentum and making money in preparation for when the whole program opens. The free course is the primer to the profitable nutritionist program. So you already have some of these concepts and components under your belt and you’re already working on them. By the time the doors open up for the program again, in May, you’ll be ready to go doors open for the full program on May 19. And if you’re listening to this in the future, after that enrollment date, you can always find the date of the next opening of the program at Build a Profitable practice.com forward slash join will always have the dates of the next opening on there right now it is mid May May 19. So anyway, the three simple steps, decide take imperfect action, and then evaluate and learn all about it in the free course. I had decided, like I said to make this workbook as a component to the program. But when I created the program, I knew that the workbook was not the highest priority component. And so I had decided, decide step one, decide decide decide, I had decided that I was not going to create the workbook initially, I was going to over deliver in every other aspect of the program and not pressure myself to create everything all at once. I needed to get my process put together I needed to get the modules and the coaching and the lounge and everything else that was going on in the program I needed to get all of that created and working and then be evaluating as we go taking more action evaluating as we go. We’ll talk more about that but I want all of those components to be in operation before I diverted my focus from the initial components of the program in to create in the workbook. And so that’s what I’ve started. So I said, Okay, this workbook is coming, it’s going to be amazing, but I’m not working on it yet. And then I took imperfect action with the rest of my program. Like I said, I wanted all of that to be an over deliver, I wanted to get really good and really tight and excellent results for my students with the other aspects of what I was delivering in the program beforehand, before I worried about this workbook at all. So that’s what I did, I started rolling out the content that I was going to be teaching in the workbook because I knew this was coming, right. So I knew that I was going to be creating the workbook at some point, I guess I should give you a little bit of backstory here. So because I knew this workbook was coming, I had been compiling ideas for what I wanted to be including in the workbook and little shortcuts, and things I wanted to teach all along the way. So for over a year, I’ve been compiling ideas for what I wanted to create in the workbook. And you’re going to be doing this in your business as well, if you heed my advice. So we’ll talk about that in a little bit do so I like to be always creating content over a period of time and giving myself luxurious amounts of time to come up with ideas and ways to teach them and concepts and philosophies and like solidifying all of that in my own brain first and letting it really take shape over a period of time, instead of rushing, because I found when we rush content creation like that, it is, well a ball, it’s sloppy, and our clients can feel that but be of all, when we do solidify those philosophies and concepts for ourselves and the processes that we want to teach, we end up going back and changing that content anyway, and making way more work for ourselves by having to edit and revise and recreate things in the future. So I have found that it is much more helpful. And my brain really likes the process of just luxuriously adding my ideas as they come up into a board on Trello, I use the free software of Trello. I teach all of my workflows and templates in Trello in my programs, so if you’re already in my program, you know, my love for Trello is I teach you all about it. If not, maybe you use something similar. It’s where I collect all of my ideas and my outlines, and I organize them. So I have a working idea collection and process collection area. Before I ever start creating something big I have, this is where I organize my emails. This is where I organize these podcast episodes, I have an entire Trello board of upcoming podcast episodes. And I have them planned out two to three months in advance with a whole brainstorm list of things coming in the future. And I just give myself a lot of time to figure out the best order that I want to put them in, I move things around. But I’m never sitting down staring at a blank screen. When it’s podcast recording time, or when it is email writing time or when it is time to film a course video or something like that. I’m never sitting down to a blinking cursor and trying to figure out what I want to talk about or what I’m going to be doing. Never Never do that it is just so stressful for you and your content is going to be much lower quality and seems sloppy for your clients. So highly recommend that you give yourself a lot of time and let these ideas just percolate and come together and marinate in them and just roll in the ground and all of your ideas like just love every second of it. And then it comes together in a way that makes a lot more sense. Because you give your brain time to see where the holes are and to shore up those ideas, just unconsciously, while you’re going about your life. And just ideas get better. You hear what I’m saying? Okay, so this is what I had done for months and months, I had an intuitive system going in Trello, where I was organizing my ideas and my outlines. And I had this board going with different iterations of tools and concepts that I wanted to possibly include in this workbook. And where these ideas were coming from, was me actually working with my students in the program. So this was coming from coaching calls, questions that would people were asking people were asking questions in the lounge, if I saw a conversation thread going on something, and I coached someone on it, and a bunch of people were chiming in saying oh my gosh, that was so helpful. That was so helpful. Well, then, of course, as the creator, I was like, Well, this is something we need to put in the workbook. This is something that’s valuable that a lot of people are getting, you know useful thoughts and is moving the ball forward in their business, we need to include this in the workbook. So this is just being out in the wild. And working with my students was helping me to get these concepts solidified that I wanted to put in the workbook. So this is the imperfect action stage. Remember, I

Andrea Nordling 9:36
decided that I was going to plan the workbook, but I was not going to rush to create it. I was going to work on the other deliverables in my program first. And I just let it come together. When I had an idea, I put this into the Trello outline. And then I just continued to look for areas where the workbook would be useful and where I could include something that would be really helpful for my students. And when I had an idea, I would bring it to a coach In call and I would test it, my students in the program know that a lot of times, we’ll jump on a coaching call, and I’ll say, Okay, for the first 10 minutes, I want to teach you something. And I will teach a concept. And I will teach a way of doing things a way of approaching something in your practice or with your clients. And then we coach on that. And then I give feedback in real time from my students. And based on the feedback that I get from them, that may or may not make it into the workbook, or in a bonus course in my program, or in emails that I send out or podcast episodes, you can see that this is just always taking an idea. Working on it, like actually, with people to get this hypothesis of I think that this will work well has for me, I think it’s going to work with my clients testing it out, and then evaluating are we going to keep doing this or not. So that’s the phase I was in this imperfect action of just getting scrappy, trying out these concepts and ideas, some of them made it to the outline, some of them didn’t. And that was fun. Because I was creating the content for the workbook without actually creating the content for the workbook, I wasn’t putting pressure on myself or a timeline, or sitting down staring at a blank cursor. But the workbook was getting created in the background, right? Which is fantastic. This is how I suggest in my program that all big projects get created. So if you have ever stressed about creating a big training, or a workshop, or a course, or a membership, or a program, anything like that, that seemed really daunting, and you just did not know exactly what your content was going to be like. That means push, pause, and just let it come together. Don’t rush it, let it come together, work with more clients work with more people, and solidify your processes and your philosophies together. We’ll talk we have many more upcoming podcast episodes about this exact process. But anyway, just allow it to come together organically from working with people and your actual experience with that and evaluating it. Let the content come together that way, this is what I’m trying to say. Alright, so in the evaluation, third step, the evaluation time for the workbook, like I said, I had already been imperfectly testing out these ideas and a lot of the things that I included in the workbook I had been working on with my actual students. And I was using myself. And so I had a lot to evaluate had a lot of data, which is great. I was just looking for what can we do a little bit better, what isn’t working, scrap the things that aren’t working, and go all in on the things that are working, make them better and improve those. So that’s what I was doing. I will say, in the three steps evaluating is, for me, the hardest part, my brain really, really resists evaluation, it really wants to tell me that it’s not a good use of my time that I can just do it in my head that I already know what’s working and what isn’t working. And I don’t need to actually slow down for a few minutes and evaluate, really resist that. And I’m onto myself about that resistance. And I know that the most growth in my business, and really any area of my life comes from being willing to slow down and evaluate. So I can eventually speed up. So I evaluate all of these things I was testing that eventually made it into workbook, I evaluated those. I even

Andrea Nordling 13:14
looked at feedback from my students, I looked at feedback from my own self coaching that I do. And from my own business, I was looking at all of it because since I teach business strategy, I get to experiment on myself first. That’s really fun. And then the things that are working really well for me, I can figure out how to teach to my students bring it to them, and then when it’s working for them. And I can see the simplest way to teach it the most doable process for them to follow, then I get to like really put pen to paper and figure out how to teach that to many people at once. So that’s kind of what we’re doing here with the workbook as you can imagine. So to do that, in my evaluation, I even transcribed some coaching calls, some zoom calls that I had had with my students where I was testing some of my ideas, I transcribed them, and I read back through my students responses, I did some highlighting, I mined that for gold, this was all data that I already had available to me, I just needed to be willing to do this tedious work. This work that is not the fun stuff to do. It doesn’t feel like it is the most productive use of time to evaluate, at least in my brain. Maybe for you it does and God bless you if that is the case, you will make so much money if that is the case for me. I have to really, really coach myself to get to the point where I will take the time to transcribe coaching calls and mine them for the gold that is in them. But I’m so glad every time I do because I get such just gold comes from those I get such immense growth and opportunities for making my processes better and it gets better results for me and for my clients when I do that. So that’s what I did with the concepts that I had been teaching. Figured it out. Based on my evaluations. What was I’m going to make it into the workbook and what was it, then I did more action. Now remember the three simple steps, decide, take imperfect action and evaluate. And then after you evaluate, you go back to the imperfect action, and you take slightly different actions, or maybe even completely different actions, depending on what your evaluation turned up. But you don’t go back to step one, and remake your decisions, you just go back to the action step. And then you evaluate those actions. And they inform the next set of actions over and over and over again. So that’s what I did, I evaluated then I took more action, I went back and I put it all together, I tested out This Workbook format, I didn’t try to make it perfect. Okay, my brain, just like yours did not like that one single bit, it wanted it to be perfect. I wanted this to be the most perfect workbook that was ever created for a program ever in the entire world. On draft, one needs to be fantastic. That’s what my brain says, which is not realistic. And that’s when procrastination is for sure going to come into play, because you can’t make it perfect. And innately you know that so you’ll never get started, if that’s what you’re trying to do. So here are a few ways that my brain wanted to talk me out of getting started. And just creating this workbook because of the perfection, I just want you to know, I have the same thoughts that you do, you’re about to see, I shared some of these thoughts with my students in the group. As I was creating the workbook, I showed them just a brain dump of all of the crappy thoughts that I was having about this workbook, I’m going to share some of them with you here. And then I shared with them, what I coached myself on and how I turned those thoughts around into the true thoughts that were actually going to serve me to create the project, which is a process that I teach my programs. So that made sense to all of my students. So here’s what my brain, my imperfect human brain that wanted me not to take imperfect action, but rather to be completely perfect in the creation of this workbook. Here’s what it offered to me. I didn’t know how to format the pages and make it pretty, so I can’t do it. These are all of the reasons why my brain just said no, it’s not time yet to do the workbook. Because remember, I had strategically procrastinated, creating this workbook for quite some time. And now it definitely was time to create it. But my brain still was throwing up roadblocks. You don’t know how to format the pages and make it pretty, it’s not going to be pretty, you don’t know how best to deliver it. These are all thoughts I was having. I don’t know if it should be digital. I don’t know if it should be a physical workbook. It’s just so hard. I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know how to automate the delivery for future students when they joined the program. That sounded really hard. I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know how much space to give for responses. For notes. This was when I was in the nitty gritty of creating the workbook that my brain really wanted me to stop. And the excuse was, well, we just don’t know how much response like how many pages for responding to these things

Andrea Nordling 17:54
people need and how many notes they’re going to take. And we don’t know how many blank pages to put at the end of each stage. And it sounds so silly. When I say this, these were very real thoughts that were happening in my mind, as I just don’t know, I just don’t know how to do this. I don’t know what people are going to need. I don’t know how to print it, and ship it the least expensively. This was another big one. Like, I don’t know how to figure that out. Oh, how are we going to do that? I just don’t know, as if it wasn’t the least expensive option, I would die or something. I’m not sure exactly what my brain was going to there. But it was I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to send it to international students. I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, there was a lot of drama about the things that I didn’t know, in the creation of this workbook. And it’s very predictable, you will have the exact same thing in your business, when you are creating something you’ve never created before. Whether that’s your first client walking them through a process you’ve never really taught before to a paying client or a processor, you’re not really sure exactly how long it’s going to all come together for that client. Or if it is a digital product you’re creating that you’ve never created before. If you’re writing emails for the first time, and you’ve never sent email broadcasts, that could be something where your brain just has a lot of confusion that it offers up to try to get you to not take imperfect action. And as we know, it’s all about the imperfect action because it will never actually be perfect until we’ve done it many, many times. And even then it will probably not be perfect, but at least we’ll be comfortable with the imperfection and we won’t worry about it anymore. So there’s little public service announcement beyond to yourself. When your brain does this to you and tells you no, we are not ready. We are not ready. Well, of course you’re not but you’re never actually going to be so just do it anyway, get the results and start making it more perfect by generating some data. So what I always go with, and so I did exactly that. I figured out how to format the pages and make it pretty by having a graphic designer do that, for me. Was was actually a very, very simple solution. When I decided no, I’m not going to entertain these excuses. I’m going to figure it out. And I’m gonna figure out how to handle them. I just outsourced that very inexpensively to someone who was great at making it look pretty, I didn’t know how to best deliver it digital physical, I had two different options, my students can print it off, or they have an editable PDF. Again, I didn’t know how to create that I had my graphic designer create it, she did a great job. Not even a problem. These are very simple solutions. In retrospect, I like to have a paper and pencil copy. And this is a thick workbook. This is a very meaty, very comprehensive, helpful companion workbook to the program. So there were a lot of pages and I like to have that all bound up and beautiful. And with all like all my chicken scratch in it. That’s how I prefer to fill out a resource like this. So I wanted to be able to deliver a hardcopy to my new students. And so this month I’m recording this in March, I had an enrollment period this month where new students came in. And although they didn’t know it, when they enrolled, I was sending them a hard copy of the workbook. Because I didn’t want to tell I’m going to be perfectly honest, I didn’t want to over promise on that and say, during the launch that people were going to get the copy of the workbook because I honestly didn’t know how to send it didn’t know how it was all going to work. I didn’t want to over promise on that I just made the decision that I was going to surprise and delight my new students with a package from me that had this beautiful printed workbook in it. And so after everyone enrolled, and we close the doors for that enrollment period, then my kids since I homeschool my kids, they had a lot of practice at writing addresses many of them International, which was very fun, because it’s formatted quite differently. We found them here in the United States. So we just made a project one day about stuffing the envelopes with the workbooks and sending them out was not a big deal to figure out how to print them and ship them the least expensively. The printing was a little bit of a learning curve, just something totally new. And I ended up just having them printed at an Office Max, it didn’t go very well, it was multiple trips and multiple proofs because I just, I don’t know exactly why. But it seemed like the workers at OfficeMax, were really struggling to get this project done. But eventually they did. It wasn’t perfect. And it didn’t get printed out the way that I wanted it to. But it was fine.

Andrea Nordling 22:17
Just imperfect, okay, it was fine. My students were very happy, they got a package from me in the mail. And then my existing students that were already in the program had this had access to print it themselves or have it printed at OfficeMax. So now when you join the program, you can print it yourself, if you would like to, or you have the editable PDF document that you can just do it all digitally. Or for new students. If I continue to do this, which I do plan to at this point, you will get a package from me in the mail that has the hardcopy because I love that, to have that in my hot little hands. And I want my students to have that too. So I figured it out all that to say I figured it out. I don’t know how to automate the delivery for future students. But at some point, I’ll probably figure that out. At this point, I have two kids that are they are my automation for sending the workbooks. So when you join the program, and there’s very questionable handwriting that addressed your package, you will know exactly why. And then overcoming the space to give responses and notes, I just decided, again, I just decided how much space I was going to give. I didn’t let my brain spin on that for too long. And I think that that’s it for all of the things that I was really having confusion on about this project, I just figured it out, I got resourceful. I made it happen. And I encourage you to do the same. But I also made an agreement with myself. With this workbook, like I do with the creation of any new big project, I can think back to creating this, this podcast last year was a big one, there were a lot of things I didn’t know how to do, there was a lot of things that I wanted to be confused about. And I just made the agreement with myself that it would be imperfect, and I could continue to improve it over time. And that nothing was permanent. I encourage you to borrow that same thought for anything that you’re creating in your business, again, whether that’s your work with your clients, if it’s in your marketing, if it’s in your sales conversations, no matter what aspect of your practice that that can apply to borrow that, but it’s going to be imperfect for now. And I’m going to allow myself to improve it over time. Because that’s what’s going to happen. And if we expect it to be different, if we expect it to be perfect from the very beginning, we will always be let down. And we will always use that as evidence that we’re doing something wrong. And really, it was just a thought error in the first place that it was ever going to be perfect. It never was not even possible. Never Was it was always going to be imperfect. So let’s just acknowledge that from the very beginning and agree to talk really nicely to ourselves. Always. But especially when we’re doing something new for the first time. People are very kind to yourself, be very kind. So that’s what I did. I created the workbook, and I am proud of it. It’s done. I am reveling in the fact that it’s done you And my students are loving the workbook. The chatter in the lounge right now is all about the workbook, how people are printing it, how they got it delivered to them how they are using the editable PDF, how they’re learning so much, and how it is helping them fast track their progress in the program, because of what they’re putting into practice and implementing through the workbook. I love it. That was the whole point, right? The program was great before the workbook. But now this is just another overdeliver and another asset, that’s going to help my students get results even faster. And that is exactly what our businesses are all about. We start with the simplest, most doable processes, and we just obsess about helping our clients get results with that. And then we allow ourselves to add assets and easier processes and new things in time when it makes sense when we have the bandwidth to create it, and when it is in service to them. And they’re going to get better results from it, just to keep ourselves busy. And not just to take advantage of the latest greatest tactic or strategy that we’ve seen someone else using that we want to then copy for our business. Now. It’s not why we make decisions in our business, we make it in service of our clients, and the big goal, and the big vision of our company and where we’re headed. So I just wanted to share this, I guess I wanted to kind of take you behind the scenes of creating something new and let you know that my brain just like yours had a lot of resistance to it. But I have built in some safeguards for myself in creating new things like this, because I know that every time I will have the same thoughts that it needs to be perfect, and that I’m not really ready, you will have the same thoughts do you have a human brain as well, you might have a little bit different flavor of objections that come up for you. But I guarantee they are very predictable. And they’re pretty much the same every time. So you just need to build parameters for yourself and a little protocol for how you’re going to handle those.

Andrea Nordling 26:54
I suggest following a very simple three step process where you make decisions, then you take imperfect action on those decisions, and you evaluate the imperfect actions you took. And then you go back to action not to decision after your evaluation. I’m telling you, it works for every aspect of your business. And I would argue for your life. But like I said earlier, and I just want to reiterate this, you also teach this process to your clients because it’s the exact same process that they go through on their health journey. No matter what modality of practitioner you are, no matter what you teach, your clients need to make a decision about where they’re headed, what their goals are, what their limits are, what their filters are, what they are willing to and not willing to do, I’m just spitballing all of the decisions that your clients need to make. And then they need to take imperfect action. And then you need to help them to evaluate those actions and figure out what actions to take next, it’s the exact process I teach, I have an entire module about how to apply this to your client process. So you can make it super simple for them. While you are mastering it. And making it super simple in your business. I promise you it works every time and they will have such gratitude for you for simplifying their journey in that way for them as well. And did I mention, I don’t know if I mentioned, but as part of the program and the process you learn in it, you also have a really bomb workbook now, it’s gonna bring you through each stage of the process, you’re going to learn to focus on in each state of growth in your practice exactly what you need to be doing, and what to put on the shelf for later. Because constraining your focus, which I guess is kind of the meta topic of this episode, constraining your focus for the service of your clients and your business sometimes is what you need to do, there’s a lot of times where you need to take ideas that seem like they are urgent and you have to act on them immediately. And really, it’s in service for you to put those on the shelf for a while, for later on. Let your strategy for how to execute it kind of formulate over time have that luxurious amount of space to do that. And the workbook, which was on the shelf for over a year actually helps you to do that helps you to figure out what things you need to be focusing on immediately. And what needs to age a little bit for later, what I see so often, and what I have been plenty guilty of doing myself, which is why it took me over three years to finally make 100k in my nutrition business is not constraining focus. So I talk about this a ton in my program. And I think I should mention it a little bit more on here. constraining focus is so important because trying to execute all of those ideas that you have right away, doing all of them. Like we have to do this. We have to try this we have to taking all the action basically. And then not evaluating and just going back to deciding on a new action, taking all the action and then not evaluating and going back up to deciding and deciding to try something new. Executing all those ideas right away means you’re doing all of them half assed means that you’re not doing any of them well. You’re not committing to figuring out how to iterate and tweak Any of your processes or ideas, or funnels or marketing strategies, or sales conversations or your client deliverables, you’re not giving any of that the amount of attention that it really takes to make them great, which honestly, is a lot of attention, you have to tweak and iterate things a lot to get them to the point where you feel like your clients are getting the best results from them. And so as your business takes awhile, and when you’re half assing, everything, because you’re trying to do way too much all at once. First of all, you’re working way too much you are spinning your wheels, and probably not making the money that you want to be making, especially for the amount of time that you’re putting into your business. And your clients can feel that, or your lack of clients will reflect the fact that you are trying to do way too much and not doing any of it all that well, you feel it, your family feels it, your business bank account, for sure it feels it.

Andrea Nordling 30:53
That is good. So that’s why I’m so passionate about constraining focus, and teaching the process that I do in my program, and giving you the strategies that I give you here on the podcast, so that you can just like really understand these concepts on a deep level and get better at seeing where you need to make a decision, take imperfect action on it, and then evaluate. And that’s it, it’s really is that simple. And through the taking imperfect action when you don’t really feel ready, because you never will. And then evaluating it afterwards, you are training your brain to look at your business and your clients differently. You are training, like you’re actually developing new neural pathways in your brain, where you are looking for how things are working. And what you can do more of that’s already working and what you can eliminate, because that’s what I teach in the evaluation process is for looking at what you can just eliminate altogether, and what you should be doubling down on next time. And that’s what you will start to see these opportunities for where you can simplify and just eliminate some things. And where you can go all in where you’re already strong, or you’re already seeing results. And you can go full speed in that direction, instead of wasting your time trying to do all of the things I feel like I’m kind of being repetitive on that now. So that’s step off my soapbox for now on constraining focus, but it just all that to say, I’m telling you, when you do the three step process that I teach, and you follow the repeatable revenue process, I teach in detail in my program, you safeguard against that happening for yourself, all of it is built into the process for making sure that you’re constraining your focus and that you’re getting really good at what’s already working. So it just happens on repeat. That means getting really good at your marketing, getting really good at your selling, getting really good at delivering to your clients, so that they are singing your praises, to their whole network of clients that are getting really good results are telling everyone about it. And then your delivery of the basics to your clients. And those concepts that you’re kind of testing out and the new things that you’re trying like very, from a place of curiosity and playfulness and expansion in your business, not from oh my gosh, I have to do this and create this right now. So I can be on to the next thing that feels very muscley and rushed and feels very in values, whatever it is that you’re creating, when you’re trying to rush through it, in my opinion. And I think that your clients can feel that. So when instead you are coming from this place of like, oh, this is going to be so helpful for them, I’m going to be very curious about how best to present this new idea, I’m going to just experiment with it a little bit, I am going to just try it out. And then you evaluate over time and make it better. That’s when your delivery gets so good. And your assets and your digital products later on like a course or a membership or a group program. That kind of stuff basically creates itself because you’ve been testing your concepts and your unique ideas and your perspectives. And you’ve been getting more bold with your unique ideas with real humans. In the meantime, it’s like I think of it like getting paid for r&d. Like you’re doing research and development, but you’re getting paid for it. That’s what I teach you how to do it. That’s what I feel so strongly about you doing the paid research and development process. Maybe I should change something in my program to be called that the paid r&d process. All right, my friend, that is the shameless plug for the profitable nutritionist program doors are opening again, May 19 to the 25th be there, come and see what all the buzz is about, and get your workbook pull up episode about the workbook that’s now in the program. But I think it will be helpful for you to see behind the scenes of creating anything new and the process behind methodically changing or upgrading something in your business that’s working but constraining your focus and being patient enough to delay that upgrade until it makes sense in your business

Andrea Nordling 34:53
as a whole. That has been a game changer for me. My business is just exponentially more profitable and more enjoyable and more fun for me. And I’m sure, much more valuable for my students. Because I have learned this over the last few years deeply how to constrain my focus, and how to get really good at what I’m doing right now. So that what I do want to create later is even better. And that is my hope for you as well. So go forth, put some ideas on the shelf, if you have to take a deep breath, and give yourself the space to know that you are in business, like forever the rest of your career, not forever. For the rest of your career, you have time, there is no reason to rush, you have time, your processes and ideas and perspectives are gonna get so much better and so much more valuable for your clients when you give yourself some space. So do that. But on the flip side of that, don’t shy away from taking imperfect action and testing out your ideas with real people and getting paid to do that. In the meantime. It’s nothing wrong with that either. In fact, I think that that is the best way to grow your business. So have a profitable and wonderful week my friend and I will see you back here next week.

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